Eksd - head of the aviation security service of the airport. Structure and composition of the airport aviation security service

4.1. The aviation security service of an airline (operator) is headed by a chief, who is appointed to and dismissed by the General Director of the airline (operator), in agreement with the territorial bodies of the FAS Russia.

4.2. The Deputy Chief of the Airline Security Service of the airline (operator) and other employees of the Airline Security Service of the airline (operator) are appointed and dismissed by the General Director of the airline (operator) on the proposal of the management of the security service of the airline (operator).

4.3. The head of the SAB of the airline (operator) is the direct supervisor for all employees of the SAB of the airline (operator).

The head of the SAB of the airline (operator) is responsible for:

4.3.1. Development and implementation of measures to prevent acts of unlawful interference in the activities of the airline (operator).

4.3.2. Organization of work to ensure the safety of life and health of passengers and crew members of the aircraft of the airline (operator).

4.3.3. Taking measures to ensure aviation security and prevent economic damage to the airline (operator).

4.3.4. The state of labor discipline in the SAB of the airline (operator).

4.3.5. Selection, training and education of employees of the aviation company's (operator's) SAB.

4.3.6. For the organization of the activities of the SAB service of the airline (operator), ensuring interaction with the SAB of the home airport in matters of access and intra-object control.

4.3.7. Implementation of the Aviation Security Program.

4.3.8. Organization of office work in the SAB of the airline (operator) and control of the timely execution of documents received by the SAB.

4.4. The head of the Aviation Security Service of the airline (operator) is obliged to:

4.4.1. Know the requirements of regulatory documents regulating aviation security issues and organize work to implement them

4.4.2. Prepare proposals to improve the aviation safety of air transportation of an airline (operator) and submit them for the development of effective technologies for servicing passengers and handling baggage.

4.4.3. To be directly involved in the preparation of orders and orders Director General airline (operator), service instructions and other regulatory documents on aviation security issues.

4.4.4. Organize the interaction of the SAB with other divisions of the airline (operator) to improve aviation security.

4.4.5. To take part in educational work aimed at increasing the level of special training and vigilance of crew members and ground personnel of the airline (operator) in ensuring aviation security.

4.4.6. Carry out preventive measures to ensure aviation security and preserve the material assets of the airline (operator).

4.4.7. Prepare proposals for secondment of SAB employees on official business within Russia and abroad.

4.4.8. Prepare proposals and applications for the logistics of the SAB.

4.4.9. Coordinate and control the issuance of special passes for flight personnel (identification cards), passes for admission to the controlled areas of the home airport to the personnel of the airline (operator).

4.4.10. Analyze the effectiveness of the system of measures to ensure the aviation security of the airline (operator) and develop proposals for its improvement.

4.4.11. Carry out regular inspections of the performance of the personnel of the airline (operator) and technical means ensuring aviation security.

4.4.12. Conduct airport security briefings civil aviation and the tasks of the SAB employees to ensure aviation security.

4.4.13. Perform the functions of the head of the working group of the operational headquarters of the airline (operator) in the event of a threat of an act of unlawful interference in the activities of the airline (operator).

4.5. The head of the Aviation Security Service of the airline (operator) has the right to:

4.5.1. Require the personnel of the airline (operator) to strictly comply with the orders and instructions of the FAS Russia, the territorial body of the FAS Russia for aviation security and the General Director of the airline (operator).

4.5.2. Check the state and organization of work to ensure aviation security, give instructions, within their competence, on the elimination of identified deficiencies.

4.5.3. Conduct an internal investigation into violations of aviation security measures.

4.5.4. Make a decision to refuse transportation of a passenger, baggage or cargo, if this entails a violation of flight safety and aviation security requirements.

4.5.5. To bring to disciplinary responsibility the SAB employees for committed violations of labor and technological discipline, as well as to temporarily suspend employees from the performance of their duties if their actions may damage aviation security or the prestige of the airline (operator).

