The Hangzhou Bridge is an industrial wonder of the Middle Kingdom. The longest bridge in the world - Hangzhou Bridge How much is the longest bridge in China

Hangzhou Bridge is the longest transoceanic bridge in the world, crossing the Hangzhou Bay in the East China Sea and the Qiantang River. Its length is about 36 kilometers, and its height is 62 meters.

The bridge was built in four years, then closed testing was carried out for several more months. According to experts, the bridge withstood 19 typhoons and many sea tides.

Construction of the bridge began simultaneously from the southern and northern shores of the bay in June 2003. It was important that both parts of the bridge line up exactly when they meet.

The traditional method of visual observation used by builders to ensure the docking of bridges was not suitable due to the large distance between the banks, in conditions of heavy rains and dense fog. Therefore, global positioning systems using satellites have been used, which calculate points on the earth's surface with an accuracy of several centimeters. The base stations of this system were installed in Hangzhou Bay on opposite shores and kept in touch with the satellite.

Each pile received a unique permanent address with its own latitude and longitude, so that the system would find it for precise installation of the structure already on the water. The piling barges had two systems that communicated with a base station on the shore and found the exact position of the structure. This method has made a real revolution in bridge construction.

Almost all nodes of the longest transoceanic bridge in the world were cast on the ground, after which the finished structures were transported to the installation site. In addition, in order to drive six thousand piles into the seabed, a huge hammer was needed. For this, a special floating privateer of gigantic size and incredible power was built.

In May 2008, a cable-stayed bridge connected two Chinese cities - Shanghai and Ningbo (Zhejiang Province).

Previously, their inhabitants had to “make a circle” 400 km long and spend five hours on the road to get from one city to another. Thanks to this bridge, the journey has been reduced by more than 320 km, and the maximum travel time between cities is now one hour.

It is noteworthy that in the middle of the bridge there is a platform island where drivers can rest and continue their journey with renewed vigor. In fact, the island stands on stilts, thereby not interfering with the natural currents in the bay.

More than 250 technical innovations are implemented in the project. Thus, the bridge is equipped with the most advanced passive safety systems, including the division of the roadway into seven zones with different lighting. This idea arose for a reason - it helps reduce driver fatigue.

The uniqueness of this bridge is also that each lamp placed on the road is equipped with a special automatic control unit, due to which the brightness of the lamps and their inclusion are automatically adjusted depending on the amount of traffic. In order to monitor the movement of vehicles, CCTV cameras are installed every half a kilometer.

The longest sea bridge in the world has opened in China. The bridge is automobile, its path runs through the waters of the Yellow Sea. The total length of the structure is just over 41 kilometers!

The bridge crossing the Hangzhou Bay in the East China Sea, as well as the Qiantang River, is the longest bridge in the world (by sea), the length of the bridge is 36 km. The longest bridge in the world, Hangzhou Bay, in addition to its length, is also one of the most beautiful bridges in the world.

There is an opinion that the Chinese cannot produce good goods, and, accordingly, build reliable buildings. But the construction of Olympic venues in Beijing, as well as other mega-buildings in China, have proven otherwise. The construction of the Hangzhou Bridge also breaks our prejudices.

So, the longest bridge in the world, Hangzhou, is built in the shape of the letter S and is a very important section of the east coast highway. The bridge starts in the north at Jiaxin and ends at Ningbo in southern China.

Thanks to the construction of the Hangzhou Bridge, the land transport distance to Shanghai and Ningbo has been reduced by 120 km, and the travel time has decreased from 4 hours to 2 hours. The speed limit on the highway is 100 km/h and the road has three lanes in each direction. The bridge passes up to 50,000 vehicles daily. In the middle of the Hangzhou bridge, an island was built for drivers to rest, where they can get a full range of services, including restaurants and hotels.

Construction of the Hangzhou Bridge began in 2003 and ended in 2009. The bridge was launched in 2009. The project cost of the longest bridge in the world was 1.42 billion US dollars.

Hangzhou Bridge Chief Engineer Wang Yong said that the bridge is the most important bridge not only in China but also in the world. Hangzhou Bridge, not only the longest in the world (by sea), but also built in a difficult environment, typhoons often occur here, the seabed is very uneven, and one of the strongest currents on earth flows here. Also in this place there is a danger of gas emissions, but special studies were carried out and the likelihood of damage to the bridge by these emissions was reduced to zero.

