Recently sunken ships. Tugboat, Curacao

"Mikhail Lermontov"

On February 16, 1986, the ship "Mikhail Lermontov" sank: a Soviet cruise ship sank off the coast of New Zealand. The people on board - 408 passengers, a significant part of them of retirement age, 330 crew members and a New Zealand pilot - were rescued by the Tarihiko tanker and the Arahura ferry that approached the place of the wreck. One person died in the crash: Pavel Zaglyadimov, an engineer of refrigeration units, who worked in a compartment that was flooded immediately after the collision. We decided to recall seven shipwrecked cruise ships.


The ship "Mikhail Lermontov" was built at the shipyard of the German port of Wismar in 1972 and was put into operation in 1973. Its purpose was to serve regular cruise lines. In the same year, on May 28, the ship "Mikhail Lermontov" set off on its first voyage along the Bremerhaven-London-Havre-New York route, becoming the first Soviet passenger ship to visit a foreign American port in the last 25 years.

On five passenger decks, connected by ladders and elevators, there were 239 cabins, which could accommodate 550 passengers with all amenities. The crew consisted of 350 people and was located on lower decks. At the service of passengers there was a music salon with a stage, a restaurant, five bars, a beauty salon, a hairdresser, a casino, a library, a winter garden, shops, tennis courts.

In your last flight the liner departed from the port of Leningrad on Friday, November 22, 1985. Having reached New Zealand Wellington, after a short stay, on February 16, 1986, in Shakespeare Bay off the coast of New Zealand, at 17 hours 38 minutes local time, at a speed of about 15 knots, the ship twice hit the bottom of a rocky shoal in the area of ​​​​Cape Jackson and received a large hole in port side below the waterline. A distress signal was sent and received by Wellington radio. The Arahura ferry, heading from Picton through the Cook Strait, and the Tarihiko tanker, which took on board 356 passengers and crew members, headed to the liner in distress. In addition to the tanker and the ferry, small fishing vessels took part in rescuing passengers and crew and rushing to help.

After the death of the ship, there were many different rumors about the hidden causes of the disaster. Officially, the senior assistant to the captain, Sergei Stepanishchev, was recognized as the culprit of the disaster, as the senior officer who was on the bridge at the time of the collision. At the same time, the court took into account the illegal actions of a New Zealand citizen, pilot Donald Jemison, who indicated the wrong course. Attempts to raise the liner sunken at a depth were not made. There is an opinion that the Soviet liner interfered with Western competitors: the USSR Ministry of the Passenger Fleet sold tickets at reduced prices by reducing costs. Our sea vessels used Soviet fuel, which was much cheaper than Western. In England, tickets for a Soviet liner were sold at a price of $70 per day. A ten-day boat tour cost $700.

The remains of the ship are still at a depth of 25-30 meters and are a popular diving site.


The Soviet passenger ship was wrecked on August 31, 1986, 15 km from Novorossiysk, 4 km from the coast. Until that day, "Admiral Nakhimov" had been making cruise voyages along the Crimean-Caucasian line for 29 years.

The ship was built in 1925 in Germany and bore the name "Berlin". Until 1939, the "Berlin" made regular flights across the Atlantic, between the ports of Bremerhaven and New York. During the Second World War, the ship sank, but was raised, repaired and sold to the USSR in 1957. Over time, "Admiral Nakhimov" gained popularity in the country. The newlyweds have a fashion to make honeymoon travel on the Admiral Nakhimov. Vouchers for this ship were sold out six months before the start of the cruise.

