Frozen sea. Why is the sea dreaming: is it time for a vacation? Does the Black Sea freeze in winter in Crimea

frozen sea

The familiar coastline was cluttered with flat, rather thick ice floes, glowing in place of the breaks with the green-blue glass of the Black Sea water; they were sugar-white on top, and one could walk on them without slipping; but it was difficult to climb from one rearing ice floe to another; sometimes I had to sit down on the raised edge of one ice floe, lowering my legs to another, or jump, resting with one hand on a broken edge, which looks fragile, but in fact is strong, like granite. It was necessary to walk through this chaos for quite a long time before setting foot on a flat field of the sea frozen to the very horizon. However, it was not easy to walk along this seemingly even expanse of ice: every now and then on the way came across junctions between individual ice floes, small hummocks and ripples of a wave suddenly seized by frost and turned into an ice floe.

To the very horizon, under the bright, cold sun, shining like the mercury bullet of Captain Hatteras, the untouched whiteness of salty, coarsely frosted ice shone, and only on the very horizon a blue-black stripe was visible. high seas and the silhouette of a foreign coal steamer frozen into the ice.

Ice rumbled under my feet, letting me know that beneath me was a resounding, dangerous expanse of very deep water, and that I was walking, as it were, along the echoing vault of a cellar, the gloomy darkness of which was guessed below me in the depths.

I remember clusters of white air bubbles, soldered into the thickness of the ice, reminiscent of lilies of the valley.

To the right and left, lighthouses, brightly lit by the January sun, brightly illuminated by the January sun - one port, the other Bolshefontansky - and a small icebreaker that smoked at the entrance to the Practical harbor, reminiscent of the famous "Fram" Fridtjof Nansen, worn down to the very masts in arctic ice, under the organ of the northern lights hanging over it. Above all this, there was such a bright blue sky and there was such a high, unnatural silence, and the shore of Dofinovka was painted with such a soft pink winter color, impeccably clearly visible through the burning, crystal air, from which breath spiraled and shaggy hoarfrost grew on the edges of the camel's hood, which was wrapped around my head over my school cap, that fourteen degrees of frost according to Réaumur seemed to be a temperature that no living creature could withstand.

However, in the distance on the ice field in some places one could see moving human figures. They were the townspeople making their Sunday stroll through frozen sea in order to take a closer look at a foreign ship.

An azure shadow stretched from each little man, and my shadow was especially dazzling and great, shimmering in front of me over the unevenness of the ice field and jumping over the hummocks.

At last I reached the edge of the ice, behind which, in the almost black, steaming water, stood the huge dark red hull of an Italian collier with a white monogram on a dirty black pipe, a monogram of crossed Latin letters, which gave the steamer a strangely alluring, almost magical attraction.

Very high on the deck stood an Italian sailor in a thick sweater, with a canvas bucket in his hand, smoking a long cheap Italian cigar with a straw at the end, and from a round hole - a kingston from a height of a three-story house, water from the engine room continuously poured like a waterfall, leaving on old iron sheathing already decently overgrown ice icicles.

An Italian sailor waved to someone, and I saw two figures moving towards the shore, which sometimes stopped and, in turn, waved their hands to the Italian sailor. Behind them stretched the double azure trail of the sleigh they dragged behind them.

After walking along the edge of the ice and admiring the Italian collier, I went back. The sun was already noticeably leaning to the west, beyond the city, behind the white roofs with pillars of smoke, behind the blue dome of the city theater, behind the monument to Duke.

The frost intensified with every minute.

I mechanically walked along a long double track of a sledge and suddenly, not far from the shore, I saw some kind of inscription on the surface of an obliquely reared ice floe with a green break, deeply and large-scale carved with something sharp, perhaps with the end of an iron cane from among those that they liked to take take our craftsmen and factory workers with them for a Sunday walk.

Maybe they made these iron canes with a round handle for themselves.

For the first time in my life, I read on an ice floe a combination of words that were not quite clear to me:

"Proletarians of all countries, unite!"

There was something menacing and full of some secret meaning in this azure luminous phrase, which subsequently spread so widely and powerfully throughout our land.

What could this spell mean, in an instant, as it were, bringing me closer to people of all countries? I thought with inexplicable anxiety.

Jumping from the last ice floe onto the icy stones of the shore, I saw three border soldiers in hoods and caps with green bands, who were climbing along sharp hummocks, heading for an Italian steamer. The pink sun gleamed from the tips of their blued square bayonets, hollowed out to drain blood.

