What to do at the airport if you arrive early. Elena Iskhakova's blog


Sooner or later, each of the tourists decides to try to be a little further from their home. For many, the train is a way to travel over short distances, but for longer distances, it is much more convenient to use an airplane. Modern airlines offer flights to almost anywhere in the world - everything will depend on your desire.

But few tourists know how to behave during the first flight, what to do at the airport, and what is the procedure for getting on board. There are many nuances in this seemingly simple matter, and now we will talk about the main stages of air travel.


Any flight starts at the airport terminal, namely at the check-in counter. The check-in counter always has the logo of the airline in which you bought or booked tickets, so finding it will not be difficult.

It is best to arrive at check-in a few hours before departure. Each airline has a different check-in start time, but as a rule, passengers are advised to arrive at the airport 3 hours before departure.


A number of companies begin to register their passengers on special online services within 12 hours, but it is not recommended to do this remotely for the first time.

For getting boarding pass you will need to present an itinerary receipt, which serves as proof of payment for tickets, and passport. At this stage, you will be able to choose a seat in the aircraft cabin. Many passengers who fly for the first time choose a window seat, although aisle seats are much more convenient for economy class.

IMPORTANT: The boarding pass must be kept until the end of the flight, or better - until the return home.

At the check-in desk, among other things, you check in your luggage, or hand luggage. They differ in that you can carry hand luggage with you into the cabin, but this must be a bag of limited weight (usually up to 7-10 kg, depends on the airline), as well as limited overall dimensions.

If you are traveling with baggage, but your boarding pass is attached baggage number tag where you can then find your things.

The boarding pass also indicates the gate from which your plane will be boarded, but before that you will have to wait for the most important stage of pre-flight inspection.

Pre-flight screening

Domestic flights

For movements within the country, pre-flight screening from the airport security service takes place in a somewhat simplified form. Although for many who fly for the first time, even such a scheme may seem exhausting.

Before entering the screening area, you present your passport and boarding pass to a security officer. After checking your data, he skips you further, where the most serious stage will await you.

Passport control

As a rule, at this stage you will see a metal detector frame and a conveyor belt with baskets in front of you. Into these baskets you must put all metal objects(including purse and jewelry), mobile phone, as well as outerwear and a hand luggage bag. Along the conveyor, your things will go to a special scanner, where the airport employee will see on the monitors if there are any prohibited items.

Passing under the frame of the metal detector, you need to linger for a few seconds, and go further only at the signal of a security officer. At the exit from under the frame, you can pick up a basket with your things.

If there are any questions about your belongings, you will be invited to the personal screening table. During it, you will just need to open the bag and show what lies in the department indicated by the security service specialist. If nothing forbidden is found in the bag, you can safely move on.

IMPORTANT: Do not forget that at the stage of personal search, you should behave as correctly and calmly as possible. Jokes about a bomb, drugs and weapons at the airport are not understood, and for them they can be removed from the flight, and even delayed for several hours.

International flights

From domestic international flights will differ in the availability customs corridors. It must be remembered that each country has its own rules for the import of certain things, so we will only talk about general points.

Green corridor- this is a passage for those passengers who do not have with them things that are required to be included in the customs declaration. As a rule, these are alcohol, cigarettes, perfumes and other goods.

Red channel is intended for those who have things with them that need to be included in the customs declaration, or for which you need to pay import duty into another country.

IMPORTANT: Passage of customs inspection for international flights is carried out BEFORE the registration procedure.

Waiting hall

Having successfully passed the inspection, you can safely go to Waiting hall. Numerous cafes, Duty-Free shops and other establishments will operate here for passengers at large airports. But the first thing to do in the waiting room is to check the information with the scoreboard.

Usually , electronic scoreboards are found here in large numbers. You will also need to make sure that your flight will be boarded through the same gates that are indicated on the boarding pass. In addition to the scoreboard, this information is duplicated over the speakerphone.

If it happens that the gate has changed, follow the signs to find the right exit. In extreme cases, you can contact the information service officer for help.

Boarding the plane

Before leaving the gate, you will be met by an airline employee who will ask you to show your boarding pass. Having torn off the control spine from it, you will be shown the doors through which you will need to go. There, a bus will already be waiting for you, which will take passengers directly to the plane.

In some cases, passengers access the aircraft through special telescopic bridges, but these are not available at every airport.

telescopic bridges

Having boarded, at the gangway you will see friendly stewardesses or stewards, with whom you should say hello - no one has canceled mutual courtesy. If you can’t immediately find your place in the cabin, you can just ask them.

Flight attendants, after all passengers have taken their seats, can give a small blanket and pillow. To refuse it or not is your right.

Before takeoff, flight attendants will emergency landing briefing. You will be shown how to use oxygen masks, where the emergency exits are located, in what order you should leave the plane.

Takeoff and landing

The most dangerous and responsible stages for pilots and passengers are takeoff and landing. If everything is clear with the responsibility of pilots, then mandatory requirements will also be imposed on passengers.

At the time of operation of the aircraft engines, the seat backs must be brought into vertical position, and the passenger must be fastened. Flight attendants at this stage are turning from smiling girls and boys into strict mentors who check each seat.

Before takeoff and landing, all electronic devices will need to be disable. This is done for the safety of the dispatcher's radio signal - mobile phones create tangible interference.

window blinds also should be open. This is another flight safety requirement in case of an emergency landing.

