Norms for importing goods into Belarus from Poland. Rules for importing goods into Belarus from Poland: prohibited and permitted, permissible weight, cost of declaration Import from Poland to Belarus

How much money can you spend “on purchases”, is alcohol included in the norm, what to do if you went abroad for the first time in three months and were not allowed in, and how to pay for indivisible household appliances, they told the Grodno regional customs office.

If you travel more often than once every three months, carry no more than 20 kg for the amount of 300 euros
From January 1, the rules for importing goods for personal use from abroad have changed. Now, if you cross the border once every three months or less, you can carry goods worth 500 euros and weighing no more than 25 kg. Those who travel to Europe more often can carry items across the border worth 300 euros and weighing 20 kg.

If a citizen exceeds the norm at the checkpoint, then he will pay a fee for this part. It is calculated as follows: 4 euros for each kilogram or 30% of the excess cost. In this case, the person will deposit a large amount, which will be obtained as a result of the calculations, and will also pay an additional customs fee of 10 rubles.

How do we pay for an indivisible product?
Similar rules apply to indivisible goods whose weight exceeds 35 kg. For example, if you cross the border for the first time in three months and transport an oven for 600 euros weighing 40 kg, then the duty for 30% of the cost will be 180 euros, and for the weight - 160 euros. Thus, at the border you will have to pay more - 180 euros.

What is not included in the norms
Indivisible goods are not eligible for duty-free import. That is, if you were abroad more than three months ago, then together with the oven (for which you paid) you can carry 25 kg worth 500 euros (if these are goods for personal use).

It is important to note that the rate of 300 euros and 20 kg does not include alcoholic beverages and beer.

The Poles didn't let me in - the passage doesn't count
If a citizen left for Poland for the first time in three months, but was turned back in Kuznitsa, then next time, even if he goes abroad even the next day, Belarusian customs officers will not apply to him the reduced norms of 300 euros and 20 kg. The main thing is to give the customs officers a declaration with the mark “After return”, put in the column for official use, as well as a passport (or other document) with a note from the neighboring party about the refusal of entry of the citizen. For Polish border guards, this is usually a cancellation of the stamp.

How much can you bring from abroad depending on the frequency of travel
Non-food products
Once every 3 years - per unit of the following goods: gas or electric stoves, kitchen hobs, hoods, food processors, microwave ovens, ovens, bathtubs, shower cabins, sinks for water drainage, wash basins, bidets, toilets, flushes tanks, refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers and washing machines, coffee machines, sewing machines, water heaters, televisions, computer monitors with LCD screens, laptops/netbooks, tablets, lawn mowers (trimmers), vacuum cleaners, household welding machines, electric generators, etc.

Once every 2 years - up to 4 new summer or winter tires or wheels with tires for passenger cars, up to 2 (or 3 if there is a motorcycle sidecar) tires or wheels for motorcycles, mopeds or scooters. However, the person transporting such goods must present a registration certificate confirming that he has a personal car or motorcycle, and the tires are designed specifically for this vehicle.

By the way, it is prohibited to transport used tires separately, but only in combination with rims.
More often than once a month - no more than 3 units of one item, with no more than 5 items of goods. For example, three pairs of shoes, three jackets, three shirts, three packages of washing powder, each weighing no more than 5 kg.

More often than once every 7 calendar days - 1 unit of 1 item. For example, just trousers.

More than once a calendar day - only used goods, food products necessary for the duration of the journey. For example, a hat, jacket or sweater in case of cold weather.

Once a month and more often - no more than 10 kg of food.

Once every 7 calendar days and more often - no more than 5 kg of food, of which alcoholic beverages and beer - no more than 1 liter for those crossing the border of the Republic of Belarus by transport, 0.5 liter - for those crossing the border on foot or by bicycle.

More often than once a day - only on the route in the absence of alcoholic beverages and beer.

You can import three liters of alcohol into Belarus no more than once every 8 days. However, if you constantly transport three liters of alcohol every eight days, you may arouse the suspicion of customs officers, who may regard this as moving goods for commercial purposes.

Since the beginning of this year, the norms for the import of goods into Belarus from Poland and Lithuania have changed significantly. All meat products made from pork and with its addition were banned. The black list included sausages, sausages, and smoked delicacies. The reason for such strict restrictions was the discovery of African plague, noticed in Poland. What can you bring from a neighboring country today, and what goods are better not to purchase for now?

