You won't get far without these tools! Special climbing equipment. Rock climbing as a sport

Fans of climbing mountains and caves need, but also knowledge of technical techniques and skills in this matter. The simplest rules that the climbing technique preaches are the rules for the correct setting of the foot, the rules for holding the rock and grips, etc. As you can see, there are actually a lot of rules and all of them are important in order to learn how to climb rocks correctly, and most importantly, safely. In the article below, we will consider in more detail the basic rules that serve as commandments for beginner climbers.

    If you are a beginner, then you should start with the simplest - from the verticals on the positive walls. If there is a problem with them, then it is worth picking up rocks for the first lessons that hang the least. If you still decide to climb an overhanging rock, but do not have the technical base and physical readiness, then everything you learn will be wasted. We'll have to start from scratch, return to the vertical and learn to climb in a new way.

    The correct setting of the feet deserves special attention, since the first exercises of a novice climber begin with it. It is important to remember that the foot is placed on the hold with the front of the rock shoe perpendicular to the rock. Remember that the leg must have freedom of movement relative to the toe, thereby allowing the body to take any position. This action is necessary for the effective start of movements and proper placement on the stand. Of course, it seems that it would be easier and more comfortable to place the foot on the side of the climbing shoe, but you should not do this. Remember and keep in mind that when learning to climb, the first thing you need to learn is how to put your feet on the hold correctly.

    The next rule says so - learn to “crush” with your feet. For many beginner climbers, the legs fly off the holds in the first lessons. This slip is due to the low friction, low grip of the rock shoe. Because of this, you can not only hang on your hands, but also fall off the stand and it’s good that it’s not off a cliff. Therefore, moving the foot from one hold to another, you need to load it as much as possible, and not just place it there and press a little. This mistake in everyday life is called "loss of legs." To avoid this mistake, shift your body weight to the hold and remember to “push” your feet. At first, it is better to put your foot on big holds, do not forget to do it correctly and load it. If you begin to place it correctly on the machine, i.e. bring this movement to automatism, then you can try to put your foot on small holds or even minuscule holds. The latter are screwed to the stand with self-tapping screws.

    The next rule, no less important, says that you need to unload your hands. Many people believe that climbing does not require legs, and all the load falls on the hands, but this is not so, this myth should be destroyed, footwork is extremely important. If you have started playing this sport, then you are already convinced of this. If you are climbing verticals, then you can use only your hands, but only to maintain balance and load them in a minimal amount. For such an action, you first need to learn how to skillfully organize the support platform, and begin to make movements only at the expense of the legs. Ever since biology lessons, we have learned that the legs are stronger than the arms, they have more muscles, and they are considered the strongest part of the body, and it is also worth noting that we have been training our legs since childhood, running races and jumping. Therefore, do not be afraid to use your legs in climbing, placing them wider, higher, making long movements, big steps. If you switch to an overhang, then the legs are no matter how important. Remember, the sooner you take into account the above tips, the faster you will be able to develop climbing skills and after some time to try them out in practice. You will have the opportunity to switch to new - more complex, but no less interesting profiles. And when you are confident in your abilities, you can try your hand on a small rock.

    Among the many climbing rules, one should emphasize the rule regarding the center of gravity. The closer it is to the wall, the more active the arms, body and legs are involved in the fight against gravity, and, accordingly, the load on the arms decreases. If stretching allows and you are flexible, then you can take the frog pose, turning your knees and moving your pelvis against the wall, or you can move your knees in one direction and turn the body. Climbing technique includes more complex figures that you will have to master if you plan to improve and gain experience in the future.

    It is our habit that prevents us. We notice that all people walk on straight legs and only occasionally bend their knees. Since we are used to doing this in everyday life, we try to do the same when climbing, but this is not correct, this is one of a number of gross mistakes. Straight legs, like a straightened spring that limits movement. And bent legs are associated with a compressed spring, which allows you to move up or to the side. With hands, it's the other way around. When they are bent, they tire faster than when they are straight. When the arms are straightened, energy is spent on holding the hold with the fingers, when the arms are bent, energy is also spent on holding the block. If you grab onto a bad hold, then with a straight hand, you may not have enough finger strength, and you will not hold on. Therefore, in the first climbing lessons, until you gain experience, choose large and active holds. Remember that finger strength can be increased by using special exercises. If you train the hangs and pull yourself up on different bars, then the fingers will become stronger. So, based on the above, while climbing, do not forget that you need to straighten your arms and bend your legs, although in life the opposite is true. At the same time, do not forget that the center of gravity must be brought closer to the wall. And this is achieved by many by turning the knees into a “frog”, or by turning the body towards the supporting arm. Here you need to have good physical fitness, and maybe stretching, consider this important point.