They had the look of latecomers.

What could all this mean, and what did it have to do with the word "Spark" that was carved on the last ice floe, probably with the same makeshift iron cane, one of those who were carrying something on their sledges, wrapped in matting.

Chapter five. Kim Klinov's story. A squadron of minesweepers on a harsh and long voyage. Storm in the Bering Sea. The sea is a school of life and courage On an unusually sunny and warm day, which is rare on Kola Peninsula, in mid-July 1952, a squadron of minesweepers left

For those who are in the sea Dream from the 21st to the 22nd. I am guiding some kind of vessel or ship in a completely unfamiliar sea. And suddenly I discover: there are no maps on board - neither in the chart room, nor in the map storage. And no globe. Horror, nightmare. I wake up wet, smoked. And again ten nightmare

THE SEA I saw the sea for the first time almost half a century ago. I remember that the train took us from north to south for a long time to my mother's new place of work - to the Black Sea. I remember that my brothers and I fell asleep and woke up with the only thought: “What it is, warm, fabulous, on the shore of which we will now

Chapter 7 is divided

Sea I walked by the sea. How gentle Was the sapphire color of the wave. The sea breathed life and freshness Even into the dead boulders, Right into the heart burst into the power of Beauty, seething around. But the sea suddenly appeared to me as a great mass grave. Under water of bottomless blue In terrible years, without

“Only the sea and the sea. Where is ours today…” Only the sea and the sea. Where is our today Torn away from tomorrow, lost yesterday ... At the moment when the gangway was removed and abandoned And calmly sailed home

Sea Sea, sea - as if there is no land, As if there is no cherished pier ... Sea, sea ... And in it they gave the Sky a radiant beginning. Somewhere, in this blue abyss, A barely noticeable dot turned white, Maybe a big ship passed by, Maybe just a seagull

Severe frosts reached the Black Sea coast. In the areas of Kerch, Evpatoria, Odessa, the water turned into ice. Ice chips float in the water on the beaches, and small icebergs can be seen 100 meters from the shore.

Due to the current situation, maritime traffic in Ukrainian ports is closed until February 15. The Romanian port of Constanta is closed, on the coast of the beaches the thickness of ice reaches 40 centimeters. Both Romania and Bulgaria have declared a "yellow" and "orange" hazard code.

Nevertheless, the inhabitants of these countries do not despair: they use the frozen water as a skating rink, they build sculptures from ice and snow. The last time such weather anomalies occurred in 1977, then the Black Sea off the coast of Odessa completely froze.

In the photo: The frozen Black Sea near Constanta, Romania

An icy ship off the coast of Evpatoria.

According to the Hydrometeorological Center of the Black and Azov Seas. “This winter has been marked by severe and prolonged cold, which has led to the freezing of water near the shore. This phenomenon is extremely rare. The last time off the coast of Odessa, the sea completely froze over in 1977.

For the third time since the beginning of winter, the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov also iced over. The thickness of the ice in a number of places reaches 20 cm, ice blocks up to 5-10 m high have nailed to the village of Sedovo in the Novoazovsky district, which lined up along the entire coastline. Due to strong winds, ferry flights from Crimea to Russia are temporarily limited.

The thickness of the ice in the coastal zone is about 20 cm. It can easily withstand the weight of an adult, but there are no people who want to walk on the ice in such weather.

Well, if 1977 is still remembered by the old-timers, then archival and literary sources say that over the past two millennia, more than 20 “cruel” winters have been observed in the Black Sea region with an average interval of 78 years (from 60 to 90 years ). The first information about an unusually severe winter, in particular, that the Black Sea was partially frozen, is found in the letters of Ovid, a poet of ancient times who was exiled at the beginning of the 1st century. BC e. in the lower reaches of the Danube. Ovid writes: “... Istres (Danube) has risen from the cold three times, and the wave of the sea has hardened three times.”

There are other later reports of unusual cold weather in the Black Sea region. So, for example, in the winter of 400-401. “... for 20 days the Bosporus and Dardanelles and most of the Black Sea froze. In the spring, mountains of ice went through the streets of Constantinople for 30 days.

