How to get a hook out of a fish with an extractor. How to use an extractor for fishing and its main varieties

Today we will talk about a rather important aspect of fishing - removing hooks from the mouth of a caught fish. Needed for fishing as fast as possible perform this operation to continue fishing. Also, the less injured the fish, the better. This will allow us, if desired, to release the caught fish, without fear that she will die from her injuries. With successful extraction of hooks, the fish will stay alive for a long time on the hook, which is very important for long-term fishing in the warm season.

To extract hooks from the mouth of a fish is used special tools which is very desirable to have with you on a fishing trip. These tools include: fork-extractor, yawner, surgical clamp, special pliers, etc.

When fishing with a float or other bait, to remove a hook from a fish's mouth, usually it is enough to use the so-called. extractor forks. Such a fork is a rigid rod, usually made of wire, and at the end of it, in one way or another, a fork is made. When the fish has swallowed the hook deeply, we rest against the bend of the hook with a fork of the extractor, and by slightly pressing, we release the sting. There are many options fork extractors both store-bought and homemade. For example, you can take a thick aluminum knitting needle for these purposes. Rivet one end and make a cut with a hacksaw for metal. Then, using a thin needle file, give the resulting fork a more aesthetic appearance and remove the notches so that the extractor does not damage the fishing line when removing the hook.

Personally, I use an extractor fork, made from two steel wires that are bent into a fork shape. The fixation of the entire structure is made with thin copper wire and solder (photo).

Quite different tasks face the angler when catching predatory fish with large toothed mouth. This is especially true for catching pike and, to a lesser extent, pike perch, catfish, and large perch. Here, to remove a deep-seated hook need other tools.

First, to extract the bait you need hold the pike's mouth open. This is important to minimize damage to the catch bait that has fallen deep into the mouth of a toothed fish. Also, the open mouth allows you to remove the hook without fear of injuring your hands on the sharp teeth of a predator. To hold the mouth of the fish open, a special device is used - yawner. The designs are different, but the essence is the same: under the action of a spring and two levers, the mouth moves apart and is held open until the hooks are removed.

If you have did not have a yawner with him, and a pike caught and deeply captured the bait, you can get by with improvised means. We break out two sticks from any coastal bush. One is short, approximately comparable in length to the width of the open mouth of the fish. We insert it, like a spacer, into the mouth between the jaws. On the second, longer stick, we make a notch from the end and remove the hook with the resulting impromptu fork.

To extract hooks it is convenient to use various tweezers, surgical clamps, long-handled pliers. Ideally, when fishing, you should always have all the tools for extracting hooks with you. They are worn either in a special vest or, in extreme cases, in a fishing bag. It is desirable to have a yawner, an extractor fork and a surgical clamp. These three tools are usually enough to extract the most inconvenient a hook stuck in a fish's mouth.

Don't neglect these tools! They greatly simplify the operation of extracting hooks, allow you to do it quickly, minimally injure the fish, which allows you to give it freedom if you wish.

The fishing extractor is designed to remove the hook from the mouth of a fish that swallowed it very hard. In order not to injure the throat of the catch, an extractor is used, with which it is much easier to pull out the hook.

In addition, it often happens that the hooks bend and lose their shape when they are removed from the tight mouth of the fish, and with the use of an extractor this will never happen.

In its structure, the extractor is similar to an oblong stick with a hook or needle at the tip. Its presence should be mandatory when catching fish on the bottom and on the feeder.

In addition, those anglers who fish just for fun and then release the catch should also have such an assistant, since it greatly simplifies the whole process of fishing.

Types of extractor for fishing

Extractors come in the following varieties:

  1. Metal and plastic. Typically, fishermen choose metal extractors because they are stronger and less prone to breakage.
  2. Unilateral and bilateral. The first devices are designed to extract small hooks, and the second - to extract larger hooks. Double-sided extractors are considered more convenient because they can perform more functions.
  3. With and without a cap. Extractors with a cap hide a needle under it, which is used to unwind various knots, while the cap makes it possible to attach the device to clothing so that the fisherman can quickly find it.
  4. Fork and clip extractors (surgical). The first fixtures are usually not very expensive and it is convenient to pull out small hooks with them. The second type of extractors is considered professional and is used not only for extracting large hooks, but also for other fishing purposes.

How to use the extractor?

The principle of using the extractor is as follows:

  1. Pull the line into the eye of the extractor.
  2. Stretch it so that it does not dangle.
  3. Present the extractor in the mouth of the fish that has swallowed the hook and spread both jaws in order to be able to see the hook better.
  4. With a quick movement, pull or knock the hook out of the fish's mouth.
  5. Pry it off with an extractor and take it out.
  6. Lower the catch into a cage or bucket of water.