What you can't bring

Pork and all products made with the addition of this “dangerous” meat are strictly prohibited. You cannot transport sausages and smoked products, offal gastronomy and lard across the border. Meat products from beef and poultry are allowed, but they must be in original packaging containing a list of raw materials used for production.

In addition, it is prohibited to import into Belarus:

  • hunting trophies and any raw materials obtained from potentially dangerous animals;
  • feed for animals and fish, including those prepared from plant materials;
  • pet food that has not undergone appropriate heat treatment and does not have a document about it;

Official sources say that vehicles containing prohibited goods are turned around. Whenever possible, products not permitted for import are destroyed on the spot.

Standards for duty-free import of goods into Belarus

The current norms for the import of goods into Belarus from Poland for citizens traveling abroad no more than once a quarter allow the import of goods for personal use worth no more than 1,500 euros. In this case, the weight of the goods should not exceed 50 kg, with the exception of items whose weight exceeds 35 kg in one unit.

There is a separate restriction on alcoholic drinks: they can be imported no more than three liters. The limit on tobacco products is 250 grams or 200 cigarettes. There are also strict limits on synthetic detergents. For example, washing powders in economical packages weighing more than 3 kg are allowed to be imported no more than once a month in quantities of no more than one for each item and no more than 3 packs at a time.

For those who cross the border more often, stricter rules have been established:

  • Once every two months it is allowed to transport no more than 10 kg of products of the same name;
  • 1-2 times a month – no more than 10 kg of food products;
  • from 1 to 5 times a week – no more than 5 kg of food;
  • during daily trips, only a minimum set of food for the road is allowed.

Durable goods are subject to even stricter restrictions.

Changes since March 10, 2015

With March 10, 2015 approaches to classifying goods transported by individuals as goods for personal use are changing, in part, establishing the possibility of import as goods for personal use:

within three calendar years, 1 unit each of the following categories of goods: gas (or electric) kitchen stoves, hobs, household hoods, food processors, microwave ovens, ovens, bathtubs, shower cabins, sinks for water drainage, washbasins, bidets , toilets, cisterns, household refrigerators-freezers, household refrigerators, household freezers, dishwashers, household washing machines, household coffee machines, household sewing machines, household water heaters, LCD color computer monitors, laptops (netbooks), tablet pc, copying equipment, reception equipment for television communications (TVs), air conditioners, lawn mowers (trimmers), vacuum cleaners, household welding machines, household electric generators, household car washing equipment, baby strollers(each type depending on the age of the child), boat motors, civilian smooth-bore or rifled weapons and their parts;

within two calendar years up to 4 units (up to 2 or 3 (if a stroller is available) units for motorcycles, mopeds, scooters) summer pneumatic tires(or wheels with summer tires, including used ones) or up to 4 units (up to 2 or 3 (if you have a stroller) winter pneumatic tires(or wheels with winter tires, including used ones) to each vehicle for personal use owned by an individual moving such goods, subject to documentary confirmation of ownership of the vehicle for personal use to a customs official, up to 4 disks for vehicles for personal use,

except for those imported with payment of the aggregate customs duty.

By the way, there is no point in bringing potted plants, seedlings and seeds from Poland. All of them are subject to phytosanitary control, which means additional time wasted.

Changes since April 14, 2016

From April 14, 2016, new limits were introduced: those who travel abroad more than once every three months can import goods worth up to €300 and weighing up to 20 kilograms duty-free.

The countdown of three calendar months begins on the date 04/14/2016.
For example, in the case of an individual importing goods for personal use on April 14, 2016, the old limits apply (€1,500 and 50 kilograms). If goods are imported, for example, on June 1, 2016, then a limit of €300 and 20 kilograms will apply to an individual. From July 1, 2016, an individual can carry goods for personal use. according to the old limits (€1500 and 50 kilograms). And so on.

These standards do not include used goods that were previously exported and imported back by citizens in an unchanged condition (for example, mobile phones, cameras, tablets, laptops, etc.) necessary for staying abroad.

However, the movement of goods by air is not taken into account by customs authorities for the purposes of applying the decree.

