What medicines can not be taken to Thailand. Thai customs - what can and cannot be imported and exported from Thailand

Before traveling to Thailand, you should pay attention to the country's customs regulations, which will allow you to avoid trouble at the airport and safely both enter and leave the kingdom. What can you bring into Thailand with you, and what is prohibited for import? What souvenirs should you not try to take out of the land of smiles? How to transport Thai fruits correctly? Read below!

Import restrictions when entering Thailand

There is a system of red and green corridors on the Thai border. The green corridor is used by travelers who do not bring into the country subject to declaration or prohibited goods. The red corridor is intended for the transportation of goods that require the payment of customs duties or a special permit.

You can import into Thailand without paying customs duty:

  • Personal belongings (in an amount in which it is impossible to sell them in bulk);
  • Household appliances, household items (the reason for the import of such items may be a change of residence);
  • 1 camera, video camera;
  • Tobacco products - no more than 200 cigarettes or 250 g of smoking tobacco per person;
  • Alcohol - 1 liter per person;
  • Currency equivalent up to 20,000 dollars.

It is forbidden to import into Thailand:

  • Narcotic substances;
  • Materials of pornographic content;
  • Unlicensed video and audio materials;
  • Dog breeds American Staffordshire Terrier and Pit Bull Terrier.

Items in quantities exceeding the norms established by law must be declared. It can be any thing, the number of which is sufficient to sell in bulk. To enter the country with a pet, a certain package of documents is required (read more about traveling with pets). Weapons can only be imported with a special permit.

Export restrictions when leaving Thailand

Among the many goods sold in Thailand, there are those that are distributed illegally or are allowed to be sold inside the country, but are prohibited from being exported outside of it. Therefore, before buying souvenirs and other things that you plan to bring with you from the land of smiles to your homeland, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following list.

It is prohibited to export from Thailand:

  • Durian, coconut and watermelon;
  • Earth and sand, including in flower pots with plants;
  • Raw corals and shells. These items can be exported from the country only in the form of souvenirs (in processed form);
  • Skin and stuffed crocodile. The restriction does not include finished products made from animal skin: bags, wallets, belts, shoes;
  • Images and figurines of the Buddha over 13 cm high, as well as monastic bowls for alms;
  • Ivory in any form, including products made from it;
  • Tortoise shell products;
  • Skins, bones of big cats (tigers, leopards, leopards) and products from them;
  • Seahorse (can be found on sale in dried form);
  • Narcotic substances and materials of pornographic content.

For the export of jewelry and gold bars, a certificate from the store where the items were purchased is required. Antiques and original works of art may only be exported with a license from the Department of Fine Arts.

How to take out Thai fruits?

Exotic Thai fruits are one of the best gifts for relatives and friends after a holiday in Thailand. If you decide to bring fruits from a paradise country with you, you should take care of their proper packaging and familiarize yourself with the following customs regulations.

In Thailand, there is no limit on the number of exported fruits. The main thing is that the total weight of your luggage does not exceed the allowable limit.

It is forbidden to export durian from Thailand because of its specific smell. This fruit should not be checked in or taken on board the aircraft. In the first case, your personal belongings may suffer from an unpleasant odor, in the second case, all passengers of the aircraft. The aroma of durian is persistent and quickly spreads throughout any room. Therefore, we recommend taking home sweets, pasta, and durian chips instead of fresh fruits.

Watermelon is also prohibited for export, which can explode on board from a pressure drop, and coconut because of its dense peel, which is not visible through the scanner at customs control.

Fruits can be either checked in or carried in hand luggage. In order for valuable tropical cargo to reach its destination safe and sound, you should not buy overripe fruits that will have time to deteriorate even during the flight.

A special plastic container, which can be purchased at any large supermarket or market, will help protect fruits from damage during transportation. Such a container can either be put in a suitcase or checked in separately as baggage or taken with you to the aircraft cabin (if the dimensions of the container do not exceed the allowable for hand luggage). However, so that the fruits are not confiscated at customs in Russia, it is better to take them in your hand luggage or put the basket in your suitcase.

There are examples of how travelers manage to violate customs regulations in Thailand with impunity. Nevertheless, we recommend that you adhere to the established rules so that your vacation in the land of smiles is not overshadowed by unpleasant incidents at the airport.