    What is the best way to hold leads? - this question is asked by many who do not own either the technique or the skills in this area. it turns out that there is a greater variety of holds in the world. When you place your hand on the hold and grab it, then you are analyzing the functionality of the hold. First of all, it is necessary to determine the working part of the hold, the part that needs to be grabbed. A hemispherical passive indicates that the hold works the same way. Hooks that do not have a single working part have a variety of notches and protrusions. Next, we determine the direction of the working part and how best to load it. If the best part is on top, then the load will be there too, so that the force of the vector acts on the hold down. If, on the contrary, the working part is from below, then it is necessary to load it to the side - the force vector must be directed in the other direction from the working part of the hold. Most often you can find clues of original forms - pinches, holes for a different number of fingers. The first must be squeezed with fingers on both sides in order to hold. And the last form can work in any direction, but it does not always fit all the fingers.

    There are such grips as active and passive. It all depends on what hold the climber holds. If it is a good hold with comfortable working force, then it is an active hold, if the hold is sloping and rounded, which is held with the whole palm, then it is a passive hold. If we consider another classification, then there are closed, open and open grips.
    Closed Grip - The climber actively grasps the hold by clasping the fingers so that they form a house, with an angle of 90 degrees relative to the joint between the phalanges of the fingers. If you close it with your thumb, then the grip will become stronger. Such a grip is effective, but if there is not enough finger strength, then you can slip off. And because of the heavy load on the middle joint of the fingers, this grip is traumatic, so it is not recommended to use it often. When climbing, it is used on thick pockets, when the notch is not deep, or on active-passive type holds with a rounded working surface. To carry out an open grip, it is necessary to use three phalanxes of the finger. The main here is the third phalanx, and the angle between the first and second should be 90 degrees. With this grip, you can carry out any kind of holds, take both meager and passive ones. Along with the advantages, an open grip also has a disadvantage - the grip itself is weak. However, regular use of this grip will lead to the acquisition of skills, and after a while you will appreciate the effectiveness and indispensability of this grip. In addition to the above grips, there are specific grips. A striking example is a separate grip, which takes pinches. It is carried out with the help of the thumb, which is opposed to the rest. The rest, in turn, compress the hold from both sides. If you need to unload your fingers, then use the grip when the hold is grabbed from above with the help of the side surface of the palm, the hand looks like a “hook”, the fingers are directed inward. Of course, such a grip limits the freedom of action, but at the same time, the fingers rest a little from the loads.

These tips will help every beginner, the main thing is to stick to them. It is quite clear that it is simply not possible to keep everything in your head and applying all the tips at once will not work, and it will even be problematic. It's good if you try every turn tip every time you stand, so you practice every move and gain experience by improving your skills. At the first approach, rehearse the correct positioning of the legs. At the next lesson, take up the position of the body. Next to the classes, begin to take into account that the arms should be straight. You need to rehearse these actions to automatism - until all of them are obtained simultaneously, and even without your control.

Do you know what rock climbing is? Do you confuse it with mountaineering? Undoubtedly, rock climbing was associated with this sport for a long time, and even today many people identify them. In fact, rock climbing is a long-established independent sports discipline that practices climbing a vertical surface of natural or artificially created reliefs of a certain length. Climbing technique is based on the ability of an athlete to adapt to the features of the rocky terrain, choose the most convenient route, and apply appropriate techniques and equipment in a timely manner.

Rock climbing is a concept that generalizes an incredible number of types and subspecies of a sports discipline. Over time, the classification of climbing varieties has undergone significant changes, as climbing techniques have been systematically changed and even mixed, forming new styles and directions.

