When lavender blooms in Crimea and where. Lavender fields in Crimea, write down where to find them

June is the time of flowering of the Crimean lavender. Once this essential oil plant was cultivated throughout the Crimea, but then the demand for our lavender, or rather, for the oil obtained from it, fell and the fields began to fall into disrepair and disappear. Previously, lavender fields were right under Sevastopol and there was no need to go somewhere far to shoot it. But now it's different. Today, all photographers go to Turgenevka, near Bakhchisaray, to the only two huge fields. By the way, this is the second field in Europe in terms of area (125 hectares)!
From time to time someone tries to charge a fee for passage to the field, but each time there is a fuss in the press and in social networks and the "buying" stops. Instead, when approaching the field, the guards issue a reminder that being among the blooming lavender is deadly. Essential oils in such a concentration can easily kill an unprepared person! It also becomes clear from the memo that we are threatened by snakes, bees and bumblebees. So I'd think a hundred times over whether it's worth putting myself at that risk.
But every time, having thought a hundred and first time, I come to the lavender fields. Why? Because it's crazy, fantastically beautiful. And beauty requires sacrifice. Yes, and dying from an overdose of lavender aromas is much cooler than from poisoning with burnt vodka. So in my case it is a justified risk. Do you want to join?

2 This picture clearly shows these same fumes that can knock an elephant off its feet!

3 And this is what the rows of lavender itself look like


5 And this is a lavender bush. She grows like a ball

6 Behind the lavender field, a bright field of wheat and a lake

7 In the same place and Bakhchisaray



9 This airplane can even fly over lavender

10 Gorgeous place, right?



13 Sunset was approaching and the light began to change. Around that moment, I got a call from my friends with whom I had come here in their car and said it was time to go home. I was shocked: after all, it is for the sunset that most people come here. Of course, the "friends" left without me, and I'll show you what you and I could miss by agreeing to quit filming. True, because of this, I got home four hours later than planned: at first I walked for an hour to the highway, then for more than an hour and a half not a single bus or car stopped. As a result, some sledak gave me a ride on a service nine, and even then - only to Severnaya, where I barely managed to catch the last boat going to the city.

14 And meanwhile, the sunset began!




Lavender in Crimea blooms from mid-June to late August. And if at this time you find yourself in the Crimea, plan a trip or hike to the fragrant lavender fields.

History of Crimean lavender

In the Crimea, narrow-leaved lavender, or real lavender (Lavandula angustifolia), is grown. It is unpretentious, drought-resistant, grows even on stony soils.

This plant is native to the French and Spanish coasts. mediterranean sea, first sown in Nikitsky botanical garden about 200 years ago.

In 1928, it began to be grown commercially for the production of an essential oil used in perfumery and medicine. Its flowers contain 1.5-2% fragrant oil.

Thirty years ago, lavender fields in the Crimea occupied about 2.5 thousand hectares, and oil from the Crimea was even supplied to perfumers in France. Now the plantations have shrunk, many fields are abandoned. There is not much wild lavender in Crimea, it can be found in the foothills of Krasnolesye, on Chatyrdag and not far from Gurzuf, writes Now in Crimea.

What is made from lavender

Lavender is added to herbal teas to add flavor or sold separately (50 g from 60 rubles). This tea is drunk for colds, it soothes and relaxes.

Another useful product is aromatic oil in small vials (120-180 rubles per 10 ml). It is believed that it relieves headaches, suppresses influenza, helps with insomnia and soothes neurasthenia. Use this oil in aroma lamps or add a few drops to the bath (preferably with salt under running water).

Lavender honey is also highly valued. But although the markets and shops in the Crimea offer supposedly monofloral lavender honey, this is at best just herbs.

Where to find lavender fields in Crimea

There are lavender fields in many regions of Crimea. If you are staying in Sevastopol, Gurzuf or Alushta, you can get to the lavender fields by car, public transport or on foot.

The best places for photography are near Bakhchisaray. Near the village of Turgenevka there is the largest in Crimea and quite well-groomed lavender field.

Also near Bakhchisaray there are fields near the villages of Kudrino and Shelkovichnoe (behind the reservoir), in the mountains near the villages of Growing and Zavetnoe.

Quite large and beautiful lavender fields can be seen near the village of Lavender (Simferopol-Alushta road). In Simferopol, you need to take a trolleybus, get off at the village of Lavender and then walk for about an hour through Luchistoye towards Severnaya Demerdzhi.

Many lavender fields are located on both sides of the Simferopol-Sudak highway. The fields begin 40 km from Simferopol near the village of Crimean Rose.

If you go from Simferopol to Nikolaevka, the fields can be seen near the villages of Vodnoe and Medicinal.

Around the villages of Mazanka and Opushki near Simferopol there are large unkempt fields of lavender.

In the Belogorsky district - near the villages of Aromatnoe and Tsvetochnoe.

