Weirdest Journeys. Unusual travel around the world Unusual travel around the world

  1. Visit all continents. Antarctica may be the most difficult place to reach on this list, but it's worth it.
  2. Cross the country on a bike. Cycling tourism has its undeniable advantages, combining the speed of movement and proximity to nature.
  3. Ride on elephants. If you have already mastered horses, donkeys, buffaloes and other artiodactyls, then it's time to go to the jungle.
  4. Live next to the locals for a whole month. Come and try to see it not through the eyes of a tourist, but from the point of view of an ordinary person living in this area. This experience will change your attitude to travel.
  5. Make a musical pilgrimage. Visit the cradle of the blues and party with Jamaican musicians. See the Beatles studio and rock out in Ibiza.
  6. Learn a foreign language. There is no better way than to immerse yourself in the appropriate habitat.
  7. Travel through India by train. They say that in terms of extremeness this event is not inferior to skydiving.
  8. Climb one of the seven greatest peaks. This action may cost you significant physical and material costs, but will undoubtedly be one of those achievements that you will remember all your life.
  9. Scuba dive on coral reefs. The underwater world of the subtropics will not leave indifferent even the most experienced travelers.
  10. Attend a carnival in Brazil. You will not have a single good night in this country of the greatest carnivals and incendiary rhythms.
  11. Get on the board and catch the wave. is such an exciting and contagious hobby that some people drop everything for it and move to where there are big waves. What if this is about you?
  12. Publish an article about your travels. Or maybe even a whole book? In any case, the realization that you are not just hanging around the world, but collecting material for publication, can give new meaning to your wanderings.
  13. Get a job as a volunteer. By joining one of the international charitable organizations, you will be able to combine travel with a community service.
  14. Repeat the route of your favorite hero. Did you read the works of Jules Verne, Jack London or the memoirs of famous travelers as a child? So why not see the famous places from these now with your own eyes?
  15. Visit the origins of the great rivers. Huge rivers, such as the Nile, the Amazon or the Dnieper, begin with a tiny stream. It's really impressive.
  16. Explore the homeland of your favorite dish. In our menu there are many dishes that came to us from other nations. Many of them have changed significantly and weakly resemble their prototype. Why don't you go in search of real Italian pizza, Georgian barbecue or Siberian dumplings?
  17. Dive into the Ganges. It is said that bathing in this sacred river causes a spiritual rebirth of the individual. It's time to test it out for yourself.
  18. Photograph a disappearing world. Our planet is changing rapidly, and your lens is these changes. It is not necessary to shoot rare species of flora and fauna - you can find something completely different. Make a gallery of historical costumes of different peoples, take pictures of old houses to be demolished, or the last monument to Lenin in your country.
  19. Participate in themed competitions. Every year dozens of international races, swims and flights are held in the world, which attract enthusiasts from all over the world. Dedicate your trip to one of them.
  20. Cross the country on public transport. Look at different areas of your own or another country from the windows of trains, electric trains and buses.
  21. Visit the place of glory of your idol. Everyone has a hero they want to emulate. Try to explore places associated with the person whose portrait you had on your wall as a child.
  22. Try how many days you can stand alone in the wild. Gain experience in impenetrable jungles, impregnable mountains, or simply in the nearby forest. This will give you not only new practical skills, but also a deep spiritual cleansing.
  23. Visit filming locations for famous films. Each of us has a favorite movie or series that left a mark on the soul. Look with your own eyes at the cities in which the shooting took place.
  24. Set a free travel record. Some people manage to travel great distances. Test yourself in this competition.
  25. Learn exotic skills. You can only become a ninja in Japan, the best fashion designers are in India, and for beginner yogis, the path lies precisely in India. Adopt secret knowledge from their keepers, immerse yourself in an authentic atmosphere in order to become a master of your craft.

And what are the most unusual, funny, outright adventurous travel ideas roaming in your head? How do you see your dream trip?

TRAVELERS' CHOICE AWARD is the most important travel rating of the year, compiled by, the largest travel service in the world. The winners were selected using an algorithm that takes into account millions of reviews and ratings from online users about thousands of attractions, hotels and restaurants around the world over the past 12 months. Want to know which cities won? See the top 25 best travel destinations in the world.


