Shocking footage! These are the dirtiest rivers in the world. The dirtiest rivers in the world The dirtiest river in the world

Technological progress, which benefits humanity, often greatly harms nature. Most people are accustomed to a carefree existence and hardly think about how hard it is for our common home. River pollution is one of the scourges of our time. Which of the rivers is considered the most polluted on our planet?


The dirtiest river in the world flows on the Indonesian island of Java. It is the longest river in the western part of the island. It plays an important role in agriculture, water and electricity supply, fisheries, industry and sewerage.

The river has an ancient history: as early as the 4th century, pottery flourished at its mouth. Along the river, three power hydroelectric power plants have been installed, providing energy to a large area around Jakarta. The waters from the dams are also used to irrigate rice fields, making the northern lowlands leading in rice production.

80% of the river water is actively used, and this has led to such severe pollution that some farmers have been forced to sell their fields at a low cost. Water is polluted mainly by textile factories that dump their toxic waste (lead, mercury, arsenic, etc.). In 2008, an Asian bank approved a $500 million loan for water treatment.

Sacred to the people of India, the river, sadly, is also one of the dirtiest rivers in the world. The waters of the Ganges pose a danger to the health of five hundred million people living in its vicinity and in one way or another in contact with it. The Ganges becomes dirty due to the numerous effluents discharged into the water by the inhabitants, as well as due to the large number of factories and plants.

One section of the river contains 200 times the norm for faecal bacteria

The cities along the riverbed are overpopulated and the population is increasing every year. A lot of human waste and sewage gets into the river, because of which you can not only use water for drinking and cooking, but even just touch it, this is fraught with intestinal infections. The authorities have repeatedly discussed the possibility of cleaning the river, but almost nothing has been done for this.

One of the dirtiest rivers in the world is the Buriganga, which flows in Bangladesh. It is extremely important for the economy of the city of Dhaka in terms of water communication.

Since ancient times, Dhaka has been an important trading port due to its convenient location on the banks of the river. Today, Buriganga suffers from deadly pollution, in particular, chemical waste, sewage, plastics, oil, animal carcasses.

Dhaka generates about 4,500 tons of waste daily, and most of it is released into the river. Most coastal businesses do not have a wastewater treatment system. These are mainly textile, pharmaceutical and printing factories.

Due to the fact that Dhaka is highly dependent on shipping, a lot of food waste also gets into the water - rotten fruits, vegetables, fish. More than four million people are exposed to the harmful effects of pollution every day. The government has been criticized for its inability or unwillingness to make a difference.

One newspaper article in 2004 reported that 80% of all wastewater is untreated

Another Indian river, one of the dirtiest rivers in the world. It is noteworthy that in 1909 its waters were described as "pure blue" (compared to the yellowness of the Ganges). But due to the high growth in population density and the high rate of industrialization, the Yamuna became rapidly polluted.

The capital New Delhi dumps more than half of all its waste into this river. The Government of India spent five hundred million dollars to clean up the river, but this did not give much results. Perhaps this is due to the fact that most wastewater treatment plants are underfunded or incorrectly funded.

Money for purification continues to be allocated, for example, in 2007 a plan was developed according to which water was supposed to be 90% cleaner by 2010, but this has not quite been done.

The water level does not change for almost nine months of the year, which exacerbates the process of cleaning the river

The degradation of this Chinese river began in the 1950s, when thousands of kilometers of dams were built for land reclamation, irrigation and to control floods and disease-carrying microbes. Thus, more than a hundred lakes became cut off from the main river. Gates were installed that can be opened in case of floods.

However, despite the prohibitions, many farmers began to settle on land near the lakes. When the threat of a flood came, the gates were not opened, because this would bring significant destruction. Thus, almost all lakes have dried up, fishing in this area has halved, and the biological diversity of fish has also decreased. Pollution is exacerbated by the discharge of waste from the pig farm, as well as untreated sewage.

Many animals have lost their natural habitat. In 2006, the world lost the last member of the Chinese river dolphin species.

By September 2012, the water in the Yangtze turned scarlet from pollution.


China's Yellow River, according to a 2006 report, is one-third unusable for agriculture or industry as a result of wastewater from factories and the rapid growth of coastal cities. When examining the river, 33% received the fifth level, according to the UN classification, the water of the fifth level becomes unsuitable for drinking, fishing and industrial needs.

The most polluted of all the rivers in Russia is the Volga, the largest body of water in Europe.

