Dangerous tours with risk to life. Traveling with a risk to life: what are the dangers of Thailand and Tunisia Traveling with a risk to life

Traveling is a way of life, and nothing can stop the most avid wanderers, even a very real threat to life. In pursuit of new sensations, tourists are ready to take serious risks. Here is a list of the most dangerous tours, where not everyone dares to go, but those who wish are still there.

Journey to Kashgar (China)

Kashgar is an extremely unpleasant city in the Chinese province. It is located near the border with Pakistan and India. There is a constant military threat here. Tourists travel to Kashgar to see the slums of the old city, the mausoleum of Princess Xiangfei and the famous Id Kah Mosque. Yes, Muslim laws reign in this region. Tourists are treated with frank hostility here, you can only get into the old city illegally, deceiving the police barriers. But travelers come here, because prohibitions and extreme sports are already exotic in themselves.

Yungas serpentine ride (Bolivia)

The views here are dizzying - literally and figuratively. You can observe natural beauties by moving along the road over the abyss at an altitude of 3.6 km. The serpentine, only 3 meters wide, winds and bends. The country has made an exception for the sake of traffic safety along the Yungas - here the movement is on the left, while in the whole country it is on the right. Drivers are forced to drive into pockets so as not to collide, but, alas, there are many accidents here. In 1983, a whole bus with passengers fell into the abyss. But you can’t scare crazy tourists - they move along the serpentine not only in cars, but also on bicycles.

Climbing Mount Kanchenjunga (Nepal)

Nepal is a favorite place for tourists and climbers. But where there are high mountains, there is always danger. The mountain called Kanchenjungu is especially unfriendly - according to legend, this mountain is a woman, and she does not like competitors. Until 2008, after climbing to the top, not a single tourist survived, they died either during the ascent, or later - for unknown reasons. Later, several foreign women nevertheless made the ascent. But both women and men are in for a lot of dangers - steep climbs, altitude sickness and avalanches that occur here regularly.

Excursion to Centralia (USA)

In the state of Pennsylvania, there is a city where you can go inside a horror movie. The setting here is reminiscent of the famous Silent Hill. In the 60s, a fire broke out in the mines right under the city. Since then, the city has been reminiscent of a branch of hell - the contents of the underground tunnels continue to burn, the air smells of burning, and fiery holes appear right in the middle of the streets. The city is dead today, there is not a single inhabitant here, but it seems that something sinister still lives here. In a word, impressionable tourists will be really creepy here.

Trip to the gorillas (Congo)

The Congo is a very dangerous country, cases of cannibalism still take place here, and AIDS, disease and poverty are observed everywhere. The country is disturbed by military conflicts. However, the nature here is magnificent - the majestic jungle, volcanoes, clear lakes. And there is also a national park in which gorillas live in their natural environment. Because of this, tourists come here, who do not always understand that the story about King Kong is not entirely fiction. A gorilla can suddenly become dangerous if his mood changes.

Flight over the Sahara Desert (Tunisia)

Traveling to the desert by land is not dangerous, the only extreme here is that the weather in the desert is capricious - there is crazy heat during the day, and frosts can be at night. Brave tourists decide to look at the cosmic landscapes of the Sahara from the air - a hang glider rises to a height of up to 1000 m. But this is not entirely safe, as the aircraft looks unreliable, and, you know, it is difficult to find rescuers in the desert.

Traveling to Tunisia or Thailand can be very dangerous if you travel through these countries alone. Rostourism recommended our citizens to be more careful in places where a lot of people gather, and not to buy random excursion tours from strangers. Similar warnings have been published before, but now they have new, much more alarming wording. More details - the correspondent of "Vesti FM" Sergey Artemov.

Our fellow citizens traveling to Tunisia and Thailand need to be extremely careful and cautious. Rostourism on its website reported the dangers that could threaten Russians there. In particular, in Tunisia, bordering Algeria and Libya, where the IS terrorist group banned in Russia is actively operating, tourists should observe personal security measures, exercise vigilance and discretion, especially while staying in popular resort areas - Sousse, Hammamet, Monastir and the island Djerba. No need to go on unorganized, especially solo trips to the south of Tunisia, especially to the border areas, and it is better to avoid crowded places.

In Thailand, there is a high level of terrorist threat against Russians from radical Islamist groups operating in the country. And then there are new phrases that have not previously been found in such documents: "Attacks can be carried out in the form of emergencies with branded tourist vehicles, arson, biological and chemical contamination of accommodation and display facilities with imitation of the natural causes of these events." According to our information, information about potential terrorist attacks came from the security services. Their analysts do not rule out that criminals can infiltrate their people as bus drivers, cooks and waiters in restaurants, and cleaners in hotel rooms and corridors. And - probably even guides to historical and cultural attractions. A recent example of sophisticated mimicry - 2 years ago, militants attacked hotels on the Tunisian coast, dressed in the uniform of the Tunisian army. Then 30 people were killed.

In addition, the agency instructed travel agencies operating in these areas to inform customers about possible threats. We turned to one of the companies to buy a tour to Tunisia. Her employee is Elizabeth- turned out to be unaware that tourists need to be warned:

- So far, we have not received such information from the Federal Tourism Agency.
- That is, you do not warn tourists yet?
- No…

Also, nothing was heard about the instructions of the department in another company where I tried to arrange a trip to Thailand:

- We have not received this from Rostourism yet. So far there hasn't been. If they send it to us within 24 hours, then there will be a conversation that Rostourism has made such a mailing list.

The Rostourism document also urges travelers not to buy field trips from strangers. Company manager Olga She said that this is standard advice from travel agencies. For obvious practical reasons:

- Do not buy excursions from different comrades - we always talk about this, yes. You have representatives who are responsible for you. If you buy excursions on the street, then your health insurance does not work. Nobody is responsible for you.