When going to an exotic country, you need to pack your luggage very carefully. Most of the usual things may not be useful in a hot climate. In addition, there are a number of items that cannot be imported into Thailand. Violation of the country's customs regulations can lead to serious consequences.

General customs rules for importing into Thailand

Customs thai rules are valid for citizens of all countries, including Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, etc. Tourists are required to comply with the rules for the import of certain things, otherwise they will face penalties. Without declaring and paying duties, it is allowed to import goods worth 20 thousand baht.

If the amount is exceeded, the passenger will have to pay a fee. Provided, of course, that all items are personal and will not be used for sale. This can happen, for example, when transporting permitted expensive equipment (laptop, phone, etc.). If the items were purchased earlier in the country, then you do not need to pay a fee for it.

But in addition to restrictions on the amount, the government has banned a lot of goods. Therefore, tourists can easily have problems with alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, etc.

If we talk about what specifically cannot be brought into the country, then there are many such goods. At the same time, they cannot be exported either. Under a special strict ban are:

  • counterfeit coins or banknotes;
  • wild animals;
  • dogs of certain breeds;
  • pirated products;
  • pornography;
  • images of an intimate nature;
  • drugs;
  • psychotropic substances;
  • shells, corals, sand;
  • statuettes of Buddha (more than 13 cm);
  • ivory objects;
  • weapons and ammunition (only with special permission);
  • money - 50 thousand baht (or equivalent in another currency) without additional declaration.

Aircraft allowed:

  • goods from Duty Free;
  • bouquet of flowers;
  • umbrella, cane, crutches;
  • baby stroller;
  • household appliances;
  • baby food;
  • printed publications, documents.

As for alcohol, the transportation of alcohol from Russia to Thailand by plane is allowed. But there are limitations. Alcohol can be brought only at the rate of 1 liter. alcohol per person (adult). So that the import of drinks does not become an additional problem, it is better to purchase it at Duty Free.

Note: in addition to booze, you can bring cigarettes. But again, not uncontrollably, but in compliance with a certain amount. If it is cigars or tobacco, then no more than 250 grams can be carried per person. In the case of cigarettes - 200 pieces.

The situation is different with electronic cigarettes. The Thai government decided to ban them due to several reasons. First, the liquid is believed to contain amphetamines. Secondly, e-cigarettes are not taxed. Responsibility for transportation and use is sufficient serious- fine (four times the costforbidden subject) and imprisonment (5 years).

You can carry some food. The list is small, since only sausage, buckwheat and seeds can be imported without any problems. But food is not allowed in hand luggage. And for the transportation of a pet, the owner must have the appropriate documents (certificate from a veterinarian, confirmation of vaccination against rabies). Only Staffordshire Terrier and Pit Bull dogs cannot be imported.

Separate rules exist for the importation of medicines. The Thai government is very wary of foreign drugs, so importing is not so easy. For example, Corvalol is prohibited, since it contains phenobarbital. There is only a small part of the drugs that will pass at the border. But there are a large number of analogues of Russian medicines in the country, so you don’t have to carry medicines on your own (for example, Viagra, etc.).

There are certain restrictions on the export of fruits from the country. Firstly, they must be carried in checked baggage, not in carry-on baggage. Secondly, there are restrictions on the export of durian (it cannot be taken on board an aircraft), watermelon (can only be transported in cut form) and coconuts (forbidden to import, as the shell cannot be scanned).

Verification procedure

Passing customs in Thailand is carried out quite quickly. Especially if the tourist does not have things to include in the declaration. But this does not mean that luggage is not checked in the Green Channel area. The check can be carried out in relation to any passenger and there is nothing strange here.

Also, each visitor is required to fill out an immigration card, indicating basic information about himself. One document is taken by the customs officer, the second remains with the tourist. If the passenger has goods to declare, then his luggage will be checked very carefully.

Declaration process

When passing through customs control, passengers must choose the "red" or "green" corridor. "Green" corridor is suitable if a person does not need to fill out a declaration. In all other cases, you will have to choose the "red" corridor. Passenger can declare goods worth no more than 20 thousand baht. The fee must be paid immediately. Its size is quite large, but in fact customs officers cannot determine the real value of personal items. Therefore, the fee is rarely paid.

