10 most mysterious places on the planet. The most terrible places on earth (39 photos)

There is nothing more intriguing than a forbidden place. The fact that you can't go somewhere makes you crave to go there. Because there is nothing more interesting than the unknown.

North Sentinel Island, India

It is home to one of the few tribes in the world that refuses to have any contact with the modern world. They do not allow outsiders into their domain. In 2006, the tribe killed two fishermen who accidentally entered their territory, but the Indian government made no attempt to punish the killers. Now it is strictly forbidden to approach this island.

World Seed Vault, Norway

The Doomsday Vault is located on the island of Svalbard and is designed to store the seeds of all agricultural plants that exist in the world. If, as a result of wars or natural disasters, some plants disappear from the face of the Earth, they can be restored using the seeds that are stored here.

Gate of Pluto in Hierapolis, Türkiye

"Gates of hell", "deadly cave" - ​​once this place was dedicated to the Roman god of death Pluto. During the excavation of the temple of Pluto, a small cave was discovered, from where carbon dioxide comes out of a crack in the rock. Scientists have proven that this place is extremely dangerous: birds that are not lucky enough to fly too close to the fumes suffocate and fall dead. In some cases, the concentration of gas can pose a threat to larger animals, including humans.

Poveglia Island, Italy

This island was a cemetery for plague victims during the Roman Empire and later, in the Middle Ages, when the plague returned, the island again became home to thousands of terminally ill people. They say that the earth here is 50% human dust. Then in 1922 a psychiatric hospital was opened here. It's safe to say that this didn't affect the patients in a positive way, as the island already had a truly creepy vibe. Now this island and the buildings on it are abandoned, it is guarded, and it is closed to the public.

Lascaux cave, France

Lascaux Cave is a complex of caves near the village of Montignac. The ceilings and walls of the cave are covered with paintings, among which images of large animals predominate. The drawings do not have an exact date: it is believed that their age is about 17,000 years. Back in 1940, the cave was discovered by 18-year-old Marcel Ravidat, since then many have been wondering about its origin and significance. Anthropologists believe that these drawings may symbolize the mystical rituals of hunters. The opening of the cave to the public has changed the climate in it. 1200 visitors a day, changes in air circulation and electric lighting caused the gradual destruction of the images, which led to the closure of these caves in 1963.

Secret archives of the Vatican

Documents relating to the Catholic Church are stored here, starting from the 8th century. The endless series of shelving in this archive stretches for 85 kilometers, and entry here is strictly prohibited for everyone except for scientists with a special pass. The archive contains documents such as information about the excommunication of Martin Luther and Michelangelo's letter to Pope Julius II.

North Brother Island, USA

The island occupies a site of just over 5 hectares and is located on the East River near Manhattan, New York. Once, a passenger ship was wrecked off the coast of the island, more than 1,000 people died in the water. Later, a hospital was opened here, where infectious diseases were treated. The most famous patient was Mary Mallon, better known as Typhoid Mary. She was the first person in the US to be recognized as a healthy carrier of typhoid fever. It is said to have infected more than 50 people, 3 of whom have died. Mary herself categorically denied having the disease and refused to stop working in the food industry. In the 1950s, a drug rehabilitation center was opened on the island. Now the island is a bird sanctuary for herons and other wading birds. It is abandoned and closed to the public.

Ise Grand Shrine, Japan

A sacred place where Amaterasu, the Shinto goddess of the sun and the universe, is worshiped. The temple was built without a single nail, but the most interesting thing is that the temple is rebuilt every 20 years, respecting the Shinto concept of death and rebirth. Despite the beauty and sanctity of the temple, only priests and representatives of the imperial family can enter the territory. The only chance to get a glimpse of this incredible place is through the wooden fences. You can't take pictures here.

Morgan Island (Monkey Island), South Carolina

The island got its nickname because of the colony of rhesus monkeys living there, numbering about 4000 individuals. The monkeys were brought here from La Parguera, Puerto Rico. These monkeys are infected with the herpes virus. No one is allowed on the island for their own safety (as well as the safety of the monkeys). Unless scientists who work at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases have access here.

Catacombs, Paris

This is one of the most mysterious and scary places in the world. Initially, this place was a network of tunnels that united the stone mines of Paris, but at the end of the 18th century it became a repository for 6 million dead bodies. A very small part of these tunnels is open to the public, and you can see thousands of bones and skulls stacked together here. You will not see 99% of the labyrinth 274 kilometers long, entry is prohibited here, because you can easily get lost in the tunnels. However, this does not stop desperate people and members of secret societies from wandering here, creating problems for the policemen who guard the catacombs.

Snake Island, Atlantic Ocean

The "Island of the Golden Snakes" is located off the coast of Brazil. This is the only place where a very poisonous snake, the island botrops, has been preserved. The island is closed to the public to protect this population of snakes from destruction, and also to protect visitors, as some estimates say there is one snake for every square meter of the island.

Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang, China

Emperor Qin Shihuang's tomb is located in the Lintong District of Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province. Despite the fact that it was discovered back in 1974, when the excavations of the Terracotta Army were carried out, they did not open the tomb. Opponents of opening the grave believe that the tomb and its contents could be damaged during excavations, so access to it is prohibited.

Area 51, USA

The most closed military facility is located 134 kilometers north of Las Vegas. Considered one of the most mysterious places in the world, the US government denied its existence until 2013. Such secrecy has become a breeding ground for the emergence of a wide variety of "conspiracy theories". Due to its remote location, the area is primarily used by the CIA and the US Air Force as a test site. Despite the fact that this is a military base, many believe that it was here that an alien ship crashed, and scientists had the opportunity to study the bodies of space aliens. Many conspiracy theorists visit the area adjacent to Area 51, but entry is strictly prohibited.

Surtsey Island in Iceland

A unique island that appeared in 1963 after the eruption of an underwater volcano, which lasted 3 years. Now it is used only for scientific research. The goal of scientists is to understand how an ecosystem is formed without any human intervention. Only a few scientists are allowed on the island, making it one of the most forbidden places on earth. Scientists should not bring any seeds with them, so that nothing affects the natural development of life. But one day, a tomato grew on the island, which really puzzled the scientists. As it turned out, one of them neglected the rules of being on the island and ... went to the toilet on the frozen lava. Once the scientists figured out where the plant came from, they immediately got rid of it.

Metro-2, line D-6, Russia

Under Stalin's rule, a secret government subway system known as "Metro-2" was built. This mysterious subway system allegedly connects administrative institutions such as the Kremlin, Vnukovo-2 airport, and the General Staff Academy. There are reportedly furnished rooms and technical rooms in the tunnels. Since the system is inaccessible to outsiders, it is believed that it is intended to serve as a place in the tunnels of high-ranking officials during the war. The Moscow metro administration denies the existence of these tunnels, but back in 1994, a group of diggers claimed to have found an entrance to this underground system. The existence of only one of the 4 branches has now been confirmed, and this is the D-6 line. You can only get here with a special pass.

