Peloponnese Peninsula: attractions. Reviews of tourists about travel

Without a doubt, if you visit the Peloponnese once, you will definitely want to come back here again. The peninsula has an almost magical magnetism, although in terms of modern tourist infrastructure, it loses to many more developed resorts. Nevertheless, the richness and diversity of local nature, a huge number of archaeological sites from different eras, the famous Greek hospitality, relative proximity to Athens and a special flavor attract more and more tourists here.

When hands reach the compilation of a general Greek rating of attractions, then I think that 3-4 places will definitely fall on the Peloponnese.

In the meantime, continuing a decade of travel around the peninsula, we have taken the liberty of compiling a symbolic rating of the TOP-10 places in the Peloponnese that we highly recommend visiting.

#10 Monemvasia

The fate of Monemvasia personally reminds me of the fate of another of the 10 wonders of the Peloponnese - the ghost town of Mystras. When a busy Byzantine city with a population of 50 thousand people fell into decay and was abandoned by the inhabitants.

But if Mystras was completely abandoned, then Monemvasia boasts about 50 Greeks permanently residing here.

I have heard the opinion that there are very few places in the world that can compete with Moneumasia in their beauty. In my opinion, there is a lot of truth in this, but in order to feel it, you need to come here and wander around it.

Today, about 50 people live permanently in Monemvasia

Oh yes - the main feature is the rock, which many centuries ago was separated from the mainland and became an island. A little later, the island was connected by a narrow road to the mainland and was named Monemvasia, which means "The Only Entrance".

If someone has been to Primosten in Croatia or Nessebar in Bulgaria, he will find certain similarities. The difference is that Monemvasia, due to its nature, makes a much stronger impression on visitors.

№9 Mani

We have already mentioned Mani in our material, it was impossible to ignore it when describing the most remarkable places in the Peloponnese. Mani is a peninsula in the south of the Laconia region, and it is very convenient to combine a trip here with a visit to the caves of Diru.

This is a harsh area that many tourists find quite gloomy, both because of the local landscape, replete with cliffs rising above the sea, and very specific architecture.

The Mani peninsula is famous for its tower houses.

However, it is the latter that attracts tourists, who then write in their blogs about its severity. Yes, this is true, the harsh morals of the descendants of the Spartans found their reflection in stone.

Chip Mani - tower houses, built like small fortresses. The residents of Kita and Vazia settlements have advanced especially far in their predisposition to this style, although it is also found in other parts of the peninsula.

№8 Kalavryta

Kalavryta is a place of pilgrimage for the Greeks. It was from here that the struggle for independence against the Turkish occupation began in 1821, and it was here that the flag was raised that gave impetus to the war of independence. Already in the 20th century, during the Second World War, another important but tragic event took place here. As a warning to the Greeks, the Nazis shot the entire male population of Kalavryta, after which they burned the city.

In memory of this event, the clock on one of the towers of the main cathedral always shows 14:34 - the time the execution began. In addition to such important historical events that took place in such a small town, the surrounding landscapes deserve no less attention.

You can get to Kalavryta on an almost toy train

If you are mobile enough in your journey, then it does not hurt to know that a train regularly runs to Kalavryta from the town of Diakopton, on the coast of the Gulf of Corinth. The train itself, like a toy, is unique, and its path runs along a picturesque route along gorges, steep cliffs and forests.

№7 Nafplio

Nafplio is the most remarkable modern city in the Peloponnese, if not in all of Greece. Modern - understandable - very conditional. In this case, the word "modern" means that even today it is a fairly large administrative center with a population of about 14,000 people, although the city itself has been known since the Mycenaean period.

Beauty and its difference from the standard appearance of Greek cities is due to the trend of the Venetian style.

Once the city was an important outpost of the Venetian Republic and, paying considerable attention to it, the Venetians did a lot of work on its architecture. The two most famous monuments of Nafplio are the fortresses of Bourtzi and Palamidi, but if the first is located on a small island in the bay, then the second hangs over the city from a huge rock.

Bourtzi Fortress in the Gulf is one of the sights of Nafplion

#6 Diru Caves

The caves of Dirou, located in Laconia, are unknown to many tourists, but meanwhile they are one of the most remarkable places in the Peloponnese. In fact, there are three caves: Diru itself, Alepotripa and Glyfada, but only the first one is open to tourists, and even then only partially.

In the very south of mainland Greece, washed by the waters of the Aegean and Ionian seas, the Peloponnese is located. This region can hardly be called a resort mecca of the country, but at the same time, the peninsula is not deprived of the attention of travelers. The reason for such interest is the historical heritage and picturesque beauty of these places. How to prepare for the trip, and what sights of the peninsula are definitely worth seeing? In today's article, we will try to describe the important aspects of a trip to the Peloponnese and answer all the questions of interest to tourists.

The uniqueness of the peninsula

Getting to these places, the traveler feels like a hero of ancient Greek myths. On the lands of the Peloponnese, the events of the Homeric poems and legends about the exploits of Hercules took place. Here flowed the turbulent waters of the river Styx, into which the mother dipped the still-born Achilles. The local settlement of Olympia (the northwestern part of the peninsula), where the Olympic Games originated, became famous all over the world, and the famous temple of Zeus was erected. The Peloponnese was also glorified by ancient cities: Sparta, Mycenae, Corinth, Argos.

The natural appearance of these places is also attractive. The coast is lined with numerous bays and coves. And the mountainous landscape of the area is favorably complemented by green plains, fertile groves and fields. However, it is impossible to tell in a nutshell about the Peloponnese peninsula: every corner of the earth here has its own fascinating history and unique atmosphere.

Historical milestones

The peninsula received its sonorous name in honor of the ancient king Pelops, who ruled these lands. The first settlements appeared here in the Stone Age, i.e. over 100,000 years ago. The next stage in the development of the peninsula is the arrival of the Hellenic culture in 2000 BC. This period in the history of ancient Greece is characterized by the heyday of Mycenae.

Even later, in 1200 BC, the Dorians and Aetolians settled on the peninsula. With their arrival, Sparta, Argos and Corinth are developing. Ancient Olympia deserves special attention, where the Olympic Games were born and legendary ancient shrines were erected: the temple of Zeus, the temple of Hera, the statue of Zeus, etc.

At the end of the ancient period, the years of rapid prosperity of the Peloponnese are replaced by decline. Philip of Macedon was the first to capture the peninsula, then it came under the rule of the Romans, and later the Byzantines established themselves here, abolishing the centuries-old tradition of holding the Olympic Games. At the end of the 13th century, the Franks captured the lands, and in the middle of the 15th century, the Turks became the rulers of the peninsula.

Again, under the care of the Greek authorities, the Peloponnese returned only in the 1820s. By the way, it was here that the liberation revolution was born against the dictates of the Ottoman Empire, and the peninsula itself became the first independent region of Greece.

Climate and weather

Like all of Greece, the Peloponnese pleases tourists with long sunny days and hot weather. The coast of the peninsula has a classic Mediterranean climate, while the central part is dominated by a temperate continental climate.

In the eastern part of the peninsula, less precipitation falls, but the western coast is the hottest place in the Peloponnese. The central area is mountainous, characterized by lush vegetation and cold winters. When the temperature drops below zero and snow falls in the mountains, tourists flock to experience the local ski resorts.

The most comfortable temperatures for a person unaccustomed to the heat are at the end of spring and the beginning of autumn. During these periods, the thermometer stops at + 23-25 ​​degrees. At the height of the summer season, the average temperature on the peninsula reaches +30-35 °C.

When planning a trip and thinking about the question of when it is better to buy a tour to the Peloponnese, consider not only the weather conditions, but also the cost of the trip. The peak of tourist activity falls on July-August. Accordingly, in these months, prices for housing and services are significantly higher than in May, June or September.