But if at customs they realize that the value indicated in the declaration is specially underestimated, things will be detained until clarified. When a person takes items out of the country, but is going to bring them back, it is necessary to indicate more detailed information in the declaration (serial numbers, etc.). Then you do not have to pay a fee when entering Thailand.

Is it possible to bypass the rules

Tourists often try to smuggle prohibited items into Thailand. Interestingly, the list of such items is almost the same for import and export. Someone manages to smuggle (or take out) a little more alcohol or cash. But in practice, most of these daredevils are detained and punished.

Interestingly, the presumption of innocence does not apply. That is, a foreign tourist is immediately guilty of a crime. And he must prove his guilt on his own, since it is not worth relying on the help of local law enforcement agencies. And to do this is very difficult. As for punishment, for minor violations, at best, the passenger will be fined. This is usually four times the value of the item.

The next type of punishment is imprisonment. 5-10 years for a tourist is guaranteed. Often imprisonment is used together with a fine. But the most serious punishment awaits those who dare to smuggle drugs. For this, according to the laws of the kingdom, they are sentenced to death. Therefore, you should not experiment and import drugs, smoking mixtures and other prohibited substances that can be mistaken for drugs or psychotropic substances. Correcting your situation later will be almost impossible.

Experienced travelers advise taking as few things as possible with you when you first visit the country. These should be essential items that a tourist cannot do without. Everything else can be purchased locally, without breaking the law. Then there will be no problem with customs

Attention! Due to recent changes in legislation, the legal information in this article may be out of date!

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In terms of the rigidity of the anti-drug policy, Thailand can only be compared with Singapore or China. According to local law, importation of narcotic and psychotropic substances into the country as well as their storage and distribution, punishable by a hefty fine, lengthy prison sentences or even the death penalty.

In addition to the prohibition on drugs in its purest form, there is a ban on the import of certain drugs in the country, which can be used for the production of drugs or used as narcotic substances. In this regard, tourists may have a completely natural fear that they may accidentally import something forbidden and receive severe punishment for this.

Ordinary travelers who do not suffer from any specific diseases have nothing to worry about. Almost all pharmacological agents that you can buy without a prescription in your homeland and bring to Thailand. About what medicines you can not take with you, because they are.

The only exceptions are syrups and cough tablets, which contain codeine or its derivatives.

What medicines are restricted?

There are two classes of drugs subject to import restrictions that meet the following criteria:

  • the composition contains substances that have a narcotic effect;
  • contains substances that have a psychotropic effect.

All these medicines are divided into 3 categories:

  • permitted for import with a prescription from the attending physician;
  • approved for import by a special permit from the Department of the Ministry of Health of Thailand;
  • completely prohibited for transportation.

Control over the circulation of such funds is entrusted to a special department under the Thai Ministry of Health. The official website of this organization has lists of prohibited drugs and information on how to obtain permission to transport them.

ATTENTION! Even if the medicine can be imported into the country with a prescription or with permission from the Ministry of Health, then you can use it for no more than 30 days. If the term is longer (the terms are indicated in the prescription), then the drug will be denied entry into Thailand.

How to get an import permit?

If a tourist does not have the opportunity to replace a medicine from the list of prohibited ones with some analogue that is not subject to restrictions, then he can try to get import permit from the Ministry of Health of Thailand.

To do this, at least 10 days before the planned trip, you need to perform the following actions:

  • download the form from the link on the official website;
  • fill it out in English;
  • send one copy of the form by e-mail, and the other printed on paper - by regular mail;
  • a notarized prescription for a medicine from a doctor, as well as a certificate of legality of the drug, must be attached to the completed form.

The application must be sent to the following address:

  • Email: [email protected];
  • address and zip code: Narcotics Control Division Food and Drug Administration Ministry of Public Health Nonthaburi 11000, THAILAND.

To import a drug into Thailand, Russian tourists upon arrival in the country need to go to the red customs zone and present the following documents to the employee:

  • visa for medicine from the Thai Ministry of Health;
  • a prescription from a doctor;
  • medicine.

What should the recipe look like?

The document must include the following information:

  • Full name, contact details and address of the actual residence of the owner;
  • indications and justification for the use of the drug (name of the disease, etc. similar data);
  • the name of the drug;
  • dosage and necessary time of taking the medicine;
  • Full name of the doctor who issued the prescription, his contact details, license number and name of the hospital.

