MES travel abroad. Permitted countries for travel abroad for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

In connection with the introduction of anti-Russian sanctions by the United States, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations were advised to refrain from traveling to countries that have concluded an agreement on mutual extradition with the American side.

The Office fears that its employees may be subject to biased and unfounded claims while in the countries listed below. Accordingly, American law enforcement agencies may demand the extradition of those who were not objectively detained in the United States and convict them on dubious charges, reports Life News.

Employees will be informed about all, in particular political, changes in the situation in countries where it is undesirable to visit. There will also be briefings at which employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations will be told about precautionary measures during their stay in these countries.

On April 10, the official website of the Russian Foreign Ministry published an official warning for Russian citizens about the possibility of being detained or arrested at the request of American law enforcement agencies and special services.

The list of banned countries includes more than a hundred states. Including: Austria, Argentina, Belgium, Bulgaria, Brazil, UK, Hungary, Germany, Honduras, Greece, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Israel, India, Spain, Italy, Canada, Cyprus, Cuba, Latvia, Lithuania, Liechtenstein , Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Monaco, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Seychelles, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Thailand, Turkey, Finland, France, Czech Republic, Chile, Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia, South Africa, South Korea , Jamaica, Japan, etc.

Earlier, a similar ban applied to employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the prosecutor's office. For example, in April Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev signed an inter-departmental order temporarily restricting the travel of heads of all levels on private matters abroad. In accordance with it, restrictions are also imposed on the departure of personnel abroad - "the decision to leave personnel is made in exceptional cases, taking into account all factors." The Ministry of Internal Affairs has already prepared a black list of 150 countries that employees will not be able to travel to. In the order of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the following argument is given as a rationale for the decision to restrict travel: “Due to the complication of the international situation caused by the crisis in Ukraine, cases of illegal actions against employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs have become more frequent in a number of foreign countries, the number of provocations and recruiting approaches has increased.”

The same order was signed by the Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Yuri Chaika. There are 173 countries on the list where the entry of prosecutors is restricted. Among them are Turkey, Egypt, Spain, Italy, Greece, Croatia, Portugal, Finland, Israel, United Arab Emirates, Thailand, Cambodia and Tunisia, etc.

All of the above countries, including Japan, EU countries and others, have concluded agreements with the United States on the extradition of citizens of other states, a source familiar with the situation said. - Fearing provocations, we want to ensure the safety of Russian citizens serving in government agencies.

In the current conditions of political tension, not all categories of Russians can go on a trip abroad. However, the deterioration of the international situation, along with the financial component, are not the only reasons preventing travel. Russians involved in work in law enforcement agencies also cannot afford to travel abroad. Travel abroad for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and their colleagues is not open today, since the first and second have special information.

The ban applies to representatives of a number of special departments (Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, MO, FSIN, SVR, EMERCOM, FSSP and others). It is fixed in Article 15 of the Federal Law No. 114 of 15.08.96. Service in these structures provides access to information that is strictly confidential, and their disclosure can cause serious damage to national interests.

Restrictions on freedom of movement are imposed not only on conscripts, but also on contract soldiers. The issue of the possibility of civilian personnel traveling abroad in the Russian Defense Ministry is decided on a purely individual basis. Heads of departments by local acts have the right to establish or remove a ban on visiting foreign countries.

The duration of the restrictions

Coming to the service in the department, his future representative signs the labor contract and the non-disclosure agreement for special information. The latter indicates the time period during which restrictive measures are in effect. Usually, the ban on the travel of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs abroad is lifted after 5 years from the date when the person last looked through secret papers.

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The issue is resolved taking into account the level of data confidentiality. If the information owned by the employee has the third level of secrecy, then the period of not traveling abroad can be reduced (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 870 of September 4, 1995). In some cases, at the initiative of the Interdepartmental Commission, it can be increased, but not more than 10 years. The decision taken can be appealed in court.

Reasons for the ban

Restriction of freedom of movement for representatives of law enforcement agencies is introduced due to two circumstances:

  • access to information of extreme importance;
  • prevention of a threat to personal safety.

Theoretically, in the first case, there is a possibility of disclosure of secret information, and in the second case, there is a risk of not returning from the country with which the United States has signed an extradition agreement.