  • 1.1.12. Ways of committing terrorist attacks.
  • 1.1.13. methods of committing terrorist acts.
  • 1.1.14. Means of carrying out terrorist attacks.
  • 1.1.15. Terrorism in air transport.
  • 1.1.16. Existing trends in the threat to aviation security.
  • 1.1.17. Circumstances conducive to the capture of sun.
  • 1.1.18. Air terrorism in the USSR and the Russian Federation.
  • 1.1.19. The concept of aviation security in civil aviation.
  • 1.1.20. The fight against terrorism in air transport.
  • 1.1.21. Objectives of the system for ensuring the protection of ha activities:
  • 1.1.22. Aviation security measures:
  • 1.1.23. Acts of unlawful interference in the activities of civil aviation.
  • Topic 1.2. Status and analysis of aviation security in civil aviation. The state of aircraft in the civil aviation of the Russian Federation. Analysis of the statistics and nature of ANV in recent years.
  • 1.2.1. The state of the ab in the garage of the Russian Federation.
  • Threats of terrorist attacks on air transport.
  • Penetration of unauthorized persons into the controlled areas of airports.
  • Anv in the activities of the ha of the Russian Federation for the period from 1958 to 2000:
  • Results of screening of passengers, hand luggage and baggage by ab services at Russian civil aviation airports for 2000-2001.
  • Topic 1.3. International organizations ha. ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices on Aviation Security. ab provision structure in international ha
  • 1.3.1. International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
  • General structure of ICAO representative bodies
  • Permanent working bodies of the ICAO Council
  • Part I — Guidance material on ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices.
  • Part 2 — ICAO documentation related to aviation security.
  • Part 3. Additional aviation material on aviation security.
  • 1.3.2. The European Civil Aviation Conference (ECCA) and its activities in the field of aviation security.
  • 1.3.3. International Air Transport Association (IATA) and its activities in the field of aviation security.
  • 1.3.4. International Federation of Air Line Pilots' Associations (ifalpa).
  • 1.3.5. International Civilian Police Organization.
  • Topic 1.4. Legal and regulatory framework for ensuring aviation security in the civil aviation of the Russian Federation. The structure of providing ab in the Russian Federation
  • 1.4.1. Legal and normative acts regulating the provision of aviation security.
  • 1.4.2. Air Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Chapter 12. Aviation security.
  • 1.4.3. Federal system for ensuring the protection of civil aviation activities from acts of unlawful interference.
  • 1.4.4. Airport aviation security program (airlines).
  • Topic 1.5. The structure of the Department of ab and sop mtr and the aviation security department of the mtu vt mtr.
  • 1.5.1. Structure and functions of the Department of ab and sop mtr.
  • 1.5.2. Dub and Sop Functions:
  • 1.6.1. Activities, purpose, tasks and structure of the airport.
  • Basic terms and definitions.
  • Other necessary definitions.
  • Movement organization.
  • Air traffic service.
  • Issues of interaction between air traffic control and air traffic services:
  • Types of communication used to ensure aviation security.
  • 1.6.2. Regulations on the aviation security service of the airport (airline). The structure of the aviation security service.
  • 1. General Provisions.
  • 2. Tasks and functions of the aviation security service.
  • 3. The structure and composition of the aviation security service of the airport.
  • 4. Management of the aviation security service of the airport.
  • 5. Logistics and financial support of the aviation security service of the airport.
  • Topic 1.7. The interaction of the sub with other services of the airport (airline) in preparing the sun for departure.
  • Operational scheme of interaction between the aviation security service and other airport services during pre-flight maintenance of an aircraft
  • 1.8.1. Organization of interaction.
  • Security with other organizations in order to ensure ab
  • 1.8.2. Coordination of activities to prevent acts of unlawful interference.
  • 1.8.3. Aviation Security Service and Separate Border Control Detachment.
  • 1.8.4. Aviation Security and Airport Customs.
  • 1.8.5. Aviation Security Service and Line Department of Internal Affairs of the airport.
  • 1.8.6. Joint Instruction No. dv 59/i-1/7450 dated April 24, 1996 "on the interaction of airport aviation security services and internal affairs departments in air transport."
  • 3. The structure and composition of the aviation security service of the airport.

    3.1. The regulation on the aviation security service of the airport, as well as the structure and staffing of the aviation security service, is approved by the head of the airport (airline).

    3.2. The job descriptions of employees of the aviation security service are approved by the head of the aviation security service.

    3.3. The number of employees of the aviation security service is determined by the head of the airport, based on the volume and nature of the tasks performed, taking into account the class of the airport, the number of inspection points, posts and their location.

    3.4. The staffing of the aviation security service is carried out under an employment agreement (contract) for a period by agreement of the parties from among the citizens Russian Federation, predominantly males who have served in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, bodies of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Federal Border Guard Service of Russia and are fit for health reasons to work in the SAB. These persons undergo a probationary period of up to 3 months in order to verify the suitability of their professional suitability.

    3.5. When hiring in the SAB, all persons undergo a medical examination in accordance with the established procedure to determine their fitness for performance of official duties. Candidates accepted for positions related to the use of firearms, in addition, undergo checks in the internal affairs bodies.

    3.6 Employees of the SAB undergo mandatory special training in curricula and programs.

    3.7. Compensation for harm caused to employees of the aviation security service by injury, occupational disease, or other damage to health associated with the performance of their work duties is regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the Decree of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation dated 24.12.92. No. 4214-1.

    4. Management of the aviation security service of the airport.

    4.1. The aviation security service of the airport is headed by the head of the aviation security service, who reports to the deputy head of the airport for aviation security, and in the absence of such a position, directly to the head of the airport.

    4.2. The head of the aviation security service is appointed to the position and dismissed by the head of the airport in agreement with the territorial bodies of the State Civil Aviation Administration of Russia.

    4.3. The head of the airport security service is personally responsible for the state of aviation security of the airport and the performance of functional tasks and activities by the airport security service in full scope of these Regulations.

