Indian village. Indian village "children of the wind"

Here is a historical rookery of people - people from real Indian tribes who revere the traditions of their ancestors.


Indian Village in Miami marked on maps as Miccosukee Indian Village & Airboat Rides ". If you move west, then the settlement is located 30 kilometers away from Miami-Dade. The culture of the tribe is famous for its historical flavor. On these lands, visitors and numerous guests will certainly find interesting things to do.

Someone will be able to master the secrets of ancient beading, someone is interested in patchwork, while others will get satisfaction from how Indians in Miami know how to make unique dolls.

Guests of the village who are interested in historical artifacts will be able to restore the events of past years by watching short films. And if the soul asks for real adventures, then there is always a way to go on a trip along the famous "River of Grass or Alligator Swamp" on a modern airboat.

On the expedition, which starts across the road from the village, travelers will visit historical lands. The owners of these plantations Miami Indians have been in existence for over 100 years. The trip will be remembered by the meeting with alligators, exotic birds and other representatives of the fauna living in the natural environment.

Village tour and hovercraft rides

Going on a tour of the places of residence of the Indians with an experienced guide, you can get multifaceted information about the cultural characteristics of modern tribes and compare them with historical facts.

Cultural museums with paintings by tribal artists and photographic materials taken by researchers of the legendary Indian tribe Miccosukee .

Indian Village in Miami known for local restaurants serving hungry travelers with local fare, including frog legs, pumpkin bread, catfish and alligator meat, Indian tacos, and the standard range of American menus.

Wondering what else to see in Miccosukee Indian Village , you should definitely visit a show with live crocodiles, where the natives will test your nerves for strength, showing various tricks.

Order excursion to the Indian village Miccosukee, you will definitely be interested.

Additional Information
The address Mile Marker 35 U.S. 41, Miami, FL 33194
Telephone +1-305-552-8365
Ticket price

Indian Village:


  • 12-65 years - $12.
  • 6-12 years old - $6;
  • 5 years and under - free.



  • 12-65 years - $20.
  • 6-12 years old - $12;
  • 5 years and under - free.

Special offers and private tours:

  • 35 minutes: adults $45, children $15;
  • 1 hour: adults $55, children $20;
  • children under 5 years old - admission is free
Working mode

Village & Airboats:

  • Daily from 09:00 - 17:00.

Every hour in the village:

  • Tours from 10:30 to 15:30;
  • Alligator show from 11:00 to 16:00.

Restaurant open:

  • Every day from 08:00 - 18:00.
Web site

We invite you to a fascinating excursion to the Indian village "Children of the Wind". This amazing atmospheric museum is located in the village of Yugo-Kamsky, in the Perm region Perm Territory. You have a unique opportunity to feel like a real Indian, every minute of your stay in the Indian Village will be filled with fresh air, creativity and work.

You will see that the Indians live in tipis - traditional Indian dwellings. Small wigwams are arranged for children, and in the middle of the village there is a main tent. It is worth noting that a real tipi is assembled without nails, it consists of bars, fabric, ropes, cones. A cone-shaped structure must be assembled by an Indian woman in half an hour. It is believed that an Indian man should not engage in such "nonsense" as assembling a tipi or a wigwam. The inner space of the tipi is quite spacious, a properly diluted hearth is able to keep the heat in the house for a long time. Inipi is a traditional Indian bath, the cleansing in it is more spiritual than "physical".

The village "Children of the Wind" is strewn with all kinds of art objects. The most interesting of them is the sundial. To find out the time, you need to stand in the center "on the spot" and determine the value by the shadow. Time intervals are indicated by stumps, which are decorated with Indian runes, symbolizing the house, water, air, etc. Communications did not bypass the Indian village of the XXI century. Drinking water is supplied through a wooden water pipe in the form of hollowed out gutters. Its beginning is taken from a stream on a hill.

A healthy lifestyle is maintained in the Children of the Wind village. Its founders use natural resources, improve the environment, do not use "fire water" (alcohol). It is forbidden to swear and behave aggressively. At the same time, modern gadgets are used here, and 3G is “confident” in this place, because there is no escape from work and worries.

Master classes will be organized for us on making traditional Indian household items or souvenirs. For this, wood and clay are used. Anyone can shoot from a bow, try his hand at a craft, mark knives. The most courageous will have their faces painted. At the end excursion program tea with traditional Indian cakes and pies awaits you.

In winter, the Five Snow Brothers program is held here. Five snow brothers cover the ground with snow. They command frost, ice and cold winds. They also love to play, have fun and welcome guests.

You will see: Big wigwam of Wisdom, Inca snow pyramid, intricate labyrinth, Igloo snow dwelling, English fort (snow fortress), a lot of snow sculptures and a big protracted slide.

The program includes:
-Sightseeing tour of the village with a story about the winter traditions and survival technologies of North American Indians and peoples Far North. Visit to Igloo.
- Skiing down the snow slide
- Passage of the Indian labyrinth
- Interactive playgrounds to choose from (face painting in Indian holiday coloring, archery, playing ethnic drums, photographing in a roach (Indian feather headdress), playing snowballs-siege of an English fort
- Herbal tea with traditional Navajo flatbread
-Farewell ceremony and departure from the village

The price includes: transport, escort by a company employee, sightseeing tour along the camp and forest route, face painting, archery, tea with pies or scones , preparation of documents for the transportation of children for the traffic police.

