Therapeutic and health-improving holidays. Thermal springs in Serbia Thermal resorts in Serbia reviews

We invite you to visit one of the most popular countries, where thousands of tourists come every year - Serbia! This is where you can take a complete break from boring work, “gray” everyday life, and improve your health. Serbia is a truly unique country. Along with beautiful nature, stunning sights and excellent conditions for skiing, here you can also treat accumulated ailments. Holidays in Serbia allow tourists to not only relax mentally and physically, but also improve their health. There are about 50 balneological resorts, where there are sanatoriums with thermal springs and healing mud. Specialists in sanatoriums are highly professional medical workers in various fields with extensive experience who will help carry out diagnostics using modern equipment and prescribe the necessary procedures. How wonderful it is to combine business with pleasure!

Thanks to the company "IGMAR GROUP", your holiday in Serbia will be unforgettable! By visiting places associated with historical events, tourists will plunge into the world of the country of that era, those military operations and learn many different facts about the Serbian state. The company has prepared the most unusual and interesting tours to a country where the trip will be so exciting that you will want to come back here again. But the country’s most important advantage lies in the annual treatment of a large number of tourists, many of whom come here every year for preventive care. The company guarantees tourists from all over the world only the best conditions in the best hotels in the country, because hotel service should also be remembered only on the positive side. Choose a holiday in Serbia and get the best conditions at attractive prices!

The main health resorts in Serbia:

There are also natural mineral water springs on Zlatibor. The most famous of them are near the village of Rozhanstva in the Vapa health resort. Skin and eye diseases have been treated here since ancient times.

Another famous water resort is Zlatibor, located near the capital. Here a whole complex of healing natural factors affects a person: clean mountain air, optimal atmospheric pressure, and intake of mineral waters.

Back in the mid-18th century, the beneficial effect of the Zlatibor climate on reducing the main symptoms of hyperfunction of the thyroid gland was noticed. Thanks to this fact, a unique health resort was erected on Mount Zlatibor, the priority activity of which is the treatment of morpho-functional changes in the thyroid gland, as well as the rehabilitation of patients with thyroid diseases.

The results of treatment were incomparably better compared to previously carried out only drug therapy, thanks to which the “Institute of Thyroid Diseases and Metabolic Disorders” on Mount Zlatibor became a unique specialized center in the Balkans.

The climate of Zlatibor is conducive to treatment:

Thyroid diseases
. metabolic diseases, especially overweight
. damage to the locomotor system
. cardiovascular diseases
. diseases of the digestive tract
. exhaustion and nervous tension
. anemia
. asthma.

Prolom Bath

Prolom Banja is located 284 km south of Belgrade (550-668 m above sea level). It is known primarily for its mineral Prolom water, which belongs to a rare group of waters with powerful healing properties. You can use healing water everywhere in the resort, even in your rooms.

Natural Prolom-water belongs to very rare waters with high balneological properties, providing the opportunity to treat a wide range of indications.

The treatment also uses healing mud prepared with Prolom water. Earth with a high concentration of minerals is extracted from a quarry near the Prolom-voda spring. The earth is sifted, heated and mixed with medicinal water, and the medicinal mud is then used for direct and indirect applications

Indications for treatment

Kidney and urinary tract diseases:
Chronic infections of the kidneys, urinary tract and prostate gland, urolithiasis, sand in the urinary tract, condition after surgery on the organs of the urinary system.

Digestive diseases:
Gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, intestinal diseases, chronic constipation, inflammation of the gallbladder and biliary tract, gallstones, condition after surgery on the digestive organs.

Skin diseases:
Eczema, psoriasis, varicose ulcer.
Peripheral blood vessel diseases
Arterial and venous.

Extra-articular rheumatism:
Fibrositis, myositis, tendinitis, periarthritis, bursitis.

Nishka Banya
Known since the times of the Roman Empire, Niška Banya is a natural health resort with thermal mineral springs “Main Key”, “Dry Bath”, “School Spring”, “Banitsa” and “Pasyacha” and natural mineral medicinal mud pelloids. The temperature of thermomineral water is 36°-38° degrees Celsius, and its characteristics are low-mineralized, alkaline earth, homeo-thermal, with a high concentration of radon.

The Nishka Banya Institute is a modern health and research institution in the field of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of cardiovascular and rheumatic diseases.

The Institute includes four hospital departments: cardiology, rheumatology, physiotherapy and orthopedic.

Indications: high blood pressure, tonsillitis pectoris, myocardial infarction and heart disease, insufficient blood circulation, pain in the spine, bones, joints and muscles, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic diseases, gout, osteoporosis, ankylosing spondylitis, cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy), various forms paralysis and paresis, hip and knee surgeries, recovery from injuries, rehabilitation after orthopedic interventions and heart surgery, etc.

