Travel to Prague. What do you need to know? A visit to Prague - we select a wardrobe What clothes to take to Prague in autumn

Hello friends!

Today's blog is the essential minimum of a tourist: 7 things you need to know about a trip to Prague.

Answers to your most frequent questions: when to come, where to live, how much money to take and what to see in Prague?

Bonus: three magic words that open any Prague door.

Happy and useful reading!

When to go to Prague?

The weather in Prague is changeable: from sunny +10°С in January to chilly and windy 0°С in April. At the same time, the most pleasant feature of Prague is that thunderstorms and showers (which happen often) mostly occur at night. Well, they add romance, of course.

Great weather guaranteed from early May to mid-October. From May to September and Christmas time is the highest tourist season. Accordingly, prices rise by 20-30%.

Personally, I think ideal for visiting Prague April May.

Because the best in Prague for free(make allowance for the fact that I don’t drink beer and don’t eat fatty pork knuckles): countless events are being held, all gardens and parks are already open, peacocks playfully spread their tails, the city is immersed in a delicate pinkish-white haze of blooming magnolias, cherries, …

The cutest Easter markets are open and you can watch very spicy Czech ones live. True, if you get to Prague on Easter, the shops will be closed and there is a chance to meet crowds of tourists: on Easter, the whole of Europe goes on a trip.

Advice: If you are driving to Prague with children it's great to plan a trip to June 1: at this time there are many sports and recreational family and children's events, promotions (for example, admission to the zoo for children for 1 kroon) and entertainment.

Ideas of what to do in Prague with children you will find here

When to go to Prague?

How many days to go to Prague?

One of my favorite questions.

In order to run through the main Prague sights at a very fast pace, it is enough three days.

To walk around Prague at a leisurely pace, see the nearby castles - a week to enjoy and understand Prague – the bigger, the better.

If you are going to Prague for the first time, then, perhaps, you should not gallop and take excursions to Karlovy Vary, Dresden and Vienna, it was this mistake that I made on my first tourist visit to Prague and I did not understand the city at all. Now I really love Prague, here are my

Advice: to prepare for the trip, you can look at the official tourist portal of Prague and download maps and guides here

If you like independent walks and it’s not the first time in Prague, then looking into any tourist center you can get a beer guide, a guide “Prague in your pocket”, five Prague walks, Jewish Prague, and so on for free.

Recently I got acquainted with a very stylish, high-quality and very Czech guide “Walks with Alice“. You can find it in hotels, tourist centers or download the electronic version.

Well, and a nice map for young Use-it travelers, I think you will like it as much as I do. Guys story

How many days to go to Prague?

Where to stay in Prague?

The choice of hotels, apartments and hostels in Prague is huge, for every taste and budget, I won’t give clear recommendations here, it’s better to read fresh reviews.

If this is your first or second trip to Prague, then it is probably better to stay in the very center: in the districts Prague 1(very center) or Prague 2 ( expat stylish area Vinohrady ) All attractions are within walking distance.

Available hotel options can be found in districts of Prague 3(a very colorful Zizkov district - it is called the Prague Montmartre, it was here that Svetly Anton from lived), Prague 8 or Prague 10(green area).

You can choose by location near metro stations (there are 3 branches in the Prague metro):

  • red thread: Vltavská - Florenc - Hlavní nádraží - Muzeum - I. P. Pavlova - Vyšehrad
  • green thread: Hradčanská - Malostranská - Staroměstská - Můstek - Muzeum - Náměstí Míru - Jiřího z Poděbrad- Flora
  • yellow thread: Anděl - Karlovo náměstí - Národní třída - Můstek - Náměstí Republiky - Florenc- Křižíkova.

All these stations are located 5-10 minutes from the center. The green line is perhaps the most convenient for tourists.

Where to stay in Prague?

Travel budget: how much money to bring to Prague?

The Czech Republic is not part of the euro area and the country's currency is the Czech crown.

IN tourist shops and bars you can pay Euro, but at a very unfavorable rate. It is on this basis that it is easy to understand how touristy a place is.