Bohemian Grove, USA

This is the name of an elite men's club in Monte Rio, California. Every year, since 1872, some 2,500 of the most influential people in the world have come here, including high-ranking politicians, Nobel Prize winners, senior military personnel, as well as presidents of elite universities such as Harvard or Yale. They say the club has its own rituals and traditions. The club's motto, "Spiders that weave a web, do not belong here," implies that all problems and commercial transactions must be left outside. The club is purely male, women can only appear here as servants.
Journalist Jon Ronson criticized the club: “I get the impression that in front of me are immature youths: imitating Elvis, performing terrible rituals, drinking. These people may have reached the heights of their professions, but their emotions remained at the level of college students.

How much in this world is incomprehensible, amazing and mystical

There are many places in the world that attract and frighten with their mystery ... These are the 10 most mysterious places on the planet.


This is a rather mysterious place. First of all, you need to be able to get here in the right way. According to beliefs in this mystical city, it is not enough just to buy a bus or train ticket.

Another aspect is much more important here - will this place want to receive a guest? People come here not just attracted by an interest in antiquity. There are quite strange and unusual things going on here.

So, you can spend the night on the top of the mountain, where it is quite cold and windy. At the same time, a thick sleeping bag will not be needed - all the same, a cold will not overcome. They say that all the diseases that sleep in the body and sometimes make themselves felt, come out in these places and never return to a person again.

After visiting Arkaim, people literally begin to break down. The old life loses all meaning. The one who has been here begins to feel renewed, starting a lot with a clean slate.

This ancient mystical city was found by Soviet archaeologists in 1987. It is located at the confluence of the Karaganka and Utyaganka rivers. This is in the Chelyabinsk region, south of Magnitogorsk. Among all the archaeological sites in Russia, this one is without a doubt the most mysterious.

Once upon a time, the ancient Aryans built their fortress here. However, for some unknown reason, they left their home and left, finally burning it. It happened about 4 thousand years ago.

Devil's Tower

This place is located in the US state of Wyoming. In fact, this is not a tower at all, but a rock. It consists of stone pillars, which seem to be made of bundles. The mountain has the right shape. It was formed 200 million years ago.

For a long time it seemed to an outside observer that this mountain was of artificial origin. But a man could not build it in any way, according to legend, the devil created it. In terms of its size, the Devil's Tower exceeds the pyramid of Cheops by 2.5 times!

It is not surprising that the local population has always treated this place with awe and even fear. In addition, there were rumors that mysterious lights often appeared at the very top of the mountain.

A variety of science fiction films are often filmed at the Devil's Tower. The most famous of them is Steven Spielberg's Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

People climbed to the top of the mountain only twice. The first conqueror was a local resident in the 19th century, and the second was rock climber Jack Durrans in 1938. The plane cannot land there, and from the only platform suitable for helicopters, they are literally torn off by wind currents.

The third conqueror of the summit set out to become an experienced skydiver George Hopkins. Although he was able to land successfully, but those ropes that were thrown to him from above deteriorated due to impact on sharp rocks. As a result, Hopkin became a real prisoner of the devil's rock.

The news of this shook the whole country. Soon several dozen planes were already circling over the Tower, dropping equipment and food supplies for free. However, most of the parcels were broken on stones.

Rats became another trouble for the skydiver. It turned out that there are quite a lot of them on the top of a smooth rock, impregnable from below. Every night the rodents became more aggressive and bolder.

In the United States, a special committee was even created to save Hopkins. An experienced climber Ernst Field, along with his assistant, was called to help him. But already after 3 hours of climbing, the climbers were forced to abandon further rescue. Field said that this damn rock was simply too tough for them.

This is how it turned out that the professionals conquering the eight-thousanders turned out to be powerless in front of a rock 390 meters high. The same Jack Durrans was found through the press. Two days later he was in place and decided to conquer the summit along the route known only to him.

The climbers led by him were able to reach the summit and lower the unfortunate parachutist from there. The Devil's Tower held him captive for a whole week.

White Gods

In the north-east of the Moscow region there is a place called White Gods. It is located in the tract near the village of Vozdvizhenskoye, Sergiev-Posad district. It is worth going deep into the dense forest, as the correct stone hemisphere will appear before your eyes. Its diameter is 6 meters and its height is 3 meters.

This place was mentioned in his notes by the famous traveler and geographer Semyonov-Tyan-Shansky. Legends say that there was a pagan altar here in the XII-XIII centuries. His layout was somewhat similar to the English Stonehenge. There, by the way, according to some sources, sacrifices were also made to the gods.

In the pantheon of the ancient gods, good was personified by Belbog. His idol was installed by the Magi on a hill, people prayed to him for protection from Chernobog - the personification of evil. The father of these two gods was Svantevit, the god of gods.

All together they constituted the Triglav, or triune deity. Such was the image of the pagan system of the universe among the Slavs. Our ancient ancestors did not build their settlements anywhere.

It was necessary to meet a number of conditions for this. Usually the Slavs tried to build near river bends so that groundwater, ring structures and geological faults were present.

This is evidenced by images from space and an analysis of the location of old settlements, churches and monasteries, as well as stories that mystical properties of nature are manifested in such places.


There are many mysterious and mystical substances in the Atlantic. One of them is Cape Hatteras. It is also called the South Atlantic Cemetery. The East Coast of the United States is generally quite dangerous for shipping. There are islands here called the Outer Banks or the Dunes of Virginia Dare.

They are constantly changing their shape and size. This creates a difficulty for navigation even in weather with excellent visibility. In addition, there are often storms, fogs and swells. The local "southern mist" and the "soaring Gulf Stream" make navigation in these waters quite stressful and even deadly.

Forecasters say that during a "normal" 8-point storm, the wave height here is as much as 13 meters. The Gulf Stream near the cape flows at a speed of about 70 kilometers per day.

12 miles from the cape are two-meter shoals of Diamond. There the famous current collides with the North Atlantic. This leads to the formation of a very surprising phenomenon, observed only in these places. During a storm, waves collide with a roar, and sand, shells and sea foam fly up in fountains to a height of 30 meters.

Few managed to see such a spectacle live and then get out of there. The cape has many victims. One of the most famous is the American ship "Mormakkait". She sank here on October 7, 1954.

Another famous incident occurred with the Diamond Shoal lightship. It was tightly tied to the bottom with anchors, but strong storms pulled it out every time. As a result, the lighthouse turned out to be thrown over the dunes into Pamlico Bay.

In 1942, in the end, he was shot from his guns by a Nazi submarine that unexpectedly surfaced here. In general, sandbanks during World War II became a favorite place for German submarines. There, divers bathed, lit up and even organized sporting events. And all this is under the very noses of the Americans.

