Where is the best place to stay in the Lazio region advice. The best beaches near Rome

Riviera Lazio - climate, resorts, beaches, attractions. Reviews of tourists and Riviera Lazio.

The Riviera of Lazio, with its picturesque landscapes, clear sea and beaches stretching for 100 km, is considered one of the most beautiful resorts on the coast. Tourists are also attracted by the rich history and interesting traditions of the Riviera, as well as its proximity to the Italian capital.

Useful phone numbers

Anzio: 8-10-39-6
Sabaudia, San Felice Circeo, Terracina: 8-10-39-773
Gaeta and Sperlonga: 8-10-39-771
Baia Domitia: 8-10-39-823

How to get to Riviera Lazio

From Moscow there are regular flights to and charter flights to. The flight takes approximately three hours.


In the coastal resort of Gaeta, ancient cathedrals, ancient churches with tombs and narrow streets of the Middle Ages have been preserved. Gaeta with its remains of ancient buildings will take you into the atmosphere.

The resort of Baia Domitia is also popular due to its low prices and developed tourist infrastructure. There are many restaurants, bars, souvenir shops. The hotels are surrounded by a pine forest that stretches along the coast for several kilometers.

Not far from Baia Domizia is the large city of Formia. You can get here by bus, which runs along the highway behind the pine forest. Formia became a popular resort during the Roman Empire. It is known that the villa of Emperor Tiberius was located nearby. Formia has a mild and comfortable climate, and among the sandy beaches there are both small and spacious ones.

Excursions and interesting places of the Lazio Riviera

Throughout the resort, you can see ancient castles and fortresses from the Middle Ages, among which Tuscania, Viterbo, Caprarola and Tarquinia are famous. Many historical monuments are located in Tivoli, 30 km from the capital. These are the remains of ancient temples, the man-made grottoes of the villa of Gigorian and Hadrian.

The main attraction of the region is a picturesque national park with freshwater lakes surrounded by oak forests. Mount Circeo and its karst grottoes are also quite famous.

The convenient location of the resort allows you to get from it to Rome, Naples, as well as to the cities of Positano, Cori, Ravello and. From the Riviera of Lazio, they often travel to the nearest islands, and the Pontine Islands. A sightseeing trip along the Riviera is no less interesting, and children and adults will enjoy relaxing in the Haway Park water park. The average price of group tours is approximately 50-75 euros.

Where to stay

Tourists prefer to stay in the city, in medieval Gaeta, in the favorite vacation spot of Emperor Tiberius - in. You can choose Sperlonga, surrounded by beautiful caves, Sabaudia and San Felice Circeo, where the local bohemia rests, and an inexpensive vacation in Baia Domizia. The crowded beach is located near Rome, and lovers of solitude choose Anzio beach.

How to get to Lazio

All railways lead to Rome, especially the routes connecting the north and south of the region.

Rome is connected to the beaches of the Tyrrhenian Sea by the underground metro, the trip will take only half an hour and will cost about 2 EUR.

The port of Rome Civitavecchia is the point of arrival or departure for hundreds of cruise ships plying the waters of the entire Mediterranean. From here you can reach Sardinia, Corsica, Sicily, Spain, France and northern Africa.

Prices on the page are for December 2019.

By car

From Rome's two airports, Fiumicino and Ciampino, the A90 ring road connects you to every part of Lazio. The A1 toll motorway links Lazio with Florence and Naples; the A24 highway takes you to the Abruzzi mountains; the A12 will take you to Pisa, Tuscany and Cassia.

Lamezia Terme Hotels

There are not very many in Lamezia Terme, but there are enough hotels for every taste. A standard double room in a four-star hotel costs between 70-90 EUR with breakfast. You can stay in a 3 * hotel for 60-80 EUR, and in a 2 * hotel - for 34-40 EUR. Rooms in guesthouses are rented by locals for 35 EUR. An apartment for a day will cost an average of 40-60 EUR. Nicastro is considered the most interesting area for tourists in Lamezia - in fact, most of the city's hotels are located there.

