On June 4, a boat capsized on Lake Ladoga. In Karelia, three teenagers went missing, their boat was turned over by a sudden storm on Lake Ladoga

On Monday, June 19, in the evening in the Impilahti Bay on Lake Ladoga in the Republic of Karelia, a boat with five teenagers turned over - a girl and four young people. The company was going to celebrate a birthday, but got into bad weather. Two managed to swim to the shore, while rescuers continue to search for three. Medialeaks learned the main thing about what happened.

Gulf of Impilahti. Photo: VK

Who were the affected teenagers?

Roman Yanushevsky with friend Igor. Photo: VK

All five lived in the district center of Sortavala in southwestern Karelia and came to Impilakhti on vacation to celebrate the birthday of 16-year-old Nicole. With her was her boyfriend, 18-year-old Roman Yanushevsky, the son of the owners of the boat, 17-year-old Igor, and two friends, Andrey and Konstantin.

Teenagers studied at schools No. 4 and No. 6 of the city of Sortavala. Nicole graduated from the 9th grade, Kostya, Andrei and Igor graduated from the 10th grade, and Roman graduated from school this year. Nicole just passed the GIA for the 9th grade, and the company came to the country house to Igor's grandmother to celebrate the end of the school year and her birthday.

Nicole. Photo: VK

What happened

On the afternoon of June 19, the weather was fine on the lake. The company got into a motor boat, took beer, fishing rods with them and went out into the bay. At first they rode along the bay and channels, but in the late afternoon they went out into open water. The boat capsized. Two, Igor and Andrei, were able to swim to the shore, Nicole, Roman and Konstantin disappeared.

How is the rescue going?

According to the head of Karelia, Artur Parfenchikov, quoted by Komsomolskaya Pravda, 258 people are currently working on the lake, 55 pieces of equipment are being used, including two Mi-8 helicopters that fly over Lake Ladoga.

Rescue boats in Impilahti bay. Photo: "Capital on Onego"

The GIMS service, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the police and rescue volunteers are participating in the search. Two survivors on the shore were picked up by GIMS employees on June 19 between 20.00 and 21.00, Petrozavodsk says. The rest have been searched for almost 20 hours. On June 20, divers are working in the bay and on the lake.

The matter is complicated by the fact that in the area where the boat allegedly capsized, at the exit from the bay, there is a strong current. The overturned boat itself was found six kilometers from the point of the accident. "Capital on Onego" conveys the words of the official representative of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the republic.

The bay and the adjacent territory are examined from a height, from land, on water and under water. At 7 o'clock in the morning, the grouping of forces and means was increased by rescuers and diving crews of the Specialized Fire and Rescue Unit, the Karelian Republican Search and Rescue Service, and the North-Western Regional Search and Rescue Squad. Now, in the area of ​​​​the alleged capsizing of the boat, diving crews have begun descents under water in order to survey the bottom of the bay. So far the search hasn't returned any results.

What happened to the survivors

The father of one of the surviving teenagers, Yuri Zhiltsov, told RBC about what is happening to him now.

He has frostbite, but now he is feeling stable. Doctors say that now his life is not in danger. He has a state of mental imbalance: a severe shock after the experience, he cannot now say anything clearly. All night the psychologist worked, calmed.

The second guy is in the same room in about the same condition. Zhiltsov claims that his son had little experience in hiking, no one planned to ride a boat - only to go into the forest with a tent. Missing girl's half-sister denies this:

In early June, she wrote to me on VKontakte: “The four of us are going to an island 80 km from Sortavala. With a tent for two days on a friend's boat. I will celebrate my birthday normally for the first time.”

Nicole's mother also said that the guys were really going to move on a motor boat to the islands. The Investigative Committee is considering the issue of initiating a criminal case, the head of Karelia, Artur Parfenchikov, said that the actions of those who survived should be assessed by the investigation, Interfax reports.