After resting, the Germans got into their boats and continued to hunt for Allied transport. As a result, in this area from January 1942 to 1945, 31 tankers, 42 transports, 2 passenger ships were sunk. The number of small vessels is generally difficult to calculate. The Germans themselves lost only 3 submarines here, all of them in April-June 1942.

The terrible cape at that time became an ally for the Nazis. Those natural factors that interfered with American ships only helped submarines. True, shallow depths posed a danger to the Germans too.

Czech catacombs

In the city of Jihlava, in the Czech South Moravia, there are catacombs. These underground structures were created by man. This place has a mystical notoriety. The passages were dug here in the Middle Ages.

They say that in one of the corridors at exactly midnight they begin to hear the sounds of the organ. Ghosts have been repeatedly met in the catacombs, and other supernatural phenomena have happened here. Scientists at the beginning rejected all these mystical occurrences as unscientific. However, over time, even they were forced to pay attention to the increasing evidence of something wrong going on underground.

In 1996, a special archaeological expedition arrived in Jihlava. She made an interesting conclusion - the local catacombs hide such secrets that science simply cannot unravel.

Scientists have recorded that in the place referred to in the legends, the sounds of the organ are indeed heard. At the same time, the underground passage is located at a depth of 10 meters; there is not a single room near it that could accommodate this musical instrument in principle. So there can be no talk of random errors.

Eyewitnesses were examined by psychologists who said there were no signs of a mass hallucination. But the main sensation told by archaeologists was the existence of a “luminous staircase”. She was found in one of the hitherto little-known underground passages. Even the old-timers did not know that he existed at all.

Samples of the material showed that there is no phosphorus in it. Witnesses say that the staircase does not stand out at first glance. However, over time, it begins to emit a mystical reddish-orange light. Even if you turn off the flashlight, the glow will still remain, and its intensity will not decrease.

coral castle

This complex includes huge statues and megaliths, whose total weight exceeds 1100 tons. They are folded here by hand, without the use of any machines. The castle is located in California. The complex has a square tower with two floors. She alone weighs 243 tons.

There are also various buildings here, thick walls, a spiral staircase leads to the underground pool. There is also a map of Florida made of stones, hewn stones, a table created in the form of a heart, an accurate sundial, and stone Saturn and Mars.

A month weighing 30 tons points with its horn directly at the North Star. As a result, a lot of interesting objects were placed on an area of ​​40 hectares. The author and creator of such an object was Edward Lidskalninsh, a Latvian emigrant. Perhaps his unrequited love for 16-year-old Agnes Skaffs pushed him to create the castle.

The architect himself came to Florida in 1920. The mild climate of this place extended his life, because she was in danger due to progressive tuberculosis. Edward was a small man with a height of 152 centimeters and a weight of 45 kilograms. Although outwardly he seemed frail, he built his castle for 20 years alone. To do this, he dragged huge blocks of coral limestone here from the coast, and then created blocks from it. At the same time, he did not even have a jackhammer; the Latvian created all his tools from discarded car parts.

It is rather difficult to understand now how the construction itself took place. It is not known how Edward moved and lifted multi-ton blocks in general. The fact is that the builder was also very secretive, preferring to work at night. The gloomy Edward let the guests into the places of his work extremely reluctantly. As soon as an unwanted guest got here, the host grew up behind him and stood there silently until the visitor left.

One day, an active lawyer from Louisiana decided to build a Villa in the neighborhood. In response to this, Edward simply moved his entire brainchild 10 miles south. How he did it is a mystery.

It is known that the builder hired a large truck for this. The car was seen by many witnesses. At the same time, no one saw how Edward himself or the builder loaded something there or unloaded it back. To the astonished questions about how he managed to transport his castle, he answered: "I discovered the secret of the pyramid builders!"

In 1952, Lidskalninsh died unexpectedly, but not at all from tuberculosis, but from stomach cancer. After the death of the Latvian, parts of the diaries were found, which speak of the magnetism of the Earth and the control of cosmic energy flows. However, nothing was explained there.

A few years after Edward's death, the American Society of Engineering decided to conduct an experiment. To do this, the most powerful bulldozer tried to budge one of the stone blocks that Edward did not have time to install. The car was unable to do so. As a result, the mystery of this entire structure and its movement remained unsolved.


Between the Syr Darya and Amu Darya rivers of Central Asia there are a number of anomalous areas that have not yet been explored. So, in the central part of Kyzylkum, in its mountains, strange rock paintings were found. There you can clearly see people in spacesuits and something very reminiscent of spaceships. In these places, UFOs are also often observed.

A famous case occurred in November 1990. Then the employees of the Zarafshan cooperative "Ldinka", traveling at night along the Navoi-Zarafshan road, saw a long forty-meter cylindrical object in the sky. A strong, focused, well-defined cone-shaped beam descended from it to the ground.

An expedition of ufologists found an interesting woman with supernatural powers in Zarafshan. She stated that she was constantly in contact with representatives of an alien civilization.

In the spring of 1990, she received information that an unearthly flying object was destroyed in near-Earth orbit, and its remnants fell 30-40 kilometers from the city.

Only half a year has passed and in September two local geologists, breaking up drilling profiles, stumbled upon spots of unknown origin. Their analysis showed that they cannot have an earthly origin. However, this information was immediately classified and no one has ever officially confirmed it.

loch ness

This Scottish lake has long attracted all lovers of mysticism and mysteries. The reservoir is located in the north of Great Britain, in Scotland. The area of ​​Loch Ness is 56 km², its length is 37 kilometers. The maximum depth of the lake is 230 meters.

The lake is part of the Caledonian Canal, which connects the western and eastern coasts of Scotland. The glory of this lake was brought by the mysterious large animal Nessie, supposedly living in it. Outwardly, it is very similar to a fossil lizard.

Scientists have calculated that since the creation of the road on the lake in 1933, more than 4 thousand evidence of the appearance of monsters from the waters of the lake has been recorded.

It was first seen in the 20th century by the McKays, owners of a local hotel. However, there are not only documented eyewitness accounts, science also has dozens of photographs, albeit indistinct, but there are underwater recordings and even echo sounder recordings. On them you can see in whole or in part one or more lizards with a long neck.

Proponents of the existence of the monster cite a film shot in 1966 by British aviation officer Tim Dinsdale to prove their theory. There you can see how a huge animal swims in the water.

Military experts only confirmed that the object moving through Loch Ness cannot be an artificial model. It is a living being moving at a speed of about 16 km/h.

It is also believed that the lake area itself is a large anomalous zone. After all, UFOs were often observed here, the most famous evidence dates back to 1971, when alien "irons" flew here.

Explorers do not leave the lake alone. So, in the summer of 1992, the entire Loch Ness was carefully scanned using sonar. The results were sensational. Wards of Dr. McAndrews said that several unusual living creatures were found under the water. It could have been dinosaurs that somehow survived to this day.