Climbing has many names - free climbing, sport climbing, aid climbing, bouldering, jumping, top roping, highball, multipitch. We offer to deal with rock climbing terminology and at the same time determine which kind of rock climbing you liked the most.

  • free climbing

A rock climbing classic that involves climbing natural rock using the strength of your arms and legs. Subtypes of free climbing are solo climbing and free soloing. Solo climbing is extreme rock climbing in its purest form. Solo climbers practically do not use insurance, relying on their own professionalism and magnesia for their hands. Free solo involves pulling on a net in case of a fall, or climbing over the water surface to soften the fall.

  • sport climbing

Depending on the quantity and quality of the equipment used, rock climbing is divided into sports and traditional.

sport climbing consists in climbing a rock, equipped with reliable points of insurance, as a rule - bolt hooks. The main goal of sport climbing is to conquer the top of the cliff without falling off and resting on intermediate points of support. Sports climbing is considered one of the safest types of this discipline, because insurance is always used in training, and climbing rock routes is perfected by the athlete to perfection.

Traditional climbing less safe, because there is nothing “to help the climber” on the rock - the athlete carries all the equipment (friends, bookmarks, hexes, quickdraws, etc.), and the points of insurance are set by him as he goes through the rocky route.

Climbing on artificial terrain- a derivative form of sports climbing, involving the overcoming of artificially created rock routes at climbing walls.

AID is an abbreviation for climbing with artificial support points. It is considered the exact opposite of free climbing, because a huge number of special devices are used to climb the rock: ladders made of lines or cord, bookmarks, friends, hooks. As a rule, AID is practiced on extra-difficult natural terrains, where it is not possible to pass the route by free climbing.

  • bouldering

Bouldering - climbing on small rocky boulders (from 1.5 to 15 meters high) or on special panels of a climbing wall without rope insurance. For the safety of climbers practicing bouldering, only special crash pads or sports mats are responsible, laid out at the foot of the cliff (climbing wall panels) in case of a fall.

Today, bouldering is considered one of the most difficult and, at the same time, the most popular form of rock climbing. Boulder climbing is perfected both on natural rocky terrain and in the walls of a climbing wall. In the halls, the boulder zone is visible from afar - these are modules up to four meters high with hooks of different levels of difficulty and soft mats at the bottom.

  • highball

Highball is an American type of bouldering, involving the conquest of boulders of considerable height, a fall from the top of which can result in injuries and even death to the climber.

  • Top Roping

Top roping provides the athlete with the opportunity to conquer a difficult climbing route thanks to pre-installed anchors on top of the cliff. The climber is connected to a rope that runs through the anchor system from the beginning to the end of the route, thus providing a complete belay. Despite the relative difficulty of the routes, climbing in the "top-rope" format is possible not only for professionals, but also for beginners in rock climbing, as well as for children.

  • multipitch

Multipitch - rock climbing in conjunction with an experienced partner on a multi-pitch rock route divided into several sections. "Pitches" are necessary for stops in order to rest, change the leader in a bunch, or establish intermediate insurance. Multi-pitches are only for experienced climbers, because they require increased endurance and perfect use of acquired sports skills.

  • Bildering

Bildering or urban rock climbing is a breathtaking and most dangerous type of rock climbing, which consists in the extreme conquest of the walls of buildings, bridges and other man-made high-altitude objects without or with minimal insurance.

  • Jumping

Jumping involves jumping from one hold on a climbing wall or rock to another hold located relatively far from the first. Jumping is climbed only with gymnastic insurance and crash pads.

So, rock climbing has a lot of names. Despite the wide variety of species, rock climbing is a sports discipline that trains physical fitness and strength of mind, and also allows you to acquire new skills and knowledge, make good friends and expand your circle of interests.

Useful videos

Climbing is becoming a sporting trend in all countries. Recently, this discipline has even become one of the Olympic sports. And now friends around say that they would like to try. But here questions immediately arise: where to start, where to start and is it necessary - maybe it’s safer to go in for fitness? Forget fears and doubts. Climbing is worth it!

What is rock climbing?