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1. Marrakesh in Morocco was ranked #1 on's Best Travel Destinations. “Amazing bustling old market in the city center” is the most attractive place in the city, according to portal users. (Photo: CNN).
2. Siem Reap in Cambodia is number 2 in the ranking of the best travel destinations. The sunrise over the Angkor Wat temple causes a special delight among tourists, because it is not for nothing that it is considered one of the seven new wonders of the world. (Photo: CNN).
3. Istanbul in Turkey is a city full of contrasts. A trip to Istanbul is a fantastic journey through different eras, styles, religions, tastes and aromas. (Photo: CNN).
4. Hanoi in Vietnam. Users call it a lively, interesting and chaotic, in the good sense of the word, city. (Photo: CNN).
5. "Beautiful and charming" Czech Prague. Here on every corner you can stumble upon "strange shops" that will pleasantly surprise you. (Photo: CNN).
6. "Eclectic" London is a mixture of lifestyles, people and history. (Photo: CNN).
7. Rome, Italy "Such a huge piece of history in one city." (Photo: CNN).
8. Buenos Aires, Argentina “Cool, trendy, absolutely delightful city.” (Photo: CNN).
9. Paris, France Nowhere else in the world will you find such an amazing atmosphere as in Montmartre, a beautiful and colorful area with its small shops, art galleries and charming cafes. (Photo: CNN).
10. Cape Town, South Africa. One of the main attractions of Cape Town is the Kirstenbosch Botanical Garden, about which users write only admiring reviews. (Photo: CNN).
11. New York, USA. According to users, the city's top must-see attraction is Times Square. (Photo: CNN).
12. Zermatt, Switzerland “Once you get to the top of the Matterhorn Glacier, you will feel like you are standing on the roof of the world.” (Photo: CNN).
13. Barcelona, ​​Spain. “In some corners of this city, you will feel like you have traveled back in time… 500 years into the past!” (Photo: CNN).
14. Gorem, Turkey. "This is the most unusual and surreal landscape in the world!" (Photo: CNN).
15. Ubud, Indonesia. This is the best place for those who love spa: massage, acupuncture, reflexology, aromatherapy - here you can try absolutely everything. (Photo: CNN).
16. Cusco, Peru "It's a wonderful city with charming cobbled streets, very hospitable people and good restaurants." (Photo: CNN).
17. St. Petersburg, Russia. One of its main attractions is St. Isaac's Cathedral, which offers a breathtaking view of the entire city. And the beauty of the interior of the cathedral makes tourists "goosebumps!". In the photo: Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ on Blood. (Photo: CNN).
18. Bangkok, Thailand. Khao San Street is "the heart and soul of Bangkok, the best place for all travelers, with its lively streets and bars at every turn." (Photo: CNN).
19. Kathmandu, Nepal. Kathmandu is primarily a city of Buddhist temples, unique monuments worth visiting. (Photo: CNN).
20. Athens, Greece. The hallmark of this city is the "exciting" Acropolis. (Photo: CNN).
21. Budapest, the capital of Hungary, has been dubbed the "Queen of the Danube" by internet users. (Photo: CNN).
22. Queenstown (New Zealand) is the best place for lovers of sports and stunning nature. (Photo: CNN).
23. Hong Kong (China) is the only city of its kind that features floating restaurants serving delicious dim sum (Chinese dumplings). (Photo: CNN).
24. Dubai (UAE) - A cosmopolitan oasis with futuristic cityscapes that rises above the Arabian Desert. (Photo: CNN).
25. Sydney (Australia) is a city that will appeal to both lovers of history and modernity. The landmark of the city is the Sydney Opera House, which looks like a sailboat floating peacefully in the harbor. (Photo: CNN).

Our world can be infinitely amazing and beautiful. And in order to be convinced of this, sometimes it is enough to take only one single step. Truly magical and bewitching beauty can be found in almost every corner of our planet. After all, most of them hide away from well-trodden tourist trails.

In our article today, we decided to bring to your attention a selection of the most beautiful and which, for one reason or another, usually fall out of sight of modern Belarusian tour operators. Their names are rarely aspirated, as, for example, the names of Paris or Barcelona, ​​and the existence of most of them can only be known by chance, as if there is something reserved and mysterious in these routes. But it is precisely from this that such unexplored directions only become more valuable and attractive. After all, such unusual travel and allow you to fully understand how multifaceted and amazing our planet can be.