The Rostourism warning is certainly a serious matter, and those who are going to travel to Tunisia and Thailand soon should definitely heed it. But, the document itself is not a basis for the delivery of an already purchased ticket at full price, she explained to us. Olga:

- As with Turkey, when the country at the leadership level decided that visiting Turkey is prohibited, then there were full refunds.
- Then there are no penalties?
- Yes, sure. If simply Rostourism does not recommend, for example, but people fly, and at some point you decided to refuse because that's it, then there will be no 100% returns here. There will be contract penalties.

That is, if the tourist is still very worried and decides to return the tour package to Tunisia or Thailand, then he will lose money. The more, the less time remains before the trip. Official representatives of Rostourism declined to comment on their warning, but advised tourists, if they find themselves in dangerous spots, to follow all the instructions of the local police and always keep the phone number of the nearest Russian consulate with them.

According to Russian legislation in the field of tourism, travel insurance is the main form of ensuring their safety during their stay abroad. From December 28, 2015, the insurance policy must cover medical expenses in the amount of at least 2,000,000 rubles. But in addition to the services of a doctor, a tourist may need other assistance, for example, administrative, legal, etc.

The purpose of any type of travel insurance is to protect citizens during organized trips, independent travel, shopping tours or business trips abroad. Such insurance is considered risky. At the same time, risk is understood as the probability that one or another unfavorable or unforeseen situation may occur.

Tourism and insurance features

All risks in the tourism sector may differ in such characteristics as the reasons that caused the possibility of the occurrence of a particular negative event, the breadth of action, the scale of consequences. The common thing that unites these cases is the emergence of a sudden negative situation for the tourist.

Types of risks in tourism

All types of risks in tourism can be conditionally grouped into three main groups:

  • Threat to the life and health of tourists
    There are many reasons for travelers to be concerned. These are, for example, sanitary and epidemiological norms that are unusual for Russians in certain countries (for example, in many countries in Africa and Asia), unfamiliar food, dangerous flora and fauna, and other factors that can threaten the life and health of vacationers.
  • Risk of property damage or loss
    This includes loss of luggage, damage to any valuable items (for example, photo and video equipment, own vehicle, personal belongings, etc.). However, trouble can also occur in an unexpected place. For example, while a tourist is vacationing abroad, his house or apartment can be robbed or flooded by neighbors from above.
  • Civil liability risk
    During the trip, any situation may occur, as a result of which the tourist may inadvertently harm the health or property of third parties. That is why insurers are advised to include civil liability insurance in the policy - this coverage may be especially relevant for athletes or lovers of active pastime.
  • Financial risks
    This can be the cancellation or rescheduling of a flight, cancellation of a trip for various reasons, and much more. It is difficult to fully protect yourself from such force majeure situations, but you can at least insure yourself in order to be able to compensate for their consequences.

Tourist insurance is mandatory and voluntary, group and individual. The fact that this service is mandatory for those traveling abroad is determined by the legislation of the host country. There are states that you can enter only if you have a medical policy. The fact is that you simply will not be granted a visa without such a document. This rule is relevant, for example, for all countries included in the Schengen area.

Optional insurance includes additional services such as third party liability, lost baggage or trip cancellation insurance. Unfortunately, we have to state a relatively low demand for such types of insurance. This is due to the general low level of culture of tourists in the field of insurance. However, the situation is gradually changing for the better. This is largely due to the fact that the number of such insured events is constantly growing.

What can happen to a tourist abroad?

  • Acute sudden diseases;
  • Accident;
  • Loss of luggage and other valuables;
  • Unfavorable weather conditions in the resort (for example, lack of snow on the ski slopes);
  • Long flight delay.

Travel insurance

In the end, it remains to add that when planning a vacation, try to take care of your protection from possible risks and threats that can harm life and health, as well as disrupt your vacation plans. Insurance allows you to make your trip as comfortable and convenient as possible.

A rare journey goes exactly according to a predetermined plan, and unexpected turns of a vacation are far from always pleasant. Almost all the dangers of travel faced by tourists have long been known to everyone, but circumstances can develop in such a way that it is extremely difficult to predict them.

However, when going on vacation to a foreign country, you need to be aware of the possible dangers.


When traveling by train or bus, the likelihood of robbery is very high. In this regard, the countries of the Caucasus, the Middle East and Asia are the most dangerous. In almost every train of these there are dozens of thieves, for whom robbing tourists is almost a constant income.

These thieves work according to the standard scheme - they enter the train, steal luggage, documents or money, and then just get out, which makes it almost impossible to catch them, especially in a foreign country.

Preventing this is quite simple - you just need to sleep on your luggage and close the compartment door tightly. If the road does not take much time, then it is better not to fall asleep at all. Also, do not drink alcohol, as it weakens the attention. All money and documents should be kept with you, and under no circumstances should you put them in bags.

Thief on a scooter

However, robberies happen not only in poor and undeveloped countries. For example, a little more than a thousand US citizens apply to the American Embassy in Italy each year with a request to restore a stolen passport.

Luggage and personal belongings are stolen much less frequently in European countries, but there is always a demand for documents, phones and money.

Most often, property is stolen on the beaches, from hotel rooms and rental cars. In Sicily, robberies with a pistol or a shotgun still sometimes occur - in this case, it is better to give money and jewelry without question if you do not want to lose your life.

In France, you can easily become a victim of gypsies who will distract you with their conversations, and in the meantime they will clean your bag and pockets. And in the presentable southern resorts, moving away from the hotel at night, you can easily become a victim of an armed attack with a robbery.

In Latin America, and especially in Brazil, popular with tourists, tourists can easily be robbed even in broad daylight. During a vacation, for example, in Rio, you should remember that it is enough to walk a few tens of meters - and from a prestigious street you can get into the slums, where the tourist instantly becomes a victim of a robbery, and sometimes something worse.


Despite the fact that the main task of law enforcement agencies is the protection of everyone, including tourists, in a number of countries it is people in uniform that should be feared more than banal thieves.

In Malaysia, Thailand and India, many police officers practice arrest on unfair charges. The salary of police officers in such countries rarely exceeds $200, and they try to earn as much as they can.