Rock climbing was once an element of mountaineering. Climbers practiced this skill in order to conquer the mountain in one way or another, and at the same time they independently chose the level of difficulty for themselves. Now it's an independent discipline and you don't have to be a mountaineer to climb.

There are two types of climbing: outdoor (“outside”) and indoor (“inside”). In the first case, you practice climbing on rocks, that is, on a natural terrain, and in the second, on an artificial one, that is, on a climbing wall. The choice depends on your mobility and location. For example, in Moscow you simply will not find rocks - you will have to train on climbing walls.

Outdoor climbing.

Within the discipline, subtypes are also distinguished:

  • - intensive climbing on large boulders or their imitations without the use of safety systems. If you fall, you will be saved by a thick mat at the bottom (crashpad).
  • sport climbing– climbing on a vertical wall using special equipment and insurance;
  • solo– climbing alone, often without a rope, also known as “freestyle”;
  • - climbing, which is most often practiced on rocks: a group of climbers climbs a traverse - along the slope - following each other through one rope;
  • multipitch– climbing on the prepared route on the rocks, divided into "pitches" - fields of various categories of difficulty.

Canyoning can also be attributed to rock climbing - climbing rocks in canyons with rivers and waterfalls. This sport requires special training and equipment, as the terrain is wet and slippery. More and more people, however, are calling canyoning a separate sport.


What are the benefits of rock climbing?

Let's start with the fact that this is a sport that any child and adult can play, regardless of the level of physical fitness. You may think that this is very dangerous. Don't worry - safety is the first priority here!

Rock climbing is very good for health. This is a specific cardio mixed with power loads and plasticity. Even those muscles that you have never heard of are involved here.

There is an opinion that climbers need pumped up arms to pull themselves up on the holds. But no! Rock climbing works both the upper and lower body, but first of all, real climbers work the leg muscles. However, to become a real climber, you need regular training. Our body does not immediately understand how to work, because in order to reach something, we habitually use our hands. But over time, you will feel how the load will transfer to the muscles of the thighs, calves and feet. Climbing feet become more stable and flexible - while the feet instinctively seek a stable and comfortable position on the toe during climbing, their small muscles develop.


The upper body also receives a fairly large load. For those who choose this sport, the waist is losing weight, the back muscles are being developed, and the posture is improving. But the fastest changes are reflected in the hands. Already during the first workout, you will feel how your forearms, hands and fingers tense up. In the future, they will become more flexible and tenacious. Climbers even have a special projectile called a fingerboard. It plays the role of a kind of horizontal bar for the fingers, although it looks like a large hold with notches, each of which has its own depth. The first stage of training on this horizontal bar is to master a deep recess. The last is to learn to hold on to a small depression in which only the pads of the fingers fit. Your task is simple: you cling to the fingerboard and hang on it as long as you can. Each time you spend in limbo, you should increase, and at some point you will move on to pulling up.


In my definition of climbing, I mentioned cardio. In the initial stages, your heart rate can rise to 160 or even 180 beats per minute! Here, of course, adrenaline plays a role, because when climbing for the first time, everyone is scared: it’s far from the ground, what if I break loose? But each time the heart will behave more calmly, which means it will be strengthened.

Comparison with power loads is more than appropriate here, since you literally lift your body yourself. And at the same time, you develop the plasticity that is so necessary to reach the farthest holds - often there may not be a single suitable one near you! I personally saw how they sit on the twine on the wall. In a word, when climbing, everything is straining and working. Even brain gyrus.

Benefits for the mind

You can see for yourself that rock climbing is not only physical training, but also internal education - mental, strong-willed and moral.

Let's start with the fact that rock climbing develops coordination. What is the use of the mind, you ask? The fact is that incorrect orientation in space is more related to psychology and is associated with the inability to concentrate and find the most correct solution. You can pump this skill on the rocks.

At climbing competitions, you can see that before climbing up, athletes stand near the wall for a long time and mentally study it, waving their arms in the air. Thus, they “read” the track, that is, they think in advance where to put their foot or hand. Whose calculation will be more successful, he will be faster. When I came to the climbing wall, in the first couple I was constantly eager to fight and wanted to quickly overcome the route, but the coach stopped me and said: “First, think about how you will do it.” Thinking it through is vital. In bouldering, for example, there is simply no time to think while climbing, the load is too great. If you don't plan ahead, you're doomed to failure. Deep analysis of the route, vivid imagination, accurate calculation - perhaps climbing is really good for the brain.


