Golden Ring of Russia - cities, photos of sights. Which cities are included in the golden ring of Russia, and why everyone should visit them Zalatoe kaltso

Sergiev Posad is a gem in the Golden Ring of Russia, a city with an amazingly rich and interesting history, the center of Russian Orthodoxy, located just 50 kilometers from Moscow.

Sergiev Posad was named after St. Sergei, known as Sergei of Radonezh, who was born in Radonezh (a city located near Zagorsk).In the 14th century he founded a monastery there, which became one of the largest and most magnificent monasteries in Russia.Currently, the monastery is called Lavra (the main and most important monastery) and is considered the "Russian Vatican".

2. Rostov the Great

If you want to feel at least for a moment the atmosphere of ancient Rus' with its traditions and customs, unique architecture, old fortresses and white churches, go on an excursion to places that contain the history of the country, hear the chime of ancient bells, their ringing sincere and beautiful melody, then you should visit one of the most ancient cities in Russia - Rostov the Great.

Colored domes in pink sunsets that Rostov the Great has seen for centuries and centuries. The Rostov Kremlin, with its impregnable walls and perfectly proportioned towers, rises majestically above the waters of the vast Lake Nero.Looking at Moscow from the vantage point of its age, Rostov the Great, first described in chronicles in 862 and founded much earlier, was the capital of the Kiev princes who moved to the northern lands that later became known as Muscovy and Russia.The architectural harmony of Rostov churches is excellent.

Where to go from Moscow, you ask?Rostov the Great, once a great and important city, is now a rustic green rural town with beautiful white stone churches.The Rostov Kremlin is the main attraction of Rostov, where each of the churches is a perfect example of old and unique Russian architecture. Rostov Veliky, the oldest city of the Golden Ring, probably the quietest city, which shows its touristy sincere and rural Russia with fresh air, a beautiful lake and old wooden houses in which the local population lives.Whether you are on a multi-day tour of the Golden Ring or planning a day trip, you will love Rostov the Great with its ancient architecture and beautiful nature.

3. Vladimir

For more than 250 years, Vladimir played a very important role in the history of Russia, when he was the capital of the ancient Russian state. The main attractions of Vladimir are - Golden Gate, the only existing monument of military engineering architecture of Ancient Rus'.

The gate was built in 1158-64 during the reign of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky.These were the main, most spectacular and impressive gates of the capital of northeastern Russia.Such gates were built in the great cities of Christendom, beginning with the gate in Constantinople, which marked the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem through the Golden Gate of the city.

Another unique attraction of Vladimir is the Assumption Cathedral, built in 1158-1606 by order of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, who preserved the world-famous frescoes of Andrei Rublev.It was not only the main church of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality, its cultural, political and religious center, but it was to become the main church of all of Russia.In September 1164, the most revered icon of Russia, the Miraculous Icon of the Mother of God, was brought to the cathedral.Since then, the icon has been called the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, sa-may early and one of the most revered miraculous icons of the Russian Church.

During the tour, it is worth visiting the Dmitrievsky Cathedral, built in 1194-1197 during the reign of Prince Vsevolod the Big Nest, who dedicated it to his heavenly patron Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica. Previously, it was part of the buildings of the princely court and one of the most beautiful and original cathedrals of Ancient Rus'.

4. Suzdal

Suzdal not only retained the spirit of antiquity, but also remained within the boundaries of the city of the 18th century. The first mentions of Suzdal in chronicles date back to the end of the 11th century. In the XII - XIV centuries it was one of the strongest and most powerful cities of ancient Rus'. Suzdal is more than 70 masterpieces of ancient Russian architecture, from the middle of the 12th century to the middle of the 18th century, on an area of ​​​​only 9 square kilometers.

The Kremlin of Suzdal is located on the winding bank of the Kamenka River in the heart of the old city.The Kremlin houses some of the most important monuments of old Suzdal: the Kremlin Wall (XI-XII centuries), the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ (XIII-XVI centuries, its frescoes dating back to the XIII, XV, XVII centuries and the iconostasis until the XVII century), the bell tower of the cathedral (1635).

Today, the city is an outstanding architectural museum, containing more examples of the architecture of the ancient period of Rus' than any other Russian city, and its original architectural topography has been preserved almost intact.

