shanghai tower china. Shanghai Tower - the tallest skyscraper in Asia

The Japanese firm Mitsubishi Electric installs the fastest elevator in the Shanghai tower with a speed of 18 meters per second. This elevator will break the record of the Taipei 101 skyscraper in Taiwan, which is 16 meters per second.

This elevator will also set another record - it will be the longest, breaking the achievement of the tower in the city, which is 478.5 meters. What will be the length of the elevator in the Shanghai Tower is not yet clear, but it will definitely be a record value.

Records - the highest hotel

Between the 84th and 110th floors will be located Four Seasons Hotel with 260 rooms, which will be the tallest hotel on the planet.

It is worth mentioning that it should be called the highest relative to the surface of the earth, since indeed the highest hotel is located in the village of Namche Bazaar at an altitude of 3340 meters. It is called Everest View, it stops travelers on their way to the top of Everest or trekkers following.

Records - the most expensive skyscraper

The Shanghai Tower cost investors a record $4.2 billion. However, the Chinese are no strangers, one line of magnetic cost them 1 billion.

Records - observation deck

The Shanghai Tower will provide an opportunity to look at Shanghai from a height of 557 meters - this will be a new world record.

What is the result

Now we can not say anything about the price of the excursion to the Shanghai Tower, nor about the restaurants inside, nor about the price of the hotel rooms. Let's wait for the opening and be sure to rewrite this article to tell you about it.

In the meantime, this has not yet happened, read our other articles about China ( links below).

We planned a trip to major cities in China, from Hong Kong to Shanghai. The main goal of our trip was the tallest building in the world, the Shanghai Tower, which is currently under construction, at the moment its height, together with the crane boom, reaches a little over 650 meters, which makes the tower the second tallest structure in the world, after the Burj Khalifa in the UAE.

Knowing about the very strict laws in China, we carefully prepared and chose the right date, the Chinese New Year. For a time during which the guards were less vigilant, the workers were absent and the taps were not working. We made our way to the crane around midnight, climbed 120 floors for almost 2 hours on foot and slept for almost 18 hours at the construction site in anticipation of good weather. What came of it, you can see in the new video clip.

Hello everyone! I want to dilute the two-month-long silence in this livejournal with my post. Several months ago Vadim and I had planned a trip along Chinese biggest cities, from Hong Kong to Shanghai. The main purpose of the journey was world’s highest construction building – Shanghai tower. Now it is under construction and so far its height is a little more than 650 meters. So now it is the world's second high building after Burj Khalifa in UAE.

Aware of the strict Chinese law, we prepared carefully and picked an appropriate date, the Chinese New Year day. At that time the security was less watchful, workers were on vacations, and cranes did not work. We got to the crane at around midnight. It took us almost two hours to get on the 120th floor by foot. And also, we spend almost 18 hours on top of the building, sleeping and waiting for better weather. The result you can see in our new video.

1. Low clouds begin to gather over the city. / Low clouds are covering the city.

2. JinMao Tower and Shanghai Financial Center, popularly known as "Opener". / JinMao tower and Shanghai Financial Center, people call it "The
bottle opener".

3. By dawn, the clouds became even denser, and the city was completely covered. / By sunrise clouds were even thicker, and the city was completely covered.

4. / Just to compare, a tower on the left is 421 meters high, and the
right one is 490 m.

5. One of the main goals of climbing the tower was to shoot a video, since there was low cloud cover in the city, it was decided to sit out on the last floors of the construction site and wait it out. / One – and the main purpose of our climbing was making the video.
Since it was cloudy, we decided to wait in one of the top floors until the
weather gets better.

6. An hour before dawn, the clouds parted, and we climbed up. / An hour before sunrise clouds disappeared, and we headed on top.

7. Photo of me, authorship: dedmaxopka / A picture of me by dedmaxopka

8. 650 meters. / 650 meters.