IMPORTANT: People with pressure problems may experience discomfort during climb or descent. Most often - this is stuffy ears, earplugs or chewing gum can save you from this - chewing movements relieve tension. Sometimes feet swell - loose shoes will save you from this.


During the flight, passengers can be offered a number of pleasant bonuses for free.

The main bonus is food. Depending on the departure time, it will be called breakfast, lunch or dinner. Before that, drinks are served - soda, coffee or tea. Meals are usually solid and well-prepared.

Also, local airlines often offer to read newspapers or magazines in flight.

Everything ever happens for the first time, including the flight by plane. Before boarding the aircraft, for example, at Domodedovo Airport, you will have to go through a number of formalities that can confuse an unprepared person. Here, step-by-step instructions will come to the rescue so as not to get confused and manage to deal with the formalities in time before boarding the flight.

The thorny path to the plane

So, tickets on hand, what to do next at the airport? At this stage, people who first decide to fly on an airplane are lost. Knowledgeable and experienced travelers have gone through this too, so it’s okay that when you first get to the airport, many feel stressed, not knowing where to go. First you need to decide on all the segments of the path from the airport to the plane. There are only a few of them:

  • check-in;
  • baggage check-in;
  • passing customs control;
  • passing through passport control;
  • security control.

It sounds intimidating only for those who are the first time at the airport. With proper skill, all these stages are passed easily and quickly.

If a person is at the airport for the first time, what needs to be done step by step, detailed instructions will teach.

Check-in for a flight with tickets available takes place in two ways - online and at the airport. For the first time deciding to fly in an airliner, it is recommended to check in at the counter at the airport. When checking in, the passenger will be able to ask all questions directly to the employee and, in case of difficulty, ask for advice on further actions. As a rule, airline employees are willing to help and will always tell you where to go next. Check-in and weighing of luggage also takes place at the counter.

Then the passenger receives a boarding pass and proceeds further to pass customs control (if the flight is international).

The passenger is then subjected to security screening.

Another important stage for international flights is passport control, at which the passenger must present a passport. This stage takes place either between customs and security checks, or after passing through security, depending on how it is organized at the airport.

After passing all the formalities, you need to go to the waiting room and wait for the announcement of the flight.

Important! Many are worried: “I’m flying on an airplane for the first time and what should I do at the airport?” If the passenger is confused, information can be obtained at the check-in desk.

Features of check-in for a flight

When you get to the airport, you should carefully look around and find the information board, which lists the nearest flights and departure time. It is a large screen on which the table presents data on the nearest flights: number, airline name, destination and status.

Important! You should search for a flight by its number. Departure time and destination are unreliable guides as flight times may change and different aircraft may have the same destination.

If check-in for a flight has already begun, opposite its number in the line on the scoreboard will be the inscription "check-in".

If you see the inscription “on-time” next to the desired aircraft, this means that the flight departs on schedule and there are no changes. Usually, the start time of registration is written next to it. The inscription "delayed" next to the flight indicates its delay.

Thus, you should go to the check-in counter when the inscription “check-in” is visible opposite the flight number. In all other cases, registration is not available. The start of check-in for a flight is always marked with a corresponding inscription.

The number of the check-in desk required by the passenger is also indicated on the information board in the line corresponding to the flight number. The next step is to go to the desired registration desk.

Check-in opens on average three hours before departure and closes 30-45 minutes before the flight.

You must present your own passport and ticket at the front desk. If the ticket was purchased electronically, only a passport must be presented. An airline employee will independently find a ticket by the name of the passenger.

Next to the counter there are scales on which luggage is placed for subsequent weighing. After determining the weight, a special tag with a barcode is attached to the luggage, thanks to which the luggage will not be lost along the way. Hand luggage is also weighed. Some airlines also attach tags to hand luggage.

Check-in is completed when the airline employee has issued a boarding pass and baggage tags, on the basis of which it will be possible to receive baggage upon arrival at your destination. To prevent the tags from getting lost, it is customary to glue them on the cover of the passport or on the boarding pass.

At the front desk, you can choose a seat in the cabin. The earlier the passenger arrives for check-in, the higher the chance of getting the desired seat. In order to remember the first flight for a passenger on an airplane, it is recommended to take a seat by the window, but only if there is no fear of heights. If you experience stress at high altitude, sit in the aisle. The emergency exit has more legroom, so these seats are comfortable for tall passengers.

What is "customs control"

When making international flights, after registration, you must go through customs control. How customs control is carried out depends on the passenger's luggage.

There are a number of items that are taxed. A detailed list of declared items should be found on the airline's website. As a rule, large sums of money in cash, expensive antiques or weapons are subject to duty.

If we don’t have any such items, we go to the green corridor. This direction is indicated by a large green sign and the corresponding inscription "nothing to declare", so it is impossible to confuse it.

If the passenger is carrying items subject to duty, you must go to the red corridor and fill out a customs declaration. You should familiarize yourself with an example of a form to fill out in advance, as there are many nuances.

Passage of security control

Before going through security control, passport control is carried out. The passenger must present an identity document - a passport of a citizen of the country for domestic flights and a passport for international flights. At some airports, this stage is carried out after passing through security control.

Before flying will be allowed on the flight, they will be checked by security personnel. This rule is mandatory for everyone and is observed at any airport in the world. The procedure is aimed at preventing objects that can be used for a terrorist hijacking of an airliner from getting on board an aircraft.

It is at this stage that cold and firearms, explosive and flammable liquids are detected.