How to get to the Peloponnese

The underdeveloped transport connection is one of the shortcomings of the peninsula, although two air terminals and a seaport are equipped on its territory.

air way

Araxos Airport, located on the west coast 30 km from Patras, is essentially a military base, and accepts civilian charter flights in small numbers and exclusively during the holiday season. It also affects the lack of an affordable transfer from the airport to the nearest cities. The bus does not run here, and travelers have to get to the hotel by taxi or rented car.

In the south of the peninsula, Kalamata Airport operates, located 7 km from the city of the same name. The terminal accepts domestic and charter flights all year round. There is a bus stop next to the airport, from where regular flights run to Kalamata, Pylos, Koroni and Chora.

From the southern region to Patras, you can take a bus departing from the Kalamata bus station. Travel time will be about 3 hours, the ticket price is from 30 euros.

sea ​​route

Travelers who prefer the sea element can get to the Peloponnese by ferry. Vessels from Athens and neighboring islands, as well as international flights from Spain and Italy, moor at the port of Patras.

Read also: Pylos - history, weather, attractions, entertainment and hotels

Traveling to the Peloponnese from Athens

If you look at the Peloponnese on the map, you can see that it is located a little south of the capital Athens. The distance from the capital of Greece to the peninsula is only 220 km. Therefore, another convenient way to get to the Peloponnese is to go to the peninsula from Athens. This can be done in several ways.


Railway lines link the Athens airport with Corinth, the peninsula's closest city to the mainland. Trains run every two hours, the trip will take 1.5 hours, and the ticket will cost 20 euros.


To use this transport, you must first get from Athens Airport to the bus station. This route is operated by flight number X93. The journey will take about an hour, the ticket price will be 6 euros. From the Athens bus station KTEL there is a bus service with cities such as:

  • Patras;
  • Kalamata;
  • Tripoli;
  • Pyrgos;
  • Nafplio.

The ticket price depends on the distance and varies between 9-40 euros.


Equipped highways stretch from the capital to the cities of the peninsula.

Note that the high-speed road to the Peloponnese is paid, at each specially equipped point you will have to pay from 2 to 3.5 euros. So, for example, a trip to Kalamata (240 km) will eventually cost 12.5 euros, but it will save several hours of travel.

Free old roads serve as an alternative to highways. Their condition is slightly worse and they stretch along the mountains, so cars drive along the highway quite slowly and it will take 3-4 times more time to travel than when driving along a freeway.

The largest cities and resorts of the Peloponnese

Once in the Peloponnese, do not miss the opportunity to explore as many sights as possible. After all, they formed the legendary image of the Greek country of the city, located on this peninsula. Perhaps they are not as “fancy” as the popular resorts of the Mediterranean countries, but they have a unique historical background.

It is most convenient to travel around the peninsula in a rented car, and a map of the Peloponnese with cities will help you not to get lost in the variety of paths and forks. A little later we will present it in the material, but first we will list the most popular tourist routes and briefly describe the features of the policies in the center and coastal cities.


The capital of the peninsula and the third largest city in Greece after Athens and Thessaloniki. The city is located in the northwest of the Peloponnese, off the coast of the Gulf of Patraikos. The settlement is equipped with a large port, to which local and foreign ships moor. Arakos Airport is located 30 km from the city.

Patras are famous for the temple of St. Andrew the First-Called, the Patras carnival, the archaeological museum, the ruins of a Byzantine castle and other attractions.

Departing for the Peloponnese from Athens along the highway, travelers first of all find themselves in Corinthia, where the peninsula is connected to the mainland by a narrow isthmus. Another man-made attraction is the Corinth Canal, this is a narrow canal connecting the Aegean and Ionian Seas.

To visit the island and not visit Ancient Olympia and Corinth is an unprecedented omission, because the foundations of Greek civilization were born in these parts. In addition to the ruins of ancient cities, you can also see the archaeological museum, the ruins of ancient theaters and the temple of Apollo.


The second city of the Peloponnese after Patras is located on the southwestern coast of the peninsula. The route from Athens to Kalamata is very popular with travelers, which is facilitated by the developed tourist structure and the concentration of resorts.

In addition to a beach holiday, it is worth going to Kalamata to see the church of Agii Apostoli, the ancient castle of the Franks, military and railway museums, as well as art galleries.


A small village in the northeast of the Peloponnese. According to mythology, in these places Hercules performed one of his feats: he killed a wild lion that terrorized the locals. The settlement was also famous for the Nemean Games held in honor of Zeus.

Today Nemea looks unattractive. There are few tourists here, and even fewer compatriots. Of the colorful sights, we note the ancient ruins and locally produced wines highly valued by connoisseurs.


A city of unprecedented beauty on the east coast of the Peloponnese. Polis is notable for being the first capital of Greece during the war of liberation. Among the sights stand out the sea fort of Bourtzi, the fortress of Palamidi, an art gallery, numerous churches and temples.


Resort in the southwest of the peninsula. It is a small town with an amazing calm and azure bay of Voidokilia. A very popular place for families with young children.

Attractions: Nestor's Palace, the monument to the Three Admirals, Christian churches, the fortresses of Newokastro and Paleokastro.


A city in the central Peloponnese, surrounded on all sides by mountain ranges. Thanks to these natural barriers, the area has a cool climate, which is pleasant to plunge into after the sultry heat of neighboring resorts.

Among the cultural values, the ruins of ancient Mantinea and Tegea, the archaeological museum, the Philodendron Association Park, the Byzantine church of St. Basil, etc. stand out.

Monastery of Mega-Spileo

Separately, it is worth noting on the map the location of the ancient monastery of the Peloponnese, located 10 km from the town of Kalavryta. The monastery is located above the river gorge at an altitude of 940 m, and above the monastery buildings there are sheer cliffs. The temple can be reached with an organized tour, by private car or public transport, but with transfers.

The history of this prayer place began in 362. Such a prescription of years is already attractive for tourists (for comparison, the famous monastery of Blessed Potapius, located nearby, was founded only in 1952). Its main attraction Mega-Spileo is the miraculous Icon of the Virgin Megaspileotissa, written by the Evangelist Luke. The architecture of the monastery itself is also impressive. In addition, a museum operates on its territory, which stores relics of the Greek revolution, rare Gospels, valuable manuscripts, engravings and portraits.

I first came to the Peloponnese 6 years ago when I was looking for a more civilized and inexpensive alternative to Montenegro and Croatia. The first delight turned first into passion, and then became true love.

The Peloponnese is a huge peninsula, and it will not be possible to get to know it in one trip. It is worth starting by answering the questions:

  • When do I want to go?
  • What do I want to do?
  • How will I move?

Oddly enough, the question of cost can be left behind the scenes - as soon as you find yourself in places far from the tourist mainstream, or fall outside the high season, trips become very inexpensive, especially by European standards. If you are interested in history, then the Peloponnese is for you really amaze. Here everything breathes Homer, here you can wander around the "gold-rich Mycenae", bathe in the spring of Helen the Beautiful or reach the sources of the Styx, in which the mother bathed little Achilles. Here Hercules performed his most striking feats and it was here that the history of the Olympic Games began.

If you like outdoor activities, Peloponnese will delight you with skiing, rafting, and picturesque hiking and climbing routes. Lovers of lying in the sun will not be disappointed either - beaches here can be found for every taste.

Lovers of delicious food with the right approach in the Peloponnese will have an unforgettable experience. Not only every district, but every place boasts some unique taste. The northern part of the peninsula is riddled with "wine roads": local wines are known all over the world and receive the highest awards at international competitions. Nearby, in small family cheese dairies, you can try unique local cheese varieties. In the mountains of Arcadia, they collect excellent honey, and everywhere they make jam from anything, up to olives. Olives and olive oil in the Peloponnese are a separate issue, and each region has its own varieties.

