Honor or dishonor. Honor or dishonor Fallout 4 Boston airport ruins how to get out

  • Armament and ammunition +++
  • Armament and ammunition: Nuclear mini-charge
  • Weapons and ammunition: Nuclear mini-charge (Fat Man)
  • Weapons and ammo: Crate (3)
  • Power Armor: Nuclear Block (2)
  • Lids+
  • Danger: Tin Cans!
  • Danger: Gas leakage!
  • Danger: Explosive barrels!
  • Danger: Oil!
  • Danger: Radiation (moderate)!
  • Faction: Brotherhood of Steel
  • Faction: Wild Ghouls
  • Faction: Character: Initiate Clarke
  • Faction: Character: Knight-Sergeant Gavil
  • Faction: Character: Knight Lucia
  • Faction: Character: Knight Rylan
  • Medications or chem. drugs
  • Quest Visit: Liberty Reprimed (Brotherhood of Steel)
  • Quest Visit: Spoils of War (Brotherhood of Steel)
  • Quest Visit: Ad Victoriam (Brotherhood of Steel)
  • Quest Visit: Duty or Dishonor (Duty and dishonor) (Brotherhood of Steel)
  • Quest Visit: Learning Curve (Brotherhood of Steel)
  • Services: Workshop
Map - Boston Airport (exterior)

Before the war international Airport Boston was the largest transportation hub on East coast. In addition to its distinctive flight control tower, the airport grounds also included a large terminal, hangars, runways, and numerous technical buildings.

The airport was heavily damaged by the war. Most of its main buildings, including large portions of the terminal, have long since collapsed, and rising sea levels have flooded the runways and outbuildings. Only the control room and a few hangars remain relatively intact. After docking the Prydwen at the airport in Act II, the Brotherhood of Steel occupies the area and turns it into their base.

The following assumes that the Brotherhood of Steel is already at the airport. If you plan to explore the area before Act II begins, you will encounter wild ghouls here. There will also be fewer terminals and items available.

Arrival terminal

Here you can build a settlement in relative safety, if you, of course, are in alliance with the Brotherhood of Steel.
Departure terminal parking

The parking lot offers an excellent view (and for a sniper too) of the airport.

A rusting warehouse near the bay. Here you can find stocks of medicines and ammunition.
aircraft wreckage

Cleaned out by scavengers long before you arrive, this aircraft fuselage can serve as a defensive fortification if needed.
Main hall

At this point, the Brotherhood of Steel is rebuilding their giant battle mech.
Departure terminal

This is the landing site for the Brotherhood rotorcraft.
Mission control tower

The control room offers an impressive view of the Brotherhood of Steel defenses.
Ruins of Boston Airport (Entrance)

You can access this door leading to the abandoned airport tunnel system at any time. However, the Brotherhood of Steel quest "Duty or Dishonor" must be active in order to access all locations in this location.
Map - Boston Airport (interior)

Most of the airport ruins can only be explored during the Brotherhood of Steel quest Duty or Dishonor. In order to unlock the airport elevator and several doors, you will need the Airport Ruins ID Card, which can be found with Clark's Acolyte.

In addition to small settlements in the vastness of Fallout 4, there are large settlements that will first have to be cleared, and then begin to equip. One of these is the Boston airport.

Boston airport in Fallout 4

As you walk through the expanses of the wasteland, you will surely notice that the closer you get to the center of the map, the larger the settlements become. And this is not surprising, since the locals have great amount various resources and access to research. One of these locations is the Boston Airport in Fallout 4. This is a fairly large location that occupies almost the entire peninsula. A lot of different factions are operating on it, including the Brotherhood of Steel. It is worth noting that it is from here that they fly on their transport. Boston Airport in Fallout 4 is a settlement consisting of several places, ranging from a simple warehouse and workshop to an impressive departure terminal and a tall flight control tower. In the vastness of the location you will find a lot of different adventures, new characters and other interesting elements.
Where to find this place?