Passengers must turn off any electronic items to pass security screening. In a special container, you should put all the items that you have with you, including hand luggage, a phone and a watch. One employee of the service shines through these objects with X-rays. At the same time, the passenger must take off his shoes (boot covers are given instead), a headdress and outerwear. These things are also X-rayed.

While the personal belongings are being checked, the passenger must pass through a metal detector, under the supervision of a second security officer. If everything is in order, the passenger is returned things and passed on. Don't worry, the staff will tell you everything you need to do.

If, due to religious or any other belief, the passenger does not want to take off his outer clothing and shoes, these items can be checked directly on him using an X-ray. At the security control stage, all liquids that are not properly packed are removed from passengers. There are a number of restrictions on how you can take liquid on an airplane. They should be studied very carefully, otherwise you will have to leave your property when passing control.

Important! Not everyone knows how to behave at the airport. Jokes about the presence of prohibited items are inappropriate and can serve as a reason for detaining a passenger, so you need to be serious when passing through control.

boarding the plane

After successfully completing all the formalities, the passenger enters the waiting area, from which boarding is carried out. Legally, the border has already been crossed, as the waiting area for boarding a flight is a neutral territory. This duty free zone is Duty Free. Shopping in Domodedovo or another airport will help brighten up the time before boarding is announced.

While waiting for boarding, you should carefully listen to all announcements so as not to accidentally miss a flight.

Having heard about the beginning of boarding the airliner, you need to proceed to one of the exits (“gate”). The number of the special exit is indicated in the boarding pass. At the exit, the airline employee will check the boarding pass and tear off the main part, leaving the passenger with a spine indicating the seat number.

There are two ways to get on board the aircraft: by telescopic ladder or by bus. How passengers get on board usually depends on the size of the airport. At major airports, you must go through the telescopic ladder that leads to the aircraft. At smaller airports, transportation is by bus.

Important! Finding your seat in the salon is very easy. On the spine is written the number of the row and the letter indicating the place. Seats are marked above the seats. If a passenger flies on an airplane for the first time, flight attendants will always help and prompt if something is not clear.

If the passenger cannot sit down in his seat or another person has already sat down on him, you should contact the flight attendant.

Everything you need to know about luggage

Each airline has its own baggage rules. Usually, a passenger can carry one piece of hand luggage for free (weight 5-10 kg, depending on the carrier), and up to 20-30 kg in the luggage compartment. The exact allowance for free baggage allowance, as well as size restrictions, should be clarified in advance when booking tickets. Everything you need to know about baggage allowances is presented on the airline's website.

Low-cost airlines (budget airlines) allow only hand luggage for free transportation, you will have to pay extra for a large suitcase flying in the luggage compartment.

The website of any airline provides a list of items prohibited for transportation on an airplane. Find out in advance to avoid a number of misunderstandings.

Most often there are misunderstandings when carrying liquids in hand luggage. Transportation of liquid substances is controlled very strictly. So, you can take liquid in a transparent container with a volume of up to 100 ml with you on board.

Important! The restriction on the carriage of liquids in the cabin applies to decorative cosmetics and medicines. In the cabin you should take everything that you may need during the flight.

Often there are overlaps, and luggage is lost along the way or arrives at the wrong airport. If your suitcase is lost, the following rules will help increase the likelihood of "reconnecting" with your own luggage:

  1. Before checking in your luggage, it is recommended to take a picture of the contents of the suitcase and make a detailed list of all things. If the luggage is lost, having a photo will help you get compensation from the airline;
  2. It is recommended to put your coordinates inside the suitcase, including your email. You can also purchase a special name tag and attach it inside the suitcase;
  3. It is better to remove belts and wheels from the suitcase. These items often cause luggage to be delayed on the conveyor belt;
  4. The suitcase should be bright and memorable, but not defiantly expensive. According to statistics, expensive suitcases are lost more often than cheap ones;
  5. Valuable items (jewelry, documents, expensive equipment) are not recommended to be checked in as luggage.

Having received your luggage at your destination, you should immediately check its contents. If something is lost or damaged during the flight, it is recommended to immediately contact the airline representatives and write a complaint. The sooner the complaint is written, the sooner the carrier will respond to it.

Important! In a suitcase and on a name tag, in no case should you write your home address, so as not to become a victim of scammers. To contact the owner of the suitcase, it is better to provide a phone number and email.


It is not difficult to deal with all the unrest that occurred with a passenger at the airport. Fear of the first stay at the airport, familiar to everyone, is easy to overcome. The second time, registration will be quick, and all other formalities will take a little time to resolve when you already know all the nuances.

Some people don't fly planes just because they've never done it. This is not a fear of danger, not a fear of heights, but simply a panic in front of something unknown. And many do not understand what pleasure they are depriving themselves of, because flying is very pleasant and interesting, and most importantly - fast. And in many cases, this is the only way to get to the right place. Do not neglect technological progress, because horses and carriages, weeks and months of travel are already far in the past.

Personally, at first it was not the planes that scared me, but the airport. How to get into it, where to run, how not to confuse anything, and in general ... Let's imagine that you are at the airport for the first time. The procedure will be approximately the same, except that the inspection and passport control in some cases change places.

First time at the airport

What time do you need to arrive? Check-in for the flight starts two hours before departure. Why so early? You need to have time to go through a large number of procedures that require time. You can arrive even earlier just in case. But it is better not later, especially if you are flying for the first time.


In our country, unlike many others, anti-terrorist security has been strengthened. Therefore, try to plan the time that you will spend on ... to go inside the airport. Often there are queues. You will already be examined there and your things will be scanned, even if you just came as an escort. You can go back, but you can only get back to the airport through security again.

