Holidays in Calabria. Italy region Calabria Calabria where is located

Plunge headlong into the centuries-old history, wander through the hills and parks with rich flora and fauna, get to know the picturesque mountain villages and learn about the traditions of the local population, enjoy the silence of the wild mountains and swim in the emerald sea. All this is Calabria, leaving an ambiguous impression about itself. This region, little explored by tourists, attracts some and scares at the same time. It strikes others with the hospitality and cordiality of the locals, who are not so simple, in fact, as they seem. Still others openly admire natural beauties, completely unaware of any inconvenience. Undoubtedly, there are oddities here, especially in small towns. Too complex history managed to leave its mark on the explosive nature of the Calabrians and traditional family foundations, strictly observed from generation to generation. But in order to understand Calabria, you must certainly fall in love with it, and without any pretensions. And then she will reciprocate, revealing all her secrets.

  • Saint Francis of Paola (1416-1507) was born in Calabria and founded the mendicant order of Minims. He is considered the patron of the city of Paola, all of Calabria and the Italian fleet.
  • Calabrian cuisine is considered the most "spicy" in Italy. No wonder its symbol is a red bitter pepper! Its clusters can be found everywhere.
  • The isthmus of Catanzaro (Istmo di Catanzaro or istmo di Marcellinara) is the narrowest point of the Apennine Peninsula - the width is no more than 30 km. Once in the middle, you can see two seas at once - the Tyrrhenian and the Ionian.
  • In order to avoid unpleasant situations, it should be borne in mind that the mentality of the Calabrians is too different from the views on the life of Italians living in the northern and central regions of Italy.
  • The transport infrastructure of Calabria leaves much to be desired, so independent travelers are advised to rent a car. Railway tracks are laid only along the sea coasts.
  • Most of the settlements of Calabria are built on high hills and sheer cliffs. Only 5-7% of the total number of cities and villages are located on flat terrain.

Calabria: a bit of history

According to scientists, the name of the region was given by the Greeks, back in the 8th century BC. colonized the territories not only of the current Calabria, but also of Basilicata. They ruthlessly pressed the local tribes of the Samnites, Osks and neighboring Lukuns, leaving them no hope of revenge. The Greeks called the conquered region "Kalon-Brion", which meant fertile lands. It is this phrase that is said to have formed the basis of the modern name of the Calabria region.

The Greeks built several large cities on the conquered lands, but in the 3rd century BC. the Romans came here. The new owners practically did not deal with the southern provinces, except for the collection of taxes, so Calabria quickly fell into decay. This was facilitated by the predatory raids of pirates from the sea, and constant outbreaks of malaria.

With the advent of the Normans to the lands of Calabria in the 11-12th century, the situation improved slightly. Soon the territory became part of the Kingdom of Sicily, and after its partition, it was under the rule of the Kingdom of Naples, which again aggravated the situation in the region. During the process of unification of Italy at the end of the 19th century, the region became a separate administrative unit of the Kingdom of Italy.

Sights of Calabria

The heritage of the southern region is its beaches with incredibly clear water and bewitching, unforgettable natural landscapes. No less interesting are the medieval borg stuck on the rocks, the majestic Byzantine and formidable Norman castles, archaeological areas, park reserves of Calabria, architectural and sculptural masterpieces, historical values ​​that can be found almost everywhere. There are also wonderful basilicas and interesting museums, mausoleums and monasteries, fountains and original bridges.

When to go to Calabria

Calabria weather

The combination of two sea coasts with mountain ranges affects the diversity of climatic conditions in the region. In the Tyrrhenian Sea zone, it is hot in summer, moderately cool in winter, and there is little precipitation throughout the year. On the Ionian coast, tourists expect much more hot and sunny days. Not without reason, local beaches are packed to capacity in the summer. In the mountains in winter, snow falls, and in warm weather there is never heat. Naturally, the temperature here is significantly lower than near the sea coast.

Sunbathing on the shores of the Gulf of Tarentum, scuba diving and sea fishing is possible from early spring to late autumn. It is cooler on the Tyrrhenian coast, so it would be wiser to count on a beach holiday in the Lemon Riviera in the summer. For lovers of skiing, there are bases in Calabria, and even at the peak of the winter holidays, they are not crowded enough to feel discomfort, which happens quite often in the Alps. In the off-season, the region offers mountain and hiking tourism, visits to historical monuments and attractions, picturesque towns and nature reserves.