5. Kostroma

Founded in 1152 by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky, the city of Kostroma is located on the left bank of the Volga. The pride of the city Holy Trinity Ipatiev Monastery, known for the patronage of the Romanov dynasty.Here, in 1613, the young Mikhail Romanov was blessed to reign. In addition to the monastery, the historical sights of the city that are worth visiting during the tour areTrinity Cathedral, with frescoes from the 17th century and Epiphany-Anastasia Monastery with the icon of the Holy Mother of God, which is believed to work miracles.

6. Uglich

Uglich is a historical city in the Yaroslavl region of Russia, located on the Volga. The city was founded in 937 as a border fortress of the Moscow principality. Uglich is one of the most interesting cities of the Golden Ring as it has numerous buildings of ancient architecture.Among them are such as the Kremlin with a chamber, the temple of Demetrius on Blood (1692) and the Transfiguration Cathedral, the ensembles of Alekseevsky, Resurrection and Epiphany monasteries (1680).

Uglich has preserved both historical and cultural traditions of Russia.The magnificent museums of Uglich are examples of cultural heritage and ancient Russian traditions.

7. Ples

The city was founded in 1410 by Vasily I as a frontier post of Muscovy. Plyos is the paradise of the upper reaches of the Volga with a landscape as if created by an artist's brush and taken straight from a fairy tale. For centuries it has been the quintessence of a Russian provincial town, it has inspired artists to create masterpieces of art. The great Russian artist Levitan created his masterpieces here.

Until now, many sights and architectural monuments in the city of Plyos have been preserved.Among them are such famous masterpieces of architecture as the Church of the Resurrection of Christ (1699), the Trinity Church (1808), the Vvedenskaya Church (1828), the Cathedral of the Assumption (1699), the Church of St. Barbara (1821) and the stalls of the 19th century.

In 1982, the state and historical, as well as art museums were built, in which three other museums are combined: the Levitan Museum, the Plyos Historical Museum and the Landscape Museum.

8. Yaroslavl

Founded in 1010 by Yaroslav the Wise (future Grand Duke of Kiev), is a large, pleasant, quiet old town.

During the times of ancient Rus', Yaroslavl developed rapidly due to its favorable location along the Volga trade route.In 1218 it became the capital of the independent feudal principality of Yaroslavl.In 1463, the Principality merged with Moscow State.

9. Myshkin

The city has a very specific, unusual name. It is unlikely that Myshkin is able to amaze with architectural masterpieces. Among its attractions are St. Nicholas Cathedral of the 18th century - the oldest building in the city, the Assumption Cathedral of the early 19th century, from the bell tower of which a panorama of Myshkin opens, and several merchant mansions.

The most interesting thing in Myshkin is its small museums, there are more than two dozen of them. Leadership belongs to the Mouse Museum - according to the Guinness Book of Records, the only one in the world.

10. Pereslavl-Zalessky

Pereselavsky-Zalessky, located near Moscow almost in the very center of the Golden Ring of Russia, on the shores of Lake Pleshcheyevo, is an old Russian city famous for its six monasteries - beautiful examples of old Russian architecture. The sight of the city and the Golden Ring is aboutone of the oldest Russian churches is the Transfiguration Cathedral, built in the 1150s and preserved in its original form.

Pereslavl-Zalessky , a city of vivid impressions, whose history was created by such historical figures as Yuri Dolgoruky, Ivan the Terrible, Peter I, Alexander Nevsky. Everything here breathes with antiquity, the rampart ring around the historical center has also been preserved.

For many years, this route has been one of the most attractive not only for foreigners who have decided to visit this vast country, but also for Russians who want to get to know the history and culture of their homeland. What cities are included in the Golden Ring of Russia? Where did this term come from? What are its main attractions? Let's talk about it in order.

How did the term "Golden Ring" come about?

The author of this term 50 years ago was the Soviet journalist Yuri Bychkov. Once he decided to visit those cities of Russia in which, as he considered, the most significant sights of the country, both cultural and historical, were preserved. The journey of the journalist from Moscow to Zagorsk, which is now called Sergiev Posad, began, continued in Pereslavl-Zalessky, then in Rostov the Great, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo and Suzdal. And the last point of the route before returning to Moscow was the city of Vladimir.