The lake was also photographed with the help of laser equipment. The researchers said that the lizard living in the waters is unusually smart. Even a submarine was used to search for the monster.

In 1969, the "Peese" apparatus, equipped with a sonar, descended under water. Later, the Viperfish boat continued the search, and since 1995, the Time Machine submarine began to take part in the research.

An important study in February 1997 was conducted by the military, led by Officer Edwards. They patrolled the water surface and used deep-sea sonars.

A deep crevice was found at the bottom of the lake. It turned out that the cave has a width of 9 meters, and its maximum depth can reach 250 meters!

Researchers want to find out further if this cave is part of an underwater tunnel connecting the lake to other bodies of water in the neighborhood. To find out, they are going to launch a whole batch of non-toxic dyes into the hole. Some of its particles will then be looked for in other reservoirs.

The lake can be reached from London by train and from Inverness by bus or car. A whole extensive tourist infrastructure has been created around Loch Ness. There are many hotels and hotels here. You can even pitch a tent, but not on private land. In summer, the lake warms up enough to swim in it. But only Russian tourists dare to do this, which the locals simply take for crazy.

Triangle of Molebs

There is a geoanomalous zone between the Sverdlovsk and Perm regions on the banks of the Sylva. This triangle is opposite the village of Molebki. This strange place was discovered by a geologist from Perm, Emil Bachurin.

He found in the winter of 1983 in the snow an unusual round track with a diameter of 62 meters. Returning here in the fall of the following year, he saw a hemisphere glowing in blue in the forest. Further study of this place showed that there is a strong dowsing anomaly.

Large black figures, luminous balls and other bodies were observed in the triangle. At the same time, these objects demonstrated reasonable behavior. They lined up in clear geometric shapes, watched the people exploring them, flew away when people approached them.

In September 1999, another expedition of the Kosmopoisk group came here. They repeatedly heard extraneous sounds here. Researchers mention that they heard a running motor.

There was a feeling that a car was about to roll out of the forest into the clearing, but it itself never appeared. And no trace of her was ever found. The Moleb triangle is generally quite famous among tourists and ufologists.

In the early 90s, so many curious people began to come here that it became simply impossible to do any research here. The press began to mention more and more often that the Perm anomalous zone ceased to exist under the massive influence of people. That is why in recent years, interest in the mysterious triangle has declined markedly.


This unusual place is located in Mexico. In Chavinda, according to the beliefs of local residents, there is a "crossing of the worlds." Therefore, no one is surprised that anomalous and mystical incidents occur more often in this area than in other places.

In the 1990s, a sensational incident occurred here. Eyewitnesses say that it was a cloudless moonlit night. You didn't even need a flashlight to see what was going on around you.

The treasure hunters suddenly heard a rider approaching them. He was in national costume. The rider told the frightened Mexicans that he saw them from the top of a distant mountain and rode here in 5 minutes. It was physically impossible!

The treasure hunters abandoned their tools and fled in panic. When they came to their senses, they naturally doubted what they saw. The Mexicans soon began to search again. But it turned out that this was only the beginning!

Their new cars began to break down, and within just one day they turned into old wrecks. No repair could stop this process. One of the cars was even no longer seen on the road by other drivers.

Once she was even rammed by a truck, the driver of which watched in amazement as it crashed into an "invisible" car. Such mystical troubles continued until the Mexicans, who had not believed in anything before, were forced to give themselves a word that they would refuse to search for this treasure.

Enwaitenet Island

Envainetenet is an island in Kenya that has been linked to unexplained disappearances. In the archives of the local police there is a record from 1936 that an ethnographic expedition consisting of M. Sheflis and B. Dyson landed on the island. A few days later, communication was lost with the scientists, and they disappeared without a trace.

There are also records of dozens of people inexplicably disappearing, leaving their homes and food behind. Similar news is reported to this day.

death valley

The mysterious Death Valley in the south of Nevada has gained gloomy fame. People have disappeared here many times.

The strange thing is that many cars were later found in good condition, and there was not a trace of people left.

Local residents believed that the military was to blame for everything, conducting their tests of new types of weapons in the area. The military denied everything and "nodding" at the smugglers. But relatively recently, the military themselves faced the mystery of the Valley of Death.

A group of the Mexican Special Forces Detachment conducted training in conditions close to combat. For training chose not the best place.

The location of the group was continuously tracked on the map with an accuracy of hundreds of meters. But on the fourth day of testing, the group suddenly disappeared from the monitor screen.

When at the appointed time she did not reach the conditional target, an assault force was sent to search for her, which was landed at the point where the last signal came from. One of the jeeps with soldiers went the entire route to the target without meeting anyone; the other jeep, which carried two soldiers, deviated from the route in the direction of strange flashes of light.

When he also did not get in touch, a helicopter flew out to search for him. The jeep was found in perfect condition, but there were no people in it, while there was a working radio station in the cabin.

Hollow of black bamboo

One of the most inexplicable anomalous zones in the world is the Heizhu Valley in southern China, the name of the valley is translated as “Black Bamboo Hollow”.

Over the years, in this place, under mysterious circumstances, many people disappeared without a trace, whose bodies were never found.

Terrible accidents happen here frighteningly often and people die. So, in 1950, for an unknown reason, a plane crashed in the valley: the ship had no technical problems and the crew did not report a disaster.

In the same year, according to statistics, about 100 people went missing in the hollow. After 12 years, the valley "swallowed" the same number of people - an entire exploration group disappeared.

In 1966, a detachment of military cartographers who were engaged in correcting the relief maps of this area disappeared here. And in 1976, a group of foresters disappeared in the hollow.

Devil's Cemetery

Devil's Cemetery is located in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, near the village of Karamyshevo. Rumor has it that this anomaly arose after the fall of the Tunguska meteorite.

First, a hole appeared in the ground, later animals began to die in this place, and in such numbers that the entire surrounding glade was littered with bones. Many researchers have visited the Devil's Cemetery.

The description of the place was similar for everyone - "A small clearing covered with black charred trees." Everything could be attributed to harmful underground gases released from the ground, if not for one “but” - when approaching the Devil's Cemetery, navigation devices begin to behave strangely, and the compass needle changes direction.

Bermuda Triangle

Undoubtedly, the most famous place in the world associated with mysterious disappearances is the Bermuda Triangle.

The area is very difficult to navigate: there are a large number of shoals, cyclones and storms often arise.

Mysterious disappearances in this zone do happen very often, researchers put forward various hypotheses to explain them: from unusual weather phenomena to abductions by aliens or residents of Atlantis.

The last convincing version was put forward in October 2016 by Steve Miller, a meteorologist at the University of Colorado. He and a team of researchers managed to investigate phenomena that have been occurring for a couple of centuries in a triangle of 500 thousand square kilometers in the Atlantic between the coast of Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico.