Basically, the police work according to this scheme - a tourist is arrested at the airport, finding drugs in his luggage, which they themselves had just planted there. For "silence" they demand about $ 200, which is better to give them - otherwise there is a chance to spend the rest of their days in prison - over the past twenty years, not a single foreigner has been acquitted in Thailand.

Mexico City Police

But in European countries, the fraudulent scheme of the “police” is of a completely different kind. In the same Czech Republic, cheerful people in police uniforms can approach gaping tourists and start demanding payment of a fine in a stern voice. The reasons for such fines may vary, but the first thing to do is to require proof of identification. If a person in uniform refuses, you can safely call for help.

Police officers in Egypt and the United Arab Emirates are known worldwide for their rudeness towards tourists. Especially nervously they can react to aimed camera lenses. Even random shots taken by guests can lead to detention, confiscation of the camera, or even a broken shutter with threats of physical violence.

Countries such as Iran have so-called "vice police" on the streets of large cities. These are the most ordinary police officers who monitor the implementation of the dress code that complies with Muslim law. They can fine women for too short skirts or the absence of a scarf on their heads, men for shorts and unbuttoned shirts.

The danger for tourists is that fines in such countries may not have fixed rates. For foreigners, however, they can be completely sky-high. You can avoid problems - just follow the elementary rules of conduct and the laws of the country where you prefer to spend your vacation.

Important: Any conflict situation with the police in another state should be resolved as quickly as possible and as politely as possible - without mutual insults. The first thing you should do is call the embassy of your country and describe the situation in detail: where, when and for what reason they are trying to detain you or bring you to justice.


In addition to the unconditional human factor, one should not forget about the natural factor - wild animals in any climatic zone can bring tourists a lot of trouble.

When visiting the national parks of Thailand, do not forget about the most famous inhabitants - monkeys. In the view of the layman, these cute little animals are harmless, but in reality everything is completely different.

Before going into the jungle, all tourists are warned to leave jewelry, appliances and valuables in the hotel's storage room. Primates often rob tourists, or simply snatch things out of their hands.

In special cases, tourist groups can be accompanied by specially trained people. Monkeys often behave aggressively, periodically attacking especially curious tourists.

Often people are robbed by monkeys

It is also necessary to observe basic safety precautions on safari tours. Many want to go to tigers or lions in their natural habitat, but few remember that it is impossible to get out of the car under any circumstances.

A separate conversation is snakes. Despite the fact that the chance of meeting a dangerous king cobra in India is rather small, one should not forget that the bite of this reptile is often fatal. Dangerous species of snakes live almost everywhere a tourist has set foot - in Turkey, Thailand, Vietnam or Indonesia.

Scuba diving can also be overshadowed by an encounter with unpleasant inhabitants of the deep sea. In addition to sharks, in the waters of the same Egypt, several dozen species of dangerous fish and other animals can be found.

Forbidden Entertainment

If drugs planted by corrupt police officers are an exception to the rule, then tourists who deliberately go in search of thrills in a foreign country are a sad routine that concerns Russians as well.

You can legally buy marijuana or any soft drug in only a few countries, and almost all of them are in Europe. In other cases, no matter how they try to lure the guest with various "smoking mixtures", this is a direct violation of the law. And, if in the West the case can be limited to a large fine, then in the eastern region it is a serious crime, with punishment up to the death penalty.


Important: Often, drug dealers collude with the police, luring frivolous tourists to planned raids. The result of such "adventures" is very sad - either you have to pay off the law enforcement officers with a tidy sum, or wait for the verdict in prison.

Another forbidden fruit is prostitution. In most countries popular among Russian tourists, it is under the strictest ban, but the so-called sex tours have long become an unspoken routine.

The methods of luring tourists here are similar, only instead of dealers, pimps will offer “goods”.

Precautionary measures

Based on the foregoing, one conclusion can be drawn. To protect yourself on vacation, regardless of the country, you need to do only two things: follow the law and not lose vigilance.

And, of course, it is worth mentioning alcohol, because it is he who is the cause of most of the troubles that have ever happened to Russian tourists. Moderate drinking will help you avoid many troubles, including with the law.

Going on vacation to another city or country, everyone hopes for vivid impressions, interesting meetings and positive emotions. But on the road, a tourist can also face troubles, which are not always possible to avoid even with the most careful preparation for the trip. Travel insurance allows you to minimize the risks associated with long-distance travel.

Travel insurance allows you to protect yourself from wasting time, nerves and money in a foreign country in case of injury or illness, loss of luggage or documents, as well as in other situations when you need help. Travel insurance will give you the opportunity to feel confident in any trip, and will also come in handy for obtaining a visa. You can make an agreement insurance for tourists traveling abroad in just a few minutes with the delivery of the policy by e-mail.

Our travel insurance is accepted by embassies of all countries.

How to buy a travel insurance policy

You can take out travel insurance (against loss of personal belongings, recognizance and other risks) in one of the following ways.

What should a traveler pay attention to when choosing an insurance program: recommendations from experts

When choosing a travel insurance program, the traveler must take into account its features. Experts advise to pay special attention to the following points.

For some countries it is strictly regulated.

Minimum amount:

Schengen area - € 30,000

USA and Canada - $50,000.

The cost is affected by the amount of insurance coverage, the age of the insured, the type of vacation, additional risks.

This is the amount that the tourist will have to pay out of his own pocket. Anything above this amount will be covered by the insurance company.

Please note that TCD policies do not provide for an online franchise (with the exception of property as an additional option).

Service - involves direct support of tourists and compensation for their costs.

It is enough to call the telephone numbers recorded in the policy, and the necessary assistance will be provided to the tourist within the framework of the contract and within the insurance coverage.

If the trip involves active recreation (diving, skydiving, hiking, cycling, etc.), the insurer should be notified about this. When applying for a policy, you must select the planned type of vacation.

Although the price of insurance will increase, in the event of an insured event, the insurer will fulfill its obligations and compensate the tourist for all his expenses.