Returning home, Bychkov created a series of essays about these places with a rich cultural and historical heritage, published in 1967, which he gave the name "Golden Ring". So he called his route for a reason: if you connect these cities with lines on the map, you will get a solid loop resembling a ring. Bychkov's essays attracted the attention of the authorities, who took advantage of the journalist's experience and laid a tourist route through the cities described, giving it this apt name. And, I must say, the idea turned out to be very successful: it was very difficult to get a ticket for a tour to the Golden Ring in those years - this ring route turned out to be so popular among both Soviet citizens and foreign tourists.

So, to summarize: as we have already found out, the Golden Ring of Russia includes the following 8 cities:

This is a classic version of the ring route, the so-called Small Golden Ring of Russia. Small because subsequently, in order to expand tour operator activities and increase tourism income, other cities of the ancient Vladimir-Suzdal principality, for example, Bogolyubovo, Martynovo, Aleksandrov, Uglich, Tver, Myshkin and others, began to be included in this route. The extended route was called the Big Golden Ring of Russia. Travel agencies offer different routes with a different set of cities, and there are about 20 of them in total. Moreover, the addition of cities continues to this day: in 2016, the idea was approved to include the city of Kaluga in the Big Golden Ring of Russia.

Let's now walk through the cities of the classic Golden Ring of Russia and their main attractions that everyone should definitely see.

Sergiev Posad

You can get to Sergiev Posad from Moscow in just an hour and a half, and one day is enough to see the main sights: the city cannot be called big, its population is just over one hundred thousand people, but in the 15th century it was the cultural and political center the state of Moscow.

Here you should definitely look at the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, around which the town itself was subsequently built. It is associated with many historical figures: it was founded by Sergius of Radonezh, Ivan the Terrible was baptized in it, and it also served as a haven for Peter I, who was hiding in the monastery during the Streltsy rebellion.

In addition to the Lavra, it will be interesting to look at the Krasnogorskaya Square opposite it with colorful shopping malls decorated in the “Russian” style, as well as visit the Toy Museum.


And here is the birthplace of Alexander Nevsky himself and the city where one of the first white-stone churches in Rus' appeared - the Transfiguration Cathedral of the 12th century. And it is not in vain that two vendace are depicted on the coat of arms of the city, because Pereslavl stands on the shore of Lake Pleshcheyevo, where this remarkable fish was caught right for the royal table.

A visit to the local Museum of Steam Locomotives will also be a curious experience, and those who want to see a monument of the pagan culture of Rus' should get out not far from the city and visit the Blue Stone, shrouded in ancient secrets and legends.

Rostov the Great

We have finally reached the most popular destination that the Small Golden Ring of Russia can boast of - Rostov the Great, one of the oldest cities in Russia and an important cultural and historical center, on the territory of which there are more than 300 cultural monuments. But, despite the name, this city is very small, with a population of only 30 thousand people.

A must-see is the Rostov Kremlin, which is distinguished by its decorative appearance among other similar structures in the country. By the way, it was here that some scenes from the popularly beloved Soviet film "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession" were filmed. There are really a lot of monasteries here: among them are Spaso-Yakovlevsky, Avraamievo-Bogoyavlensky and Borisoglebsky, but apart from them you can be distracted by the famous museum of Rostov enamel.


As many as 140 cultural sights distinguish the ancient city of Yaroslavl, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. There are really a lot of churches here! In particular, we suggest taking a look at the Spaso-Preobrazhensky and Tolgsky monasteries - on the territory of the latter you can also take a look at the beautiful cedar forest, where 193 cedars grow.

The chapel of Our Lady of Kazan and the Church of John the Baptist, founded in the 17th century, and the largest in the city, also attract attention. You can also visit the Museum "Music and Time" and the Einstein Museum.


Further, the Golden Ring of Russia leads us to Kostroma. It stands on the banks of the Volga, therefore, historically, its entire layout is built relative to the river, representing a ray grid of streets - Catherine II herself decided to make the city look like a fan. During its existence, Kostroma experienced many events, including two fires - one was arranged by the Rostov prince Konstantin, the other - by the troops of the Mongol-Tatars.

Now the main attraction of the city is the Ipatiev Monastery - a key historical monument, which includes the Trinity Cathedral, the Belfry, the Romanovs' chambers, as well as the Archbishop's and fraternal buildings. Do not forget to look at the monument to Ivan Susanin - the savior of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich.


If other cities of the Golden Ring of Russia may be unfamiliar to you, then you probably heard about Ivanovo - in the sense that it is called the "city of brides" in general. This statement stretches from ancient times, when light industry, in particular textile, was developed in the city, where mostly women worked, and was aggravated by the Great Patriotic War, when the male population decreased significantly.