List of countries

The list of places abroad where it is recommended/prohibited to stay for subordinates working in special institutions is determined by internal orders and instructions. Heads of departments regularly monitor the situation and decide on the need for foreign holidays for employees, taking into account the military-political, sanitary-epidemiological, and criminogenic situation in a particular territory.

Where entry is prohibited

In 2019, the list of foreign locations in which the presence of representatives of law enforcement agencies of the Russian Federation is undesirable is quite extensive. Its main part is made up of countries that are under pressure from the United States in domestic and foreign affairs - France, Latvia, Finland, Japan, Germany, Belgium, Great Britain, the Czech Republic, Mexico, Jamaica and others. The black list is represented by more than 150 states, which is associated with a regular increase in international tension.

Where allowed

The question of which countries military personnel can travel to does not lose relevance. There are much fewer foreign places available for recreation. This year, Russian soldiers and policemen can go to 13 countries, most of which are former Soviet republics (South Ossetia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, etc.).

You can visit relatives living in these states by spending a relatively small amount. Holidays in Vietnam, Tunisia, China and Cuba will cost a little more. The list of allowed countries for the military is similar to that provided for the police. Previously, the security forces were allowed to rest in India, the Dominican Republic, Brazil, and the AOE.

Rules for military personnel

Agreeing with the terms of the contract by signing it, the soldier must remember that the document imposes on him certain obligations related to the inability to leave the Russian Federation. Moreover, in 99% of cases, a person liable for military service abroad is impossible a priori, despite the presence of a white list of countries. The fact of access to information of extreme importance in this case does not matter.

The soldier is provided in advance with the opportunity to familiarize himself with the non-disclosure agreement, which certifies the fact that the soldier has viewed confidential data. Moreover, the relatives of the contractor have the right to go abroad without restrictions. Departure of military personnel abroad in 2019 is carried out only if there are good reasons and with the permission of a higher commander.

For law enforcement officers

Formally, for representatives of special structures, the ban on tours abroad is not imperative. But for many years, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB have provided for the organization of a secrecy regime when traveling abroad, and no one has the right to violate it. There is an unwritten regulation that prohibits travel to certain countries without special need.

Moreover, even in the presence of the latter, one should strictly adhere to a certain procedure, ignoring which is fraught with adverse consequences for the law enforcement officer or agent. For example, they come if there is no report to travel abroad. Without the specified document, obtaining a visa is excluded. Moreover, the civil servant must additionally fill out applications for traveling abroad (see the sample below). Management makes decisions based on specific circumstances.

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Against the background of the fact that the list of foreign locations where police officers can go to rest is not voluminous, representatives of the legislature in 2019 came up with a new initiative. The deputies want to completely ban the highest and ordinary ranks of the Ministry of Internal Affairs from traveling abroad.

If the draft law is agreed upon, then the restriction on freedom of movement will be reflected in the labor agreement signed upon admission to the service. Many are interested in whether employees of the prosecutor's office can travel abroad? They also become aware of secret information within the framework of their official powers, therefore the ban on visiting certain states is provided for by order of the Prosecutor General dated January 24, 2014 No. 201.

Internal troops are the main component of this structure. Are National Guard employees allowed to travel abroad? Contract soldiers may also have information that is not subject to disclosure. The specified circumstance imposes a ban on them, but the final decision is made by the leadership (order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of August 21, 2019 No. 360).


Specialists of this structure are not allowed to leave Russia until the expiration of the labor contract (FSB order No. 179 of 04/17/12). Moreover, the management can send an employee abroad for no more than 15 days. Can FSB officers travel abroad for a longer period? Only in exceptional cases - for rehabilitation, resolving issues related to the registration of an inheritance, caring for relatives experiencing serious health problems. Moreover, under standard conditions, it is necessary to follow a certain procedure - to submit a petition to the authorities 3 months before the planned border crossing.

Customs workers

Representatives of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation are also subject to restrictions related to access to information of particular importance. The Russian Foreign Ministry, in connection with the growing international tension and the threat of terrorist attacks, recommended that customs representatives refuse to tour to some foreign countries. And now the specialists of this department adhere to this proposal.

For employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Those involved in the prevention of accidents and liquidation of emergency situations also belong to the number of travel restrictions. The list of countries allowed for travel by employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is not as impressive as that of the military and police. When resolving the issue, the degree of political tension in a particular region and the nuances of a personal nature are taken into account as a matter of priority.

