Where is the bus stop 308 on Domodedovo. Bus from Domodedovo metro station to Domodedovo airport

Distance from Domodedovo to Domodedovo - 25 km. You can get to the airport by bus or fixed-route taxi with a single number - 308.

The bus stop is located at the metro exit, near the pharmacy, on the even side of the Kashirskoye Highway (understudy). If you take the metro from the center, you need to take the last car, get off, turn right in the passage, walk to the end of the tunnel and take the last exit on the left.

From the metro station (green Zamoskvoretskaya line), which is located in the Orekhovo-Borisovo South (YuAO), express bus number 308 departs regularly during the day.

The first flight is at 06:00, the last one is at midnight. The cruising interval is 15–20 minutes. The ticket is purchased from the driver. The fare is 85 rubles, children under 7 years old are free.

Luggage up to 25 km - 31 rubles, up to 50 km - 62 rubles.

The bus will take you 45 minutes from place to place. During peak hours, there will be traffic jams, and travel time will increase (however, it depends on the situation).

Look for bus number 308 on the scoreboard from the Yandex service. Schedules. Below is the next flight. The schedule for all days is available on the service itself via the link.

Minibuses go in the same direction, that is, to the airport. Unlike the bus, they run around the clock. There is no clear timetable, but there is an approximate one. From 06:00 to 24:00, minibuses, like buses, run every 15–20 minutes, but mostly as they fill up. The night interval increases to 40 minutes.

A minibus ride costs 120 rubles for everyone. Tickets are purchased from the driver. The rates for baggage that occupies a separate seat are the same as on the bus.

The fare for a taxi on this route depends on the taxi company. Different services have different prices. The same is true for fares offered by various smartphone transport apps (Uber, Yandex, Gett, etc.).

On average, the cost ranges from 850 to 1,450 rubles.

Travel time - from 20 minutes, if there are no traffic jams, and to infinity, if something went wrong. We recommend that you monitor the situation on the roads of the capital using the Yandex. Traffic jams.

Domodedovo Airport: Directions

  • Full ticket - 500 rubles.
  • Business class - 1000 rubles.
  • Family (1-2 adults + up to 3 children under the age of 14) - 950 rubles.
  • Children (5-7 years old) - 130 rubles.
  • Children under 5 travel free.

From the metro Domodedovskaya.
The last car from the center. In the underpass to the right, to the end of the tunnel, then climb up the right stairs.

Timetable: from 06:00 to 24:00, every 15 minutes, after 22:00 with an extended interval.
The standard travel time is 35 minutes, but can be highly dependent on traffic conditions.

From the metro Domodedovskaya.
The last car from the center. In the underpass to the right to the end of the tunnel. If you climb the stairs and look around, you can immediately see the bus stop.

Timetable: from 06:00 to 24:00, as full, every 5-15 minutes, after 22:00 every 20-30 minutes, at night from 00:00 to 06:00 according to the schedule.
Travel time is 25-30 minutes, but may increase in difficult traffic conditions.

Domodedovo Airport is equipped with several free and paid parking lots. In paid parking lots, a free interval is provided - 15 minutes after entry.

Minibus to Domodedovo Airport

  • The route schedule is from 06-00 to 00-00 with a frequency of 5 - 15 minutes.
  • The traffic schedule at night is from 00-00 to 06-00 with a frequency of 40 minutes.
  • On the road - 30 min.
  • The cost of a trip by minibus is 120 rubles.
  • Baggage - 60 rubles.
  • The schedule of the route is from 06-40 to 22-00
  • The frequency of movement is 20-30 minutes.
  • On the road - 40 min.
  • The fare in the minibus is 65 rubles.

We go from Moscow to Domodedovo Airport - from 68 rubles

In this article, I answer the question of how to get to Domodedovo Airport. I will tell you in detail about all the methods, indicate the current prices and time of transport. I note that I will not give an answer on how best to get to Domodedovo Airport, since for everyone there will be an ideal option.

I always choose based on the price / quality ratio. In the case of Domodedovo, for me it is an express bus from the metro station that takes passengers directly to the airport. But I won't get ahead of myself.

There are several ways to get to Domodedovo, like other Moscow airports.

  1. Aeroexpress.
  2. Train.
  3. Bus.
  4. Taxi.
  5. Car (parking at Domodedovo Airport with free transfer and free luggage packing: http://dme.parkline.online/.

This is no longer a comfortable Aeroexpress, but the ticket price is much lower. The train also departs from the Paveletsky railway station. Its main disadvantage is that it follows with all the stops and the travel time almost doubles - up to 70-75 minutes.

The train schedule changes periodically, so I will not bring it here. Schedule of Minibuses‰8 to Domodedovo Airport At night, kazan? Up-to-date information is provided in the Yandex. Schedules. Finding the schedule is very simple: in the "From" field, we drive Paveletsky railway station, in the "To" field - Domodedovo Airport, we also indicate the date of the trip. Please note that in addition to trains, the timetable will also include Aeroexpress.