Cuisine of Lazio

The cuisine of Lazio is simple and uncomplicated, the main subtlety of local culinary specialists is the use of fresh village products. Fried lamb - abbacchio, or veal sliced ​​​​and fried with ham and sage - saltimbocca, is always popular. Stracciatella is eggs beaten with grated cheese, nutmeg and breadcrumbs and boiled in broth. A traditional local dish of rice balls stuffed with mozzarella is called Suppli al telefono (telephone wires). Cheese completes all meals or is an ingredient in main courses. The menu of Lazio residents has a lot of fresh vegetables. Artichokes, green beans, slices of sweet pepper and celery are usually dipped in olive oil before eating. Some wild medicinal herb, for example, arugula, will definitely be added to green salads. And, of course, lunch will seem incomplete without a cup of fragrant espresso.

Video tour of Lazio

Guides in Lazio

Entertainment and attractions in Lazio

In the northeast of Lazio is Rome and the province of Viterbo. The city of the same name, located 100 km north of Rome, was the favorite residence of the popes. North Lazio was once the center of the Etruscan civilization. Until now, artifacts of ancient times have been preserved here: the tombs of Cerveteri and Tarquinia, the ruins of Veio, excellent museums in Vulci and Tarquinia.

To the northeast of Rome are the Sabina Mountains (remember the numerous paintings and sculptural groups dedicated to the abduction of the Sabine women by the loving Romans?). East of Rome is Tivoli, which houses the famous fountain garden and the ruins of Hadrian's Villa.

The Appian Way (Via Appia), built by the ancient Romans, connects Rome with the cities of southern Italy, and is still in use today. To the south of Rome are: the fishing port of Anzio, as well as Frascati, famous for its wine, the coastal cities of Gaeta and Sperlonga, and the thermal resort of Fiuggi. In the southern part of Lazio, on the coast, is the Circeo National Park.

The most central region of Italy is Lazio (Italian: Lazio), in which the "eternal city" - Rome is located. The region consists of five provinces: Rome, Rieti, Viterbo, Frosinone, Latina.
On the territory of the capital flows the largest river in Italy - the Tiber (ital. Tevere).

The Tiber is the largest river in Italy

The stronghold of the Catholic Church - the Vatican, is also located in this region.

On the map of Italy, Lazio is closer to the central lands of the western coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea.

Location of the Lazio region on the map of Italy

It borders with Umbria and Abruzzi in the East, in the South - with Campania, in the North - with Tuscany.
Informative website of the region: http://www.regione.lazio.it/rl_main/

Settlements, near rivers and lakes, in the modern territories of Lazio, were still in the Stone Age. The next "residents", in the 9th century, as in most regions of Italy, were the Etruscans. The emergence of cities and settlements began precisely with them.

In the VIII century BC, according to various sources, Rome was founded.

The emergence and then expansion of the territories of the Roman Empire, its fall and complete ruin, was replaced by the heyday and entry of Lazio in 1871 into the united Italy. Rome is declared the capital, which it still is.

Traveling in Italy, in Lazio, you need to understand that this is not just a region of the Mediterranean country, European history rests and is carefully preserved here.

In the Lazio region you will plunge into the history of Italy

It is here that there is such a huge number of attractions that in one visit it is unlikely that you will be able to see at least a hundredth of the famous objects.

There is a "Map of sights of the Lazio region, Italy", in which almost all objects that deserve the attention of tourists are marked.

This will greatly facilitate the choice of places worth visiting.
Given the reviews of travelers, we can confidently advise you to visit the following places.


What to do in Rome? Visit the Vatican Museums to marvel at the paintings of great painters and sculptures, looking at which, you forget that they are made of stone. Tapestries, the Sistine Chapel and much more that brings people into culture shock.