But the city itself has other distinctive features and attractions: visit the Vvedensky Monastery, museums of industry and art, as well as a museum of the famous Ivanovo chintz. Attention will be attracted by the Horseshoe House, the Ship House, as well as the Shchudrovskaya tent - a workshop and one of the oldest stone buildings.


Next, we move on to the city of Suzdal with a population of 10 thousand people, standing on the Kamenka River. Archaeological studies have shown that it began to be built back in the 10th century - and even now it looks like a real old Russian city, so it will leave an impression of itself for a long time. Although he is considered provincial, he does not hold charm and beauty.

Arriving in Suzdal, one cannot help but look at the Suzdal Kremlin, which is about a thousand years old. And there is no need to even talk about the lack of monasteries here - there are a lot of them here: Pokrovsky, Alexandrovsky, Vasilyevsky, etc. Be sure to walk along the malls to look at such traditional things as a kokoshnik, an embroidered tablecloth and a Russian shirt.


And the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia end with a popular tourist center - Vladimir with a huge cultural heritage - there are more than 200 historical monuments protected by the state. We advise you to take a look at such sights as the Assumption Cathedral with frescoes by Andrei Rublev, Dmitrievsky Cathedral with unique bas-reliefs and decorative carvings, as well as the local triumphal arch - the Golden Gate fortress, and the house-museum of the Stoletov merchants.

You can learn more about the Big Golden Ring of Russia, its secrets and various interesting facts by watching this video:

Russia is extremely rich in sights. Centuries-old history, powerful culture and original cities make up the true glory of the country. To get a general idea of ​​the specifics of Russian culture, it is worth seeing at least the Small Golden Ring of Russia. The list of cities included in the route may vary in different agencies, but traditionally it includes eight of the greatest Russian settlements.

What is the Golden Ring

The Big and Small Golden Ring of Russia are tourist routes through the ancient Russian cities. appeared in the 60s of the 20th century, when mass tourism of Soviet citizens across the expanses of the motherland began. The author of the name was the journalist Yuri Bychkov, who in 1967 published a series of literary and artistic essays about the cities of Ancient Rus' in the newspaper Sovetskaya Kultura. Later this name was officially assigned to the route through the famous cities.

Route Features

The specificity of the route lies in the fact that there is no single list of cities included in it, and the exact sequence of their inspection. The differences start from the starting point. Where does the Small Golden Ring of Russia route begin? St. Petersburg or Moscow are the starting points for the Big Ring. Small usually begins in Sergiev Posad or Vladimir. A feature of the route is not only the ability to make a circular motion from city to city, but also radial exits from large cities. For example, you can stop in Suzdal and from there go to Kideksha and Yuryev-Polsky. Almost all famous cities participating in the Golden Ring have such outstanding satellites.

List of cities

The Small Golden Ring of Russia route, the list of cities of which differs slightly in each agency, traditionally includes eight main ancient Russian capitals. These are Vladimir, Rostov the Great, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Suzdal, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Yaroslavl, Sergiev Posad.

However, the route may additionally include small towns such as Alexandrov, Bogolyubovo, Ples, Uglich. Some agencies refuse to visit Ivanovo, whose historical and cultural significance is much lower than other capital cities of the Russian principalities. Sometimes routes are built around two or three nearby cities and their environs. For example, in the vicinity of Vladimir there are 23 more cities of significant interest to tourists.


The route of the Small Golden Ring of Russia, whose cities are the pearls of Russian culture, often starts from Vladimir. It was founded by the Grand Duke in 990. The development of the city is associated with the names of Vladimir Monomakh and Andrey Bogolyubsky. The main sights that should not be missed are the Golden Gate and the Assumption Cathedral - an outstanding monument of ancient Russian architecture. Several frescoes by Andrei Rublev have been preserved in the church.

In total, 10 monasteries and churches from different historical periods have been preserved in the city, which are the pride of Russian culture. These are the Dmitrievsky Cathedral and the Nativity Monastery, the Trinity Old Believer Church and other buildings. Vladimir is interesting because there are more than 200 cultural monuments of various significance on its territory, some of them are included in the UNESCO list. There are many legends about the city, they tell how the Golden Gate was created, that a ghost lives in the governor's house, and that not a single successful escape was made from the Vladimir Central. The city captivates with its architecture of different periods and a special atmosphere.