Neighborhood relations between Belarus and Poland provide an excellent opportunity for residents of these two bordering states to make frequent trips, including commercial ones. It is no secret that many Polish goods have advantages over their Belarusian counterparts in terms of price, being cheaper. Therefore, shopping tours to Poland have long become popular among wholesale buyers.

The following groups of products are of greatest interest as a bargain:

  • Food
  • Shoes and clothing
  • Cosmetics and perfumes
  • Appliances

Additional bonuses to the price advantage can be obtained during the New Year and Christmas large-scale sales. There are often special promotions in Polish stores with price reductions of up to 50% or even more. Therefore, it is not surprising that an increasing number of people are exploring this promising commercial area - shopping tours to Poland.

But, at the same time, beginners need to know all the intricacies of passing customs control when crossing the border. This knowledge will provide invaluable assistance in preparing for the trip; will help you plan budget expenses, taking into account upcoming customs duties and fees; and prevent the occurrence of unforeseen situations during customs inspection.

The main document by which the customs system of Belarus currently operates is the Decision of the EEC Council dated December 20, 2017 No. 107 “On the procedure for moving goods for personal use.” Moreover, this document applies to any goods imported into the territory of the state, regardless of the type of vehicle carrying out delivery. The inspection should be carried out equally for both groups and individual citizens on shopping tours.

The main features of passing customs control will be discussed further.

Duty-free import standards: permissible weight and cost of goods for personal use

How much goods can be brought on one trip is a primary question that concerns all newcomers to foreign shopping. By the way, you can familiarize yourself with the list of goods that do not fall under the category for personal use.

In accordance with the customs rules of the EAEU, restrictions on the weight and value of goods imported from the territory of Poland to the territory of Belarus are directly related to the number of trips made over a certain period of time.

You can understand how this works using the following scheme:

  1. If you make no more than 1 trip over a period of 3 months. The total weight of the goods, with such a frequency of border crossings, should be no more than 25 kg, and its total cost should not exceed 500 EUR. Exceeding these indicators causes the need to pay customs duties.
  2. If the number of trips is 2 or more over a three-month period, then the total duty-free weight of goods transported at one time can no longer exceed 20 kg, and the cost should not be higher than 300 EUR.
Duty-free import standards: permissible weight and cost of goods for personal use

When calculating customs norms for one person, his age category is not taken into account - the rule also applies to children. The only exception is the situation when the transported goods belong to the group of alcoholic beverages or tobacco products. In this case, transportation of this type of goods cannot be carried out only by minor citizens.

Customs restrictions on the weight and value of goods are mandatory both for persons making private trips and for citizens whose movements are related to work matters.

Duty-free goods are goods for personal use, used, in stock upon entry into the country.

Many people are concerned about the question of how to determine which category a product belongs to - personal items or a commercial lot. When conducting a customs inspection, the following indicators are taken into account:

  1. The number of identical items with a long service life. Three units is considered the norm. If this indicator is exceeded, the question may arise about recognizing the cargo as a commercial consignment.
  2. History of border crossing
  3. Number of family members
  4. Personal need to have a given quantity of goods
  5. Place of residence
  6. Availability of receipts and other documentation for purchased goods

The general rules established for the number of units of imported goods are as follows:

  • When crossing the border once within one month, it is allowed to transport no more than 5 items of goods, 3 units for each item.
  • When crossing the border multiple times within a thirty-day period, you can transport no more than three items, 3 units for each item.

Goods for personal use: what and how much you can transport per year

So, we talked about restrictions on the weight and cost of goods for personal use when imported into Belarus from Poland and other EU countries in the previous section. Now let's talk about how many units of specific goods for personal use can be imported per calendar year.

On August 2, 2019, new, more flexible rules for the duty-free transportation of goods for personal use came into force in Belarus. We strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with them.

Indivisible goods: norms for duty-free import of one dimensional product

Indivisible goods include goods whose weight exceeds 35 kg (including packaging), transported assembled or disassembled (provided that the division of such goods is impossible without changing its purpose).

On January 1, 2020, changes came into force, according to which the duty for the transportation of indivisible goods is calculated according to a general formula, i.e. payment will need to be made only to the extent that the cost and/or weight standards are exceeded (taking into account the frequency of crossing the customs border).