It is easy to distinguish them at a price that is four times higher.

How to find: get out of the last car along the train from the center, turn right in the underpass, then go up the right stairs to the exit to the city.

Under the number and from the same metro station, social buses and minibuses depart. The fare in the minibus is 120 rubles (plus the minibus is that it runs at night - once every 40 minutes), travel in a social bus will cost from 70 rubles (with the Strelka card) to 85 (without this card) rubles (such a bus travels with all stops).

You can get from Domodedovo to the metro in the same ways as indicated above, only in reverse order. The bus / minibus will bring you to the Domodedovskaya station.

The answer above is a minibus that runs between the Domodedovskaya metro station and Domodedovo Airport every 40 minutes. In a similar way, you can get from Domodedovo Airport to Moscow at night at night.

Taxi to Domodedovo Airport can be ordered both by phone and on the Internet. I recommend using the services of licensed carriers. If you need to get from the airport to the city by taxi, there are dispatch desks in the terminal building. Again, you can book a private transfer in advance.

Domodedovo Airport has many car parks with a total capacity of more than 5,000 spaces. The cost of a day depends on the distance in relation to the passenger terminal. Below is a map of parking lots.

It shows that you can leave the car in eight parking lots.

I know from my own experience that travelers who do not live in the capital often need to a whole travel plan, the starting point of which is the station where their train arrives. For example, how to get from Yaroslavsky railway station to Domodedovo airport? Naturally, it all depends on the mode of transportation that you have chosen.

But if, for example, you decide to take bus number 308, then you need to get from the Komsomolskaya metro station (the station closest to the Yaroslavsky railway station) to Domodedovskaya.

The Yandex application will help in compiling the optimal route. Metro, which is easily installed on an Android smartphone (there are versions for iPhone and Windows Phone). Thanks to it, it is easy to calculate that the travel time will be about 35 minutes and one change will be needed. Next bus, airport, plane and hooray, hooray, hooray trip =0).

In a similar way, you can calculate the best travel route from any railway station in the capital. Do you want to know how to get from Kazansky railway station to Domodedovo airport? No problems! By the way, it is located next to the Yaroslavl railway station, so the path will be the same as described above.

If you decide to get to Domodedovo by Aeroexpress, then in the “Where to” field we indicate the metro station “Paveletskaya”.

Yandex. money 41001824885784

Once I flew out of Domodedovo, got there by bus, there were no express trains yet. actually arrived quickly. In general, you can also draw up instructions for Domodedovo itself. I remember that with difficulty I found what was there and where.

Bus number 308 in Domodedovo (Domodedovo) runs along the Kashirskoye highway. Starting points are the Domodedovskaya metro station or the bus stop at the airport. Thanks to this route, it is convenient to get to Domodedovo Airport from different points in Moscow and from other airports. Travel time is up to 30 minutes if you manage to avoid traffic jams.

Bus number 308 to Domodedovo airport

Bus 308 to Domodedovo is of three types. They differ in ticket price, timetable and travel time. They follow the same route.

Express bus

High-speed option (express): ticket price - 150 rubles, travels regularly according to the schedule, stops at three major stops or on demand. The interval between departures is 7 - 20 minutes, in the evening the interval increases. Travel for children under 7 years old is free, luggage is not paid separately. On the route, there is a convenient comfortable transport with a large cargo compartment, so that passengers can conveniently place their luggage. Travel time from 6.00 to midnight. The journey will take 25-30 minutes.

Shuttle taxi

Shuttle taxis run every 15 minutes, depart as they fill up. The fare is 120 rubles. The advantage is that they run around the clock, at night (from midnight to 6 in the morning) the minibus leaves with an interval of 40 minutes. Stops on demand. Travel time is 20 minutes, gazelles travel fast. You will have to pay for luggage separately. It should be borne in mind that there is much less space there, so think in advance whether you will fit into the minibus with your suitcases, given that other travelers in Moscow may have the same suitcases.

social bus

Social option: the cost of the trip will cost 79 rubles. There are social benefits for certain segments of society. Moves along the route, stopping at each stop. The interval of movement is 30 minutes, the schedule of bus number 308 is strict. Runs from 6 am to 9 pm or 9:30 pm. Travel time increases as it stops frequently. Children are free to travel, and there is no need to pay for luggage.

From the airport:

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
20 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 20 20 15 15 15 15 15 20 20 30
40 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 40 30 30 30 30 30 40 40
45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45

From metro station Domodedovskaya:

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
20 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 20 20 15 15 15 15 15 20 20 30
40 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 40 30 30 30 30 30 40 40
45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45

Bus stop at Domodedovskaya metro station

Finding the location of bus stop number 308 is not difficult. Arriving from anywhere in Moscow by train to the desired station, get off the last car in the direction of travel. Find the underpass and go right. Without turning anywhere, go to the last exit. We rise to the surface of the earth along the left stairs. When you get up, turn around and follow to the crossroads, then turn left. If you can’t figure it out, ask passers-by for directions to the place where the transport to Domodedovo Airport departs from.