Miller's team studied the situation using radar satellites. And she found that clouds of a special shape provoke sharp accelerations of air currents. Rushing from top to bottom at speeds up to 300 km/h, these streams become real “air bombs” capable of shooting down planes and even sinking ships, the researchers are sure.

Miller's hypothesis is the most scientifically sound of all that have been put forward regarding the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle over the past half century. Previously, researchers have sinned on methane emissions from the ocean floor, aliens, parallel worlds and geomagnetic fields. There was no scientific basis for these theories.

The twenty-first century is the time of digital electronics, new technologies and discoveries. Cures have been found for many previously incurable diseases. Skyscrapers have been built that change their shape. Space explored. However, there is still much unknown. For example, the Nazca lines in Peru or China, Stonehenge and Easter Island. Which one is the most mysterious place on the planet? No scientist can answer this question...

Around the world in search of the unknown

Mysterious places on earth. Where to look for them? It is enough to look around. In every corner of the planet you can find interesting and unusual natural phenomena. The question is: what do you want more - beauty that captivates the spirit, or is it still extreme adventures? Seekers of beauty should visit, for example, the Salar de Uyuni in Bolivia. A huge salt desert formed on the site of a dried-up lake. During the rainy season, when the salt is covered with a thin layer of water, it feels like a person is walking on water. The sky merges with the earth. All thoughts disappear overnight. This is the most incredible place on Earth!

And there are such natural corners, visiting which it will be difficult to fall asleep. Caves, forests and lakes with mysterious and mystical stories will not leave indifferent even the most daring and courageous tourists. Horror movies will seem like children's fairy tales. Anomalous places on the planet will tickle the nerves of everyone.

Dedicated to thrill seekers

Blue hole. This is an underwater cave, which is located on the coast of Belize among the coral reefs (Central America). It is a funnel 120 meters deep and 305 wide. The roof of the cave collapsed and was flooded when the sea level rose. The blue hole became known to the world after the telecasts of the explorer Jacques-Yves Cousteau. It was he who became the discoverer of this amazing natural phenomenon. The underwater world of the cave is very diverse, which attracts divers. Feeling like you are in a cartoon about the mermaid Ariel.

And lakes are undoubtedly the most unusual places. There are many of these on the planet. And, of course, Lake Melissano in Greece deserves special attention. It is a cave and a lake at the same time. Pure as tears, waters, combined with virgin thickets and unusual stones - what could be more beautiful? The only thing missing is the fabulous nymphs and elves.

Attracts and fascinates the underground river Puerto Princesa in the Philippines. The world's largest underground river. Its length reaches eight kilometers. Puerto Princesa is considered one of the wonders of nature. The area around the underground reservoir, as well as the reservoir itself, has been declared a national park. You can get into the cave directly from the open sea, where the river flows into. Maybe this is the most mysterious place on Earth?

Attracts interest in the US. It is both a surface and underground reservoir. A very long time ago, the most severe of which, the Apaches, lived in the area around the lake. Here you can hear a lot of different legends and legends. They will not leave anyone indifferent. The lake and the area around it are considered a nature reserve.

If we talk about natural reservoirs, we should mention the Pamukkale basins in Turkey. A place that will leave its imprint in the memory of a tourist for a long time. The pools are large hills filled with natural healing waters. Millions of tourists visit the country just to see this most mysterious place on Earth. At any time of the day, the view from the pool is simply amazing. Many consider the Pamukkale pools to be the eighth wonder of the world.

Mysterious places of the planet

How many interesting and mysterious nature hides! It seems that life is not enough to go around the Earth and see everything with my own eyes. But, on the other hand, there would be time and desire. After all, nothing is impossible!

So, where are they - the mysterious places of the planet? Photos of natural curiosities can be found on the pages of various encyclopedias. It is enough to look through one of these books and decide on the route of travel. You should definitely see the Giant's Road in Ireland, Trolltunga in Norway, canyons in the USA, Spotted Lakes in Canada, and much, much more.

Road of the Giants. It is laid out on the coast of Ireland from stone columns. There are many legends and tales about her. The most common legend is that the road was built by a Finn to fight a sea monster. In fact, the trail was formed as a result of volcanic eruptions. The area where it is located is a nature reserve.

Antelope Canyon in the USA. America is rich in canyons, but the most amazing is the Antelope Canyon. In the photo, it looks like a human creation. After all, how can nature fashion such lines and shapes? Maybe! Winds and rain water for a long time carved and washed out the sand caves. It is difficult to name all the shades of the canyon. In the morning he is one, in the evening he is another. And the best play of colors is during the day, in sunlight. The canyon is located on the lands of the Navajo tribe. And to see the most mysterious place on Earth, you need to pay the Indians for crossing their land.

Spotted Lake in Canada. The shape of the lake resembles a honeycomb, each cell of which is filled with water of a different color. This is because the reservoir is saturated with various minerals, which color the water. In summer, the water evaporates, leaving useful minerals on the surface.

Stone forest in China. These are amazing stones resembling small mountains. At one time, there was a sea that washed away soft rocks, leaving stone trunks. The forest is located in Yunnan province and is very popular among tourists. It has narrow paths and passages along which it is better not to wander alone - you can get lost. There are similar formations in Russia on the banks of the Lena River (Yakutia).

Pyramids of Yoganuni in Japan. The world knows many pyramids, but the Japanese were discovered quite recently, only 20 years ago. The uniqueness of the buildings is that they are under water. According to scientists, is ten thousand years. There are no clear answers as to who and how built this artifact. However, terraces, trenches, various lines and inscriptions testify to some, perhaps still unknown, civilization that was flooded by the sea.

Tourists in love should definitely visit the Tunnel of Lovers. It is located in the Rivne region in Ukraine. The abandoned railway, it would seem, should have a frightening, mystical appearance. But with this tunnel, it's the other way around! In summer, the section of the railway is overgrown with greenery on all sides and takes the form of a tunnel. Many lovers and newlyweds rush here for a photo session. The tunnel is very similar to the path from the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland". So you are waiting for the Cheshire Cat to appear...

A few horror stories. ghost towns

In addition to stunning and mysterious natural corners, our planet is full of creepy and unpleasant places that chill the soul with their mystical secrets. As they say, horror films "rest" in comparison. Thrill seekers - just right!

In the “most anomalous places” category, the first place can legally be given to Ukraine and its ghost town of Pripyat. The city is abandoned and abandoned after the world-famous tragedy at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Empty streets, playgrounds and lonely houses seem to be specially created as scenery for a creepy movie. Pripyat is the youngest ghost town. At the time of the disaster, he was only 16 years old. Now about 300 old-timers live there, who did not want to seek shelter in other cities.