As in any other region of Italy, religious holidays dedicated to the patrons of cities and costumed processions are popular in Calabria. Francis of Paola, the only saint who was born in Calabria and is the patron saint of the region, is honored in late March-early April and in early May. These days they organize sea and foot processions, concerts and shows. In July, starting from 2007, the most beautiful fireworks festival "Note di Fuoco" is held on the Belvedere Marittimo embankment for 3-6 days, where the world's best pyrotechnicians show their art to musical accompaniment. And that's not counting the culinary and craft festivals.

Calabria on the map of Italy

The region occupies the toe of an elegant Italian boot and is the southernmost region of mainland Italy. The western coast of Calabria is washed by the Tyrrhenian Sea, and the southeast by the Ionian Sea. In the north, the region borders on Basilicata, and through the Strait of Messina it communicates with Sicily. The capital and administrative center of the province of the same name is Catanzaro. Calabria unites five provinces, three of which belong to historical zones. The relief of the territory is mountain ranges with the highest point at a level of about 2.3 km above sea level and hilly terrain. The coastline stretches for almost 800 km.

How to get to Calabria

There are two airports in the region. International - Lamezia Terme - located 40 km from Catanzaro. Another airport is located in Reggio di Calabria. It serves flights of national importance. The region can be reached from neighboring areas and Rome by buses and trains. It should be borne in mind that the railway tracks are laid along the coast, so getting to the Ionian Sea, for example from Naples, will be easier and faster by bus. In Calabria, there are also several seaports.

And in vain, since each region of Italy has its own, different from the others, atmosphere. Local beauties, pristine beaches, gentle sea - all this you get in Calabria without fail. The unique Calabria will enchant you and become a pleasant memory in the treasury of your travels.

Brief historical background

In ancient times, italic tribes lived here, around the 8th century BC the Greeks appeared.


Some time later, the area fell into disrepair due to pirate invasions and malaria.

In the 11th century, the Scandinavians conquered Calabria. Later, the area was part of medieval states: the Kingdom of Sicily, the Kingdom of Naples. The area later became one of the battlefields for Italian unification.

Well, now Calabria is one of the regions of the country, mainly an agrarian center. Here they grow citrus fruits, olives, grapes and other southern products. In addition, fishing is developed, as well as tourism.

Brief geographic reference and climate

How to get there?

The easiest way to get there is from Lamezia Terme. The train will take about 1.5 hours, and the ticket price will be around 10 euros.

What to see and do?

The city was designed in a very, very unusual way: straight lines of corners and streets, wide squares. Be sure to take a walk along the Matteotti promenade. Palaces and Art Nouveau villas here are moved by beautiful exotic trees.

Antiquity lovers will want to see the ruins of a Byzantine abbey dating back to the 10th century. And for more preserved beauties, you should go to Corso Garibaldi! The Cathedral of Maria Santissima Assunta in Chelo is the highest building in the city, and its main temple. Stained-glass windows, sarcophagi, bas-reliefs and paintings - what you will not see in the museum.

Walk and see the Aragonese castle. Medieval architecture is preserved right in the details: moat, ravelin, towers - all elements of the building are what they were intended for.

For those who are tired of walking the streets, you can go to the National Museum of Magna Graecia and freshen up a little in its halls. The exhibits are dedicated to Rome and Byzantium, these are jewelry, mirrors, marble heads, even paintings.

Interestingly, some tourists do not come here at southern time. The fact is that on the slopes of Mount Aspromonte there is a ski resort Gambari, which operates in winter.

In Reggio di Calabria, after visiting all the sights, relax in the cafe on the waterfront. Looking at beautiful Sicily, across the strait, enjoy the unforgettable taste of Mauro coffee. Or you can go to Sicily: after all, it is right here!

Entertainment, cuisine and shopping

Calabrians are very fond of having fun. Therefore, just lying on the beach will not work - festivities are arranged here for any reason. Olive feast, ricotta feast! Many products have received their own events because agriculture is so important to the region's economy. These gastronomic holidays are held in August. Cities are decorated, shows reign on the stage, at fairs you can try and buy the “dish of the day”.

