Holidays in the Adriatic Riviera: photo, map, information about visas and attractions. Where is the Adriatic Sea located? The Adriatic Sea flows

The Adriatic Sea stretches between the Balkan and Apennine peninsulas. It is semi-enclosed and belongs to the Mediterranean basin. This sea washes the shores of Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina. The Adriatic is connected to the Ionian Sea by the Strait of Otranto. This site is located between Italy and Albania. The map of the Adriatic Sea allows you to see the largest bays: Manfredonia, Venetian and Trieste.
This sea got its name from the city of Adria. It was founded on Italian lands in the 6th century BC. e. It was a large port city that could not withstand the elements. He "moved", making room for sea water. At present, Adria is 22 km away from the sea.


The Adriatic Sea is 800 km long and a maximum of 225 km wide. Its total area is 144 thousand square meters. km. In the northern part of the Adriatic, the maximum depth is 20 m, and in the southeast this figure is 1230 m (between Montenegro and Bari). The area of ​​great depth begins near the shore. The bottom of the sea is a hollow with a slight slope. The eastern coast of the Adriatic Sea is mountainous. In this area of ​​the sea are the Dalmatian Islands.

Climatic conditions

Winds greatly affect air temperature. However, there are no powerful storms here, so the sea is considered one of the calmest in the world. The average water temperature in summer is +25 degrees, and in winter it is +10 degrees. During the summer season, the weather is mostly clear. During the winter months, it is cloudy and rainy over the Adriatic. The salinity of the water is about 37 ppm. In the Adriatic Sea, semi-diurnal tides with a maximum height of 1.2 m.

Flora and fauna

The Adriatic Sea is considered the most transparent sea on the planet. The purity of its beaches is confirmed by the blue flag of UNESCO. The animal and plant world is rich. Echinoderms, crustaceans, mollusks and other marine life are found in coastal areas. More than 750 species of algae have been found in this sea. Crystal clear water, diverse fauna and flora, and the presence of safe coves are the factors that make the Adriatic attractive for divers. Here are suitable conditions for those who study navigation. Diverse currents, local winds, branched coasts make sailing on a yacht very interesting.

Geographic Encyclopedia

Adriatic Sea, the sea between Italy and the Balkan Peninsula, now to the Ionian Sea. In ancient times, this designation extended to a part of the Mediterranean Sea further south, so that Malta was considered to be located in the Adriatic Sea (Acts ... ... Brockhaus Bible Encyclopedia

Modern Encyclopedia

Part of the Mediterranean, between the Apennine and Balkan peninsulas. 144 thousand km². Depth up to 1230 m. Fishing (mackerel, etc.). Offshore oil and gas production. Ports: Venice, Trieste, Rijeka, Split, Durres… Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Adriatic Sea- ADRIATIC SEA, part of the Mediterranean Sea, between the Apennine and Balkan peninsulas. The area is 144 thousand km2. Depth up to 1230 m. Fishing (sardines, mackerels, etc.). Offshore oil and gas production. Major ports: Venice, Trieste (Italy), ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Mare Adriaticum or Superum, Adria or Hadria) Mediterranean basin heading to the north. west between the Apennines and the Balkans (Hemus in ancient), connects with the Ionian Sea by the Otrante Canal, 68 km wide, passing between the city ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Part of the Mediterranean Sea, between the Apennine and Balkan Peninsulas. 144 thousand km2. Depth up to 1230 m. Fishing (mackerel, etc.). Offshore oil and gas production. Ports: Venice, Trieste, Rijeka, Split, Durres. * * * ADRIATIC SEA… … encyclopedic Dictionary

Adriatic Sea- part of the Mediterranean Sea between the Apennine and Balkan peninsulas. Russian the name is formed by the suffix ichesk from other Greek. the names of the sea Adrias; based on illir. adur water, sea. Perhaps the initial formation from adur of the name of the city of Adria ... ... Toponymic Dictionary

Adriatic Sea- ADRIATIC SEA, a long and wide bay of the Mediterranean. the sea, located between the Balkan Peninsula and Italy; its general direction with. h. to the south in. The name A. comes from the word Adria or Hadria, the name of the Etruscan colony founded ... Military Encyclopedia

- (from Adría the name of the Greek colony of the 6th century BC; Italian Mare Adriatico, Serbo-Croatian Jadransko more) a semi-enclosed sea that is part of the Mediterranean Sea; located between the Apennine and Balkan peninsulas. Great Soviet Encyclopedia


  • Montenegro, Milovan Mikulich, Maryana Bismilk. Montenegro is a country located in the southeastern part of Europe on the coast of the Adriatic Sea. In the east and northeast it borders with Serbia, in the west and northwest with Croatia and…

The Adriatic Sea separates the Apennine and Balkan Peninsulas. Thus, in the west it washes the entire east coast of Italy, and in the east - Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Croatia and Albania.

The sea got its name in honor of the port city of Adria, founded in antiquity near Venice. Over time, all nearby areas began to be called the Adriatic, including those washing the Italian and Balkan shores of water.