On the day of the tragedy, along with the crew, there were 1,243 people on the ship, including the head of the KGB department for the Odessa region, Major General A. Krikunov, and his family, who arrived at the departure of the ship from Novorossiysk. At 22:00, having taken passengers on board, the ship went to sea, moving towards Sochi. At this time, the Pyotr Vasev, a cargo ship-dry cargo ship, of a larger displacement, entered the Tsemess Bay, following a course of 36 degrees at a speed of 11.5 knots. The ships approached on intersecting courses. The total speed of their movement was over 23 knots, or 43 kilometers per hour. Dispatchers suggested that Viktor Tkachenko, the captain of the dry-cargo ship "Pyotr Vasev" passenger liner"Admiral Nakhimov", to which he agreed. After that, both ships negotiated among themselves, specifying the details of the maneuver. However, at 23.12, Pyotr Vasev crashed with its bow at a right angle into the starboard side of the steamer, cutting a hole in it 8 by 10 meters. The liner went to the bottom in just 8 minutes. From the sinking ship, the sailors managed to throw off most of the inflatable life rafts, which became the only means of salvation for drowning people. At the crash site, about 1000 people were floundering on the surface of the water at the same time, many objects and debris floated. The wind and current began to carry the injured people directly to the dry cargo ship, and after a while several dozen people floated on both sides.

The collision of ships was immediately reported to the captain of the port of Novorossiysk, who sent port fleet tugs, road and small tugs to the crash site. passenger boats. In total, according to the official version, 423 passengers and crew members died as a result of the disaster. However, not all the dead were found and raised to the surface. 64 people remained forever under water.


The Italian transatlantic liner, first launched on June 16, 1951 and distinguished by its special safety, sank on July 26, 1956 11 hours after colliding with the Stockholm liner off the coast of New York. Andrea Doria was not just a liner. He personified the revival of the Italian merchant marine after the Second World War. With a gross tonnage of 29,100 gross tonnage and a length of 212 meters and a beam of 27.5 meters, the ship was one of the largest and fastest ships in the world. The premises of the liner were decorated with works of art. Each classroom has a cinema hall and a swimming pool with a recreation area.

July 25, 1956 "Andrea Doria" with 1134 passengers and 500 crew members on board, moving in the fog at a speed of 21.8 knots, was approaching the lighthouse on Nantucket Island. Almost the entire route was completed. The speed was higher than the maximum allowed in such weather conditions. At the same time, the 12,000-ton Swedish liner Stockholm was about to sail from New York. He was to pass within one mile of the lightship Nantucket, and then change course north to the coast of Scandinavia. However, in thick fog, a collision could not be avoided. On the bridges of both ships, they saw each other's lights almost simultaneously: "Stockholm" broke through 7 decks, and from the impact of "Andrea Doria" heeled heavily to the left, turned sharply, exposing the propellers, and continuing to go at full speed, dragged the Swedish ship behind him.

According to an emergency order, each of the 1250 passengers and 575 crew members were to board the lifeboats, only 8 people and the captain were to remain on the liner to control eight winches that lowered all sixteen boats. The accident occurred on a busy section of the route, so help arrived quickly. When the roll of the Andrea Doria increased by 8 degrees, boats from the Stockholm, Ile de France, the Private William Thomas military transport, the Cape Ann fruit carrier and other responding ships approached the ship. The rescue of the passengers of the Andrea Doria was the most successful rescue operation in the history of shipwrecks: it was possible to save all the passengers of the liner.

The Italian liner is still lying at a depth of 72 meters, 40 miles from american island Nantucket. In addition to art objects, there were safes with passengers' money and jewelry on the ship. However, all attempts to raise the ship were unsuccessful. Over the past ten years, more than 15 divers have died here.


The Concordia liner in 2006 was in 10th place in the TOP 10 largest cruise ships in the world. Its length was 290 meters, which is comparable to three football fields. The ship was wrecked on January 13, 2012 near Italian island Giglio off the coast of the Tuscany region, having veered off course and approached the shore. At full speed, the liner pierced the bottom of the coastal rocks and heeled about 20 degrees. As a result of the impact, a long hole of 50 meters was formed on the hull. Almost instantly, the engine room was flooded and control over the engines and electronic systems was lost.