This ancient Russian city is included in the Small Golden Ring of Russia route thanks to its ancient monasteries. There are 6 of them in the city, 4 of them are active. The monastic complexes are magnificent examples of ancient Russian temple architecture; they can be used to study the history of Russian architecture. The city is located on the coast, which itself is a tourist attraction. It is about 30 thousand years old, its depth is 25 meters, and its area is 50 square meters. km. Not far from the city lies the Blue Stone, this boulder weighing 12 tons reflects the sky and is shrouded in a whole range of secrets and myths. It is interesting that the stone is not covered with snow, next to it is a Tree that fulfills wishes. Legends say that the stone moves in some special direction. The city fascinates with its measured and traditional life, here the features of the Russian character are revealed in the best possible way.


Another outstanding city included in the route of the Small Golden Ring of Russia is Suzdal. This quietest city has preserved the spirit of Ancient Rus', there are no high-rise buildings and noisy highways, you can endlessly wander through the narrow streets, breathing in the "air of ancient times". The Spaso-Efimiev Monastery is over 600 years old. On its territory you can see 30 cathedrals from different historical periods.

In total, there are 5 monasteries in Suzdal, an interesting museum of wooden architecture, where you can see the buildings of ancient masters, created without a single nail. Suzdal, which is already almost 1000 years old, keeps many architectural monuments of the 12th-19th centuries. Every July, a unique and very cheerful Cucumber Festival takes place here. And the city is also a recognized center for the production of mead, here there is a factory that produced this drink for the royal table.


A tour of the Small Golden Ring of Russia would not be complete without a visit to Kostroma. This ancient city on the Volga is considered the birthplace of Ivan Susanin and is proud of its history. Kostroma was founded in 1152 by Yuri Dolgoruky. The city gained particular fame during the Time of Troubles, when the heir to the throne, Mikhail Romanov, was saved from the Poles by Ivan Susanin and hidden in the Ipatiev Monastery. In subsequent years, Kostroma enjoyed the special favor of the royal family. The city has preserved two outstanding monastic complexes: Ipatiev and Bogoyavlensky. Kostroma is considered here even to have its tower, which is visited by children and adults with pleasure. Unhurried walks along the Volga give a special charm to Kostroma; magnificent views of this ancient city open from the ship.


The route of the Golden Ring of Russia (Big and Small) necessarily runs through the ancient city of Yaroslavl. The settlement in this place existed in the Neolithic era. But the formation of the city is associated with the name of Yaroslav the Wise. There is a legend about the appearance of the city - here Prince Yaroslav allegedly defeated a bear, in honor of this event, the emblem of the city is decorated with a bear with an ax. Historians doubt this version and say that the city was founded by a completely different prince with the same name. The oldest landmark of the city is the Transfiguration Cathedral in the Spassky Monastery, which dates back to the beginning of the 16th century. The churches of Elijah the Prophet and John the Baptist are the pride of the city, they are outstanding examples of the famous Yaroslavl architectural school. The unique Tolga Monastery has been operating in the city since the 14th century and is one of the oldest in Russia. Ancient churches and buildings in Yaroslavl are at every step, the city retains the atmosphere of antiquity, many historical films were filmed on its streets.

Sergiev Posad

The route of the Small Golden Ring of Russia often starts from the city of Sergiev Posad, which is located on a convenient route from Moscow. The main attraction of the city is the Trinity-Sergius Lavra - one of the oldest stauropegial monasteries in Russia. It was founded in 1337, Ivan the Terrible was baptized here, and the history of the monastery is closely connected with Russian history.

The city is also proud of the magnificent old Ilyinsky Church, which stands on the banks of the Kelar pond. Pilgrims are attracted by the miraculous, which is not only a masterpiece of ancient Russian architecture, but also a place of prayer and fulfillment of requests for healing. A miracle of nature is the Key in the suburbs of Sergiev Posad. The city is considered the heart of Russian Orthodoxy, and a special spirit of faith and grace is felt here.

Rostov the Great

Rostov the Great is a real gem of the Small Golden Ring of Russia route. Reviews of tourists about visiting this city are filled with enthusiasm and vivid emotions. Indeed, the city has something to show.