I hope that my review, full of love and tenderness for the Peloponnese, will help you decide on the time and place of your next trip.

How to get there

The road to the Peloponnese is an equation with several unknowns. First you need to decide on the geography of your trip. If you are going north - to Corinthia, Achaia or Argolis - then it is definitely easier to fly to Athens and continue traveling by land. If you are going to the South or Southwest coast, then it makes sense to fly to Kalamata. It is easier to get to the West Coast through Patras. I’ll make a reservation right away that you will most likely have to travel here from other Russian cities through Moscow. A direct plane from St. Petersburg to Athens also exists, but its cost is much higher, and the schedule leaves much to be desired.

The next question is how do you plan to rest? Choose a specific place and, if possible, make forays around or you want to arrange a real road adventure, moving from place to place. In the second case, I recommend traveling through - there are more options for flights, the cheapest car rentals and a great bus station, from where you can go to almost any corner you like.

By plane

The northern part of the peninsula is accessible for flights via Athens, which allows you to save on tickets. Ticket prices are highly dependent on the season and the planning period. My personal experience shows that the cheapest way to fly is Aegean Airlines or Elinair, and there is no point in messing with charter flights to Athens.

Prices for a direct flight from Moscow during the high season start from 250 EUR for a round trip ticket. Tickets from St. Petersburg will cost at least 50 euros more. Depending on the fare, you may have to pay extra for luggage from 30 EUR for a bag of 20–23 kg. To catch these prices, I book summer flights no later than March-April. If you do not have the opportunity to plan in advance, then most likely the tickets will cost you from 350 EUR per person.

If you have the opportunity to choose, then it is best to travel to the Peloponnese, and throughout Greece, outside the high season. I constantly monitor airline sales and, in my experience, it is quite realistic to buy tickets, for example, for 130-150 EUR round trip, even with a departure from St. Petersburg. The maximum discount of 30% (from the obviously lower price) is usually available when booking 4-6 months before the trip, in addition, there are one-time discount promotions for the destination. You can compare prices for bylits on current dates.

How to get to the Peloponnese

You will have to travel at least 400 km to the south, southeast and southwest of the Peloponnese from Athens, so if you are not afraid of a charter flight or the tedious waiting for a connecting flight, then you can choose one of the two airports located directly on the Peloponnese.

The most convenient of them is Kalamata Airport in the southern part of the peninsula. From here it is convenient to get to Laconia (Monemvasya, Mani, Gifio) and Messinia (Koroni, Methoni, Pylos). From the beginning of June to the end of September, direct flights from Moscow fly here on Tuesdays and Sundays. Ticket prices for "early birds" start from 330 EUR for a round-trip trip. If you are not afraid of transfers or if you have no other choice, then you can get here by Lufthansa through or by Aegean Airlines through Athens, but you can hardly save money on such a flight.

The second airport of the Peloponnese - Araxos - is located on the western tip of the peninsula near Patras, the third most populated city in Greece. From here it is convenient to get to the western part of Achaia (Patras, Kalavryta), Ilia (Pyrgos, Olympia) and Arcadia (and the famous mountain villages). From the end of May to the beginning of October, a charter from Moscow flies here 4 times a week. Tickets cost from 380 EUR for round trip. Despite the popularity of the destination, outside the summer season it is impossible to get here, alas.

By train

I live in the north of the Peloponnese and usually get here from Athens by train. If you need to get to Achaia or Korinthia, this is the most economical and convenient option, especially if you arrive at Athens International Airport: the railway station is located nearby and is connected to the airport by a glass passage.

At the same time, it should be taken into account that the railway is currently being reconstructed and the train itself will take you only to Kyato, a small town in Corinthia. Further, the OSE railway company offers travelers to transfer to a special bus that can take you to Patras. Trains run every hour and a bus goes directly to the train at the final station. Most often this is an express bus, 4 times a day the bus makes a stop in Diakofto.

The fare from Athens International Airport to Kyato is 14 EUR. Children under 12 enjoy a 50% discount. The fare on the bus is added to the fare, depending on the destination, you will have to pay another 4–6 EUR. The bus ticket can be bought both at the departure station and in Kyato.

In addition to the main railway line, the Peloponnese also operates the Diakofto-Kalavryta tourist railway, which not only delivers everyone to this popular ski resort, but is also an attraction in itself and a kind of attraction.

By bus

The bus is most often the most convenient public transport that will take you anywhere in the Peloponnese. Serves long-distance passenger transportation company KTEL. All buses are equipped with air conditioning, often they have wi-fi. The roads are mostly excellent, although the mountainous areas are quite winding, and the views are simply unforgettable.

The main difficulty for an inexperienced traveler is to get to the central bus station from the airport of arrival. To get to the bus stations in Araxos and Kalamata, you will have to use a taxi. At the Athens airport, in addition to a taxi (issue price 35–40 EUR), you can use the special express X93, which departs every 30–40 minutes from a stop between 4 and 5 exits at the “arrival” level. Travel time to the bus station is about an hour. This is the final stop, so it's impossible to miss. The fare is 6–8 EUR.

The bus station always has information in English, and people around will be happy to help you find your stop and not mix up the bus. The fare is very adequate and depends on the distance, for example, a trip from Athens to Kalamata will cost about 25 EUR.

By car

Renting a car is the most convenient way to travel around the Peloponnese, which not only completely frees your hands, but also often saves money compared to public transport.

The road to the Peloponnese from the Athens airport is an excellent highway, for which you will have to pay about 7 EUR to get to the Corinth Canal that separates the peninsula from the mainland. Of course, you can drive along the old free road, but in this case you will have to spend 4 hours instead of one.

After crossing the canal, you will have a choice: head east to the northern part of Argolis (Epidaurus, Methana, Ermioni), continue your journey inland (Nafpaktia, Arcadia, Laconia, Messinia) and or go west (Corinthia, Achaia, Ilia, western part of Messinia). At the same time, you will always have an alternative to toll roads. And you can’t say that free is worse. Rather, on the contrary, you will miss a lot when traveling by highway. But if time is your main value, feel free to drive along the toll road, the savings are more than substantial.

By ferry

Going by ferry to the Peloponnese is only worth it in 2 cases. If you are traveling from Italy or if you want to visit Aegina, Agistri or Poros on your way to the Peloponnese.

The ferry from Italy is convenient for those who decide to get to Greece by car through central Europe. For example, you can see Venice, and then take a ride on the sea (30 hours) in order to emerge from the cargo deck in your own car in Patras and go wherever your eyes look. If 30 hours of boat trip is too much for you, you can take a ferry in Ancona (23 hours) or Bari (17.5 hours on the way). This is the fastest and cheapest ferry, a ticket for a company of 4 people, for example 2 adults with 2 children in a regular car, will cost at least 400 EUR one way.

The second way to the Peloponnese by ferry starts in Piraeus - the port of Athens, where you can get by metro, city buses, and taxis. The minimum cost of the ferry in the same company will be about 60 EUR. The cost when traveling with a car with a visit on the road, for example, beautiful Aegina, will cost 2 times more.


Peloponnese - time is now

Hour difference:

Moscow 1

Kazan 1

Samara 2

Yekaterinburg 3

Novosibirsk 5

Vladivostok 8

When is the season. When is the best time to go

The Peloponnese is beautiful all year round. I do not even presume to recommend any particular season, for in this way I will detract from the beauty and advantages of other seasons. So whenever your long-awaited vacation happens, the Peloponnese will have something to please you.

Peloponnese in summer

The beginning of June in the Peloponnese is beautiful for its freshness and lack of crowds of tourists. The weather can still be unstable, and the sea is not warm enough (+20–22 °С). To relax by the sea at this time, it is better to go to the west coast, as well as to Messinia and Laconia. There are many sandy beaches with shallow water, so the sea warms up faster.