The last cruise included calls to the ports of several Italian cities, as well as to Barcelona and Marseille. On board the ship were 3216 passengers from 62 countries and 1023 crew members. During the crash of the liner, 32 people died, more than 4 thousand people were evacuated. The captain of the Concordia, Francesco Schettino, was arrested. According to the prosecution, he brought the cruise ship too close to the coast. If found guilty, the captain faces up to 20 years in prison. Francesco Schettino himself denies the accusations against him, arguing that the rock that the liner ran into was not on the sea charts.

613 days after the disaster, work began on lifting the ship. The rescue operation was the largest and most expensive in history: it cost $ 800 million, and it took many months to prepare. On September 17, 2013, the ship was brought to a vertical position using rollers and 36 steel cables and a special platform built at a depth of 30 m.

Sea Diamond

The cruise ship Sea Diamond was shipwrecked on April 5, 2007 near Greek island Santorini. The ship was owned by Louis Hellenic Cruise Lines. Sea Diamond came across and settled on a reef of volcanic origin. The ship, commissioned in 1986, was 142.9 meters long and 24.7 meters wide. Sea Diamond had a capacity of 1.5 thousand people, but at that time there were about 1.1 thousand people on board . All of them were evacuated with the exception of two people: the French, a daughter and a father, who are considered missing. On April 6, 2007, the ship sank at a depth of 200 m.

The Titanic The Britannic was the twin of the Titanic. It was the third and last Olympic-class ship ordered by White Star Line. The liners were supposed to be named after ancient Greek characters: Olympians, titans and giants. But, according to legend, the titans and giants died in the battle with the Olympians, and calling the new ship "Gigantic" would be as impudent as in the case of the "Titanic". Therefore, the ship was named the Britannic. Due to the Titanic disaster, changes were made to the design.

During the First World War, the Britannic was used as a hospital ship. On November 21, 1916, the liner was blown up by mines laid by the German submarine U73 under the command of Gustav Ziss in the Kea channel - between the island of Kea and mainland Greece. An evacuation was carried out. After some time, the ship capsized to starboard and sank 55 minutes after the explosion.

In addition to the crew, there were 3.3 thousand wounded on board. The crash killed 30 people. Most of them died in two lifeboats, which were pulled in by the still-rotating propeller.

The bottom of the seas and oceans has always attracted scientists, historians and just adventurers. Research is associated with great risk, but there are not fewer applicants for understandable reasons. The ocean floor has not been fully explored, it holds many secrets. Scientists are attracted by the possibility of historical research, because coastline changed over the millennia. But most are attracted by sunken ships. Sea vessels have been drowning since the first man went to sea, and now, according to UN experts, there are more than three million of them.

All attempts to penetrate the secrets of sunken ships are associated with various goals. Scientists and historians are attracted by the archaeological heritage and the investigation into the cause of the disaster, because the ships sank for a variety of reasons. Many attempts to find ships at the bottom of the sea are associated with a banal search for the valuables that were transported on them. Such seekers are especially interested in the times of pirate attacks and various military operations. It was then that gold, silver, ceramics and other valuables fell to the sea and ocean floor.

Search attractiveness

The nature of human nature is such that dreams take a long time. Someone even tries to bring them to life. And many people do not want to earn money, but to find a treasure trove. This could not but be reflected in art and culture. Shipwrecks feature in adventure novels and short stories, popular science articles and Internet blogs, educational television programs, and even in games for computers or other digital devices.

Especially modern users are attracted by the opportunity to feel like a treasure hunter, sitting at home in front of the monitor. It is most relevant to look for sunken ships in ArcheAge for those who wake up such qualities as ambition and determination after watching films about the lost treasures of the Spanish squadrons. The game provides all the possibilities for this.


If we talk about the American coast, then the story of the sunken ships will begin in 1492. It was the first voyage of Columbus, in which the flagship Santa Maria sank. The ship has never been found, although the approximate location of its wreck is known. A few years later, the same navigator lost in Caribbean two more ships.

Participants find ships for various purposes - these are both merchant and warships. There is a question about identifying the found skeletons, their nationality, historical and archaeological value, as well as finding out the identities of the people who found their death during the crash.

Expeditions organized by the project found such ships as marine armored boats of the times, landing boats, small armored hunting boats.