By the way, in Some restaurants do not accept card payments. There is a terminal, but it may “not work” today. In this case, unfortunately, this is an attempt to make money on tourists.

To calculate the budget of the trip, we take the main items of expenditure for the tourist: transportation, food and museum tickets.

  • Transport. Price 30-minute ticket valid for all modes of transport - 24 crowns(about 1 euro), if you plan to make more than four trips a day, then it is worth purchasing full day ticket for 110 CZK(approximately 4 euros) and ride without restrictions. You can buy a ticket for three days for 310 CZK(10 euros). It is better to check all tariffs on the official website of the Prague Transport Authority here. For children under 6 travel free, one parent accompanying a child under 3 years old travels free of charge. You can buy a ticket in yellow machines, in traffic shops, from bus drivers or an SMS ticket. All tickets must be validated on the first trip.

Tariffs for transport in Prague
  • Nutrition. Typical breakfast costs about 300 crowns (10 euros). have lunch in the dining room you can also 300 CZK(10 euros), dinner in a restaurant from 600 CZK per person (20 euros).
  • Visiting museums. Museum ticket price average 300 CZK(10 euros).

It turns out that the budget of one day in Prague is from 1500 crowns (50 euros).

How much money to take to Prague?

What to take to Prague?

Prague is hills and cobblestones, so Prague is a must comfortable shoes for the season.

With the Prague female windiness and variability in a backpack, they definitely won’t interfere raincoat and umbrella. In addition, it is worth taking with you hat, scarf and gloves.

Czechs are very democratic in their clothes, they love casual and sporty style. If you are a tourist without claims, then you will be comfortable.

What to take to Prague?

What to do in Prague?

  1. Arrange a romantic date, details about the best places
  2. Walk through the Prague gardens and parks, drink beer and wine, details
  3. See five top Prague places: Vysehrad, Peterszyn Hill, Charles Bridge, Old Town Square, Prague Castle, details
  4. Go on a custom tour with and , receiving a 10% discount using the code word multikulti
  5. get off in and
  6. Make a photoshoot in Pruhonice castle and park, details
  7. try something from a selection that you should definitely do in Prague

In addition, every month I make a selection of events that you should definitely not miss in Prague, April selection

What to do in Prague?

What to bring from Prague?

A complete overview of what, where and at what price you can buy in Prague here

Advice: look at one of the Prague markets for fresh vegetables and fruits, flowers and street-food, souvenirs and gifts.

The most favorite market of Praguers: the farmer's market on Surfacing on weekends.

Market on Rear Square

Market hours: Mon - Fri (06:00 - 18:30); Saturday (07:00 - 18:30); Sunday (08:00 - 18:00).

Havelske Trziste (Havel Market or Havel Market)- food and souvenir market

Address: st. Havelska, Old Town
Market hours: Mon - Fri (06:00 - 18:30); Saturday (07:00 - 18:30); Sunday (08:00 - 18:00).

Prazska (Holešovické) Trznice (Prague market) - vegetable and clothing market

Address: Holesovice, Prague 7, (metro station Vltavska).
Market hours: Mon - Fri (08:00 - 18:00); Saturday (08:00 - 13:00); Sunday is a day off.

Czech language: a minimum of a tourist

Czech language: at least a tourist

In most tourist places in Prague you will find menus in several languages ​​and you will be able to explain yourself in Russian or English.

But there is a magic formula that opens any door in Prague - this is smile And three words.

And yes, Czech teachers will forgive me, I don’t like transcription in Russian, but I hope it will help you:

Dobry den(Good afternoon! at any time of the day) , Prosim(please) - please , Dekuji(dekui) Thank you. These magic words will make you a Prague Harry Potter.