If active rest was not indicated when issuing the policy, and the insured event occurred precisely when taking it, the insurer will refuse to pay out.

What to do if an insured event occurs

If the policy is issued and an insured event occurs, the victim or his relatives must act clearly and quickly. Not only the life of the victim and the speed of medical care depend on this, but also the ability of the insurer to fulfill its obligations.

In the event of an insured event,

Contact the service center specified in the policy in any convenient way.

Obtain instructions from the operator and act in accordance with them. The service center will select a medical institution that will provide qualified medical care in a timely manner.

If you have travel health insurance and incurred medical expenses, the traveler must contact the insurance company's office within 30 days. He provides documents confirming this fact. The insurer compensates for expenses within the sum insured.

Questions and answers

What is travel insurance?

Tourist insurance is an insurance contract concluded between the insured and the insurance company. The latter assumes the obligation to timely provide assistance to the insured person and cover the costs incurred under adverse circumstances. The policy will allow the owner to feel financially protected if urgent medical care or treatment is needed.

Why do you need travel insurance in Russia?

It is a mistake to think that the policy is necessary only for those traveling abroad. Travel or vacation in Russia may also be associated with adverse circumstances that can lead to an insured event. The insurance policy for travelers in the Russian Federation covers the following risks: medical transportation and expenses, transportation costs, urgent messages and repatriation.

How does a multiple policy work?

The multiple policy is especially popular with those who travel frequently. It is ideal for persons who apply for multiple-entry visas. The insurance period of a multiple policy is 365 days. The insurance will be valid for 91 days of each trip (“Business VIP”), or you can choose the number of insured days yourself (from 3 to 180) (“Multi”). The number of trips is not limited.

How to make changes to the TCD policy?

Contrary to existing misconceptions, changes can be made to the insurance policy. If a mistake was made when applying for a travel insurance policy, the surname, first name, date of birth, etc. were recorded incorrectly, you should not give up and consider the insurance damaged. It is enough to describe the situation in a special chat on the official website of the company or write a letter to her e-mail. The necessary changes will be made to the insurance. In cases where corrections need to be made immediately, you should call the hotline, and specialists will promptly help in this situation.

How to apply for a policy for several countries?

When applying for a TCD policy, the traveler can choose one country or several at once. To do this, you must specify all the countries or regions that will be visited. To travel to several countries of the Schengen area, you need to select "Schengen". When applying for insurance online, you must enter the name of the country and indicate the required one from the list. To enter another country in the same line, you need to write its name and also select from the list. Thus, all the countries where the traveler goes are mentioned.

Can I take out a policy while traveling?

Of course, insurance should be taken out in advance. However, situations are different. If you find that you forgot to take out insurance in a hurry, it does not matter. The policy can be purchased even while on a trip. It is especially convenient to apply online. However, the insurer will not recognize as insured those events that occurred before the date of commencement of the policy.

What should I do if I do not have insurance with me at the time of the insured event?

While staying abroad, it is not always convenient to carry a formalized TCD policy with you. Therefore, it is quite possible that in the event of an insured event, he will not be with him. This is not a problem if you write down, take a picture in advance, save the policy number with the contacts of the service center in your mobile device, because the phone is always at hand.

What is a service center?

The service center is a specialized company that provides round-the-clock services provided for by the rules and the insurance contract. He acts on behalf of the insurer. The contacts of the service center are always indicated in the insurance policy and should be at hand. They should be contacted in the event of an insured event. In the future, you need to act in accordance with the instructions coming from the service center.

How much does visa insurance cost?

The price of a policy depends on several factors. These include the country of entry, the amount of the sum insured, the insurance risks covered by the policy, its validity period, the intended type of vacation, etc. To find out the cost of insurance, you can use the online calculator. Enter in it the day of entry and exit, the country and other data. If active rest is expected, it is necessary to indicate this. Click "Calculate Cost". As a result, you can see the real cost of the policy.

How to cancel the contract and return the money?

To terminate the contract and return the funds, it is necessary to apply to any convenient office with a Russian passport, international passport and insurance policy before the start of the insurance policy and write an application for termination. Within 10 days the funds will be returned. Please note: upon receipt of a visa under such a policy, the funds are non-refundable.

insurance terms

Insurance contract Voluntary insurance Insured Sum insured (coverage) Accident Insurance rules Insurance premium (contribution) Insurance risk Policyholder Insured event (event) Insurer (insurance company) Territory of policy Deductible Loss

Insurance contract

Insurance contract is an agreement between the insurer and the insured that governs their mutual obligations under the terms of the selected type of insurance.

Voluntary insurance

Voluntary insurance is a form of insurance that arises on the basis of an insurance contract voluntarily concluded by the insurer and the insured.


The insured is a party to the insurance contract in respect of which it is concluded. This is an individual whose health, life or ability to work are the objects of insurance protection.

Sum insured (coverage)

Sum insured (coverage) - the amount of money specified in the contract, within which the policyholder has insured his interest.


An accident is a sudden physical impact of certain external factors (thermal, mechanical, chemical, etc.) on the insured, which occurred against his will and led to bodily injury, impaired physiological functions or death. Accidents do not include any form of chronic, acute and hereditary pathologies.

Insurance rules

Insurance rules are an integral part of the insurance contract. They reflect the essential conditions of insurance, define the rights and obligations of the insurer, the insured, the object of insurance. A complete list of insured events, as well as exceptions from them, when the insurer is released from liability, is given.

Insurance premium (contribution)

Insurance premium (contribution) is an insurance payment transferred by the insured to the insurance company for the contract. Its size is determined by the tariff rate of the insurer, the amount insured, the term of insurance and other factors.

insurance risk

Insured risk is an assumed danger or accident, due to which an insured event may occur, as a result of which the insurer will have to make an insurance payment.


Insured is a natural or legal person who enters into a contract with an insurer. According to the contract, the policyholder must pay the company in a timely manner for the fact that it assumes the obligation to make a payment upon the occurrence of an insured event.