Wherever you go in Calabria, you will definitely want to dine at a local restaurant at least once and try something. Peperoncino and other varieties of pepper, sometimes quite spicy, are considered the main ingredients here. So always specify the spiciness of the dishes served to you. They also love dried sausage and anchovies.

From drinks - Limoncello and Cedro liqueurs.

A meal in an inexpensive restaurant will cost about 12 euros, a dinner for two in a restaurant around 40 euros, well, fast food will cost about 8 euros. The nice thing is that many establishments in Calabria have a special children's menu and a games room.

What souvenirs are worth bringing as a keepsake and a gift from sunny Calabria?

For example:

  • pepperoncino pepper;
  • Red onion;
  • liquorice;
  • guilt;
  • cedar goods.

For kids in Calabria, a beach holiday will be pleasant, but you can find how to diversify children with the whole family. Of course, visit the water park!!! AcquaPark Odissea 2000 is located in Rossano, tourists praise the place for its good organization, cleanliness, number of attractions for the whole family. AquaFans, located in Praia a Mare, is a much older water park. It is smaller, but calmer, and more suitable for quiet or small children.

The nightlife in all of Calabria is not too vibrant. Clubs buzz all night only in the biggest cities like Reggio Calabria.

Holidays in Calabria are considered inexpensive, and therefore young people dance right on the beaches, where there is no dress code.

Discover a previously unfamiliar corner of southern Italy: Calabria. Rome, Tuscany, Venice - already on everyone's lips. But far from everyone gets to the “toe” of the boot, but in vain. After all, rest in rural charming towns, in pure nature, with delicious cuisine and an abundance of various beauties, will warm the heart of no less noisy gallop excursions through the heart of Italy. Head to rural, lazy, vibrant Calabria and have fun!

Playing the role of a kind of "sock" of the Apennine boot, stretching between the Ionian and Tyrrhenian seas. In the southwestern part, the region is separated from Sicily by the Strait of Messina. The terrain is extremely rich and varied. Massive rocky shores abounding in dense forests alternate here with picturesque green hills and vineyards, while fertile plains combine with meandering rivers and deep lakes.


Calabria is divided into 5 provinces, of which 3 have the status of historical, and 2 modern. The former include Reggio Calabria, Cosenza and Catanzaro, while the latter include Crotone and Vibo Valentia. Each of the provinces has its own administrative center and has many cities, among which there are both fairly large metropolitan areas and sparsely populated communes with a minimum number of inhabitants. The main areas of activity in the region are agriculture, winemaking, fishing and tourism. Also, the chemical industry is well developed. The executive power is represented by the regional government, which includes several dozen people. Interestingly, in terms of the degree of corruption of the authorities, Calabria is often compared with Sicily, which is considered the cradle of the Italian mafia. The local resorts are very popular among beach lovers, and the most beautiful natural landscapes and hiking trails laid through rocky mountain ranges invariably attract the attention of climbing fans and extreme travelers. In addition, the region has a fairly well-developed infrastructure and well-established transport links, thanks to which the residents and guests of Calabria can feel absolutely comfortable both during their holidays and doing daily business.

general information

The territory of the region covers an area of ​​just over 15,000 square meters. km, with a population of about 2 million people, which is one of the smallest indicators in the country. At the same time, the number of communes is quite impressive - 409. Local time is 1 hour behind Moscow time in summer and 2 hours in winter. Timezone UTC+1 and UTC+2 in summer. Official website

A brief excursion into history

Initially, the lands of the region were inhabited by the tribes of Osks and Samnites, and from about the 8th century BC, the ancient Greeks settled here, who founded such cities as Sybaris and Crotone. With the arrival of the Romans, the area fell into decay, and after the fall of the Empire, it became often subject to pirate raids. In the Middle Ages, this territory was repeatedly conquered by various nationalities, including the Normans and Vikings. In the XI century, Calabria became part of the formed Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, and a little later became part of the Angevin dynasty. From the 15th to the 19th centuries, the area was repeatedly attacked by the Turks and Berbers. Having become part of the Italian kingdom, the region was in economic decline for a long time, but the general rise of the country's agricultural economy closer to the middle of the 20th century allowed the region to firmly embark on the path of effective economic development, thanks to which the infrastructure improved here, and subsequently the general standard of living in in general.


