Abandoned Miranda Castle. Dying beauty of abandoned castles

Built in 1866 in Belgium, miranda castle(later known as the Noisy Castle) was once a luxurious abode for French aristocrats fleeing the revolution taking place in their native country, but after several changes from hand to hand, the once glorious castle has become only a ghost of its former greatness.

Miranda Castle was commissioned by the Liedekerke De Beaufort family to replace their former castle, from which they were forced to flee due to angry commoners. The family occupied the opulent Victorian Palace until World War II, when the building was taken over by the Belgian railway company, which turned the castle into a summer camp for the children of its employees. It was at this time that he received his second name - the Noisy Castle. However, in 1980, the camp was moved, and the castle was operated a little more until 1991, when it was finally abandoned.

Since its desolation, the once glorious house has fallen into complete disrepair. Floor tiles were removed or stolen, vandals made holes in the walls and started several fires, and mold and rot found their way into every corner of Miranda Castle. In recent times, the castle ruins have been visited mostly by urban explorers and ghost hunters who can't resist the strain of the former children's camp, once owned by French aristocrats.

As of June 2016, Miranda Castle has been acquired and is now banned as "private property". Demolition of the castle began in late October 2016 with the removal of the conical Gothic roofs.

How many beautiful buildings that have become victims of the inexorable passage of time. Neo-Gothic castle of the 19th century, famous

like Miranda Castle, it keeps the memory of the past turbulent life. Commissioned by the Liedekerke-Beaufort family, the castle was

built by English landscape architect Edward Milner.

The castle was completed in 1866 and was hidden in the Ardennes. The Liedekerke-Beaufort family left the castle with the beginning of the First

world, after which the castle fell under the control of the Nazis, later there was a shelter in it and in the end the castle became

owned by the national railway company of Belgium. So he was able to hold out until the 1980s, and since 1991 he

was completely deserted. Today you will meet an abandoned building, broken windows… It’s sad… The castle stands

at the mercy of wind and rain, not to mention local vandals. Inside, the building is littered with pieces of plaster all over the floor.

But passing by, you cannot but admire the beauty of this castle. I want to see this beauty with my own eyes, for now

you can see beautiful photos.

Miranda Castle or Miranda castle (French name Сhateau Miranda), also known as Noisy castle (French name Сhateau de Noisy). Castle of the 19th century, located in Belgium, the province of Namur, the village of Selles. The castle was built by an English architect in 1866 for the family of Count Lydekerke-Beaufort. The family lived there until the Second World War, after which the Belgian Railway Company bought the castle.

Château de Noisy has been abandoned since 1991, in part because the family refuses to hand it over to the municipality of Selle. Recently, the castle functioned as a children's camp and was finally abandoned in 1991. This feudal castle-fortress is a local pride. It was taken by storm only once during its entire existence. The history of the castle begins in 685, when the first primitive defensive structure was built here. In the 18th century, the French king Louis XV changed the appearance of the castle to the then fashionable Renaissance style, in which it remains to this day. Currently, there are rooms and halls inside the castle - museums with interiors from the times of Louis XV and XVI, the ancient property of the last owner of the castle, Count Liedekerke-Beaufort, an armory, a chic living room, a prayer chapel, a bedroom and more. others

Used photographic materials from the sites: img-fotki.yandex.ru; photorelax.ru; tartle.net

Chateau Miranda ( Chateau Miranda) - this is the name of one of the most expensive abandoned castles in the world. It is located in the Belgian city of Selle, among a dense forest. The second name of the summer palace is Chateau de Noisy ( Chateau de Noisy). The castle, which is 152 years old, was built in neo-Gothic according to the sketches of the architect Edward Milner and impresses with its grandeur.

Climbing the mountain and looking at the castle from afar, it is even hard to imagine that it is forgotten and abandoned. The expensive palace belonged to the family Liedekerke De Beaufort until it was leased to the Belgian Ministry of Transport in the 1940s.

At first, a camp for children was located in the castle, but since the 1970s. his work was stopped, and in 1991 they stopped looking after him altogether.

The castle is still abandoned and began to collapse. But the most interesting thing in its history is that Miranda has an owner, this is one of the heirs of the Liedekerke De Beaufort family. For some time he lived in a nearby Castle of Veves, which belonged to their family, then left for France, but refused to give the family "nest" to the Belgian authorities for restoration.

Miranda Castle has already lost its glass windows, unique stucco, several stairwells and has become a haven for the homeless. It becomes sad when you realize how quickly the castle is being destroyed.

The abandoned architectural marvel will not last long, so we advise you to have time to look at the grandiose Miranda if you are passing through Belgium.

Photo source: Andrey Novozhilov

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We went here to the Ardennes, to see the house. Under renovation, true, but it is located in a quiet place, around the forest, a beautiful view from the window. I think you should take it! =)

2. During the French Revolution, Count Liedekerke-Beaufort (Count de Liedekerke-Beaufort) had to flee his castle Vevs (château de Vêves) and hide on a farm nearby. Over time, the ardor of the revolutionaries cooled down, and the count's farm grew, and he proposed to the English architect Milner (Edward Milner) to build a castle on the site of the farm. Milner, not being a fool, agreed and in 1866 Miranda Castle arose. In 1903, the French architect Pelchner began work on the erection of the central tower, and completed in 1907. During World War II, aka the Great Patriotic War, the castle was occupied by the Germans. After the Germans, the count was tired of living there, so he gave the castle to the Belgian Railways for use. The Belarusian Railways organized a pioneer camp for the children of railway workers in the castle. In 1991, a killer fungus was discovered in the castle and the children were hastily evicted, but the castle remained. So it stands, slowly falling apart ...

3. The path to the castle lies through an overgrown and also crumbling bridge. But with a cross.

4. They say it's a projector, but who knows! =)

5. Entrance to the utility rooms, but we will not go there.

6. The castle welcomes visitors with a red peeling ceiling and carved frames. The frescoes were all knocked out either by the Nazis, or by children ...

7. On the table in the hall is a book with the history of the Lydekerke-Beaufort family.

8. A beautiful staircase with blue ceilings leads to the second floor.

9. View of the stairs from the first floor.

10. Second floor.

11. "Ladder" to the tower. No railings, no steps.

12. The tower offers an impressive view of the surroundings, including the old family castle of Veves (château de Vêves). There, by the way, you can go on a tour for 5 euros.

13. Getting down from the tower

14. And we go for a walk on the third floor. The floor was left in few places, you have to walk along the beams. In some places, there is no ceiling left, and through the beams you can see everything up to the first floor (see the second small preview under the picture)

15. Some rooms, however, are pretty well preserved.

16. And some have not survived at all ...

17. There was a fire on the left side of the castle, which spoiled a lot.

19. Sometimes there are hanging doors.

20. Well, we'll go to the basement, the most interesting thing is there!

21. There are classes for children left. Some strange booths with glass (second preview)

22. The kitchen and the passage are even lower, but flooded with water.

23. Lockers are exactly like Fallout! Official in general.

24. Creepy place - bathroom. Apparently the children wash in the showers, and the Pioneer leaders in the bathrooms. Boys on the right, girls on the left. By the way, the bathrooms and the walls in the toilets are all stained with BLOODY!!! Okay, just kidding, just paint.

25. After all, it was not too lazy for someone to remove the shells and bang on the floor.

26. Welcome to bathroom 208

27. There are still lockers, drawers in the living quarters ...

28. Coffins for the naughty!