So ended Shanghai. In the near future you will find a huge amount of interesting material from China. Stay with us! / That was the end of our Shanghai trip. Soon you will see a lot of
exciting content from China. Stay tuned!

1. TV tower Pearl of the East

2. Jin Mao Tower (Jinmao Dasha) - translated from Chinese "Golden Prosperity".

3. Skyscraper World Financial Center (Shanghai World Financial Center), popularly nicknamed "The Opener"

4. Shanghai Tower - Shanghai Tower - Shanghai Tower.

You can look at Shanghai (weather permitting) from a bird's eye view from the observation decks in these skyscrapers, one above the other. Directions to everyone - Tunnel under the river, taxi or subway - to Lujiazui subway station 陆家嘴, Line No. 2 (Green)

  • Let's take a closer look at the observation decks in skyscrapers 1,2,3,4:

1. TV tower Pearl of the East东方明珠 or fuller name - 东方明珠广播电视塔

It has three viewing platforms: 90, 263 and 350 meters. Although the height of the tower itself (with a spire) is more significant - 468 meters. (For comparison - the Ostankino TV tower with a height of 540 m)
The Oriental Pearl TV Tower in Shanghai was, when built, the third tallest in the world and the first in Asia. But things change over time...

Visits in the evening, as more spectacular, are more expensive. There is a Buffet - Chinese buffet (Revolving restaurant (not cheap) for a fee)

Downstairs, in the TV tower, there is a very interesting Museum of Historical Development of Shanghai. Be sure to go (INCLUDED in the price of a ticket to visit ANY of the observation decks of the tower Pearl of the East.

Tickets for any observation deck of the TV tower), restaurant and museum are sold at the same box office (票房门票- box office).

The lighting of the TV tower is controlled by a computer: it changes depending on the weather and time of day!

There are many stalls with souvenirs, but they are more expensive even than those at the exit.

2. Jin Mao Tower 金茂 (Jinmao Dasha 金茂 大厦) - translated from Chinese "Golden Prosperity".

Very often in Jin Mao the number "8" or a multiple of "8" is used. This is no coincidence. The number "8" in China is benevolent, associated with prosperity and wealth. Even in the address the number of "house" and then from the eights -88.

Tower height - 420.5 m

Observation deck on the 88th floor (the elevator lifts it in 45 seconds)

On the 87th floor - the huge windows "The Ninth Cloud" of the five-star Grand Hyatt Hotel

Order (instead of a ticket) a cocktail, coffee and admire the view of Shanghai. It is interesting to look into the giant well-abyss of the floors of this hotel:

86th floor - Restaurant "ClubJingMao" with Shanghai cuisine. Attention! Food is better than Canton cuisine (at the restaurant on the 55th floor) Expect about $40 per person.

55th floor - Delicious Cantonese Restaurant (Kantonese). Attention! The restaurant is quite expensive for China (also about $ 40 per person), there is also a bar on the same floor - "CloudBar". You can save.

Of course, these restaurants are attractive with a view from the windows. But the tables near the windows are very popular. So a couple of days before your visit, take care of booking a table near the window.

The suite - the Grand Hyatt Shanghai hotel - was the world's tallest hotel for a very short time: until another, higher skyscraper was built nearby - "Opener" with its hotel - Park Hyatt (about them later)

This one is five-star. Occupies floors 54 to 87 in the Jin Mao skyscraper.

The hotel lobby is on the 54th floor, and you can choose a room on any of the 33 floors located above. Prices for a double room start from 2500 yuan.

Address: Jinmao Tower, ShijiDadao, 88

(trans. Shiji Dadao 世纪大道)

The name of the street is translated as "Prospect of the Century"

The Jin Mao skyscraper was the tallest building in Shanghai until the Shanghai World Financial Center skyscraper was built next to it.

3. Skyscraper World Financial Center (Shanghai World Financial Center)

Height - 492 m-101 floor.