Climatic conditions in Calabria have a clear geographical division. The Tyrrhenian coast has a mild Mediterranean climate with cool winters and hot summers. At the same time, the average air temperature from June to September is about +28 - +30 degrees. The Ionian coast is characterized by a longer beach season, starting already in late April - early May and ending in October, as well as a higher average air temperature throughout the year. As for precipitation, they fall between November and March, and then in small quantities. In the mountainous regions of the region, it is noticeably cooler than on the coast, and in the highlands from December to February, snow regularly falls, often accompanied by low temperatures.

How to get there

There are 2 major airports in Calabria that receive flights from different parts of Italy, including from Rome, Milan, Florence and Bergamo. They are found in Lamezia Terme and Reggio di Calabria.


All regional districts are interconnected by bus and rail links. The roads are of good quality, and you can rent a car or use taxi services here in almost any locality. Within the city limits, buses and minibuses are used as public transport. In addition, bicycles are in easy access mode. In ports, there is a ferry service between coastal cities.

Major cities

The capital of Calabria is Catanzaro, known for its Ponte Sulla Fiumarella viaduct bridge, excellent conditions for a beach holiday, unique architectural landmarks, various museums and a well-established entertainment industry. Other major cities in the region include Cosenza, Crotone, Reggio Calabria and Vibo Valentia. Each of them has its own merits and characteristics, while Reggio di Calabria stands alone in this list, considered the cultural and historical center of the region. Having been born about 3000 years ago, the city still retains the charm of bygone eras, and some unique architectural buildings have survived here, despite the devastating earthquakes and cataclysms that have haunted it for all the years of its existence.

Main resorts

The coastal cities of the region are washed by two seas at once. If Calabria is replete with cozy coves hidden among the rocks and a rocky bottom, then the beaches are mostly sandy and quite long. The main resorts of the region are Tropea, Soverato and Scalea. Also, Praia a Mare, Cirella, Cetraro, Fuscaldo and Diamante are quite famous. At the same time, Tropea has a reputation as the most popular tourist center on the shores of the Tyrrhenian Sea, belonging to the territory of Italy. The resort offers its guests not only well-groomed sandy beaches, regularly marked with the Blue Flag, but also an extensive excursion and entertainment program for every taste. The Ionian coast of Calabria is famous for such resorts as Montegiordano Marina, Rocca Imperiale, Marina di Roseto, Borgata Marina, Marina di Amendolara and Trebisacce. Another advantage of the local tourist centers is the rich underwater world, thanks to which thousands of divers come to Calabria every year to dive into the azure sea waters, enjoy being among the exotic inhabitants of the underwater world and see the numerous wrecks of ancient ships that sank off these coasts in different years.


The main historical and cultural sites of Calabria are concentrated in such cities and resorts as Cosenza, Reggio di Calabria, the capital Catanzaro, Vibo Valentia, the legendary Tropea and ancient Crotone, where Pythagoras founded his religious and philosophical school. Among the outstanding historical and cultural monuments located in these cities, the Martyrs' Bridge and the medieval avenue of Telessio, replete with ancient buildings, in Cosenza - the Aragonese castle and the famous Matteotti embankment, in Reggio di Calabria - the Monte dei Morti church and numerous museums in Catanzaro, as well as the ancient temples and monasteries of Tropea. These are just some of the hundreds of unique sights that are found in the lands of Calabria. Meanwhile, in the local provinces there are many small towns that have also preserved fragments of the rich cultural heritage of the region and are of great importance for the whole of Italy.


The culinary traditions of the area are mostly based on agriculture and fishing. Meat dishes are widely consumed here, including pork, lamb and goat meat, as well as significant attention is paid to fish and vegetables. Among the most famous culinary creations, it is worth noting sablefish rolls in tomato sauce called "Pesce spada alla ghiotta", fried potato slices with pepper and eggplant - "Patate ccu pipe e mulinciane", aromatic herbs "Minestra e fasuli", fried in oil anchovies "Alici fritte", pasta dish "Pasta mbiancu e baccala" and cod boiled in tomato sauce - "Baccala e patate vullute". Among the desserts stand out Christmas cake with eggs - "Cuzzupa" and a similar product only with a different filling - "Bucchinotti". As drinks, there is an extremely wide selection of all kinds of wines.