Insured event (event)

Insured event (event) - an unfavorable event that has occurred, provided for by the insurance contract. In this regard, the insurer undertakes to make insurance compensation to the insured or his legal representative specified in the contract (beneficiary).

Insurer (insurance company)

An insurer (insurance company) is a legal entity that, for a fee, assumes an obligation to make an insurance payment or compensate for losses incurred upon the occurrence of an insured event specified in the contract.

The territory of the policy

Territory of validity of the policy is a region, country or several countries in whose territory the insurance policy will be valid.


Deductible is the amount of damage that is not reimbursed by the insurer upon the occurrence of an insured event. It must be paid by the insured.

Loss - expenses incurred by the insured or his representative, documented. Subject to reimbursement by the insurer in accordance with the terms of the contract.

Insurance for tourists traveling abroad

Everyone who is going to travel abroad needs to know that travel insurance is just as important as train or plane tickets. The cost of travel insurance is incommensurable with the price of medical expenses abroad. In order not to pay out of pocket for the services of a doctor or hospital, if they are suddenly needed on vacation, you must purchase a TCD policy. Also, without medical insurance for traveling abroad, it will not be possible to obtain a visa, and sometimes even enter the country.

Traveling in Russia

Calculation of the cost of insurance for travel in Russia, online purchase of a policy in 5 minutes. Valid at a distance of >90 km from the settlement where the insured person permanently resides.

If you are sending a children's team to a camp or sports camp, going on vacation or traveling around Russia, the AlfaTRAVEL insurance policy will protect your financial interests in the event of an accident. The program provides for medical and travel expenses, dental care, urgent messages, post-mortem repatriation of the body, etc.

Passenger insurance

When buying a train or air ticket online, you can additionally purchase insurance coverage for the duration of transportation and / or stay on a trip, as well as protect yourself against the risk of being unable to travel.

To minimize the risks associated with air travel, allows a special type of insurance - voluntary insurance of passengers. Going on a trip with an AlfaStrakhovanie passenger insurance policy, you can be sure that you are under reliable protection.

Green map

If you are going to travel abroad by car, then you will need to purchase a compulsory insurance policy "Green Card" (Green Card).

If you are going to travel abroad by car, you will need a Green Card insurance policy. This is an international analogue of OSAGO insurance, which is accepted in 46 countries of the world. By becoming the owner of such a policy, you protect yourself from the cost of compensation for damage caused by you to health, life and property of third parties while driving a vehicle outside of Russia.

In order to count on surgical treatment and receive monetary compensation in case of an accident, it is necessary to purchase a medical policy with an additional risk "Accident" from AlfaStrakhovanie.

Applying for travel insurance online will save you time. The policy will allow you to quickly receive payment in case of injuries (as a percentage of the sum insured), and also provides for the payment of the sum insured in case of complete disability or death of the insured.

In the latter case, the money will be paid to the beneficiaries (heirs).

medical expenses

AlfaStrakhovanie will make sure that you do not have to spend money on medical care that you may need during your trip.

Within the framework of the chosen program, you can count on reliable protection and guaranteed assistance.

The policy will save you from additional expenses and reimburse medical expenses for dental care, honey. transportation, repatriation, urgent messages, etc.

Depending on the territory of insurance and the duration of the trip, you can choose the appropriate program with the optimal list of insurance risks.

If you do not have the opportunity to visit the AlfaStrakhovanie office, issue a policy online. It's fast and easy. You can pay by card and receive the policy by e-mail.

Cancellation insurance

No matter how a trip abroad is planned, there is always a risk that it will not take place. If you take out insurance against non-departure / non-flight abroad, the payment partially compensates for the cost of the missing tickets and vouchers.

Protect yourself in case your planned trip is cancelled. Insurance against non-departure / non-departure abroad is what you need.

This option involves monetary compensation in the event of such risks as dangerous infectious diseases, non-receipt of a visa (with the exception of a refusal that was received due to non-compliance with the conditions for submitting documents or if they were met, but the US and UK consulates still refused), participation in legal proceedings, hospitalization or death (including relatives of those traveling abroad), etc.

Travel cancellation insurance is included in the Premium insurance program and allows you to return the money spent in the event of a sudden change in your plans, with the exception of the case of non-receipt of a visa.

Luggage insurance

A policy with included baggage insurance risk provides for a payment that compensates for the cost of lost items within the limits specified in the contract. To save time, you can buy travel insurance online.

Losing luggage on the road is always associated with a spoiled mood and financial expenses for the purchase of a new wardrobe. To protect yourself from this, you can include an additional risk "Luggage insurance" in the policy.

The amount of payments depends on the insurance coverage chosen when concluding the insurance contract.

You can quickly issue a policy on the site and receive the document by e-mail.

Property for the duration of the trip

To protect yourself from the hassle of losing money, documents, and other personal property, you will need TCD insurance with this added risk. In order not to buy a document directly at the office of the insurance company, issue a policy online on our website.

When we go on vacation or a business trip, we want to be sure that nothing will happen to our apartment or country house.

In order not to worry about problems that may arise during your vacation, you can conclude a property insurance contract in case of theft, death, loss or damage due to fire, gas explosion, lightning strike, plumbing and other system failures.

You can add this additional service to your travel insurance contract.

Traveling to Tunisia or Thailand can be very dangerous if you travel through these countries alone. Rostourism recommended our citizens to be more careful in places where a lot of people gather, and not to buy random excursion tours from strangers. Similar warnings have been published before, but now they have new, much more alarming wording. More details - correspondent of "Vesti FM" Sergey Artemov.

Our fellow citizens traveling to Tunisia and Thailand need to be extremely careful and cautious. Rostourism on its website reported the dangers that could threaten Russians there. In particular, in Tunisia, bordering Algeria and Libya, where the IS terrorist group banned in Russia is actively operating, tourists should observe personal security measures, exercise vigilance and discretion, especially while staying in popular resort areas - Sousse, Hammamet, Monastir and the island Djerba. No need to go on unorganized, especially solo trips to the south of Tunisia, especially to the border areas, and it is better to avoid crowded places.