What to see in Rome:

  • Saint Paul's Cathedral(Italian: Basilica di San Pietro) in the Vatican. See the square and the colonnade in front of the Basilica, stand in a huge queue (you can avoid it by arriving at the cathedral at 7.00 in the morning). Only by climbing into the dome of St. Peter's Cathedral, one can really appreciate the size of this mastodon.

    St. Peter's Basilica in Rome

    People with heart problems need to calculate their strength, as reported by the wall announcements. Elevator to the terrace: price 8 euros, 320 steps, full lift: 551 steps - 6 euros.

    Before an excursion to the Cathedral, you can buy an audio guide, the Russian language is included in the program. (price 10 euros), which allows you to watch slowly.

    Opening hours: 07:00 - 18:30.

    You will learn all the details about St. Peter's Basilica from the video:

  • Vatican Museums located on the opposite side of the main entrance to the Cathedral. It is better to book tickets in advance in order to successfully avoid a huge queue. Opening hours: 9.00 - 16.00, ticket 16 euros.

    The Vatican Museums are one of the most important museum complexes in the world.

  • Roman Forum and Colosseum. To be in Rome and not visit the Colosseum is an unforgivable mistake. It is best to see this building from the inside.

    Outside, you can not see the full scale of this ancient place, steeped in history.

    Tickets are best purchased for 5 euros at the box office near the Roman Forum (there is no queue), from where to start the tour. Opening hours: 08:30 to 18:15,. http://archeoroma.beniculturali.it/en/archaeological-site/colosseum

    Well, you can admire the great monuments right now by watching the video:

  • Pantheon is an ancient temple of all the ancient Roman gods and the embodiment of the greatness of the Roman Empire.

    The Pantheon is the ancient temple of all the ancient Roman gods.

    It is located in an area where within walking distance you can immediately walk to:

    • Trevi Fountain;
    • Piazza Navona with its magnificent Fountain of the "Four Rivers" by the architect Bernini, the other two are the Fountain of the Moor and the Fountain of Triton.

    It is always full of tourists and street artists, there are cafes and restaurants around the perimeter of the square.

    After long walks, it's great to spend an hour or two: sit at a table, drink coffee or order lunch, watching the work of painting, listening to multilingual speech and looking at the facade of the Cathedral of St. 19.00);

  • Surrounded by a magnificent park Villa Borghese- a gallery of the finest paintings, sculptures and luxury items, collected in the most insidious ways by Cardinal Borghese.

    Villa Borghese is surrounded by a magnificent park

    Located away from the main attractions, on Via Prenestina. Tickets (20 euros) online at the gallery website: http://www.galleriaborghese.it/galleriaBorghese.html, opening hours: Tuesday - Sunday 8.30 - 19.30;

  • Close to Rome, you can visit small town of Tivoli.

    In this place, the most famous stone for finishing buildings and interiors - travertine - is mined and processed.

    While in Tivoli, visit the castle of Pope Pius II and Villa d'Este (opening hours: 08:30 - 18:30). Multi-level fountains, a musical fountain - an organ, an amazing garden - that's what tourists come here for.


Rieti is a province, having arrived in which you need to visit:

From Rome to Rieti - 85 km.


Here you can see:

Official website of the city: http://www.visit.viterbo.it/pagine/palazzo-dei-priori


The most “medieval” province is located 80 km from Rome. Frosione retained a look close to what she had many hundreds of years ago.

Frosinone kept the spirit of the Middle Ages

You can appreciate the heritage by visiting:

  • in Palace of the Prefecture on Freedom Square (Italian: Piazza della Libertà);
  • in Abbey of Montecassino(Abbazia di Montecassino). Admission is free, from 09:00 - 16:45;
  • 50 km from the city of Frosinone, in the "city of the popes" - Anagni, on Via Vittorio Emanuele 238, there is a beautiful palace Palazzo di Bonifacio VIII and Museum. Opening hours: 09:30 - 13:00, 15:00 - 19:00, ticket 3 euros, with audio guide - 5 euros. Website: http://www.archeoares.it/palazzo-bonifacio-anagni/


This province is located starting from the coast of the Terran Sea.