Attention! The tour program is subject to change!

Additional expenses:
1. Travel excursion +700 rubles per group.
2. A real Indian New Year's gift - 200 rubles (you need to order in advance)

We invite schoolchildren and adults to a special place of strength, freedom and discoveries on excursion Indian Village "Children of the Wind". You have a unique opportunity to live the day of a real Indian! This is the best place for recreation with the whole family, a space of freedom, work and a healthy relationship with nature. In the village, there is an ecological way of life that is not quite familiar to us, for urban residents: the use of natural resources, the disposal of waste products and the improvement of the environment.

On the excursion Indian village "Children of the Wind" you can not only have a great rest from the bustle of the city, but also learn a lot of new and very interesting things, because the inhabitants of this village are engaged in what is inaccessible to us in everyday life. During the tour you will learn what you can do to be more independent, believe in yourself, know, respect and love nature! Every minute of this day will be filled with fresh air, creative work and creativity.

The Indians will tell you about their life and show you their way of life, as well as provide an amazing opportunity to throw out all the tension that has accumulated in the city and recharge with the powerful energy of mother nature!

On the tour, the Indians will open the curtain for you in their wonderful world and show you what it looks like: overnight at Tipi, Inipi Indian bath, craft workshops, shooting range, Young Warrior's Trail, poultry house and vegetable garden, Totems and a Shaman who knows a thousand stories.

In the village, you will learn to be closer and kinder to each other, because slander, aggressive behavior and the use of "fire water" are prohibited here.
You only need to wish - and the fabulous world of Freedom and Adventure will become real!

Indian Village Experience Program

Arrival at the Wind Children Indian Village

Meeting, familiarization with the rules of stay

Sightseeing tour of the village with a story about the traditions, life and rituals of the North American Indians.

Painting faces in Indian holiday coloring


Playing ethnic drums

Photographing in roach (Native American feather headdress)

Tea with traditional Navajo flatbread

Farewell ceremony and departure from the village

Duration of excursion in the village - 2 hours

Option 2: All Inclusive

The price of the tour includes:

1. Transfer on a comfortable bus class "Tourist"

2. Entertainment and educational program on the bus with a quiz and prizes

3. Program "Introduction to the Indian Village"


900 rub. per person (for a group of 40 to 45 people) + 4 sopr. for free

950 rub. per person (for a group of 35 to 39 people) + 3 resp. for free

1000 rub. per person (for a group of 30 to 34 people) + 3 accompanying persons free of charge

1150 rub. per person (for a group of 23 to 29 people) +2 accompanying persons free of charge

10000 rub. from a group of up to 19 people + 500 rubles per person

(Serves a comfortable minibus for 20 seats: 19 people + guide)

Program duration: 5 hours, including 2 hours in the Indian Village.

Indian Village "Children of the Wind"

"Sun Day" Excursion to the Indian ethnographic village"Children of the Wind"

We invite you to a fascinating excursion to the Indian village "Children of the wind". This amazing atmospheric museum is located in the village of Yugo-Kamsky, in the Perm region of the Perm region. You have a unique opportunity to feel like a real Indian, every minute of your stay in the Indian Village will be filled with fresh air, creativity and work.

You will see that the Indians live in tipis - traditional Indian dwellings. Small wigwams are arranged for children, and in the middle of the village there is a main tent. It is worth noting that a real tipi is assembled without nails, it consists of bars, fabric, ropes, cones. A cone-shaped structure must be assembled by an Indian woman in half an hour. It is believed that an Indian man should not engage in such "nonsense" as assembling a tipi or a wigwam. The inner space of the tipi is quite spacious, a properly diluted hearth is able to keep the heat in the house for a long time. Inipi is a traditional Indian bath, the cleansing in it is more spiritual than “physical”.

The village "Children of the Wind" is strewn with all kinds of art objects. The most interesting of them is the sundial. To find out the time, you need to stand in the center "on the spot" and determine the value by the shadow. Time intervals are indicated by stumps, which are decorated with Indian runes, symbolizing the house, water, air, etc. Communications did not bypass the Indian village of the XXI century. Drinking water is supplied through a wooden water pipe in the form of hollowed out gutters. Its beginning is taken from a stream on a hill.

A healthy lifestyle is maintained in the Children of the Wind village. Its founders use natural resources, improve the environment, do not use "fire water" (alcohol). It is forbidden to swear and behave aggressively. At the same time, modern gadgets are used here, and 3G is “confident” in this place, because there is no escape from work and worries.

On the excursions "Children of the wind" in the Indian village master classes on making traditional Indian household items or souvenirs will be organized for us. For this, wood and clay are used. Anyone can shoot from a bow, try his hand at a craft, mark knives. The most courageous will have their faces painted. At the end of the excursion program, you will have a tea party with traditional Indian cakes and pies.