Bus stop at the airport

The public transport stop is located 100 meters from the airport, opposite exit number 2. The second entrance group is intended for international flights. Those arriving on a domestic flight must make a short journey from their terminal to Gate 2. The route and stops of the bus, social or high-speed, or gazelle are the same. Vehicles arrive and depart from the same stop. If it’s hard to figure it out, contact the airport staff and ask where bus number 308 stops in Domodedovo, they will definitely tell you.

The official carriers on route No. 308 are Mostransavto and Avtoline LLC. Trips are made on comfortable buses Mercedes, Man and Scania. The advantage of ground public transport is its low cost, the price of a bus ticket varies between 80 - 120 rubles, you can save money. The bus from Moscow to Domodedovo airport (minibus) is a real salvation for those who travel at night (this is the only transport, except for a taxi, that runs around the clock), but how to get to the Domodedovskaya metro station at night is a separate question, because the metro does not work.

There are several ways to get from Moscow to the Domodedovo airport terminal: Aeroexpress train, taxi/transfer, public transport. But the last choice is most often rejected, overpaid, some are not informed at all about it. Domodedovo bus will take you to your destination for a price 5-10 times cheaper. And urban transport is the same as the Aeroexpress train in terms of road comfort.

Usually people try to get to the airport from the Domodedovskaya metro station. They are connected by buses and a minibus with the same route and number 308, which will cover a distance of 25 km without transfers.

Under the number 308 go: express bus, social transport with benefits, fixed-route taxi. There are buses from Domodedovo to Domodedovo airport according to the schedule in half an hour (from 6:00 am to midnight). Even night buses move, so it is not necessary to call a taxi and transfers to take them to the terminal building. At night, from midnight to 6:00 am, the interval of arrival at the bus stop is 40 minutes.


Bus No. 308 Moscow-Domodedovo timetable:

The ticket price for travel is 150 rubles per adult. Children under 7 travel free.

There is a luggage compartment. If you need to cover a distance with luggage that does not exceed 25 km, then the cargo fee will be 60. If the route is less than 50 km, then 90. If the distance to Domodedovo Airport by bus is 25 km, it means that 60 rubles are paid extra for the cargo . Total bus fare to Domodedovo Airport is 210 rubles per person.

You can save on a trip to Domodedovo Airport by bus by paying:

  • Card "Strelka", intended for a trip around the Moscow region. It is better to take it if you often travel from the Moscow region to Moscow and back.
  • VISA payWave.
  • Mastercard Pay Pass.

Payment by these methods reduces the price of a trip from Domodedovo to Moscow by bus by 15 rubles, that is, the fare now costs 135. With luggage, the fare costs 195.


Social transport is designed for people with benefits, so the fare is lower. It is 92 rubles without cards. When paying with a Strelka card, Mastercard PayPass or VISA payWave, a transport ride will cost 73 rubles 60 kopecks. Children under 7 years of age do not need to pay for the trip.

Luggage transportation is paid, but prices are also reduced due to benefits. If the trip is not longer than 25 km, then the surcharge for luggage will be 34 rubles. Up to 50 km - 68, and further 50 km - 102. In general, for a trip from the metro to the airport, you will have to pay the full cost of 126, when paying by card or contactless - 107 rubles 60 kopecks.

According to the schedule during the day, social transport runs every half an hour.


Minibuses from Domodedovo airport in the afternoon 6:00 - 00:00 run from the metro station "Domodedovskaya" every 15-30 minutes. Departs after a set of people. At night, from 0:00 to 06:00, minibuses to Domodedovo Airport depart in 40 minutes. Payment is made in the same way with express transport: without cards and non-cash payment, the fare costs 150, and with a card or PayPass / payWave - 135.

For luggage at a distance of less than 25 km, the payment is 60 rubles, and for 50 km - 90.

Stop near metro

How to find a stop:

  1. If you are taking the metro from the center, then take the last carriage. He stops just outside the right exit.
  2. On the sign "Exit to the city" 2 directions will be written: To Kashirskoye shosse and to Voronezhskaya street. Turn left onto the highway.
  3. Pass the turnstiles, then there will be a table with 2 directions: to Kashirskoye shosse or Orekhovy Boulevard and a bus to Domodedovo. The last option is indicated by exit #6.
  4. Go to the end of the tunnel to exit #6.
  5. Exit at number 6 leads to the Kashirskaya road, along which express and city transport, social buses and fixed-route taxis move. Here you can take a bus. After a few meters there will be a stop.