  • If weight limits are exceeded, payment is made at 4 euros for each “extra” kilogram.
  • If the cost limits are exceeded, payment is made in the amount of 30% of the “extra” cost.
  • If both limits are exceeded, the duty is calculated using both formulas, and payment is accepted O better option.
  1. 63 (weight of the washing machine) - 25 (set limit) = 38 kg
  2. 38 (overweight) × 4 = 152 euros

Please note that the above calculation can only be applied if the frequency of trips is no more than 1 time per 3-month period!

It is worth knowing that large items such as:

  • Fridge
  • Washing machine
  • Toilets
  • Washbasins

and others of a similar kind (except for those indicated in the section above), having a service life of more than one year, can be imported once in the amount of 1 piece during a three-year period.

Import standards for alcohol and tobacco products

Important! Only adult citizens (18+) have the right to transport tobacco and alcohol products across the border. When calculating standards, children under 18 years of age are not taken into account!

One trip allows you to carry no more than 3 liters of alcoholic beverages. If the frequency of border crossings is more than 1 time per week, then the amount of alcohol is reduced to 1 liter when traveling by vehicle or to 0.5 liters when traveling on foot or using bicycles. If you cross the border more than once a calendar day, the norm is reduced to 0.1 liters.

  • standard rate - no more than 3 liters
  • more often than once every 7 calendar days – no more than 1 liter
  • more often than once a calendar day – no more than 0.1 liter

Alcohol products must be labeled and contain full information about the composition on the label or packaging. If these conditions are violated, the transportation of goods across the border may be prohibited.

As for tobacco products, the standard norm implies no more than 200 cigarettes, or 50 cigars (cigarillos), or 250 grams of tobacco, or the specified products in an assortment with a total weight of no more than 250 grams. If trips are made more than once a week, the norm is reduced to no more than 40 units. cigarettes, if trips are made more often than once a day, the norm is reduced to 20 pcs. cigarettes.

  • standard limit – no more than 200 cigarettes
  • more often than once every 7 calendar days – no more than 40 cigarettes
  • more often than once a calendar day – no more than 20 cigarettes

Standards for importing goods for personal use during frequent trips (more than once a week)

For citizens who make frequent trips to Poland or other EU countries, there are separate standards for the import of goods for personal use. So, with frequent trips to the territory of Belarus from abroad you can import duty-free:

Red or green: select a corridor to cross the border

The green customs corridor is intended for persons whose imported goods do not violate the terms of customs rules and are not subject to mandatory declaration.

Passing through the green corridor does not imply a complete lack of control on the part of customs officials. If any questions arise, any person passing through the green corridor may be invited for a personal inspection to exclude the possibility of transporting things that are subject to declaration. If this is discovered, a person who is at his own discretion in the green corridor may be subject to both administrative and criminal penalties.

Therefore, if in any doubt, you should not choose the green corridor to clear customs.

You can walk through the green corridor with confidence if:

  • Items are classified as goods for personal use
  • The weight of things does not exceed 25 kg
  • The cost of the goods does not exceed 500 EUR
  • The volume of alcohol does not exceed 3 liters
  • The number of cigarettes does not exceed 200 pieces
  • Cash amount not to exceed $10,000. At the same time, you can have with you not only foreign currency, but also Belarusian rubles and traveler's checks
  • Medicines for personal use are not potent drugs

The red customs corridor is intended for persons transporting cargo that is subject to mandatory declaration, or for those citizens who are not sure that they do not have such cargo.

If difficulties arise in determining what needs to be declared and what is not necessary, then to be on the safe side, you can declare all the things you have with you. Regardless of whether there are unnecessary things in the declaration, conclusions and decisions will be made by customs officials.

You need to know that for minor citizens, the declaration must be filled out by their parents or accompanying persons.

Who is the red corridor for? This customs control option should be chosen in the following cases:

  1. Have strong or poisonous medications with you
  2. We carry jewelry whose value exceeds $10,000.
  3. If plants and animals are transported. If you have pets, a veterinarian will be invited to the red corridor, so you must take care of vaccination and microchipping of the animal in advance.
  4. If there are works of art and objects of cultural value in your baggage
  5. When transporting pyrotechnic products and explosive substances

How to calculate the state duty for exceeding the norms for duty-free import of goods

If you fail to meet the duty-free weight of the goods, you will have to pay. In order to navigate the amount of customs duty, you need to know the system for calculating it.