Banya Kanizsa

Banja Kaniza is located in the north of Serbia on the right bank of the Tisza River at a distance of about 200 km from Belgrade. The health resort is located in a large park 87 m above sea level. Hyperthermal waters (temperature 51 to 72°C) contain sodium, hydrocarbons, iodine, bromine, and sulfides. Therapeutic mud - peloid - is also used in treatment.

The Institute for Specialized Rehabilitation at the Kanizha resort is also well known as a health resort where various types of rheumatism, chronic articular forms of rheumatism (spondylosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis, deforming arthrosis), extra-articular forms of rheumatism, post-traumatic conditions (conditions after fractures of bones and joints, conditions after orthopedic operations), as well as conditions resulting from disorders of the locomotor system and peripheral nervous system after spinal operations (damage and diseases of the peripheral and central nervous systems).

And also, in Kanizh there is a children's physiotherapy department for patients with cerebral palsy, and a children's rehabilitation department.

Vrnjačka sauna

What mineral resorts make sense to visit when planning a vacation in Serbia? This is, first of all, the famous Vrnjacka Banja, where the mineral water is not inferior in its properties to the waters of Karlovy Vary and Carlsbad. This healing drink helps people suffering from diabetes, gastrointestinal and urological diseases.

The health center for the treatment and rehabilitation of digestive diseases and diabetes is located in central Serbia, 200 km south of Belgrade. The local climate has a special subalpine character with an average annual temperature of +10°C, and in summer +20°C.

The resort has seven mineral springs, but only four of them are used for treatment: “Warm water” (Topla voda, 36.5 °C), “Sneznik” (17 °C), “Slatina” (24 °C) ) and “Jezero” (Jezero, 27 °C).

Specialization of the center: diabetes, diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract, chronic inflammation of the digestive system, stomach and duodenal ulcers, the period after resection of the stomach and intestines, liver diseases, infections of the kidneys, bladder and urinary tract, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, chronic gynecological diseases and sterilization.

Special programs: treatment of obesity, “school for diabetics”.


Nishka Banya is a resort known since the reign of the Roman Emperor Constantine. This place is an oasis of peace and tranquility, but in the nearest city of Nis, tourists can easily find entertainment and cultural programs for every taste, fortunately it is only 10 km away.
The local Nishka Banya Institute is a modern health and research institution in the fields of rheumatology and cardiology, specialized rehabilitation, physical medicine and orthopedics.

Natural healing factors: two sources of thermal mineral waters (one with a temperature of +36..+39°C, the second is a source of cold water with a temperature of +17°C), healing mud and radon gas.

The main therapeutic profile of the resort is the prevention, treatment and restoration of rheumatic and cardiovascular diseases. The institute has modern equipment for non-invasive diagnosis, treatment and recovery of rheumatic and cardiovascular diseases, equipment for surgical treatment in the field of orthopedics.

Indications: high blood pressure, tonsillitis pectoris, myocardial infarction and heart disease, insufficient blood circulation, pain in the spine, bones, joints and muscles, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic diseases, gout, osteoporosis, ankylosing spondylitis, cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy), various forms paralysis and paresis, hip and knee surgeries, recovery from injuries, rehabilitation after orthopedic interventions and heart surgery, etc.


Soko-Banya is a health center for the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of nonspecific lung diseases. The resort is located in eastern Serbia, 60 km from the city of Nis.

The resort's treatment center is equipped with modern equipment, there is an X-ray room, a laboratory, and a department for respiratory and general locomotor rehabilitation. It provides semi-intensive care, allowing for rapid diagnosis and successful treatment.

Diagnostics include ECG, spirometry with bronchodilator test, body-test, KPV, blood gas analysis, biochemical and microbiological examination, allergy examination, X-ray.

Therapeutic department: manual massage, underwater massage, paraffin therapy, radon water inhalation with or without drugs, respiratory therapy, hydrotherapy, oxygen therapy, locomotor physiotherapy.

Healing factors: sources of thermo-mineral waters with a temperature of +28..+45°C, radon.

Medical indications: diseases of the respiratory organs of children and adults (bronchial asthma, acute and chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, emphysema, sinusitis), rheumatic diseases, post-traumatic conditions, chronic gynecological diseases, neuralgia, radiculitis, neuroses, stress syndrome and “manager’s disease”, mental and physical exhaustion, mild forms of hypertension.

Special programs: “school for asthmatics”, smoking cessation school

Atomskaya banya

The Atomska Banja resort in the village of Gornja Trepca is located in the central part of Serbia, in the southwest of Šumadija, 140 km from Belgrade along the Ibar highway. The resort is located in the northern part of the Cacak basin, on the slopes of the Vujan and Bukovik mountains, in the narrow valley of the Banja river , at an altitude of 460 m above sea level. The first medical observations about the treatment of rheumatism with the warm waters of the village of Gornja Trepca, known since the Middle Ages, date back to the beginning of the 20th century.

In 1957, the Institute of Medical Climatology and Hydrology in Belgrade carried out chemical analyzes of water and approved indications for its use in the treatment of rheumatic and gynecological diseases. In 1977, Gornja Trepca received resort status.

