The most inaccessible places on Earth. The most remote countries from Russia The most remote country

Lost on the border of Russia, China, Kazakhstan and Mongolia, the Ukok plateau is not accidentally called a calm zone, since it is isolated from the outside world by a mountain range from almost all sides. This plateau belongs to those territories, the landscape of which has practically not changed since the last Ice Age.
You can get here only by SUV, only in July-August, since the rest of the time the passes are covered with a deep layer of snow. However, even in the summer months, the plateau does not always let travelers in: due to the abundant snowmelt, access roads are very washed out.
There is practically no snow on the plateau itself - strong winds blow it into ravines and hollows. The area is deserted and only occasionally a shepherd wanders here in search of pastures for livestock.

Rub al Khali desert

The Rub al-Khali Desert in Saudi Arabia is recognized as the largest area on the planet covered with sand. Its area exceeds France, Belgium and the Netherlands combined. Many desperate travelers dream of conquering the vast desert expanses, while for the Bedouins the “abode of silence” is a formidable and frightening element. The mesmerizing beauty of these places does not excite the nomads - they are more concerned about whether they can get to the next oasis.

Woe to the traveler who got lost in the sands of Rub al-Khali: 300-meter dunes stretching for hundreds of kilometers and sweltering heat can kill even the most courageous traveler.
During one of the recent expeditions, scientists managed to find 31 species of plants and 24 species of birds in the desert. But for researchers it is still a mystery how living organisms could adapt to such harsh climatic conditions.

Amazonian selva

Despite intensive deforestation, the Amazon Selva still remains the largest patch of rainforest on earth. If the Amazon itself and many of its tributaries have been studied, then the impenetrable jungle occupying thousands of square kilometers is a solid white spot. Giant trees grow so close to each other that it is not possible to see the area from an airplane. Few people dared to conquer the dense and dangerous jungle.
However, more recently, Brazilian scientists were able to look inside the Amazon rainforest. Near one of the tributaries of the Amazon - the Zhavari River, they discovered an unknown Indian tribe. Areas of cleared forest allowed the discovery to be made. Enlarged photographs obtained as a result of aerial photography showed the economy of the natives: thatched dwellings, baskets of cassava and papaya, as well as primitive tools. Judging by the reaction to a flying plane, this is a spectacle for the local tribe a curiosity.

Tepui Guiana Highlands

In that part of the Guiana Highlands, which is located on the territory of Venezuela, there are amazing rock formations - mesas or tepui, which became the prototype of Conan Doyle's "lost world". Tepui have been studied relatively recently, since for an unprepared person to get to them, and even more so to climb, is an extremely difficult and dangerous undertaking.
Now the highest of the table mountains - Roraima, which the first expedition stormed for a whole month, is already available for tourists. With others, scientists are just getting to know each other. The Sierra Neblin tepui turned out to be a real sensation. Scientists have discovered here a huge number of endemic plants and animals: among them are frogs that hatch their offspring like birds and giant ants that can gnaw through small branches with their jaws.

Dry valleys of Antarctica

On the seemingly completely covered with snow and ice Antarctica there is a dry place - the McMurdo Valley. Here, for mercy, 8 thousand square meters. km. almost 2 million years there was no precipitation. Powerful Katabatic winds, the speed of which reaches 320 km / h, and rocky spurs make this place almost inaccessible to humans.
In the absence of snow, temperatures of -50°C seem extremely cold. It is not surprising that in this place there is no life except for some types of bacteria.
However, people rarely come here. Since 2004, NASA has been using the Dry Valleys to test descent spacecraft, as the conditions in these places are as close to Martian as possible.

Irian Jaya

Indonesian-owned West Papua, also called Irian Jaya, is one of the most isolated places from civilization, despite the fact that it is less than 1000 km from Australia. Here life flows as well as several hundred years ago: pristine nature and primitive tribes are not very happy with strangers.
Getting to Irian Jaya takes a few tiring flights, but getting deeper into its heart of virgin highland forests, which is a real paradise for zoologists and botanists, requires more than good physical shape. Not everyone can breathe humid and stuffy air all day long, wander through swamps and bogs through an overhanging canopy of vegetation.
Papuan tribes live in the remote highlands, who a few decades ago hunted by cannibalism and were unaware of the existence of the "other" world. Here, in the jungles of West Papua, in November 1961, the trail of Michael Rockefeller was lost.