In the winter of 557-558. "... The Black Sea was covered with ice for a large area."
Byzantine, Arabic and Western European chronicles indicate that in 763-764. “... the winter is fierce. From the beginning of October, there was a great severe cold not only in our land (Byzantium), but also in the east, north, west, so that the northern part of the Pontic (Black) Sea turned into stone 100 miles from the coast ... And the same thing happened from Zikhia ( Taman Peninsula) to the Danube, from the Kufis River (Kuban) to the Dniester and Dnieper, from all other banks to the Media. When the snow fell on such thick ice, its thickness increased even more, and the sea took on the appearance of land. And they walked along it as if on dry land from the Crimea to Thrace and from Constantinople to Scutari.

Extremely fierce throughout the Mediterranean was the winter of 1233-1234. According to Arago, "...loaded wagons moved across the ice across the Adriatic Sea near Venice." A number of other authors confirm that many lagoons of the Mediterranean and the northern part of the Black Sea have frozen.
Two hundred years before that, in 1010 - 1011. frosts fettered the current Turkish coast of the Black Sea. Terrible cold reached Africa (!), the lower reaches of the Nile were frozen over.

Winter 1543-1544 it was also exceptionally cold for many European countries - Germany, France, the countries of the Northern Black Sea region. The north of the Black Sea was covered with ice. In France, there were such frosts that it was necessary to “prick” wine frozen in large barrels.

In the chronicles of 1708-1709 we read: "... An unusually severe, snowy and protracted winter throughout Europe", the bays completely froze Adriatic Sea, in Venice, the air temperature dropped to -20C, "many thousands of people died from the cold, orange trees cracked." In the same year, the winter was extremely cold in France and Switzerland, a strong ice cover was observed on the Thames, Seine, and Rhone. In the Baltic Sea, the thickness of the ice reached 80 cm.

At the end of the XVIII century. in Russia, “there were great snows and a hard winter with frosts, from which many Swedes perished,” the northern part of the Black Sea froze. The "Great" chroniclers call the winter of 1788-1789. There were severe colds all over Europe: in France (-21C), in Italy (-15C), "severe frosts and snowfalls" in Switzerland, cold in Germany, the Vistula froze a month earlier and opened a month later than usual. In Crimea, frosts reached -25C - in the Northern Black Sea region "the winter is cruel, full of frosts, people crawled out of the huts through the roofs because of the great snows", the northern part of the Black Sea froze.

Exceptionally severe, long and snowy in the Central and Eastern Europe It was the winter of 1875-1876. In the mountains of Switzerland, the number of snow avalanches has increased dramatically. Almost all the southern rivers were covered with ice much earlier than usual, catastrophic drifts were observed on the Caucasian roads, and the Black Sea froze again.

The most severe winter of the twentieth century. the winter of 1953-1954 is considered. Fierce, unprecedented cold from November to April stood on a vast territory from Spain and France to the Ural Mountains. On the southern coast of Crimea, frosts lasted for three months in a row, average monthly temperature February was 10-12C below the norm, in Yalta the snow depth exceeded 30 cm, in the Caspian Sea floating ice reached the Absheron Peninsula. The Sea of ​​Azov completely froze Kerch Strait a stable road connection was opened, the northern part of the Black Sea froze.

By the way, the winter of 1962-1963 was remembered for burning frosts and ferocious snowstorms. Ice bound the Danish Strait, which usually does not freeze, and the canals of Venice and the rivers of France froze again. The season of 1968-1969 is also named "Winter of violent frosts".

In 2002, in Germany, due to frost, the movement of ships along the Main-Danube canal, which is an important European water transport artery, was completely stopped. The thickness of the ice, in which more than 20 ships were frozen, reached 70 cm in places.

At the same time, due to severe cold, the lagoon of Venice froze, the gondolas froze into ice. The same frosts were in Venice in 1985.

At the end of 2005, most of the Central and Western Europe were also in the grip of heavy snowfalls. In Germany and the Netherlands, unusual for this time of year cold has led to icing and breakage of power lines. In Paris, the Eiffel Tower, the main attraction of France, was closed for several hours due to icing.

As for the current situation, according to weather forecasts, ice in the coastal zone Sea of ​​Azov will last until the second decade of March. In the Odessa region, the sea will clear up in the coming days.

As a rule, the Black Sea does not freeze in winter. But it happens that winter temperatures drop so low that the sea off the coast in the northwestern part freezes for a short time. The climate of the Black Sea is mainly continental.

Significant influence on the weather over the Black Sea has Atlantic Ocean, over which most of the cyclones originate, bringing bad weather and storms to the sea.