From the end of June, the most successful period begins for trips across the warm sea with a minimum of people and relatively low prices. The influx of tourists begins in the second half of July, and along with the growth in the number of people, the quality of your holiday will decrease. This rule, unfortunately, works everywhere in the Peloponnese and especially affects the quality of food in coastal taverns.

When planning holidays by the sea in July and August, I always preferred the coast of the Gulf of Corinth in the north of the Peloponnese. Thanks to dense greenery and protection from hot southerly winds, it is always a little cooler here, and lower humidity and a constant breeze make it easier to endure even extreme heat. An alternative could be the northern and eastern coast of Argolis.

Peloponnese in autumn

Classes in Greek schools begin on September 15, so it’s worth going to the velvet season from the second half of September to mid-October. At this time, the sea is the best - amazingly viscous-calm, transparent, very comfortable temperature with a subtle autumn touch. And the weather pleases with mild warmth and calm, albeit cool, evenings. The average water temperature in September is +25 °С, in October +23 °С; the air during the day usually warms up within + 25-30 ° С. You can go anywhere at this time, the whole Peloponnese is beautiful.

After October 15, changes in the weather become more noticeable, it starts to rain, it can be windy and cool (+18-20 °С). The sea is still quite warm (+21-23 °C), so Russians who are accustomed to river water can easily swim. At this time, golden autumn begins, which can only be seen in the mountains, for example, in the unique Foloi oak forest, where islands of lush green grass in clearings contrast brightly with a thick golden carpet of oak leaves.

Peloponnese in spring

In fact, spring in the Peloponnese begins in the last decade of February. There are more and more sunny and dry days, and the daily temperature rises to + 16-18 ° C, or even higher. Almonds and magnolias begin to bloom, and the air is filled with the aroma of honey. The beginning of spring is best for traveling to the archaeological sites of the Peloponnese; The thousand-year-old ruins are covered with a motley floral carpet and you get the feeling that you found yourself in a Hayao Miyazaki cartoon.

The great spring, which for us is more like summer, begins in the second half of April. At this time, on the coast you can admire the flowering tamarisks and eucalyptus, and the roadsides turn red from poppies. If you are lucky and the summer-like hot weather lasts for several days in a row, then the sea can easily warm up to + 22-23 ° С.

At this time, it is good to travel around towns that are crowded with tourists during the summer season, for example, to live in Monemvasie, Nafplio or Pylos. Each of them is also the key to the whole region.

Peloponnese in winter

Winter for me is the best time to visit the Peloponnese. The fact is that it is in winter that the climatic difference between Greece and Russia is most felt. Daylight here lasts much longer, and the sun itself is much larger. Statistically, there are a couple of rainy days per week, one cloudy, and the rest of the time it resembles a nice day in the cavalry of October or early April. On average, daytime temperatures stay around +12-14 °C, there are also cold snaps, when the temperature drops below +10 °C, and warming up to +16-18 °C. Of course, we are talking about the coast. In the mountains, temperatures are 10-15 degrees lower, snow falls, which allows ski resorts to function.

For the celebration of Christmas and New Year, it is better to choose a lively city, such as Nafplio. If you like the fireball-mulled-wine-snowball atmosphere, you can visit the tourist villages in the mountains serving the local ski resorts, such as Trikala, Zarukhla or Kalavryta.

In mid-January, a real miracle begins - Alkeonides - something like our Indian summer, but only in the middle of winter. The temperature rises to + 16-18 ° C and the weather is calm and sunny. This phenomenon usually lasts about a week and gives the most daring people the opportunity to swim. In fact, sea water in January is warmer than in March, and usually stays around +17 °C. In the shallow waters of lagoons, or in places where thermal springs flow into the sea, the temperature can reach +20 °C.

In February, preparations for the upcoming carnival begin. The largest of them, and not only in the Peloponnese, but throughout Greece, takes place in Patras. If you want to see an older version, you can go to one of the mountain villages of Arcadia, and if you want to see the "Venetian carnival", then to Nafplio.


Peloponnese - monthly weather

What are the prices for holidays

The Peloponnese offers holidays for every budget. Even in high season you can find prices around 30 EUR for a double room per day. It is more difficult just to find luxury and an exclusive level of services. General rule: the more famous the place, the more expensive it is.

Food in taverns here is somewhat cheaper than in more touristy developed regions. If we exclude fish and exclusive restaurants, then the average check will be 10–15 EUR per person with alcohol (homemade wine). In a regular fish tavern, you will have to pay from 20 EUR per person.

The cost of tickets for attractions of the first magnitude (Olympia, Mycenae) is 12 EUR (children under 18 visit sites and museums for free), for less significant ones - 6-8 EUR, entrances to local museums usually cost 3 EUR. Leisure attractions like the caves cost about the same, but there is a 30-50% discount for children

You can save money if you visit attractions on special days when admission is free. Each location may have its own extra days, but the general list looks like this:

  • April 18 (International Monument Day),
  • May 18 (International Museum Day),
  • Last weekend of September (European Heritage Day),
  • October 28 (Ohi day),
  • Every first Sunday of the month from November 1st to March 31st.

Main attractions. What to see

The Peloponnese is extraordinarily rich in sights, and picking out the top 5 of them is a difficult task.

I will make my personal top five top places from classic sights, for which it is worth making a long journey even from the other end of the peninsula.

Top 5

Beaches. Which is better

The Peloponnese is huge and good beaches are found everywhere. There aren't many really unique ones. As always clockwise

Churches and temples. Which are worth a visit

Peloponnese is traditionally one of the centers of religious tourism in Greece. There are no such large monastic centers as Meteora, but there are places no less powerful. When planning your visits to monasteries, you should take care of appropriate clothing (there are few places where they give out “skirts”) and the time of the visit (each monastery has its own work schedule, which also depends on the season). If you want to get there for sure, then you should come in the morning, before the siesta break, which starts at one in the afternoon.


The most popular pilgrimage center is the town of Kalavryta in the Achaia Mountains. Here in the vicinity there are several very famous monasteries, in particular Agia Lavra– the monastery where the Greek Revolution was blessed and the most famous monastery of the Peloponnese – Mega Spileo(Great Cave, as it is called in Russian). The latter is the second oldest of the active Christian monasteries after the monastery of St. Catherine on the Sinai Peninsula. The monastery houses a unique icon by St. Luke, which miraculously survived several fires. In addition, the relics of very many saints are collected here, and if you are lucky, you will be able to enter their vault. In the monastery museum you can see a small but very rich collection of books, icons and church utensils, and in the nearby monastery shop you can buy its products: honey, jams, wine, herbs and amazingly delicious walnut delight.

Another interesting monastery - Taxiarchon- located also in Achaia near the city of Aegion. If the weather permits, you can walk here to the old monastery, located higher in the mountains on a narrow ledge, which offers stunning views of the valley of the river Selinus. Taxiarchon is famous for its rose petal jam, which the monks grow in their fields. But believers come here first of all to bow to the great shrine: a casket with “relics of the Passion of Christ” is kept here - a gift from the Byzantine emperor to his brother, the founder of the monastery.


Another unique nunnery can be visited in Mistra, a Byzantine ghost town located near Sparta. This is the only part of the city that still has life. The monastery was founded in the 15th century and impresses with its architectural design. The original frescoes have been preserved in the upper galleries of the main church. Here is stored a list from the famous icon Panagia Pantanassa stored on Mount Athos. The icon is considered miraculous, which can be immediately seen by the number of thanksgiving gifts left by believers.

In addition to the monasteries, there are some truly unique temples to visit in the Peloponnese.