Scoreboard and registration area

The board of departure and arrival is, perhaps, the most romantic object at the airport, and even more than once sung. The board indicates the number, destination, time of departure of the flight. Be sure to check your flight number. Once we almost got confused with flights - which departed with a difference of 15 minutes.

Sometimes several flights can depart at the same time, keep an eye out too. Another confusion is that airlines often send codeshare flights. Do not be guided by the name of the airline, and even sometimes time is not an indicator. Direction and number are what you need to see. Also, the scoreboard indicates which check-in counter you need to go to and in what state the registration is: is it open or, God forbid, has ended. Check-in for the flight, as I said, starts 2 hours before departure and ends 40 minutes before it.

Preparing luggage

I did not find any useful information about the preparation of luggage on any "good" portal.

Usually, “smart” life hackers write about prohibited items and the weight of luggage somewhere in paragraphs about inspection, not taking into account the fact that we part with luggage much earlier, and this implies a completely different sequence of actions.

Baggage flies separately from you

You can fly without luggage, and put all things in your hand luggage, if the airline allows it. This is what I usually do, it significantly speeds up the parting with the airport upon arrival. In this case, your suitcase or backpack must fit certain dimensions and not exceed the weight limit.

Oversized and oversized baggage

Dimensional - suitable for standard sizes. Speaking in Russian, a standard suitcase or bag. Oversized is suitable for weight, but not for size, and is issued separately. By the way, oversized luggage is most often lost.

If you are concerned about this topic, then feel free to go to the airline's website and check what they can and cannot do. No other way. Because different airlines treat baggage differently. It is clear that items such as a guitar, a huge box or a plasma TV can hardly be called bulky luggage. You will not be asked for separate money for oversized baggage.

Extra bed

You can buy additional luggage space, it costs some money. But no one canceled cheating, for example, Aeroflot's gold card allows you to carry two luggage for free at the same time, well, in principle, such a card is true and envy.


Suitcases are usually thrown onto the plane in a rather barbaric way, so if you want to extend the life of your traveling friend, you can pack it for a fee. The luggage is wrapped with a special film by specially trained people in special places. Finding them is easy.

If you are carrying something valuable, it is advisable to wrap your luggage. At the airport, there are usually several packages with different prices. Naturally, the most expensive are located closest to the main entrance. You will be wrapped for about 700 rubles, or 10-15 EUR. In addition to official packers, there are also "spider-men" who will offer the same service 2-3 times cheaper. Wander around the airport for a while, looking meaningfully at the packing houses, and these enterprising sly ones will find you themselves.


If you have (horror!) an advantage, then prepare the money. Well, the time for registration of additional baggage and overweight will take from 20 to 40 minutes for sure.

Your baggage must pass in terms of dimensions and weight, as I said, permissible in a particular airline, and it is also advisable to put everything that cannot be taken on board, that is, liquids, aerosols, and sharp objects.

Feel yourself. Money, passport, other documents and a boarding pass must be literally glued to you. In no case do not leave money in your luggage (there are such cases), and without a passport you, in principle, will not fly far. It is best to store such necessary items in a small bag or pocket, in general, with you.


You can check in for a flight from home in advance. This gives certain advantages. For example, you can choose the best seats on the plane.

Registration is elementary, Watson. When registering for a regular flight, they usually don’t ask for anything but a passport: the employees already have all the data, because Big Brother has been watching you for a long time ... The only time the Spaniards asked for a printout of my e-ticket, because my name was not written in their database with that letter. But this is more the exception than the rule. At check-in, you temporarily say goodbye to your luggage. Luggage is put on the belt and weighed. After all this, you are issued a boarding pass indicating your gate (exit), your seat on the plane and a tag for baggage claim. Never lose your boarding pass. Now he is your king and god.

You may be asked what you take on the plane. The items you carry on board are referred to as carry-on baggage. Here is what should not be in hand luggage:

  • Liquids. Some people think that you can’t carry anything liquid on board, but this is not so. Up to 100 milliliters of any liquid substance can be safely carried with you.
  • Sharp, piercing and cutting objects. If you have scissors, corkscrews and knives in your hand luggage, then most likely you will be asked to part with them at the inspection. Learn about diabetics. Syringes are available. But in the presence of (quote) "certificate from a doctor in free form."
  • Aerosols. All varnishes, sprays and sprays must fly in the luggage compartment.

Hand luggage can weigh up to 10 kilograms. The size requirements for all airlines are approximately the same. There are even special suitcases that fit the dimensions of hand luggage. In fact, if you're on a scheduled flight, you can carry just about anything on board. Once we were carrying a huge basket, a giant hoop the size of a hula hoop, and… straw sheaves. They were light, but voluminous, we could hardly see behind them. However, Aeroflot employees were loyal to the sheaves, even wishing us a good event.

In addition to a special suitcase, you can take a fairly large bag or backpack on board. Since we carry a lot of props on business trips, all personal items are usually placed in a small handbag.


You can lose a lot of time during the inspection, as there will be people rushing not only to your flight. You take a special tray and put everything on it: hand luggage, things, gadgets, a laptop (in Europe they ask you to take it out of your bag and call it a laptop, for a minute!), all metal objects and shoes, if it is on thick soles or heels. Here it is easy to part with liquids or aerosols if their volume exceeds the norm. For example, you are trying to smuggle a liter of shampoo - most likely it will be confiscated. Creams, gels, toxic substances, sharp objects - tell them "adyos" if you haven't transferred them to your suitcase. So we parted ways with Enterosgel at Heathrow Airport, it was very strict there.

