Mowgli from home 2 biography. What happened to the participants of the first season of the show "Vacations in Mexico"

Bye "House 2" celebrates another anniversary, such projects as "Holidays in Mexico" leave behind really warm (more precisely, Mexican) memories. Admit it, you often hung out in front of the TV when the guys from this reality show started another dance, fight or date! Today we decided to recall the participants of the first season of the show "Holidays in Mexico" and find out how their life turned out after the project and what they are doing now.

Svyatoslav Bystrov (Staff)

Anastasia Smirnova

But one of the screen lovers Svyatoslav not life, but the real rollercoaster began after the end of the show. She was the winner, by the way. "Vacation", however, the second season. According to Nastya, for the sake of victory, for two whole seasons she "was an inadequate person."

After finishing the first "Vacation" Nastya returned to Nizhny Novgorod , but realized that now this was not enough for her, so she urgently moved to Moscow. It was then that her strong character came in handy. She decided to connect her life and career with television, so she began to go to auditions, and quite successfully. Soon she began to appear in various projects (for example, she came to look for love in the program "Let's get married"), attend social events and tried her hand at music - first she was engaged in DJing, and then she sang altogether.

One time Nastya worked as a host of beauty contests, and then even managed to star in several TV shows. Today, the girl can be seen at the most high-profile events Moscow, and also she works as a channel host STS Love . Nastya dreams of a family, but so far her career comes first.

Diana Makieva

It seems that the ill-wishers Diana there were more than fans. However, the girl did not care, she knew that she had come to the show to win. And she won! True, it turned out that from a million Diana got only 600 thousand, and Roman (Roman Nikitin- the second winner) and at all 400 thousand.

And it was precisely because of her penetrating nature that the girl achieved success in her career. During the start of the second season, she became a co-host Dmitry Nagiyev. Parallel Diana organized various events, collaborated with many TV channels and radio stations.

Today Diana often seen in the project "Masculine and feminine", and it also works with the radio station k, positioning himself as a journalist. Recently, the girl dyed her hair blonde, which was an important step for her, because ever since "Vacation" she said she would never change her hair color.

Gamzat Luguev

Strange, but on the project Gamzat had a last name Lukoev, but now she has changed a little ... Before "Vacation" this handsome man with a perfect figure worked as a stripper. Gamzat often said that he went to the casting of the show in order to find love and change his life. And he did it (the second - for sure)!

Even during his stay in the project, offers to shoot in commercials rained down on him. leaving "Holidays" he went not to Petersburg(where he lived before), and to Moscow to conquer the modeling business. And for a while, he was doing just fine. Gamzat could be seen not only in advertising chips lays.

By the way, he also managed to act in films! Gamzat received a cameo in a feature film "Kitchen in Paris".

Evgenia Petrova

Since Zhenya Staff recorded the famous track that personifies "Holidays in Mexico". Zhenya was remembered by the viewer as an objective and adequate girl (against the background of all the other brawlers). In many situations, it was really possible to take an example from her.

After the project Zhenya went home to Petersburg but didn't stay there for long. They began to call her from Ostankino and invite her to television - she did not expect this! For some time Zhenya worked as a host for MTV, but still I realized that I feel more comfortable in my native Petersburg.

Today the girl lives in two cities. She has long established herself as a DJ, travels on tour Russia, but more often, of course, he plays in St. Petersburg clubs. She also plays sports and looks great!

Alexey Mikhailovsky (chief producer of this show) has already launched the island of love season 2, where 12 sultry beauties are also fighting for two bachelors. This season is even hotter - the competition among brides is fiercer, the rules are harsher, dating contests are now becoming a real battlefield, and very promising guys have been chosen as bachelors - these are Arthur Ratner and Oleg Burkhanov. More and more intrigue and intensity of passions. In addition to the main prize of one million rubles, a pleasant surprise awaits the winner.

House 2 Love Island season 2 has undergone changes - the rules have changed, now being a maid is a real punishment.

The participants of house 2 love island season 2 live in the same conditions. To those benefits that they had (comfortable housing, healthy food, a fitness trainer), a few more were added. Now they will be visited by a yoga instructor, a psychologist for personal growth, the girls will be able to visit spas, various excursions Seychelles, often take yacht trips and have a personal chef on the island.

House 2 Love Island new season 2 has become a real paradise for both brides and bachelors. The participants were created the most comfortable conditions for building relationships. And of course, the island of love season 2 could not do without Nikita Kuznetsov. He is the host of this show.