In shops, shopping centers and souvenir shops, even in the smallest cities, there is always an impressive range of goods, from Italian shoes to jewelry made of precious stones.

Calabria is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Southern Italy. The region has a lot of advantages and a whole scattering of interesting sights, annually receiving thousands of tourists who come here from all over the world to appreciate the beauty of these places and enjoy their holidays in one of the brightest and sunniest regions of the country.

It attracts with clean sandy beaches stretching along the Ionian and Tyrrhenian seas. But in terms of the number of historical and cultural attractions, Calabria stands out among other Italian regions. The former Greek colony and territory of Byzantium has preserved ancient ruins, frescoed temples, natural charm and ancient traditions.

The city was founded by the Greeks, it is located on the Ionian coast and is known for the fact that Pythagoras founded his philosophical school here. Crotone is filled with coastal charm, has its own castle, towering on a hill, a beautiful promenade and a unique column, preserved from the ancient Greek temple of Hera Lacinia.

located on the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea in the south of Calabria. The small town, soaked in salt water and caressed by the sun, is considered one of the most beautiful borgos in Italy. The fishing quarter of Chianeleia is worth a look, filled with numerous boats and picturesque views.

6. Gerace

Arriving in Calabria, you can not miss Gerace. It is located in the south of the region at the foot of the Aspromonte mountain range. The city was founded in the 9th century by Greek settlers who, in search of safe places, moved further from the coast.
Gerace has preserved its medieval appearance, numerous churches, including those from the Byzantine period.

immerses you in a medieval atmosphere. In the 6th century, it was part of Byzantium, and in the 9th-10th centuries it was chosen by the Byzantine monks, who built the famous Stilo Cattolica, i.e. a small church built of red bricks. Inside it is covered with magnificent frescoes.
Stilo is also the birthplace of the philosopher Tommaso Campanella, who wrote The City of the Sun.

The Ciro zone (the emphasis falls on the last syllable) is the most famous wine-growing area of ​​Calabria, producing red wines from the Galloppo variety. The area from the Ionian coast goes deep into the mainland. It is located north of the city of Crotone. You can make a fascinating tour of the vineyards and visit the wineries. The largest and most famous farm is Librandi, they produce a wide range of wines. But there are also many small wineries, among them we note Sergio Arcuri, Ippolito, Ceraudo.

9. Albanian villages

Albanians began to emigrate to the southern regions of Italy at the end of the 15th century. In Calabria, the most extensive network of Albanian settlements has formed, in total, about 68 thousand ethnic Albanians live in the region. They have preserved national traditions, way of life and even language. Among the Albanian villages, Civita, San Basile, Franshineto, Eyanina and others are considered the most beautiful.

is one of the oldest cities in Calabria, it is often called the "Calabrian Athens". An interesting cathedral, which contains the burial places of some representatives of the royal dynasties. A beautiful castle perched on a hill. In addition, according to legend, the Visigoth king Alaric died and was buried in Cosenza.
Do not forget that around Cosenza they produce excellent wines under the brand name Terre di Cosenza DOC, as well as the more prestigious Savuto DOC.

Sila National Park is located in the center of Calabria, its area is 150 thousand hectares. It is amazing that the Force allows you to travel from southern Italy to the north. Nature is more in line with the Nordic countries, and in winter there is snow. Dense forests inhabited by wolves, wild boars and elks, picturesque lakes and mountains. The highest point of Monte Bote Donato rises to a height of 1928 meters above sea level. On the territory of the Sila National Park there is an opportunity to go trekking, mountain biking, horseback riding. But you can also just walk along the paths among the majestic nature and dine in one of the restaurants.

The town, located in the center of Calabria, is called the "stone ship". Its baptistery, castle and cathedral are among the most important testimonies of Byzantine Calabria.

located in the south of the region. It is separated from Sicily by the narrow Strait of Messina.
It is one of the oldest cities in Italy, which was founded in the 8th century BC. Greek settlers.
Unfortunately, Reggio Calabria was badly damaged during the earthquake of 1908, during which many historical buildings were destroyed. It has been restored in an elegant Liberty and Neo-Gothic style. Reggio Calabria is famous for its promenade, which is called one of the most beautiful in Italy.
The cathedral is magnificent, the Aragonese castle has been preserved, but bronze figures from Riace, which date back to the 5th century BC, are considered the symbol of the city, they are stored in the National Museum of Ancient Greece in Reggio Calabria.