Well, if you are interested in Czech, then:

In Russian in Czech Pronunciation
Yes Ano Ano
No Ne Ne
Please Prosim Please
Thank you Dekuji Dequi
Sorry Prominté Prominte
Hello Ahoy Ahgoy
Czech crown Koruna česka Coruna Cheska
help me Pomozte mi help mi
Let me Date mi Date mi
Change me Rozměňte mi Rozmente mi
Speak slowly Mluvte pomaleji Mluwte pomaleyi
Repeat one more time Jeste jednou Eat one day
Thanks, I don't want Děkuji, já nechci Dekuyi, I'm Nehzi
Don't know Nevim Nevim
I don't understand Nerozumim unreasonable
I need … Potrebuji … Potrebuyi …
Entrance vchod Entrance
Exit Vychod Exit
Men Muzi Muzhi
Women Zeny Wives
Open Otevreno Rejected
Closed Zavreno Loaded
Bon appetit! Dobrou chuť Dobrou hut
What it is? Co to je? Tso then?
Where? kde? Where?
Which Ktery? Kteri
Call… Zavoleite Zavolite
Taxi taxi Taxi
Police policy Police
Ambulance sanitka Sanitka

And I almost forgot the most important words.

The Czech Republic is a country where almost everything is sold. Therefore, even if you forgot something, do not be discouraged, because supermarkets and the market will amaze you with their variety of goods. In terms of mentality, the inhabitants of the country are similar to Russians. What is the best thing to take with you when going to this hospitable European country?

About backpacks and suitcases

How not to gain too much, and take everything that is useful and not heavy in order to feel comfortable while traveling. It is better to take with you and try to compactly pack only the necessary things.

You should not stuff your backpack to capacity with some things you will have to sacrifice, and the missing things can be bought on the spot. In the Czech Republic, the climate is different from Russia. In winter it is never colder than -17 degrees, and in summer it is never hotter than 30 degrees. Clothing should be taken depending on the season, in no case do not take the entire wardrobe with you.

To view the castles of the Middle Ages, you will not need a lot of things, so a backpack will be more appropriate. Do not forget to take a first aid kit, a few comfortable sets of clothes, as you will have to walk a lot.

For ski fun, you need to have equipment. Equipment rental here is quite acceptable, the prices here are lower than Swiss and Austrian ones.

We're going on the road. What documents are needed

It would be nice to have with you not only Russian and foreign passports, but also their copies. In addition, bring your driver's license, printed e-ticket, hotel voucher and child's birth certificate if your spouse is not traveling with you.

As for paying for a train with a bank card, not only do you need to take care of the availability of money on the card, banks can block cards at the slightest suspicion of international transactions. This often happens when tourists are abroad. It is good practice to notify your bank of your trip.

Before you visit the sights, print out a route map, as well as a Prague metro map, and it would be nice to have train and bus schedules. If you are used to using Google or Yandex maps, this will be an additional plus.

Hand luggage, what do we take with us?

Flying to the Czech Republic is nothing, some 2.5 -3 hours and you are already in Prague. So we only take what we need with us. It is advisable to eat before departure, and you can take cookies and juice with you. If you can endure hunger, have no stomach problems, and are traveling without children, then you can endure hunger. First aid kit and wet wipes are the most important things, let's talk about the first aid kit in detail.

The less wardrobe the better.

Many travel to this European country to enjoy the natural beauty of the Czech Republic, as well as beautiful architecture. Clothing should be light and comfortable. Shoes should be comfortable so that there are no problems with corns. It is especially important to have comfortable shoes when going to Charles Bridge, Prague Castle or Vysehrad. It is cool in the Czech Republic in the evening, and if you go boating, then warm clothes are a must, especially for the underground river Punkva or an excursion to the Macochowa abyss.

Decided to visit Czech castles, dress appropriately. For men, in this case, standard trousers are suitable, and women need to take a scarf or scarf.

First aid kit and its contents

We take a standard first aid kit with us. Be sure to check the availability of drugs for pain, lowering fever, antiemetics and something for allergies.

If you have children, you can take children's medicines based on syrups (). In addition, you need to take dressings, a band-aid and a mosquito spray. As you know, Czech cuisine is famous for fatty and colorful dishes with a lot of spices, so you need to think carefully about the availability of medicines to improve digestion. Another option is not to rely on eating habitual food.

Be sure to take a cream to avoid sunburn. If you are in large cities, you are unlikely to get burned, but being in the Czech Paradise reserve is acceptable. In addition, in the Czech Republic there are mountains and crystal lakes, where the sun's rays become more dangerous. Take the collection of first-aid kit with all seriousness - after all, it will not be so easy to buy medicines in the Czech Republic, since our preparations have some differences from Czech ones, and it will not be easy to explain to the seller about your desires.