The sea does not like strangers

Naturally, not only surface vessels were used to explore the depths and conduct military operations or reconnaissance operations - submarines of various purposes were built. But the seas and oceans steadfastly guard their secrets, so there are also underwater sunken ships. Only for the period from 1955 to 2014, eight nuclear submarines are known to have been sunk, two of which belonged to Russia. The number of diesel engines is approaching a hundred.

The most famous wrecks and their secrets

The most famous ship (and perhaps the largest) is the Titanic. And although official version comes down to the fact that the ship collided with an iceberg and sank, not everyone believes it. First of all, because too many ambiguities remained after the investigation of the shipwreck. A peculiar prediction of his death by the author of the novel "Titan" played its role.

If we talk about the largest sunken treasures, then we can name the ship Nuestra Señora de Atocha, which sank in the 17th century. The ship carried wealth mined in the New World. At the time of the shipwreck, there were tons of emeralds, gold and silver in the holds. These treasures were necessary for the Spanish monarch not only to replenish the treasury, but also for marriage (his chosen one set the condition - to collect the most beautiful treasures that only exist in the world). And although the crash site was known - reefs off the coast of Florida, they could only find it in the 20th century.

Sunken ships that have not yet been found serve as a kind of bait not only for scientists, but also for fans of quick enrichment. Therefore, perhaps it is for the best that the sea keeps its secrets securely.

At least 6 people have died in the crash of the Costa Concordia cruise ship, which ran aground and then sank in the Mediterranean off the coast of Italy.
It is noted that the number of victims may increase, since after the disaster, some passengers jumped overboard into cold water, and their fate is still unknown.
Two hours before the crash, the cruise ship was diagnosed with a power failure, but the ship went to sea anyway.
The cruise of the passenger liner Costa Concordia, which sank off the coast of Tuscany on Saturday night, almost caused the death of several thousand tourists from all over the world due to technical problems on the ship, as well as uncoordinated actions of the crew.

A few hours before leaving the port, a malfunction in the electrical system was recorded on the liner, but the captain of the ship decided not to delay the departure of the Costa Concordia and not to conduct additional checks.
The ship came too close to the shore, the underwater relief of this area is a stone ridge of reefs.
One of the main causes of the disaster is the inattention of the command or the error of navigation instruments, due to which the giant liner hit the reef and received a hole - as a result, the board immediately began to take on water and roll.

The ship's crew also failed to organize an urgent evacuation. According to eyewitnesses, Costa Concordia workers delayed the launch lifeboats. Later, due to a strong roll, it was no longer possible to place people in the boat.
Panic began among the passengers: seeing that it was almost impossible to get into the boats, many in fright began to jump into the icy water, because they were afraid to go to the bottom with the ship.
At that moment, when the ship received a hole, the passengers had just begun their dinner.
- Suddenly we heard a noise, and the ship seemed to be dragged somewhere. The lights went out, dishes and tables began to fall. There was a terrible panic, - says the Italian Luciano Castro.

People in horror themselves got out of the sinking ship, no signals for action were received from the crew of the ship. People rushed in all directions.

- Have you watched Titanic? That's exactly what happened to us, - says 31-year-old Valerie Ananias from Los Angeles. When the ship tilted, she, along with her parents and sister, had to crawl up the corridors between the cabins.
- We crawled in the dark, only the strobe on the life jacket blinked, - recalls Valerie's mother, - We heard the dishes breaking and people being thrown against the walls.
Mara Parmigiani, an escaping church minister from Germany, was given a ticket to the cruise by her husband. The woman set sail for the first time in her life and almost died on the first night on the ship. It was a miracle to be saved. Documents, personal belongings and money were flooded under water.
- The crew only told us to stay in our seats and do nothing. We were told that nothing threatens our lives,” the victim says.

After some time, people were instructed to put on life jackets and move towards the rafts. However, the passengers were blocked on the liner - it rolled over on its side, making it impossible for people to approach the boats.
- If it weren't for the boat passing by, which drove up to help, I think we would most likely have died, - says Mara Parmigiani.