In fact, it will not be difficult to find the ruins of the Boston Airport in Fallout 4, since almost every sane inhabitant of the Wasteland knows about them, in addition, various tasks will lead you there. But if you want to go to this location personally, then at first you should consider that level 35 is required for this. After that, you can go to the center of the map, then turn towards the East and go to the huge peninsula, this is the very airport.

Many people ask where is the workshop in the Boston airport in Fallout 4? In fact, it is located right at the entrance to this location, the main thing is not to miss it and react in time to the fact that this building is your goal. Just be careful.

What awaits us there?

As is customary, there are long adventures for a large location. Therefore, here you have to fight various enemies, complete quest chains from the Brotherhood of Steel and the Knights. The area has a lot of hidden places and secrets, not to mention the abundance of things that can be found there, including resources and weapons. The food of the Boston airport in Fallout 4 will not disappoint you either, the main thing is to pay attention to it and collect everything you need in time. There are even several gardens where you can grow food for consumption. In fact, this location is being cleaned and after its successful completion, you will be able to develop a small settlement here. And this is not just good, but an excellent achievement that will support you in further adventures.

In total, there are 29 settlements in Fallout 4. Each of them can be populated and equipped. Some of the settlements are given immediately without special requirements, and in order to receive some, you need to complete a certain task from local residents, or clear the area from Raiders and other opponents.

Settlement and their pros and cons:

We will consider each settlement in detail, identify the positive and negative points. You can learn more about how to build, develop and protect a settlement.


  • There are no requirements to receive.

It is the first settlement that will be available in the game. Native city main character. There are already finished buildings, in the district you can find a sufficient amount of scrap and other material, there is also a river nearby.

Truck stop "Red Rocket"

  • There are no requirements to receive.

The settlement is located south of Senchuari. Here you will meet Psina. There is a small amount of scrap in the district, but the settlement is equipped with workbenches.

Abernathy Farm

  • To get a settlement, you must complete the "Return of the Debt" task.

This place is rich in land, so you can grow crops in large quantities. Great location for farms and food making in general. A few turrets are enough for protection, since there are not so many raiders in these parts, and they are rarely visited.

Tenpines Bluff

  • To get a settlement, you need to complete a task on the spot.

There is already a farm here. By repopulating this place, part of the restoration of the Minutemen will take place.

Starlight Restaurant

The positive aspects include the presence of infrastructure facilities, but at the same time, there is not enough space in the settlement for extensive construction.

Commune "Solar tides"

  • To get a settlement, you need to clear the area.

There are beds, houses, and even Handy the robot will be able to settle down in his own house.

Forpost "Zimonja"

  • To get a settlement, you need to clear the area.

Here you will find one of the magazines, which will give a perk for your character. The settlement itself is characterized by a small area with energy facilities. The windows of the houses offer a picturesque view of the lake. And don't care if it's toxic J

Greentop Greentop

It is a great place to create food, as there are already ready-made farms here.


  • To get this settlement, you must complete the task on the spot.

Quite a lot of farms. It is a Ghoul settlement, so by restoring the settlement, you will strengthen your relationship with Hancock.

Finch Farm

  • To get this settlement, you must complete the task "From the Fire".

Tuffington Boathouse

  • To get this settlement, you need to clear the area.

These regions are characterized by huge reserves of water.


  • To obtain this settlement, you must determine the fate of the current inhabitants or complete the task "Human Errors".

If you want to control these lands, you will face a moral dilemma. Leaving the occupiers, you can access the "fat" merchants.


  • To get this settlement, you will have to complete the task "Muddy Waters".

This area is inhabited by robots who work on their own farm. It is convenient to develop such a settlement, since robots do not need water and food. However, protection will have to be given due attention.

Oberland Station

  • To become the owner of this settlement, it is necessary to help local residents in every possible way.

These regions are very attractive, since there are already farms and houses here.

Beach cottage

Kingsport Lighthouse

There are a large number of infrastructure facilities, as well as access to the water.

Krup family mansion

  • The settlement is given after cleaning the area.

In this area you will find a large three-story manor and adjacent land. Since the lands are empty, you will have to build everything yourself from scratch.

Nodrhagen Beach

  • To obtain this settlement, you must complete the task on the spot.

Despite a significant amount of dirt, there is a large amount of water.