What products do we take with us?

You shouldn't bother with this at all. Czech supermarkets have everything you need. If you are traveling with children, then food for them should be enough to the hotel. Having reached the Czech Republic, you can buy everything you need on the spot, there will be no difficulties with this.

Attitude towards cigarettes

The Czech Republic is one of the leaders in tobacco smoking, it ranks 11th in the world in terms of tobacco consumption. There are countless outlets selling cigarettes here, so buying cigarettes will not be a problem. As for the import of cigarettes into the country, there is a restriction. The maximum you can take:

  • 200 cigarettes;
  • 50 cigars;
  • 50 grams of tobacco

Do I need alcohol with me

Don't even think about it, the Czechs simply won't understand you. This is a country that is famous for its elite beers for every taste. It is sold almost everywhere: in pubs, on the street, in cafes, restaurants. As for the import of alcohol, it is allowed to take with you:

  • 1 liter of strong alcohol
  • 2 liters of wine

What currency to take to the Czech Republic

It is good to have euros with you, it is easier to change them for Czech crowns. In addition, many shops and restaurants accept this particular currency. How much money to take with you? This is a separate conversation, we will consider this topic in detail in the next article.

Important little things

  • The number of stars in a hotel matters a lot. A small number of stars is a big chance that you will not see an iron or a hair dryer in the room.
  • Batteries and a charger from the phone must be in the package, otherwise they may be confiscated, and you will have to buy new ones, this is an extra waste.
  • You should not think about adapters for sockets, sockets with Type type are used here.
  • There are a lot of souvenirs in the Czech Republic, if you need porcelain or Bohemian glass, then stock up on pimply film, which is not easy to find in the Czech Republic.

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When planning a vacation, experienced travelers make a special list, where they enter things that may be needed point by point. Today's article will tell you what to take to the Czech Republic, about the features of recreation and weather conditions.

Despite the fact that the Czech Republic is a member of the European Union and the Schengen area, it has not yet switched to payments in euros. The official currency is . In 2019, it equals ~0.04 euros.

Tour operators and tourists recommend taking euros with you. The euro exchange rate is higher than the ruble. In large shops and restaurants, both currencies are accepted for payment, but it is more profitable to pay in crowns. Bank cards of international systems MasterCard and Visa will become an alternative to cash.

Gift: 2100 rubles for housing!

When registering via the link in AirBnB, you will receive 2100 rubles to your account.

For this money you can rent good apartments for 1 day abroad or in Russia. The bonus only works for new accounts.


Depending on the season, the climate of the Czech Republic is quite mild. Its only drawback is unpredictability. On a hot July day, a heavy downpour with a thunderstorm can pass, and gloomy October weekdays give way to summer sunshine. Locals recommend that tourists take an umbrella and a jacket with them without fail.


Wet but not cold. The average temperature is -5 degrees. Snow is rare, it mostly rains. In late December-early January, light fluffy snow falls, but does not stay for a long time.


Starts in mid-March. The average temperature is 7-8 degrees. Warm summer days are possible. Rainy days are not uncommon.


Comfortable, average temperature 20 degrees. In June it is still cool in the mornings, about 10-11 degrees. July is the hottest month of the year, the temperature reaches 30 degrees, there are stuffy days. And August is characterized by frequent thunderstorms.

September and October are warm days, but there are strong winds, heavy rains and thunderstorms. And in November there are frosts at night.


Casual style will come in handy: jeans, loose skirts, T-shirts and sweaters. To comfortably walk and enjoy excursions, you need comfortable clothes that do not restrict movement. Be sure to bring a windbreaker and a warm sweater.

You don't have to take a lot of clothes. In August and November, large-scale sales are held, shopping lovers will be able to update their wardrobe. Yes, even without discounts, many things in the Czech Republic are cheaper than in Moscow, and the quantity and quality are higher.