Those passengers who did not have enough life jackets and places in the boats jumped overboard into the icy water in desperation.
One of the dead was a 65-year-old man. He had a heart failure.

Local barges that received a rescue signal, as well as helicopters of search services, came to the aid of the victims. Many were picked directly from the open sea.
At the same time, no one counted those rescued ashore. All figures given to the authorities were approximate.

At the time of the disaster, 4240 people were on board, of which 1032 were crew members. The tourists who cruised the Mediterranean were from Italy, Germany, France, Britain and Russia. In total - 3208 people.
Eight people are listed as dead, about 67 were injured, the search for victims continues. Rescuers are looking for at least 70 more people.
108 citizens of the Russian Federation who were on board were rescued. According to the information of the Russian embassy in Rome, nothing threatens their lives.
The names of 102 Russians have been established, Irina Tyurina, spokeswoman for the Russian Union of Tourism Industry, said. Most of them have already been placed in the Rome Hilton hotel, the rest are being taken there. Tourists are left without money, passports, luggage and will soon be without communication: mobile phones are gradually running out of power.
Operators send to the Russian consulate copies of documents of vacationers, according to which the Russians will be returned home. Among the personnel of the liner were Russian-speaking. Whether they were citizens of Russia, it turns out.

Information about the liner:

Costa Concordia- the Concordia class cruise ship was built in 2005 at the Fincantieri Sestri Ponente shipyard in Italy and since 2006 sailed under the Italian flag between ports mediterranean sea. The twin ships are Carnival Splendour, Costa Pacifica, Costa Favolosa, Costa Fascinosa and Costa Serena.

The length of the vessel is 290 meters, the number of passengers: 3,700, crew: 1,100 people.
The ship has 14 passenger decks, 1500 cabins, a three-level theatre, a shopping gallery, 13 bars, cafes, 5 restaurants, 4 swimming pools, a beauty salon, a fitness center, Turkish baths and a sauna.

The Costa Concordia, one of the ten largest cruise ships in the world, crashed on January 13, 2012. In September 2013, off the coast of the Italian island of Giglio, a unique operation was successfully completed to raise a 300-meter sunken giant weighing 114,000 tons.

We have already discussed it with you. But on Wednesday, the Costa Concordia liner began its last journey - the ship went to the port of Genoa, where it is being dismantled.

How it was …

2. Confirming the notoriety of Friday the 13th, the huge cruise ship Costa Concordia (Costa Concordia), carrying more than 4,200 people, crashed on January 13, 2012 near the island of Giglio off the coast of Tuscany in Italy. (Photo by AP Photo | Giuseppe Modesti):

3. Freeze frame from the video as passengers leave the sinking ship, January 14, 2012. (Photo by Reuters | Guardia Costiera):

4. According to the captain, the cruise liner ran into rocks that were not indicated on the navigation chart. 32 people died, two are missing. (Photo by Filippo Monteforte | AFP | Getty Images):

5. Later, the liner almost completely sank into the Mediterranean Sea. A scuba diver inspects the hull of the sunken cruise ship Costa Concordia six days later, January 19, 2012. (Photo by Reuters | Centro subacquei dei Carabinieri):

6. Damage and traces of raid on the reef are visible. (Photo by Filippo Monteforte | AFP | Getty Images):

7. Under water, inside the ship is complete chaos, January 24, 2012. (Photo by AP Photo | Italian Navy GOS):

8. The Italian Titanic, the Costa Concordia cruise liner that sank in Italy, has been in trouble since its launch in 2005, when, according to an old maritime tradition, a bottle was supposed to be broken on the side of the ship. But the bottle didn't break. In 2008, the €450 million Costa Concordia cruise ship crashed into a pier off the coast of Naples, Italy. (Photo by Filippo Monteforte | AFP | Getty Images):

9. 2013 At the wreck of the Costa Concordia cruise ship, work is underway to install equipment before bringing the ship into an upright position. This operation is truly unique. Previously, engineers had never had to work with such large vessels. (Photo by Filippo Monteforte | AFP | Getty Images):