This whole story is connected, again, with anti-terrorist security, such rules were introduced in 2007. On board (again) - no more than 100 milliliters of liquid in total, that is, you can take with you a small cream, a cold spray, a perfume probe and liquid for lenses, in general, a bunch of liquids, but the main thing is that there should not be any in total more than a hundred ml. Yes, and it is desirable to forget about jokes about drugs and weapons. They don't understand jokes at the airport.

If you don’t want to waste a lot of time and make yourself nervous, as well as embarrass the aunts with sad faces and scanners in their hands, then in principle you should not hang on yourself all the iron jewelry left over from the gypsy grandmother, belts with massive buckles and put shoes on thick soles or heels: they will undress and undress as if there is nothing to do. And this, you see, is not the most pleasant procedure. By the way, here is a link to a wildly funny video, where a friend did not understand what they wanted from him, and scanned along with his luggage.

Passport control

Keep your passport and boarding pass with you, preferably in your hand. It is also better to avoid stupid jokes at passport control. Taking pictures of the passport control area is prohibited. Therefore, if something suddenly seemed funny to you (for example, your own face and you got drunk on yourself), you will be asked to delete the photos.

The official in the booth may ask questions. For example, about the purpose of the trip. Will leaf through your passport in search of visas and stamps. I was remarked several times that, they say, I don’t look at the border guard all the time, but pick my phone (it’s better not to be distracted from this important process by anything else), and about the fact that the passport was stained (yes, I once dropped it in Kuru in , and several seals blurred). Yes, you just might not like it. By the way, if you have a biometric passport or visa, you may be asked to put your finger on the infrared reader.

The waiting area

When re-reading my own text, I quickly replaced the word “desirable” with “mandatory”. You absolutely must immediately find your gate (exit). Sometimes it's not easy. Sometimes special trains run between gates, as in Madrid Barajas or London Heathrow. Sometimes they write terrible numbers: how long to go to the exits. Sometimes it is the number 15, that is, minutes. But exhale: this has never happened at Russian airports. Your ticket will show the exit number and the boarding time, i.e. the start time of boarding. It is better not to go far from sin away from the desired exit, otherwise you can miss important information. The exit may change, the flight may be delayed, but you never know what else. Control the situation.

There is usually something in the waiting area. For example, Duty Free. What is "Duty free" does not need to be explained to the Russian tourist, who usually begins to prepare for a vacation, drinking alcohol from this shiny, delicious smelling and shining market. The belief that it is cheaper in Duty Free is just a belief. For example, alcohol and snacks are often more expensive than in supermarkets, cigarettes are sold only in blocks, cosmetics correspond to the market value. However, what should not be doubted is the quality of the products. It is better to buy good perfume, professional cosmetics, gift packages of sweets in Duty Free. By the way, when buying, you will be asked to present your boarding card, so do not take it far away.

And, of course, there are all sorts of cafes in the waiting area. Unless you're in Berlin's Tegel, for example, which is more like an Ikea packing place. It's not a cheap pleasure to eat there, but I usually take water from the machine. The air in the plane is dry and you want to drink. Anything purchased in this area is eligible to be carried on board.

boarding the plane

Depending on the airport, your route from the gate to the board may be as follows:

  • telescopic ladder,
  • bus,
  • on foot.

If the airport is small, then you can walk, usually a short distance. Buses sometimes have to wait, they are hot and crowded. Ideally, if you are walking along a telescopic ladder - this is such an air bridge from the airport to the plane.

If you have a lot of carry-on luggage, it is better to get in line at the gate early in order to have time to grab the luggage racks. Sometimes there may not be empty seats next to you, so you will have to look for an empty shelf away from your chair. In smart airports, there is a division into groups so that queues at the gate are not created. In this case, your group number is also indicated on the boarding pass. But personally, I like to wait until the last minute: I jump on the gate when the majority of people have already boarded the plane.

First time on a plane

And now you are so happy sitting on the plane and, perhaps, shaking with fear that this colossus is about to take off into the air. It won't happen instantly. For a while you will be packing. For some time the crew will be preparing. Then beautiful flight attendants will start showing you how and what to do in an emergency. At this time, the aircraft will begin to move towards the runway. Before, I always loved the moment of takeoff, when the iron bird accelerates so that it presses you into a chair, and then takes off from the ground, but now I often fall asleep even before takeoff. Most importantly, if you're scared, take a comfortable position. Good luck if you have a pillow under your head, because external comfort and internal comfort are inseparable.


When it comes to seats inside an aircraft, there is a simple law: the closer you are to your head, the less you will be shaken by turbulence. Turbulence, or turbulence, is the oscillation of an aircraft caused by the eddy currents of the wind, descending and outgoing. It's not scary. The usual turbulence that occurs when flying through some types of clouds is not dangerous in any way. The aircraft is designed to withstand the resulting overload. In general, when the plane shakes, this is not a technical breakdown, and the pilot has not gone crazy, this is just a temporary phenomenon that needs to be accepted and forgiven. And do not set yourself up for horror: I flew many times in such a way that I did not shake at all. Since there is less shaking at the beginning of the plane, the business class is located there.