In addition to the original certificate, you must provide it translated (into English or Thai) and notarized certified copy.


If your medicine was purchased in Russian prescription, but it is not on the list of drugs prohibited in Thailand, then it is allowed to freely transport it into the country. The composition of the drug may include components that are subject to restrictions, which will automatically classify the drug on the list of prohibited. Therefore, carefully check the composition for the absence of substances listed on the official website.

What are the penalties in case of violation?

  • for the transportation and storage of prohibited substances in a small amount (for example, one package), drug may be withdrawn, and its owner to reprimand or impose a fine of 10,000 baht;
  • substances imported on a large scale are confiscated and punishable by a fine in the amount of 20,000 baht, three monthly salaries, imprisonment for a period of 3 months to 3 years, or correctional labor for a period of up to 2 years;
  • especially large sizes are punishable by a fine of up to 250,000 baht, imprisonment for a period of 3 to 10 years or even the death penalty.

Transportation of diabetes medicines to Thailand

The safest thing to do is to carry insulin on the plane in hand luggage. To do this, you will need a certificate from a doctor with a prescription for a specific medication in specific volumes, each container should ideally be labeled. Since you need to store and transport insulin at a temperature of +2/+8 degrees, you will need a small thermal bag. They can be found in large pharmacies or ordered online. Also, you can ignore a thermal bag, if you have the opportunity to put the medicines in the refrigerator as soon as possible after the flight.

If all of the above conditions are met, there should be no problems at customs. In any case, we recommend memorize a couple of sentences in English about your illness and medicines, this is for Thai customs officers, if they suddenly have questions.

Important! Insulin, which is sold in Thailand, may differ significantly from Russian.

We collect a first-aid kit on vacation - what medicines can not be imported into Thailand in 2019?

Save it so you don't forget!

A very important step when crossing the border of a foreign state is the passage of customs control. Many have heard about this, but package tourists usually bypass this duty. A simplified version of passing through the Green channel implies that the tourist does not carry anything prohibited or in excess of the established norms. So it is in most cases, but the option without inspection should not relax. Periodically, the authorities conduct spot checks, because security checks with scanning will easily reveal the presence of a large batch of cosmetics, alcohol or cigarettes. Although, Russian customs officers check tourists more often.

On my first trip abroad at the Yemelyanovo airport, I recognized the customs officer only on the question after me. A pretty girl in uniform asked - “are you carrying more than $ 10,000 in currency?”. A package tourist, of course, does not take such an amount with him. You can take any amount abroad and in any currency, if the amount exceeds 10,000 in dollar terms, it must be declared. The banknotes of all states that a citizen has, including native rubles, are taken into account - this must be remembered. Traveler's checks also belong to money, but plastic cards are not taken into account. Filling out the customs declaration should not cause questions, you just need to be careful:

The export of any goods at the Russian customs is not controlled, or such control is not advertised. Baggage inspection is carried out in order to ensure flight safety, a customs officer is present right there. Only tablets and smartphones are of interest, they are asked to turn them on, confirming their personal use. But citizens who have flown in from abroad are subjected to a thorough examination, and cases of seizure of excess goods and compulsion to pay duties are not rare. This refers to goods in several copies, which suggests their commercial use, in other words, “for sale”. You can import 4 liters of alcohol (Russian tourists are very fond of Thai whiskey-rum Sang Som, I like Hong Thong more), Thai cosmetics based on aloe are also valued among our compatriots and whitening creams based on coconut milk. With their transportation in large quantities, difficulties often arise at customs. The Thai counterpart of the well-known I-phone brand is a simpler but more reliable I-mobile, which has gained popularity due to its affordable price.

Traveling Russians were not forced to buy American Express traveler's checks. Since 2013, it has become impossible to buy checks in the CIS, but information on thematic sites continues to be full of advice on exporting currency in this way. When I was preparing for my departure from my homeland, I studied many sites. I don't understand the reasons behind these suggestions. Cash currency can be exported without restrictions, but with the payment of customs duties on the amount exceeding the established limit. Information from the customs declaration on the movement of currency across the border is sent to the tax authorities. This, perhaps, is the difficulty for some unscrupulous citizens - the need to explain the origin of such large sums and the payment of taxes on profits. The same is true with bank transfers of large amounts, especially in foreign currency. It is better to stock up on various financial statements.

