What is a transfer passenger at the airport. Transfer transportation

In the section on the question, what is the difference between a transfer and a transit passenger in air travel? given by the author Kolya klimin the best answer is a transit passenger - a person who, in accordance with an air transportation agreement, arrives at an intermediate airport (landing point), is transported on the same flight. Transfer passenger - a person who, in accordance with an air transportation agreement, is delivered to a transfer point ) on one flight and then carried on another flight of the same or another carrier.

Answer from Vladislav Pinegin[newbie]
a transit pax is a pax that flies on the same flight. for example, the route moscow-vladivostok through ekb. the plane sits in the ECB, the pax either goes to the airport or not. in any case, the pax has one boarding pass, it is checked in once - in moscow. flight number one. ECB airport in this case is transit. transfer is a pax that flies on different flights. the same route moscow-vladivostok via ekb, but to ekb one flight number, and to vladik - another. the airline may be the same, even the board may be the same. There will be two landings for two flights. ECB airport in this case will be a transfer interchange. Simply put, transit is one flight number, transfer is different flight numbers. learn all the features of transportation in the representative office of the airline.
but about the dude who answered first ... well, yes) it’s not too lazy to write like that to a bunch of points))

Answer from Mona Fox[guru]
I do not agree. Transit - if from flight to flight (even with different numbers and different airlines) without leaving the airport. If flights from different ports, between which moving by land transport is a transfer.

Transfer passengers include passengers who, according to the ticket, arrived at the transfer airport on one flight and continue their flight on another flight of the same or another carrier.

Features of servicing transfer passengers are already noticeable when booking air tickets. They consist in the fact that the transfer passenger must be informed by the booking operator about the requirements for foreign citizens by the state authorities of the country through which they transit. These requirements are set out in a special TIM (Travel Information Manual) and relate to the passport, visa and customs regimes of countries of entry and exit.

At the airport of departure, transfer passengers have a priority right to depart over the rest, especially in the event of a flight delay. Registration of passengers of this category, in addition to standard procedures, includes confirmation of booking for a connecting flight and connecting time, as well as verification of documents required by state authorities at transfer airports. When baggage is checked in, a special tag marked “Transfer” is hung on it, which indicates the route and flight numbers. Baggage is loaded onto the aircraft separately, last, and unloaded first. Tracking the transportation of a transfer passenger and his luggage is assigned to a special airport transfer service.

After the departure of the aircraft from the airport of departure to the airport of transfer, a message is transmitted through the dispatch service about the presence of a transfer passenger on the flight.

At the docking point, a representative of the transfer service meets his client and assists him in making the transfer. Moreover, if the time until the next flight is less than 2 hours, the passenger is immediately escorted to the counter, where the check-in for the connecting flight takes place. In this case, the baggage is not issued to the passenger, but is reloaded from board to board under the control of the transfer service. If the time between flights is from 2 to 6 hours, the client is escorted to the appropriate administrative area or waiting area; if more than 6 hours remain until the next flight, the transfer service employee offers travelers delivery and hotel accommodation at their expense.

Since the transfer service has a certain responsibility for organizing this type of transportation, the time interval between connecting flights, in which the transfer service can guarantee a positive result of the service, is regulated. This time is at least 1.5 hours for connecting flights on the Russia-Russia and International-International routes, and at least 2 hours on the Russia-International and International-Russia routes.

It should be borne in mind that when connecting domestic flights and domestic to international (as well as international to domestic), the passenger is required to check-in according to the same rules as on the original flight. As for the border and customs control, the sequence of their passage depends on the sequence of types of routes. Thus, a passenger arriving from a domestic flight and continuing the flight on an international flight first goes through customs and then passport and visa control. A passenger arriving from an international flight and continuing transportation on a domestic route goes through first border and then customs inspection. A passenger who has arrived from an international flight and continues to fly on an international flight is offered to go to the transit hall, where, in the presence of a transfer representative, he is checked in by an international airport dispatcher. In this case, upon check-in, the passenger is issued a boarding pass marked "Transfer from... to...".