  1. Uyuni Salt Flat (Bolivia)

Salar de Uyuni is a huge prehistoric lake located in the southwestern part of Bolivia. However, this place resembles a real lake (in the traditional sense of the word) only from November to March, when, due to rains, the salt cells are covered with a thin layer of water, constantly shining in the sun. At such hours, the Salar de Uyuni becomes like a giant mirror, reflecting the boundless heavens in itself. And from this, the border between the two worlds becomes almost indistinguishable. Thick Bolivian clouds suddenly appear right under your feet. And the surrounding landscapes lose all connection with reality. That is why Salar de Uyuni is often called a place frozen between heaven and earth. After all, there are not enough words in any language of the world to convey all the enchanting beauty of this place.

In the absence of rain, the salt marsh turns into a huge desert covered with white salt instead of yellow sand. And in places where drying water still manages to break through a thin salt crust, small cone-shaped volcanoes are formed, similar to playing pieces, arranged in the correct order on a huge chessboard.

Another attraction of the salt marsh is the famous cemetery of steam locomotives, located in the vicinity of Uyuni. Once all the trains assembled here were part of a large project for the extraction of minerals and valuable minerals in the desert. For industrial work, a railway was laid from Chile to Bolivia. However, the economic value of the project turned out to be insignificant. And the Indian tribes began to attack the railroad and the trains following it often. As a result, already in the fifties of the 20th century, the road was closed, and suddenly the trains that turned out to be unnecessary were left to rust in the middle of the desert.

Only in 2006, the Bolivian government suddenly remembered the old cemetery of steam locomotives again, deciding to turn it into a kind of open-air museum. Now such unusual travel the famous salt marsh and the old locomotives resting in its vicinity attract thousands of people to Bolivia. I wonder what the Bolivian Indians think about this?

  1. Lake Bled (Slovenia)

Despite the fact that Slovenia is relatively close to our Motherland, the resorts of this tiny country remain a real "terra incognita" for Belarusian tourists (especially compared to the cities of nearby Croatia, Italy and Montenegro). The magical Lake Bled is no exception, surrounded by the Julian Alps and covered with hundreds of legends related to the ancient history of the local castles. In this place you will not meet the usual crowds of tourists. And the local air, saturated with the magical smell of the mountains, is still filled with ringing silence. And it is this amazing atmosphere of solitude, coupled with the magical beauty of the local landscapes, that makes these lands truly magical and unusual travel destination.

However, Lake Bled is a place that cannot be called boring. In addition to many first-class hotels in these parts, there are dozens of sports centers offering tourists a wide range of all kinds of entertainment (from kayaking to hang-gliding over the enchanting mountain slopes).

In winter, several ski resorts operate in the vicinity of the lake. In addition, the convenient location of the city of Bled makes it a convenient starting point for subsequent trips around Slovenia. Just a few tens of kilometers from the lake is the capital of the country - Ljubljana, as well as the famous Triglav National Park, the mystical Skocjan Caves and another picturesque reservoir - Lake Bohinj.

  1. Tien Shan (Kyrgyzstan)

When you talk about Kyrgyzstan, even some fairly experienced travelers begin to wrinkle their noses contemptuously: “What can be interesting in this country?”. However, in fact, far and near Kyrgyzstan is a country that can bring many pleasant surprises to tourists. What is the majestic and enchanting mountain region of Tien Shan worth, striking with the cold beauty of crystal lakes, snow-covered slopes and endless fields overgrown with unusual grass and outlandish flowers? Everything in this place is imbued with an exciting spirit of adventure and a fabulous atmosphere of romance. After all, it is not in vain that the legendary “seven thousandth” mountain Pobeda Peak was once considered one of the most impregnable mountains throughout the former Soviet Union.

Besides, unusual travel to the Tien Shan is also a great opportunity to go chasing the fabulous Santa Claus. It would seem, and here he is? I answer: the thing is that a few years ago, Swedish scientists from the Sveko company, having calculated the speed of rotation of the earth, the distance to the largest cities and comparing other geographical and demographic factors, found out that it was on the territory of Kyrgyzstan that the optimal “take-off and landing » the base of the legendary fairy tale character. Otherwise, he simply will not succeed in flying around the entire globe in one night.