Features of geographical location and climate

Geographically, the Adriatic Sea is considered part of the Mediterranean Basin. If from the east, north and west it is limited by the mainland, then in the south the border of the Adriatic is the Strait of Otranto, connecting the Ionian and Adriatic seas.

The Adriatic Sea is considered shallow. The average depth here is less than 250 m. The deepest point (about 1230 m) is located closer to the Strait of Otranto. But in the north, where the sea juts into the mainland, it is quite shallow (from 100 to 20 m). Once these areas were dry land, even several ancient cities were located here. But gradually the water level rose higher and higher, flooding the coastal zone.

In natural terms, the coasts of the Adriatic Sea are very different. The western Italian coast is occupied mainly by sandy beaches, and the western - the Balkan - by mountains, forests and stone mounds. Since both coasts are indented with small bays and convenient harbors, the Adriatic became one of the main European centers of shipping and trade in ancient times.

Every year, the Adriatic Sea, bordered by majestic rocky ridges, secluded beaches and coniferous forests, attracts thousands of tourists. The reasons for this popularity are related to:

  • Rich history of the region. The Adriatic is a place where you can simultaneously see ancient antiquities and get acquainted with the culture of the Italian Renaissance.
  • Amazing purity and transparency of the waters of the Adriatic Sea. This feature is explained by the rocky bottom topography and high salinity of the water. Since the sea is also considered one of the calmest in the world, in the waters of the Adriatic even the most cautious tourists can safely try their hand at diving, surfing or spearfishing.
  • Mild climate. The area is very warm, but the summer weather is not as hot as on the Mediterranean coasts.
  • The unique nature that has inspired the best European artists for centuries, and a diverse wildlife.
  • Well developed tourist infrastructure.

The area of ​​the Adriatic Sea is 144 thousand km², the depth is from 20 m in the northern part of the sea to 1230 m in the southeast.

The western shores are mostly low-lying, the eastern ones are mountainous. Near the eastern coast are the Dalmatian Islands, which are the peaks of the coastal ranges of the Dinaric Highlands, the intermountain valleys of which were flooded during the sinking of the western part of the Balkan Peninsula. The shores are heavily indented by bays and abound in convenient harbors. Large bays are Venetian, Trieste and Manfredonia. The sea off the coast is deep, which facilitates navigation. The largest coastal islands are Krk (408 km²), Brac (396 km²), Cres (336 km²), Hvar (299 km²), Pag (287 km²) and Korcula (276 km²).

The water temperature from north to south varies from 24 to 26°C in August and from 7 to 13°C in February. The salinity of the water ranges from 35 to 38‰. The tides are irregular semi-diurnal (up to 1.2 m). Summers are clear, while winters are cloudy and rainy (up to 70% of annual precipitation).

The flora and fauna of the Adriatic Sea is quite rich. More than 750 species of algae grow, belonging to three divisions (red, brown and green). In the coastal zone, there are many species of gastropods and bivalves with thick, durable shells that reliably protect them from wave impacts, as well as echinoderms and crustaceans. Oysters, mussels, sea limpets, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, small crabs live in shallow water. Seahorses swim in the thickets of algae. Large crustaceans live at a slightly greater depth - lobsters, large crabs, as well as octopuses, cuttlefish, starfish, eels and moray eels swim here. The water column is saturated with plankton and young fish. Flocks of sardines, mackerel, bladder mackerel and frigate mackerel, bonito and tuna plow the sea. Currents bring many delicate, transparent jellyfish and hydroid polyps glowing at night. Of the sharks, the most common are dwarf, prickly, blue sharks, as well as sea fox. The giant shark is very rare. Of the mammals in the Adriatic Sea, dolphins and the monk seal, which is endangered, live.

The coast in Croatia is famous for such resorts as Dubrovnik, Split, Sibenik, Makarska Riviera, Pula, as well as the resorts of the Dalmatian Islands. The main resort area of ​​Montenegro is the Budva Riviera. There are four resort towns on the small Adriatic coast of Slovenia - Koper, Izola, Piran and Portorož. Bosnia and Herzegovina has only one seaside resort - Neum. Albanian resorts are located in the Durres region and on the "Coast of Flowers" (the coast from Vlora to Saranda). On the Italian coast of the Adriatic Sea, the resorts of Rimini, Bellaria, Igea Marina, the Venetian Riviera (Lido di Jesolo and Lignano), the Palm Riviera (the coast from Mare Gabicce to San Benedetto del Tronto) are popular.

The Adriatic Riviera is a tourist area covering the regions of Emilia-Romagna and Marche and stretching from Ravenna to Pesaro. Perhaps this Italian region does not need special advertising. Thousands of tourists come here every year. They are attracted by luxurious sandy beaches (flat and wide, with a calm entrance to the sea), a large selection of hotels (from budget to elite clubs), unlimited opportunities for sports, an abundance of entertainment and grandiose shopping.