Tibetan plateau

Tibet is one of the most remote places on the planet from the oceans. It is here, according to European scientists, that the most isolated land area from civilization is the Tibetan Plateau. The researchers calculated the time needed to get from the plateau to the nearest major settlement. The results showed that the journey to Lhasa takes about three weeks: one day by car and another 20 days on foot. The Swedish traveler Sven Hedin, who visited the Tibetan Plateau, did not meet a single person there in 81 days.

There are many places on the planet that are inaccessible due to their geographical location. They are on remote islands, high mountains, in the depths of the ocean. Some of these places are there for a reason, and this location was chosen specifically to protect against outsiders. List of the most inaccessible places in the world.


Located 800 km from the North Pole on the Norwegian island of Svalbard, this place is a global repository of seeds (over 5,000 species) from all over the world. The repository is obliged to provide the world with seeds in the event of a global catastrophe that could destroy all vegetation.

The complex is a bunker in the mountains of Colorado, capable of withstanding the explosion of a 30 megaton nuclear bomb.

Fort Knox is not just a military base. On its territory is the largest storage of US gold reserves, which stores more than 4 thousand tons of gold.

Mountain in Utah, which houses the repository of documents of the largest Mormon religious organization - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

The fabled Area 51, a US military base in southern Nevada, is the bastion of UFO and alien conspiracy legends.

This center provides solutions in the field of health, for example, to combat the H1N1 influenza virus, but in May 1994 the CDC admitted its direct involvement in the development of biological weapons.

The secret documents of the Vatican are stored in these archives. They are well protected and accessible only to a narrow circle of scientists. Although some materials were open.

This prison is known as the "Alcatraz of the Rocky Mountains". It is also called a super-maximum security prison. Inside are the most dangerous criminals in the United States.

Incredible Facts

There are still places on Earth where no human foot has set foot.

But also on our planet there are places where people should not have lived, but they still live there.

Whether it's unbearable heat, Siberian frosts, or an island that is almost impossible to get to, some people are unwilling or unable to leave their places of residence for one reason or another.

Here is a list of 25 such places.

25. Atacama Desert, Chile/Peru

This desert is considered the driest place on Earth. It rains here 4 times in a thousand years.

Temperatures can range from incredibly cold at night to stifling heat during the day.

Despite these conditions, over 1 million people consider the desert their home, and most of them work in a copper mine.

24. Verkhoyansk, Russia

Despite the fact that this is one of the coldest places on our planet, and officially coldest city on earth, Verkhoyansk is still inhabited.

Where the temperature reached the mark -69.8 degrees Celsius lives a little over 1,200 people.

23. Merapi Volcano, Indonesia

This is the largest active volcano in the country, which is located on the island of Java, near the city of Yogyakarta.

Merapi is also called the "fiery mountain", and it erupted more than 60 times in 500 years. But this did not force nearly a quarter of a million residents to leave their homes, located on fertile land in the shadow of a volcano.

22. Kivu (Lake), Rwanda/Democratic Republic of the Congo

At the bottom of this lake are several million cubic meters of methane and carbon dioxide. If all this comes to the surface, more than 2 million people could be affected.

21. Pitcairn Islands

Sometimes they are called "the smallest democracy on Earth." This state is the place of residence for 50 residents from 9 families.

On the island no harbor or airport- can only be reached by canoe. But there is high-speed Internet.

20. Cook Islands, Australia and Oceania

Only 4 people live here. There used to be a railway station here, where trains were refueled to cross longest straight road on earth.

Since nothing grows on the island, the inhabitants have to bring all the food and drinking water by boat.

19. Minqin, China

This area has a sad future. The rapid growth of the population has led to the fact that on the site of the only river passing through the district, desert formed.

Here left only 155 square kilometers of fertile land.

18. La Rinconada, Peru

The city is located in the Andes at an altitude of about 5 100 meters above sea level. That makes La Rinconada the highest human settlement on the planet. You can get into the city only by climbing a narrow mountain road.