The order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations on traveling abroad in 2019 No. 244 was issued on the basis of the recommendations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the inappropriateness of tourist voyages. The document obliges unit commanders to take the most balanced approach to the problem of the relevance of the departure of employees on foreign tours.

Who, to whom and how will issue permits for issuing a passport? Will cryptographers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and, in general, all servicemen of the rescue department be able to travel abroad? Under what conditions and who will sign their permits?

The answers to these questions are contained in the order of the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations N360 dated June 4 this year, signed by Vladimir Puchkov and published today in RG.

This document is registered with the Ministry of Justice and from now on will determine the order, for example, where employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations will be able to spend their holidays - on the beaches of Montenegro or Turkey, or with a fishing rod on the shores of Lake Baikal, or in the sanatoriums of Anapa.

In addition, now the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations is actively developing ties and strengthening cooperation around the world. Treaties and even entire bases are now emerging in Europe. In particular, the Ministry of Emergency Situations will soon have a full-fledged center in the Serbian Nis. Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations will soon be traveling abroad much more intensively than before.

In addition, the forecasts of climatologists do not reassure. Russian rescuers are already flying all over the world, rescuing people from trouble and extinguishing fires on all continents.

At the same time, the level of secrecy in the department is not much different, say, from the Ministry of Defense. And in this sense, the order, of course, affects tens of thousands of people, in fact, the entire personnel of the ministry.

Here we must immediately make a reservation that we are not talking about a completely new order. The minister's order only amends the earlier order N 345 ​​of 2005, which was entirely devoted to the issue of issuing passports and travel abroad of ministry employees. That order approved detailed instructions on the rules for issuing exit documents and exit permits. It has not lost its relevance and corresponds to the level of secrecy in some divisions of the Russian rescue department.

Now, according to the official representative of the EMERCOM of Russia, Irina Rossius, "the new order of the EMERCOM of Russia simplifies the procedure for obtaining passports and issuing permits to leave the Russian Federation for military personnel of the rescue military units of the EMERCOM of Russia, military personnel and employees of the State Fire Service and civilian personnel of the system of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief, eliminating unnecessary administrative barriers that arise in the conduct of official correspondence and decision-making by managers on this issue.

The simplifications relate mainly to approvals and the issuance of permits. That is, the procedure for obtaining permits for issuing passports will become less bureaucratic, simpler and more transparent. Accordingly, the period from the time of application to the receipt of permission will be reduced.

By the way, the amendments largely relate to employees who have security clearances. And the amendments, on the one hand, simplifying the procedure for issuing exit permits, do not automatically guarantee it.

Travel restrictions have been and remain. The grounds for restrictions are not listed in the order. The order only states that all reports and applications will be sent to the Information Protection and Rescue Safety Department of the Russian Emergencies Ministry. This department will have to prepare a draft decision on temporary travel restrictions for a certain category of employees or the possibility of issuing a passport.

In 2014, rumors began to circulate that civil servants and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations would be prohibited from traveling abroad. To date, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations can really rest only in the CIS countries.

The official reasons given are security: the dissemination of classified information outside the zone of the state. In order not to once again provoke situations that threaten the security of the state. According to official representatives, our compatriots abroad are being recruited by the secret services of other states.

What remains for the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations? Travel across the territory of the CIS countries: Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan.

Although the resorts of the Black Sea cannot please the level of service offered by Turkey and other Western countries, the incredible beauty of nature can compensate for this shortcoming. If you go to Azerbaijan, then the culture of this country, nature and indescribable cuisine will leave only pleasant memories of the rest. And, perhaps, you will want to come back here only for the sake of kebabs, wine and khachapuri.

If there are connoisseurs of history among the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and they relax, learning new nuances of the development of other civilizations, then Uzbekistan and Armenia will fill the gap caused by the travel ban. You can also go to Belarus - the history of the Great Patriotic War opens here from a new, even more truthful and frightening side. And the female half will like to choose natural cosmetics at bargain prices.

Sochi today is gaining momentum in receiving tourists. New hotel complexes, entertainment centers are being built, beaches are being equipped. And the proximity of Abkhazia will give you the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of nature.

Of course, this is not Italy with its level of service and ancient civilizations, but the sea air, historical sights and delicious cuisine are also in the neighboring countries.