If a passenger has lost his connection to a flight due to the fault of the carrier, the carrier is obliged to carry this passenger on his next flight, the next flight of another carrier, and in case of a long break in air transportation, provide the client with food and accommodation at the expense of the airline. In some cases (if it is provided for by the carrier's rules), a transfer passenger in such a situation may be offered monetary compensation.

Passengers arriving at this airport are divided into final, transit and transfer passengers.

end passengers, Arriving at the airport of destination, from the plane on buses or by teleports get into the arrivals hall.

In the arrival hall, passengers undergo sanitary and quarantine control, which is carried out at the appropriate counters. After sanitary and quarantine control, passengers pass through passport (immigration) control and enter the baggage claim hall (Fig. 1). While waiting for unloading and delivery of baggage, passengers fill out customs declarations.

The luggage of arriving passengers from the aircraft on trolleys or electric cars is delivered to the baggage room, unloaded onto looped baggage claim conveyors. Baggage gets to the arrivals hall on the conveyor. Passengers pick up luggage from the conveyor and present it for customs inspection. For the convenience of passengers, hand luggage carts are available at all international airports, which are provided to passengers for a fee or free of charge.

Customs inspection is carried out at special customs counters. After passing through the customs checkpoints, passengers, along with their luggage, enter the common arrival hall. In the arrivals hall, as a rule, there are luggage storage, souvenir shops, cafes and other services.

From the arrivals hall, passengers get to the forecourt to the transport for delivery to the city.

Transit and transfer passengers, passing through the airport are divided into four streams:

1) passengers in direct transit;

Rice. 1. Service scheme for passengers arriving at the final destination

2) transfer passengers with a short stopover (up to 3h);

3) transfer passengers with a long stop (“stop-over”);

4) transfer passengers traveling without visas.

Passengers in direct transit, through the control points of transit passengers, are sent to the waiting room for transit passengers of the airport terminal, accompanied by the person on duty for meeting and landing. Passengers are given a transit card at checkpoints. Passengers are informed about the location of the souvenir shop, cafe, restaurant and other types of services.

When the boarding is announced, passengers are taken to the aircraft via a boarding ladder or by buses. When boarding a plane, passengers are given a transit card.

Transfer passengers with a short stopover accompanied by a transit officer, they go to the common waiting room. They have the opportunity to use a restaurant, make a purchase in a store, visit a cinema hall, etc.

The transit dispatcher checks in passengers' tickets (issues tickets) and hands over boarding passes, controls the re-shipment of baggage from the arrivals hall to the departure hall and its registration for a connecting flight. After issuing tickets, transfer passengers enter the general flow with the originally departing passengers of this flight, that is, they pass to the security control zone, storage tanks and enter the aircraft through air bridges or are delivered to the aircraft by buses.

The baggage of transfer passengers continuing their flight on another aircraft is transported together with the baggage of other arriving passengers to the baggage room and, after sorting, is reloaded onto the conveyor of the corresponding departing flight or delivered directly to the departing aircraft, depending on the flight connection time (Fig. 2).

The task of carriers in relation to transfer passengers is to ensure the transfer of a passenger from one flight to another in the minimum time for connecting flights. The prestige of the airline largely depends on whether it fits into the transfer time announced by it and published in the international ABC directories.

To ensure a minimum connection time, airlines prepare in advance to receive transfer passengers. Upon receipt of a transfer telegram (RTM) at the transfer airport, it is necessary to determine how much time is available to employees to ensure the transfer of the passenger and his luggage, based on the flight landing time

Rice. 2. Scheme of serving transfer passengers with a short stop

the transferring carrier and the flight departure time of the receiving carrier.

In the event that this time is so short that it is not possible to provide a normal transfer, the relevant services should be informed that, based on expediency (number of transfer passengers, expected delay time, possibility of sending passengers on other flights, etc.), a decision must be made to delay the flight of the receiving carrier.