In Thailand, there is a high level of terrorist threat against Russians from radical Islamist groups operating in the country. And then there are new phrases that have not previously been found in such documents: "Attacks can be carried out in the form of emergencies with branded tourist vehicles, arson, biological and chemical contamination of accommodation and display facilities with imitation of the natural causes of these events." According to our information, information about potential terrorist attacks came from the security services. Their analysts do not rule out that criminals can infiltrate their people as bus drivers, cooks and waiters in restaurants, and cleaners in hotel rooms and corridors. And - probably even guides to historical and cultural attractions. A recent example of sophisticated mimicry - 2 years ago, militants attacked hotels on the Tunisian coast, dressed in the uniform of the Tunisian army. Then 30 people were killed.

In addition, the agency instructed travel agencies operating in these areas to inform customers about possible threats. We turned to one of the companies to buy a tour to Tunisia. Her employee - Elizabeth - was not aware that tourists need to be warned:

- So far, we have not received such information from the Federal Tourism Agency.
- That is, you do not warn tourists yet?
- No…

Also, nothing was heard about the instructions of the department in another company where I tried to arrange a trip to Thailand:

- We have not received this from Rostourism yet. So far there hasn't been. If they send it to us within 24 hours, then there will be a conversation that Rostourism has made such a mailing list.

The Rostourism document also urges travelers not to buy field trips from strangers. The manager of the company Olga said that this is standard advice from travel agencies. For obvious practical reasons:

- Do not buy excursions from different comrades - we always talk about this, yes. You have representatives who are responsible for you. If you buy excursions on the street, then your health insurance does not work. Nobody is responsible for you.

The Rostourism warning is certainly a serious matter, and those who are going to travel to Tunisia and Thailand soon should definitely heed it. But, the document itself is not a basis for returning an already purchased ticket at full price, Olga explained to us:

- As with Turkey, when the country at the leadership level decided that visiting Turkey is prohibited, then there were full refunds.
- Then there are no penalties?
- Yes, sure. If simply Rostourism does not recommend, for example, but people fly, and at some point you decided to refuse because that's it, then there will be no 100% returns here. There will be contract penalties.

That is, if the tourist is still very worried and decides to return the tour package to Tunisia or Thailand, then he will lose money. The more, the less time remains before the trip. Official representatives of Rostourism declined to comment on their warning, but advised tourists, if they find themselves in dangerous spots, to follow all the instructions of the local police and always keep the phone number of the nearest Russian consulate with them.

Once with my wife

We returned from the cinema,

We met someone in the dark.

Gentlemen, take off your coats!

Once! And they took it off!

Arkady Severny

Traveling is not only a good pleasant vacation, but it is always a kind of risk. Especially if you are going to a foreign, unfamiliar country. It is important to remember that here you will inevitably encounter a language barrier, different traditions, culture, different mentality and in many ways you will find yourself in some way unarmed.

Therefore, it is important to constantly take care of your safety, not to get involved in all sorts of adventures, not to take risky steps. It will also be your direct duty to take care of the safety of your friends and relatives who travel with you.

Your fellow travelers may not be aware of a number of travel hazards, so you need to tell them about it, advise them on how to behave in a given situation.

Choice of tour operator

Unexpected dangers often arise because travel companies are not always able to clearly inform you about how to behave in different countries. The financial issue affects in order to quickly issue a ticket, sell tickets - the manager is silent about certain nuances. Thus, behave, of course, incompetent tour operators, all sorts of "horns and hooves."

In view of this, you should always choose reliable, well-established companies in the travel industry market for traveling. Carefully study the website of the travel company, its certificates. It is best if it is a well-known international tour operator, which must have a quality certificate and a number of other documents confirming high competence in working with people.

Culture of different countries

It is important to remember that you should never drink alcoholic beverages while traveling. This increases the risk of danger, and can turn into a real tragedy. The same applies to cigarettes: in a number of countries, smoking in the wrong place can lead to serious liability.

For example, many citizens, going on vacation to Muslim countries, do not hesitate at all that it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol in public places. The law is very harsh for everyone and punishment will be inevitable.

Also, according to Muslim customs, it is strictly forbidden to bare shoulders, knees where local girls go covered with a veil. Appearing in overly revealing clothes can lead to a number of troubles with both the police and the locals. This is a strict violation of local traditions, which in itself is a gross violation of etiquette.

Also, elementary compassion can be a serious danger on a journey. For example, if in the USA you see a crying child on the street and go up to him in order to calm him down a little, pat him on the head, then you can instantly get in trouble with the police for “pedophilia”. Russian compassion is simply not understood here.

I twist, I twist - I want to confuse

A very risky step will be playing card games with strangers. As well as in thimbles, and other games of chance. The 90s taught our compatriots a lot, but all the same, some unlucky travelers sometimes want to try their hand and win the main prize. The result is usually very deplorable.

Increased travel risk areas are airports, train stations, places of tourist and mass pilgrimage. One thing should be understood. For every tourist there is a kind of hunt.

Tourists are hunted by local petty thieves, beggars and professional pickpockets. You should carefully monitor your belongings, finances and documents. Try not to get into crowded places. Here they can, as it were, accidentally squeeze in the crowd or inadvertently stumble over you.

As a rule, scammers have schemes honed over the years to take money. I remember the great strategist O. Bender with his phrase: “I personally have four hundred honest ways to take banknotes.”

Therefore, it is necessary to be very vigilant and to be on guard all the time.

Robbers on bikes

Even in developed foreign countries, trouble may lie in wait. In, for example, admiring the local sights, you can easily become a victim of gypsies who will clean your pockets and take away all the most valuable things.

In Prague, more than 250 citizens apply every year in order to restore a lost passport. In Brazil and a number of Latin American countries, they can be robbed even during the day. There are many slums and dangerous quarters here, without any markings.