    5. Logistics and financial support of the aviation security service of the airport.

    5.1. The airport administration is obliged to create the necessary conditions for the aviation security service to fulfill the tasks assigned to it to ensure the aviation security of the airport and labor protection. For these purposes should be provided:

    The presence in the buildings of airports (terminals) equipped and equipped with technical means of special control zones for inspection hand luggage, baggage and personal screening of passengers, excluding the possibility of contact of those who passed the screening with persons who are not related to servicing specific flights;

    Availability of equipped zones in cargo warehouses and complexes for inspection of cargo, mail and catering;

    Availability on the territory of the airport of equipped parking lots for special inspection aircraft under emergency circumstances;

    Availability of fences and engineering and technical means of protection of perimeters, facilities, airfield checkpoints;

    Availability of conditions for reliable storage of weapons and ammunition, excluding the possibility of their theft and loss;

    Availability of the necessary material and technical base for the training and advanced training of aviation security service employees, flight personnel and employees of other airport services on aviation security issues.

    5.2. The airport administration provides logistical and financial support for the aviation security service of the airport.

    Aviation Security Service must be provided:

    Service and warehouse premises, as well as equipment and furniture for them;

    Motor transport to ensure the activities of the aviation security service;

    By means of radio and telephone communications;

    Items of uniform and special clothing for civil aviation and other material means.

    An exemplary version of the structural diagram of the airport's AB service.

    Depending on the status and class of the airport, the volume of traffic it performs, the structure of the aviation security service may be different, but in most cases it includes the following structural units (groups, departments):

      SAB management - head of the AB service;

      Coordination of the work of SAB subdivisions - shift head of the SAB;

      Group for ensuring security measures in the processing of passenger and cargo flows.

    Group departments:

    Office for screening passengers, hand luggage and baggage;

    Passenger flow control department on the platform.

      Airport security team.

    Group departments:

    Department for the implementation of the access and intra-object regime;

    Department of patrol service along the perimeter of the airfield;

    Department of protection of vital facilities and entrance (exit) gates.

      Aircraft Security Group.

    Group departments:

    Aircraft security department;

    Department of special inspection of the aircraft;

    Department for control of provision of anti-aircraft safety measures on board the aircraft.

      Group for organizing measures to counter acts of unlawful interference.

    Group departments:

    Department of education and training of personnel in AS;

    Department for the development of plans "Nabat" and ensuring the work of the operational headquarters;

    Department of coordination of interaction and organization of teaching and practical exercises.

    Requirementsto aviation security personnel.

    The specifics of work to ensure aviation security and the use of high-tech equipment for this purpose impose special requirements on employees of aviation security services.

    Well-trained and highly qualified security personnel are the key to success in ensuring aviation security at the required level.

    In this regard, the selection, recruitment and training of BSA personnel must be given constant and serious attention at all levels.

    Criteria for the selection of personnel of aviation security services.

    The individual criteria for selecting BSA personnel vary in most States. Nevertheless, in most of the leading countries of the world, the selection of aviation security personnel is carried out according to generally accepted practice.

    This practice establishes procedures for the management of airports (airlines) to be followed when deciding on the admission of a candidate for employment in the aviation security service.


    When deciding whether to hire a CAB officer, airports and airlines are encouraged to apply the following screening procedures for an employee or candidate, which should be carried out regardless of the nature of the candidate’s previous work, even if he served in the armed forces or worked at another airport (airline).

    Each airport (airline), when hiring security personnel, must ensure that all employees of the SAB have passed a background check according to local and state requirements for security officers for the previous 10 years and a thorough background check for the previous 5 years before being hired by the SAB , wherein:

    1. The audit did not reveal a criminal record (administrative offenses) for the previous 10 years for any of the following crimes:

    Various types of convictions (serving a sentence, probation, etc.);

    Forgery of various documents, fraud, extortion, complicity;

    Hooliganism, violation of public order, violation of air transportation rules;

    Cases of bringing to administrative responsibility (for possession, carrying and use of weapons, transmission of false information, illegal entry into security zones, etc.);

    2. The verified person must explain the reasons for interruptions in work (more than 12 months) in the previous 10 years, as well as the above offenses (if any);

    3. The person being hired by the SAB has a high school education plus 3 years of law enforcement, economic security, or controller work, or a combination of education and work experience that the employer deems sufficient to fulfill the duties of the SAB;

    4. A person hired by the SAB can speak, read and write Russian well enough to:

    a) follow oral and written instructions regarding the performance of assigned duties,

    c) understand the questions, answer them and give instructions in Russian to persons on the territory of the airport,

    d) enter information about incidents and journal entries into aviation security documentation in Russian.

    5. A person hired by the SAB has the physical ability and ability to perform the assigned functional duties. In addition to these abilities, candidates for members of the screening teams must have the ability to distinguish colors, it is enough good vision and hearing, motor coordination, and motor skills that meet the following standards:

    a) screening team members must be able to understand and follow instructions in Russian regarding the correct performance of their screening duties.

    b) employees of screening teams should be able to give verbal instructions in Russian regarding the screening process to persons undergoing screening.

    c) employees of inspection groups must be able to distinguish on the X-ray monitor the appropriate forms of weapons, ammunition and objects and substances prohibited for transportation. If the x-ray equipment produces a color image, the screening team member must distinguish between all colors and know what each color stands for;

    d) the employees of the screening groups in the process of work must be able to hear and quickly respond to human speech and sound signals given by the equipment of the screening point;

    e) employees of screening groups performing manual checks of baggage and carry-on baggage must be able to effectively view and handle items of baggage and carry-on baggage;

    f) employees of the screening teams performing personal searches with a "pat" or with the help of a hand-held metal detector should be able to handle their equipment when searching various parts of the human body,

    g) employees of the screening groups performing personal searches should be able to reach all parts of a standing adult with one hand or a hand-held metal detector in it.