The fact is that when opening an account in a Thai bank, opening a deposit or commercial investment in a business, an expat must confirm that the money was imported. Thus, the Thai authorities control the inflow of capital and prevent fraudulent schemes. When receiving an investment, business, and indeed, the origin of the money must be foreign. The same is true for real estate purchases. Therefore, it is advisable to declare the amount of imported money when entering Thailand.

Personally, I took out the amount I needed in several steps, without exceeding the limit, so as not to pay a fee, but I always declared it at the border. Part of the funds was put on the Alfa Bank card with an expensive package of services, but the ability to withdraw from ATMs of various foreign banks without commission.

Gift: 2100 rubles for housing!

When registering via the link in AirBnB, you will receive 2100 rubles to your account.

For this money you can rent good apartments for 1 day abroad or in Russia. The bonus only works for new accounts.

How many cigarettes can you take with you

You can carry no more than 200 cigarettes or 50 cigars with you. If not cigarettes are transported, but tobacco, then no more than 250 grams of the product per person who has reached the age of majority at the time of crossing the border.

It is worth saying that the rule of mutual exclusion works with tobacco products, namely, you do not have the right to take each product in the specified amount. Only 1 of the above items will be transported. It is also worth saying that the limit on the transport of cigarettes applies only to people who have reached the age of majority.

Thailand, customs, red channel

Upon arrival at Suvarnabhumi, Bangkok International Airport, tourists follow in a friendly stream to the border. Beautiful air-conditioned halls, long passages with moving walkways help not to get tired. Over the moving stream of lucky people who have arrived, large signs in Thai and English now and then catch the eye. Board control, green channel, baggage and direction arrows. In fact, there is only one direction and it leads to the border checkpoint. Finding a customs clearance department is quite difficult. There is a "red corridor" already behind the border control, behind the rotating belts with luggage on the left before exiting to the lower floors and to the city. If my desire to declare the amount optional for registration in Russia was surprising, in Thailand it was taken for granted. You can import into Thailand duty-free $ 20,000 or an amount in another currency in the specified dollar equivalent, the import of local currency over 2,000 baht is prohibited. According to my observations, people who come here take their word for it, they ask them to fill out a customs card and certify it with a red seal. No one ever asked me to show cash.

An expat living in the Kingdom of Thailand for more than 180 days is required to pay income tax. This tax applies to all types of income, even those coming from abroad. The amount brought and placed on a deposit in a bank does not fall under these requirements. To obtain a residence permit, you must confirm your financial solvency, namely, provide a certificate of payment of taxes for the period of residence. Usually a Resident permit is possible after three years, but there are exceptions.

Some subtleties of Thai customs legislation

We will not consider all customs legislation. Let me just say that it is aimed at protecting national agricultural producers and entrepreneurs who produce certain popular goods. The average customs duty is 15% of the value of imported goods. Some goods for import must be licensed, some are strictly prohibited. I will only touch on what can somehow offend an ordinary traveler who is not going to trade.
Onions, rice, oranges, seafood, dairy products and eggs cannot be imported without a special license. Audio-video media and equipment for their production, color copiers, chainsaws. Incandescent lamps, rubber tires, hair dryers and rice cookers. If you decide to bring something for your own use from the specified, difficulties may arise. Very high duties, up to 80% of the cost, for the import of motorcycles, slightly lower for cars.

The importation of drugs, weapons and ammunition and certain medicines is strictly prohibited. When importing animals, you must go through strict veterinary control, dogs of fighting breeds are not allowed in Thailand! You can't import electronic cigarettes just because they're not taxed. If the older generation remembers such a term as the "Golden Triangle", it will understand why in Siam for the use of any drugs severe punishment up to the death penalty. Respected by all, King Rama IX Bhumip Adulyadej turned the tide in the country. Southeast Asia in the region of Thailand-Burma-Laos has ceased to be a world supplier of opium. In this region, with the help of a wise policy of building dams and canals, issuing preferential loans to peasants, horticulture is now developing, and execution is provided for the cultivation of opium poppy.

Vat refund - VAT refund on purchased goods, 7% tax will be returned to the tourist in a special window at the airport if he spent 5,000 baht or more, upon presentation of a special check for goods. Agree, it's nice. A special check will be issued to the tourist in any supermarket and large gift shop, pharmacy and jewelry store.