In order to ensure that transfer passengers and their baggage are reloaded on the flight of the receiving carrier as soon as possible, it is necessary to take measures to identify them as soon as possible.

In the event that it is not possible to send transfer passengers on the flight for which they had a reservation, it is necessary to select a new route based on the availability of documents and visas required at the points of the new route, as well as taking into account the content of the ticket and the reasons for the loss of connection, and take steps to proceed.

At transfer airports, check-in employees, in the process of checking in passengers for onward transportation, must check the correctness of filling in the destination on the baggage tags and, if necessary, reissue the baggage tag, as well as check the correctness of payment for excess baggage, if any, and withdraw the coupon to this section from the receipt for payment of excess baggage. Delivery of transfer baggage from the aircraft must be carried out first. If the connection time is less than the minimum connection time required for a transfer at a given airport, but it is still possible to transfer baggage to the flight of the receiving carrier, it is necessary to ensure delivery luggage directly from aircraft to aircraft, in accordance with local regulations and regulations.

Currently, a number of airlines do not produce at the transfer point the separation of the tear-off part of the baggage tag related to the flight that delivered the baggage to this point, therefore, when processing baggage with transfer tags, it is necessary to sort it out, paying special attention to the flight numbers indicated on the tag . If during the handling of transfer baggage it is determined that the baggage is damaged, measures must be taken to avoid further damage to this baggage during further transportation.

The transfer baggage carrier is responsible for transferring this luggage to the next carrier at such point and time as agreed in writing

between the interested parties, excluding, however, liability for damage (loss of profit) arising from the loss of connections. The baggage receipt of the carrier accepting the baggage for further transportation is issued to the transferring carrier only upon his request.

Transfer passengers with a long stop (“stop-over”) are delivered together with other passengers to the arrivals hall, pass all types of control: sanitary-quarantine, passport and, after receiving baggage, customs.

After passing through all the formalities, passengers, accompanied by a transit duty officer, are sent to the transit hall, where they reserve a place for themselves on a further flight.

Then passengers are delivered to the hotel or follow to the city at their discretion. Passengers take their luggage with them or leave it in the storage room.

Upon departure, passengers following with a "stop over" pass through all the procedures as ordinary original passengers.

Transfer passengers traveling without visas. Upon arrival at the airport, passengers of this category go through all the formalities accompanied by a transit officer. After passing through passport control, passports are not issued to passengers, but remain at the checkpoint.

The transit duty officer helps passengers check in luggage, exchange currency, write out meals and referrals to the hotel, check the reservation or reserve a place for a further flight, inform passengers about the rules for staying visa-free passengers on the territory of this state, draws up a list of visa-free passengers approved by the checkpoint shift supervisor. After completing the above formalities, passengers, accompanied by a transit officer, are taken to a hotel for visa-free passengers, where the carrier can arrange a city tour, accompanied by a transit officer.

Upon departure, visa-free passengers are delivered from the hotel to the airport terminal, accompanied by an attendant, and go through all the formalities associated with the departure.

Such concepts as “transfer flight” or “transit flight” will not be new and unfamiliar to anyone. Most of these words are used as synonyms. But! Friends, there is a difference between them :) Let's consider it using the example of my two trips: the first is a transfer from Tyumen to Volgograd via Moscow. The second is transit from Volgograd to Surgut via Yekaterinburg.


Let's start with the fact that you have 2 flights indicated on your ticket. In my case, these are UT454 and UT385. At the airport of departure (Tyumen), they give me two boarding passes and ask if I need to pick up my luggage in Moscow. I don't need him in the capital for nothing. Accordingly, I will receive my luggage at the final destination, in Volgograd.