    For the performance of special screening functions, only those workers who have the ability for such work should be used.

    All decisions on the suitability of a candidate to perform aviation security functions should be made by the senior official of the airport (airline). In making this decision, the official must take into account the information obtained during the inspections, as well as take into account those periods of time for which it was not possible to obtain complete information.

    A person hired by the SAB has successfully completed initial, subsequent and, if necessary, special training, in accordance with the requirements of the airport (airline) security program.

    Training of employees of screening groups.

    Each airport (airline), when hiring employees of security services, should pay special attention to the training of employees of screening groups. Each member of the screening team must receive initial training in the effective and safe use of screening equipment, skills and features of screening procedures.

    Initial training.

    To carry out screening functions requiring independent decision-making, employees should be allowed to work if they:

    a) were familiarized with the list of items prohibited for transportation by air and the methods of their detection by the technical means of inspection installed at this inspection point.

    b) viewed the audiovisual programs identified for initial training.

    c) identified all test objects under operating conditions.

    d) have studied a course of at least 12 hours of classroom instruction and at least 40 hours of combined theory and practice training at the workplace.

    Periodic training.

    All screening team personnel must undergo periodic training at least once a year, which should include:

    a) general acquaintance and discussion on the materials of the approved topics.

    b) watching audiovisual programs intended for periodical training.

    Workplace preparation.

    The airport (airline) must have a formal training program for employees of screening teams at the workplace. The program should focus on the following:

    a) All newly recruited members of the screening teams initially begin work under the constant supervision of more experienced members. During the initial period, before admission to independent work (independent decision-making during the screening process), the airport must test the newcomer according to established procedures and, if positive, certify him,

    b) the management of the SAB, through regular checks and increased attention to newcomers (providing them with instructions, manuals and practical guides), must make sure of their necessary qualifications. Identified deficiencies or important observations are recorded in employee training records.

    The airport (airline) should not use at work at the screening point persons who received an unsatisfactory assessment when checking their preparedness for this work until such persons have completed additional training provided for by the security program.

    The airport (airline) must ensure an annual check (certification or testing) of each of its employees of the screening group, recording the results of these checks and submitting the results of the checks to the inspection of the State Civil Aviation Administration of Russia up to 3 months after the dismissal of the employee.

    The airport (airline) may continue to use its employees of the screening group at their workplaces only after making sure, after the check, that:

    1) since the time of the last check, the physical abilities of this person, necessary for the performance of his duties, have not deteriorated;

    2) for the past year, this person had no complaints in his work, and was attentive to his duties;

    3) this person has all the necessary skills for the courteous, vigilant and efficient search.


    In all cases, the airport (airline) for each employee hired by the SAB must maintain appropriate records that indicate:

    a) that the verification process was carried out as expected (in the prescribed manner),

    b) the results of checks with conclusions for each period of the candidate's activity, including periods for which it was not possible to collect data;

    c) who made the decision on the suitability of the candidate and his admission to the CAB officer.

    General requirements for a SAB employee.


    Fundamentals of civil aviation, the structure, activities and interaction of structural units of a particular airport (airline), the scheme of organization and use of various means of communication in providing security;

    Information about air terrorism, forms and methods of combating it;

    Fundamentals of the regulatory legal framework for the functioning of AB in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation;

    Requirements of regulatory documents of the State Civil Aviation Administration of Russia on AB, the airport (airline) security program, the rules and procedures in force at the airport (airline) for ensuring AB;

    The structure and organization of the provision of AB in the Civil Aviation of the Russian Federation and at a particular airport (airline);

    The structure, activities and interaction of structural subdivisions of the SAB;

    Actions of SAB employees upon receipt of information about the threat of an explosion or an emergency (procedure in emergency situations, interaction with law enforcement agencies),

    Sabotage devices and methods for their detection:

    Dangerous objects and their external distinguishing features, recognition of dangerous objects;

    Actions upon detection of dangerous objects,

    Technical means of detecting and localizing hazardous items, their functional duties in the assigned area of ​​AB support

    Must be able to:

    Apply state norms and regulations, laws and by-laws, standards and guidelines governing the provision of AB, the operation of the SAB;

    Determine the location of all major buildings and services, highlight and describe the characteristic features of the airport (determine the border between the controlled and uncontrolled zones, established rules for movement in the zones, etc.).

    Carry out control of AB measures at the airport (airline);

    Carry out inspection of the premises and aircraft in normal and emergency situations, identify explosive devices, explosives and other dangerous items and substances, act competently when detecting dangerous objects and substances, especially in handling identified explosive devices and explosives;

    Detect suspicious activity, correctly assess the situation (environment) and take necessary measures suppression in the event of a threat to the security of the aircraft, buildings, facilities and services of the airport (airline);

    To act in the event of emergency, in the suppression of ANV and the elimination of their consequences. Effectively apply the rules (procedures) in force at the airport in the event of armed attacks, the occurrence of a serious aviation accident that threatens safety.