Unfortunately, this is the case when we are once again forced to state the frivolous behavior on the water, the lack of life-saving equipment. Our lakes are not simple - Ladoga, Syamozero - the water in them is fresh, cold, does not hold well, the wave is heavy and short. The guys who escaped - they swam. It's a miracle. Nevertheless, their actions will be assessed in terms of offenses that have led to known consequences. We hope that the consequences will be minimal. But I believe that the investigating authorities should assess this frivolity.

Causes of the tragedy

Both the rescuers and the police have already spoken to Igor and Andrey. From their words, the picture of what happened can be restored quite clearly. The boat was driven by Igor (it was to his grandmother that the company came to the dacha). Before the boat capsized, he handed over control to Andrey, who had no experience with the motor. The guy lost control, the boat capsized.

In the bay itself, the water is always quite calm, even when the wind rises, and at the exit from the bay, the boat is met by a wave, which Parfenchikov characterizes as “short and heavy”. Local rescuers say that the height of the waves with a wind of 15 m / s can reach a meter in height.

"Kazanka", on which teenagers went to the lake. Photo: KP

The young people went out, as can be seen in the photo, without life jackets, none of them had the right to drive a small boat, and at the moment when the boat capsized, the tiller was held by a 17-year-old teenager who did not know how to drive a motorboat at all. Frightened, he tried to turn the boat around on the wave, which caused it to capsize.

The Kazanka boat, which has been produced in the USSR and Russia since 1955, has a capacity of four people according to the standard, and a carrying capacity of up to 400 kilograms. It is designed for swimming in small closed reservoirs and rivers, and it is not recommended to go out on it with a wave above 25 centimeters. This is a narrow boat with a flat bottom, which goes on a glider even with a small engine and is poorly controlled in this mode.

On June 18, 2016, at Syamozero in Karelia, an organized group of schoolchildren who were vacationing at the Syamozero Park Hotel children's camp on a raft and two canoes got into a storm. , 14 people died, 35 managed to escape. Parents and municipal authorities were earlier in the camp, but the inspection authorities did not find serious violations. In the criminal case initiated by the Investigative Committee, not only the leaders of the camp and counselors are involved, but also the paramedic of the hospital in the village of Suoyarvi, where one of the drowning schoolchildren phoned during a storm. Woman, which caused the rescue operation to start much later.

Only two of the victims managed to get to the shore. Three other young people are still looking for rescuers.

Five friends, all 16-17 years old, decided to celebrate the 16th anniversary of the only girl in the company - Nicole. They came from the city of Sortavala to the village of Impilahti in the Pitkyaranta region to visit the grandmother of one of the teenagers. We took a Kazan boat with a motor and went to one of the islands in Lake Ladoga. We were planning to stay there for two days. They brought a tent and sleeping bags with them. But to take life jackets, they did not take care. The boat capsized. The guys were in the water. Two guys were able to get to the shore on their own, with severe hypothermia and in a stressful state, they were immediately sent to the Sortavala central regional hospital. Now their health is not in danger, doctors said. Three teenagers, including Nicole, are still being sought. And the rescuers still have hope to find the guys alive, because two surviving guys said that they saw two more guys swimming in the other direction. Perhaps they still managed to get to the islands ...

According to the father of the surviving boy, the buddies were just going to go camping. There was no mention of any water travel. At least that's what teenagers told their parents. They were sober - no alcohol was found in the blood of the two surviving boys.

Rescuers received a message about the state of emergency at 21.20. More than 120 people and the necessary equipment immediately left for the scene. A few hours later, the group was doubled, and an operational headquarters was created. Acting Head of Karelia Artur Parfenchikov urgently arrived in the Pitkyaranta region.

The preliminary causes of the emergency have already been established - unstable weather conditions, strong waves and the inability of teenagers to manage a boat that is not suitable for walking on lakes. According to Yevgeny Tishkovets, a leading employee of the FOBOS Weather Center, on his page on the social network, the wind regime in the water area of ​​​​Lake Ladoga was difficult, the wind gusts increased to 15 meters per second just in the period from 18 to 21 hours - the time of the emergency. Therefore, one wave was enough to capsize the boat. As for the cauldron itself, on which the children swam, according to the rescuers, since the seventies of the last century, it has been recognized as emergency and prone to rolling over when cornering. Now investigators will deal with all the nuances.