In addition, the use of a fishing extractor has the following features:

  • if the fish is hooked on the lip, then the extractor should not be used, but removed with your hands. But if, with his sting, he went deep into the mouth of the catch, then this device cannot be dispensed with;
  • if the slave swallows the baited hook very strongly all the time, then this indicates that the fisherman has set the depth incorrectly and needs to be adjusted so as not to resort to the help of this device all the time;
  • you should know that the fish should not completely swallow the hook. When biting, it should only catch on the lip, so if there is frequent swallowing of hooks, it is recommended to slightly reduce the length of the leashes.

Which extractor to buy?

When buying a fishing extractor, you should pay attention to its following characteristics:

  1. Form. The best shape of the extractor is the shape of a regular pen (ballpoint pen). In addition, it is recommended to select extractors that have a cap with a mount. This will enable the fisherman to always carry such a device with him when fishing.
  2. Size. This criterion must be selected depending on the size of the hooks used. Also, it is desirable that the extractor has hooks on both sides. This will make it possible to use them for hooks of different numbers.
  3. Quality. The extractor must be made only from high quality materials, which will guarantee its long service life. In addition, when choosing an extractor, the fisherman should carefully examine the holds. They must be completely smooth and free of warped or indented defects. If you use low-quality extractors with rough hooks, they can cut through the leashes, which will give the fisherman even more trouble.
  4. Needle. It is recommended to use extractors with metal needles, as they are stronger than plastic ones. In addition, with such a needle it is much easier to unravel the various knots on the fishing line.
  5. Product color. They come in all sorts of colors, but it is better to use brighter extractors so that they are visible in the natural environment and cannot be lost. The best color is considered bright red or pink, as they will be clearly visible among the green grass.
  6. Company manufacturer. Since the extractor is purchased for permanent use, it is better to give it to those manufacturers who can guarantee the quality of their products. In addition, if you are not sure about the quality and manufacturer of the product, then you should not buy such an extractor, as it may turn out to be a Chinese fake and last a very short time.
  7. Price. Usually, a good extractor can be determined not only by quality, but also by its cost, so this criterion should also be taken into account. A quality extractor cannot cost a penny.
  8. Right hand and left hand extractors. Everything is simple here. If the fisherman is right-handed, then he needs to buy a right-handed extractor, if he is left-handed, then a left-handed extractor should be preferred. Thus, any angler will be able to further simplify the use of this device.

Overview of popular models

The most popular extractor models are:

Extractor with Stonfo 7 needle

This is a device with two hooks (for extracting small and large hooks). Inside these hooks there is a metal rod that holds the shape of the extractor.

This device has the following characteristics:

  • length- twenty-two centimeters;
  • material- plastic, metal;
  • purpose- for extracting hooks, for unraveling complex knots on a fishing line;
  • price- 390 rubles.

Extractor 24 LH from PRESTON

This is a comfortable model, which is distinguished by its excellent quality.

Model characteristics:

  • length- nineteen centimeters;
  • the presence of a cap- There is;
  • material- metal;
  • purpose- for removing hooks and unraveling knots.
  • price- 450 rubles.

Extractor SALMO 9604-009

This model is designed for quick extraction of small hooks from the mouth of fish.

Due to its shape and length (twenty-three centimeters), such an extractor is very comfortable to hold in your hand.

In addition to its main function, such a device is very convenient when mounting equipment and setting up the coil.

The plastic from which such an extractor is made has the following advantages over metal:

  • more convenient when used in the cold;
  • high-quality plastic will not be able to damage the fishing line.

The cost of the fishing extractor SALMO 9604-009 starts from four hundred and eighty rubles.

The fishing extractor is used in sport fishing. It allows you to remove the hook in a few seconds without damaging the tackle and without harming the fish. It is used if the fish swallowed the bait too deeply. Amateur anglers also often use this device, many know how to make an extractor on their own.

An extractor is a device for pulling out a fish hook. There are two types of extractors:

  • a needle with a slit that hooks the hook;
  • tongs to extract the bait.

The tongs are serrated at the end for a firmer grip on the hook.

Operating principle

When using the extractor, the fish must be held with the left hand. The mouth of the prey must be open, the thread of the leash is taut. With the right hand, they take the extractor and put the stretched fishing line in the cut of the device. The device is inserted along the thread into the mouth of the fish until it reaches the hook. Then, by sharply pressing the extractor, the end of the hook is pulled out. Every fisherman should know how to use an extractor.

The hook is pulled out together with the extractor. In this case, the line must be stretched. If you train often, then gradually it will be possible to remove the hook in the dark, without even looking at it.

Types of extractors for fishing

Extractors differ among themselves according to the material of manufacture:

  • metal;
  • tree;
  • plastic.

Plastic devices are cheaper, they do not damage the fishing line, but they are not very durable. Metal devices have good strength, but can damage the fishing line with sharp edges. Wooden ones are used less often, they do not damage the cord, but, like plastic ones, they are fragile.