How the customers wanted the building to be as high as possible. At their request, the height during construction was increased by 32 meters (at first it was planned to be 460 m). They also asked to add a spire for higher growth, but then the architect and developer categorically said “no! It will be redundant"

With the shape of the hole (at the top to reduce air resistance) there were problems of a different kind. It was supposed to be round with a diameter of 46 m. ​​But the Chinese, with the mayor of the city at the head, suspected that it looked like the sun on the flag of Japan. And it was built by a Japanese company, although the designer was an American “Ah, cunning!” The Chinese probably thought, “They are dragging their flag! Don't be like this!" And categorically opposed the round. To which they answered something like this: “God be with you!” And they replaced the hole with a trapezoidal one. “It is easier for us, builders, and, by the way, it will cost you less. Yes, and at the heart of your Chinese - calmer.

Finally, in 2008 the skyscraper was built.

The highest observation deck - on the 100th floor - almost at the very top - 472 meters from where the panorama of Shanghai is simply amazing. The second is on the 97th floor. With a ticket, enter the venue once

Suite - Park Hyatt Hotel Occupies floors from 79 to 93 for rooms. The price for a double room starts from 3600 yuan.

If you are not afraid of height (and prices too) - admire the view of Shanghai in luxury for at least the whole day. High-class comfort and various "interesting things" such as self-cleaning mirrors in the bathroom with a built-in TV screen are created here.

Address: ShijiDadao, 100 (Shiji Dadao Lane 世纪大道).

Now you can look down on Jin Mao. What do we do)

4. The highest skyscraper gives 2014. Shanghai Tower - Shanghai Tower - Shanghai Tower. An idea is a symbol of a rational future.

Height - 632 m

There: a shopping center, nine high-rise gardens, observation decks, business centers, restaurants and cafes.

It is planned that high-rise gardens located in this building will prevent excessive heating - cooling of the building, improve air quality, and special devices will collect rainwater, which will then be used for wind turbines, air conditioning and heating the air inside the building. It will be a whole city...

Reference: So far, the tallest skyscraper in the world - Burj Khalifa (Burj Khalifa) - was built in Dubai in 2010 (United Arab Emirates). The height with the spire is 829.8 m, the number of floors is 163.

The United Arab Emirates do not want to give the palm to anyone. They say they want to build even higher. How will this "race" of skyscrapers end?

Well, if there is a desire to go further, choose a route, it is entertaining and interesting.

The Shanghai Tower is an architectural monument that has earned the attention of travelers from all over the world. The design is recognized as the highest building on the planet. This is the pride and symbol of China, every tourist dreams of seeing the miracle of construction.

Shanghai Tower was erected in the Chinese city of Shanghai.

The close location of the attraction to the airport makes the building attractive for tourists. There are other, no less interesting structures around the skyscraper.

This is the business center of China, with significant architectural and cultural sites.

A visit to the city will be accompanied by educational excursions, concerning not only the well-known remarkable place.

Construction history

Shanghai Tower was not built overnight. Ideas about the construction of the symbol of China arose at the end of the last century. But it was not until 2008 that the idea was put into practice.

First of all, work was carried out to study the soil on which it was planned to install the structure. It took 2 years to strengthen the land. The workers had to pour the foundation to a depth of 6 meters.

Part of the tower (frame) was completed only in the summer of 2013, finishing was completed 2 years later.

The opening was scheduled for February 2015. But visitors were able to fully examine it only in 2017.

Records and interesting facts

Construction work interested people all over the planet. Unprecedented in size, the design broke previously set records. The Chinese authorities dreamed of building the highest object in the world. It almost succeeded. The tower in Shanghai is in 3rd place in the list of tallest buildings in the world.

A lot of interesting facts are connected with the construction of a unique structure.