  1. Rhine river valley (Germany)

The Rhine Valley is probably one of the most famous and popular routes on our list. unusual places to travel. Every year it is followed by thousands of European tourists. However, despite this, among Belarusians and travelers from other CIS countries, this region of Germany is still quite little known.

And this fact seems like a completely egregious misunderstanding. After all, it is here, in the valley of the Rhine River, that you can feel the spirit of real Germany. In these parts, tiny villages, dotted with half-timbered houses, side by side with proud castles, looking at the world from the height of the coastal slopes. High mountains covered with green forests give way to picturesque valleys and famous vineyards...

That is why the Rhine Valley is considered one of the most amazing places in all of Germany. After all, even the most beautiful cities of this country can hardly be compared with the quiet charm of the local nature.

  1. Cappadocia (Turkey)

Speaking of trips to, we, as a rule, mean a fun and noisy vacation in one of the southern resorts of the Turkish seaside. However, far from major tourist centers, this country is changing in the most amazing way. Turkish Cappadocia is a proof of this - a unique natural region, famous for its unusual natural landscape and a huge number of cave cells, crypts, monasteries and temples, whose history dates back to the time of the birth of Christianity.

In addition, it is in this place that the world's oldest (!) underground cities are located. The most famous among them are the settlements of Kaimakli and Derinkuyu, which stretch for many kilometers deep into the rock. These cave cities were found by archaeologists in the sixties of the last century. And since then, these places have been the object of constant study for dozens of scientists.

Among other things, Turkish Cappadocia is also one of the most popular ballooning centers in the world.

In a word, going to these places, you guarantee yourself the most extraordinary journey in life.

  1. Troy (Turkey)

The semi-legendary ancient Greek "polis" is another reason to go to Turkey from now on. For many years in a row, the city of Achilles and other ancient heroes, sung in legends, was considered only a figment of the imagination of the great Homer. However, about 140 years ago, a self-taught German archaeologist named Heinrich Schliemann proved in a practical way that some legends have a very real historical justification. Since then, the legendary Troy, the remains of which are now located in the Hisarlik hill region, seven kilometers from the Dardanelles, has become one of the main historical treasures of modern Turkey. And Heinrich Schliemann himself, who, among other things, also found the legendary "Priam's treasure", went down in history as one of the most successful adventurers in the world, as well as the founding father of the so-called "field (practical) archeology."

  1. Kamchatka (Russia)

Wild, majestic, recalcitrant Kamchatka is the land where the heart of real Russia beats. Here, among dormant volcanoes, bubbling geysers and crystal lakes, you can feel like a real traveler who finds himself somewhere on the very edge of the world. In this place there is simply a mind-boggling number of national parks, biosphere reserves and unique nature conservation areas, many of which are included in the UNESCO list of natural and cultural heritage. Is this not enough to call Kamchatka one of the most fascinating and unusual places to travel throughout our vast planet?

In addition, Kamchatka is a habitat for many rare animals, including brown Kamchatka bears, which have long become a symbol not only of this peninsula, but of Russia as a whole.

In addition to getting to know wildlife and inanimate nature, a trip to Kamchatka can be interesting due to the numerous centers for active recreation. Skiing (including extreme helly-skiing), snowmobiling and dog sledding, swimming in thermal springs, as well as rafting, diving, kayaking and much more - all this makes the Kamchatka Territory a very interesting place to relax. It is not for nothing that these places are so often called Russian Iceland.

  1. Ksamil Beach and Vlore (Albania).

The sea coast of Albania is probably one of the most underestimated tourist regions in Europe. In these parts, the Adriatic Sea shimmers with turquoise, and the majestic mountains, frozen at the very horizon, remain surprisingly beautiful and picturesque. The best examples of this are resorts such as Ksamil Beach and Vlora. The first is a very small, but very colorful town, perched on the southern coast of Albania. The second is a larger city, however, even here, due to the relatively small number of tourists, the beaches remain surprisingly clean and picturesque.