Makes an amazing impression Church of St. George near the town of Didyma in Argolis. Why exactly, I will not tell, so as not to spoil the surprise, be sure to get here if you travel through this part of the Peloponnese


Made the strongest impression on me Church of Saint Theodora, located near the village of Vasta in Arcadia (Megalopoli region). This tiny church, built in the 12th century, holds 17 adult plane trees on its roof, which miraculously did not crush it with their weight and did not turn the walls with their roots.


Panagia Katafigion- a church in Achaia, which, like a swallow's nest, nestled right on a rock with a stunning view of the Gulf of Corinth. A dizzying path carved into the rock leads here, and you can get here from the coast in just 20 minutes.

One of the most visited temples of the Peloponnese, Cathedral of Saint Andrew, is nevertheless one of the most modern in all of Greece. It was built in Patras specifically for the return of the relics of Andrew the First-Called, which during the Ottoman conquest were transferred to storage in. Now in the cathedral you can bow to the head of the saint and parts of the cross on which he was crucified. When the relics were brought to Russia, many hours of queue lined up for them, but here you can stay close in complete solitude.


Several unique temples can be visited in Monemvasier, including Hagia Sophia and Christos Elkomenos Cathedral, built in the 13th century by the emperor Andronnik ΙΙ Palaiologos.

Museums. Which are worth a visit

Personally, I am in favor of visiting any museums. The modest entry fee supports Greece's unique culture and helps keep people employed.

History and archeology

There are excellent museums at all major archaeological sites, they are good not only to cool off from the heat, but also to get a better idea of ​​the lifestyle, rituals and beliefs of the ancient Greeks and Byzantines. The cost of visiting such museums is included in the price of visiting the archaeological site itself. The price of a general ticket is usually 12 EUR. Children under 18 years old are admitted free of charge if they have a document confirming their age (it makes sense to take care only if you have a tall and developed teenager).

The most important museum, where you must go by all means - museum archaeological site in Ancient Olympia, if only for the sake of seeing with your own eyes the sculpture of Hermes, the work of the famous ancient Greek sculptor Praxiteles. Another such chance you can only have in the Louvre.

From the municipal (city) archaeological and historical museums, I was made a very good impression Museums of Nafplio, Sparta and Patras. The latter is undeservedly bored without visitors, despite being recognized as the best museum in Europe and keeping a truly unique collection of Roman mosaics. Entrance to such museums is significantly cheaper compared to larger attractions and usually amounts to 2-3 EUR. Children visit them for free.

Thematic museums

From museums of other subjects, I really liked the modern The Olive Oil Museum in Sparta and the Mani Museum in Gythio. As a rule, such museums are commercial projects, but their pricing policy does not differ from state museums.


National parks occupy a significant area of ​​the Peloponnese, especially in its northern part. In these areas, hunting is prohibited and, as a rule, walking and cycling routes are equipped. The most interesting of them:

  • Mount Helmos and the origins of the Styx- the easiest way to get here is from the village of Zaruhla, where there is a tourist infrastructure. The routes start between the villages of Solo and Messorugi.

  • Vouraikos Gorge- one of the most popular hiking and cycling routes connecting Kalavryta and the coast of the Gulf of Corinth.
  • Cape Tenaron in the south- the local nature is similar to an alien landscape, and the oracle of the dead located here creates a peculiar atmosphere for the place.

  • A separate topic is the observation of birds that stop at lakes and salty lagoons, for example in the area Aliki in Aegion and Prokopiou near Patras, and also on Lake Kaiafa. Over 100 species can be seen depending on the season, including pelicans and flamingos.

  • Cave systems are also classified as national parks, the most interesting of which are diros caves in the Mani region in the south of the Peloponnese, Cave of the lakes in the mountains of Achaia and Frahti Cave in Argolis.

nearby islands

If you are far from the mainland, pay attention to the nearest islands connected with the Peloponnese by ferries. For convenience, I will go clockwise, starting from the Saronic Gulf.

Food. What to try

Many people with whom I had to communicate about Greek cuisine were left disappointed with their experience. There are several reasons for this:

  1. They chose the wrong places. You should not count on quality in tourist establishments with high traffic, as soon as the number of visitors exceeds a critical mark, the quality even in good establishments drops significantly. In addition, foreign tourists do not know much what the “right taste” should be, so for tourists it is always possible to save money on ingredients. So choose places where the locals go.
  2. They chose the wrong dishes. In order not to wait a long time, you need to order snacks and ready-made meals, what is called “magerefta” in Greek. This is a roast of different types of meat, vegetable and meat stews. These dishes are prepared for 1-2 days, they are tasty and give a better idea of ​​the local cuisine.
  3. They only ate what they had already tasted. The knowledge of many tourists about Greek cuisine ends with Greek salad and moussaka. The latter, by the way, appeared here quite recently. You should not be afraid to try new dishes and ask the owner for advice.
  4. They did not take into account the season. Delicious food comes from delicious ingredients. For example, don't order Greek salad in June or stewed green beans in December. So always check what foods are at their peak during your travels.

Peloponnesian cuisine deserves a separate article, because almost every place has its own special dishes that are worth trying here. Kokoras kokinisto in Kalavryta, roast pig in Sparta, almond kurabye in Monemvasier - the list is endless.

By the way, if you like to cook yourself, then in almost every large village of the Peloponnese there is a market on Saturdays (Laiki in Greek), where local farmers bring their crops. You can find out exactly where it passes from the locals. On ordinary days, it is better to buy vegetables and fruits from greengrocers (manAvikos), fish from fish shops (psaragora, psarAdiko), and meat from a butcher (creopolio). From supermarkets, it is better to choose either small local stores or chain stores Galaxias and AB (Alfavita) - here priority is given to Greek products, which are much better in quality than cheaper brands brought from other European countries.


The holidays in the Peloponnese are the same as throughout Greece. But, of course, there are also local events that make traveling at this time very attractive.

Summer activities

Summer, especially its second half, is the time of village holidays - “panigiri”. These are completely open events to which the communities are happy to welcome all guests. They usually take place on weekends and you can find out about them in advance by ads or by talking to local residents.

In addition, a major religious holiday is celebrated in August - the Assumption of the Virgin. This is an official day off, when you should definitely look into the church, get a blessing and a special bread - prosphora. These days, rams are roasted everywhere, so if you want to try this miracle, do not miss the chance.

Autumn activities

In September, you should definitely take a look at the lunar calendar. On a big full moon throughout Greece, and the Peloponnese is no exception, archaeological sites are open all night long, where you can come and admire the moonlit ruins for free.

Panigiri continues in autumn, especially in areas rich in vineyards. It is very interesting to get to the holiday, when the whole village cooks on the central square tsipouro - local grape moonshine. The aroma is extraordinary.

Have something to add?

The Peloponnese is a unique peninsula located in the south of mainland Greece and connected to it by the Isthmus of Corinth.

Most of the monuments of ancient Greek history and culture have been preserved here. The peninsula got its name in honor of the king of ancient Olympia, Pelops, who, according to myth, cunningly achieved the hand of Hippodamia, the daughter of the powerful king Enomai. In its form, the Peloponnese resembles a plane tree leaf, which is why it was called "Morea" in ancient times.

The first settlements of the peninsula date back to the middle of the Stone Age, and the first Hellenes came here around 2000 BC. e. A few centuries later, Mycenae, glorified in the poems of Homer, enter the historical plan. In 1200 BC. e. The Peloponnese is captured by the tribes of the Dorians and Aetolians. There is a flourishing and exaltation of the policies of Sparta, Corinth and Argos. In Olympia, once every four years, the Olympic Games begin, in which athletes from all over Greece take part.

In the II century BC. e. The peninsula was conquered by the Romans. In the 4th century A.D. e. Dominion passed to the Byzantines, who in 303 abolished the Olympic Games. In the XIII century, the Peloponnese came under the rule of the Ottoman Empire and only in 1827 was again returned to Greece as a result of the national liberation struggle.