Treatment methods: bathing in radioactive water, drinking medicinal mineral water, inhalation, mud therapy, electrotherapy, physical exercise, education (training patients) and psychotherapy.

The treatment uses modern equipment: two swimming pools, 11 classic baths, special galvanic baths, underwater massage with carbon dioxide and ozone, a Gaberd bath, 20 sections for mud treatments, an inhalation section, exercise rooms, a circular shower and four steel baths.

Lukovska Banya

Lukovskaya Banya is located in the south of Serbia, on the eastern slopes of Mount Kopaonik. It is located at an altitude of 681 m above sea level and is the highest health resort in Serbia. The health resort is known for its abundance of mineral water springs, the untouched nature of Mount Kopaonik covered with forests and clean air.

Based on research from the Institute of Hydrogeology of Serbia, in Lukovska Banja there are 28 springs and wells with water temperatures ranging from 28 to 68°C. The composition of the medicinal waters is slightly alkaline (pH 6.5) and belongs to the category of sodium-calcium-hydrocarbonate and hydrogen sulfide hyperthermal waters. The presence of dissolved hydrogen sulfide is of great importance in the treatment of patients with rheumatism.

The quality of thermal water is checked at the Institute of Public Health in Nis.
Also, therapeutic mud prepared with the addition of thermal water is used in the treatment. Earth with a high concentration of minerals is crushed, sifted and mixed with medicinal water, and the medicinal mud thus obtained is then used for applications.

Yunakovic Banya

Yunakovich Banya is located on the edge of the Park forest, 4.5 km from Apatin. The waters of Yunakovich Bani rise from a depth of 700m, the water temperature is up to 50ºC. Its composition is identical to the famous Karlovy Vary waters. Medical therapies include treatments for all types of rheumatism, orthopedic and neurological diseases, gynecological diseases in women and infertility in the family.

Water Yunakovich Baths, in accordance with its physical and chemical properties, is sulfide-alkaline water, with a high level of mineralization.

Indications and programs for treatment at the Yunakovich Banya resort:

Rheumatism (degenerative and inflammatory rheumatism)

Orthopedic diseases (deformities of the spine and limbs, diseases of bones and joints, conditions after damage to bones and joints, postoperative conditions of bones and joints, treatment of sports injuries (surgical and non-surgical))

Neurological diseases (treatment of diseases of central and peripheral motor neurons, as well as abnormalities of the nervous system)

Gynecological diseases (post-operative conditions, post-inflammatory conditions, menopausal symptoms, infertility)

Even during the Roman era, at least 50 thermal resort areas were developed in Serbia, in which balneotherapy is currently developing at an active pace.

Serbia has almost 30 balneological resorts, in particular with thermal waters, in the sanatoriums of which potential patients are offered to take advantage of effective methods of healing and treatment. Serbian hot waters treat a wide variety of ailments - from skin diseases to metabolic disorders.


One of the main healing factors is thermomineral water, temperature +28-45˚C. It is used in the Banitsa sanatorium and the Ozren health center for the treatment of hypertension, stress syndrome, emphysema, bronchial asthma and other diseases.

Atomska Banya

In Atomska Banya, +29.8-degree water, which contains strontium, chlorine, calcium, barium, sulfur, radon and other elements, is used in the treatment of gout, varicose veins, enteritis and neurology, in particular cerebral palsy and Parkinson's disease.


Thermal water (+32.5˚C) is enriched with magnesium, sodium, and hydrocarbons. It is used in a local sanatorium, equipped with 2 indoor (operational all year round) and 2 outdoor pools (operational in summer), and each of them has 1 pool intended for small guests.

Lukovska Banya

Situated at an altitude of 680 meters from sea level and having springs on its territory, the air is humidified and saturated with phytoncides and negative ions (thanks to this, allergens and dust particles are forced out of the atmosphere).

The temperature of thermal water in the Lukovska Banya springs varies between +28-68˚C. It effectively “copes” with rheumatism, gout, anemia, osteoporosis, post-traumatic bone problems, and ailments in the female sphere. Those prescribed hydrotherapy treatments will be treated to both public and bubble baths.

Guests of Lukovska Banya should pay attention to the local baths, in particular “Shpivak” (it is “fed” by a +40-42-degree spring, the water of which contains hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide).


Thermal +27-degree water (extracted from a depth of almost 300 meters) is chemically analyzed daily and “prescribed” to people diagnosed with diabetes, extra-articular rheumatism, urological and gastrointestinal diseases. Thermal water also helps remove toxins from the body.

Bathhouse Zhdrelo

Thermal +38-degree mineral water (knocked to the surface from a 200-meter depth) treats rheumatism, psoriasis, and when taken orally (the water is pre-cooled) – gastritis and other ailments of the digestive tract.