What about the development of the will and human qualities?

This sport is considered volitional. You need to have remarkable determination, willpower and the ability to go to the end. To be honest, few people stay in this sport after the first lesson: here you often have to deal with difficulties alone with yourself, and this is a lot of stress, for which not everyone is ready. But if you do not back down, you can discover new abilities in yourself that will manifest themselves in extreme conditions. At a difficult moment, strength is always taken from somewhere for a new breakthrough - you cannot fool the instinct of self-preservation.

via ferrata.

Climbing, however, is not only an individual job. Here you work in a team: when your partner will insure you from below or from above, you will have to learn to trust him. Especially when it comes to via ferrata, where the success of the whole business depends on everyone in the bunch.


Where, if not in this sport, do they care about insurance? You don't have to worry about her. There is a great variety of devices ready to insure you at every step. All equipment is manufactured according to the established quality standards of the UIAA (World Mountaineering and Climbing Federation), and each standard has its own number.

When buying equipment, be sure to find the badge of this organization on the packaging. Before climbing, athletes check each other for safety measures: whether the rope is fastened correctly, whether the carabiner is twisted. These rules are obligatory for everyone - both for beginners and for real pros.

How and where to start?

Find the closest climbing wall or club to your home or work - there are more of them every day. In the club, training is free, and at the climbing wall you have to buy a subscription. The advantage of the climbing wall is that there you will find equipment for rent, a personal trainer, cafes, shops, and you can also choose any training program for yourself. The club is unlikely to immediately help you with all the necessary equipment, but there is always a friendly atmosphere.

In any case, it is better to take the first lesson with a trainer who will tell you the basics of technique and teach you how to work with insurance. Then you can do it on your own.

Soon on our blog you will be able to read about climbing walls that can be visited at a discount with our loyalty card. However, we also cooperate with clubs.

Required Equipment

For the first time, you can go to training empty-handed - everything you need is on the climbing walls and is available for hire. The first thing they will offer you is to measure. Climbing in regular shoes is dangerous to health. On the surface, climbing shoes may seem rather strange and terribly uncomfortable to you, but due to their structure, they provide optimal grip on the terrain and allow you to stand on even the tiniest holds. Thanks to them, you will not hurt your toes and will not slip down. I will immediately warn you that these shoes are selected a size or two smaller than your own, since bent toes are a necessary condition for climbing.


If you decide to go in for sport climbing, you will be offered. It is a harness, the slings of which wrap around the pelvis and lower leg. In the center of its upper part there is a loop into which a carabiner is fastened. It should be tight, but not too tight. The leg straps need to be slightly relaxed so that the legs do not squeeze when descending.

While climbing, you may also need a product that dries your palms when they sweat - which is a white powder, like loose chalk. She is put in a special one that can be tied to a belt. By the way, the ideal climbing clothing is one that covers the knees and is made of stretchy fabric.

Bag of magnesium.

This is enough to start climbing. Now it's time to try your hand. Good luck with your new sport!

Let's look at what styles and types of rock climbing are:

Free climbing.

Free climbing is climbing on natural or artificial terrain, in which the climber uses the features of the rock and the abilities of his body: the tenacity of the fingers, the strength of the arms, legs, torso. For safety reasons, a rope belay is provided. When climbing "bouldering" - short routes up to 5-6 meters, special mats are used. The route is considered passed if the climber climbed to the end, did not load the points of insurance and did not break.

Do not confuse free climbing with free solo climbing (climbing without safety net). The concept of "free climbing" should be understood as free from technical aids, and not from insurance.

The name probably originated when climbing with artificial support points (ITO) was widespread - this is a climbing technique that includes the use of ladders, loops, bookmarks and other devices.

Free climbing includes sport climbing (climbing for difficulty, speed and bouldering), climbing over water and the most dangerous type of climbing - free solo. For now, and in the future, I think free climbing will remain the most popular climbing style.