In 2009, according to a study by the University of California, they compiled statistics from which it turned out that the coastal zones of the river are extremely affected by both industrial and domestic pollution.

At the moment, almost half of the industrial and agricultural production of the country is concentrated in the river basin. And almost 38% of all sewage waste is dumped here. According to statistics produced by experts, the load on the Volga's water resources exceeds the average load in Russia by eight times. Moreover, organized drains, that is, industrial ones, are not the main threat, since they can at least be controlled. The main pollution is the fault of orphan wastewater.

Storm flows also play a significant role, through the fault of which oil products, for example, oils, enter the river.


The dirtiest river in Australia. In the 1880s, active copper mining began there and, accordingly, wastewater was discharged. Between 1922 and 1995, low-grade mining residues and sulphide waste, as well as huge amounts of acidic enriched metals, were also released into the water. As a result, acid rains followed in the immediate area.

In 1995, the mine was closed and waste no longer entered the river. However, acidic waters continue to flow into it from the mountains. Thus, the river is still toxic to aquatic organisms to this day.

In the summer of 2013, the Greenpeace water patrol collected 10 water samples from this reservoir and conducted a laboratory analysis with them. Absolutely all the results revealed a significant excess of the amount of heavy metal, as well as oil products.

As you know, an excessive amount of strontium can cause bone disease, and an excess of aluminum can cause nervous system disorders. Near the oil refinery, a 120-fold excess of manganese was found, and this is a serious risk factor for blood diseases and impaired immunity.

The results of the analyzes were sent to Rosprirodnadzor and the Moscow Prosecutor's Office to solve the problem of pollution of the Moskva River

This Philippine body of water is full of plastic wraps, rubber slippers and other household waste. In addition, water is extremely dangerous due to the content of pesticides such as cadmium and arsenic. Both factories and ordinary people continue to dump their garbage and sewage into the water, despite hefty fines and the activity of environmentalists.

Workers do not have time to clean the reservoir from pollution

This is not a complete list of heavily polluted rivers of the Earth. We can also mention the Matanza River, which flows through the capital of Argentina, and the sacred Jordan River. There is no justification for the irresponsible attitude of mankind towards the cleanliness of rivers, because it was near them that our ancestors settled from time immemorial, fish were caught in them, navigation was organized along them, and drinking water was taken from them. Taking into account all this significance, the authorities should throw their efforts into eradicating the barbaric attitude to such important water resources.

The Volga, one of the largest rivers in Europe and the world, whose basin area accounts for as much as 8% of the entire territory of Russia (1.360.000 km ^ 2), is the most polluted place in the Russian Federation, and it is also the dirtiest river in Europe. Particular attention is paid to the tributaries of the Oka and Kama. Experts from the World Bank concluded that the tributaries are assessed as “very dirty” according to the environmental report, and in some places “extremely dirty”. The mouth of the Volga, according to research by a group of scientists from the University of California, is among the ten most polluted coastal areas.

The main reason for such serious pollution is the concentration of large cities in the river basin. Here is 50% of the country's agricultural production and almost the same industrial. About 60 out of 100 cities with the highest percentage of air pollution are located near or in the river basin. Another significant cause of pollution is unowned and uncontrolled runoff, which, after heavy rains, carries the remains of oil, oil and other impurities into the waters of the Volga. The construction of reservoirs led to a sharp change in the natural regime of the river, which turned the Volga into a series of stagnant lakes. In the 50s of the last century, the water in the Volga was considered drinkable, but in our time it is only a large unsanitary reservoir.

The growth along the banks of blue-green algae in summer is a real disaster for the Volga reservoirs. Covering 25-30% of the water surface of reservoirs, these organisms are able to release about 300 different types of organic substances, most of which are poisonous. Moreover, without monitoring, more than 75% of the emitted substances are unknown. When dying, algae fall to the bottom, where they decompose and create an ideal environment for their self-reproduction. In the process, phosphorus and nitrogen are released, which causes secondary water pollution.

Pollution most threatens the small tributaries of the Volga. Only in Nizhny Novgorod there are 12 such rivers. The Rzhavka River is recognized as the most toxic and dirty. Oil-containing products flow there from garage cooperatives, and on the shore there is a real dump from industrial enterprises.


A little more than 300 years have passed since the first European colonizers found themselves on the banks of the largest North American river - the Mississippi. And in just a relatively short period of time, the waters of this river, from its source in Minnesota to its mouth in Louisiana, are poisoned. The main reason, oddly enough, was the man and his activities.