  1. It affects the volume of concrete that was needed for the foundation. 60,000 cubic meters of cement were poured in record time: three hours.
  2. The building has more than 100 elevators that rise to a record 570 meters.
  3. The Four Seasons Hotel is located here. This is the tallest hotel in the world.
  4. It is possible to admire the city from a height of half a kilometer.
  5. The Chinese authorities spent $2.5 billion to achieve the goal.
  6. The tower is changing. The color of the facades depends on the time of day. Shanghai landmark is either pink or pearly. It is recommended to visit the symbol of the future of the country at different times of the day.
  7. The elevator cabins are equipped with screens. Monitors have been placed on the ceiling, and visitors ride while watching the ascent.

The remarkable skyscraper was built surrounded by skyscrapers and embodies the revival, rise and great future of the country. The building masterpiece rises to 632 meters.

Architectural idea and design features of the building

The skyscraper, as planned, should symbolize the rise and development of the state. It makes up a single architectural ensemble, harmoniously combined with two more "brothers", erected earlier in the same area.

Construction was carried out according to "green" standards. This means that only environmentally friendly materials were used during the work.

Has a spiral shape. Arches are installed on the facade. Initially, the details were planned to be used as decorative elements. But unexpectedly, the effect was different. This protects the masterpiece from the effects of the winds. The unusual shape helped to significantly save on building materials. To prevent the skyscraper from swaying in the wind (Shanghai is prone to typhoons), a special pipe is installed inside.

The "flexible" tower consists of tiers that are held on hinges. The feature protects the building from earthquakes. The ingenious invention of engineers helped to make a seemingly impossible dream come true. The architectural monument, despite typhoons and tremors, continues to rise above the city. Natural disasters are not afraid of a majestic building.

On the lower floor, visitors get acquainted with. The halls serve as a museum. There are wax figures depicting scenes of everyday life of the Chinese. Precious stones and metals were used for decor: jade, agate, jasper, pearls, silver, gold plates.

The restaurant is open. The room rotates around an axis. There is no other place like it anywhere in the world. There are also clubs and halls for performances of singers and musicians.

observation decks

Views of the city from observation platforms from a remarkable object attract more and more new visitors. The highest platform is equipped at a height of half a kilometer. Closed attraction. This is a necessity to ensure the safety of visitors. It is possible to admire Shanghai through panoramic windows.

Monitor installed. It broadcasts films that tell about the process of building the object. There are cafes and shops nearby. Tourists are invited to use the services of a guide. There are many people who want to get inside the object, there are queues at the box office. It is recommended to book tickets from Russia. It is also possible to use the services of a Russian-speaking guide.

They pay in yuan. The cost of visiting will cost 181 yuan, children and pensioners - discounts. Open daily from 9 am to 10 pm, closed on Mondays. Ticket offices close half an hour earlier.

Visit the area at night to admire the Shanghai Tower in the light of illumination.

How to get there

You can get to the attraction in the following ways:

  • Taxi;
  • buses;
  • metro.

Taxis are expensive, there are traffic jams on the roads. Taxi drivers don't speak English. If you chose this method, write the name of the attraction in hieroglyphs and show the driver.

On 799 and 939 buses you should get to the station. Huayuanshiqiao Rd or to the Lujiazui Ring Rd stop by minibuses 791, 870, 961, 985.

About 3 million visitors come to Shanghai every year.

Other towers

This is not the only skyscraper in the city. Other skyscrapers have also been erected in Shanghai.

The TV tower with an unusual design attracts tourists no less than the Shanghai Tower, located in the same Pudong district.

There are shops, restaurants and hotels. Observation platforms are equipped. A spire 118 meters high was installed, the total height of the building is 468 meters. Until 2007, it was considered the tallest building in Asia.

The peculiarity of the tower is that it consists of 11 spheres interconnected by a support. The lower ball in diameter reaches 50 meters, the upper circumference is slightly inferior. Stability is achieved thanks to the columns on which the structure rests.

Equipped with elevators and viewing platforms. Here you can book a room for the rest. At night, the TV tower is illuminated with illumination.


The monument was built of brick; 41 meters high. An ancient object, dating from the beginning of the 13th century. Repeatedly carried out restoration work. This made it possible to preserve the attraction in its original form. Open for visiting.Ancient architectural monument of China. Dated to the beginning of the 6th century. This is a religious object, erected near the monastery of the same name.