There is a similar town in Russia - Kadychkan (Magadan). It has been leading its history since 1943, when deposits of high quality coal were discovered on the site of the future settlement. Since then, a small settlement has been founded. However, after the explosion of the mine in 1996, life in the city became impossible due to increased levels of radiation. People languished before their eyes. The evacuation has begun. Now only empty apartments and abandoned cars in the yards remind us that the city “was”…

Oradour-sur-Glan is a French village whose inhabitants were shot by the German invaders during the Second World War. In one day, 642 people were killed, of which almost 500 were women and children. The city itself was burned down. Not far from the site of the tragedy, a new city with the same name was built, and the old Oradour-sur-Glane was recognized as a historical monument.

There is also a ghost town in America - Detroit (Michigan). The previously prosperous city is now like a ghost: destroyed houses and schools inspire fear and horror. The strongest impression is made by the once largest railway station in the world. Detroit is a great location for filming mystical films. In abandoned churches, dolls are scattered everywhere, testifying to satanic rites.

Ghost towns are the most unusual places on the planet. They make you think about the consequences of human actions and reconsider your attitude to nature.

In Search of the Paranormal

When it comes to ghost towns, it is appropriate to mention individual buildings that are so frightening in their appearance. The paranormal places of the planet are not a game of directors' imagination, these are true stories that deserve attention.

Amityville. Someone will say: "It's just fiction!" But still a strange house actually exists! The town of Amityville is located near New York. The murder, which led to mysterious events, has not been solved to this day. Nobody knows what really happened there. However, after a terrible incident, when the eldest son killed his entire family, not a single tenant lingered in the house for a long time. People fled leaving their belongings.

The psychiatric clinic Lier Sikehus in Norway or a military hospital in Germany inspire the same horror. Buildings that have a dark past will be a godsend for fans of the paranormal. In the clinic, as well as in the hospital, the souls who died in agony and torment found their refuge.

Loneliness with notes of mysticism "smells" of the eighth workshop of the Dagdiesel plant (Russia). This is a Russian military station in the Caspian Sea. It is located three kilometers from the coast. The walls of a long-abandoned factory, like a cold iceberg, stand in the middle of the sea and frighten the marines with their monstrous appearance ...

Russia also has its own Silent Hill. A small abandoned town of dachas and children's camps is located in the Moscow region. And God forbid to become a witness of the satanic rites that are held there!

Roads of death

Our land is intertwined with roads and highways. There are good highways and not so good ones. And there are paths, staying on which inspires inexplicable fear.

For example, the most terrible road in the world! She claimed thousands of lives. The road passes high in the mountains and stretches for 70 km. On one side there are rocks dotted with crosses and monuments, and on the other side there is a cliff and an abyss. And although the construction of a safe path has begun, they still use this road. Eyewitnesses have repeatedly noticed strange white shadows flickering either in front or behind the car. Probably, the souls of the dead on this path, who cannot find rest in any way ...

An unusual road is located in the mountains of China. This is not just a track, but a road-tunnel. Periodically, the route seems to enter the mountain itself, where on the one hand there are rocks, and on the other - such windows over the abyss. They say that if the driver looks out that window, he will immediately fall down ...

There is a road of death in Russia too. This is the name of the Lyubertsy-Lytkarino highway. It is a narrow winding highway where drivers drive with the utmost care. Strange silhouettes were seen here by more than one traveler. Rumor has it that in these places there are ancient burials. Perhaps restless souls are looking for answers to their eternal questions. The whole road is strewn with monuments, crosses and flowers.

And by and large, all the roads of Russia in one way or another can be called the paths of death. Either the drivers are like that, or the highways, but the Russian Federation is among the first countries in road accidents.

Paranormal Russia

The whole Russian country is teeming with anomalies. There are a lot of different oddities in its very heart - in Moscow and the region. Anomalous places near Moscow are scattered mainly in small villages.

UFO seekers can hunt for unusual pictures in the settlements of Chasovnya, Protasovo, Ogudnevo, Nikolskoye and many others. The strongest geopathic node is located in the Chasovnya village. Strange sounds, shadows and flashes have been noticed more than once by local residents. Some were lucky enough to capture interesting footage on the camera, the authenticity of which was verified in Russia and the United States.

Lights are often recorded in the sky at 47 km of the Yaroslavl Highway, in particular, over the village of Sofrino. You can find out if this is true or not, only if you arm yourself with a camera and go on an extreme journey.

If we talk about Moscow itself, then almost every metro station hides some secrets. A lot of interesting and paranormal things are hidden by the underground stations Baumanskaya (Basurmansky crypts), Sukharevskaya (Sorcerer's Tower), Chistye Prudy (misers from Myasnitskaya). These are places that still keep the secrets of the past.

But the greatest horror inspires the residents of Moscow Beria's House on Malaya Nikitskaya Street (Metro Arbatskaya). They say that at night you can hear the sounds of an approaching car, followed by heavy male steps. It was Beria who returned home. And it's good if he is accompanied by a lady. But if the groans of the repressed are heard, then it is better to run from that place without looking back ...

What do the caves of Russia hide?

Caves are the most mysterious places on the planet, which have been of great interest to people since ancient times. There are different beliefs and legends about these natural creations.

For example, the Sablinsky caves in the Leningrad region took more than one human life. They prefer to remain silent about this place. You won't read about it in the paper or hear it on the radio. The secret zone is covered with mysteries that no one has yet been able to unravel. Previously, fugitives and prisoners hid in the caves. Probably, they could not find a way out of them, and now their souls are doomed to an eternal search.

Many horror stories are also connected with the Kashlukat cave, which is in the north of Russia. It is popularly known as the Black Devil Cave. It is not surprising, because its grottoes also have mystical names - Skeleton, Obscurantists ... On the walls of the cave you can see the ancient spells of shamans who have been performing their rituals here for a long time. It is said that those who managed to survive after going to the cave go crazy over time.

The most anomalous and mysterious places in Russia are enclosed in mountain ranges. One of these is the Dyatlov Pass. Many people learned about this place from the film of the same name. This is not just an invention of the director, this is a real mountain, and it is located in the north of the Urals. Back in 1959, a group of young tourists tried to conquer it. However, all members of the group died under mysterious circumstances. Rescuers looking for tourists found only a tent torn from the inside. What force forced people to leave the place of lodging for the night in severe frost? What scared the members of the group so much? There are still no clear answers to these questions. Locals consider this place cursed.

They don't talk about places like this...

“Unusual places on the planet, photos of which can be found on the pages of educational books, are just pictures,” everyone will say. And only those who have felt the cold of a mysterious cave or lake are unlikely to want to visit these corners again.

There are areas in Russia that it is better not to know about, and even more so not to go there. For example, the Devil's Cemetery, local residents prefer to bypass the tenth road. A mystical forest with an incomprehensible clearing is located near the village of Ust-Kov, Kezhemsky district, Krasnodar Territory.