14. Paola

The city of Paolo is home to the most famous saint of the south of Italy - St. Francis of Paolo. Near the city there is a sanctuary dedicated to the saint. The old basilica, built in the 16th century, and the monastery courtyard have been preserved.

located in the south of Calabria near Locri. She was accidentally found in 1963. It is not known to whom it belonged and other details. Of interest are the floors of the villa, covered with mosaics, which cover an area of ​​over 500 square meters.

The region of Calabria is located in the south of the Apennines, its main part is occupied by the peninsula of the same name. Calabria makes up 5% of the total territory, which is 15.1 thousand square kilometers. The population of the region is 1.997 million people, which is 3.6% of the country's population, with a density of 135 people per km². Calabria is divided into five provinces, the administrative center is the city of Catanzaro (Catanzaro, with a population of 94,000 inhabitants). Other important settlements: Crotone (Crotone), (Reggio di Calabria), Lamezia Terme (Lamezia Terme).


Calabria is located in the very south of Italy and is located on the "toe of the boot". The region borders in the north on, and from the island and the region of the same name, it is separated by the Strait of Messina. The region is bordered by the Tyrrhenian Sea to the west and the Ionian Sea to the east and south.

This region is composed almost entirely of hills and mountains. The highest point in the region is Mount Pollino, its height is 2267 meters above sea level. It is located on the Serra Dolchedorme massif. Plains occupies only 8% of the total area of ​​the region. From the Tyrrhenian Sea, the Calabrian coast is rocky, the coast of the Ionian Sea is flat and sandy. The main rivers of Calabria are Korache (Corace), Neto (Neto), Crati (Crati).



The climate of the coastal zone is very hot, and in the mountainous part of Calabria it is quite severe. The average temperature of Reggio di Calabria in January is +8 °C, and in July +23.8 °C.


Tourism and

For tourists, the city of Crotone (Croton), which has a very ancient and very interesting history, is of great interest. It was founded in 708 BC. Greeks who landed in the place that the Delphic oracle indicated to them - on the shores of the Ionian Sea. There is a very original version of the origin of the name of the city. Translated from Greek, "croton" is "castor bean" - a plant whose seeds were used to produce castor oil. Therefore, it is believed that in those distant times there were many places with castor bean thickets. However, this plant is found here today.

Duomo di Reggio Calabria, photo:

Sybaris is a city that is located near Croton, and is its commercial rival. Due to his rather favorable geographical position, he conducted extensive trade and became very rich very quickly. From the name of one ancient Greek colony Sybaris, the word "sybarite" came from, meaning - a person spoiled by luxury, idle, pampered. According to legend, these were the inhabitants of the city of Sybaris. The loss of fighting qualities and effeminacy cost the inhabitants of the city dearly. Sybaris was destroyed during the war with Croton, and its inhabitants were then enslaved.

Known in the ancient world, Croton was due to the victories of athletes at the Olympic Games. One of the most legendary wrestlers, Milon of Croton, he won the Olympic Games six times and other major sports events 25 times. Legends were made about the extraordinary strength of Milo, he was compared with Hercules himself. But Croton was famous not only for his sporting success. The greatest ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras also lived and worked in Croton. He founded his famous religious and philosophical school here.

Now Crotone is a small modern city with a very well developed industrial infrastructure. The only harbor on the entire Ionian coast of Italy was built here, designed for mooring ships. This harbor and the recently opened airport have significantly increased the flow of tourists to these places.

The sights of this city are the Cathedral (Duomo), which is dedicated to St. Mary of Assunte, the Church of Santa Chiara and San Giuseppe, the Palazzo Barracco and the Palazzo Morelli Vecchia.

Among the sights of the city of Catanzaro, the capital of Calabria, are the Maschiari Theater, the central Cathedral (Duomo), as well as the churches of Monte dei Morti, San Francesco and San Rocco.

The most important sights of the city of Cosenza are the Church of San Francesco di Paola, Palazzo Serzali, Palazzo Sera and the Norman castle, located on the top of the hill di San Pancrazio. Of the architectural monuments of the Middle Ages that have been preserved on the territory of Calabria, it is also worth noting the church in the city of Stilo, which was built in the Byzantine style.