Until a couple of decades ago, Mississippi water was so pure you could drink it. Many kayakers enjoyed spending time on the waves of this river. But today, here and there, the dead carcasses of alligators, fish and other inhabitants of the Mississippi waters are found.

The Indians who once lived on the banks of this river called it the "Father of the Waters", whose waters are cleared by themselves throughout the entire course. But then came the industrial age. Today, hundreds of industrial and agricultural effluents come to the river, which have undermined the health of the “great river” for many years.

Already near the source of the river, researchers discovered chlorine-containing hydrocarbons (widely used in the modern chemical industry), which enter the water through the atmosphere. Naturally, fishing in these places is strictly prohibited. Conducting an analysis of the air sphere, environmentalists discovered about 100 different toxic substances constantly circulating in the US atmosphere. When they enter rivers, such substances settle to the bottom, where they mix with silt, and this is already a breeding ground for algae, then fish and, directly, humans. These chemicals are represented by nitric oxide, sulfur, carbon, which are waste products from oil refining, contained in pesticides applied to the soil, in household chemicals.

"Big Dirty", as the Americans call Missouri, connects with the Mississippi in the state of the same name. Here the river becomes much more turbulent. Even the first Europeans were amazed at the speed of the current, which easily carried upturned trees on itself. After a while, technological pollution was added to this natural pollution: waste from oil refining, pulp and paper mills, food enterprises and metallurgical plants. And there are a huge number of such cities along the river.


Stretching for 300 kilometers across the island of Java in Indonesia, the Chitarum River has been the most valuable water resource for local residents for thousands of years. Until now, the river is used in agriculture, electricity generation and water supply of cities.

Due to the unprecedented growth of industry in the region, the river deserves the title of the dirtiest river in the world. The environmental protection of the river has not kept up with such a rapid growth in industry, and measures for the safe and environmentally friendly disposal of waste have not been taken into account.

The banks of the river have become a profitable place for the construction of factories and factories, as well as a place for dumping waste. For decades, the river has been filled with all sorts of poisonous chemicals. The sharp increase in population in Java has increased the amount of household waste. Due to these factors, the surface of the river has turned into a dense garbage canvas, which is the cause of many diseases. Life in the river has long since almost ceased to exist. In addition, residents of numerous villages use contaminated water in everyday life: they wash their clothes, believing that the chemicals in the water will help destroy harmful bacteria; children bathe in the river and use debris as toys. Although residents are well aware of the dangers of waste, some simply lack the basic knowledge to understand the harm that chemicals can cause. Many fishermen stopped doing their usual business and began to collect garbage and hand it over for processing, which is much more profitable.

In 2008, US$15 million was allocated to clean up the river, as well as to train local people in how to manage it. Today, the surface of the river is no longer so densely covered with garbage, but factories continue to pour their toxic waste into it, and for many people, its waters replace sewers. That is why this the dirtiest river in the world.

Technological progress does not spare nature. People are too accustomed to a comfortable existence and rarely think about the harm that is constantly being done to our common home. Every second, dozens of tons of garbage are thrown around the world, industry poisons nature with hazardous waste, and plastic and other artificial materials are even more widely used. Especially clearly the surrounding nature can be seen in the example of rivers. Historically, settlements were founded near them, they were used as navigation channels and sources of drinking water. Despite their importance in human life, there are many examples of barbaric attitudes towards rivers. This ranking includes dirtiest rivers in the world.

10. King (Tasmania, Australia)

The fate of this river changed with the discovery of the Copper Mine on its banks in the first half of the 19th century. During this time, from the largest source of fresh water in Tasmania, it has turned into a real swamp and for this reason is one of the ten most polluted rivers in the world. Moreover, almost all animals die from contact with its yellow water. There is nothing royal left in the river, the old name today sounds like a mockery of nature. Every year, the Copper Mine poisons the river with sulfides in huge quantities. Approximately half a million tons of waste gets there with the rains, often due to the large amount of harmful substances. In total, over 100 million tons of sulfides, as well as a large number of other dangerous compounds, entered the river.

9. Sarno (Italy)

The activity of people has led to the fact that this river is called the dirtiest in Europe. This happened due to the fault of agricultural enterprises. Dozens of such objects constantly release waste containing various harmful substances into it. They are not stopped even by the fact that the river flows into the Gulf of Naples. It is one of the most visited places in Italy and its poisoning could harm thousands of tourists. Hundreds of organizations are fighting for the cleanliness of the Sarno River, and the authorities are making serious efforts to resolve this situation.