1. We start flight 454 to Moscow

2. You shouldn't get used to the plane, the cabin and the seat: there will be another liner to Volgograd.


At the capital's airport, I need to spend about 3 hours before the next flight. This is quite the optimal docking time. I do not recommend choosing a shorter time so that there is a temporary margin in case of a delay. Do not forget that if you miss your connecting flight due to the delay of your first flight, the fault lies with the carrier. What will not happen in the case of just separately purchased two flights. By the way, the transfer is not necessarily carried out by one airline. These can be partner companies or airlines that are members of the same alliance.

There is no need to register - I was registered back in Tyumen. It is very convenient to choose a comfortable seat in the cabin. passengers flying from Vnukovo to Volgograd will start checking in for their flight later than I do. Accordingly, an empty salon is at your disposal :)

4. And here we are going to the plane that will take us to the hero city of Volgograd. Wow, this is Yak :) A rare bird

5. Get comfortable and enjoy the flight!




Upon arrival, we pick up our luggage - the flight is over!


If you are a transit passenger, then you have one flight indicated on your ticket. I have a 7R 417.
The route also consists of several points (Volgograd-Ekaterinburg-Surgut), but, unlike the transfer, the middle link is a place of intermediate landing. The flight is carried out on one aircraft.

9. So you can safely settle on the spot - from Ekb we will fly on it


11. Arriving in Yekaterinburg


Those for whom this is already the final destination go to Ekb. We, who continue our journey, are in the store. We are given Priority cards, which give us the right to be the first to board the plane and take our seats. Passengers who have sat down in Koltsovo are seated in empty seats.
This is a very unusual feeling when you return to the same plane again, as if to your home))

13. Priority card

We spend literally 20 minutes at the airport, and we are called to board along with new passengers from the capital of the Urals.

14. We arrive at the final destination - Surgut

In Surgut we get our suitcases - the flight is over!

So, a short summary: a transfer is a connecting flight on different flights of the same airline or partner companies.

Transit - a flight within one flight, but with an intermediate landing.

Aeroflot has proposed canceling the re-screening of transfer passengers and baggage, the Izvestia newspaper writes, citing a letter from the airline's CEO to the Cabinet of Ministers. This will significantly reduce the transfer time. To implement this idea, it will be necessary to amend the legislation. There are almost no analogues in world practice to the proposed solution.

Today in Russia, passengers are screened at each transfer. This is due to the fact that the pre-flight screening of all passengers before each flight is legally enshrined. The key word is "all"; the authors of the law did not think about the fact that the passenger could already pass through the screening at the airport of departure and, by definition, he cannot have prohibited items. Nevertheless, before the next flight, he is still forced to go through security again, wasting time in queues, instead of going straight to the “clean zone” as in the same Europe or the USA. In developed countries, sometimes a transfer can take just a couple of minutes: I left one air bridge and immediately went into the next one, the arrivals and departures zones are located in the same room.

There are, however, reservations: in the West, screening of transfer passengers is most often absent only on domestic flights (including intra-Schengen ones). Those who flew in from abroad are usually screened, because they do not trust the quality of pre-flight control in “third” countries (although ICAO security requirements are generally the same). However, Aeroflot is primarily thinking not about domestic flights, where the passenger has already been screened at the airport of the first departure, but about international ones. That is, we are talking about passengers who arrived from abroad and departed abroad, using a visa-free transfer at Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport. There is practically nothing like this anywhere in the world - only Istanbul (IST) comes to mind offhand, as well as the fact that only in May 2018 a similar system was launched in the UAE, where the share of transfers is about 75% of the total passenger traffic. If it works in Russia, it will become one of the competitive advantages of Aeroflot over European and airlines: in Paris, Frankfurt, Amsterdam and other European hubs, there is a pre-flight screening and there are often huge queues there. For the airport, the abolition of screening is undoubtedly also a blessing: the time that passengers spend in queues, they could spend in restaurants and shops.

True, in the UAE, an “uncontrolled” transfer is not valid for passengers from all countries, but only for those where the level of aviation security is at a high level, so flights from the “banana republics” still go through pre-flight inspection. However, Aeroflot focuses on the transfer between Europe and the security-developed countries of Southeast Asia, so this problem will not arise.