In Sevastopol - there are small fields not far from the boarding house. Mokrousov (Uchkuevka) and in Uchkuevka itself near the post office, as well as on the Mekenziev mountains and in Andreevka.

On Cape Tarkhankut, near the village of Olenevka, there is a small but rather picturesque lavender field.


Some time ago, tourists going on vacation to the South had a new hobby. They found out about the lavender fields in the Crimea - where they are and when they bloom, now whole strings of cars are heading to such places. The newlyweds go for wedding photo, artists and just nature lovers, and, to be honest, petty swindlers who intend to pick up a sheaf of fragrant flowers “for free”.

Where are the lilac lands located?

It is not easy to unequivocally answer the question where are the lavender fields in Crimea, which are considered the best. There are quite a lot of them, and in different regions of the region. Earlier, even under the USSR, there were even more of them, and raw materials from Taurida were even supplied to France and were in demand among perfumers there.

But even now there are many plantations. You can see them while driving along the route "Simferopol - Sudak". You need to be especially careful after the village of Crimean Rose. There is even a village called Lavender (to go from the capital to) - of course, there are landings near it. In the area of ​​the main city of Crimea, lavender grows near the villages of Vodnoe, Mazanki, Medicinal.

In Belogorye, it is between the villages of Fragrant and Tsvetochnoye (appreciate the names!). Plantations are found in Uchkuevka, and on. But the Bakhchisarai region is the richest in lavender. Plantations are planted near the villages of Kudrino, Shelkovichnoe, Growing, Zavetnoe. The most famous and popular lavender field is located near the village of Turgenevka.

The sea, the sun, the beach - you must admit, it's wonderful. But what can be a vacation without visiting natural attractions. Those where you can take pictures against the backdrop of a unique nature.
There are plenty of such places in Crimea. What are the lavender fields worth. Many tourists travel to France, Provence or other parts of our planet to see this miracle of nature. But all this can be seen here - in the Crimea.
Lavender is a low plant that grows for several years. It is mainly grown to make essential oils, but also widely used in perfumery, medicine, veterinary medicine, paint and so on.
Lavender blooms in Crimea in July and August. Even many professional photographers are looking for such fields in order to take some beautiful and unique shots against their backdrop.
One of the most beautiful lavender fields in Crimea is located near Simferopol, near the village of Lavender. Everyone knows very well that it is very convenient to get to Simferopol, for example, by train or plane. It will not be difficult to book air tickets to the peninsula or Istanbul - Burgas. And then you can get to the village of Lavender by trolleybus, you need to get off at a stop near the village itself. From the stop to the field about 6 kilometers, the correct direction is better to ask the locals.
So, let's list a few more places where you can find lavender fields in the Crimea.
1. In the Simferopol region - near the villages of Opushka and Mazanka. Here the fields are abandoned. On the way to Nikolaevka, near the village of Medicinal.
2. In the Belgorod region, near the villages of Tsvetochnoye and Aromatnoe.
3. In the Bakhchisarai region, near the villages of Shchelkovichnoye (behind the reservoir) and Kudrino. And near the village of Turgenevka there are large lavender fields. Also seen near the village of Growing.
4. Not far from Sevastopol, you can find a lavender field near the beach in Uchkuevka. There is also near the village of Andreevka.
5. If you drive towards Sudak from Simferopol, pay attention to the sides, you can also meet them there.
If you have information about where there are lavender fields in Crimea, then we will be grateful if you share it with our site about the sights of Crimea and our readers.

June is the time of flowering of the Crimean lavender. Once this essential oil plant was cultivated throughout the Crimea, but then the demand for our lavender, or rather, for the oil obtained from it, fell and the fields began to fall into disrepair and disappear. Previously, lavender fields were right under Sevastopol and there was no need to go somewhere far to shoot it. But now it's different. Today, all photographers go to Turgenevka, near Bakhchisaray, to the only two huge fields. By the way, this is the second field in Europe in terms of area (125 hectares)!
From time to time someone tries to take a fee for passage to the field, but every time there is a fuss in the press and social networks, and the "funding" stops. Instead, when approaching the field, the guards issue a reminder that being among the blooming lavender is deadly. Essential oils in such a concentration can easily kill an unprepared person! It also becomes clear from the memo that we are threatened by snakes, bees and bumblebees. So I'd think a hundred times over whether it's worth putting myself at that risk.
But every time, having thought a hundred and first time, I come to the lavender fields. Why? Because it's crazy, fantastically beautiful. And beauty requires sacrifice. Yes, and dying from an overdose of lavender aromas is much cooler than from poisoning with burnt vodka. So in my case it's a worthwhile risk. Do you want to join?

2 This picture clearly shows these same fumes that can knock an elephant off its feet!

3 And this is what the rows of lavender itself look like


5 And this is a lavender bush. She grows like a ball

6 Behind the lavender field, a bright field of wheat and a lake

7 In the same place and Bakhchisaray



9 This airplane can even fly over lavender

10 Gorgeous place, right?