Sport climbing is divided into three types:

  1. Difficulty climbing.
  2. Climbing for speed.
  3. Bouldering.

Difficulty climbing.

Difficulty climbing - climbing a route with a bottom belay, in some cases with a top belay. Climbing up, the climber threads the rope attached to him into quickdraws (the climbing term is “snap”), which, in turn, are fixed on safety points (bolts, etc.). When falling, the climber hangs on the last snapped guy. For this reason, I do not recommend skipping (ignoring clipping) quickdraws. By skipping the quickdraws, you increase the length of the fall and the chance of injury during a fall.

The route is considered passed when the last quickdraw is snapped in and the final height of the route is reached. At the same time, climbers say: “make a top”, “stomp” (from the English top - top).

In climbing for difficulty, two points are considered the main criteria - the height and the difficulty of the route.

Climbing for speed.

The key factor here is the time of the route. When climbing for speed, use the top insurance. The athlete starts on the signal, at the same time the countdown begins. Time stops when the climber touches the button located at the end of the route. A very dynamic and spectacular form of rock climbing.

The competition is won by the one who did not break down and showed the best time.

The article “Climbing for speed. Faster, higher, stronger!" - .

Interesting fact.

I hardly see people using speed climbing in their training. I'm talking about climbers who climb for pleasure - amateurs. Usually they are "difficulty climbing" or bouldering. But in vain, as high-speed climbing promotes rapid muscle contraction and accuracy of movements, develops reaction and speed of decision-making, which is also necessary in climbing for difficulty and in bouldering.


It got its name from the English word boulder - a boulder, a stone.

Bouldering is the passage of short tracks with a height of no more than 5-6 meters. For insurance, special mats are used - they do not use ropes and other devices. Due to the low height, traffic on the tracks often takes on a power character. Bouldering is full of movement, so you need good climbing technique to get through the slopes.

Climbing begins with starting holds, which are sometimes very uncomfortable. The route is considered passed if you reach the finishing holds (hook). On the rocks, a “climb” to the stone (top of the stone) is most often required.

Start and finish must be fixed for a short time. You can’t immediately make a movement from the starting holds, you need to lift yourself from the ground, make a micro-pause, and only after that start moving. At the finish hold, holding with both hands, you need to hang for 2-3 seconds, then the route will be counted.

In bouldering competitions, intermediate finishes are often made - bonuses. This is done to ensure that athletes are better distributed in the standings. It also keeps track of attempts. The winner in the competition is the one who with fewer attempts overcame more tracks.

In rock climbing, climbing a route on the first try is valued. The fewer attempts you spent, the cooler and stronger you are.

Deep water solo (Deep Water Solo).

Deep water solo is climbing over water. Most often, climbing occurs on a rock with a negative slope. This is necessary so that in the event of a fall, it is unhindered to plunge into the water. Before climbing, you need to study the depth of the water and the surface of the bottom, look around for dangerous places. Also, the danger lies in wait for the climber when immersed in water. During the fall, you can accidentally fall to the side and hit the water. To avoid this, during the fall, go to the position of the "soldier".

A great form of rock climbing, but with its drawbacks. After each fall into the water, it takes time to dry off. In addition, you have to spend a long time in the water, and this is very exhausting.

  • When my group and I did deep water solo in Thailand, we felt incredibly tired after only two hours of training.

Free solo (Free Solo).

The most dangerous type of rock climbing is without a safety net. Such climbing requires iron nerves and the same fingers. Once I was at a master class of a legendary rock climber Alex Huber, on whose account there are many solo ascents with a high category of difficulty. I was surprised by the ability of this man. But we must understand that there are few such people, they can literally be counted on the fingers. Not everyone can do it, there are stories with a sad ending. I would not advise those who want to get only pleasure from climbing without risk to life, to engage in solo climbing.

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Climbers like to climb rocks, book lovers like to climb library shelves, and we will look into dictionaries to find out how to use the verb correctly: climb or climb.