The largest city on the peninsula is Patras. The third largest in Greece, it is located at its northernmost point, on the shores of the Gulf of Corinth.
The port of the city provides maritime communication between Greece, the Ionian Islands and the cities of Italy.

Although the city did not play a big role in the history of ancient Greece, it was influenced by various cultures. Well preserved here:

Patras is a sea resort town, it is famous for its active nightlife, good hotels, excellent cafes, bars and located on the coast.

In February-March, carnival processions are held here, including musical concerts and theatrical performances.

During this period, the city receives many visitors from all over the world.

How to get there?

You can get here for 17 euros from Athens by bus, which leaves every 30 minutes from terminal A and takes three hours, or by train for 15 euros.

Since Patras is a port city, you can get here for 50-60 euros by ferry from Italian cities: Venice, Bari, Ancona, Brindisi.

16 kilometers from the city is a masterpiece of engineering - a cable-stayed bridge across the Gulf of Corinth, connecting the peninsula with the mainland of Greece. The bridge was opened in 2004, its length is 2880 meters, width is 27.2 meters. Entrance to the bridge costs 13.2 euros.

What to see around Patras?

Kalavryta, Mega Spileon Monastery, Cave of the Lakes

The mountain village of Kalavryta is located 72 kilometers from the city of Patras at an altitude of 750 meters. Agia Lavra Monastery, founded in its vicinity in 961, is of great religious and political significance for the history of the whole country.

Here in 1821, with the help of Russia, Greek troops were gathered under a single command, participating in the national liberation movement against Turkish rule.

A few kilometers from Kalavryta, hidden high in the mountains, is the oldest monastery in Greece - Mega Spileon, which means "big cave". According to legend, it was in this place that the Evangelist Luke created the icon of the Mother of God (Great Cave) from wax and mastic, which pilgrims from all over the world seek to see.

The history of finding this icon deserves a separate story.

In the year 325, the Mother of God appeared in a dream to the Jerusalem monk brothers Simeon and Theodore and showed the way to Kalavryta.

At that time, a girl, Efrosinya, lived in Kalavryta, who herded goats and, following one of them into a cave, found a source there. At night, she had a vision of the Mother of God, asking the girl to meet two brothers and lead them to the source. When all three came to the cave, they found an icon near the source.

Taking it, they saw in the corner a large snake, which was struck by a ray of light emanating from the image of the Virgin. In memory of this event, in the cave you can see the image of a snake, made on a wooden board.

A monastery was founded at the place where the icon was found in 426, where it is kept today. The monastery has a small shop where you can buy the fruits of monastic labor: olives, sweets, honey.

You can get here by train from Athens, Corinth or Patras. You need to get off at the Diakopton station, go to the other side and take a tourist mini-train, consisting of two cars.

The price of a round-trip ticket is 19 euros, for children 14.50. Get to the Zahlaru station and walk along the mountain path or to the Kalavryta station and take a taxi to the monastery.

17 kilometers from Kalavryta is the Cave of the Lakes (Spileo Limnon). It consists of 13 underground reservoirs located in natural stone pools at different levels. During the rains, water overflows the banks and a cascade forms.

There is a walking path along the lakes. While walking, you can watch the illuminated stalactites and stalagmites.

The cave is open daily, entry 9 euros, 50% discount for children.

Temple of Epicurean Apollo at Bassae

It is located in the center of the peninsula, in the Arcadia region, from the town of Bassy (Vasse) the temple is separated by 13 kilometers.

In 1986, it became the first historical monument in Greece to be included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Built in the middle of the 5th century BC. e. on the western slope of the Cotilion rock, on a specially leveled platform, the temple of Epicurean Apollo was one of the most majestic temples of ancient Hellas.

According to one of the historical versions, in 652 BC. e., the Spartans, having conquered and destroyed the ancient city of Phigalia, stole a statue of the god Apollo from a small sanctuary. The inhabitants of the city, turning to the Delphic oracles with the question of how to return the favor of the lost deity, were instructed to build a new temple. For this purpose, they invited the famous architect Iktin, who took part in the construction of the Athenian Acropolis.

Iktin made a non-standard decision to build a temple according to the formula 2n + 3 in order to keep the old sanctuary inside the new building. Thus, along the short part, the roof of the temple was supported by six Doric columns, and along the long part by fifteen.

The temple is oriented with the main entrance to the north, which contradicted the canons adopted in ancient Greece, according to which the entrance to the sanctuary should be located in the east. Iktin solved this problem by leaving a small entrance from the east, which belonged to the old temple.

Since the statue of Apollo was stolen, the ingenious architect proposed to put a Corinthian column in the place due to the deity. The capital that crowned this type of column, Iktin invented on the road to Phigalia, passing through the vineyards of Corinth. Thus, for the first time, the Corinthian column, which was later actively used in Roman architecture, appeared in this temple.

When creating the interior of the temple, Ionic semi-columns were also used, as well as a large number of sculptural compositions. Marble reliefs, removed from the frieze of the temple at the beginning of the 19th century, have survived to our time; they are exhibited in the London British Museum.

Since the temple is located in the depths of the peninsula, far from the main tourist trails, it is relatively well preserved.

It was accidentally discovered in 1765 by the French architect Bocher, and purposeful excavations began in 1836. In the 90s of the XX century, the temple was covered with a huge tent in order to preserve the ancient ruins from temperature extremes.

The temple is located 14 kilometers from the village of Andritsena, which separates 240 kilometers from Athens. A regular bus runs from the capital to Andritsena, the cost of the trip is 10 euros. Then take a taxi for about 12 euros.

Andritsena itself is a picturesque settlement, an amphitheater located on the slope of a green hill. Here is a well-known library, founded in 1840 and numbering more than 6,000 volumes, including ancient manuscripts of the 16th and 17th centuries.

On Sundays, a lively market is open in the central square, and numerous cafes offer traditional Greek cuisine:

  • souvlaki - 9 euros;
  • stuffed eggplant - 4.5 euros;
  • – 6 euros;
  • moussaka - 7 euros;
  • liter of local wine - 5 euros.

You can spend the night in the town for 40-70 euros.

The ruins of ancient cities: Mycenae, Tiryns and Epidaurus, it is convenient to visit, choosing the resort town of Nafplion as the starting point for your trip.

This is a charming town with a beautiful promenade and Palamidi fortress on a hill, Venetian balconies and Turkish mosques.

The city is famous for its beautiful beaches. You can spend some nice days here. There is a regular KTEL bus from Athens to Nafplio for 13 euros, it departs from terminal A every hour and takes 2.5 hours.


The ruins of the ancient city are located two kilometers from the modern village of Mycenae, which is located near the national route Athens - Nafplio. They are easy to find by following the signs.

From the 16th century B.C. e. Mycenae was an important center of the ancient Hellenic world and was mentioned in Homer's poems. According to legend, the city was founded by Perseus, the son of Zeus and Danae. The dynasty of the descendants of Perseus was replaced by the dynasty of Atreus.

The son of Atreus, King Agamemnon led the Greek army on a campaign against the legendary Troy. From the very beginning, things didn't go well. The wind died down, the fleet could not leave the bay. To appease the gods, the king had to sacrifice his daughter Iphigenia. Ten years later, having won the victory, the king returned.

His wife, Clytemnestra, who did not forgive him for the death of her daughter and accepted the courtship of Agamemnon's cousin, Aegisthus, was not happy about the return of her husband.
With her consent, the king was killed, a few years later, the son of Agamemnon, brought up in a foreign land, Orestes, returned to Mycenae and avenged the death of his father by killing his mother. The history of the Agamemnon family formed the basis of a large number of myths and became the plot of the classical ancient Greek tragedies of Sophocles, Euripides and Aeschylus.

Mycenae was almost completely destroyed in 468 BC. e. army of the neighboring city of Argos.