Plus, its ecology is completely unfavorable. Except almost underdeveloped sewerage and wastewater systems, here you can find high mercury content, which remains after gold mining.

live here about 30,000 people, many of which suffer from mercury poisoning.

17. Chernobyl, Ukraine

After a tragic accident that happened in 1986, almost all the inhabitants of this city were evacuated.

To date some workers still live in the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, but the time of their stay is limited - only a few days a week they can live there.

It should be noted that the Exclusion Zone is a territory into which no free access, since after the accident she was subjected to intense contamination with long-lived radionuclides.

16. Linfen, China

Until 1978, this city was known for its pure spring water, greenery and rich agricultural culture, earning it the nickname "Modern City of Fruits and Flowers".

But after the city was turned into the main industrial center of coal mining environment has changed drastically.

It is currently one of the most polluted cities in the world: air polluted with ash, carbon, leadAndorganic chemicals.

15. Pompeii, Italy

After the destruction brought by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius on August 24, 79, this ancient Roman city, located in the Campania region and buried under volcanic ash, is still a place of residence for some people.

And all because of the fertile land. Even despite the fact that frozen lava lies at every step, people consider the risk of living in the city justified.

14. Socotra (island), Yemen

Known as "the most ethereal place on Earth", this island is located in the northwest Indian Ocean, about 250 km from the Somali Peninsula, and 350 km south of the Arabian Peninsula.

This makes it so isolated from the rest of the world that most of the flora and faunaimpossible to findnowhere else.

There are only two roads here, but the inhabitants, who number just over 40,000, it does not bother.

Socotra is inhabited mainly by shepherds, fishermen and farmers - they all breed frankincense and aloe, as well as sheep and goats.

13. Barrow (Alaska), USA

Barrow is the northernmost city in the US. It is located about 2,100 km from the North Pole, which makes the city incredibly cold.

In addition, Barrow is included in the list of settlements that can "boast" the harshest environmental conditions.

Only 109 days a year the temperature can rise above 0 degrees Celsius. On the average the temperature in the city is below zero for 324 days a year. Plus, frosts and snowfalls can begin in any month, and the polar nights here are incredibly long.

12. Tristan da Cunha (Islands)

Together with Easter Island and the Pitcairn Islands, it is on the list the most remote settlements on the planet.

Tristan da Cunha is located 2,816 km from South Africa and 3,360 km from South America. You can only get here by fishing boats or scientific vessels., but be careful - the locals are not very friendly to tourists.

It is worth noting that immigration is illegal here.

11. Bajo, Philippines

This is not so much a locality as an ethnic group that lives in Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines.

Indigenous peoples and tribes from nearby areas were nicknamed "Sea Gypsies" because of their way of life. Even though more and more Bajo decide to move to land, there are families who continue to life on the water.

They live without drinking water and electricity, and they stick to the shore only when it is necessary to bury the dead.

10. Kifuka, Democratic Republic of the Congo

If you are afraid of lightning, then you will definitely not like it here. This village is where lightning strikes regularly, and for every square kilometer there are about 60 lightning strikes every year.

9. Meghalaya, India

This state in India is famous for its torrential downpours and monsoons. The town of Cherrapunji, which is located in this state, has become famous as the rainiest place on Earth - rainfall exceeds 11,000 mm. This amount of precipitation led to the emergence of unique plants.

8. Muli, Faroe Islands

Despite its extremely unstable weather and the complete or partial absence of minerals and vegetation, the four residents of this tiny village in the Faroe Islands are not going to leave their home just yet.

7. Motuo, China

This is the place where incredibly hard to get to. The path to this isolated settlement is considered the most difficult in the world. Here live about 10,000 people.

Here no roads and no communication with the outside world. To get to the mysterious (the word "Motuo" means "hidden, mysterious lotus") you need to make your way through the mountains, and the journey can take a week.

6. Norilsk, Russia

Besides the fact that Norilsk is one of coldest cities on earth, it is also one of most environmentally polluted cities on our planet.