Co. Of course, it takes up a lot of space, but it's worth taking a few pairs. Sneakers, low-heeled shoes, open sandals in summer. The main criterion is convenience. Even if you don't plan to run marathons, you won't be able to avoid long walks.

The Czech Republic is famous for its architecture. Every street in Prague, Karlovy Vary and other big and small towns and even villages is a work of art. Numerous parks, gardens, museums will not leave anyone indifferent.

To fully enjoy the beauties, you should take care of the health and comfort of your feet.



In the Czech Republic, most medicines can only be bought at pharmacies with a prescription.. And over-the-counter drugs without knowing the language are also hard to buy - it's hard to explain exactly what you need. In addition, local analogues may differ in composition, so it is better not to take risks and take the necessary minimum from home.

What else is needed

For a child

Supermarkets have the necessary baby products: diapers, bottles, mixtures. Take a few diapers from home to last until you find a store. It is also worth bringing your own infant formula, especially if your baby has a sensitive digestive system.

For a child under 3-4 years old, you should definitely take a stroller. Many hours of walking cannot be avoided; slings and other carriers will not help here. After 2 hours, both the parent and the child will get tired. They load the spine. In the stroller, the baby will sleep comfortably without returning to the hotel.

What to take for a car trip

  1. Rights. As previously written, it is better to issue an international driver's license. Experienced motorists claim that there are no problems with ordinary Russian rights issued after 2010, but it is better to play it safe and make an IDL.
  2. Certificate of ownership of the vehicle. Or a power of attorney from the owner, translated into English or Czech.
  3. Insurance that covers liability to third parties. But it is better not to save money, and take out a full-fledged insurance policy. In this case, you can be sure that a tow truck will come to you and there will be no problems with the police and other participants in the accident. At autoforums, it is recommended to join an international automobile organization. Its members help each other in critical situations.
  4. To drive on intercity highways in the Czech Republic, you will need a special sticker - a vignette. It is purchased at the border checkpoint or gas station.

Is it time to pack your suitcase before your vacation in the Czech Republic? The question arises - what do you need to take with you?

Regardless of what time of the year you are traveling and for what purpose, the most important thing when traveling to the Czech Republic is to take comfortable shoes. There should be several pairs of shoes for different weather depending on the season, but all of them should be comfortable. Your main task in this country will be to walk a lot - on excursions, for recreational purposes, just to walk around the city. This applies not only to Prague, but also to small towns.

The fact is that the main attractions of this country are buildings and structures, including bridges, castles, fortresses, Catholic churches, etc. During your vacation in the Czech Republic, you will have to cover long distances on foot, moving around the city. Even walking through castles and parks takes quite a long period of time. The Prague Zoo, which you may visit with your children, is one of the largest in Europe (its area is almost 60 hectares).

So, if you do not want to get too tired or rub sore calluses, then shoes should be the most suitable for long walks.

In second place after shoes is the wardrobe. If you have chosen a sightseeing tour in the Czech Republic (or only in Prague), then it is not at all necessary to take evening dresses and tuxedos. For the average tourist for a week in the summer, it is enough to take a pair of jeans, shorts, T-shirts and a windbreaker. In other seasons, it is worth choosing a wardrobe according to the weather. Otherwise, it would be a shame, having arrived in this wonderful country, to freeze and spend the entire vacation in a hotel room. Despite the milder winters compared, for example, with the center of the European part of Russia, it will still be quite cold and dank here. So take minimum set of clothing appropriate to weather conditions during the trip.

I do not advise even fashionistas to drag with them all the clothes you have. After all, you can come with an empty suitcase and buy your favorite things right here. So to say, to combine business with pleasure - a sightseeing tour with shopping.

If the trip is scheduled for the summer, it is advisable to take with you sun hat and sunscreen . After all, you will have to walk a lot, and you will need to protect yourself from the sun.

If you are going to visit the pool (for example, with thermal water), then do not forget to take swimsuit (or swimming trunks) and towel .

If you are going to a ski resort, then it is not at all necessary to bring sports equipment with you, since everything you need can be rented right on the spot.