Of course, many resorts can boast of all these above-mentioned advantages. But... But, after all, we are not just talking about some country, we are talking about beautiful Italy, or rather, about one of its most picturesque corners. And rest on the Adriatic coast, where everything around breathes beauty, pleasure and joy, the language is not defamed to describe with the ordinary words “good” or “quality”. He, without any exaggeration, deserves the epithets "incendiary", "magical" and "delightful".

Day and night, the coast of Italy is bustling with life. The fun never stops. Discos in trendy clubs, open-air musical performances, carnival shows... Everyone enjoys life here: both tourists and locals. You see smiling faces all around. From everywhere you can hear temperamental Italian speech (mixed with foreign), accompanied by outbursts of loud laughter.

Are you ready to go headlong into the atmosphere of the "eternal holiday"? If yes, then do not hesitate - your route: Italy - Adriatic Riviera.

Beaches and bathing season

The resort area has many beautiful sandy beaches (more than 30 km long). Duration of the swimming season: June - end of September. An important nuance for family tourists: the local coast is flat, and the entrance to the sea is everywhere filled with sand. So it will be convenient for kids to swim and play.


Most of the region is under the influence of a subtropical climate. In summer, the temperature is +22-28 °C, although sometimes under the influence of southern winds it can rise to +40 °C. But in general, the rest on this coast of Italy is very comfortable.


The most popular and democratic resort in the region is Rimini, which is conditionally divided into a historical city and a tourist center, which includes 10 small districts stretching along the sea. By the way, according to the Guinness Book of Records "Rimini resort with the largest number of hotels in Europe." Its central area (Marina Centro) has a lively atmosphere, an abundance of shops, restaurants, bars. On the outskirts, life flows more calmly, and accommodation here is cheaper. However, no matter where you stay, the whole city will be in the access zone: transport links between the districts are excellently developed.


The Adriatic coast of Italy has long been famous for its culinary skills. The cuisine of the province of Emilia-Romagna is considered the best in the whole country, the gastronomic traditions of which originated in the Middle Ages. It was here that lasagna and bolognese sauce were invented. Local restaurants prepare delicious tortellini (dumplings with meat, cheese or vegetables), original green tagliatelle (pasta with nettle leaves or spinach), delicate passatelli (soft cheese pasta with bread) and incomparable cappelletti (dumplings in broth).

Things to do?

To say that there are many theme parks on the Adriatic is to say nothing. It is difficult to list everything, so let's focus on the most famous ones.

"Italy in Miniature" is an open-air museum, which contains about 300 architectural and natural masterpieces, made in a reduced volume. In just an hour or an hour and a half, an exciting “express tour” of the most interesting places in the country awaits you. Adults will definitely like it here, for them the tour will fly by like one second. But children can get tired of the "abundance" of cultural information (although, of course, everything is individual here). If little tourists want to switch to something else, then there are several attractions, karting and game rooms at their service.

Also, the whole family can go to Mirabilandia (a grand amusement park) or Fiabilandia (children's fairy tale park), ride the water mountains in Oltre Mare or visit Aquafan, the most popular water entertainment center in the country.

What to visit?

The Adriatic resorts of Italy impress with the most unique historical monuments. Particularly interesting in this regard is the town of Rimini and its environs. Here you will see the grandiose Cathedral, the giant arch of Augustus and the mysterious bridge of Tiberius, which is associated with a number of mystical legends.

There is also a "Surgeon's House" in Rimini. From the first time, you will not understand what exactly is at stake. About the exposure of medical equipment? About the museum dedicated to the brilliant local Aesculapius? In fact, this is a large archaeological complex (almost 1000 square meters) with ancient and medieval ruins. During excavations on its territory, numerous ancient artifacts (statues, dishes, coins, oil lamps) were discovered. The most curious of them was ... a set of surgical instruments. Thanks to this find, the historical complex received such an original name.

Rimini is also known for being the birthplace of Federico Fellini. The famous Italian often came to his small homeland, in search of inspiration and relaxation from the hustle and bustle of the world. In his house-museum there are photographs, books, awards and a personal diary - "The Book of Dreams", in which the legendary director wrote down his dreams.

Well, if you crave even more grandiose impressions, then from the coastal cities of the Adriatic you can go on an excursion to the beautiful Venice, romantic Florence and proud Rome. You can ride in Bolgna, Modena, Ravenna, Parma and Ferrara. Or do you want to make a trip to medieval castles that keep family secrets of the most ancient European dynasties? Then, welcome to Senigallia, Cesena and Otranto! In other words, there is always something to diversify your holiday on the Adriatic.

The shops

And, of course, this beautiful coast has prepared for its guests a great shopping experience! Is it possible to imagine a good rest in Italy without it? The doors of numerous shopping centers and elite boutiques are open for you, where clothes of world-famous Italian designers, high-quality knitwear, original leather goods, and exquisite jewelry are sold.

​Note to inveterate shopaholics: a large selection of branded clothing is presented in Gross shopping centers in Rimini, Arca International / Nimar in San Marino. Quality leather goods can be purchased from the warehouses of Diego/Bedetti in Rimini and Leopard in Riccione.