5. Dallol, Ethiopia

This settlement can "boast" of the most high average annual temperature on Earth. Between 1960 and 1966, the highest average annual temperature was recorded here - 34 degrees Celsius.

In addition, Dallol - one of the most remote places on the ground. Here no roads, and to get to it, you need to use the caravan routes, which are aimed at collecting and delivering salt.

Nearby, below sea level, is Dallol volcano(last eruption in 1926). There are no exact statistics on how many people live here.

4. La Oroya, Peru

This city is famous mining and metallurgical industries. But these industries have listed the city most environmentally polluted cities in the world.

Due to lead smelting, literally all residents, including children, have some degree of lead poisoning.

The average life expectancy in this city is 51 years for men and 55 years for women. It is worth noting that on average in the country, people live 20 years more.

The main cause of death is oncology. Here there is many genetic deformities, because for several generations they have not left this lead shell.

3. Oymyakon, Russia

This village is known as one of the "Poles of Cold", ie. region where registered lowest temperature on earth.

About 500 people live here (2012). The length of the day in Oymyakon can vary from 3 hours in December to 21 hours in the summer.

In January, the average monthly temperature is -46.4 degrees Celsius(sometimes it can go down to -50).

In the world. Therefore, it is difficult to say here what is located farthest from Russia. The length of the country from west to east is more than 7,000 km, which is 1/6 of the length of the equator, i.e. if from Vladivostok to Japan in a straight line only 600 km, then from Moscow all 7000 km. Also about Europe, for central Russia it is nearby, but for Siberia and the Far East it is very far away. So how to determine the most distant point from Russia? We will consider nine cities in Russia located in different parts of the country, and determine the most remote points in the world to them. It is logical to assume that the most distant place from any city will be on the far side of the Earth, at a distance of about 20 thousand km. (since the circumference of the earth is about 40 thousand km), but in fact it turns out that this point is located in the ocean, and the nearest land is very far away. But let's start the review in order.


The farthest point from Moscow is located in the South Pacific Ocean, about 2,000 km from Antarctica. But the most remote part of the land is located 17,900 km from Moscow and it is located in the same Antarctica, on Siple Island on the border of the Amundsen and Ross seas.

If we consider inhabited territories (or at least suitable for this), then the most distant point of land from Moscow is South East Island, located 17325 km. South East Island (eng. South East Island; Russian. South East Island) is an uninhabited island in the Chatham Archipelago and territorially belongs to New Zealand. The most distant people from Moscow live on the neighboring Pitt Island - 17315 km from our capital, but there is a small village with a population of only 50 people.

The most distant city from Moscow is the city of Dunedin on the South Island of New Zealand, located 16,600 km. The most remote capital of the state - Wellington, the capital of New Zealand, is located 16550 km from Moscow.

Saint Petersburg

Like Moscow, the farthest point from St. Petersburg is located in the South Pacific Ocean, about 1000 km from Antarctica. But the most remote part of the land is located 18320 km from St. Petersburg and it is located in the same Antarctica, on the small island of Cruzen Island on the border of the Amundsen and Ross seas.

The coast of Antarctica on the border of the Amundsen and Ross seas. One of the most remote places for all of Russia.

The most remote city is Dunedin in New Zealand, the most remote capital of the state is Wellington, the capital of New Zealand, located 16,820 km from St. Petersburg.


The farthest point from Sochi is located in the water in the South Pacific, roughly between New Zealand and southern Chile. The most remote land is located 18245 km from Sochi on the small island of Marotiri - an uninhabited volcanic island of the Tubuai archipelago, French Polynesia.

The most remote settlement from Sochi - Adamstown - the only settlement on the Pitcairn Islands, and the smallest capital in the world - a population of only 45 people. If we consider large cities, then the most remote city will be Papeete (fr. Papeete) - the capital of French Polynesia, located on the island of Tahiti - 16990 km to Sochi.


The farthest point from Kaliningrad is located in the Pacific Ocean, in its southern part, 2000 km from New Zealand. As for Moscow, South East Island, located at 18350 km, is the most remote land from Kaliningrad.
Wellington is the capital of New Zealand. The city of Wellington is the most remote capital from Kaliningrad, located at a distance of 17,600 km.