According to the legend of the villagers, in 1908 a meteorite fell here, which formed in the ground. The hole closed up over time. But the land at this place is considered cursed. It looks like after a terrible fire, and there is nothing alive on it. Anyone who sets foot on the Devil's Cemetery will immediately die. Over the years of research, about a hundred people have disappeared here.

These are far from all the anomalous places in Russia. Many secrets are hidden in the water bodies of the country.

Ivachevskoe lake (Volgograd region). The reservoir captivates with its beauty and mystery. However, the picturesque area not only pacifies, but also catches up with a certain fear. Many noted that after resting on this lake, their health worsened. And residents of the city of Cherepovets, which is located next to the lake, say that more and more people are disappearing on this reservoir. Researchers of anomalies have not yet given clear answers. This is the most mysterious place on Earth.

They also bypass the Yachenskoye reservoir (Kaluga region). In the people it is called the Thunder of the Lord. The reservoir attracts an electric charge. People who bathe in it die from lightning strikes. It is better not to visit these places. It is unlikely that anyone will enjoy such a holiday.

But the mortality of people in Lake Syurzi in the Arkhangelsk region is quite understandable. The reservoir is life-threatening due to increased radioactivity. The fish here float up belly up, and the fishermen disappear altogether. Those who managed to survive after such fishing recall the events with fear and do not always survive until the morning. The results of forensic medical examinations show that the cause of death of the fishermen was the effect of radiation.

These are far from all the anomalous places in Russia. The mystical city of Arkaim in the Chelyabinsk region is distinguished by its beauty and mystery. Where two rivers, Karaganka and Utyaganka, converge into one, and this amazing historical heritage is located. The city was discovered by archaeologists in 1987. It looks like rings, enclosed one in another. The settlement has four entrances - one for each side of the world. The surviving buildings of Arkaim testify to an ancient civilization. The city has amazing properties - it is able to heal many diseases. Those who have been here once will certainly return again. But Arkaim is not hospitable to everyone. On some, he catches up with fear and horror. Only a select few are allowed entry.

Incredible places on Earth - towards adventure!

The unknown surrounds us everywhere. The most mysterious places on the planet are open only to the elite. People with great willpower who are ready for an exciting trip. Our life is so short and fleeting that you don’t even have time to look back, as old age creeps up. And it’s good, closing your eyes, to remember the mysterious places of the planet, in search of which you wandered around the world. And whoever did not see the true beauty of our Earth - he almost did not live ...

Intellectual power helps mankind to reveal many secrets of the Earth. Humans have reached the surface of the moon and explored other planets in the solar system. But still, there are a number of mysterious and unknown places in the world. Inhospitable conditions and the destructive forces of nature hold back man from exploring some parts of our planet. At the same time, these same natural forces help to preserve the original appearance and beauty of such places untouched by civilization.

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Greenland ice caps

Greenland is the largest island in the world. In fact, most of the island is covered by ice caps, ice caps that are smaller than the ice sheets. Therefore, this place is considered the least populated on the planet and is practically unexplored. Layers of ice in Greenland with a thickness of 3200 meters are about 100 thousand years old.

You can also see glaciers, glacial rivers, hot springs, white nights and northern lights in Greenland. But the erratic weather conditions make Greenland one of the least explored places on Earth.

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Mariana Trench, Western Pacific

The Mariana Trench is the deepest place on Earth, it is located in the western part of the Pacific Ocean. It was formed millions of years ago. The deepest point of the Mariana Trench is known as the "Challenger Abyss", the maximum known depth of which is just over 11 kilometers. Such a great depth and high pressure made the Mariana Trench a very difficult place to study, so it still remains unexplored to this day.

The Mariana Trench is home to deep sea creatures and rare minerals. The bottom of the Mariana Trench contains fossils that are millions of years old, and many other minerals that would help unravel the mysteries of the Earth. But unstable conditions make it difficult for people to explore this place.

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Kankar Punsum, Bhutan

Kankar Punsum is the highest unclimbed mountain peak in the world. It is located in Bhutan. This mountain has a height of 7570 meters and is the 40th highest mountain in the world. There are only four known expeditions to Kankar Punsum, in 1983, 1985, 1986 and 1994 respectively. But all of them were unsuccessful due to heavy snowfall and inconsistent weather conditions.

Out of respect for local beliefs, the government of Bhutan banned mountaineering on Kankar Punsum in 2004. So this mountain peak remained unconquered and unexplored.

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Deserts are notoriously difficult to explore due to unsuitable weather conditions. Antarctica is the largest desert in the world with unsuitable conditions for growing plants. The hottest desert in the world, the Sahara, is located in Africa. The amount of annual rainfall in the deserts is very low. Also, these areas are characterized by extreme temperature fluctuations - during the day it is very hot, and at night it becomes very cold. This creates very harsh living conditions for plants, animals and people.

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deep caves

There are a large number of caves in the world. They have become too difficult for scientists to study due to unbearable weather conditions, sharp rocks, heat and slipperiness. Some of the underwater caves are not inhabited by living creatures due to deadly conditions for survival. The flooded caves of the Yucatán in Mexico - the sacred caves of the Maya - are the best example of this. Crystal caves and snow caves are also too dangerous for expeditions due to the possible sudden and unprecedented changes in conditions inside the caves and their topography.

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Selva of the Amazon, South America

The Amazon rainforest is half of the rainforests on Earth, covering an area of ​​6.47 million square kilometers. The rich biodiversity of this territory and the presence of rare species of animals make the Amazon selva a priority for study. But the mystery of this place makes it still a completely unexplored place on Earth.

There is no dry season in the Amazon rainforest, it rains all year round. Heavy rains between February and May cause a sharp rise in the water level in the Amazon River. This leads to severe flooding in its basin. In such a state, transportation across the river becomes too dangerous due to the extreme river currents. It is also home to many dangerous animals such as jaguars, rattlesnakes, Brazilian wandering spiders, mosquitoes, poison dart frogs, piranhas, black caiman and anacondas that can harm humans. Lack of access to healthy food and clean water can lead to many diseases.

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This is the coldest place on the surface of the Earth, the temperature fluctuates sharply from -10C to -30C most of the time. The coldest temperature ever recorded in Antarctica was -89 degrees Celsius. It is the driest, coldest and windiest continent on Earth. Such a harsh climate makes Antarctica the most mysterious and unexplored place on our planet. Antarctica holds many secrets and is therefore of great interest to the scientific community. The average thickness of the ice crust on the continent is about 2.5 km, which means that the surface under the ice has many archaeological artifacts from the period when the continent was ice-free.

The maximum wind speed recorded in Antarctica in 1972 is 321 km per hour. The ice sheets of Antarctica, which are more than 3.2 km thick, reflect the unbearable state of the climate on this continent. Heavy snowfalls, glaciers, and cracked ice are other potential hazards in Antarctica.