The first to start excavating here in 1876 was a German entrepreneur and self-taught archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann. Systematic excavations began in 1920 and were carried out by British School archaeologists.

The Mycenaeans buried their kings in tombs shaped like domes and built of huge stone slabs. Numerous funerary items were made from gold imported from Egypt: goblets, death masks, weapons and armor were inlaid with it. In the royal tombs discovered by Schliemann, more than 13 kg of gold items were found.

Today, in the Athens Archaeological Museum, a whole hall is dedicated to these exhibits, and the death mask of Agamemnon is a world-famous artifact, although modern archaeological science does not agree with this and claims that the burial found by Schliemann is much younger than the time in which the legendary Mycenaean ruler lived.

The fortress walls that have survived to this day are built of roughly processed, but perfectly fitted huge boulders.

According to myths, the walls were built by the Cyclopes and this type of masonry was called "cyclopean".

Above the entrance there is a triangular slab, decorated with sculptural images of lionesses, whose front paws rest against the column separating them.

These gates were called "lions". Symbolizing the indestructible power of the state, they are the only monumental decoration of the Mycenaean era that has survived to this day. The heads of the lionesses were made of gold and, of course, have not been preserved. Behind the gate, along the ramp you can climb to the ruins of the palace.

In 1999, UNESCO added the ruins of Mycenae to its list.

The archaeological zone is located 32 kilometers north of Nafplio and 115 kilometers from Athens. From Athens to Mycenae for 10.30 euros there is a regular bus KTEL, the journey takes 2.5 hours. From Nafplio to Mycenae, the bus takes one hour, the ticket costs 3 euros.

Opening hours from 8.00 to 19.00 daily. The ticket price is 3 euros, free for children.


The ruins of the ancient city are located four kilometers from Nafplion. The data of archaeological excavations allowed us to conclude that this settlement dates back to the Neolithic period.

At the beginning of the second millennium BC. e. Tiryns becomes the center of the Achaean state, and the city reaches its heyday, along with Mycenae, by the 16th century BC. e. Tiryns is considered the birthplace of the legendary Hercules.

The acropolis, protected by powerful walls, is located on a low hill. It served as the residence of the king and protected the city dwellers during the war.

The main city buildings were at the foot of the hill. The fortress walls, built of giant stone slabs, are 7-8 meters high, and in some places their thickness reaches 17 meters. The premises existing inside the walls were used as warehouses. In some parts there are narrow passages, which during the siege became "corridors of death" for enemy soldiers who dared to look there.

The remains of the royal palace allow a good idea of ​​its original composition. The center of the palace was a megaron, a quadrangular hall with a hearth in the middle, on the sides of which four columns expanding upwards were installed. The hall had an entrance part, with an outer portico and two columns. This principle of space formation later became the basis of ancient Greek temple architecture.

The palace was decorated with frescoes, one of which, depicting acrobatic games with a bull, is very similar to the well-known Cretan fresco from the Palace of Knossos. The remains of palace frescoes are kept in the Athens Archaeological Museum.

In the XII century BC. e. during the invasion of the Dorians, the acropolis was devastated, and the city was finally destroyed by the Argos in 468 BC. e. In 1999, the monumental buildings of Tiryns were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

You can get here for 2 euros from Nafplion by bus to the city of Argos. The trip will take about 30 minutes. You can visit the ruins every day until 19.00, entrance is 3 euros, children are free.


The excavation area of ​​this ancient city is located east of Nafplio, 41 kilometers from the city.

The main attraction of Epidaurus is the theater, built in the 4th century BC. e. and designed for approximately 14,000 seats. The inhabitants of ancient Greece were sure that treatment was possible not only with the help of medicines, but also with the magical power of art, capable of causing strong emotions and upheavals, and they, in turn, could trigger the body's defenses.

Excavations in Epidaurus began at the end of the 19th century, and in 1954 the architectural appearance of the theater was completely restored.

The diameter of the theater stage is 20 meters, 55 rows of spectators diverge around it like an amphitheatre. The 34 first rows have been completely preserved to this day. Before the eyes of the spectators sitting on the upper rows, an extraordinary view of the plain, surrounded by a chain of green hills, opens up.

Ancient Greek architects planned this unique structure in such a way that the sound of a coin thrown at the bottom can be heard on the very last rows of the amphitheater. From July to the end of August, the annual festival of ancient drama takes place here on weekends. The ancient theater in Epidaurus was included in the UNESCO list in 1988.

In the 5th century BC e. in Epidaurus, the cult of Asclepius (Aesculapius) flourished, spreading throughout Hellas. From all over the country, crowds of suffering people began to flock to his sanctuary, praying for healing. The temple of Asclepius in Epidaurus was the most revered even during the time of Roman rule. In the 4th century A.D. e., according to the edict of Emperor Theodosius I, the temple was closed as a pagan one.

Today, in the excavation area, you can see the ruins of temples dedicated to Asclepius and rooms where the priests received patients. The foundation of the stadium, where competitions were held in honor of the god-healer, has been preserved.

Opening hours of the archaeological zone from 8.00 to 20.00, entrance 6 euros, EU students and people who are over 65 years old - 3 euros.

You can come to Epidaurus for 3.50 euros by bus from Nafplio, it takes 45 minutes or from Athens for 12.50 euros. The bus departs at 9.00 and 16.20, the trip will take two and a half hours.


The ancient city of Corinth arose around the fourth millennium BC. e. Its favorable geographical position on the isthmus connecting mainland Greece and the Peloponnese peninsula has contributed to the fact that the city has become the center of business activity in the eastern Mediterranean. Under the control of Corinth, all movements along the isthmus were carried out. Including the movement of ships by dragging overland between the Ionian and Aegean seas.

The city and its people prospered. It was the richest and most powerful city in ancient Greece. It is believed that he ruled in the 7th century BC. e. Periander was the first to attempt to build a canal connecting the Saronic and Corinthian Gulfs.

This task was accomplished only in 1893. The Corinth Canal is a grandiose engineering structure, 6 kilometers long, 24 meters wide, the canal depth is 8 meters, and the walls are 75 meters high. A railway and several road bridges are thrown over the canal.

According to one legend, Corinth was founded by Sisyphus. In the vicinity of the city, Hercules performed two of his feats: he fought the Nemean lion and the Stymphalian cannibal birds.

During the conquest of the peninsula by the Romans, Corinth was destroyed by Lucius Mummius of Achaia. Then the rebuilt city was again destroyed by strong earthquakes in the 4th and 5th centuries AD. e. From the 12th century, the city fell under Turkish rule and was liberated only in 1833.

The patron saint of modern Corinth is the Apostle Paul, who came here around 50 AD. e. After spending a year and a half in the city and preaching the teachings of Christ, he founded the first Christian community in Greece in Corinth.

The ruins of the ancient city are a 20-minute drive from the modern city and can be reached by regular bus.

Of greatest interest are the remains of the classical temple of Apollo, from which 7 columns remain. The Romans did not touch the temple, but it could not resist the earthquake. Well-preserved are the ruins of the Glavka fountain, named after the daughter of the king of Corinth and the second wife of Jason. His first wife Medea, out of jealousy, soaked Glauca's cloak with poison, and she threw herself into the waters of the fountain to get rid of the burning sensation caused by the poison.

The ruins of the ancient Agora (market square) are surrounded around the perimeter by the remains of Doric columns, there are 71 of them. Inside the Agora there are 66 shops, half of them have wells 10 meters deep. In the middle of the trading rows, an elevation has been preserved - a bema, with which the Apostle Paul addressed the Corinthians in 52 AD. e.

From the Roman heritage, two city streets remained, the Julio Basilica and the ruins of the Odeon, where gladiator fights were held during the time of Emperor Augustus.