    Handle incidents as they occur

    If necessary, provide immediate notification to the management of the SAB,

    If necessary, detain persons (without the use of physical measures) without endangering themselves and those nearby.

    Requirements for a SAB security officer.

    Aviation Security Specialist Must know:

    Ensuring the protection of structures and ground facilities of the airport (airline) of civil aviation from ANV,

    Protection of controlled areas and territories of the airport;

    Security methods;

    Organization of access and intra-object regime;

    Ensuring the safety of aircraft:

    Aircraft access control;

    Aircraft screening procedures under normal and emergency conditions;

    Technical means of protection (ITSO) and their application.

    Must be able to:

    Apply the rules and procedures established at the airport (airline) for controlling access to the controlled area, the system of passes (checking documents), screening aircraft crew members and aviation personnel. Prevent unauthorized access to the controlled area

    Perform all types of escort and patrol (on foot and by car), guard objects and aircraft, properly handle service weapons, skillfully act in emergency situations;

    Work and move in controlled areas according to the established rules, exercise control over the movement of people and vehicles, comply with the established procedure and rules for conducting radio communications with various airport services;

    Ensure the safe handling of discovered weapons or dangerous items until the arrival of experts.

    Requirements for an employee of the SABinspection:

    Aviation Security Specialist Must know:

    Fundamentals of human psychology and behavioral reactions in stressful situations;

    Screening of passengers and their hand luggage:

    Organization and equipment of inspection points;

    Duties and Responsibilities of Inspection Team Members:

    screening methods;

    Use of technical means of inspection;

    Clever ways to hide items prohibited for transportation of military equipment;

    Recognition of the characteristics and stereotypes of the behavior of potential criminals;

    Procedures for escorting passengers, weapons, ammunition, dangerous items, etc. to the aircraft in the airport airside;

    Screening of luggage, cargo, mail and on-board stores,

    Rules for the transport of dangerous goods;

    screening procedures;

    Control and protection of baggage, cargo, mail and on-board stores;

    Screening of aircraft crew members and air personnel;

    the capabilities (parameters) of the technical means of inspection used, the rules for their safe operation;

    Should be able to:

    Carry out screening of passengers and their hand luggage in accordance with the established norms, rules and procedures for screening, seize and process items and substances prohibited for transportation, follow the established procedures for transporting weapons, competently interact with law enforcement officers;

    Hear and quickly respond to human speech and sound signals given by the equipment of the inspection point;

    Competently operate the technical means installed at the inspection point. Handle a hand-held metal detector when carrying out a personal search of a passenger (search of various parts of the human body).

    Distinguish all colors on the indicators of metal detectors and monitors of the X-ray systems used, know what each color means. Distinguish wire 0.5106 mm on the monitor screen of the introscope.

    Distinguish on the X-ray monitor the corresponding forms of weapons, ammunition and objects and substances prohibited for transportation (identify objects on the screen).

    Read information from identification badges, certificates, labels on bottles, aerosols and packages.

    Carry out a direct inspection of hand luggage;

    Carry out screening of baggage, cargo, mail, on-board stores,

    Efficiently view and handle luggage and carry-on items. Open and close locks, zippers, screw caps; move and feel the contents of the luggage; reach all cavities and partitions of luggage.

    Identify and determine during the process of screening passengers and hand luggage homemade VU, weapons, objects and substances prohibited for transportation:

    Ensure the safe handling of identified weapons or dangerous items until the arrival of specialists.

    Apply in their activities (work) modern methods of recognition (identification) of potential offenders and criminals;

    To be fluent in Russian (written and oral), compose incident reports, maintain established reports and documentation.

    Politely, proactively, competently and efficiently conduct screening procedures required by the security program.

    Ensure the collection, storage and presentation of the required information to airport management for inclusion in the screening report.

    Be correct, have good manners, be reasonable, look after your appearance and be courteous to members of the public.

    Organizational measures to prevent and suppress acts of unlawful interference in the activities of the airport (airline).

    Prevention and suppression of the hijacking (hijacking) of aircraft and other acts of unlawful interference in the activities of civil aviation is one of the main tasks of the activity of airports (airlines) of the Civil Aviation, relevant bodies and divisions of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and other ministries and departments of the Russian Federation, interacting with the State Civil Aviation Administration of Russia on issues protection of the activities of the GA from ANV.

    All actions in response to UA should be carried out based on the principle of priority of the goal of preserving the life and health of passengers, crew members of the aircraft and other persons who find themselves in the area of ​​the incident.

    In order to prevent ANV in the activities of civil aviation, each airport, aviation enterprise (operator) must develop and ensure the implementation of preventive security measures.

    All measures to prevent and suppress cases of seizure, (hijacking) of an aircraft, attempts of sabotage and other AEs within the framework of the Federal System for Ensuring the Protection of Civil Aviation Activities from Acts of Unlawful Interference are carried out by Civil Aviation Enterprises in cooperation with the bodies and institutions of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, military units of the Ministry of Defense and the FPS Russian Federation.