Height - 11 meters, shape - octagon. Materials - brick and wood. It will be of interest to tourists who are attracted by the history of China.

The skyscraper serves as the hallmark of the policy. It is on the list of the tallest buildings in Asia. Height - 421, 88 floors.

The uniqueness of the building is that a swimming pool is equipped at the height of the 57th floor. The tank acts as a shock absorber. The structure is stable, not subject to winds and tremors.

Equipped with an observation deck, can accommodate up to 1000 people. You can reach the top of the structure in less than half a minute thanks to high-speed elevators. Jin Mao is home to restaurants, cafes and shops. The skyscraper is also considered a business center. The first 50 floors are occupied by offices of the largest organizations.

Construction of 2008, visible from all parts of the city, the famous landmark of the metropolis. Takes 6th place in the ranking of the tallest buildings in the world. Among travelers, the center is known as the "opener". The nickname is due to the shape. The roof is peculiar, similar to a kitchen appliance. Recognized to protect from winds, reduces the risk of destruction from earthquakes.

There is an observation deck on the 100th floor. You can take the elevator in a minute. There are also two more places to view Shanghai landscapes.

Shops and restaurants are open in the Center, influential companies use the high-rise buildings as offices. They spend the whole day here: walking, having lunch, having fun.

Shanghai is a Chinese city of skyscrapers. The architecture of the city is mesmerizing. It seems that the person was in a science fiction movie. China has achieved its goal. Looking at the futuristic buildings, it is impossible not to recognize China as a unique state breaking new and new records.

A nation with such potential, diligence, desire to make life and the state a great power deserves the respect and recognition of all peoples. A trip to Shanghai will leave vivid impressions and will allow you to experience new emotions.

The Shanghai Tower is one of the highest (in the literal sense) symbols of China's heyday. This is a real beacon in the world of economic growth and cultural prosperity.

More recently, in historical terms, China was not the most advanced, ordinary agrarian country. But in recent decades, he has taken not seven-mile, but rather seven-hundred-mile steps in his development. The Chinese economy today is perhaps the locomotive of the development of the entire planet. Numerous skyscrapers have become symbols of the country's rapid growth.

In particular, in Shanghai, the second largest city in China, there is an area in which three giant spiers are located almost “two steps away” from each other. This is the Jin Mao Tower (translated as "Golden Prosperity") with a height of 421 meters. The Shanghai World Financial Center is 492 meters high (sometimes called the “opener” for its appearance). And finally, the crown of the Chinese triad - a skyscraper 632 meters high - the Shanghai Tower. It is about her that we will now tell.

It is the tallest building in the country and the third tallest in the world. So far, the famous needle Burj Khalifa in the United Arab Emirates (828 meters high) remains the leader in this nomination. And quite a bit did not reach the Shanghai Tower to the honorable second place, it is occupied by the "Heavenly Tree" in the capital of Japan, Tokyo (634 meters in height).

Shanghai Tower on the map

  • Geographic coordinates (31.235391, 121.501402)
  • The distance from the capital of China, Beijing, is approximately 1100 km.
  • The nearest airport is Shanghai Pudong about 30 km to the southeast (the airport is located in the eastern part of the city)

All three skyscrapers are a complete ultra-modern composition, symbolizing the power, progress and prosperity of the city in particular, and the country as a whole. The chief architect of the project, Jun Xia, said that with the construction of the Shanghai Tower, the composition of the three skyscrapers will serve as a stunning representation of China's past, present and limitless future.

With all due respect to the other two skyscrapers, we note that the Shanghai Tower looks the most harmonious and graceful, and rises significantly above its brothers (well, or sisters).

From left to right: Shanghai Tower, Jin Mao and the Shanghai World Financial Center. In the background you can see the East Pearl TV tower.