My advice is that you can bring high-quality electronics, high-grade gold and precious stones, unique ointments and balms from Thailand. Another question, we must try so that this does not cause questions at the Russian customs. You should not try to take out large statues of Buddha, shells, stuffed and live animals, medicines, crocodile and snake skin without a store receipt. Several VAT refund windows are located in the check-in hall for flights against the wall opposite the entrance.

Thailand is a favorite vacation spot not only for Russians, but also for tourists from all over the world. Before you get here, it is better to familiarize yourself with local customs legislation and find out what you cannot bring into Thailand so that personal items are not confiscated or your holiday is ruined.

Before entering the country, it is better to pay attention to the rules for importing products into Thailand in 2017. Pay special attention to the item on the official website about what can be imported into Thailand from Russia and what cannot be imported into Thailand from Russia.

Considering what kind of products the tourist is carrying, he must move at the airport upon arrival along the "red" or "green" corridor. The second option is intended for passengers who do not have goods that must be declared. The “red” corridor should be passed by those who have something to declare. So, it can be products for which a special permit is needed or goods for which a duty is paid. If the tourist cannot decide on the route and does not know what to bring with him to Thailand, it is better to check in the "red" corridor.

What can be imported into Thailand? One tourist can enter without paying duties personal goods (if they are not prohibited for import) in moderate quantities for a total amount of not more than 20 thousand baht. In addition, duty-free import of 250 gr. cigars, 200 cigarettes, 1 liter. alcohol.

In practice, it is possible to carry more things, since no one knows their exact cost, unless the passenger draws the attention of customs officers with his chic appearance and expensive equipment. If the goods are carried for more than 80,000 baht, they will be confiscated for inspection and customs clearance.

If an expensive item (for example, a camera) was purchased in Thailand and is planned to be imported into the country more than once, it is better to register it at customs.

To have a more detailed understanding of the customs regulations of Thailand, you need to refer to the official source of the Thai customs department.

What can be brought into the country?

What can be imported into Thailand in 2017 without problems? There will be no problems with the transportation to Thailand of goods with duty free, stretchers, crutches or rocking chairs, baby cradles and strollers in the form of a cane. You can carry such equipment as a phone, camera, laptop, video camera, tablet, outerwear, flowers. It is allowed to carry baby food for feeding a child on the plane. You can have a handbag or a briefcase, an umbrella, a newspaper, a folder with documents with you.

Import limits

What can you take with you to Thailand? Can you bring cigarettes into Thailand? In order not to have trouble, you need to ask in advance about the allowable amount of goods that you can have when going to Thailand.


Those who are interested in how much alcohol can be brought into Thailand by plane should know that when crossing the border, it is allowed to carry no more than a liter of any alcohol per passenger.


How many cigarettes can you bring to Thailand? As for smoking tobacco or cigars, their weight should not exceed 250 grams. If you carry cigarettes, then no more than 200 pcs.


Can medicines be brought into Thailand? You need to be careful with the transportation of drugs, since many over-the-counter drugs in Russia are considered narcotic there (for example, Corvalol, due to the fact that it contains phenobarbital). What medicines are prohibited to be imported into Thailand? According to the legislation, the possession of psychotropic and narcotic substances is not allowed. Medicines prohibited for import into Thailand and their list will need to be clarified. Some are allowed to be transported only with permission. What medicines can be imported into Thailand with a permit? For details of the issue, you can send a request to the customs service.

What products can be imported into Thailand?

What cannot be imported into Thailand from products? On the official website of the Thai Customs Service, it is indicated that all products imported by a tourist must have the appropriate certificates. Far from all of them carry out all the products and preparations, so you need to be prepared for the withdrawal of products at the airport. Although many tourists who are interested in what they can bring to Thailand manage to bring products intended for personal use. In practice, customs officers pay more attention to the amount of cigarettes and alcohol transported than products.

What can not be imported into Thailand: the list must be specified on the website and with the help of a request.

How to bring pets?

According to the customs rules of Thailand, a tourist can have a pet with him (with the exception of fighting dogs). A prerequisite in such cases will be the presence of a veterinary passport for the animal with all vaccinations and an identification chip.

What is the punishment for illegal import?

Punishments for illegal import of goods are tough here. Depending on what to carry and in what quantity, you can get by with a fine, or you can spend ten years in prison.