Boston airport

  • You can get this settlement by completing the "Shadows of Steel" quest.

The main disadvantage is the inability to build farms and facilities. But these places are rich in scrap. Therefore, deciding to populate the settlement in ready-made houses, you need to think about the supply of food.

Somerville Place

  • You will receive this settlement by completing a task on the spot.

The area is characterized by a large number of farms.

Pier "Egret Tours"

  • To get this settlement, you will either have to make friends with Phyllis Daly, or kill him.

There are many buildings, a lot of water, but at the same time there are traps.

Jamaica Plain

  • To get this settlement, you need to clear the area.

Happy settlers already live here, there are many buildings, and even a parking lot.

performance island

  • You will receive this settlement after clearing the area.

A very promising area. It is worth poisoning here only towards the end of the game, since strong high-level opponents live here. The settlement has vast areas for construction, a lot of energy facilities and water.

Warwick farm

  • To get a settlement, you need to complete the task on the spot.

There are a large number of farms and plants.

The current quest will become available after completing two Brotherhood of Steel quests: "No Mercy" and "Missing Patrol".

Captain Kells has ordered you to investigate the theft of supplies from the airport. You can get all the details from Knight-Sergeant Gavil.

You will find it in the building of the Boston airport. He is convinced that this is some kind of mistake by Proctor Teagan, since there is strict security in the warehouse and no one could bear anything. But still, an order is an order, he proposes to interrogate the newcomers knight Lucia and the novice Clark. You can do this in any order.

Interrogate Acolyte Clark

Your first suspect is acolyte Clarke. You will find it right there in the warehouse of the airport. Ask him about what he knows and has seen.


You can ask him about Lucia if you want (the level of persuasion is easy).

Interrogate Knight Lucia

Your second suspect is Knight Lucia. It is also located in the airport warehouse. Ask her a few questions about a recent incident. She doesn't know much either.


You can ask her about Clarke if you wish (Persuasion Level - Intermediate). In case of successful persuasion, she will share her suspicions, then most of the tasks can be skipped (go to paragraph “ Talk to acolyte Clark" of this walkthrough).

Speak with Knight-Sergeant Gavil

The interrogation brought no progress in the investigation. Knight Sergeant Gavil demands real evidence, as he does not believe that any of his team would do such a thing. Thanks to a direct order from Kells to investigate these cases, you can search every bunk on the Prydwen and no one will say a word to you. Perhaps we should start with Lucia and Clark's property.

Find clues

Travel to the Prydwen and look for Lucia and Clark's bunk. They are indoors above the dining room on the main deck.

Their chests are locked, so you can:

  • Steal the keys to the chests directly from the owners by returning to the supply base at Boston Airport.
  • Hack the acolyte Clark's chest (the castle level is easy) and the chest of the knight Lucia (the castle level is medium).
  • Or find Clark's key on his bed, open his chest, in which you will find the key to Lucia's chest.

In Clark's chest you will find a note from Lucia, from which you will learn that Clark was rummaging through her things for some reason, and in Lucia's chest - her personal diary.

Read Knight Lucia's diary

After reading the diary, you will understand that these two do not finish something. It turns out that the novice Clarke has been acting strange lately: he has closed in on himself, disappears somewhere and does not go on duty. It is worth clarifying this.

Talk to Knight Lucia

Ask her directly why she is covering for Clark and she will share the information with you right away. Clark often disappears somewhere, she offers to follow him. What a good idea!

Follow Acolyte Clark

Find your prime suspect and follow him at a safe distance. Move away if you are suddenly seen. Ultimately, the suspect Clark will hide in the ruins of the Boston airport.

Find Disciple Clark

When you enter the same place where the novice Clark entered, he will already have time to hide. Will have to find him.

You have entered a little-known ruined part of the airport, including a metro station and a baggage claim. This place is filled with wild ghouls and water contaminated with radiation, and your suspect escaped in an elevator. You won't be able to use it if you don't have an airport pass.