  • Option 1. Trips are made no more than once every 3 months. The product belongs to the divisible category.

1.Calculation of state duty for exceeding the established weight standards, for a given frequency of trips, is carried out as follows:

(Total weight – 25 kg) × 4 EUR

For example, the weight of the goods was 75 kg. From the total weight of 75 kg we subtract the required 25 and multiply the resulting 50 by 4. Accordingly, you will have to pay 200 EUR.

2.Calculation of state duty for exceeding established cost standards with a travel frequency of no more than 1 time per 3 months.

If the normalized customs indicator exceeds 500 EUR, the state duty is calculated according to the formula:

(Total cost – 500 EUR) × 0.3

For example, the cost of the goods was 2000 EUR. You need to subtract 500 from the total cost of 2000 and multiply the resulting number 1500 by 0.3. You will have to pay 450 EUR.

If both the weight and the value of the luggage exceed the duty-free customs norms, then the calculation is performed using both formulas, and the larger result is accepted for payment.

  • Option 2. Trips are made no more than once every 3 months. The product belongs to the category of indivisible.

Goods are considered indivisible if the weight of one unit or set of them exceeds 35 kg.

Important! From January 1, 2020, customs duties will be calculated using a general formula!

Example: to import a washing machine weighing 63 kg and costing 400 euros into Belarus from Poland, you will have to pay a duty, the amount of which can be calculated using the following formulas:

  1. 63 (weight of washing machine) - 25 = 38 kg
  2. 38 (excess weight) × 4 = 152 euros

In total, the import duty for the washing machine will be 152 euros. There is an additional charge of 5 euros (10 rubles) for paperwork.

If the norms for the import of alcoholic beverages are exceeded, an additional 10 EUR is paid for each non-standard liter. It is worth knowing that even with the payment of the duty, you can bring no more than 5 liters of alcohol per adult citizen across the border.

How to calculate the state duty for exceeding the norms for duty-free import of goods if you travel more than once every 3 months

If trips are made more than once every 3 months, then the customs duty is calculated according to the example of legal entities - duty and excise tax are assigned according to the product code. If the total cost of the goods exceeds 300 EUR, and the weight is more than 20 kg, then the payment, depending on the category of the goods, can range from 20 to 50 EUR plus VAT.

Goods prohibited for import into Belarus

The following cannot be brought into the territory of Belarus by a private person:

  1. Radioactive substances
  2. Drugs
  3. Firearms
  4. Explosives
  5. Medical equipment
  6. Diamonds
  7. Military equipment
  8. Solariums
  9. Pet food
  10. Pork

A more accurate list of goods prohibited for import can be found on the website

Animals and plants can be imported with accompanying documentation and appropriate permission.

In order to avoid unpleasant situations during customs control when entering or leaving Poland, you should prepare for the trip in advance, including by studying the basic customs rules.

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When we go to visit relatives or friends, half of our luggage consists of gifts. And when we return, we tightly fill the empty space in the suitcase with purchases: imported things and perfumes, souvenirs and simply what “can be useful anywhere.” But the question is: will they let this through at the border?! What if there are import/export restrictions on some goods?

So, what can and cannot be exported from Belarus.

According to the law, there are the same rules for crossing the border. However, in practice they differ slightly depending on the destination country, i.e. the one you intend to travel to and the place of border crossing.

So, if you decide to visit the CIS countries by plane, then crossing the border at the airport is more relaxed. If luggage is checked, it is done selectively, and only in extreme cases, if a person causes distrust in the eyes of customs control. A similar rule applies to group tourist trips to Turkey and Egypt. Upon returning from all these countries (CIS, Turkey, Egypt), customs does not look particularly closely at your luggage. However, do not forget about the possibility of random inspection.

But when flying on regular planes to Turkey or Egypt, strict customs rules apply, as well as for traveling abroad. In this case, the luggage of all passengers will be checked carefully and in accordance with all standards.

But the control of customs services at land borders is especially famous, mainly when our citizens enter Belarus (Belarusians never return home with empty bags:) There they will thoroughly check not only the car and your luggage, but also the contents of your pockets, which also should not exceed the established limits norms.

There is a general rule for goods imported into Belarus (at all borders, including at the airport): their amount should not exceed 1,500 euros and 50 kg per one(!) person.