Bathhouse Zhdrelo provides guests with the Ruts Zhdrelo complex. It is equipped with an ethno-restaurant (the national cuisine restaurant can accommodate 50 visitors); Wellness&Spa center (equipped with a fitness center, solarium, sauna, steam bath, music and massage rooms); water park (there are 6 swimming pools with +30-38-degree thermal water, 15-meter toboggans, a summer pool into which salty cold water is poured); sports grounds (designed for playing volleyball and small football).

Vrnjacka Banya

In addition to the wonderful microclimate, it attracts vacationers with 7 springs, 4 of them are healing (the water in the “Slatina” spring has a temperature of +24˚C, “Jezero” +27˚C, “Warm Water” +36.6˚C). They are actively used for procedures at the Merkur center, where they treat the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes, calculosis of the urethra, infections of the bladder and renal pelvis, and other ailments.

Nishka Banya

The temperature of the local waters is “warmed up” to a maximum of +39 degrees (“Main Key”), and is used in the treatment of neuralgia, various forms of paralysis, respiratory and cardiovascular diseases.

The institute of the same name has an inhalation room and 20 sections for mud procedures, 11 classic baths, 2 swimming pools, a circular shower, rooms where visitors perform various exercises, as well as 4 hospital departments (orthopedics, cardiology, physiotherapy, rheumatology).

Vrujtsi Bath

It is famous for its 6 springs, the water in which is maintained at a level of +26-27 degrees and is suitable for the treatment of anemia, neurasthenia, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, eyes, skin and kidneys. You can stay at the resort at the “Vrijci” hotel: it is equipped with indoor and 3 outdoor swimming pools with slides, a spa center, streams with healing water, a gym, a tennis court and grounds for playing football and volleyball.

Vranska Banja

The water of the Vranska Banja springs has a temperature of +94 degrees and contains 1.9 mg of hydrogen sulfide per liter. It treats the consequences of fractures and bone injuries, spondylosis, myositis, tendonitis, psoriasis, infertility, menstrual irregularities, polyneuritis and other ailments.

It is good for the variety and availability of recreation, and local cities and resorts are filled with historical and cultural monuments. Ski resorts, health resorts, beaches of rivers and lakes offer an eventful pastime at very attractive prices.

The service here is cheaper, but the quality is worthy of the best resorts in Europe or the Mediterranean of the corresponding category. The language is close to Russian, many words are intuitively understandable without translation.

Small towns, large cities and resorts in Serbia commemorate the liberation from the Nazi hordes. Tourists from the former Soviet republics are warmly welcomed here.

Spa resorts and health resorts

Therapeutic thermal resorts of Serbia are marked on the map of all regions of the country with the prefix “-bath”. Their healing effects on the body have been known since the times of the Roman Empire. It is worth paying attention to the following places.

  • Vrnjacka Banja. The first information about the treatment of the heart, blood vessels, gall bladder, and diabetes dates back to the 4th century BC. e.
  • Prolom-Banya. Located on volcanic slopes. Alkaline waters and muds are useful for skin diseases and also cleanse the kidneys.
  • Soko-Banya. Recommended for people suffering from radiculitis, asthma, respiratory diseases, psychoneuroses.

More than 1000 springs at the thermal resorts of Serbia provide treatment with baths, mud, and drinking courses.

Ski resorts in Serbia

There are two large areas for winter sports enthusiasts. in the Balkans and the alpine Stara Planina. Trails of varying difficulty levels will provide active recreation for beginners and professionals, while most instructors speak good Russian. The slopes are equipped with lifts of all types.

Ski resorts in Serbia are located in nature reserves. Additional bonuses include the possibility of parallel treatment at nearby thermal springs and many attractions around.

There are also good toboggan runs, and freezing lakes and skating rinks invite skaters to skate against the backdrop of beautiful nature.

Water recreation places

You can sunbathe and swim on the beaches from the beginning of June to the end of September. Comfortable water and air temperatures are kept at 20–30 o C. The lack of access to the sea is compensated by deep rivers, as well as clean lakes.

  • Ada Ciganlija is an island on the Sava River in Belgrade. Thanks to the dam, a large reservoir was formed here. The length of the beach area is more than 7 km.
  • The Danube banks of Novi Sad, founded at the end of the 17th century. For more than 100 years they have been equipped for water activities. Famous for major international music festivals.
  • Forest, mountain lakes, which are often fed by healing thermal springs.

Diving enthusiasts will be interested in the rock caves. Many of them, one might say, have never been touched by a diver.

Excursion programs around the country

The small territory of the state is convenient for educational trips. Well-developed transport and inexpensive car rentals make it easy to get to attractions. Here are some objects that will be of interest.

  • Streets, museums, temples, palaces, which depict the history of the development of civilization.
  • The ancient Roman fortress of Kalemegdan, remembering the sieges of the Huns.
  • Church of St. Savva is a world Orthodox shrine.
  • Gamzigrad is a memorial complex of the 3rd century.
  • Stari-Ras. Settlement-fortress of the 8th century.
  • Niš Fortress, built in the 2nd century on the site of a Roman military camp.
  • Belgrade Church of St. Mark. Stores icons dating from the 13th–19th centuries.