The mild Mediterranean climate, low prices, an abundance of fruits, as well as the amazing beauty of the local nature - all this makes the Adriatic coast of Albania a place really worthy of the attention of tourists.

In addition, Albania is a country with a rich history and culture. Here, on a relatively small piece of land (comparable in size to the Mogilev region), there is a huge number of ancient monasteries, fortress bastions and ancient buildings inherited by this country from the Greek and Roman conquerors.

Mosque in the city of Korca

A vivid example of this is the ancient city of Durres, located just a two-hour drive from Vlora. During its long history, this region has become a stumbling block for many European nations. Just think about it: for 2500 years this town managed to be part of the Bulgarian, Greek, Turkish, Byzantine, Italian, Kerkyrian, Corinthian and, of course, the Albanian state.

Wouldn't you be interested to see the ancient city that so many ancient peoples fought for? Than not a route for unusual trip?

  1. Patagonia (Argentina)

Patagonia, which is also often referred to as the more famous Tierra del Fuego archipelago, is an absolutely unique place. Wild mountain landscapes, crystal glaciers, picturesque fjords and endless plains of frozen land that have not changed their shape since the birth of the first people - all this natural diversity cannot be compared with anything else. Once in these parts, you seem to find yourself in a parallel reality. Here, right on the beaches, you can find colonies of penguins and elephant seals, and on the slopes of the high Andean mountains you can see thousands of bonfires that are burned at night by local tribes of Indians.

In addition, it is in these parts that the famous Cave of Hands is located, which is already 90 centuries old! Add to this the unique nature reserves, national parks and uninhabited islands that still retain their primitive prehistoric charm - and you will understand why this region can be safely called one of the most amazing and interesting places on our planet.

Yes, of course, to get to Patagonia you will need a lot of effort and financial resources. However, once in these parts, you guarantee yourself the most extraordinary journey In my life. After all, how could it be otherwise, if we are talking about the real edge of the Earth!

  1. Curonian Spit (Lithuania/Russia)

The Curonian Spit is a thin strip of land that stretches for a hundred kilometers along the Lithuanian coast and separates the Curonian Lagoon from the Baltic basin. In fact, this place is a long series of sand dunes and pine forests growing right in the middle of the endless sea. There is no usual fuss here, and surprisingly clean air is filled with the smell of pine needles, salty waves and amazing crystal silence, which in this place seems almost endless.

In 2000, the Curonian Spit was classified by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site. And nine years later, the International Foundation for Environmental Education included the local beaches in the list of the cleanest and most comfortable coastal areas on the planet. Specialists of the popular Lonely Planet guidebook also contributed to the popularization of this place, calling the pine forests and sandy beaches of the Curonian Spit one of the most beautiful places in the Baltics. Since then, thousands of tourists have visited these parts. However, even despite this, the Curonian Spit has not lost even a tiny part of its natural charm.

Despite the fact that the population of the spit is only a few thousand inhabitants, these parts have not only their own coastal villages with all the necessary infrastructure, but also their own unique sights. The mystical Hill of Witches, dotted with dozens of wooden idols, the unique "Dancing Forest", the remains of the Kopgalis fortress with the Maritime Museum located here, as well as the Klaipeda Dolphinarium and the museum of fishing boats, located right under the open sky. In a word, the Curonian Spit is a place that clearly proves that interesting and unusual places to travel can be found just a few hundred kilometers from your home. After all, every corner of our planet is able to present a lot of pleasant surprises to those travelers who truly know how to appreciate true beauty.

Their escapades shocked mankind. It turns out that you can travel without a penny for your soul, easily and everywhere carry a stroller with you with an imaginary friend, and in just 2 years you can overcome 17 countries on bicycles and two oceans on rowing boats.

Right now You have a great opportunity to get acquainted with the adventures of these daredevils.


Bushby's Round the World Walk

A new record for hiking seeks to set Carl Bushby. He is the first person to cross the Bering Strait on ice. AT 1998 Carl started from South America, went to Alaska, but due to visa problems he was deported to Russia for 2 whole years. Now Bushby is going to return and continue his journey to the finish line in London. At the end of the trip, Carl will have spent 14 years on the campaign and covered 36,000 km.