Most people believe that if they buy something abroad for themselves (personal use), then it will not be subject to duty. And this is where they are seriously mistaken.

What is allowed to be transported and in what quantities?

Carriage allowances per 1 person:
(this especially applies to those returning to Belarus from Poland)

Name of goods 1 time per year Quantity Frequency of transportation
Outerwear 1 PC. 1 time per month
Spare parts for cars 1 PC. 1 time per month
Cleaning products, washing powders, rinse aids 1 PC. 1 time per month
All of the above goods are allowed to transport no more than 3 items per month. For example, one winter jacket, one car tires and one package of washing powder. It is imperative to pay attention to the weight of the goods so that in total it does not exceed 50 kg and 1,500 euros.
Construction Materials 3 titles 1 time per month
Gas (or electric) kitchen stoves, household hoods, food processors, microwave ovens, ovens 1 product 1 time per year
Bathtubs, shower cabins, sinks for water drainage, wash basins, bidets, toilets, flush cisterns 1 product 1 time per year
Household refrigerators-freezers, household refrigerators, household freezers 1 product 1 time per year
Dishwashers, household washing machines, household sewing machines 1 product 1 time per year
Domestic water heaters 1 product 1 time per year
Color image computer monitors with LCD screens, portable personal computers (laptops), copying equipment once a year 1 product 1 time per year
Reception equipment for television communications 1 product 1 time per year
Air conditioners 1 product 1 time per year
Baby strollers (each type depending on the age of the child) 1 product 1 time per year
Boat motors 1 product 1 time per year
Alcoholic drinks 3 liters per trip
Goods restricted for movement (more than the norm cannot be transported under any circumstances):
Used pneumatic rubber tires for vehicles 4 things.
Alcoholic drinks 5 liters
Cigarettes 200 pieces
Tobacco 200 grams
Jewelry 5 units
Food 5 kg

All of the above standards do not apply to used goods with obvious signs of their use (scuffs, malfunction, signs of wear, lack of tags and labels, etc.), as well as to the clothes you are wearing (taking into account weather conditions and season ). However, a large number of such items, often moved across borders, can be considered a consignment of “Second-hand” clothing.

Ultimately, everything is decided not by the table of goods allowed for import, but by the head of customs or his deputy. So, for example, if you are traveling in a car with 5 people, and everyone is carrying a new laptop, then this will arouse suspicion from customs. If it turns out that this car is driven in this way every month, only changing people, then this fact will be considered a consignment of goods, and not items of personal use.

And vice versa, if, for example, you and your wife are returning from Poland and are bringing an oven and several meters of carpet, ultimately exceeding 50 kg, then they can let you through without any problems, especially if they see that you are in Poland extremely rarely, i.e. e. Obviously you are bringing the goods not for sale, but for personal use.

The decision of the head of customs may be based on a number of factors: the composition of your family, a person’s usual need for a given type of goods, place of work or lack thereof, purpose of the trip, frequency of trips, assortment of goods and other factors.

If you clearly exceed the norms for the permitted import of goods, you will have to pay customs duty. Therefore, be sure to always keep receipts for all goods!!! Documents confirming the cost of goods can include: checks, invoices, payment receipts, contracts, specifications, etc. If you do not have receipts for the goods, then the customs office itself will calculate the cost of the goods based on the approximate retail prices they have for these products (but they will exceed the price that you actually paid).

So, how much customs duty will you have to pay for goods that exceed the import standards? Here are several evaluation criteria:

1. If the total amount of goods purchased exceeds 1500 euros - 30% only of the excess amount (not of the total amount!).

2. If the weight exceeds 50kg - 30% of the amount of the product that exceeds 50kg, but not less than 4 euros per kg. Those. if according to your receipts you have to pay 0.5 euros for a 3-kilogram package of washing powder, then customs will not be happy with this. You will have to pay 12 euros in duty for this package of powder and come to terms with the idea that you will wash your clothes with “golden” powder.

For some categories of goods, there is not a general, but an individual system for calculating customs duties. Eg:
1. alcoholic drinks from 3 to 5 liters inclusive - 10 euros for each liter exceeding the norm;
2. jewelry more than 5 units: from silver - 10 euros per unit, from gold or platinum - 50 euros per unit, with precious stones regardless of the metal they contain - 200 euros per unit;
3. food products: from 5 to 30 kg - 2 euros per 1 kg, more than 30 kg - 3 euros per 1 kg.

