How to make a do-it-yourself crayfish from improvised means?

Fans of drinking beer with delicious boiled crayfish are unlikely to refuse to learn how to make crayfish with their own hands at home.

Moreover, the cost of this classic beer snack has never been small.

In addition, among experienced fishermen, the use of a crayfish is considered the most effective fishing option, since otherwise, in order to pull a biting arthropod out of a hole, you will have to catch it by diving deep into the water.

Usually crayfish hunting takes place from June to November, and if you follow the tips below on how to make a crayfish with your own hands, then this season you will have time to enjoy your favorite dish.

Below in the article will be considered various types of crayfish.

Cracker from plastic bottles

The scheme by which a plastic bottle is made from a plastic bottle can be used both at home and in an emergency.

Just imagine yourself on vacation near a river in which crayfish are found. People catch full buckets, but you don’t have a crayfish and you have nothing to catch.

This is where the knowledge of how to make a crayfish from improvised means comes in handy.

For work you will need:

  • Plastic bottles (2 pcs of 5 l; 1 pc of 1.0 l).
  • Fishing line 3 mm and awl;
  • Stationery knife.

We make blanks for crayfish from plastic bottles:

  • We make a cylinder from a 1.0 liter bottle, for this we cut off its neck and bottom. Plastic will be easier to cut if you heat the blade of the knife over the fire;
  • Next, we work with 5 liter containers. At the first, we cut off the bottom and the neck according to the same principle; at the second - we cut off the neck, but do not touch the bottom. In this case, the neck of the first bottle must be cut in such a way that the diameter obtained at the outlet corresponds to the diameter of the cylinder made from a liter bottle. In order not to make a mistake with the dimensions, before cutting on the neck of a 5-liter container, you can make marks using a ready-made cylinder.

Gathering pieces together:

  • With the help of an awl from above, around the circumference, we make holes in the liter cylinder with an interval of 1.5 cm. In the process of work, you can put a wooden rail under the plastic;
  • Carry out the same actions with other cut edges of the containers;
  • Using a piece of fishing line, we alternately thread it through the holes between the liter and 5 liter bottles. As a result, you should get that the place of the neck of a 5-liter container was taken by a firmly sewn cylinder;
  • To the resulting design, to the cut edges of a large bottle, we sew a second five-liter bottle with a fishing line;
  • We tousle the edges of the liter cylinder and bend them inward, as a result of which the arthropod can fall into the trap, and the fluffy strips of plastic will not release it back;
  • Further, throughout the structure, with the help of a knife, we make holes 1x1 cm, due to which the crayfish will collect water and sink more easily;
  • We pass a long rope through the holes, so that it enters from one side of the structure, but not through a liter cylinder, and exits from the other side. Tie the short end of the rope to the long end.

Everything, the shell is ready.

As you know, crayfish feed on carrion, so just before catching them, bait is placed inside the crayfish in the form of a piece of rotten meat.

Rakolovka from nylon mesh - inkwell

You can make the following type of shell yourself using:

  • kapron fine mesh;
  • kapron thread;
  • wire cutters;
  • wire, with a thickness of 5 mm.

This design for the crayfish is made in several stages, after which you can safely go to catch crayfish.

By the way, the bait is prepared for them in advance, but more on that later.

Step-by-step instructions for making a crawfish:

  • Make two rings of wire. The first, main, should have a diameter of 35-60 cm; the second - for the upper part of the construction of the shell, with a diameter of 15-20 cm;
  • Wrap the main ring with a fine mesh nylon mesh by winding it to the metal rim with a nylon thread. In this case, the thread must pass through the ring with an interval of at least 2 cm;
  • In the next step, prepare three pieces of wire that will be used as spacers. They will serve as a support for the main and small rings and at the same time maintain the shape of the structure. Without spacers, after lowering into the water, the shell you made will simply fold.
    The wire should have a length of 15-20 cm. With one end, it is alternately fixed with wire cutters to the main ring, and the second - to the small, upper one;
  • Cover the resulting structure, including the upper rim, with the edges of the mesh, walk around the rim and mesh holes with a nylon thread. Attach a handle to the finished rachevna.