Beautiful landscapes, a sea lagoon with sheer cliffs - this is a familiar picture in these places.

In the province of Latina you will enjoy magnificent landscapes

While in Latina, it is worth visiting:

  • in the natural park Montagna Spaccata. This opportunity is not to be missed if you have running shoes and a desire to see really breathtaking views, coupled with the legend according to which Mount Spaccata was split at the moment when Jesus was crucified;
  • in an old castle Castello Caetani, located in the town of Sermoneta. A picturesque castle on a mountain, overlooking the sea, entwined with roses and retaining a look reminiscent of past centuries;
  • Torre Truglia in Sperlonga, unusual towers on the picturesque seashore. There are art exhibitions inside. Tourists visiting these places take great photos against the backdrop of the towers;
  • IN Sant'Angelo It is worth seeing the Fortress of the Thieves (Italian: Castello Medioevale di Itri). The medieval walls often host concerts and performances by local artists.


As in all of Italy, the Lazio region loves urban, bustling festivities. Both townspeople and tourists who accidentally or intentionally got to the next event participate.
What holidays are worth visiting:

Local kitchen

Being in Lazio, having tried the local cuisine, it becomes clear that it is based on the principles of using simple ingredients and not complicated (not long) cooking.
The following snacks are common (Italian antipasti):

It is impossible to imagine Italian cuisine without desserts.

Local typical "dolchi":

The wines of the Lazio region - "Laziali" are known for the white Frascati wine (Castelli region) and the white EST EST EST! - from Montefiascone.

Red wine from the Viterbo region - Genazzano. The favorite wine of the Romans - local residents - Cesanese. This brand of red wine is produced 40 km from Rome.

The best restaurants in the Lazio region (according to visitor reviews):


Lazio is a region with dry, hot summers (June, July 30 - 32C), strong winds from the sea and rains in winter (December, January 3 - 8C).

The best time to relax and visit the sights of Lazio is May, early June.

What else to see

Lazio has wonderful beaches, therefore, in the season - from mid-June to October, you can relax in Montalto di Castro (Viterbo, 108 km from Rome), Ardea, Cervetere, Civitavecchia, Ladispoli, Santa Marinella (a district of Rome), Formia, Fondi, Sperlonga, Gaeta, San Felice Circeo, (Latina, 105 km from Rome).

Beach lovers will have a great time in Lazio

As in many regions of Italy, Lazio has thermal springs - "terms".

(Italian Fiuggi), which is located 87 km from Rome, in Frosinone, surrounded by Italian pines.

In the province of Viterbo, 106 km from Rome - Sorgente termale del Bulicame. Mineral water temperature 58C, treats a wide range of diseases.

Lazio is still of particular interest to fans of the football club of the same name. In Rome, these tourists can definitely be advised to come to the Stadio Olimpico, the home stadium of the Lazio club. Located in Piazzale del Foro Italico. Website: http://www.asroma.com/en


During seasonal shopping, when there are discounts of up to 70% in Italian stores, crowds of tourists - shopping lovers fly to Rome, Milan and other cities.
Lazio has the best shopping experience in Rome. The shopping street Via del Corso, running from Piazza Venezia with the Emmanuel Monument to Piazza del Poppolo, consists of shops and cafes alone.

Shopping street Via del Corso will give shoppers an unforgettable experience

Via Babuino is a series of expensive brands, Via Frattina is a street of more economical shops.
Via Nazionale, starting from Piazza della Repubblica and going towards Piazza Venezia, is also full of shops, cafes and salons.

A few kilometers from the city center, there is an outlet - Castel Romano Designer Outlet.

Website: http://www.mcarthurglen.com/it/castel-romano-designer-outlet/it/
Opening hours: 10.00 - 20.00

How to get there

The most convenient and fastest way to get to the Lazio region is to fly to the Fiumicino International Airport in Rome.