Founded in 862, Rostov has always played a prominent role in the life of the Russian state. The city has preserved more than 300 historical monuments of different eras. Tourists are especially interested in visiting the ancient white-stone Rostov Kremlin. Also, several of the oldest Russian monasteries continue to operate in the city. Unusual views can be photographed on the shore of Lake Nero, which is over 500 thousand years old. From the interesting: in Rostov there is an unusual Museum of Jam and the Museum of the Frog Princess.

The Golden Ring of Russia is a famous tourist route with a length of more than 1000 kilometers, which passes through the ancient cities of Vladimir-Suzdal and Moscow Rus'. The route includes about 20 cities of Moscow, Ivanovo, Vladimir, Kostroma, Yaroslavl and Tver regions. Here are concentrated historical and architectural monuments of the XII-XVIII centuries, which constitute the treasury of Russian culture. These unique sights are protected by the Russian state and UNESCO. The term "Golden Ring" was attached to this tourist route in the 60s of the last century. Then the journalist Yuri Bychkov made a series of essays on the pages of the newspaper Sovetskaya Rossiya about eight cities to the northeast of Moscow, which stand out for their rich cultural and historical heritage. Today this phrase, used for the first time in 1967, is widely known in Russia and abroad. The Golden Ring includes eight main cities of Sergiev Posad, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov the Great, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Suzdal and Vladimir.

The idea to "circle" ancient Russian cities belongs to the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments. In 1974, the first guide "On the Golden Ring of Russia" was published.

It will take almost a month to make a full journey along the route. Therefore, it is better to travel around the ancient Russian cities on small tourist routes that take 2-3 days. Moscow will serve as your starting point. The most convenient way, of course, is to travel in your own car. Then you will not be tied to a tourist group and will be able to turn into those cities and towns along the way that were not included in the traditional route. We assure you that these places are no less attractive for tourists. In addition, this way you can fully enjoy the beauty of the Golden Ring.

Travelers are struck by the very atmosphere of Russian provincial cities, the lack of fuss and measured life. Wonderful nature pacifies with its discreet beauty. Particularly attractive are the picturesque places of the Volga coast, the Kotorosl River, Lake Pleshcheeva, Lake Nero. The nature of central Russia is attractive at any time of the year. On the banks of rivers and lakes there is enough space for walks and picnics. All stages of the development of ancient Russian architecture are represented in cities and villages: majestic white-stone churches of the 12th-13th centuries, hipped buildings of the 16th century, buildings of the 17th century, creations of the architectural and painting schools of Rostov, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Vladimir.

Numerous historical monuments - fortresses, monasteries and temples testify to the great importance of each of the cities of the Golden Ring in the ancient and royal periods of history. Each city has its own unique architecture. The myriad of Orthodox monasteries, shrines and temples located in this region attracts a large number of pilgrims. And Suzdal and Rostov the Great are real open-air museums. In Suzdal, for example, there are practically no cars. On the streets of the city you will meet mostly pedestrians and horse-drawn carriages. This is a reserve of old, pre-Petrine Rus' with the Kremlin, Pokrovsky and Spaso-Evfimiev monasteries, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, a museum of wooden architecture.

In addition to architecture and holy places, during the trip you can get acquainted with the folk crafts of the Russian people. The museums of many cities contain samples of ancient art crafts: wood and bone carving, products of skilled lacemakers and jewelers, lacquer miniatures and painting on enamel (finift) and much more.

Recently, the tourist business has been intensively developing in the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia, so in almost any city you can find excursion services, an acceptable hotel, cafe or restaurant. They say that the best way to understand and get to know great Russia, to feel the real Russian soul is to drive through the historical places of the Golden Ring, see historical monuments with your own eyes, enjoy ancient architecture, art and painting, see ancient icons of ancient Russian masters.

Initially, this tourist route united 8 cities: Vladimir, Yaroslavl, Suzdal, Ivanovo, Yaroslavl, Rostov, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Zagorsk, Kostroma. There is another list - from 12 cities. To the main 8 are added ...

Initially, this tourist route united 8 cities: Vladimir, Yaroslavl, Suzdal, Ivanovo, Yaroslavl, Rostov, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Zagorsk, Kostroma.

There is another list - from 12 cities. Uglich, Ples, Yuryev-Polskoy, Aleksandrov are added to the main 8.