There are also dangerous neighborhoods where they can easily attack and commit a robbery. There are a lot of thieves who are cycling, snatching bags from their hands. Remember the American cinema, where these scenes were just shown. However, it would be naive to believe that Van Damme will immediately appear around the corner and return your handbag or wallet.

In the evening, you also need to be extremely vigilant, flatly refuse to walk at night, jogging in unfamiliar places, and try to walk only along the central pedestrian streets of the city.

Werewolves in uniform

The scheme is painfully simple: dubious grass is found in the detainee's bag, of course, planted in advance by a law enforcement officer, and they ask for relatively small money in the amount of 150-200 euros for silence. In these countries, avoid lingering at airports, train stations, try not to catch the eye of the police once again.

Unlucky beachgoers

Warm beaches in Rio de Janeiro can also pose a danger. It is here that the police receive a host of complaints from unlucky tourists. People go for a swim, and, returning to the shore, they find that legs have actually been attached to things.

As in the immortal novel “The Master and Margarita”: “When the wet Ivan danced up the stairs to the place where his dress was left under the protection of the bearded man, it turned out that not only the second one was stolen, but also the first one, that is, the bearded man himself. Exactly in the place where there was a pile of dresses, there were striped underpants, a torn sweatshirt, a candle, an icon and a box of matches.

Such cases are not uncommon. Going to the police, as a rule, will no longer return stolen items.

Neatness on the streets

Resting in Naples, danger can lie in wait for you in small narrow streets. Crazy motorcyclists often rush here. The goal, as a rule, is the same - to rip off a handbag, an expensive headdress or a camera.

The port of Baria, in Italy, where several ships with tourists arrive daily, has gained fame as a very criminogenic place. As soon as a tourist’s foot steps off the ship’s gangway, cunning thieves seek to cut off a camera, a bag from it, and in a crowd of tourists they actively clean their pockets.


If you leave the hotel for a walk, you should not leave your mobile phone in the room. The fact is that the maid can cleverly use your phone for their own selfish purposes. It will be very annoying to find a significant debt on the room. The same applies to large sums of money, even in the safe of the room they can be seized.

Warm countries

A significant danger lies in various experiments with foreign cuisine. Foods that are overly spicy or unaccustomed to your stomach can lead to both mild stomach upset and hospitalization with severe pain. As they say, there is no friend for the taste and color.

In tropical countries, an additional risk is the risk of contracting a viral infection. The cause may be poisonous insects. It is to prevent such phenomena that it is necessary to undergo the vaccination procedure. To avoid poisonous bites, it is better to choose clothes from dense fabric with long sleeves. Make sure that the hotel or apartment has protective mosquito nets on the windows, apply special creams to the body during sleep.

In hot countries, it is necessary to consume a large amount of drinking water in order to quickly restore the body's water balance and somewhat reduce exposure to hot sunlight. But it is best to buy bottled water in supermarkets. Any other water, from sources, etc., must be boiled, and only then used in the household.

Hot Spots

Countries with an unstable political situation are of particular danger. In troubled times, the level of criminality, both petty and more extensive, greatly increases. As a result, your sightseeing bus can simply be stopped and robbed, or even taken hostage by all tourists. Therefore, one should not take risks and strive to travel to such dangerous places.


On long-distance trains, especially to the countries of the former CIS, you should not relax. Keep documents and money with you, put it under the seat or under the pillow at night. In childhood, we ourselves became victims of scammers, when a neighbor in the compartment, under a strange pretext, put his things in our box. In the morning, of course, he reached for his knapsack (which was probably empty), at the same time taking our provisions.


In large metropolitan areas, you can inadvertently encounter aggressive youth subcultures. One such example is football fans. It is worth remembering the movie "Eurotour", when a group of young people went into an average English pub and found themselves face to face with a whole gang of aggressive-minded guys.

Therefore, if you see a group of unleashed, excited people, in no case should you approach them, and in general show all kinds of attention. Themed pubs, where sports games or heavy music concerts are broadcast, are also very dangerous.

On the streets, in the metro and public transport of megacities, you need to be extremely careful, as professional scammers often operate there. Visitors are easily figured out by restless shifty eyes and try to somehow weld on.

There is also the danger of falling under a hot hand. Therefore, it is better not to respond to threats and insults. For example, in Moscow, cases of fights and brawls in the subway have long been not uncommon, often with the use of traumatic weapons. Moreover, not only ordinary citizens, but also celebrities of the Moscow beau monde, even politicians, become victims.

Precautionary measures

Only a series of strict measures to protect your life and a clear awareness of the country you want to go will help to avoid danger. It is better to familiarize yourself with all the information in advance, thoroughly find out from the tour operator about all the features of the area.

Find out the currency exchange rate, customs clearance rules, clothing recommendation, required vaccinations, find out the cost of basic products, taxi and public transport fares, write down the phone number of the local Russian consulate and local police, ask where the nearest hospital is, and always take business card of your hotel.

Documents and money should be kept especially carefully. Just in case, make electronic copies of the main documents, in case of loss, in order to somehow prove your identity. It is better to have both an electronic and a printed copy.

Money-cash and credit cards are best separated. Ideal if you are traveling with your spouse and actually have two different wallets. If there is no safe in the room, it is better to put some money in the safe at the reception. If there is nowhere to leave money at the hotel, then it is better to carry less cash and withdraw money from an ATM more often. If possible, it is best to split the money between two accounts on different bank cards.

When traveling, it is best not to show your wealth. Expensive clothes, gold jewelry, iPhone and iPad - all these things are best left at home. You should also exchange large bills in advance, do not carry purchases in one large bag, so as not to attract special attention to yourself.

Always carry a first aid kit with you, where you can find all the most necessary medical supplies. Take, be sure, remedies for poisoning, allergies, anti-flu, painkillers and drugs for motion sickness. Plaster, dressings and disinfectants can be taken at your discretion, because. they are definitely available in any pharmacy.