Preliminary causes of the emergency - unstable weather, strong waves and the inability of teenagers to control the boat

The Investigative Committee of Karelia opened a criminal case on the fact of an emergency on Ladoga under article 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - causing death by negligence to two or more persons. Investigators have already interviewed the surviving guys. Anna Kuznetsova, Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation, also responded to the tragedy.

The incident on Lake Ladoga confirms the need for adults, especially outside organized camps, to pay special attention to organizing children's leisure time, to be interested in where they plan to go, and to take care of elementary safety rules, the children's ombudsman commented.

Oksana Starshova, Commissioner for Children's Rights in Karelia, is directly at the scene of the tragedy and helps parents get through the moments of expectation.

And literally a day ago, by the way, the sad anniversary of the tragedy at Syamozero was celebrated in the republic. On June 18, 2016, 47 teenagers and four accompanying people set off on an unauthorized water trip from the Syamozero Park-Hotel children's camp. They also wanted to visit the islands in the center of the lake. But strong waves and wind overturned the boats, the children ended up in the water. 14 teenagers drowned At the worship cross erected in memory of the dead children on the banks of the Syamozero, adults said that such a tragedy should not be allowed ...


In Karelia, a passenger ship following the route "Nizhny Novgorod - Solovki - Nizhny Novgorod" ran aground on the 1275th kilometer of the White Sea-Baltic Canal between locks 11 and 12. Employees of the Segezha fire and rescue garrison went to the place of the emergency. The inspection is carried out by traffic police. There were 137 passengers and 62 crew members on board. All passengers were transferred to another ship and taken to Medvezhyegorsk. As the press secretary of the head of the republic, Marina Kabatyuk, told RG, passengers were taken by bus from Medvezhyegorsk to Petrozavodsk, checked into hotels, and provided with everything necessary. The crew members remained on the ship.

The Ministry of Emergency Situations says

Three missing teenagers continue to search for rescuers and volunteers. They have already examined 9 kilometers of the coastal zone, 12 square kilometers of the lake, helicopters are involved, divers are working. As the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Karelia Sergey Shugaev stated, specialists also use a deep-sea vehicle for work in coastal waters. The fact is that the depth of Lake Ladoga can reach 40 meters. 264 people and 55 pieces of equipment were involved in the search, of which 158 people and 31 pieces of equipment were from the Ministry of Emergency Situations. On Ladoga, in the area of ​​the alleged capsizing of the boat, the weather favored the search. According to the Karelian Department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, diving crews continued to descend under water all day and surveyed the bottom of the bay.

All work of the operational headquarters and operational groups of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Republic of Karelia is carried out in cooperation with local governments and other emergency services. The interdepartmental operational headquarters was formed immediately, as soon as alarming information about the emergency was received. The think tank is naturally located on the basis of the Crisis Management Center of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Karelia.

The reinforced grouping of forces and equipment was made up of fire and rescue units of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia in the Republic of Karelia, units of the GIMS, the Karelian Republican Search and Rescue Service, diving crews, volunteers, 2 Mi-8 helicopters of the Aviation Ministry of Russia and the government of Karelia.

A boat with five teenagers capsized as a result of a storm in the Impilahti Bay in the north of Lake Ladoga in Karelia. There were four young men and a girl aged 16-18 in the boat. Two of them managed to get ashore on their own - they were hospitalized, the rescuers of the Russian Emergencies Ministry are searching for the rest. According to some reports, the girl died, but the Ministry of Emergency Situations has not yet confirmed this information.

“Search work is underway, the bodies of children have not been found, there is hope that they are alive,” TASS quoted a representative of the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

It is reported that all the victims were local residents who were vacationing on the lake. They went fishing in inclement weather without life jackets.