10. The purpose of this operation was to remove the ship from the stones, raise and put it upright with the help of an underwater platform and cranes. Containers on the sides (below in the photo) allowed the entire structure to remain on the surface, September 15, 2013. (Photo by Andreas Solaro | AFP | Getty Images):

11. The largest and most expensive maritime rescue operation in history is worth about 250 million euros, and the damage to the owners amounted to 1.5 billion euros. The unique operation to raise a sunken ship off the coast of the Italian island of Giglio took less than a day - 19 hours. The ship was successfully keeled on September 17, 2013. (Photo by Andreas Solaro | AFP | Getty Images):

12. The next phase of the operation began in July 2014. On Wednesday, the Costa Concordia liner began its last journey - the ship went to the port of Genoa, where it is being dismantled, July 22, 2014. (Photo by Andreas Solaro | AFP | Getty Images):

An interesting fact: the Titanic sank on the night of April 13-14, 1912, and the Costa Concordia sank on the night of January 13-14, 2012, i.e. between these crashes is almost exactly 100 years of difference.

It is interesting to compare the "Titanic" and "Costa Concordia" according to the declared characteristics:

1. Displacement: 52,310 tons | 51,387 tons
2. Length: 269.1m | 290.2 m
3. Width: 28.2m | 35.5 m
4. Speed: 24 knots | 19.6 knots
5. Capacity: 2,556 passengers + 908 crew | 3,700 passengers + 1,100 crew.

13. Damaged part of the cruise ship Costa Concordia, July 13, 2014. (Photo by Reuters | Alessandro Bianchi):

14. Let's look inside. The picture was taken on February 27, 2014. (Photo by Reuters | Carabinieri Police):

15. The Costa Concordia had 1,500 cabins, the world's largest wellness center at sea, four swimming pools, five spas, five restaurants, 13 bars, a cinema, a disco and an internet cafe. (Photo by Reuters/Carabinieri Police):

16. Among the maritime disasters that occurred in Peaceful time, in terms of the number of victims of the Titanic, it ranks third - 1,513 people. The Doña Paz ferry, which collided with an oil tanker in 1987, remains in the lead. More than 4,000 people died in the clash and ensuing fire.

17. Inside the liner, time has stopped. Someone's suitcases. (Photo by Reuters | Carabinieri Police):

18. According to the passengers, when the ship had already received a hole, the crew, dressed in life jackets, persuaded the passengers to return to the cabins, assuring that nothing terrible was happening. (Photo by Reuters | Carabinieri Police):

19. For five days, Costa Concordia will have to overcome approximately 370 kilometers in tow, the ship will move at a speed of 2 knots, July 14, 2014. (Photo by Reuters | Alessandro Bianchi):

20. Preparatory work is underway before the last trip of the Costa Concordia liner, July 14, 2014. (Photo by Vincenzo Pinto | AFP | Getty Images):

25. (Photo by AP Photo | Gregorio Borgia):

27. This is the last trip of the Costa Concordia. In Genoa, a complex dismantling operation will take place, it will be divided into four phases, it will last 22 months. (Photo by AP Photo | Courtesy of the Italian Civil Protection Department):

Let's remember a few ships with interesting history: here's an example, but here's the story, as well as find out the secret. But The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy is made -

Maritime dominance has always been a top priority for the world's leading powers. “He who owns the seas rules the world,” they used to say in the old days. Previously, there was no such technology as it is now, so water was the only way to get from one continent to another. Needless to say, this often became the cause of conflicts between nations, as a result of which many ships went to rest forever in the depths of the seas and oceans ...

For those whose house has nothing to do with the raging sea, you should pay attention to designing a country house of your own. This will be a real home that will never go to the bottom.