Voting will take place through the same TNT-club application, which is absolutely free. You just have to install it on your phone and you get a unique opportunity - to decide the fate of the participants paradise island. It is the viewer who chooses the couple who will take 1 million rubles, if, of course, she deserves your trust and respect.

The first season of Love Island is incredibly popular, so TNT has invested heavily in the launch of the second season. Apparently the viewer was tired of the long-running reality show DOM-2 and everyone switched to the island with great interest. After all, there are practically no fights, dirt and digging in the underwear of the participants. All girls have appetizing forms and guys are not inferior to them in their attractiveness. The situation on the island is calm, everything is clean and tidy, which cannot be said about the current project. In general, the producers of Love Island did not fail with the launch of such a project.

Are you looking forward to the second season and all its news?

Then bookmark our site and be the first to know! Surprise your friends and acquaintances with new events from the Seychelles platform - after all, we are always a few steps ahead of the broadcasts!

For the second season, two new suitors were invited to the island of love: Oleg Burkhanov and Arthur Ratner. Oleg said that he was surprised when he saw the same composition of brides on the day of arrival. It turns out that the brides of the first season simply have not left yet, and the new girls should arrive later. Later, the third fiance Stas Tura Mowgli turned out to be on the project.

The first thing that happened on the island was conflict. Since the girls met them not very rosy. The girls decide to hazing in revenge for their unpleasant time on the island in the early days of the first season. The real conflict occurred between Oleg and Mexico.

Data on the suitors of Love Island Season 2

Arthur Ratner when was born, what did he do

Arthur Ratner, 26 years old was born on November 27, 1990, in Germany and later his family moved to Ukraine. He has already managed to earn his first million and invest in his personal first album. He is a singer of the group "Duet Escape", sang in a duet, worked in Kyiv and China, Popular single "Love forever". He studied in Luhansk, from his school years he played football and music. Prior to the project, House 2 ran a business, invested, and could earn extra money as a model.

Photo of the groom Arthur Ratner house 2 island of love

When Burkhanov was born, whom did he meet

Oleg Burkhanov(Aslan), originally from Uzbekistan, 21 years old, born in 1994 on December 16, weight 76 kg, height 168 cm, Sagittarius and Dog according to the zodiac sign. On the project, house 2 was lit up in 2014, when he came to Alena Ashmarina, who was married, had a child, she was 28 years old, but this did not bother the guy at all. Also on the project, he built relationships with Tatyana Okhulkova, Anastasia Kiushkina, whom he cheated on with Camilla, tried to build relationships with Victoria Romanets, but it did not work out. On the island of love, Liskovets ran after him, but he rejected the girl. A burning brunette ignites girlish hearts who like an emotional guy. He also worked as a bar manager before the project, studies in absentia, went in for sports.

Official pages of Oleg Burkhanov in social networks:,,

Photo by Oleg Burkhanov on the island of love

What did Stas Tura Mowgli do before the project

Stanislav Tura (Lysyuk), originally from Moscow, better known under the pseudonym Mowgli. He is a chef and gymnastics coach. Ex-participant of the TV show "Holidays in Mexico", worked before the project as an artist of the original genre, or rather a stripper in nightclubs. He also does not deny that he earns money by visiting women of different ages, for 1000 US dollars the artist dances, undresses ... There is also an unpleasant story behind him, he was seen stealing an expensive smartphone, which he stole because he was not paid extra for the exit. He handed over the phone for 10 tons to a commission near his house, so he got caught.

Arthur's reaction to the provocation of the suitors of the island of love of the second season

Arthur said that the girls staged a test, small provocations, which he decided not to fall for. This happened for about two hours. Turns out it was a test. To Buzova’s question, “what happened?” The guys answered that Mexico was trying to piss them off. But in the evening, Mexico realized that she was wrong and decided to apologize to the guys at the frontal.

Mexico asked for the floor and apologized to Arthur, he did not react to her attacks and endured. “Arthur is the most worthy, because he is educated. You can walk on him and he will endure everything - the perfect man, ”Mexico said.

REN TV: Egor Bogdanov

The famous metropolitan stripper Stas Mowgli was accused of stealing an expensive smartphone for 70 thousand rubles. According to the victims, everything happened in their apartment when they called the dancer to the house. A curious detail came to light - this is far from the only dark story in the biography of the star of nightclubs for women.

“I poured coffee for him, met him like a human. On the contrary, I said, I’m sorry that we’re taking your time. He says no, no, it’s okay. In fact, the phone was already in my pocket. Of course, it’s okay, iPhone 6 Plus. It's OK",- said the victim.