The culture of Western and Eastern Europe, Christianity and Islam has been absorbed into the cities and resorts of Serbia. Many local buildings, monuments and museum exhibits are declared heritage of humanity by UNESCO.

Serbia has more than a thousand thermal springs of mineral waters, rich deposits of natural mineral gas, as well as medicinal silt. Since Roman times, fifty-three balneological resort places have appeared in Serbia, where wealthy people came to heal various diseases by taking medicinal water inside or taking a course of baths with mineral water. Almost all Serbian climatological resorts are located in very picturesque natural places: in valleys, on mountain slopes, in the middle of forests, in meadows. All thermal resorts in Serbia are very well-groomed, with magnificent parks, walking areas, modern hotels, sports grounds and swimming pools, so it is not only pleasant to be treated here, but also wonderful to relax.

– a great place in the eastern part of Serbia, on the banks of the Moravica River. From the north the resort is protected by Mount Rtan, from the south by Mount Ozren and Devitsa. This is one of the most famous balneological resorts, which since 1992 received the title of “First Ecological Municipality of Serbia”. Soko Banya is the largest European source of healthy air. The local atmosphere contains many ions, and the waters of the springs are saturated with radon. The climate here is pleasant, with no wind or fog. The Soko Banya resort is incredibly beautiful; the surrounding mountains are surrounded by greenery. In Soko Ban there is a health center for the prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of nonspecific lung diseases. According to legend, the Soko Banya resort was founded after a rich man was passing through this area and was thrown by a horse and injured his legs. The wounded man was able to crawl to the spring and washed his wounds in its waters, drank the water, and to his surprise the pain disappeared. Then the rich man ordered the foundation of a city next to this miraculous spring. The healing properties of the water from local springs in Soko Ban were known even during the period of Roman rule here; this is confirmed by finds made during archaeological excavations: household items from the Neolithic period, Roman tombstones dating back to the first century AD. Already on top of the ancient Roman buildings, the Turks who captured these territories built their “hamam” - the oldest building of the Soko Banya resort. After the liberation of the territory from Turkish invaders in 1833, the resort began to be actively developed by order of Prince Milos Obrenovic. Organized tourism in Soko Ban began in 1837. In the twentieth century, the resort began to be actively developed, parks were laid out, water supply and transport infrastructure were laid, the first comfortable hotel “Europe” was erected, now it is called “Park”. Treatment is carried out in the following medical institutions: Health Center “Sokobanya”, Sanatorium “Banica”, Hospital for Pulmonary Diseases “Ozren”. Here they help heal respiratory diseases in children and adults, rheumatism, chronic gynecological diseases, neurological diseases, neuroses, Parkinson's disease, hypertension.

This is a popular spa resort in the Raska region of Serbia and an excellent recreational center. The resort is located in the center of Serbia, on the mountain slopes of Goč in the river valleys of Vrnjacka and Lipovačka. People visit this balneological resort in Serbia not only for treatment, but also for a pleasant holiday in the lap of nature. Mount Goch is covered with coniferous and deciduous forests, creating a unique microclimate. For the convenience of resort guests, there is everything for sports and a carefree holiday. The resort has excellent hotels, restaurants, excellent ski slopes, cross-country skiing trails, and toboggan runs. The resort is surrounded on all sides by mountains, so one hundred and seventy days a year it is quiet and windless. This Serbian balneological resort successfully treats diseases of the digestive system and alleviates the symptoms of diabetes. Local thermal springs have a temperature equal to that of the human body. They are located in the middle of a large park area, surrounded by monasteries and other ancient buildings included in the UNESCO list. People knew about the beneficial properties of the thermal springs of Vrnjacka Banja already in the fourth century BC, at that time the “Scordis” - Celtic rulers - lived here. Under the Romans, the first buildings appeared at the resort, the ruins of ancient Roman springs tell about them as silent witnesses - pools and an ancient Roman fountain, a well, archaeological finds in the form of ancient coins, which depict portraits of Roman emperors. In the second century AD, the Romans built the Aquae Orcinae hospital on the warm waters of the spring; soldiers from the province of Moesia Superior came to it for treatment and rehabilitation. According to legend, when the Turks took over the lands, local Serbs deliberately buried healing springs so that the wounded Turkish invaders could not be healed with their waters. Today at the resort you will be helped to cure the following diseases: diabetes mellitus of the first and second type, problems of the digestive organs and gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder, pancreas, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, liver diseases, infectious diseases of the kidneys and bladder, gynecological diseases.