And now more than 20 cities belong to the Golden Ring, including Dmitrov, Bogolyubovo, Murom, Kideksha ... But this is now, because tourism brings good income to both the city budget and local residents. It is logical that the cities of historical regions are trying to be among the official tourist sites.

And many - more than reasonably. This is the ancient territory of the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality, North-Eastern Rus', which became the basis of the future Russia.

All the cities of the Golden Ring are historical, old. But in a different way. Even in the main, “small”, list of 8 cities, six stand out for their antiquity: Vladimir, Suzdal, Yaroslavl, Rostov, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Kostroma.

Five of them preserved ancient (pre-Mongolian!) sights: in Vladimir and Suzdal, Yaroslavl, Rostov, Pereslavl-Zalessky.

Some cities of the Golden Ring have played a special role in history. First of all, it is:

  • Suzdal - at various times the former capital of the Rostov-Suzdal, Suzdal, Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod principalities;
  • Rostov - the first capital of the Rostov-Suzdal Principality and, perhaps, the oldest city in the region (mentioned since 862!);
  • Pereslavl-Zalessky - it's hard to believe, but in the middle of the XII century it was one of the largest cities in both the North-Eastern and Kievan Rus, the birthplace of Alexander Nevsky;
  • Vladimir is the capital of the Vladimir-Suzdal principality, with its Golden Gates and temples of the 12th century.

Everything is very logical! A well-thought-out tourist route through the key cities of medieval North-Eastern Rus'. True, only at first glance.

For some reason, neither the main nor the extended lists include Kideksha, where one of the two oldest (1152!) white-stone churches of Central Russia has been preserved; nor Bogolyubovo with the remains of the Chambers of Andrei Bogolyubsky and the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl.

And you don't even need to go far to these sights. Kideksha is located 4 km from Suzdal; Bogolyubovo is 2 km, and the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl is 3 km from Vladimir. So Wikipedia lists these cities in a list that is considered debatable.

But the route includes Tutaev, Plyos and Uglich, which did not play a significant historical role. And Ivanovo, which was first mentioned at the beginning of the 16th century, was an industrial village from the very beginning and did not have noticeable historical monuments.

How to explain such a rather controversial selection of tourist sites? Oddly enough, not only historical significance or antiquity.

Let's turn to recent history. Until the mid-60s, this route did not exist at all. His organization is the initiative of one person: Yuri Alexandrovich Bychkov, at that time a correspondent for Soviet Culture.

The current date is, in fact, the anniversary of one of Yuri Bychkov's business trips. As it is not difficult to calculate, it was in 1967. And he went on a business trip - from Moscow to Suzdal.

Bychkov worked on an essay on Suzdal tourism. It was boring to return the same way, a pointer to Ivanovo caught my eye, and there was an atlas of roads in the car ... And Bychkov decided to return from Suzdal not in a direct way - along the Gorky highway through Vladimir, but in a roundabout way - to Kostroma and Yaroslavl.

Later, having chosen holidays, he again traveled along the route from Zagorsk to Vladimir, in the company of four "volunteers" - his wife, a photojournalist, an art critic and a journalist.

As a result of the trip, Yuri Alexandrovich wrote a series of essays - one article about each of the cities he saw. The series was released in 1967 - this is considered the basis of the route.

You can find a version that the name "Golden Ring" arose under the influence of golden domes that met the author in every city. Partly it is: the name really was born spontaneously, at the sight of the golden church domes - however, Moscow, the Kremlin. And ... according to the author himself, with a hangover.

With the idea of ​​organizing a tourist route, Bychkov came to the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments, created two years earlier. They got interested. And, as I read on the Web, they sent an “expedition with academicians” along the route of Yu. Bychkov.

Let me clarify: if this “expedition” was not from the Academy of Sciences, but precisely from the VOOPiK, then among its founders were two academicians - the chemist I.V. Petryanov-Sokolov and our largest archaeologist B.A. Rybakov.

Of course, all the local sights (including many unique!) were well known to historians, archaeologists, and art historians. The same pre-Mongolian temples of Vladimir - Italian work, with stunning stone carvings - were closely studied. Temples of Yuriev-Polsky and Kideksha were built even earlier! Suzdal, even before Bychkov's trip, was a favorite place for filming historical films. Here, even before the organization of the "golden" route, they filmed "The Tsar's Bride" and "Andrei Rublev". And not only Suzdal. For example, the historical scenes of the film "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession" were filmed in Rostov the Great.