We leave in search of a novice Clark. Go through the door to the right of the elevator, kill the first ghouls and look into the corridor located along the left wall. There you will find the slain knight Rylan, take his holodecks. Thanks to this find, you'll have more options to talk to Acolyte Clark when you find him.

Keep walking along the airport corridor, when you hit a dead end, look around - there is a makeshift rise in the ceiling. We ended up in the airport parking lot. Follow the only path through the parking lot, killing all the critters along the way. Beware of glowing ghouls, as they can release radiation energy that revives any ghouls you just killed. Take Rad-X to protect yourself a little from the radiation that the glowing ghoul will poison you with.

Parking will take you to the Airport metro station, where another batch of ghouls is waiting for you, but you can cheat. Enter the station in stealth mode and hack the security terminal on your left (easy level) before the ghouls notice you and activate the turrets. Then immediately run into the next door, into the passage that can be seen in the screenshot. Thus, half of the ghouls will be killed by the turret, and you will finish the rest, but try not to fall under fire yourself. In that nook you will find some ammo and a weapon on a rack.

Then go along the rail and look into the train, in which you will find a bag with ammunition and weapons. Through the train you will enter another room with a security terminal and a door at the end of the room. Hack the terminal (level - easy) and activate these turrets as well. Behind the door, the turret is already destroying your enemies, after waiting a bit, open the door and finish off the remaining ghouls. But before you leave this room, turn off the turrets using the same terminal and collect medical supplies from the rack.

From the metro station you will get to the baggage claim, after you kill all the ghouls, check the suitcases - who knows what people stuffed there. You can also look in the terminal information center- your map will be updated with a couple of new locations that you can explore, and you will also receive a quest from the "Miscellaneous" section "Find the Treasure of Jamaica Plain". Sounds interesting!

Go down the stairs and follow the corridor along the baggage belt until you find the suspect.

Talk to Acolyte Clark

If you decide to chat with acolyte Clark, you will find out that he developed a pity for the ghouls due to personal reasons, and he secretly fed the local ghouls so that they would not be destroyed, and they would not attack the base when they were hungry. That's why only food supplies went missing.

You have a wide choice of how to proceed. You can:

  • Kill him immediately without even talking to him.
  • Provoke him in any way, while treating him with hostility.


Optionally, you can convince the novice Clark that the ghouls must be destroyed (the level of conviction is different).


Convince the culprit to surrender himself (level of persuasion - medium).

  • Convince an acolyte of Clarke to go into exile. He will leave the airport, although you may meet later by chance.
  • Promise him that you will lie about your discovery.

Exterminate the ghouls (optional)

If you wish, you can exterminate all the ghouls that live in the airport (or they will be destroyed after the end of the quest). It will be especially difficult to deal with the last batch when you have already discovered Clark's acolyte, since among the ordinary ghouls there will be a Rotten glowing ghoul, and it is he who needs to be killed in order for this optional item on the extermination of ghouls to be considered completed.

You can hack into the supply terminal (hard level) that you see in the screenshot above (next to Clark) and activate the Protectrons. They will help you in the fight against the ghouls, who were so diligently fed by the supply thief. They can also be activated from the terminal located below, where the acolyte Clark kept the ghouls under lock and key. By the way, to open the door to the lower level, use the identity of the airport worker. It can be taken on the table next to the terminal, obtained from a novice, or picked up after killing a novice. On the lower level, you will also find a nuclear block for power armor and in one of the adjacent rooms with a locked door (lock level - easy) - a safe (lock level - medium) with ammunition.

Report to Captain Kels

Use the elevator to get out of the ruins of the airport, luckily you now have an airport worker's ID. Travel to the Prydwen and report back to Captain Kells on the results of your investigation. You have several options, depending on what happened at the airport. But in principle, you can:

  • Lie about the theft. If acolyte Clark is alive, he will continue to work at the airport.
  • Or tell the truth. If Acolyte Clark is alive, he will be taken into custody at the Cambridge Police Station. During the passage of the Underground quest "Abyss of War", you can release it at will if you find yourself on the side of the Underground in the future.


You can also lie to Captain Kells that it was the ghouls who were stealing supplies from the airport (the level of persuasion is hard).

Either way, you deserve award I like 10