    Each airline providing air traffic services to a vessel that has been subjected to an AIA must collect and send all the necessary information about the flight of such an aircraft to all other aviation enterprises and states in charge of the relevant air traffic services authorities, including ATC authorities at the airport of the intended destination of the aircraft flight with for the purpose of taking the necessary protective measures in time along the route and at a known or probable destination.

    All organizations, institutions and enterprises, regardless of their departmental affiliation, are obliged to provide all means of communication at their disposal for the transfer of information about the ANV to the activities of the Civil Aviation Committee, as well as other information that can contribute to the settlement of these emergency situations.

    All airports of the Russian Federation, regardless of their departmental affiliation and form of ownership, must be open to receive aircraft that have undergone an AIA. Such an aircraft must be given priority in flight support, in the use of communications,

    lighting equipment, runways and taxiways of the airfield.


    EKSD 2018. Edition dated April 9, 2018
    To search for approved professional standards of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, use reference book of professional standards

    Head of Aviation Security at the airport

    Job responsibilities. Manages the activities of the airport aviation security service to protect the airport territory and objects located on it from illegal actions, including aviation equipment, areas of working sectors, localizers and glide paths, air traffic control facilities, airfield radio lighting equipment, fuel and lubricants warehouses, commercial warehouses. Organizes the interaction of the aviation security departments of the airport with the relevant state security agencies and informs them of changes in the operational situation at the objects designated for protection and adjacent territories. Provides access control of controlled areas of the airport in accordance with aviation security rules. Monitors compliance with aviation security norms, rules and procedures by aircraft operators and organizations based on the territory of the airport or using its services. Controls the implementation of measures for the technical equipment of buildings, premises and the perimeter of the adjacent territory of the airport with signaling devices. Develops an action plan to ensure aviation security at the airport during periods of increased threat or emergency. Interacts with state security authorities when carrying out activities to identify persons (authors) of anonymous threats against the airport or aircraft operators, identify and detain persons who pose a threat to the safety of passengers, and also in cases of detection of weapons, ammunition, explosive devices on the territory of the airport. Develops and implements inspection technology. Carries out control over the proper accounting of weapons, ammunition, explosive devices, explosive, poisonous, flammable substances and other items prohibited for transportation by air, confiscated during the screening of passengers or found on the territory of the airport.

    Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation that determine the directions for the development of civil aviation, regulatory and methodological documents on aviation security issues in air transport, including those regulating the work of pre-flight screening of passengers, crew members, attendants, hand luggage, baggage, mail, cargo and in-flight catering, technology for pre-flight screening of aircraft, rules for the protection of aircraft and airport facilities, instructions on access and intra-object regimes on the territory of the airport designated for protection, technology and rules for the personal screening of passengers and hand luggage, the procedure for using firearms, special means and physical force, tactics of protecting objects from unlawful encroachments under normal conditions and in case of emergencies, the basics labor law, rules on labor protection and fire safety.

    Qualification requirements. Higher professional (technical or military) education and work experience in senior positions in the field of security activities for at least 3 years.

    Jobs for the position of Head of the airport aviation security service according to the all-Russian database of vacancies

    The Aviation Security Service (SAB) is a system of airport security agencies that, within its powers, solves problems of ensuring aviation security

    The main tasks of the aviation security service are:

    Prevention and suppression, together with the security and air traffic control authorities, of attempts to seize and hijack aircraft and other acts of unlawful interference in the activities of the airport

    Development and implementation of measures to counter acts of unlawful interference in relation to aircraft, airport facilities, airline personnel and air passengers;

    Carrying out, in accordance with the established procedure, screening crew members, service personnel, air passengers, hand luggage and baggage, mail, cargo and on-board stores (flight catering) in order to prevent the delivery of weapons, ammunition, explosive devices, poisonous, flammable and other substances that may be used to commit an act of unlawful interference. Allocation and equipment for these purposes of special control zones in the terminal;

    Implementation of the access regime and control over the implementation of the internal regime at the airport;

    Ensuring the protection of the airport, aircraft, important facilities, including radio and lighting equipment, fuel and lubricants warehouse, commercial warehouse;

    Training of airline personnel in security measures and actions in case of attempts to unlawfully interfere in the activities of the enterprise;

    Implementation of supervision over compliance with the Rules, rules and procedures on aviation security by aircraft operators and organizations based on the territory of the airport or using its services;

    Provision of additional aviation security services to aircraft operators (aircraft security, additional screening of aircraft, etc.) on contractual terms.

    1. Aviation security service in accordance with the assigned tasks:

    1.1. Provides an appropriate level of aviation security through the requirements of legislation, state regulations, rules and procedures, as well as the aviation security programs of the aviation entity regarding the protection of civil aviation from acts of unlawful interference.