8. Marilao (Philippines)

In previous cases, pollution was caused by the activities of industrial facilities. Near the Marilao River there are also about a hundred factories that poison it. Due to the large number of various sources of pollution, hundreds of tons of substances from the entire periodic table enter the water every year. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the local population actually uses the river instead of a trash can. All waste is simply dumped along the banks of the river.

7. Huang He, "Yellow River" (China)

This river is one of the largest in the world and serves as a source of drinking water for much of northern China. Despite this, many businesses and settlements are constantly poisoning her. The level of pollution of the Yellow River is quite high, which makes it one of the dirtiest rivers in the world. Heavy metals, oil industry waste and other harmful substances are found in it in such large quantities that this water is not suitable for some production facilities. The situation is aggravated by the fact that impurities from the erosion of local soils are constantly present in the river. Because of them, the water has a yellow color. The number of people poisoned by drinking water from this river is in the thousands.

6. Mississippi (United States of America)

America occupies one of the leading places in terms of development and is a fully formed state. But at the same time, the ecological situation in it, in some places, is more similar to the situation in rapidly developing countries. The Mississippi River is a clear illustration of this. The amount of municipal, industrial and agricultural waste in it is so great that “dead zones” are formed in places. Water from them cannot be used in any way, even for industrial needs. Not to mention bathing, fishing or drinking it. Dozens of organizations are fighting to protect the river from pollution, but this does not bring visible results. Therefore, the Mississippi ranks 6th in the ranking of the dirtiest rivers on the planet.

5. Yangtze (China)

The Chinese are known for their neglect of the environment. The Yangtze River is a prime example of this. The water in it usually has a dark gray color. But at times, due to hazardous waste emissions, it takes on shades of almost any color, which the locals are no longer surprised at. In 2012, the river temporarily turned blood red. The length of its channel is the longest among the rivers throughout Eurasia. Therefore, about 20 thousand industrial facilities are located on the shore. Almost all of them get rid of waste with the help of the river, without bothering to install filters or treatment facilities.

4. Jamna, "Yamuna" (India)

The Jumna is one of the dirtiest rivers in India. This is largely due to the fact that for most people living in the capital, it is the only way to get rid of waste. Many enterprises and factories also contribute. The state spends huge amounts on attempts to clean up the river, but the large amount of harmful substances that come in greatly hinders this. Simply put, this river has turned into one big trash can for a huge city.

3. Buriganga (Bangladesh)

Water of an incomprehensible shade, from which a strong smell reeks from afar, heaps of plastic garbage and the absence of signs of any living creatures nearby - this is what the Buriganga River looks like. This does not alarm the local population, who manages to wash and wash their things in such conditions. The river is officially declared dead, since only the simplest can survive in it. I think that this is a good reason to place the Buriganga on the 3rd line in the ranking of the dirtiest rivers in the world. Every year, dozens of tons of garbage are dumped into it, and the bottom is mostly covered with a layer of dangerous and long-decomposing substances. The sheer volume of pollution and the lack of understanding from industry and locals is preventing the authorities from fixing the problem.

2. Ganges (India)

If in other cases the local population tries to limit contact with polluted water as much as possible, then here they climb into it themselves. This is due to the old superstition that bathing in this river relieves all diseases. If you cynically look at the result of contact with water, then we can say that this custom today works one hundred percent. A huge amount of pathogenic microbes, toxins and heavy metals can kill a person who plunges into the river for a moment. Official figures indicate that about one and a half million people die every year from this "healing" procedure. This statistic does not stop new applicants.

1. Chitarum (Java Island)

The first, far from honorable place in the ranking belongs to the Tsitarum River, which means that it dirtiest river in the world. The number of various wastes in it is so great that in some places it becomes unclear whether there is water in it. From the side, the river looks like just a large stream of garbage moving sluggishly in one direction. Such volumes of pollution arose due to the large concentration of industrial facilities on its shore. There are about five hundred textile, plastic and other plants and factories per 300 kilometers of the channel.

It is also worth noting that there are much more than a dozen heavily polluted rivers on our planet. For example, through the Argentine capital of Buenos Aires, the Matanza River flows. Its waters contain a high concentration of toluene and other harmful chemicals. This river is officially recognized as the site of an ecological disaster. The most polluted rivers in the world include the sacred Jordan River, located in Israel. Swimming in it is prohibited by the country's Ministry of Health. This is because the waters of the river are used by many enterprises, including agricultural ones, and therefore it contains a high content of toxic waste hazardous to human health.