Thermal resort "Atomska Banya" or “Gornja Trepča” - a beautiful corner, isolated from the noise of cities. There are wonderful landscapes, hills covered with green meadows, fruit plantations, and vineyards. This health resort in Serbia is surrounded by dense and impenetrable beech forests, creating a beneficial climate. The healing properties of the balneological resort Atomska Banya have become known since the Roman period. The ruins of Roman baths, which were visited by Roman legionnaires for treatment, were discovered here. The first hot tub at the Atomska Banya resort was built in 1890, which became the starting point for tourism. In 1970, a physical and chemical analysis of the thermal mineral water of this resort was carried out, and Atomska Banya was included in the list of health resorts. In 2008, the resort was privatized and the new owner rebuilt all the facilities located here. In 2010, a hospital opened for the rehabilitation of people with rheumatic and neurological diseases. In 2012, an excellent hotel “Vuyan” was built in the resort of Gornja Trepca. Treatment takes place at the Atomska Banya rehabilitation center. Here they treat: rheumatism, ankylosing spondylitis, arthritis, arthrosis, spondylosis, spondyloarthrosis, discopathy, myofibrositis, fibrositis, paniculitis, tendinitis, bursitis. They help get rid of neuropsychiatric diseases: multiple sclerosis, arachnoiditis, post-traumatic myelopathies, cerebral palsy, polyneuritis, neuroses, neurasthenia, dystonia, depression. They treat diseases of the digestive tract: gastritis, duodenitis, ulcers, and also help to recover from diseases of peripheral vessels.

– is located in the district of Srem, in the autonomous region of Vojvodina, on the slopes of the Fruška Gora National Park. The first written mentions of this settlement date back to 1315, although at that time it was called “Rednik”. The city appeared after the discovery of brown coal deposits, which happened in 1804. The miners were the first to experience the local healing properties of water. They built three pools and used warm thermal water to heal rheumatic pains and bruises. Until the mid-twentieth century, there was a mine here, which was then flooded by thermal waters. In the seventies they began to build a sanatorium complex, and in 1997 Vrdnik Banya acquired the status of a “balneological resort”. This resort is the medical base of the “University of Medicine” of the city of Novi Sad. A holiday at the resort will delight you with a large number of sunny days, the absence of strong winds and frequent precipitation. The air here is very clean, enriched with ozone. Treatment takes place at the Special Rehabilitation Hospital “Thermal”. They specialize in the treatment of: arthrosis, spinal spondylosis, rheumatism, soft tissue injuries, sports injuries, paralysis, nocturnal enuresis in children, headaches.

– located in the picturesque Erme river gorge, near the town of Pirot. Zvonacka Banja belongs to the south-eastern part of Serbia and is one of the highest natural resorts in the country. This balneological resort in Serbia has been famous for its healing waters since Roman times. But Zvonachka Banya is also a climatic resort, the air of which contains many negative ions, and this has a beneficial effect on a person and accelerates his healing. In 1996, the “Institute for the Prevention of Disability and Rehabilitation” was opened at the resort. In treatment, along with thermal water, the beneficial properties of local herbs are often used. At the Serbian health resort Zvonačka Banya, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous diseases, circulatory disorders, and rheumatism are treated.

– stands on the outskirts of the small Serbian town of Magyarkanizsa, on the banks of the Tisza River, surrounded by dense forests. Banja Kanizsa is located in the northern part of Serbia, fifteen kilometers from the border with Hungary. It was founded in 1913, after two wells were dug on the outskirts of the city in 1907 in order to provide water to numerous flocks of sheep, but the water there turned out to be red in color, and flammable gas came to the surface from the wells. People thought that such water was good for nothing until one local gypsy was able to cure her rheumatic pains by accidentally falling into these waters; since then the local thermal springs have been spoken of as “miraculous.” The settlement's leadership already built paid baths in 1908. In addition, a “Joint Stock Company for the Development of the Resort” was created, and samples of thermal water were sent for analysis to the Royal Institute. In 1913, local entrepreneurs opened the Banya Kanizha hospital, which had twelve rooms and twenty baths with warm mineral water. In addition, an outdoor swimming pool was built in the local park, also filled with thermal water, and individual cabins were installed for swimmers. The water began to be poured into bottles with the inscription: “Water of the miraculous spring Stara Kanizha.” Until 1976, the local hospital was a “House of Health”, and then the “Center for Rehabilitation and Recreation “Banya Kanizha” opened here. This health center offers treatment, recreation, and rehabilitation. People suffering from rheumatism, arthritis, degenerative diseases of the spine, gout, chronic back pain, osteoporosis, intervertebral disc diseases, developmental disorders of the muscular skeleton, and neurological pain come here for treatment. People come to the resort for rehabilitation after injuries to the musculoskeletal system, spinal surgery, and joint replacement. There is also a pediatric physiatry department, where children with cerebral palsy are brought for rehabilitation treatment. The Kanizha Banya resort hospital has a program to prevent osteoporosis. In addition to thermal water, therapeutic mud is used in treatment.