In the first hours of the search, rescuers found a boat, which was brought to shore. The search and rescue operation did not stop even for a minute and was facilitated by the fact that the storm on the lake subsided, and now there are white nights in Karelia. Exploration work is carried out at a water temperature of about 5 °C.

Volunteers and helicopters

Acting Head of Karelia Artur Parfenchikov, as well as inspectors from the State Inspectorate for Small Vessels (GIMS), employees of the Karelian Republican Search and Rescue Service, representatives of the Investigative Committee and volunteers are at the scene.

“In Karelia, investigators of the Russian Investigative Committee are working at the scene of an incident on Lake Ladoga, where a boat with minors capsized,” reads a message received by RT.

The group of rescuers on Lake Ladoga consists of more than 250 people, more than 50 pieces of equipment are involved, including two helicopters of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Diving groups of the specialized fire and rescue unit and the Karelian search and rescue service, employees of the Karelian search service and volunteers are also involved in the operation.

“As of 4:00 06/20/2017, the total grouping of search and rescue forces and equipment on Lake Ladoga is 258 people and 55 pieces of equipment. The work is being carried out in the alleged place where the vessel capsized, and the coast is also being examined, ”the website of the regional Ministry of Emergency Situations reports.

Not from the camp

It is reported that the children who were in the boat live in the city of Sortavala. One of the teenagers came to the grandmother's cottage.

“The teenagers went fishing, the storm was strong, the boat capsized,” said Zhanna Sharets, head of the administration of the Impilakhtinsky rural settlement.

At the same time, in her commentary, she refers to the words of surviving children. The fact that the teenagers were not from the camp is also confirmed by a source in the emergency services: “They did not come to any camp, they came, according to our information, to rest with their grandmother. It's definitely not an organized group of kids."

The young men who managed to swim out are currently under the supervision of ambulance doctors. The question of their hospitalization is being decided.

The teenagers' parents have already been interviewed and are also on their way to the scene. “The parents of the children injured on the lake have been interviewed and are now on their way to the scene of the tragedy,” Leonid Gulevich, head of the Sortavalsky district, told TASS.

Like a year ago

The emergency on Ladoga happened almost exactly a year after the tragedy at Syamozero, when children from the Syamozero Park-Hotel camp went with instructors for a canoe and raft walk along the reservoir. However, they got into a storm, which brought two boats to open water, where they capsized, and the raft washed up on one of the islands.

The group then consisted of 51 people, four of them were adult accompanying persons. 14 children died. Such a number of victims could have been avoided if it were not for paramedic Irina Shcherbakova, who did not believe the children who called her. As a result of the investigation, she was sentenced to three years in a colony-settlement with a suspension of the sentence until the 14th birthday of her daughter.

In addition to her, the director of the camp, Elena Reshetova, and the head of the complex, Vadim Vinogradov, are also in custody. The Moscow Arbitration Court recovered 22.6 million rubles from the Syamozero Park Hotel.

Former head of the Karelian department of Rospotrebnadzor Anatoly Kovalenko, ex-instructor Valery Krupoderschikov, acting head of the department of Rospotrebnadzor in Karelia Lyudmila Kotovich gave a written undertaking not to leave the country.

The camp where the children rested was closed, and a memorial cross was erected in memory of the dead. The State Duma after those events prepared and adopted a bill on the organization of children's recreation in Russia. In particular, it was proposed to develop and approve professional standards so that unprepared people were not allowed to work with children, and the concept of "organization of children's recreation and their recovery" was clarified.

In addition, the law specified the powers of federal and regional executive authorities, local governments in terms of children's recreation, including security. The document was signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

In Karelia, rescuers have been looking for teenagers for a day, whose boat capsized on Lake Ladoga. Two managed to survive, the fate of three more is unknown. Searches along the coastline did not give any result, the water area is now being examined with the help of boats, divers are working. Well, the investigators find out how it happened that the minors went on a boat trip alone, on a motor boat, the rights to manage which they could not have. Coincidentally, all this happened exactly a year after the tragedy at Syamozero, where the children died. And again, a frivolous attitude to safety rules is cited as a likely cause.