When traveling with children, parents often take with them from home everything that can be useful for a child on vacation - diapers, food, napkins, etc. The Czech Republic is a developed European country where all this is sold in any supermarket. Of course, you still need to take some minimum supply with you, at least for the period while you get to the place and look for the nearest store. And here first aid kit(especially when traveling with a baby) be sure to take it from home so as not to look for medicines similar to those used in Russia in a foreign country.

If you are vacationing in the Czech Republic with a baby under 3 years old, then you should definitely take baby carriage. With it, it will be much easier for your child and you to move around the city. Just do not replace the stroller with a sling or a kangaroo. Otherwise, it will be hard not only for parents, but for your child, whose spine will suffer from prolonged use of such carriers.

Of the documents in the Czech Republic, you will need a standard set of a traveler abroad - passports, a birth certificate for a child, a driver's license (if you are going to rent a car), documents from a travel agency (insurance, a hotel coupon).

Well, I’ll also add that it’s not necessary to bring a lot of cash to the Czech Republic, because they are everywhere accepted for settlements bank cards international payment systems (for example, Visa and MasterCard). Although, of course, it is also not worth going on a trip without cash.

Downloading a city map from the Internet does not make sense. They are issued to all tourists upon arrival at the hotel. But if you are traveling on your own, without guides, it is better to find in advance the addresses of those attractions that you are going to visit and read information about their history. So you can replace the guide for yourself, and visiting these places will remain in your memory and in the photographs, not only in the form of a visually beautiful picture.


On the territory of the Czech Republic there is a sign marking the geographical center of Europe, so Prague is no different from other neighboring countries. When compared with, the air temperature in Prague will be 5-7 degrees higher when you arrive or. Summer and winter in this city are also milder than in our capital. However, the natural disasters of recent years do not allow us to say anything for sure, so check the weather forecast before your trip.

On a winter trip, you should not take heavy warm fur coats and sheepskin coats - the best option would be sports-style clothing, for example, a puff and jeans. Freezing while walking around Prague is simply unrealistic - on every corner you will find small and very cozy restaurants and bars where you can always warm up. On your feet, take winter sneakers or boots with low heels, low, comfortable wedges.

In general, sporty style will be appropriate in Prague at any time of the year. Arriving in the city center, Prague-1, you no longer want to sit on any - in the central part you need to move only on foot so as not to pass any of the interesting places. Do not deprive yourself of this pleasure - walking through old Prague, and take care of comfortable shoes. In spring, summer and autumn, sneakers or comfortable low-heeled shoes will come in handy here again - after all, all the streets in the center are cobbled, and you won’t get far in heels.

Jeans and sweatpants will also be appropriate all year round, but if you are traveling in the summer, why not show off in a light colored sundress, a beautiful dress? By the way, consider that you will want to attend a performance or go to a concert. Prague is not only a geographical center, but also a center of the arts. Take smart clothes with you, in which you can go to the theater or in the evening to a restaurant. And this is where heeled shoes come in handy.

The Czech Republic is a small European country that tourists love to visit. The mild climate, an abundance of historical monuments, excellent cuisine, the famous Czech beer, and even relatively good service annually attract a huge number of people here - dozens of times more than the indigenous people live in it. But to make your trip enjoyable, perhaps you should know a little more about how to communicate with the local population, what is customary here and what you should never do.


If you want to feel more comfortable in this country, try to learn some of the most common Czech words before your trip and buy a small phrase book. It will be easier for you to establish contacts with the local population, even if you are only here for a few days. But it is also very good if you can communicate in - or in - . By the way, many elderly Czechs are also fluent in the language.

Czechs are for the most part polite and sociable people, although they are very reserved and may even seem aloof, closed, unsmiling to you. But they do not know you at all and are not obliged to happily rush to meet you! Be polite, be sure to greet hotel staff, guides, shop assistants and bartenders. Do the same if you need to clarify your route, you get lost or are looking for something. As a rule, the Czechs do not refuse to help.

Try to be punctual. If you have an appointment or, come on time. Firstly, this quality is highly valued (and not only in the Czech Republic) and, secondly, you will not need to rush. Haste, fussiness, running around look stupid and ridiculous in the eyes of calm and unhurried people.