Acrocornif fortress rises above the ancient city, a difficult four-kilometer ascent leads to it. But the magnificent view of both bays compensates for the effort. The fortress can be visited daily from 8.00 to 19.00, admission is free.

Modern Corinth separates 78 kilometers from Athens. A bus leaves from Athens Terminal A every hour, the ticket price is 8.00 euros, the journey time is one and a half hours.

If you get from Patras, you need to get off at the Isthmos stop, the ticket costs 12 euros. From the city to the area of ​​archaeological excavations there is a bus from the station at the corner of Kolokotroni and Kolyatsu streets, travel time 15-20 minutes, ticket price 1 euro. A taxi ride will cost 10 euros.

Ancient Corinth can be visited daily from 8.00 to 20.00, entrance fee is 6 euros. It is useful to have a supply of water and a hat with you, there is nowhere to hide from the sun.


The oldest religious center, the first religious buildings of which date back to the third millennium BC. e. Even before the cult of Zeus, Olympia was famous for the sanctuary of Hera and Kronos, the father of Zeus.

Starting from 884 BC. e. In Olympia, sports competitions began to be held, called the Olympic Games. The city reached its greatest prosperity by the 5th century BC. e. Construction dates back to this time, the grandiose figure of which, made by the brilliant Phidias, was included in the list of the seven wonders of the world.

Currently, only ruins remain of the temple, but thanks to the work of archaeologists, it was possible to recreate its exact appearance, which can be seen in the archaeological museum of Olympia. Here, from the surviving fragments, the sculptural compositions that adorned the pediments of the temple were recreated. The museum houses the only surviving masterpiece created by Praxiteles - a marble statue of Hermes with the newborn Dionysius in his arms.

Museum opening hours: 8.00-15.00. Ticket price 6 euros. Together with the entrance to the excavation area - 9 euros. Children 50% discount. Phone: +30 26240 22517.

In the area of ​​archaeological excavations, it is interesting to see the covered colonnades (gymnasium) designed for runners' competitions in bad weather, a wrestling hall (palestra), a hippodrome, a stadium designed for 20,000 spectators. It is here that the relay of the Olympic flame begins, which, according to ancient tradition, is lit on the ruins of the temple of the goddess Hera. The complex of archaeological monuments of Olympia was included in the UNESCO list in 1989.

The Museum of the History of the Olympic Games is located in the building of the former archaeological museum. You can visit it from Monday to Friday from 8.00 to 15.00. Entrance 2 euros. Phone: +30 26240 29119.

Olympia is separated from Athens by more than three hundred kilometers. From terminal A, via Pyrgos, there is a direct flight here at 9.30. Ticket price 30 euros, travel time five and a half hours. You can first get to Pyrgos for 28 euros, departure every two hours, and then transfer to the bus to Olympia, which leaves every hour, the trip will take 30 minutes and will cost about 2 euros. There are daily flights from Patras to Pyrgos starting at 5.30. the last one is at 20.30. The trip will take an hour and a half.

Fortified city of Monemvasia

The city of Monemvasia, which means “single entrance” in Greek, is located on the eastern coast of the peninsula, on the slope of a three-hundred-meter cliff that arose in 375 AD. e. as a result of a major earthquake.

The fortified city was founded in the 6th century AD. e. and reached its peak in the era of Byzantine rule, thanks to its impregnable position and the possibility of a wide view of the sea approaches.

In 1463, the city came under the rule of the Venetians, who changed the name of the city somewhat, for them it became "Malvasia". Sweet wine with this name has gained fame all over the world. Since the 8th century, a tradition has arisen to call all sweet Greek wines this way.

In 1971, the rock and the mainland were connected by a road bridge. To visit the old city, the car is left in the parking lot immediately after the bridge and they move on foot along the narrow picturesque streets.

Today the old city is divided into Upper, where the St. Sophia's temple, built in 1150, is perfectly preserved, and Lower, intended for tourists. Here is the temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary Chrysafitissa, dating back to the 15th century and keeping a miraculous icon with her image.
Under the temple, a spring beats, the waters of which, according to legend, contribute to the conception of children.

There are about 800 houses in the town, which house hotel rooms, cafes and restaurants.

The main part of the cafe is located on the main street.

Monemvasia is separated from Athens by 420 kilometers.

There is a direct bus from Athens Terminal A four times a day.
The ticket costs 30 euros, travel time is 6 hours.

In addition, you can get to Monemvasia for 7 euros from Sparta, the trip will take 2.5 hours or from Isthmos for 18 euros.

Diru Cave

This is one of the most beautiful caves in the whole world. It is located on the Mani peninsula, in the southern part of the Peloponnese. Most of the cave is occupied by an underground lake, on which tourists ride boats. The journey takes place in the contemplation of multi-colored bizarre stalactites hanging in clusters from the arches of the numerous halls of the cave. After the water part of the tour, you will have to walk about 200 meters along the illuminated underground halls. The air temperature is about 18 degrees.

Diru Cave is open daily: from June to September - from 8.30 to 17.30, from October to May - from 8.30 to 15.00. Entrance 12 euros. The easiest way to get here is by car, but you can also use public transport with transfers. First, from Athens by bus for 24 euros to the city of Gythion, travel time 4 and a half hours. Then by bus to the town of Areopolis, and then take a taxi to the entrance to the cave.

Summing up, we have to admit that in one review it is impossible to fit all the sights of this one of the most amazing places on earth. The Peloponnese deserves to come here again and again, each time making new discoveries for itself.

The Peloponnese Peninsula is a Greek administrative region, which is considered one of the best tourist centers in the world. Beach and sightseeing types of tourism are well represented here.

What to see in the Peloponnese? The ancient Greek civilization was born and developed on the peninsula, leaving many historical, cultural and architectural monuments and sights on the peninsula.

Also, the Peloponnese peninsula is famous for Orthodox sights: temples and monasteries, most of which are active today. It is known that it is one of the cradles of Orthodoxy.

The main attractions of the Peloponnese peninsula

We offer you brief information with photos and names of the most popular sights and monuments of the Peloponnese, so that you know what you should see here first.

This is a fashionable elite resort, which in Greece is called Little England. There is an excellent world-class tourist infrastructure and many monuments of cultural history: 6 monasteries and more than three hundred temples.

On the resort island of Hydra, the main source of income today is tourism. Here you will find many hotels, restaurants, bars, excellent beaches, areas for sports and entertainment, everything you need for a quality holiday.

God Apollo is the patron saint of ancient Corinth. That is why in the VI century BC. in this city the famous temple of Apollo was built in the Doric style. Its ruins have survived to this day, only 7 limestone columns have survived.

However, this ancient landmark of the Peloponnese and all of Greece is very popular among tourists, especially among fans of the ancient period in the history of this wonderful country.

This medieval city was first mentioned in chronicles in the middle of the 13th century. It was founded by the Franks and later conquered by the Venetians. It was in Venetian times that Mitras reached its highest development and was the dream of the rich from neighboring countries.

With the money flowing into the city, many temples and palaces were built. But in 1821, as a result of the revolution in Greece, Mithras was destroyed, its inhabitants dispersed, and the city was deserted. Today it is only a tourist attraction of the Peloponnese.

The ancient Greek city of Olympia is located in the northwest of the Peloponnese. The ruined sanctuary of Zeus, the Olympic stadium, gymnasiums have been preserved here. The entire open-air monument is today on the UNESCO list.

Here, tourists can learn how the Olympic movement was born in Ancient Greece. Temple of Zeus, built in the 5th century BC, is being restored by specialists. According to legend, it was in it that the Olympic flame was lit, sent from heaven.

This active male monastery was founded on the slope of Mount Olympus by the elder Dionysius from Athos in the 16th century. In those days, the people of Greece actively opposed the Turkish yoke, and the monasteries were centers of popular resistance.