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These were the most mysterious and unexplored places on Earth. Thank you for your attention.

There are many unusual and even mysterious places on earth that differ not only in their unique beauty, breathtaking landscapes and rich flora. There are many interesting and rather strange places that look completely alien.

We present a selection of the most unusual corners on earth.

Valley of the Moving Stones, California

In the US state of California, there is a real geological phenomenon, which is still being studied by world scientists. This is a valley of moving or wandering (creeping) stones. It was discovered at the bottom of an old dry lake in the south of Death Valley. Incredibly, in this area, large boulders slowly move along a completely even and flat clay surface, leaving a long trail behind them!

To date, the official hypothesis of the phenomenon of the Valley of Crawling Stones is the following version - stone blocks move due to the power of wind and water. After the rains, this lake fills with water and the clay soil becomes wet. Because of this, the friction force decreases, and hurricane gusts of wind make the stones “crawl” along the plain, leaving furrows behind them.

However, no one can yet explain the fact why the stones lying nearby begin to “spread” in different directions, and some do not move at all. In addition, it remains a mystery why the boulders wander throughout the valley, because under the influence of the wind they must move in one direction of the lake.

Scientists are actively working on unraveling the mystery of this place. By the way, there is also a mystical version of this phenomenon, associated with otherworldly forces.

Weathering pillars on the Manpupuner Plateau - Russia

In the Troitsko-Pechora region of the Komi Republic, on the Manpupuner plateau, there is another unusual natural place - 7 giant stone giants were formed here, each of which reaches a height of 30 to 42 meters. They are called weathering pillars or Mansi blockheads.

According to the main version, the blocks were formed in the process of weathering and washing out of rocks. Once this place was considered mystical and shamans performed their rituals here, who claimed that spirits inhabit the plateau.

This place is quite popular with tourists. According to them, in this area there is really a special peaceful energy.

Waitomo Glowworm Caves in New Zealand

New Zealand's Waitomo region has stunning limestone caves that are unique in that they shimmer and glow thanks to the millions of fireflies that live in underground labyrinths. These small insects, members of the mushroom mosquito genus, emit phosphorescent light that creates unusual light installations.

This type of firefly lives only in New Zealand. Scientists say that the light from insects is emitted due to the fact that they are hungry - in this way, with the help of the glow, mosquitoes lure prey into their traps.

Fishing village in China, overgrown with jungle

In China, there is an unusual abandoned village that attracts tourists every year. Once upon a time, fishermen lived here and since then the settlement began to overgrow with grass and jungle, slowly turning into a green kingdom.

Plants have completely covered the old stone houses, turning the abandoned dead city into an unusual area. This settlement has long been turned into a local landmark.

Cave of Giant Crystals in Mexico

In the Mexican city of Naica, there is another miracle of mysterious nature - the Cave of huge crystals, which is located at a depth of 300 meters. Geologists even call the bizarre interweaving of giant transparent crystals of selenite the "Sistine Chapel of Crystals" - it is so beautiful and unique. Huge formations have been growing underground for many millennia.

This Mexican wonder was accidentally discovered in 2000 by two miner brothers when they were exploring a new passage in the mine.

Crystals are like large rays that cut through space, they create an unusually breathtaking spectacle.

Antelope Canyon, USA

The most famous canyon in the southeastern part of America in the state of Arizona consists of two parts - the Upper Canyon (Gorge) and the Lower Canyon (Spirals). The Navajo Indians call the Upper Canyon the place where water flows through the rocks, and the Lower Canyon is the spiraling slopes of the rocks.

"Bloody Pond" in Japan

In the Japanese city of Beppu, there is an unusual "bloody" pond, the red color of which is due to the high level of iron in the water. The pond is a thermal spring and a landmark of the city.

It is impossible to swim in these hot waters, but it will be quite interesting to look at this miracle of nature.

Eye of the Sahara, Mauritania

In the Richat structure, on the African continent, there is a truly mystical and mysterious place called the Eye of the Sahara. It is a bizarre figure of several concentric rings. These circles are visible even from space. They are located at an altitude of about 400 meters above sea level in the Sahara desert.

According to one version, the Eye was formed from a meteorite impact. However, today geologists are inclined to the hypothesis that the Richat structure was formed as a result of erosion. Until now, world scientists are struggling with the reason for the round shape of this miracle.

Salt desert in Bolivia

In Bolivia there is a large desert of salt, which is also called Lake Uyuni. The desert is considered the largest salt marsh in the world. In this area there are active volcanoes, geysers, giant cacti grow, which create the illusion of a completely different world.

Spotted Lake Kliluk

In British Columbia, there is a completely unusual lake with white borders and blue-green puddles inside it. This fantastic body of water is like a mirror to other worlds. Lake Kliluk is not only beautiful, but also rich in natural resources.

Socotra Island

Socotra Island is part of an archipelago that consists of four islands in the Indian Ocean. It is unique and even anomalous in its vegetation - rare species of flora and fauna growing here are not found anywhere else in the world.

Danakil Depression and Dallol volcano in Ethiopia

In Ethiopia, there is one unique and extraordinary place - the Danakil Depression, which is rightfully considered one of the hottest places on Earth. In the cool season, the thermometer shows a temperature of 35 ° C, and in the hot season - about 60 ° C!

The reason for the bright colorful colors of the depression is that due to the separation of tectonic plates in this place, the waters of the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden come to the earth. It should be added that this zone is quite radiative and volcanic.

The dormant volcano Dallol is also located here - the area around it is considered the hottest place on Earth. And the landscapes seem absolutely fantastic and even alien due to their colorfulness. Salts of iron, potassium, manganese are washed to the surface by hot springs, so the local landscapes are painted in a variety of colors.

According to astronomers, this is what the surface of one of Jupiter's moons, Io, looks like.
The last time the Dallol volcano erupted was in 1926.

Dry valleys in Antarctica

The valleys in Antarctica are the driest place on earth. This area has had no precipitation at all for several million years! The local climate is similar to the climate of Mars, so these deserts are of great interest to NASA employees. In the valleys, rovers are being tested, as well as various studies.

It is worth noting that the dry part of Antarctica is not covered with ice. In this unusual place, there is a frozen lake with very salty water, in which unknown organisms were found.

Eisreisenwelt ice caves in Austria

The ice caves of the Eisreisenwelt in Austria are truly unusual and impressive in their size. Anyone who gets here feels like in a completely different world. Among all the ice caves of the earth, these are the largest. The underground labyrinths of the Eisreisenwelt stretched for 40 kilometers. Of course, this delightful and beautiful place attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists.

Rice fields of Honghe Hani in China

The southeastern Chinese province of Yunnan is famous for its incredibly stunning Honghe Hani rice plantations. Cascades of fields, like intricately curved mirrors, descend from the slopes of the Ailao mountains to the banks of the Red River. This unusual natural attraction is the pride of the province.