The loss was not immediately noticed. After a few hours of searching, GPS tracking began. It turned out that the phone was already at the other end of Moscow. The stripper, as the police found out, carried the gadget to a pawnshop.

Journalists REN TV decided to find out from Stas himself, does he really earn so little that he has to steal phones. He flatly refused to meet with us. I had to go to the trick - they called him allegedly to perform a private dance. As soon as he saw the camera, the stripper flew into a rage.

Mowgli failed to intimidate our film crew with his size, the correspondents continued to ask uncomfortable questions. Stas pushed the journalist away with force and ran away.

We managed to talk with the ex-wife of Stas. The girl said that he has been doing striptease for a very long time. And he repeatedly had conflicts with the leadership of the clubs in which he played. Items were missing from clients. Mowgli was not shy about stealing even from his wife.

"He constantly stole money from me. What's wrong? For him, it seems to me, this is generally in the order of things. Maybe, of course," she admitted.

And a day later, the dancer himself got in touch with us. Agreed to tell how it really happened. Apparently, it took time to come up with a legend. He says it looks like some kind of provocation. He stated that he could easily earn money for such a gadget in one evening. And the testimony of the pawnshop employees, who bought the stolen phone for 10 thousand rubles, according to him, is far-fetched.

"I go to this center, where this phone was found. Millions of people go to this computer center. I live there in this area. It is clear that I go there all the time. All the workers, sellers, have known me there for ten years", Mowgli explained.

But as we managed to find out, Stanislav was convicted twice for theft and forgery of documents. We are trying to find out from the dancer himself, but the question made him nervous. He said it was all lies.

Of course, Mowgli, most likely, will not receive a real term for stealing a phone. But this story will greatly spoil the reputation of the dancer. In the end, who wants to order an artist of a frank genre to his home, who can take with him not only a tip.

Member Name:

Age (birthday): 1.09

Moscow city

Education: NSU im. Lesgaft

Job: Stripper

Height and weight: 185 cm, 100 kg

Found an inaccuracy? Let's fix the questionnaire

Reading this article:

Stas Tura is one of the brightest participants in Dom-2. The young man struck with his appearance all the girls, not only the Islands of Love, but also the meadows.

By the way, it is in the Seychelles that a man on this moment builds his love and is the groom of the project since November 6th.

Stas has a higher education at NSU. Lesgaft, as well as their own housing and car.

Everyone knows Stas by the nickname Mowgli., which he was given due to his nationality and external data - Tura is engaged in athletics, gymnastics and is well-swinging. In addition, he has the education of a cook and works as an artist of the original genre, and simply speaking, a stripper.

The real name of the guy is Stanislav Lysyuk, he is 35 years old. He clearly loves himself and regularly posts selfies on his Instagram profile.

Despite the fact that he has only been on the project for 12 days, the participant’s reputation is already quite scandalous - in the past he was convicted twice.

The first time he received his term for theft, and the second time for forgery. Also in 2015, he was shown in one of the criminal plots in the Emergency Call 112 program, which at that time was airing on REN TV.

Stanislav himself in every possible way refutes the facts about his past and says that he is clean before the law.

Love Island organizers originally planned two bachelors, similar to the first season, but after a short time they decided to add Stanislav to the Seychelles - some participants really wanted to chat with him.

Outside of work, he puts on his own striptease shows and enjoys life on the sunny coast. Previously, Stanislav participated in another scandalous program - Vacation in Mexico on MTV, so he will be at least quite comfortable on Love Island.

In the second season of "Vacation in Mexico", he is described as a young romantic, a gentle youth with the body of a nightclub bouncer. Stas admits - it's true.

Physical activity helps to keep fit- He is a candidate master of sports in combat sambo. Tura is well aware that he looks like some kind of gigolo, but this is far from being the case. “I don’t eat women’s hearts,” says Stas.

Some people think that girls do not need such a man, and the groom himself needs PR and fame. These conclusions can be drawn due to the fact that Stas frankly gets into love triangles and does not hesitate to delve into someone else's underwear.

During the uncertainty and, Mowgli said that he would take the girl away if three days passed and he and Arthur did not create a couple.

At that time, Lisa was amazed at such attention, but still, she clarified that I am not a thing to be taken away without my knowledge. It was clear that the girl was flattered by the extra attention, and Arthur was discouraged.

Stanislav is looking for a bride like himself- she should be athletic, open, be able and love to dance, but at the same time be inaccessible and affectionate. Whether a man will find something similar on the Island is not yet clear, since the girls, although they are famous for their various talents, are “limping” on inaccessibility to men.

Photo by Stas

The forms of an enviable groom are impressive, however, not all girls like it.