However, do not be deluded by the opportunity to pay customs duties and calmly transport as many goods as you like. Sometimes customs officials may consider that the goods you brought not only are not personal items, but are also clearly a commercial shipment. Then the usual payment of duties will not be enough. You will have to arrange transportation as a legal entity (or an Individual Entrepreneur) and provide all the necessary documents. If you did not have time to register a legal entity. person (or individual entrepreneur), then you will have to leave your goods in a special temporary storage warehouse, which, in turn, is NOT free. Therefore, you need to think 10 times before buying 8 pairs of shoes or 5 identical mobile phones, so that the purchase does not “backfire” on you.

Speaking about the export of goods from Belarus, there are no special features here (with the exception of the standard “narcotics, explosives, ethyl alcohol, weapons” and the like). The only thing that needs to be emphasized is cultural values. Sometimes, as a Belarusian souvenir, we bring as a gift a painting or a family antique in the form of an old box, completely unaware that this work is a cultural value for the country. In this case, you will need to obtain a “Certificate of the right to export cultural property from the territory of the Republic of Belarus” from the Expert Commission of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus.

In any case, before planning your trip or making air ticket booking, you need to check in advance with customs officials about whether you can take this or that item out of Belarus and whether you can bring certain goods for yourself. Then you will not have unexpected delays at the border and unforeseen financial waste.

The Polish Customs Service is subordinate to the Ministry of Finance. The department carries out customs and passport control upon entry into the territory of the state. When checking documents, the border guard has the right to ask any questions regarding the reason for entry, personal data, and presentation of insurance. A customs officer can, without explanation, confiscate goods prohibited for import, visually assess the volume of luggage, and demand payment of duties on the spot.

A Polish customs officer has great powers. He can issue a fine to a foreigner, deport a tourist from the country with a ban on entry into the European Union for 5 years, and cancel a visa. To avoid unpleasant situations when crossing the Polish border, you need to familiarize yourself with the procedure in advance.

How much alcohol (alcohol) can you import into Poland?

Important. Alcohol and tobacco products cannot be transported to minors.

Limits for importing alcohol into Poland:
  • beer – 16 liters
  • wine (still) – 4 liters
  • other drinks with ethyl alcohol content not exceeding 22% – 2 liters
  • other drinks containing ethyl alcohol more than 22% – 1 liter

How many packs of cigarettes can you import into Poland?

Limits for importing cigarettes into Poland:
  • cigarettes – 2 packs (total 40 pieces)
  • cigarillos – 20 pieces
  • cigars – 10 pieces
  • dry tobacco – no more than 50 grams
When traveling by plane:
  • cigarettes – 10 packs (total 200 pieces)
  • cigarillos – 100 pieces
  • cigars – 50 pieces
  • dry tobacco – no more than 250 grams

How much money can you bring to Poland?

Without filling out a declaration, one person can carry no more than 10 thousand euros in any currency. The amount exceeding the norm must be declared. When leaving the country, customs officers will definitely check the cash with the numbers in the declaration.

Important. If the national currency of the importing country is different from the euro (for example, rubles), then calculations are made in Polish zlotys.
In this case, import rates are recalculated at the current exchange rate.

When passing passport control, employees ask all tourists about the length of stay in the country and the availability of means of subsistence. If a foreigner plans to stay in Poland for 3 days, he must have at least 900 zlotys or an equivalent amount in any convenient currency. Foreigners who come to Poland to study must have the means to live, subject to a minimum monthly cost of PLN 543.

How to bring animals to Poland

You can bring 5 pets through Polish customs at a time. Breed, age, type do not matter. According to European rules, only an animal vaccinated according to plan with a passport and electronic identifier can cross the border. Also, Polish customs officers require a veterinary certificate from the owner of the animal, issued no later than 5 days before the animal’s arrival in Poland. The document must indicate the infectious background of the region in which the pet constantly resides (no outbreaks of plague, rabies, etc.).

Animals can be transported to Poland through certain checkpoints. If any documents or vaccinations are missing, they can be obtained from the veterinarian on duty at customs. During the preparation of documents and tests, the pet remains in a special room under the supervision of specialists. The animal owner should not worry. Spacious cages, balanced nutrition, and good care for pets are provided.