Shanghai Tower in numbers

  • Height - 632 meters
  • Number of floors - 127
  • Number of underground levels - 5
  • The total area of ​​the premises of all floors above the ground is 410,000 m2
  • The total area of ​​the underground part of the building is 164,000 m2
  • The tower can accommodate up to 16,000 people daily
  • The lower levels have parking for 1950 cars
  • Base area 30370 m2

Construction and design of the Shanghai Tower

The decision to build was made back in 1993, but it was not until November 29, 2008 that the groundbreaking ceremony took place, after the tower had passed environmental impact studies.

To strengthen the ground, the engineers first installed 980 foundation piles into the ground to a depth of 86 meters and then poured 61,000 cubic meters of concrete to set the foundation at 6 meters thick.

During the construction of the foundation in March 2010, 450 concrete mixers were involved, so this volume of concrete was poured in just 63 hours. This is a record for the speed of building a foundation of this size.

The main frame of the building was completed on August 3, 2013. The exterior decoration was completed in the summer of 2015, and the entire construction process was completed in September 2015. The official opening of the Shanghai Tower was originally scheduled for November 2014, but the actual date has shifted significantly. The opening of the skyscraper took place on February 18, 2015.

The first viewing platforms were opened to visitors in July 2016. The period from July to September 2016 is considered the so-called "dry run" or "commissioning". From April 26, 2017, access to the open observation deck on the 118th floor is allowed.

The tower has a unique balanced design. In fact, it consists of a central building and an outer shell surrounding it. The Shanghai Tower was designed by American architecture firm Gensler with Chinese architect Jun Xia leading the design team.

Structurally, the Tower consists of nine cylindrical buildings stacked on top of each other. The entire building is surrounded by an inner layer of glass façade. Between it and the outer layer, nine inner zones are located, which provide an interesting space for visitors. Its width ranges from 90 cm to 10 meters.

Each of these nine areas has its own atrium with gardens, cafes, restaurants, retail space and panoramic city views.

Both facade layers are transparent. This was a unique design feature as most buildings have only one façade using highly reflective glass to reduce heat absorption, but the Shanghai Tower's double layer of glass eliminates the need for reflective cladding. It took 20,589 glass panels to cover the outside of the building.

Why was the Shanghai Tower twirled?

A distinctive novelty of the Shanghai Tower was its "twisted" facade. You must have noticed this. The outer part of the structure twists as the height increases, eventually turning out to be twisted by 120 o. So, this design not only gives the building an amazing and fantastic look, but also performs a number of functions.

  • Firstly, this is a uniform distribution of the load created by the wind, and even a decrease in it by 24%. In terms of sustainability, the Shanghai Tower occupies a leading position in the world
  • Secondly, the number (and, accordingly, the weight) of steel structures decreased by a quarter, which made it possible to save about $58 million on this.
  • Thirdly, the use of a round facade made it possible to reduce the number of glass panels by 14% (that is, the facing of a square building of the same area would require more of these panels)

Shanghai Tower as a symbol of environmental safety

At the time of construction, the Shanghai Tower was recognized as the "greenest" skyscraper, that is, a building that practically does not cause any harm to the environment. Modern materials, innovations and technologies have made the skyscraper the most environmentally friendly building (at least at the time of its construction). To create an optimal climate inside the building, alternative energy sources are used. The skyscraper has even been awarded the greenest LEED Platinum rating.

Engineers placed 200 wind turbines on top of the tower (these are the world's tallest turbines located in a building). They generate about 10% of the electricity consumed by the entire building.

The skyscraper collects rainwater and reuses wastewater, has a combined cooling and heating system, and uses 43 different energy-saving measures. These measures, according to the calculations of the designers, annually reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 34,000 tons, and also reduce energy consumption by 21%.

Plus, between the inner and outer cladding there is a "green space", presented in the form of 24 so-called "heavenly gardens". Such oases among glass and concrete. Although they are small, they are very pleasing to the eye.