The farthest point from Yekaterinburg is located in the South Pacific Ocean, 2000 km from South America. The most remote land is located in Antarctica, on a small uninhabited rocky island, not far from Siple Island.

The most remote inhabited territories are located in the very south of Chile, the large city of Punta Arenas (Chile) is located 16,960 km from Yekaterinburg. The most remote capital of the state - the city of Santiago, the capital of Chile, is located 15530 km from Yekaterinburg.


The farthest point from Novosibirsk is located in the South Pacific Ocean, 1500 km from South America. The most remote part of the land is located on the island of Diego de Almagro, which is part of the Chilean archipelago (belongs to Chile), from this island to Novosibirsk 18520 km. The most remote city from Novosibirsk is Punta Arenas (Chile), located 18,300 km. Santiago is the most remote capital from Novosibirsk, located at 16,860 km.


The city of Ulan-Ude is the only large city in Russia that has dry land on the opposite side of the Earth. In general, only in Buryatia can the opposite part of the Earth fall into a dry area, all other parts of Russia fall into either the Pacific or the Atlantic Ocean. (Well, to be fair, it must be said that in Yakutia, some places from the opposite side of the earth fall on Antarctica).

For Ulan-Ude, the most remote landmass is located in southern Chile, near the city of Puerto Natales. Thus, if we drill through the Globe through Ulan-Ude, then on the other side we will go to Chile. The most remote capital is Santiago, which is 17970 km from Ulan-Ude.


The farthest point from Vladivostok is located in the Atlantic Ocean, 1000 km from the coast of South America. The most remote part of the land is located in Argentina, in the city of Mar del Plata, from here to Vladivostok 19040 km.

The most remote capital - Buenos Aires - the capital of Argentina, is located at a distance of 18720 km from Vladivostok.


The farthest point from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsk is located in the south of the Atlantic Ocean, approximately equidistant from South America, Africa and Antarctica. The most remote part of the land is located on South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (belong to the UK) - 19040 km to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsk. There is practically no permanent population on these islands, about 40 people.

The most remote large city of Punta Arenas (Chile) is located 16,750 km from Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsk. The most remote capital is the city of Santiago, 16470 km.

On the map, all of the above will look like this:

Dots mark Russian cities located on the opposite side of the Earth.

Summing up, we can conclude that the most remote places from Russia are New Zealand, the south of South America and the islands in the South Pacific. To get to these places, it will take a lot of time, effort and money. For example, a flight from Moscow to Wellington will take you at least 30 hours and two transfers! But having overcome all this way, you will find yourself upside down on the opposite side of the Earth. And believe me, it's worth it!

Beautiful and deserted landscapes, wonderful places that seem idyllic, and sometimes even otherworldly, belonging to other worlds. Tired of people and tired of communication? Then you should check out our issue, in which we have collected a wide variety of landscape photos taken in the mountains, on the plains and in the deserts. One way or another, they are united by one thing - they are all not only incredibly picturesque, but also deserted.

(Total 25 photos)

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1. Steppes of Mongolia

No more than three million people live on the territory of Mongolia, so today it is the country with the lowest population density (1.8 people / sq. km). In its vast steppes one can more often meet herds of animals than human settlements.

2. Shexan Peak, Washington

Translated from the language of the Indians of the Lummi tribe, "Sheksan" means "high mountain." Sheksan is a whole mountain range crowned with the famous trihedral pyramid. With the status of the "highest peak", Sheksan is the most photographed point in the Cascade Mountains.

3. Fjords of Baffin Island

If you ever get a chance to visit this largest Canadian island, you will find an incredible amount of glaciers and a minimum of people there. Winters here are very severe, and even in summer there are often frosts. Therefore, the population of the island is small - only 11 thousand people.

4. Crescent Lake, Gobi Desert

Probably one of the most visited places on this list is the Chinese Crescent Oasis in the Gobi Desert. This crescent-shaped lake is very popular with travelers. Due to natural causes, the area of ​​​​the desert lake is constantly shrinking, and there is even a risk of its complete disappearance.