    1.2. Conducts: security control of aircraft crew members, passengers, their hand luggage, baggage, cargo, courier and postal shipments and on-board supplies, including in-flight meals, using technical security controls, physical examination and personal control in order to identify items and substances prohibited from transportation by aircraft, in connection with the technology approved by the head of the aviation entity in accordance with the Instructions from and the implementation of civilian control over security at airports in Ukraine, approved by order of the State Aviation Service of September 28, 2004 N 81 (z1555-04) and registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine 12/07/2004 for N 1555/10154, the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 04/24/63 (995_047) (ratified on 03/23/89), as well as the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations N 1138 (ratified on 03/21/64); re-control of passengers, their hand luggage and baggage in case of receipt of reliable information about the arrival at the airport of a transit aircraft from an airport where security control was improperly carried out.

    1.3. Accompanies, together with an air transportation agent and an employee of the internal affairs department at the airport (if necessary), passengers from this waiting area of ​​the sterile zone to the aircraft in connection with the technology developed from the Rules for escorting material assets in the controlled areas of airlines and passengers approved by the general by order of Ukraviatrans and the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Ukraine 11.03.96 N 168/397 (z0334-96) and registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on 28.03.96 N 334/1359.

    Passengers and material assets on international flights are serviced in accordance with the requirements of the Standard Process Flow Chart for Passing Through state border automobile, water, rail and air and transport vehicles of carriers and goods that are moved by them, approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on 24.12.2003 N 1989 (1989-2003-p).

    1.4. Provides exclusion of contacts of passengers who have passed security control with persons who have not passed such control, including aviation personnel who must be related to servicing this flight.

    1.5. Organizes maintenance and repair of technical safety equipment.

    1.3. Protects controlled, sterile and restricted areas by paramilitary security units using technical security equipment.

    1.7. Protects aircraft, including general aviation aircraft, fuel and lubricants depots, other important objects, and their property of an aviation entity is located by armed units of paramilitary security guards.

    1.8. Provides security and protection from theft in the controlled area of ​​the aviation entity, restricted access areas, guarded, cargo, baggage, mail, on-board supplies, as well as property of legal entities and individuals, which was accepted for transportation by aircraft or under protection.

    1.9. Organizes the storage, acceptance and transportation of weapons, ammunition in connection with the Instruction on the procedure for the transportation of weapons and ammunition by passenger flights of air transport, approved by order of the State Aviation Service of March 18, 2005 N 199 (z0378-05) and registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on April 11, 2005 for N 378 / 10658.

    1.10. Monitors the state of the airfield perimeter fence, especially important objects, the proper functioning of security alarm systems and lighting of security facilities.

    1.11. Carries out control over the execution by personnel and visitors of the access system established by the head of the aviation entity of measures to put in order the access and internal facility regime, for the manufacture, issuance, accounting and control over the use of passes for them to enter and in the sectors of the controlled zone of the aviation entity.

    At airports where there are open checkpoints across the state border, a system of measures to put in order the checkpoint and internal facility regime is introduced in the sectors of the controlled zone, determined by order of the head of the aviation entity upon agreement of the heads of border and customs control units at the airport.

    1.12. Carries out authorized access to (from) the controlled area of ​​the aviation subject of aviation personnel, visitors, as well as vehicles.

    1.13. Conducts control over access to aircraft, movement and vehicles, personnel and passengers on the platform and other places of the controlled zone.

    1.14. Participates in carrying out pre-flight, after-flight and special reviews of aircraft.

    1.15. Participates in official investigations into the facts of committing, attempting to commit acts of unlawful interference, non-compliance with aviation security requirements by any individual or legal entity to draw up relevant documents for the results of such investigations.

    1.13. Prepares aviation security personnel for actions regarding the settlement of a crisis situation in connection with the developed plans by conducting appropriate drills and implements these plans in the event of a crisis situation within the controlled area.

    1.17. Consider draft contracts (agreements) between the operator, customer, lessee of an aircraft on the compliance of the parties, while observing aviation security, regarding passengers, aircraft crew members, hand luggage, baggage, cargo, on-board supplies, courier and mail forwarding, etc.

    1.18. Immediately notifies the head of the aviation entity, the relevant body of the Security Service of Ukraine and the body of state administration of civil aviation activities about events that affect the growing level of threat to the security of civil aviation, increase the risk of creating a crisis situation, as well as the commission of an act of unlawful interference.

    1.19. Submits an annual and quarterly report on the results of the work of the service to the public administration body for civil aviation activities.

    1.20. Responsible for the access of persons to the controlled area of ​​the aviation entity.

    1.21. Controls entry to and from the sterile area.

    1.22. Organizes education and training of personnel of aviation security services in accordance with the requirements of the Program for training aviation personnel in the field of aviation security, approved by order to the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine on February 17, 2003 N 109 (z0310-03) and registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on April 17, 2003 for N 310/7631.

    2. The aviation security service has the right to:

    2.1. To freely enter inside and into the premises of enterprises and organizations located on the territory of the aviation entity, in the building and structures that belong to it, as well as on board aircraft, regardless of their form of ownership, to conduct an inspection in terms of ensuring aviation security.

    At airports where there are open checkpoints across the state border, in regime zones of border and customs control, on premises, as and where goods are under customs control, measures to ensure aviation security are carried out by agreement of the heads of the relevant departments at the airport.