"What for?" - You ask. “This is a challenge to oneself and the realization of a dream,” Karl will say, “To find out what life is and what makes a person deviate from the intended path.”

Tractor travel

Founder of the foundation for helping children of war Menon Osewood travels by tractor from the Netherlands to South America. Menon collects dreams people he meets along the way, written on pieces of paper.

From South America, she will reach Antarctica by boat. Menon plans to end his trip at the South Pole, either on foot or by tractor. It is there, at the end of the world, that she will make a snowman, inside which will be the dreams of people from all over the world.

pony ride

Becky Sampson travels the distance from London to Japanese Tokyo with her pony. The girl has a noble goal - she dreams of raising £15,000 for the SOS Children Foundation, which helps orphans. Traveling since 2009, Becky plans to travel 15,000 km through Western, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, reach China, and then to the end point - the city of Tokyo.

Double trip on a motorcycle

Ted Simon made his first trip around the world back in 1977, at the age of 47. More than 125 thousand km through Africa, North and South America, New Zealand, Australia, Asia and Europe overcame his tireless "iron friend". All his life, after the end of the trip, Ted Simon remembered exotic countries, interesting places, wonderful people who met him on the way and ... could not stand it. When the man turned 70, he once again decided on a long journey.

“I didn’t expect the world to change so much in these 23 years!” says Ted.

Inspired by a dream

Travel the world with almost no money? It turns out it's possible! Two backpacks, six hundred dollars and a sea of ​​​​desires - all that they had Kinga and her husband Chopin, landing October 7, 1998 in New York. Then they decided to hitchhike. Kinga wrote a book about the 5-year journey. In 2005, the couple again set off on their journey to Africa, which they already knew. However, Kinga dies of malaria in Ghana... Now Chopin himself continues the journey in memory of his beloved wife.

On the way from China to Germany

It took more than 2 years Christoph Rehage, to get from China to Germany, Hannover. Why these 2 countries? Christophe studied China in detail at the university, and Germany is the homeland of the traveler.

With a stroller in Australia

Frank Maldoni with his invisible friend Harvey in a wheelchair traveled from Petra to Sydney. This action was aimed at supporting the slogan "World peace!".

Invisible Harvey is a fictional peacemaker who lives in the heart of every person. And the wheelchair is a symbol of the absence of peace, a symbol of fear and injustice, says Frank.

tenacious rider

On the way from Mongolia to Hungary Tim Cope overcame 10,000 km on horseback. An Australian photographer, director, writer, Tim traveled around Russia, Ukraine, Mongolia, Kazakhstan for about 5 years. During this time, he had a lot of ideas, he began to write books about his adventures, opened a travel school, and began making films.

Ecological travel

Colin and Julia Angus made a real feat: they crossed 17 countries on bicycles and two oceans, rowing boats, while eating only food prepared from home.

Desperate travelers started from Vancouver. In 2 years of traveling, they ate 4,000 chocolate bars, used 72 bicycle tubes, 250 kg of freeze-dried food, 31 fish caught in the sea, 2 offshore boats, 4 bicycles and 80 kg of clothes! The couple proved if 43,000 km can be covered without polluting the Earth, then it is much easier to do it at home.

Walking through Afghanistan

Achievement Rory Stewart not in how many kilometers he walked, but in what terrain! In 2004, in Afghanistan, full of surprises and dangers, he met heroes, villains, teenage soldiers, and employees of various foreign organizations.

Vogel family of enthusiasts. Alaska - Argentina

One day John Vogel returned from work very tired. He collapsed on the sofa in despair and stared at one point for a long time. And then he said to his worried wife: Nancy, I can not take it anymore! I must run! I'll buy three bicycles... Just me and the kids! (the couple had two sons - ten-year-old twins) We will be like Superman, Spiderman and Incredible Hulk!..»

Nancy recalls: “Then my husband looked at me thoughtfully and said: “Oh, yes, if you want, you can go too.”

Honeymoon for Amy

Young couple Amy and Wim spent their honeymoon biking from Belgium to China. During the 10 months of travel, they traveled 10,850 km.

“Usually we moved 4 hours 18 minutes a day, covering 61 km, but the longest distance we ever traveled was 115 km in 8 hours and 15 minutes,” Amy shares her memories.