Sea water is a natural aqueous solution of various salts, in which the bulk are sodium, magnesium, potassium, calcium, chlorine, sulfur ions, and also contain suspended solids, dissolved gases, and some organic compounds.

Presence in sea ​​water dissolved salts affects the freezing point of water. Sea water, which has an average salinity for the oceans (3.5%), freezes at -1.9 degrees Celsius. So we note that the waters of the Black Sea, as a rule, are not subject to freezing.

But in history there are cases when the Black Sea froze.

Consider them:
The first information about an unusually severe winter and the fact that the Black Sea was partially frozen is found in the letters of Ovid, a poet of ancient times, who was exiled at the beginning of the 1st century BC. e. in the lower reaches of the Danube. He writes: "... Istres (Danube) has become cold three times, and the wave of the sea has hardened three times."
From other, later reports about unusual cold weather in the Black Sea region, we learn a lot of interesting things:

-In the winter of 400-401. “... for 20 days the Bosphorus and Dardanelles and most of the Black Sea froze. In the spring, mountains of ice went through the streets of Constantinople for 30 days.

-In the winter of 557-558."... The Black Sea was covered with ice for a large area."

Byzantine, Arabic and Western European chronicles testify that in 763-764“... the winter is fierce. From the beginning of October, there was a great cruel cold not only in our land (Byzantium), but also in the east, north, west, so that the northern part of the Pontic (Black) Sea turned into stone 100 miles from the coast ... And the same thing happened from Zikhia ( Taman Peninsula) to the Danube, from the Kufis River (Kuban) to the Dniester and Dnieper, from all other banks to the Media. When the snow fell on such thick ice, its thickness increased even more, and the sea took on the appearance of land. And they walked along it as if on dry land from the Crimea to Thrace and from Constantinople to Scutari. In February, the ice broke into pieces, like great mountains. There were so many crystal blocks rushing from the Black Sea that they formed a huge ice bridge in the Bosphorus.

The winter was extremely strong. 1233-34. A number of authors confirm that the northern part of the Black Sea has frozen.

Winter 1543-44 was exceptionally cold for many European countries - Germany, France, the countries of the Northern Black Sea region. The north of the Black Sea was covered with ice.

According to the South Russian Chronicle, even in Russia “there were great snows and a hard winter with frosts, from which many Swedes perished,” the northern part of the Black Sea froze.

- “Great” is called winter 1788-89 In Crimea, frosts reached -25 degrees, in the Northern Black Sea region "the winter is cruel, full of frosts, people crawled out of the huts through the roofs because of the great snows", the northern part of the Black Sea froze. It was during this winter, on December 6, in the bitter cold, that the Russian army stormed the fortress of Ochakov.

winter 1953-54. rightfully called the "winter of the century." On the southern coast of Crimea, frosts persisted for three months in a row, the average monthly temperature in February was 10-12 degrees below the norm, in Yalta the height of the snow cover during this period exceeded 30 centimeters. The Sea of ​​Azov completely froze over, stable road traffic was opened through the Kerch Strait, and the northern part of the Black Sea froze.

So, over the past 2 thousand years, more than 20 "strong" winters have been noted in the Black Sea region. The time interval between them is on average 75 years (in most cases, from 60 to 90 years).

Stunning photos of the frozen Black Dmytro Dokunov

Dreams about the sea are often dreamed by many people. And most of them perceive such dreams as the body's need for rest, others as a dream about pipe, cherished dreams. But why does the sea really dream?

Dreams about the sea are often dreamed by many people.

Such dreams are often filled with many details, bright colors and leave behind a storm of emotions in the soul of the sleeping person.

But after all, different dream books interpret dreams about the sea, based on all the smallest details and details:

  • is the sleeping man or woman?
  • Is the person away from the sea or swimming in it?
  • Are the waves raging on the sea surface or is it completely calm?
  • clean, clear water or dirty?

In general, the sea, like water, symbolizes:

  • purity;
  • calm and measured life;
  • stability in all spheres of life;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • favor of fate;
  • joy.

If you dreamed that the sleeper was sailing on the sea, it means that a pleasant road, good news, changes in life for the better await him. And it can also promise wealth, a surge vitality, health recovery.