In the photos from social networks, the same five teenagers - four young men and a girl in the same boat, yesterday, a few hours before the tragedy. At night, rescuers will find a motorboat in the lake. The nearest beach is 500 meters. The distance does not seem to be very large, but given the fact that meter-long waves were moving along Ladoga in the evening, wind gusts reached 15 meters per second, and the water temperature did not exceed only 12 degrees, let alone get out - it was almost impossible to stay afloat.

“Despite the worsening weather conditions, search work continues. We still hope to see the three missing young people alive. A jacket was found, an oar was found, a boat was found, ”said Sergey Shugaev, head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation for Karelia.

At night in Karelia it is now light as during the day - white nights. In a quiet narrow bay near the village of Impelahti, nothing foreshadowed trouble. The storm began when the boat entered the waters of Ladoga, a wave overturned the board. Two guys 16 and 17 years old, Igor and Andrei, were able to get out of the water. They raised the alarm. The father of one of the survivors says: once overboard, the teenagers tried to save each other, but the waves scattered everyone in different directions in an instant.

“Igor swam out and ran to the fishermen, while Andrei was trying to save the girl. It was far from the shore, the water was very cold, ”said the father of the victim, Yuri Zhiltsov.

Andrei's father did not know that his son would go on a boat trip with friends - it was about the fact that a group of friends from the city of Sortavala would gather at the dacha to celebrate Nicole's 16th birthday. But as it turned out now, the company had planned a holiday on the island in advance.

“Nicole had a birthday yesterday, and they went to celebrate at the dacha, went to the boy Igor Danilovich for two days. Roma asked me for a sleeping bag so that he could come here just a couple of days ago, ”said Ksenia Romanova, a classmate of one of the guys.

Friends who were not invited to the birthday party knew about the upcoming trip, they saw that the weather changes every day. They themselves did not believe that the young people decided to go out into the lake. After all, they all grew up in Karelia - since childhood they know how insidious the local waters are, the storm starts suddenly.

“This is the place where the tragedy occurred, after all, it is the so-called open Ladoga. Heavy gusts of wind were noted that day, which, perhaps, contributed to the unrest in Lake Ladoga,” said Sergey Krupin, the head of the city of Sortavala.

Yes, and safety precautions - to get into the boat only in life jackets - is known to everyone. Here is a picture taken last year of Igor - one of those who managed to get out - in a vest. Yesterday, judging by the photo, the teenagers went into the lake without rescue equipment.

“Two days actually the wind is crazy. I don’t know how it was possible to get into the boat in such weather - sometimes it rains, sometimes the sun shines, ”says Ksenia.

By a fatal coincidence, this state of emergency on Ladoga occurred on the anniversary of the tragedy on Syamozero, which is also in Karelia. Then into a storm in cold water. Three of the boat that capsized the day before are still missing. And so the search and rescue operation continues.

Two out of five teenagers managed to get to the shore on their own. More than 200 people are involved in the search and rescue operation. Doctors deny the information that the children were in a state of intoxication

Search and rescue operations on Lake Ladoga. Photo: Press Service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia / TASS

Updated 12:00

A possible cause of the tragedy on Lake Ladoga has been established. According to the Mash Telegram channel, Igor D., while driving a motorboat, turned the ship too sharply, and it was overturned by a wave. Five teenagers ended up in the water.

Igor himself and 17-year-old Andrei Zh. swam to the shore and were able to call for help. Girl Nicole and two other guys are now looking for rescuers and divers.