Origin and shades of meaning

This word comes from the Old Slavonic language. We meet its forms in Ukrainian, and in Bulgarian, and in Czech, and in Synonyms of the lexeme "to climb" (or "to climb") explain its meaning: to move, crawl, climb, climb, clinging. In the dictionary of Vladimir Dahl there are numerous expressive examples of the use of both of these words. You can climb or climb onto the roof and into the cellar, through trees and ruins. The verb is also used when they want to talk about penetrating somewhere more than once: climbing cellars, climbing other people's gardens. Another shade of meaning: to penetrate, to get into something locked or fastened with your hands: to climb into a pocket, into a cupboard. Sometimes used in a figurative sense. For example: Why are you interfering in my business? True, in these cases the verb is used mainly not in the infinitive, but in the personal form.

Climb or climb: how to write and speak correctly?

According to modern norms of the Russian language, both words can be considered correct. In the dictionaries of Dahl, Efremova, Ushakov, Reznichenko there is no difference in how to pronounce and write: climb or climb, these infinitives are equal. Only in Ozhegov's dictionary their equality is slightly violated: the verb to climb is mentioned as colloquial. Thanks to this nuance, the literary norm that is acceptable for a high syllable is only one word - “climb”. It often happens that when trying to find the word "climb" in the dictionary, we see a reference to the verb "climb" and already under it we read the necessary information.

conjugation game

Twin words are also remarkable in that they belong to different conjugations, which means they have different conjugations of verbs, you can find out how the word “climb” is spelled in the first, second and third person of unity. and plural. numbers.

Before we conjugate both lexemes, let's remember that the group of verbs of conjugation II includes all words of this part of speech that end in -it in the infinitive. Verbs of the I conjugation in the indefinite form have any endings, except for -it. There are exceptions: the words "shave" and "lay", despite the ending, belong to the group of the first conjugation. And the words “drive”, “hold”, “look”, “see”, “breathe”, “hear”, “hate”, “offend”, “twist”, “depend”, “endure”, regardless of the ending, belong to the group of verbs of the second conjugation. The word "climb" belongs to the second conjugation, since in the infinitive it has the ending -it and does not apply to exceptions. Therefore, according to the rule for verbs of conjugation II, it is written like this:

  • in the first person - I get on, we climb;
  • in the second person - you climb, you climb;
  • in the third person - he (she, it) climbs, they climb.

Another thing is the verb to climb. It belongs to the first conjugation, since it is not included in the group of infinitives ending in -it and is no exception. According to the rule for verbs of conjugation I, the word "climb" has the following personal endings:

  • in the first person - I climb, we climb;
  • in the second - you climb, you climb;
  • in the third - he (she, it) climbs, they climb.

Speak right

Errors may be due to the fact that a person confuses conjugations. You can’t say, for example, he climbs, they climb, you climb, I climb. In the dictionary edited by Dmitry Ushakov, these forms are marked as colloquial. It is also necessary to take into account such a rule of the Russian language as the alternation of consonant phonemes at the root of a word. Following it, we cannot pronounce and write the derivative of the word "climb" in the 1st person singular in this form: I climb. It will be correct like this: I get along.
In the imperative mood, expressing a request or an order, the verb to climb will sound like "climb", and the verb "climb" - respectively, "climb".

Which word is leading

And what word do people use more often: climb or climb? According to the results of a study of the main search engines of the Runet, the championship belongs to the word "climb". Netizens use it about a third more often than the other valid form of this verb.

The Integrum database, which collects the results of media monitoring, reports that newspapers and magazines, for example, in St. Petersburg, are almost a hundred times more likely to print various forms of the verb “to climb” on their pages. In the Krasnoyarsk print media, both words appear on an equal footing. And Moscow publications often use the word "climb".

Derived words

What can be said about other parts of speech derived from the verbs climb and climb? There are nouns "climbing", "climbing", etc. Participle: climbing. There is a gerund "climbing" and "climbing". In colloquial speech, one can sometimes hear an adjective formed from this verb: these mountains are already climbed and climbed.

Which word is appropriate in this or that case

So, we no longer have doubts about how to correctly (climb or climb) should be used in written and oral speech. It remains only to add that the phonetically lexeme "climb", although it is declared colloquial, more, oddly enough, resembles a high syllable, because you can't say, for example, that thieves climb into pockets. Here it is more appropriate to use the verb "climb" (from the infinitive to climb).