1. His Majesty's Hospital Ship Britannic

The Britannic was created by the same company as the well-known Titanic, Harland and Wolff, commissioned by the White Star Line. The ship was built some time after the death of the "unsinkable" Titanic. To protect its reputation, the company made some technical improvements to the design of the ship: increased the number of lifeboats on board, strengthened the hull from the boiler, engine and other compartments, the most vulnerable in a collision with an iceberg.

When the construction of the Britannic was completed, the ship was even larger in size than the Titanic. He could easily be great. cruise ship, if the first World War. The British government confiscated the Britannic, turning it into His Majesty's hospital ship. The ship was scuttled by enemy artillery fire a year later, as it first launched. On board were just over one thousand passengers. Almost all of them were saved. In total, about 30 people died.

Jacques-Yves Cousteau discovered the sunken Britannic a few decades after her death and was quite surprised that the ship's hull was perfectly preserved. Since the 1990s, researchers have made many expeditions to the site of the sinking of the Britannica. The latter was organized in 2012 with the aim of installing special equipment on the ship that can track the growth rate of bacteria.

2. British transatlantic passenger liner Lusitania

The passenger liner Lusitania was considered the largest cruise ship in the world, however, for a short time. Its construction was completed in 1907.

Eight years later, the ship was sunk by the German submarine U-20, which caused a huge resonance in the world community. The Germans were accused of violating international law because they opened fire on a non-military vessel without warning. However, as it turned out later, Britain used the Lusitania to transport ammunition in the hope that Germany would not attack the passenger liner. This, in turn, was also a violation of international law.

The remains of the ship "Lusitania" rest at the bottom Atlantic Ocean 13 kilometers from the Irish town of Kinsale. The liner was poorly preserved, unlike the Titanic and Britannic, because it sank at a much greater depth.

3. Spanish galleon "Nuestra Señora de Atocha"

The Nuestra Señora de Atocha (Spanish: Nuestra Señora de Atocha) was a prize ship of the Spanish Navy that sank with one of the greatest treasures in maritime history on board.

It happened in 1622. The galleon "Nuestra Señora de Atocha" was heading from Havana to Spain. He was carrying a rather valuable cargo: great amount gold, silver, jewelry, tobacco, copper and others. On the way, the Nuestra Señora de Atocha got into a severe storm. The ship's hull was significantly damaged, so it quickly sank along with passengers and expensive cargo on board.

For many years, the Spanish authorities have tried to find the wreck of the galleon "Nuestra Señora de Atocha" and return the lost values, but to no avail. The ship was discovered in 1985 by professional treasure hunter Mel Fisher. The most interesting thing is that the galleon is pooped and remains unfound to this day. As you know, it was in this part of the ship that the Spaniards transported the most valuable things several centuries ago.

4. Pirate ship "Ouida"

The Whydah Gally was owned by the pirate Black Sam Bellamy. He was considered the most successful pirate of all time: he sank and captured a huge number of treasure ships worth more than $ 120 million (translated into modern money). However, Bellamy could not fully enjoy the loot he had stolen. His ship Ouida sank in 1717 as a result of a severe storm, sending the captain, half of his crew and all the valuables on board to the bottom.

In 1977, researchers managed to find a sunken ship with the help of old map, compiled by a man who explored it immediately after the crash more than two hundred years ago. On the ship's bell, they found the inscription "Ouidah, 1716", which did not give them the slightest doubt as to who owned the ship.

5. "Queen Anne's Revenge"

"Queen Anne's Revenge" went down in history as one of the most sinister pirate ships. He owes this status to his captain - Blackbeard. The ship was captured by a famous pirate in 1717. Twelve months later, it ran aground. Rumor has it that this was a deliberate move by his captain.

In 1996, researchers announced that after many decades they finally managed to find the sunken Queen Anne's Revenge. Many artifacts were found at the shipwreck site, but none of them helped to determine for sure whether this ship belonged to Blackbeard or not. In 2011, the National Geographic Society (English National Geographic Society) confidently stated that the ship discovered 15 years ago was indeed the Queen Anne's Revenge, but did not provide any convincing evidence. Work on the restoration of artifacts is still ongoing.

Material prepared by Rosemarina

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