The dirtiest river in the world | Video

Swimming in these places can be very dangerous because the purity of the water leaves much to be desired. Swimming in them causes the risk of contracting diseases, stench, and sometimes even death. Places such as the Indian Ganges or Lake Karachay are world renowned for their level of pollution. However, there are places on Earth where human contact with water is by no means conducive to health. Here is a list of the dirtiest rivers in the world. Find out where it's best not to swim.

1. Kitarum, Java island:

On the island of Java in Indonesia flows the dirtiest river in the world - Citarum, 300 km long, on the banks of which there are more than 500 factories that pour industrial waste into it. This makes the Citarum the most polluted river in the world. There are places where, due to garbage, the surface of the water is not even visible, and instead of fish, you can only catch a plastic bottle there. In addition, diving into the dark waters of this river poses a serious threat to human health, but people continue to swim here.

2. Great North American Lakes, USA

Lakes on the border between Canada and the United States - Michigan, Superior, Huron, Erie and Ontario are among the most polluted reservoirs on the American continent. Chemical plants, oil refineries, iron and steel works and chemical fertilizers are to blame. Toxins from various sources make these lakes a toxic soup that the governments of the United States and Canada have been trying to fight for years.

3. Yangtze River, China

This is the longest river in Asia and the third after the Amazon and the Nile river, has a length of 6300 km. The Yangtze ranks first in the WWF ranking of the 10 dirtiest rivers in the world, because more than 17,000 Chinese cities do not have treatment facilities and all waste migrates along the stream. For cities such as Shanghai, Wuhan and Nanjing, this river is the only source of water, so its condition is one of China's biggest problems.

4. Lake Onondaga, USA

Located near Syracuse, New York, Lake Onondaga is so polluted that it has been designated as an extremely dangerous place in the United States. Phosphates, nitrates, mercury and highly dangerous bacteria are clear indications of industrial development in the region. Bathing in sewage can be fatal.

5.King River, Tasmania

The King River in Tasmania is the dirtiest river in Australia. Here the coal mines are the cause. Until 1995, millions of tons of waste fell directly into the river, and the smoke from the chimneys of factories caused acid rain. At present, the situation has not improved much - the river is still toxic because the waste from the mines is at the bottom of the river.

6. Tai Lakes, China

The shores of Lake Tai in eastern China have "occupied" over 3,000 factories. The third largest reservoir in the Middle Kingdom is also one of the most polluted. Several billion dollars have already been spent to save Lake Tai - industrial waste and sewage sludge must be removed from there. In addition, the entire surface of the lake is covered with a thick layer of algae, which impede the access of oxygen, and thus, this leads to the extinction of the fish living in it. By the way, there is a tent rental nearby, you can throw a party or just relax.

7. Yellow River, China

The Yellow River (Yellow River) is the second largest river in China - its length is 5464 km in length, and the yellow color of the water of the river was obtained from loess deposits. But now the color has turned brown, and sometimes even red, all because of chemicals leaking from nearby factories. Due to the frequent change of flow and the installation of regular dams, the river does not dry up in many sections, and rapidly developing cities increase the level of water pollution. This, in turn, is a huge problem because it is the only source of water for millions of Chinese people.

8. Lake Victoria, Kenya / Tanzania / Uganda

Three countries have access to the lake, and therefore there is a dispute about who should take care of it. There are several rules for residents and guests of Lake Victoria, but no one adheres to them - cars are washed here, sewage is drained, but they also swim and fish here. And everything is so serious that contact with this water can lead to cholera, diarrhea and severe skin diseases.

9. Sarno River, Italy

The Sarno River in central Italy is the most polluted river in Italy, and probably also in Europe. Chemical fertilizers from the fields, as well as city sewage, regularly poison Sarno, and the measures taken to protect the river are insufficient. Sarno often overflows, which further contributes to the pollution of the land along its course.

10. Mississippi, USA

The Mississippi River flows through 10 US states and is the mother of all American rivers. It is also extremely toxic wastewater that brings in millions of cubic meters of microbes, toxins and waste. The mouth of the Gulf of Mexico is a real "death zone" - not only due to pollution, but also low oxygen concentration, for this reason there are no aquatic organisms here.

There is only one thing to say to all this: “The closer a person is to nature, the more terrible the consequences !!!”