To import products made from natural fur, leather, and bones, a special certificate is required. Rare unique animals go through customs according to special rules. The owner must provide the checkpoint employees with permission from the CITES Convention to export and import the animal, as well as a certificate of origin.

Duty-free import

Important. Having children under 3 years of age or disabled children allows you to go through the border crossing without waiting in line.

Citizens of non-EU countries are treated strictly at the border. Foreigners can bring into Poland a limited amount of food and personal items up to a certain amount. The type of product and the cost of luggage are affected by the location of customs, the method of entry, and the age of the tourist. Trade items imported into the territory of the state must meet the following requirements:

  1. You can import food and personal items only if they are in your personal luggage;
  2. Non-commercial products and gifts are not subject to duty;
  3. The cost of personal items in luggage should not exceed the established norm for adults and minors.

It is allowed to transport non-narcotic medications to Poland for personal use. When calculating the cost of items, medications are not taken into account. If certain categories of medicines are detected, the customs officer may require a prescription or any other confirmation of the need to take the drug (sick leave, doctor’s certificate, medical card).

What is considered personal property?

When going to Poland, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the customs regulations. The resolution allowing the import of personal belongings up to a certain amount sounds vague. Before packing your suitcases, you need to figure out what items are considered personal at Polish customs and what are the conditions for their import.

If a tourist arrives by land, his luggage should be valued at no more than 300 euros. Arriving by plane, you can take with you 430 euros worth of things. Teenagers under 15 years old are allowed to have luggage no more than 150 euros. A foreigner will not have problems in Poland at the checkpoint if his suitcase contains the following things:

  • Equipment, no more than one unit of each type. This could be a player, camera, laptop, spare parts, etc.;
  • Hygiene products per person;
  • Several sets of clothes for the season;
  • Jewelry (no more than 50 grams). When calculating weight, stones and precious metal are taken into account;
  • Souvenirs, gift sets. No more than one unit for each position;
  • Food. No more than 2 kg of permitted goods per person;
  • Antiques published after 1945 (does not require a declaration);
  • Musical instruments, sports equipment, wheelchairs.

If the imported items exceed the required amount, this should be reported to the customs officer orally. The employee will make the calculation and provide the foreigner with a receipt for payment of tax and customs duties. A foreigner will need to attach a list of taxable items when making a customs payment of more than 5 thousand euros. The listed goods must be exported from the state when the tourist leaves.

Import ban

It is prohibited to import meat, milk, chocolate, canned meat, and sausages into all EU countries, including Poland. An exception is special medical canned food and baby food, provided that the product is packaged in dense containers and weighs less than 2 kg.

Important. If prohibited goods are found at customs, the violator will be fined and the products will be confiscated.

What cannot be imported to Poland:
  • perishable food (milk, eggs, etc.)
  • wild birds and animals
  • soil and plants
  • narcotic drugs
  • medicines containing substances prohibited in Poland
  • weapons and ammunition
  • explosives
  • radioactive substances
  • art objects without relevant documents

What medications cannot be imported into Poland?

Important. These drugs will be confiscated if they are discovered.

  • "Alex Plus"
  • "Barboval"
  • "Valocordin"
  • "Glycodin"
  • "Grippex"
  • "Dynafed Plus"
  • "Children's Tylenol for colds"
  • "Caffetin"
  • "Clarinase - 12"
  • "Clarinase"
  • "Codelac"
  • "Codterpin"
  • "Coldrex Knight"
  • "Corvalol"
  • "Nurofen Plus"
  • "Nurofen Stopcold"
  • "Pentalgin-N"
  • "Pyranol Plus"
  • "Pulsinex"
  • "Rinasek"
  • "Sedalgin-Neo"
  • "Solvin Plus"
  • "Solpadeine"
  • "Tramadol"
  • "Tussin Plus"

Restrictions on the import of food and drinks

Some foods and drinks are not subject to duty when imported into Poland in a certain quantity. The variety of trade items should not indicate commercial purposes. Without any problems or extra costs, you can bring the following goods into the country for an adult tourist:

  • Honey. It is allowed to import no more than 2 kg;
  • Fresh vegetables. No more than 5 kg;
  • Fresh fruits. No more than 5 kg;
  • Fish and seafood. Any fish products can enter through Polish customs weighing no more than 20 kg.