Additional features of the tower

At the top of the building on the 125th floor there is an Inertial Damper (aka Harmonic Absorber) to reduce the swaying of the skyscraper. At the time of construction, this device was the largest in the world, its weight was 1000 tons.

In September 2011, Mitsubishi Electric Corp. won the tender for the construction of the Shanghai Tower elevator system. The company installed 149 lifting mechanisms in the building. Of these, 108 elevators, including 3 high-speed, capable of moving at a speed of 64.8 kilometers per hour (this is 1080 meters per minute or 18 meters per second). The maximum speed of these elevators is 20.5 meters per second. This is a confident first place in the nomination "the maximum speed ever achieved by a passenger elevator installed in a functioning building." And here the Shanghai Tower bypassed the Burj Khalifa.

The building also broke the record for the tallest passenger elevator in the world. Here, the elevator is able to reach a height of 578.5 meters, again breaking the record recorded at the Burj Khalifa (where the elevator could only reach 504 meters).

A small clarification - the elevator cannot rise to an infinite height, do not forget about the weight of its cable.

shanghai tower inside view

This is a huge complex that includes retail space, offices, entertainment and educational centers. Restaurants and cafes, exhibition and conference halls.

And, of course, breathtaking observation decks, the highest of which is located on the 118th floor, 546 meters from the ground. Access to this site is paid, children 90 yuan, adults 180 yuan. Opening hours from 9:00 to 21:00.

Visiting this observation deck is a must. It offers absolutely incredible views of the city, especially in the evening. Panoramic glazing creates the illusion of absolute flight. It happens that the clouds cover the entire city below, and then the feeling of flying is greatly enhanced.

How to get there

  • Subway: You need line No2 of the local subway. Get off at Lujiazui Station (use Exit 4). Half a kilometer to the Tower
  • Bus: If you take bus No583, you need to get off at the intersection of Huayuan Shiqiao and Middle Yincheng Roads, and then walk to the tower. If by bus No791, No961, then get off at the crossroads of Lujiazui Circle and Dongtai, then walk again
  • Ferry: Take the Dongjin Line or Dongfu ferry and get off at Dongchang Road.
    Considering the size of this attraction, you definitely won't get lost.
  1. In February 2014, Russian Vadim Makhorov and Ukrainian Vitaliy Raskalov from the Ontheroofs team climbed the unfinished Shanghai Tower and made their way to the crane at its very top. They posted videos and photos of their adventure from the top of the tower online. Naturally, no one gave the guys permission to pass and shoot. Their YouTube video has been viewed by over 65 million people. You can also check out these desperate guys in the video below.
  2. In early 2012, cracks appeared on the roads near the construction site of the Shanghai Tower. The builders were accused of subsidence, but this was likely caused by excessive extraction of groundwater in the Shanghai area, and not by the weight of the tower itself.
  3. It was originally planned to make the cladding of the building of pale green glass. But then the whole building would merge with the surrounding landscape, so we settled on transparent glazing
  4. In 2016, the height of the Shanghai Tower was planned to be surpassed by the Pingan International Financial Center under construction in the city of Shenzhen. As a result, for technical reasons, its height did not exceed 599 meters.
  5. The cost of building the tower is estimated by various sources at between 2.4 and 4.5 billion US dollars.
  6. Recall the records of the Shanghai Tower
    The most "highly installed" wind turbines in the building
    The highest and fastest elevator
    The greenest skyscraper
    Record in the speed of pouring the foundation of large sizes
  7. According to the project, a 258-room J-Hotel was to be located from floors 84 to 110. It was supposed to be the tallest (from the surface of the earth) hotel in the world. But there is no evidence that he did appear. If you have such information, please let us know.
  8. It is noteworthy that the developers did not experiment with the name and called the attraction simply Shanghai Tower (which simply means “Shanghai Tower” in translation).
  9. The elevator that takes visitors from the ground floor to the observation deck on the 118th floor makes this journey in about 55 seconds.

shanghai tower photo

This is their photo again.