If you look at our planet from space, it is predominantly blue. The predominance of this color over others means the presence of a large expanse of water that dominates all the others. Water is the source of life, necessary for every living being on Earth. A person can do without food for quite a long time, but without water - a very limited period. That is why nature has so generously taken care of everyone who inhabits our planet by creating such a large amount of liquid. However, as you know, people become enemies to themselves, destroying the primordial environment around them and causing irreparable harm to the natural resources of the Earth. This is especially true for reservoirs, rivers and lakes.

Are there many polluted rivers

Everyone, of course, knows that in Russia there are many rivers where it is forbidden to swim and from where it is forbidden to use water for drinking and cooking. However, this situation is not only in our country, but all over the world. Many rivers of the world, which make up an impressive percentage of the total number of water bodies, are in an extremely disastrous state. It is difficult to even imagine this state, it is so depressing, and looking at the photographs, it is impossible not to shudder, just imagining swimming in such a reservoir. But in such rivers, not only is bathing impossible, and even a boat trip will not bring pleasure.

For example, the dirtiest river in the world, Citarum, causes only bitter regret about the once so beautiful and majestic river, which was the wealth and decoration of its land. Now she has become a disgrace to the entire Indonesian people. However, there are many such polluted rivers around the world, but the Citarum River is a topic for a separate discussion.

Why rivers are polluted

Sources of river pollution are natural and man-made. The first ones are irreversible, but also not causing serious damage to the reservoir. Natural sources of water pollution arise as a result of passing from one state of aggregation to another, irreversibly carries with it impurities of minerals, chemical compounds, rocks, bacteria and various microorganisms. Reservoirs tend to self-purify, which successfully occurs with natural sources of pollution.

As for man-made sources of pollution, the situation is such that the situation is simply out of control. Settlements, various industrial enterprises "supply" the entire composition of the periodic table, which is characterized by toxic, hardly decomposable chemical compounds and radionuclides, to the water source. As a result, in nature, all this spreads around the world, replenishing underground water supplies.

The dirtiest river in the world

Not far from Jakar is the river Citarum. Its length is about 300 km, and about 500 industrial enterprises were built on its banks. Waste from all enterprises, including almost nine million metropolis, and to this day merge into this river. Today, the dirtiest river in the world is a giant garbage dump, where any manifestation of flora and fauna has long been absent. This river is not a spectacle for the faint of heart, so much so does its appearance cause rejection and even a feeling of disgust. But the water from this river is still used for agricultural purposes and many people continue to draw water from it for their needs!

The Citarum can no longer be called a river in the proper sense of the word. Every day, hundreds of people who are below the poverty line come here to choose from that mountain of garbage, which is a river, waste suitable for processing. The dirtiest river in the world is a silent reproach to humanity and proof of what a person is capable of doing who does not care about the consequences of his deeds. Even the efforts of the world community, which allocates large sums of money to the Indonesian authorities to clean up the river, are unable to reverse the situation, everything has gone too far.

The dirtiest rivers in Asia

There are many countries in Asia with a low standard of living, and this is one of the main reasons for such a wild and negligent attitude towards water bodies. As a rule, in these countries there is no money for waste processing, so they simply merge into the body of water closest to the enterprise.

So which rivers in Asia are in distress?

First of all, it is which is considered sacred in India. More than 500 million people, as well as various industrial enterprises, pour tons of waste and waste products into this river every day. However, this does not stop religious Hindus; every year they perform ritual ablutions prescribed by religion in this river. As a result of this rite, hundreds of people die, especially children.

The next most polluted river is a branch of the Ganges - this is Buriganga, it is located near Bangladesh. Officially, this river has long been recognized as dead, but people continue to use the water from it for their own needs.

Famous in China, the fate of polluted rivers also did not escape. Its water has also been declared unusable, the reason for this being the daily emissions of waste from chemical and oil refineries.

The dirtiest rivers in Russia

Unfortunately, in Russia there are also many water bodies that are in distress. The reason for this is similar to the rivers in Asia - these are industrial enterprises. One of the most polluted rivers is the Volga, which from time immemorial has been the source of life for many Russian people. Now she is in a critical condition and even the ability to self-cleanse does not help anymore.

The Moscow River is also polluted to the extreme, although many reckless citizens still continue to swim in it and fish. Despite the efforts of the government, which allocates large sums for the situation, the situation is not improving.


Polluting the rivers of the world, man saws the branch on which he himself sits. After all, he is also a part of nature, which cannot exist separately from the rest of the parts, although he desperately hopes for it. Lack of respect for nature and a sense of responsibility for one's actions will sooner or later lead to an ecological catastrophe, for the consequences of which everyone will have to answer.