As for "at the window or not at the window", here the moment is moot. If you have never flown before, then it may seem to you that a fascinating picture in the porthole is going on throughout the entire flight. However, it is not. The most interesting thing is takeoff and landing, when you see the city turned into a toy. And then the plane gains altitude and rises above the clouds. Behind the window there will be monotonous blinding white clouds if you fly during the day, or endless darkness if at night. If you are not a big fan of sticking your forehead into the wall and snoring, then there is no need for a window. There is nothing wrong with choosing an aisle seat - it is convenient to go to the toilet without stepping over sleeping neighbors.

Great if you are flying in a half-empty plane. After takeoff, when it is allowed to wander around the cabin, look into the tail section: there may be three free seats. I call it "platzkart". You can stretch out on them, cover yourself with a blanket and sleep. No one will say a bad word to you - it's checked.

A special chic at check-in is to get seats at the emergency exit. Ask, and they will give if they are still free. In most planes, the distance to the next seat is very far, and the table extends from the armrest. Of course, you will have a great responsibility - to save passengers in case of an emergency evacuation, since you will be the very first to exit there. But then you can stretch your legs and go crazy.


It all depends, of course, on the airline and the features of the flight. If you have the option to check in in advance, you may also have been asked to select a menu. Major international airlines offer a special menu: kosher or vegetarian. I have not tried to order the menu in advance, but I know that this is possible.

I once took a vegetarian lunch aboard British Airways. The salad with quinoa, avocado and tofu was much tastier than the usual lunch, which included a stale bun with mayonnaise. However, in any case, do not expect culinary delights from the economy class. Unfortunately, I did not have a chance to fly in business class, but the insiders know that it is delicious there, especially if it is Aeroflot. Fortunately, the latter are tasty even in the economy, sometimes there was also a red fish.

The funniest airplane meal of my life was hosted by Lufthansa's German subsidiary, Air Berlin. Unfortunately, they stopped flying from Moscow. For the rest of my life I remember a wonderful dry ration, consisting of very spicy chips and a glass of juice. And Air Moldova had the worst lunch: some kind of vague sandwich.

If you fly during the day or in the evening, the chances of eating better are much greater: at night and early in the morning, you can count on a bun to the maximum. Of course, a lot depends on the flight time. The usual proportion is the longer the flight, the more food will be given. In any case, airplane food does not claim to be something incredible, so if you have the opportunity to take something on a plane, take it. There are usually no complaints about chocolate and cookies.

And, of course, it is worth saying that at the height we eat and drink in a completely different way than on earth, the food seems to be tastier. By the way, there is a whole stereotype that most often they drink tomato juice on an airplane. Like, it seems to us tastier than on earth, and better quenches thirst. On the plane, you want to drink constantly, because, I repeat, the air in the cabin is very dry. In addition, hearty tomato juice has a richer taste, which we like. It is better to always stock up on a bottle of water, most importantly, not before the inspection area, but after: you can bring water bought in the waiting area on board. As for alcohol, almost all international flights carry wine, champagne, and beer. Flight attendants may simply not offer you this. But if there is an acute desire to get drunk, ask, and they will organize a jar of good beer for you - tested by British Airways.

Takeoff and landing

If your plane has taken off and everything went well, you can relax until the moment of landing. According to statistics, 90% of aircraft malfunctions occur during takeoff and landing. That is why the singer Elka longs for the pilot to "take off well and land extremely successfully." During takeoff and landing, you are asked to fasten your seat belts, bring the seat to an upright position, remove the tables and open the curtains. All this is done so that in an emergency there are fewer obstacles to the implementation of the rescue program.

When an acquaintance flew with me for the first time, he really did not like the maneuvers of the aircraft when the board turns and turns out to be one wing lower and the other higher. If you saw this and got scared, know that nothing terrible is happening at this moment, just the plane is turning.

If you are flying to a resort, then most likely you will begin to descend directly over the blue of the waters. Again, panic in this case is unnecessary, the airports of the resorts are really located right on the coast. The land will appear, don't worry!

Some believe that the softness of the landing depends on the airline or the type of aircraft. Nothing like that, everything is driven by the pilot, or rather by the pilots, since usually the control is divided equally between them. Best of all, I was put in Montenegrin by the unloved, ruined and in every way infamous Kogalymavia airline, when they had a contract with the TUI operator.

Important detail: calculate the time correctly. As soon as the plane lands, for some time it will go along the takeoff, circling around the airport until it stops. It will be some time before they let you off the plane. Another half an hour (or more) will take passport control on an international flight and baggage claim on any. Therefore, you should not order a taxi by the time of arrival.

Do not immediately jump up and run from the plane. You can't even get up. For some time you will wait for the "doors to a new country" to open.

At the airport of the destination country

Next, you will find almost everything the same as upon departure: a gangway or a bus, passport control and baggage claim. Get in line where it says All Passports, and you will be stamped (finally!) With the name of the airport. Next, we follow the arrows to the luggage, which has probably already missed you just as much as you miss it. Above the baggage carousel, they usually write the flight number and where the plane came from, so it's hard to make a mistake. In addition, it is very rare that two or more planes arrive at the same time, so you are probably in the place where the most people are standing. If the airport is already very large, then there is a scoreboard that indicates where to look for luggage.

If the tape has already scrolled a hundred and fifty times, and your suitcase has not appeared, and even all the passengers have left, then something is wrong here. Then you go to the representatives of your airline with a boarding stub (it is on it that the tag with your baggage number is on it) and most likely everything is resolved safely. Well, then you, stamped, bagged and happy, can head to the exit (follow the arrows) and start conquering new lands!