- the most beautiful healing resort of the Balkans, located in the western part of Serbia, on the Drina River, next to the wooded mountain Gucevo, near the city of Loznica, five kilometers from the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina. Since the Middle Ages, people have learned about the healing properties of water from these thermal springs. And their fame spread so far that many travelers visited this resort. The first records about the resort date back to 1533 and tell about the popularity of the local healing springs. Koviljaca Banya became a particularly popular holiday destination in the seventeenth century among wealthy Turkish subjects who regularly came here for treatment. The first ten-room hotel was built in 1858, and in 1867 the resort was taken under state protection, and in 1898 its intensive development began, ending in the thirties of the twentieth century. Luxurious hotels and villas have sprung up here, and a chicken salon has appeared. The Koviljaca Banya resort is very picturesque; in addition, there is the best park in Serbia in the English style, which harmoniously unites the entire infrastructure of the resort. The resort is a balneological oasis due to its location in a low area - one hundred and twenty-five meters away. There is no sharp change in annual seasons, which has a positive effect on people with weakened immune systems. Moderate humidity is ideal for resort guests with respiratory diseases. Treatment is carried out in the “Special Hospital for Medical Rehabilitation”, which is a modern European center. Here they help in the rehabilitation of children with: congenital anomalies, injuries of the musculoskeletal system, damage to the nerve, central nervous system, rheumatic, neuromuscular diseases, spinal deformities, growth diseases, delayed psychomotor development, with consequences of birth injuries, damage and diseases of the central nervous system, PNS . They also treat adults with rheumatism, diseases of the joints, spine, spinal hernia, osteoporosis, damage to the central nervous system, peripheral nerves, muscle, gynecological, skin diseases, as well as infertility.

– located in the southern part of Serbia, on the slopes of Mount Kopaonik, and is the highest health resort in the country, with numerous balneological springs of mineral water. There is untouched mountain nature, crystal clear air, various sources of mineral water with different composition, temperature and power, which is why Lukovska Banja is the richest healing resort in Serbia. Moreover, there is a favorable climate here. The resort is surrounded on all sides by high mountains, which means there is no wind. The thermal springs of Lukovska Bani provide air humidity, the forests create a large number of negative ions and phytoncides, which have a beneficial effect on people suffering from respiratory diseases. Local treatment programs harmoniously combine mineral water baths with walks in the fresh air along special “health paths,” which together improve heart rate, relax, and restore normal sleep and appetite. The Lukovska Banya resort treats diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis in the early stages, arthritis, degenerative rheumatism, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, radiculitis, arthrosis, osteoarthrosis, osteoporosis, gout. Rehabilitation is carried out after fractures, operations of the osteoarticular system, after the installation of artificial hip and knee joints. In addition, gynecological diseases are successfully treated here: adnexitis, parametritis, infertility. especially important in the treatment of patients suffering from chronic bronchitis and asthma.

It is located near the mouth of the Nišava and South Morava rivers, next to Mount Koritnik and ten kilometers from the city of Niš. This balneological resort in Serbia became popular during the reign of the Roman Emperor Constantine, as an oasis of silence with a large number of sunny days a year and healing underground waters. The Romans built baths with two marble pools in this place. The Niška Banja resort was once the favorite vacation spot of the Serbian royal family, so local residents built the “Three Kings” memorial water source here. Since ancient times, Serbs have known that local mineral water cures many diseases. Today, treatment is carried out at the Institute for the Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation of Rheumatic and Cardiovascular Diseases “Nishka Banya”. The main therapeutic profile of the Serbian resort Niska Banja is the prevention and treatment of rheumatic and cardiovascular diseases: angina pectoris, poor blood circulation, high blood pressure, heart defects. They are engaged in rehabilitation after heart attacks and coronary bypass operations. They also treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system: all types of rheumatism, connective tissue diseases, osteoporosis, gout, cerebral palsy, pain in the spine, bones, joints, muscles. They are engaged in rehabilitation after prosthetics of knee and hip joints. Heal infertility. during treatment they use thermal water for drinking and bathing, healing mud and radon gas.

– a unique place in the Balkans, where very rare natural mineral springs are located. Prolom Banja is located in the southern part of Serbia, on the Radan mountain slopes. According to archaeological excavations, the healing waters of Prolom Bani were known to local residents even before the period of the Turkish conquest, with the advent of which all Serbian thermal resorts felt desolate. The intensive development of the resort began in the twentieth century, and Prolom Banya acquired its official resort status in 1977. Mineral thermal water Prolom Bani is used to treat diseases of the kidneys, urinary tract, skin diseases and problems of the gastrointestinal tract. Prolom water is so valuable because it contains high concentrations of various minerals, but in small quantities. All the resort’s treatment programs are based on its healing properties, and are complemented by balneological procedures and long walks in the clean air. In addition to kidney and urinary tract diseases, the thermal resort treats diseases of the digestive system: gastritis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, constipation, inflammation and gallstones. They treat various skin diseases: eczema, psoriasis, varicose ulcers, as well as diseases of peripheral blood vessels, rheumatism, fibrositis, myositis, tendonitis, periarthritis, bursitis.