5. Meteora Monastery, Greece

This extraordinary complex is one of the centers of Orthodox Christianity and one of the most unusual monasteries in the world. Built on sandstone cliffs on a plain in Thessaly, the monastery bears a name that means "soaring in the sky."

6. Hallstatt, Austria

Less than a thousand people live in this small alpine town, but the views are incredibly beautiful. Located in a remote mountainous area, Hallstatt is deservedly included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. It is interesting to note that in 2012, the Chinese company China Minmetals Corporation built a replica of it in Guangdong province.

7. Abbey of Mont Saint-Michel, France

One of France's most recognizable landmarks, the abbey of Mont Saint-Michel lies about a kilometer from Abbey on the northwest coast. This fortress island is one of the most famous and most visited attractions in France. It is connected to the mainland by an artificial dam.

8. Benbulbin, Ireland

Located in the Dartru Mountains in Ireland, Benbulbin is a famous table mountain (that is, a mountain with a flat top). Its height is 527 m and it is the symbol of County Sligo. Many Irish legends are associated with this mountain.

9. Oassiarsuk, Greenland

Only 89 people live in this secluded place in South Greenland. To admire the local scenic views, you need to cross the fjord by boat.

10 Peak District, England

These mountain ranges are located in the Peak District National Park and are one of the most popular natural attractions in Northern England. This national park is visited by over 22 million people every year. But, despite such a dense flow of visitors, here you can always find a secluded place and admire the untouched nature.

11. Deer Stones, Mongolia

Ancient megaliths, similar to dolmens or Stonehenge megaliths, are concentrated in hard-to-reach areas of China and Mongolia. These ancient stones bear the image of a deer (hence their name). Similar stones can be found not only in the remote steppes of Mongolia, but also in China, Altai and Transbaikalia.

12. Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan

This alpine lake in Kyrgyzstan is located at an altitude of more than 1600 meters above sea level. The largest lake in Kyrgyzstan, Issyk-Kul, ranks 7th in the list of the deepest lakes in the world, and its water is second only to Baikal in transparency.

13. Engelberg, Switzerland

This famous Swiss resort is surrounded on all sides by impregnable mountain peaks, which you can admire while sitting comfortably in the cabins of modern ski lifts.

14. Lake Baikal, Russia

The largest freshwater lake in terms of volume contains about 20% of the fresh water reserves on Earth. Baikal takes first place among the world's lakes in several categories at once: it is the deepest lake on our planet, it is the largest accumulation of fresh water, it is the lake with the most transparent water in the world.

Covered in an army of huge stone heads, Easter Island is a very secluded place, as the only way to get here is by long flight from Chile.

16. Paradise Harbor, Antarctica

One of the two ports used for cruise ships making excursions to the icy continent.

17. Ayers Rock, Australia

Also known as Uluru, this is the largest monolith (or really big rock) in the world.

18. Gasadalur Village, Faroe Islands

This is one of the most isolated villages on one of the most isolated islands in the world.

This stunningly beautiful beach has become a very popular diving spot since the release of the movie The Beach.

20. Tsavo National Park in Eastern Kenya

This is one of the oldest and largest parks not only in Kenya, but also in the world. On its territory, which occupies almost 4% of the country's territory, safaris are held.

21. Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

The largest salt marsh in the world, which is the bottom of a dried-up salt lake. Its area is 10,582 sq. km, and the thickness of the salt crust in some places reaches eight meters.

22. Ladakh, India

One of the most sparsely populated areas of Kashmir in India. The population density here is only three people per square kilometer. km, which is very atypical for India, where the average population density in the country is 364 people / sq. km. km.

23. Socotra

Socotra Island is located in the northwest Indian Ocean and belongs to the Republic of Yemen. The nature of this island is completely unique, and most of the local plants are found nowhere else in the world.

24. Maldives

The Maldives is very attractive for tourists due to its natural beauty. Calling this country a "deserted place" can only be done with a very big stretch: the population density here is 1102 people/sq. km, and this is the 11th place in the world. But tourists, if they wish (and are able to pay the bill), can count here on complete solitude in some indescribably beautiful corner.

25. Phobikha Valley, Bhutan

Nestled in the Himalayas, this wide valley is known for its scenic splendor and cultural uniqueness.