From the major cities of Italy to Rome, it is convenient to come by commuter train by booking tickets on the railway website: www.trenitalia.it, or by buying a ticket immediately at the box office on the station platform.

Road trip is also a great way to come to Lazio, appreciating the excellent quality of intercity routes, tunnels and bus stops along the way.


Lazio is a land filled with world famous, stunning monuments of architecture, history and art.

Baths, wonderful cuisine and wines, stunning landscapes, shopping - there is everything for a good rest, as well as for aesthetic pleasure.

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The Riviera Lazio stretches along the Tyrrhenian Sea for more than 100 km. Thanks to its climate with the largest number of sunny days per year on the Tyrrhenian Sea, as well as a warm climate that allows the beach season to "stretch" from May to November, this region has become one of the most visited seaside resorts in the country. There are beautiful wide sandy beaches, steep cliffs, crystal clear sea, fortress walls of different eras, temples and baths, summer residences of emperors and wealthy patricians, numerous medieval fortresses and palaces, abbeys and churches... The hallmark of the region is Mount Circeo with karst grottoes , in one of which - the Guattari grotto, a skull of a man who lived 50 thousand years ago was found. The nearby towns of San Felice Circeo, Sabaudia, Ponza, Santa Marinella, Terracina, Sperlonga and Gaeta are also of interest, in each of which you can find relaxation to your liking and beautiful beaches.

The beaches of Lazio (Latium)

This region is located Rome, the capital of Italy, so Lazio cannot complain about the lack of attention from tourists. Pilgrimage here does not stop all year round. Despite the fact that travelers are attracted to Lazio, first of all, by cultural and historical values, the region can also offer guests thermal springs and beautiful sea and freshwater beaches. The coastline of Lazio is quite interesting and varied in relief. It consists of long beaches and picturesque reefs.

The most popular beach in Rome - Ostia(Ostia), always full of vacationers, so it's better to get a little away from the capital and get to Anzio(Anzio), lying among the gently sloping sand dunes.

The most amazing part of the coast Circeo National Park(Circeo National Park). The park has several freshwater lakes surrounded by oak forests. Closer to the sea, forests give way to sandy beaches that offer stunning views of the islands. Pontine(Pontine Islands), among which are the famous resort islands Ponza(Ponza) and Ventotene(Ventotene). All the islands in the archipelago are of volcanic origin, bizarre grottoes and unusual underwater formations make them an ideal place for diving enthusiasts. The island of Ponza has a unique beach Gaia di Luna(Ghiaia di Luna), the path to which lies through a long tunnel built by the ancient Romans. Fragments of ancient vessels and tools are still found in the walls of the tunnel.

Another interesting place in Lazio - seaside towns Terracina(Terracina) Sperlonga(Sperlonga) and Gaeta(Gaeta), which have also become attractive seaside resorts in recent years.

sandy beaches Terracina stretch along the sea for 5 km. These places have been a favorite summer holiday destination for the Romans since antiquity. And today the majority of vacationers in Terracina are Italians.

Sperlonga famous since ancient times: the emperor Tiberius loved her, and the remains of his villa still tower on the hill. In addition, the emperor was a noble swimmer, next to Sperlonga there is an impressive grotto named after him. To visit here and not swim to the grotto is to waste time in vain. In general, Sperlonga is an ideal place for those who would like to combine a quiet beach holiday with an excursion to Rome, which is less than an hour away by train.

Gaeta is located on a small, rather narrow cape and thanks to this it seems as if the town literally soars above the water. There are several excellent rocky beaches around, not too crowded and surrounded by olive trees.

The area north of Rome is covered with ancient forests and includes three large volcanic lakes. lakes Bolsena(Bolsena) and Bracciano(Bracciano) is an excellent choice for those who are fond of water sports, but prefer fresh sea water. Lake Vico(Vico) is located in a nature reserve. The use of motor vehicles and motor boats is prohibited in its vicinity. Hiking, boating and horseback riding enthusiasts come here.