According to Mash, on the evening of June 19, five teenagers celebrated the birthday of 16-year-old Nicole. The father of the rescued child refutes the information that the children had alcohol. Yuri Zhiltsov told Ren TV about this:

“The kids went camping this morning. In the evening I was informed of what had happened. As far as I knew, they were just going on a campaign. They did not celebrate anything with alcohol in order to remove various troubles, which they already write on the Internet that they celebrated their birthday. No, they are completely sober, they did blood tests, there is no alcohol. The boat capsized, they tried to escape, they realized that they could not escape, they began to try to swim out. 70 meters, maybe more. One immediately swam to the shore, the son remained, tried to save the girl, began to swim up to her and saw that she was no longer there. From his words, before his eyes, he did not have time to swim to the girl, as she went to the bottom. They saw that the other two swam ashore, but when they swam ashore, they did not find them.

The two rescued teenagers are in a state of moderate severity. Nothing threatens their lives, Marina Kabatyuk, press secretary of the head of the region, told RIA Novosti. Psychologists work with them. A general diagnosis of hypothermia was made. Earlier it was reported that two teenagers were sent to the Sortavala Central Hospital.

In total, there were five teenagers aged 15-17 in the motorboat - four boys and a girl. The fate of three of them is unknown. Search and rescue work continues. They can be complicated by weather conditions - a wind of 8-9 meters per second is expected. As weather forecasters say, in such cases, the wave height is about half a meter.

On the day when the emergency happened, there was also a strong wind and it was impossible to go out into open Ladoga, Zhanna Sharets, the head of the Impilakhtinsky rural settlement, where the tragedy occurred, told Business FM.

Jeanne Sharetz head of the Impilakhtinsky rural settlement“More than 200 people are involved in the search and rescue operation. Yesterday there was information that the girl had a birthday, but I asked the doctors - the children were sober. Of course, they will still take samples, but there was no alcohol in appearance. They came from Sortavala to Sumeria, to their grandmother's village, went fishing along the river that goes to Ladoga, and went to the open Ladoga, lost control. Yesterday there was bad weather, a very strong wind in the lunch area, so I think that it was impossible to go out into the open Ladoga.

According to experts, the water temperature on Ladoga is now kept at 13 degrees: in such conditions, a person can last no more than two or three hours. Is it possible to take some measures to prevent such emergencies from happening?

Arseny Avdyukov distance learning curator of the State Inspectorate for Small Vessels (GIMS)“The spaces are large, it is hardly possible to put an GIMS inspector for each outgoing boat. I think that the only way to prevent such incidents is to control the places where small boats are based. In general, this is included in the regulations, GIMS should monitor exactly the parking lots of boats. Before sailing, the boat must tell where it is going, how many people are on board, and only after that go somewhere. If no one warned anyone, there's nothing you can do about it. Many people keep boats not only in yacht clubs, but also in their backyards or just on the shore in hangars. On Ladoga, the weather conditions change quite quickly, especially if you don’t really follow the weather: it seems like the sun, a black cloud was gathering on the horizon - in a couple of hours there will be a good wind. If the height of the wave is equal to the width of the boat, then capsizing is inevitable if the wave hits the side. If the boat is also moving on planing, then capsizing is quite possible. As I understand it, the punishment will be for causing death by negligence, just like if someone is hit by a car. Not all boats require a license. If the total weight of the boat is less than 200 kilograms and the engine power is less than 8 kilowatts, then it does not need to be registered and a license is not needed for such a boat. GIMS inspectors are required to ensure security in the area of ​​​​their management, even if you go on a raft. They should come over, make sure you have life jackets and put them on, that there is no dangerous weather ahead. If they are, then you should be warned or advised not to go too far from the coast. But there are few inspectors, and besides, if I'm not mistaken, Sunday and Monday are days off.

Currently, 264 people and 55 pieces of equipment have been involved in search and rescue operations. A criminal case has been opened on the fact of the state of emergency on Lake Ladoga in Karelia.

The area of ​​the lake without islands is about 189 thousand square kilometers, the depth is uneven - from 20 meters to 230 meters.

A year ago, on June 19, a storm on Syamozero in Karelia killed 14 children and one adult who were on a hiking trip.