As you already understand, Serbia is a region rich in mineral springs. There is excellent ecology, beautiful nature and incredibly hospitable people. The advantage of holidaying at the medical resorts of Serbia is the low price of tours to this country, compared to other European countries, which makes trips there popular among people who need budget treatment on thermal waters.

Zvornik Spa, Vojvodina region).

It is believed that the Romans used the mineral waters of Gamžigrad Baths 2000 years ago. The Romans built in this region, which collected many healing sources of mineral water - swimming pools, wells for the rehabilitation and recovery of legionnaires.

After the Romans, the fame of the healing springs of Serbia spread throughout the world; this is truly the richest region in Europe with healing springs.

All this is evidenced by numerous archaeological excavations from the 19th century and later. Thus, thanks to archeology, the first traces of the Roman period were discovered. Which testify to evidence of the use of healing springs on the territory of Serbia, even by the Romans.

Serbian resorts are specifically associated with the Ottoman period of history. During this period, the famous Turkish baths were built, which you will find in large numbers on the territory of the Serbian Baths.

More modern research on the Baths in Serbia began in 1834, when water samples were sent to a laboratory in Vienna for research. Chemical analysis of some of the water sources was carried out there. A significant event was the arrival in Serbia of mining specialists from Germany, Baron Sigismund August and Wolfgang Herder, who first lived in eastern Serbia and then arrived in Kraljevo and analyzed 12 samples of thermal waters. Their conclusion, set out in special works, is that the waters of Serbia are significantly superior compared to the known waters of Europe.

The first “law on resorts, mineral and thermal waters” was adopted in 1914. At the same time, the first Serbian balneotherapeutic institutes were created. In the Kingdom of Serbia, and later the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, the status of Resorts was regulated by law, which established the requirements of public order, spatial design of settlements, architectural requirements, regulated the construction of public buildings and villas, as well as the editing of park space.

After the Second World War, there was a rapid development of spa therapy and therapeutic recreation in Serbia; since the 60s, resorts, according to the law, received the status of natural areas. This law harmonizes the development of residential premises and also regulates accommodation in the private sector. These years saw the active development of modern hotels and the construction of medical institutions and rehabilitation centers.

The international importance of Serbia as a tourist country is growing! The European Agency for Therapeutic Spas notes increased interest in the Baths of Serbia. It is believed that Serbia has the largest number of mineral lakes in Europe. There are more than 1,000 mineral water springs here, which are represented in 40 resorts.

Mineral thermal springs, recreation centers and health centers are located throughout the country, each with its own unique set of minerals and specific geographical conditions. The true wealth of Serbia is its diversity of mineral, thermal and mineral springs.

The resort areas are surrounded by natural beauty and are at the center of cultural and historical heritage. All places are suitable for tourism and can receive guests both in summer and winter. Sanatorium-resort treatment is provided by the use of modern treatment methods and the use of natural factors. Spa treatment methods are ideal for all types of disease prevention and will also help you restore your physical condition, mental balance, bring you into excellent physical shape and give you a fresh and well-being appearance. Thanks to its healing properties, skin elasticity is restored and helps to relax toned muscles. Therapy and recovery are carried out under the supervision of experienced medical personnel.

Most resorts in Serbia have a mild climate and clean environment. The resorts are mainly located at the foot of the mountains or in the lower valleys, surrounded by forests, pastures and orchards. The resorts are protected from strong winds by the mountains. Beautiful natural landscapes are complemented by numerous parks and places for walking, modern living quarters, sports grounds, swimming pools - contribute to improving health.

Serbian resorts are equipped with the latest technology to host seminars, conferences, events and other meetings. The so-called congress tourism is becoming increasingly popular, as a combination of a beautiful and useful pastime and solving business issues

In the immediate vicinity of the Resorts there are unique medieval monasteries and many other historical attractions..

Resorts are rich sources of thermal and mineral water, we can divide them into groups: alkaline, with low mineralization, springs with salt, with sulfur, containing radioactive substances and lakes (therapeutic mud).

By geographical location it can be divided into: Resorts of Northern Serbia, Resorts of Central Serbia, Resorts of Western Serbia, Resorts of Eastern Serbia, Resorts in the southern part of Serbia.

Getting to any resort is not difficult; the country has a developed bus service. The Serbian language will not cause difficulties; it is very similar to Russian.

Stay and treatment are not expensive, unlike similar resorts in Europe, however, Serbian resorts are able to compete in price with Russian resorts: Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk, etc. At the same time, at Serbian resorts you will receive European service and high-quality medicine and attentive attitude of doctors.

Approximate costs that await you: from 1200 rub/day until 5000 RUR/day depending on the resort. And this price includes stay, food and treatment! In addition, there is the possibility of placement in the private sector with outpatient visits to doctors and medical appointments. This form of stay is much cheaper.