I hope you have been able to learn something new about air travel and are now looking forward to the moment when the flight attendant announces that your plane is ready to take off.

In our time, it is difficult to find a person who would not want to travel, see the world or do business in some point of the world remote from their native land. Without a doubt, there are people for whom the sky is their element, and the plane is their second home, and they can navigate the airport as they would in their kitchen. However, everything in the world happens for the first time in life, including the flight. For those who have never flown before, but are going on the road, we will describe in detail the rules of conduct at the airport.

The flight is the only fast way to travel to the most remote, but we need points on the planet. When you are going on a trip above the clouds for the first time, having little idea of ​​what should happen in the interval between purchasing a ticket and the moment when the plane takes off the ground, you are worried and you need to read the rules at the airport for beginners to be sure. So, in order.

Airport metal detector

Any journey begins with the purchase of a ticket, which can be purchased on the airline's resource, on websites that allow you to select the required flight from several carriers or through agencies. The ticket in all these cases will be electronic. When a person buys a ticket on his own, you need to fill in the passport data correctly: for flights within Russia, you need a Russian passport, but for flights abroad, you need an international one. It would be better to print the itinerary document received by e-mail.

It should be remembered: if the passenger does not have a printed itinerary document, he should not be denied a trip, however, it is better to have it with you.

Boarding pass

What an airplane passenger should know at the airport

If you have to depart from an unfamiliar airport or the passenger is traveling with children, you should arrive at the airport 4 hours before the flight in order to slowly go through everything you need. Traffic congestion must be taken into account.

Many airports have security controls. Approaching the building, you need to put things into the scanner, and go through the metal detector yourself.

  1. Register if you have not already done so online;
  2. check in luggage;
  3. Pass through customs
  4. Pass the document check and personal search;

Mega airports are usually divided into terminals. The receipt form contains information about which terminal will announce the future landing. How to get to the terminal, you can see on the airport resource.

So, having prepared for the flight along the chosen route, you must:

  • put things;
  • prepare money;
  • top up your mobile by turning on roaming.
  • determine which items you will take in your hand luggage and which items in your luggage.

If anyone does not know, hand luggage is what is needed during a flight on board an aircraft. For example, cosmetics, laptop, phone, camera, umbrella, book. If you have any fragile souvenirs, then it is also better not to put them in your luggage, but take them with you so that they are not damaged.

Hand luggage on the plane

If you speak English, then at any airport or hotel you will be understood, since this language is known all over the world. When going abroad, it would be useful to read about the country you are flying to, about its customs and traditions, to find out what are the most famous attractions in order to spend time with interest. It is a good idea to learn a few courtesy phrases from the language of the destination country so that you can communicate with the airport staff or the locals. It is best to take a phrasebook.

You need to take a small bag with you to the cabin of the aircraft, in which you put the things you need on the road. Be sure to leave your passport and other important documents, money, bank cards with you. We advise you not to put the above things in your luggage.

What is checked in baggage:

  1. vials with liquid more than 100 ml;
  2. fire and explosive substances;
  3. piercing or cutting objects;
  4. other things due to which you can not meet the rules for hand luggage.

Bag with luggage tag

In business class, it is allowed to carry up to 30 kg, in economy class -20 kg. The weight of the suitcase itself is also included in the baggage allowance, in case of excess, you will have to pay extra.

Look in the departure hall, where you can pack your things well in polyethylene for an additional fee. Such packaging will keep your cargo intact when it is checked into the luggage compartment.

We advise you to put copies of identification documents in your luggage, and also remember to hang a tag with contact details in case your luggage is lost. You can take a picture of all travel documents and send it to your email box, and when the need arises, use electronic copies.

Airport Baggage Packer


You can check in at the airport in two ways: online or by going through the usual check-in. Many joke that the second way is to board the plane "the old fashioned way".

Online check-in

Almost all airlines offer online check-in. This can be done optionally at the airport, but from any place where there is Internet access. Online check-in starts 24 hours before departure. Go to the website of the air carrier and find the "online check-in" section in the menu. By clicking, you will open a form in which you need to fill out:

  1. ticket number or booking code;
  2. the airport from which the departure will be made;
  3. last name and first name;
  4. the date the flight will take place.

Check-in using online self-check-in kiosk without queuing

Regular registration

If you want to check in the old fashioned way, here, of course, you need to know the rules for checking in at the airport. You can check in for a flight 3 hours before departure. Those who fly for the first time need to arrive at the airport 2-3 hours in advance in order to go through all the procedures calmly without stress. In order not to be late, remember that the departure and arrival times of flights on tickets are local.

Approaching the registration desk, you need to show your passport, ticket, saying which place you prefer. Taking into account the desire of the client, they will issue a boarding pass with the specified seat. Then you need to check in your luggage. A tag indicating the flight number and your last name must be glued to the luggage, and the baggage receipt must be glued to the ticket.

Important information is located in the boarding pass:

  1. date and time of departure;
  2. flight number;
  3. gate number for the boarding gate;
  4. seat in a plane.

The landing time is announced by loudspeaker every 10-15 minutes.

Check-in at the airport in the usual way with a queue

Passage of customs control

Holding your boarding pass and passport, you should go to the customs control zone. Here they check very meticulously, but knowing all the rules for passing customs control at the airport, this procedure will be much easier for the passenger. Customs officers must find out:

  1. whether the traveler has antiques;
  2. a large amount of money;
  3. drugs;
  4. weapon;
  5. excise goods.