  1. Traveling by sea in a dream means that new opportunities will open up for the sleeper in terms of work, career growth is possible.
  2. A little worried, it predicts the victory of the sleeper in the conflict that has arisen with someone from his inner circle.
  3. If the sleeper falls into sea water, this is a warning of an impending danger to health and life.
  4. The boundless sea can reflect the loneliness of the sleeping person, his desire to find a good friend or faithful life partner.
  5. Hearing the sound of the surf in a dream - to the loss of a true friend, a quarrel with relatives, a lonely and boring life.
  6. If a girl bathes in good weather under a clear sun, this promises to receive good news. A picnic on the seashore or on a yacht means a quick meeting with a young man who will soon become her husband.
  7. Getting ready to go to the sea, speaks of fatigue and emotional exhaustion of a person. In this case, it is worth putting aside all your affairs and set aside at least one day to recover and put your thoughts in order.
  8. The Black Sea in a dream is a harbinger of a difficult period in the life of a sleeper, especially with regard to the financial situation.
  9. If in a dream a friend wets his feet in sea water, this indicates that someone from the dreamer's inner circle really needs help and moral support. It is necessary to help this person, and he, in turn, when necessary, will extend a helping hand in response.

The sea tide in a dream prophesies the receipt of significant amounts of money in real life. Ebb, on the contrary, dreams of losses, loss of funds.

Sea in a dream book (video)

Seeing in a dream a sea with clean or dirty water

Dream about the sea dirty water promises the dreamer:

  • squabbles and gossip behind his back;
  • quarrels with people from the immediate environment;
  • unpleasant conversations;
  • illness;
  • loss of a considerable amount of money;
  • accusations and threats towards the sleeper.

If in a dream the wind raises muddy, dirty waves, then the dreamer should be more careful with colleagues at work. This means that one of them is plotting meanness towards him, and is ready to stab him in the back at the first opportunity.

The dream of a clear sea is usually interpreted as positive.

But swimming in a dream in a dirty but calm sea, on the contrary, is a very good sign. Such a dream is predicted to receive unexpected monetary profits. For people who have their own business, a dream promises its rapid development, the conclusion of a profitable deal.

For a woman, a dream in which she swims in dirty sea water indicates that she is expecting a pregnancy.

The dream of a clear sea is usually interpreted as positive, bearing to the sleeping person:

  • appeasement;
  • peace of mind;
  • well-being in life;
  • full understanding from the family.

Swimming in the sea with clear, turquoise water is a great success in real life.

Why dream of a raging sea

To dream of a raging sea, especially if the water in it is dirty, threatens:

  • family quarrels;
  • serious disagreements with relatives;
  • sorrows and anxieties;
  • the loss of friends;
  • financial or property loss;
  • bad luck in business;
  • danger to health and even life.

But if it has ceased to rage, then all conflicts will soon be resolved, and in favor of the sleeper. If the sea storm intensifies in a dream, then the sleeper is in danger of a serious quarrel with the other half, which can even end in a break in relations.

This vision can display a person’s internal unrest about some important event

Such a dream can also be interpreted as a warning that it is worth taking a closer look at the people around you. Some of them harbored a grudge against the sleeper and are waiting for an opportunity to strike.

This vision can reflect a person's internal unrest about some important event taking place in the dreamer's life. His worries are due to the correctness of the choice that stands before him.

  • A dream in which the dreamer enters the raging sea promises a night of love filled with passion and euphoria.
  • Fall in a dream there - it is worth waiting for health problems.
  • For girls, such a dream brings problems with a loved one, and, possibly, his loss. But if the sea is calm after a storm, then there is a high probability of meeting a new love.

A dream about a storm at sea for a guy means that he is in sexual tension for a long time, and this makes him overly aggressive.

Why dream of a frozen or dried sea

A dream about a frozen or dried up sea predicts a not very good situation in the dreamer's personal relationships.

Dried water, like water covered with ice, promises the dreamer problems with his lover:

  • a pause in a relationship;
  • a serious quarrel;
  • a break up.

A dream about a frozen or dried up sea predicts a not very good situation in the dreamer's personal relationships.

It can also predict stagnation at work for the sleeper, lack of financial and career growth.

A dry sea for people who have their own business prophesies a stop in development, a delay in cash payments, and non-repayment of debt obligations.

Calm, warm or cold sea in a dream

Seeing a cold sea in a dream is a sign that the relationship of the sleeper with his soulmate has exhausted itself. For a married woman, such a dream means that a cold relationship will soon lead to misunderstanding of her husband, great disappointment in him and a possible break.