If you are going to go in for extreme sports while traveling, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the certificates of conformity of the quality of the services provided at the organizer's office. Some companies neglect mandatory certification in order to save money, and there is a high risk to the health of visitors.

Be sure to find out if your insurance covers all kinds of injuries sustained in a fall from a motorcycle or during a car accident. When renting a scooter, be sure to ask for a helmet. Personal safety rules should never be neglected. Statistics show that in many countries foreign tourists almost regularly break to death. This amounts to very large numbers.

During solitary walks, one should be restrained and not talk to strangers, especially not trustworthy people. The map of the area must be studied in detail in advance and kept with you, but also not to walk, as they say, moving your nose along the map, attracting a dangerous contingent.

Look after yourself, be careful.

Have a good rest!

Would you install an application for reading epochtimes articles on your phone?

Part of the east of Ukraine, which is now considered territory beyond the control of Kyiv, has become a kind of forbidden territory. It is not so easy to get into the territory of the unrecognized republics, but it is even more difficult to leave from there. However, here too there were enterprising people who did not lose their heads and came up with a lot of ways to make money on a military conflict. No one holds a grudge against them - after all, they help to solve a number of problems, and if a person is able to pay, then he gladly resorts to their services. But those who have no money have to seriously risk not only their health, but also their lives.

Journalist Oleksandr Gayuk spent the whole day on the border between the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic and Ukraine, where he prepared a photo report specially for Open Asia Online.

Business on documents
First of all, those who want to formalize marriage, the birth of a child, the death of a relative, restore lost documents, etc. leave the DPR. Severe Ukrainian border guards carefully check everyone's passport, and at the same time, some may be denied entry without explanation. Apparently, because of this, people appeared at the border who offer to solve any such issue “without a client”. For example, a new passport costs from $200, a license costs from $400. And since every day the Ukrainian authorities find gaps in their permit system, the cost of such services is constantly growing.

- The rights of the Ukrainian sample have international recognition, so you have to use this service. After all, it is simply impossible to go to a driving school from the DPR for a couple of months - you have to leave your family and work. And so I studied here, and from Ukraine they brought you legal rights. Expensive, of course, but nowhere to go, - said 30-year-old Alexei Molchanov, who recently became the proud owner of a silver Lanos.

Business in line
On different days, from two hundred to a thousand cars stand in lines on the border with the unrecognized republic, and this is about five hundred people who, for the whole day, will definitely want to eat, drink and, of course, relieve themselves. And if the hastily collected semblances of toilets or bushes cope with the last point, then there was nowhere to buy food in the field. But demand creates supply, and sellers of sandwiches, coffee and water have chosen the border area. It is clear that the price for simple provisions is almost doubled, but people don’t really have to choose. Especially those who did not have time to pass through the checkpoint before evening and stayed overnight in the field.

But if you do not want to stand in line, you can use the services of carriers that somehow pass the border without hindrance. One seat in such a “preferential” car is about $12. For about the same amount, people who stand at the very beginning of the line can give you their place. Many people make a living this way.

If you decide to cross the border on foot, then there are your own problems: between the zero post, where the Ukrainian territory already begins, and the customs office, where people are checked, the distance is about 3 kilometers. It's not easy to get through in the heat. There is, however, a bus, but it runs very rarely. Therefore, a new type of service appeared - a cycle rickshaw. According to the principle of Indian cabs, a guy for $ 6.5 can transport two passengers to customs and back.

19-year-old Sergey Morozov recently came up with such a service. In Kharkov, he ordered the necessary transport, and now he has his own business.

There are enough clients, I hope to pay back this bike very soon and, maybe, I will even take someone else with me as a partner. When pedestrians are quickly let through, I can no longer cope alone, and this is a missed opportunity to earn money, - Sergey said.

"You don't go there!"
But not everything can be solved for money. For example, if the citizens of Kazakhstan decide to come to the DPR, they simply will not be allowed through. At the Ukrainian customs, the servicemen said that in this case, the foreigners must have relatives in the self-proclaimed republic. Only this basis allows you to apply on the SBU website to get a pass to the war zone. It is not surprising that people appeared here too, offering to get permission to enter for a fee. However, as practice shows, there are many scammers among them - the pass may turn out to be fake, and then its owner may have serious problems.

Alternatively, you can also pass through the Russian border to the DPR, but if the Ukrainian authorities find out about this, they will make the violator prohibited from entering the territory of Ukraine and impose a fine.

There are other incidents related to travel to the ATO zone. For example, 35-year-old Valentina Solyaeva went on vacation to Berdyansk with her 10-year-old daughter. But the woman did not know that in order to cross the border, a notarized permission from the father was needed to take the child out. And it turned out that they were released from the DPR, but they were not allowed back. Now Valentina will wait until her husband returns from a business trip, and they can return home together. In the meantime, she will have to look for a place where they would be sheltered for a while.

"We would stand the day, but hold out the night"
Well, ordinary citizens can only wait their turn. And lately more and more time. If earlier it was possible to cross the border in 3-5 hours, now this process stretches for a day, or even two people spending the night in the field together. By the way, you don’t get bored here at night - people become eyewitnesses of fights and incidents, and sometimes victims. Even more often people die here due to the fact that they go into the ditch to relieve themselves or try to bypass the road by car. There are a lot of mined areas that are not marked in any way. This leads to big losses. In order to somehow protect people, the security forces do not remove blown up cars from the minefields ...

65-year-old Sergei Vasilchenko often travels from Donetsk, where he works, to Kurakhovo, where there is a house and farm. Taught by the bitter experience of standing in lines in the heat of the moment, he now does not leave without bottles of frozen water and a large beach umbrella. He attaches it to his old Volga and escapes in the shade.

When people's patience goes beyond all limits, they begin to block the road and not let anyone through. It is especially difficult for disabled people and families with children - they are usually always sent to the very back of the queue. Therefore, from their allowances, they save up “travel” money so as not to stand for a day and a half, risking their lives. The tax, let me remind you, starts from $ 12 ...