If you have the above things, then you need to fill out a customs declaration, if you don’t have them, then you don’t need to fill out anything. Customs officers have the right to ask a tourist to show luggage, but this rarely happens. After that, it remains to pass a personal inspection.

And here their own special rules apply - the rules for screening at the airport. When passing through this type of control, you must show your boarding pass, passport and ticket. If you forgot something, then the aviation security staff will tell you how to proceed.

Green corridor sign to exit the airport.

A hall opens in front of the passer-by, in which people are waiting to board. Here you can relax and go shopping with souvenirs, waiting for the landing announcement. Hearing him, go to the exit, show the ticket to the attendant. You should also keep your passport ready. In large airport terminals, with a busy schedule of flights, landing is sometimes not announced, so you yourself need to be on the alert and get to the necessary exit on time. By the way, it is listed on the boarding pass. The aircraft is usually taken to the gangway by bus, or through a special accordion corridor that connects the aircraft to the terminal.

After landing at the airport of destination, travelers again go through passport and customs control. The border guard is obliged to check the documents (passport, boarding pass, visa or entry permit).

If your luggage is lost or damaged, then contact the airport terminal staff for clarification, they will tell you how to proceed. Of course, such cases are rare, mostly flights end without any incidents.

I would like to mention once again about the baggage rules at the airport:

  1. You can check in your luggage at the check-in desk, bringing only hand luggage into the cabin of the aircraft.
  2. Baggage must consist of a bag or suitcase weighing no more than 20 kg.

Happy road to you! We hope that our advice will be useful to you.

In contact with

After completing the check-in procedure and other formalities before departure, you find yourself directly in the departure area or the waiting room, where you will have to wait for the announcement of boarding the flight. Even if there is enough time left before departure, you won’t be bored there - there are cozy cafes and duty free shops for shoppers in the departure area. In order to avoid unforeseen situations and in order not to be late for departure, it is worth knowing how much the boarding of the plane starts. As a rule, boarding the aircraft is announced after the end of the check-in procedure for passengers on the flight. Arriving in advance in the waiting room, where the “gates” or gates (Gate) are located, first of all you have to find your gate for boarding, so that later at the last minute you don’t look and, God forbid, get lost. After the desired gate is found, you need to check the flight number on the sign at the exit and the number indicated on the boarding pass. The data must match.

Important! Gate numbers sometimes change for unknown reasons, so it is important to arrive at the boarding gate no later than half an hour before departure and constantly monitor the announcements and information on the scoreboard.

Boarding pass

Without such a document as a boarding pass, you will not be allowed to board. It is issued to each passenger after the check-in procedure has been completed. In the case when the check-in is successfully completed through the terminals or the Internet, then the boarding pass can be printed out by yourself. You can do this in the following ways:

  • at the check-in counter at the station;
  • through the self-check-in terminal for the flight;
  • through an online service.

In unforeseen situations, when the boarding pass is forgotten at home, or for unknown reasons it has become damaged (wet, torn, wrinkled), you always have the opportunity to print a new one. This document contains important information for passengers:

  • flight number (referred to as Flight);
  • the number and location of the seat in the aircraft cabin (Seat);
  • boarding time & gate closes, sometimes only one thing is indicated, for example, boarding start time;
  • exit number (Gate), for passing passengers to boarding.

The boarding pass should always be at hand along with the passport, because sometimes identity documents can be checked again before the flight.

Features of boarding passengers on an airplane

The boarding pass must indicate the start time for boarding passengers. This information will be announced several times over the airport speakerphone, but it is better to come five to ten minutes earlier than the time indicated on the ticket, so as not to be late. Upon arrival at the gate or "gate" leading passengers to boarding, it is important to check the flight number and gate number again to make sure you are on the right track. At the exit, you will be required to present a boarding pass, and in certain cases, a passport (more often, an identity document is checked before boarding domestic flights). The coupon has two parts, the larger one will be torn off, and the smaller one will be left to the passenger. This part of the ticket should be checked again to be sure - it contains information about the luggage (baggage tags), which will make it possible to identify and find your suitcases among the luggage upon arrival.

After passing through the Gate at large airports, you will get on board the aircraft either by bus, delivering all passengers of the flight to the gangway, or by an air corridor-accordion, directly connecting the station terminal and the liner. Having ascended the ladder or passed along the "sleeve" to the plane, you will be warmly welcomed there by the flight attendants who welcome you on board the aircraft and will help you find and take the seat in the cabin indicated in the boarding pass. Hand luggage should be carefully placed on the shelf to avoid inconvenience and discomfort during the flight.

Boarding start and end times

As a rule, the exact time of the beginning and end of boarding the aircraft is indicated in the boarding pass, written on all the numerous information boards of the airport and announced orally over the loudspeaker. But it is not necessary to look at the ticket or wait for an announcement in order to rationally calculate your own time and not be late for boarding. For those who are unlucky and they are late due to their own fault, the cost of the ticket is not refundable. It is worth taking care of the timely arrival at the desired gate in advance. You just need to know the time of departure of the aircraft and the end time of registration of passengers.

Attention! Boarding for international flights is 10-20 minutes earlier than for domestic flights.

Passengers traveling abroad should be at the gate no later than 40 minutes before departure, and those traveling within the country should be at the gate half an hour before departure. At smaller airports, boarding sometimes starts 20 minutes before departure for domestic flights and 30 minutes for international flights. This is due to the fact that at international airports there is often a long queue, and at small ones it is smaller, so the check-in procedure with subsequent boarding takes much less time.