The design of the Cable-stayed Bridge (supported by cables) for the longest bridge in the world was chosen to withstand the harsh environment. Also, the bridge was designed in accordance with the seismic features of the region, and is designed to maintain the integrity of the bridge during an earthquake up to 7 on the Richter scale. The total length of the cables involved in the construction was 32.2 km.

Almost all nodes of the future longest bridge in the world were cast on the ground, after which the finished structures were transported to the installation site. To install spans, giant floating cranes were used.

At 36 kilometers long, this bridge is the longest bridge in the world to cross an ocean. It crosses Hangzhou Bay in the East China Sea and the Qiantang River in the Great Yangtze River Delta. In addition to its length, it is currently one of the most beautiful bridges in the world. We invite you to take a virtual tour of Hangzhou with us

At the time of this writing, Huangzhou was the record holder, but now a new bridge has been built, which has intercepted the palm and is the longest in the world - this is Qingdao Bridge, built in 2011

There is a belief that the Chinese can't build reliable buildings... Maybe soon these prejudices will dissipate, thanks to projects such as this bridge. So, bridge over hangzhou bay built in the shape of the letter S and is the most important section of the China East Coast Super Highway. The bridge starts at Jiaxing in the north and ends at Ningbo in the south of the country.

The construction of this facility reduced the land transport distance from Ningbo to Shanghai by 120 km, and the transit time was reduced from four hours to two. The highway with two directions contains six lanes, the speed limit here is 100 km/h. According to the project, the bridge is guaranteed to last 100 years, after which it can be easily reconstructed.

Wang Yong, chief engineer for the construction of the Hangzhou bridge, said that this bridge is one of the most important not only in China but also in the world. It is not only the longest (by sea), but also built in the most difficult marine environment - one of the three strongest currents on Earth flows here, typhoons often occur, and the seabed is extremely heterogeneous. The map shows the location of the bridge:

Exploration work at this site began as early as 1994. Construction officially started in June 2003, and completed in 2008. The bridge was launched in 2009, 45,000 - 50,000 vehicles pass daily

Of the total project cost of CNY11.8bn ($1.42 billion), approximately CNY149m ($18 million) was contributed by 17 non-governmental enterprises in the region. Approximately 35% of this amount was raised from private companies in Ningbo; 59% were secured as loans from China's central and regional banks. The Songcheng Group is the largest non-governmental shareholder in the project with its investment accounting for 17.3% of the capital stock. Investors say the construction of a new sea-crossing bridge across the Hangzhou Bay is a sign of China's growing economic power, and its construction has greatly accelerated economic development in the Yangtze River Delta.

According to the governor of Zhejiang, China's fourth largest economy, “The bridge will help form a more convenient and efficient transportation network in the Yangtze River Delta, allowing each side to develop much closer relations with each other… We believe the bridge will open up many more development opportunities for the area.” and greatly increase its economic strength and competitive power.”

China Railway Bridge Bureau Group Co. Ltd. was the main contractor for the project. The consulting and maintenance contract was concluded with the renowned company Hardesty & Hanover, LLP. Ty Lin International is the designer of the bridge. Ben C Gerwick provides shipwreck protection systems for the project. Pictured is the opening ceremony of the Hangzhou Bridge

Hangzhou Bay is a bay in the East China Sea where one of China's natural wonders, the Qiantang River flow, is observed, creating fast water currents and large waves. The area is also prone to frequent typhoons. These factors made the task more difficult for the planners, with the development of the design and construction plan only completed after nine years of consultation and more than 120 technical studies involving more than 700 experts worldwide.

The cable-retained bridge design was chosen as it was considered the best to withstand adverse conditions, multidirectional currents, high waves, and site geological conditions. The structure of the bridge was also designed according to seismic criteria and maintains the integrity of the bridge in earthquake conditions up to seven points on the Richter scale. The 36 km bridge has six lanes, 3.75 meters each, three in each direction. The total width of the bridge will be 33 m. Designed for 100 years of service, the 62 m high bridge allows fourth and fifth generation container ships to pass under the arches. The total length of the rope used in the project will be 32.2 km.

One of the main problems faced by the Hangzhou builders is natural gas emissions in the deep water along the bridge line. A special study was carried out to investigate the distribution of gas and soil characteristics at the time of gas release. As a result, this problem was solved, and the possibility of damage to the bridge structure was excluded.