    2.2. Require the personnel of aviation entities, lessees, other individuals and legal entities in the controlled area of ​​the aviation security rules provided for by the Aviation Security Program of the aviation entity, other regulatory legal acts on aviation security, as well as agreements concluded between the subjects of aviation activities, lessees, other legal entities that are based on the same territory.

    2.3. Realize:

    Security control of aircraft crew members, passengers, their hand luggage, baggage, cargo, courier and postal shipments, on-board rips and in-flight catering both by means of technical means and by physical examination in connection with the technology approved by the head of the aviation entity;

    Personal control for the safety of passengers, crew members (for security control), aviation personnel and citizens (at the entrance to the controlled area);

    Security control of diplomatic bags and consular suitcases in accordance with the requirements stipulated by the State Program for the Aviation Security of Civil Aviation (545-15), the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 04/24/1963 (995_047) (ratified on 03/23/89), as well as the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations N 1138 (ratified on March 21, 1964);

    Re-control for the safety of passengers, their hand luggage, baggage, cargo in safe cases, provided for by the State program of aviation security of civil aviation (545-15);

    Inspection and vehicles for the purpose of seizing items prohibited for import to the controlled zone of the aviation subject;

    Pre-flight, post-flight and special inspections of aircraft.

    Use special equipment and means to ensure aviation security when detecting weapons, explosives, objects, devices prohibited for transportation due to air transport, as well as those prohibited for import to the controlled zone of an aviation entity.

    2.4. Seize items prohibited for transportation by air or for import into the controlled area of ​​an aviation subject, from personnel, citizens, crew members and passengers during the security control festival.

    2.5. Do not allow passengers and crew members to board the aircraft in case of refusal of security control or presentation of this control of hand luggage and baggage.

    2.3. Do not allow baggage, cargo, courier, mail, on-board supplies, on-board meals to be loaded on an aircraft if the sender refuses to control security.

    2.7. Require (in which case) identity documents from all persons when exercising security control, at the entrance to the controlled area and within the controlled area of ​​the aviation entity.

    2.8. Detain (with the fulfillment of the requirements of personal security and the Constitution (254k / 96-BP):

    Persons who illegally entered the controlled zone of the aviation subject, and transfer them from the established procedure to law enforcement agencies;

    Motor transport at the entrance to (from) the controlled zone of the aviation entity in the absence of a pass for the vehicle or the persons who are with it, as well as in the absence of the relevant documents on the right to export cargo or take out material values, goes beyond the controlled zone;

    Performing flights by aircraft to carry out additional security measures in receipt of a message from any sources about a threat to the safety of flight performance - in the manner established by the leadership of the aviation subject;

    Violators of aviation security requirements in the formation of a protocol on administrative offenses and the application of an administrative penalty by the head of the detachment (separate team) of the paramilitary security of the aviation entity in accordance with the requirements of Art. 228 of the Code of Ukraine and Administrative Offenses (80732-10), as well as Instructions for the preparation of materials for administrative offenses in air transport, approved by order to the Ministry of Transport of Ukraine on December 23, 2002 N 911 (z0039-03) and registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on January 17, 2003 for N 39 /7360.

    2.9. Conduct a physical examination of detainees, things, luggage and luggage that they have, inspection and vehicles, as well as seize items if they may pose a danger to civil aviation.

    Unified qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and other employees (CEN), 2019
    Section "Qualification characteristics of the positions of managers and specialists of air transport organizations"
    The section is approved by the Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated January 29, 2009 N 32

    Aviation security inspection shift supervisor

    Job responsibilities. Supervises the work of the security screening shift of the aviation security service. Organizes work on the screening of aircraft, passengers, hand luggage, baggage, mail, cargo, on-board stores, aircraft crew members and maintenance personnel of the aviation enterprise; monitors compliance with screening technology. Analyzes the results of the work and evaluates the actions of the employees of the inspection shift of the aviation security service. Carries out rational placement and loading of shift workers in work areas. Coordinates the actions of employees of the inspection shift of the aviation security service in the event of emergencies related to acts of unlawful interference in the activities of civil aviation; participates in the investigation of acts of unlawful interference in the activities of civil aviation, in measures to identify persons making anonymous threats about possible terrorist acts on aircraft and aviation enterprise facilities. Carries out control over the accounting, storage and transfer to another change of weapons, ammunition, explosives and other items prohibited for transportation by air, confiscated during the inspection process.

    Must know: laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of aviation security; regulatory and methodological documents regulating the work of pre-flight screening of passengers, crew members, attendants, hand luggage, baggage, mail, cargo and on-board stores; systems for ensuring the protection of the airport from acts of unlawful interference; aircraft pre-flight screening technology; rules for the protection of aircraft and airport facilities; instructions on access and intra-object modes of the airport; rules for personal screening of passengers and hand luggage; the procedure for the use of firearms, special means and physical force; tactics for protecting airport facilities from unlawful encroachments under normal conditions and in the event of emergency situations related to acts of unlawful interference in the activities of civil aviation; fundamentals of labor legislation; rules on labor protection and fire safety.

    Qualification requirements. Higher professional (technical or military) education and work experience in the field of aviation security for at least 2 years or secondary vocational (technical or military) education and work experience in the field of aviation security for at least 3 years.