As a result, you will get an open top shell. It is lowered to the bottom with a long rope.

Rakolovka from a rolled metal mesh

This type of shell can be done by hand using a metal mesh. Such a product is much more durable and every professional angler has it.

To work, you will need the following types of materials and tools:

  • metal mesh, roll 1 m wide;
  • wire for fastening;
  • metal scissors;
  • kapron threads, ruler;
  • protective gloves.

We create a cage based on a metal mesh:

  • We take a piece of mesh 80 cm long. As a result, the material with which we will have to work will receive parameters of 80x100 cm;
  • We fold the grid into a cylinder shape so that most of it becomes a height. Between themselves, the edges of the grid are fixed with wire;
  • Determine the size of the cylinder. Its diameter, as a rule, should correspond to 25 cm;
  • Now from the same material we cut out a semicircle (radius 25 cm). We set aside with a ruler, from a point of radius a segment of 5 cm, form a circle with a radius of 5 cm, cut it out with scissors. The result should be a cone with a cropped top. We fix its edges together with a wire;
  • We install the cone with the pointed part inside the cylinder. The edges of the cone and the edges of the cylinder are also fastened with wire. On the other side of the shell, the same cone with a truncated top is installed;
  • Then we will make a hole through which it will be possible to put the bait into the cradle and, accordingly, get the prey. In the center of the metal cylinder we mark a rectangle 15 by 20 cm, we bite the wire with wire cutters from three sides. It turns out a kind of door. After the bait is placed in the cradle, the door is fixed in the incised places with wire;
  • Finally, we tie a long rope along the edges of the shell. Now you can go to catch crayfish.

What should be the bait for crayfish

Before you go catching crayfish, you need to find out more about what kind of smell the bait should have, since it is it that serves as the key to a big catch.

Oddly enough, in addition to rotten meat, crayfish willingly go for rye bread with garlic.

Unpeeled garlic is pre-crushed and pressed into the crumb, and so that the bait does not sag longer, it is placed in a nylon stocking.

You can also twist the bread with garlic into a meat grinder, and distribute the resulting mixture in portions over gauze bags.

Crayfish have an unusually strong sense of smell, and they are too fond of the smell of garlic, so you can put more of it.

Some rakolov refute the information that the bait in the form of rotten meat or fish is the most effective. On the contrary, it is good to catch crayfish on fresh products, pre-cut into pieces.

If you plan to catch prey for fish, it is recommended to use roach or bream as bait.

For the meat of predatory fish - pike and perch - cancer, for some reason, is reluctant. The fish is cut in advance along the ridge, the meat is turned out to enhance the smell.

According to cancer experts, crayfish living in separate reservoirs have their own diet. Therefore, their preference for different baits is determined by the method of trials.

To do this, the shells, in which bait of different types is placed, are placed at intervals of 15-20 m from each other. After that, it becomes clear what kind of food is best to catch arthropods.

Using the same sampling method, it was found out which food attracts crayfish at different times of the year.

In the spring, they use fish caught with their own hands or bought frozen as bait. It can be gobies, roach, carp.

As mentioned above, fish carcasses are cut.

Summer bait can be animal meat. During the heat period, crayfish willingly feast on the stomach, part of the head or liver. Such bait can be purchased at the market and cut into pieces.

In autumn, when the period of cooling sets in, bread with garlic is placed in the crayfish.

How to set up and when to check crawfish

Traps for crayfish can be set both from the shore and from a boat. The second option is most often used if the approach to the reservoir is heavily overgrown with reeds and, of course, there is a boat available.

In order not to lose orientation relative to the installed crayfish, in that place on the surface of the water, a non-sinking object is tied to the rope of the trap.

Styrofoam or similar can be used as a float for a crayfish.

Placing a crayfish from the shore, they stock up on a stag - a long horned stick. The rope of the crayfish clings to the stalk, the stick is exposed from the shore, after which the signal rope descends, and the crayfish lies on the bottom of the reservoir.

This is done so that the prey does not eat all the bait. In addition, arthropods can be attracted by a kindled fire, it is good to place traps along the line of its reflection in the water.

In addition, at night, crayfish come to the shore of the reservoir, so they can be easily collected with a flashlight.