All bridge components were cast on the ground, and then the finished components were transported to the site for assembly and final installation. Giant floating cranes with precise anchoring devices were used to ship and install the girders at sea. The Hangzhou Bay Bridge consists of nine sections, 50 RTK5700 GPS systems have been installed in order to dock all plates and sections of the bridge with perfect accuracy

In the middle of Hangzhou, there is a 10,000 m2 driver's rest island, where you can relax and enjoy a full range of services, including hotels, restaurants, gas stations and an observation deck. The island is popular with tourists who love to watch the famous river flow. The maintenance island is built entirely on a pier to avoid destruction and is equipped with the latest security and monitoring systems. There are public parks on both sides of Hangzhouwan.

Bridge over Hangzhou Bay in China, 36 kilometers long

At 36 kilometers long, this bridge is one of the longest bridges in the world. It crosses Hangzhou Bay in the East China Sea and the Qiantang River in the Great Yangtze River Delta.

The construction of this facility reduced the land transport distance from Ningbo to Shanghai by 120 km, and the transit time was reduced from four hours to two. The highway with two directions contains six lanes, the speed limit here is 100 km/h. According to the project, the bridge is guaranteed to last 100 years, after which it can be easily reconstructed.

Construction of the Hangzhou Bridge began in 2003 and ended in 2009. The bridge was launched in 2009. The project cost of the longest bridge in the world was 1.42 billion US dollars.

The cable-retained bridge design was chosen as it was considered the best to withstand adverse conditions, multidirectional currents, high waves, and site geological conditions.

The 36 km bridge has six lanes, 3.75 meters each, three in each direction. The total width of the bridge will be 33 m. Designed for 100 years of service, the 62 m high bridge allows fourth and fifth generation container ships to pass under the arches. The total length of the rope used in the project will be 32.2 km.

In the middle of Hangzhou, there is a 10,000 m² driver's rest island where you can relax and enjoy a full range of services, including hotels, restaurants, gas stations and an observation deck. The island is popular with tourists who love to watch the famous river flow. The maintenance island is built entirely on a pier to avoid destruction and is equipped with the latest security and monitoring systems. There are public parks on both sides of Hangzhouwan.

Hangzhou Bridge is the longest transoceanic bridge in the world, crossing the Hangzhou Bay in the East China Sea and the Qiantang River. Its length is about 36 kilometers, and its height is 62 meters.

The bridge was built in four years, then closed testing was carried out for several more months. According to experts, the bridge withstood 19 typhoons and many sea tides.

Construction of the bridge began simultaneously from the southern and northern shores of the bay in June 2003. It was important that both parts of the bridge line up exactly when they meet.

The traditional method of visual observation used by builders to ensure the docking of bridges was not suitable due to the large distance between the banks, in conditions of heavy rains and dense fog. Therefore, global positioning systems using satellites have been used, which calculate points on the earth's surface with an accuracy of several centimeters. The base stations of this system were installed in Hangzhou Bay on opposite shores and kept in touch with the satellite.

Each pile received a unique permanent address with its own latitude and longitude, so that the system would find it for precise installation of the structure already on the water. The piling barges had two systems that communicated with a base station on the shore and found the exact position of the structure. This method has made a real revolution in bridge construction.

Almost all nodes of the longest transoceanic bridge in the world were cast on the ground, after which the finished structures were transported to the installation site. In addition, in order to drive six thousand piles into the seabed, a huge hammer was needed. For this, a special floating privateer of gigantic size and incredible power was built.

In May 2008, a cable-stayed bridge connected two Chinese cities - Shanghai and Ningbo (Zhejiang Province).

Previously, their inhabitants had to “make a circle” 400 km long and spend five hours on the road to get from one city to another. Thanks to this bridge, the journey has been reduced by more than 320 km, and the maximum travel time between cities is now one hour.

It is noteworthy that in the middle of the bridge there is a platform island where drivers can rest and continue their journey with renewed vigor. In fact, the island stands on stilts, thereby not interfering with the natural currents in the bay.

More than 250 technical innovations are implemented in the project. Thus, the bridge is equipped with the most advanced passive safety systems, including the division of the roadway into seven zones with different lighting. This idea arose for a reason - it helps reduce driver fatigue.

The uniqueness of this bridge is also that each lamp placed on the road is equipped with a special automatic control unit, due to which the brightness of the lamps and their inclusion are automatically adjusted depending on the amount of traffic. In order to monitor the movement of vehicles, CCTV cameras are installed every half a kilometer.