Seeing warm is a positive sign. So fate is preparing the sleeping man:

  • good luck in all matters related to work;
  • career;
  • attention and care from a loved one.

A dream in which there is a calm sea surface can be interpreted in two ways. Such a dream can talk about the boring life of the sleeper, in which it is time to change something. For man himself is dissatisfied with such his existence. Or, a dream can warn of an impending storm that brought discord, quarrels and nervousness into the life of the sleeper.

A dream in which there is a calm sea surface can be interpreted in two ways.

Looking at the calm blue sea from a distance speaks of a person’s search for peace and quiet, which he so lacks in real life.

Swim in a calm sea prophesies:

  • change for the better in life;
  • if the sleeper is sick, then a quick full recovery;
  • unexpected cash receipts.

The sea in Miller's dream book

The dream book of the philosopher Miller interprets the image of the sea seen in a dream ambiguously:

  • as the unfulfilled hopes of a person in real life;
  • the physical attraction experienced by the sleeper.

He says that a person needs spiritual satisfaction or that he, at this period of life, is very lonely.

Miller interprets the noise of the sea waves as a loss of the meaning of life for those who sleep, disappointment in the people around him, in relationships. And you should urgently decide on cardinal changes, so as not to finally wallow in despondency and longing.

For a girl floating in a dream on a calm blue sea, Miller prophesies:

  • fulfillment of the most secret desires;
  • long and happy life;
  • promising acquaintance.

To see the sea from afar according to Miller's dream book is to dream of an unforgettable night, love joys, affection.

What is the dream of the sea (video)

Dreams tell about the future and give a person tips on how to get around certain obstacles prepared for him by fate. The image of the sea in dreams reflects subconscious outbursts of human emotions. Therefore, people who dream of the sea should listen more carefully to their inner “I”, pay attention to all the details of sleep, then it will be possible to avoid quarrels, conflicts and unpleasant situations and live in harmony with oneself.

Attention, only TODAY!

Severe frosts reached the Black Sea coast. In the areas of Kerch, Evpatoria, Odessa, the water turned into ice. Ice chips float in the water on the beaches, and small icebergs can be seen 100 meters from the shore.

Due to the current situation, maritime traffic in Ukrainian ports is closed until February 15. The Romanian port of Constanta is closed, on the coast of the beaches the thickness of ice reaches 40 centimeters. Both Romania and Bulgaria have declared a "yellow" and "orange" hazard code.

Nevertheless, the inhabitants of these countries do not despair: they use the frozen water as a skating rink, they build sculptures from ice and snow. The last time such weather anomalies occurred in 1977, then the Black Sea off the coast of Odessa completely froze.

(Total 16 photos)

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1. Bad weather hit the Black Sea coast. In the photo: The frozen Black Sea near Constanta, Romania. (Vadim Ghirda/AP Photo)

2. Ice chips float near the beaches, and small icebergs can be seen 100 meters from the land. Waves prevent the sea from completely covering with a dense crust. (Vadim Ghirda/AP Photo)

3. The surface of the sea near Evpatoria began to be covered with ice. The freezing area is approximately two thousand square meters. In the photo: Ice-covered pier in Evpatoria. (Stringer/Reuters)

4. In the areas of Kerch, Evpatoria, Odessa, the water turned into ice, which is noted for the first time in 30 years. (Vadim Ghirda/AP Photo)

5. Seagulls against the backdrop of ice blocks in Constanta. (Vadim Ghirda/AP Photo)

6. Due weather conditions Maritime traffic in Ukrainian ports is closed until February 15. (Vadim Ghirda/AP Photo)

7. People walk in the frozen Black Sea next to the ice-covered dam in Constanta, Romania. (Daniel Mihailescu/AFP/Getty Images)

8. The Romanian port of Constanta is also closed, on the coast of the beaches the ice thickness reaches 40 centimeters.

9. Both Romania and Bulgaria have declared a "yellow" and "orange" hazard code.

10. An icy ship off the coast of Evpatoria. (Alexey Pavlishak/ITAR-TASS)

11. Frozen Black Sea near Constanta, Romania. (Vadim Ghirda/AP Photo)

12. Frozen Black Sea off the coast of Evpatoria. (Aleksey Pavlishak/ITAR-TASS)15. The ice formed in calm weather conditions blocks the ships. (Vadim Ghirda/AP Photo)

16. Vessel in the ice of the Black Sea off the coast of Constanta. (Vadim Ghirda/AP Photo)