According to the shape of the working part of the device are:

  1. Spiral-shaped, which are simple in design, they are easy to use, but they do not remove the hook well from the dense bony tissue of the fish mouth.
  2. Forked - they are easy to manufacture, they are often made independently. They are quite difficult to use by touch, you need to see the hook and carefully pull it out.
  3. Flat - made in the form of a flat screwdriver. In the working part there is a slot in the shape of a cone. It is also difficult to use by touch.
  4. Cylindrical with slots - easy to use and does not injure the fish. With their help, you can work without looking. This model is the most requested.

Some devices have additional features. For example, at the other end of the device there may be a needle that is designed to unravel the fishing line. The size of the slot of the device corresponds to the size of the hooks. Some models are equipped with slots of different sizes on both sides.

When catching large predatory fish, large hooks are used. Therefore, the extractor must be of a special design. When catching pike, a yawner is used, which is designed to keep the predator's mouth open while the fisherman removes the hook. In this case, the bait is pulled out with fishing tongs or pliers.

Such devices can perform several functions. To pull out hooks, fishermen also use medical instruments, such as surgical tweezers, vascular clamps, and needle holders. The most convenient of these are needle holders, as they are designed to hold slippery needles. They are equipped with special notches at the tips.

In the form of a needle

The needle-shaped extractor has a simple working principle. It is more reliable, takes up little space, and has a long service life. These devices are made of plastic or metal. With the help of such a device, the hook is removed even from small fish. This design is in high demand.

In the form of tweezers

The device in the form of tweezers is made of metal. It has rubber grips that allow you to work with wet fingers. This device is used when catching large predatory fish on spinning. The device helps to extract lures with multiple tees. Devices are compact and durable.

How to make a do-it-yourself fishing extractor

You can make an extractor yourself right on a fishing trip. It is necessary to clear a small branch from the bark, grind its end with a knife, make a cut a little lower. If you forgot a device at home, then such a homemade item can replace it.

You can make an extractor for fishing with your own hands from a ballpoint pen. For this you will need:

  • pen;
  • sandpaper;
  • file;
  • file with fine cutting.

Also, instead of a pen, you can take an old felt-tip pen with a cap. First, the rod is pulled out. A slot is made at one end of a felt-tip pen or pen. To do this, use a needle file, with which the surface of the felt-tip pen is sawn to a depth of 1 cm.

Then you need to process the edges with a file so that there are no gaps left. If the edges are not processed, the cord may break. Then you should once again more carefully process the incision with sandpaper. Thus, the edges will become smooth.

From a toothbrush

You can make a more durable extractor. For this you need a toothbrush. It is necessary to saw off the head of the toothbrush, which has bristles, so that only the stem remains. The longer it is, the more convenient the device will become. In this leg, you need to make a cut, with which you can extract the bait. Then you need to sand its edges.

The cut should be of medium size, this will allow you to remove hooks of different sizes. Too much kerf will not be able to pull out small hooks. If desired, you can make 2 devices for extracting large and small baits. Too large hooks are pulled out with forceps. A hole is made on top of the toothbrush so that the device can be hung around the neck. Then it will be convenient to use it when necessary.

The extractor can be supplemented with a needle. It must be fixed at the other end of the fixture. To do this, it is tightly tied with threads and glued. The needle should always be capped to protect yourself from injury. The needle is used to unravel the fishing line when knots are accidentally formed on it. It is especially difficult to untangle the knots on the braid, this product will allow you to cope with them.

Where and how to store the extractor for fishing

You can bring the design to fishing in a special box. Often fishermen hang the extractor around their neck on a cord, this makes it possible to use it quickly. It does not interfere with the angler, because it has a small weight. You can choose a suitable cap, with which you can fix the product on clothes. Then it will not be lost and will always be at hand. With the help of the working part of the extractor, it will be possible to extract the bait from the summer as well.

It happens that the hooks dig into the edge of the mouth of a hooked fish. Then there is no problem - we can take the hook with our fingers and release it. After that, we release the fish, or take it, as a catch and some kind of culinary research. But, situations are not uncommon when the hooks of the bait dig deep, the whole bait can be in the mouth of the fish, and the hook is somewhere far away in the gills. The question arises: How do you get a hook out of a fish's mouth? Not without special tools. And today, I will tell you about a set of tools that anglers use to extract hooks from the mouth of a fish. It will be about yawners, extractors, tongs, clamps, pliers.

Here, the angler has hooked another predator, coveting a delicious edible silicone. The fish is already in the hands, or in the landing net. And the angler sees that only the leash sticks out of the mouth, and the bait and hooks were somewhere deep, probably in the gills, or even the esophagus of the fish ...

What should an angler do if he does not have any special tools for extracting hooks from the fish's mouth? You have to use hand tools. But, a lot depends on what kind of fish was caught.

If this perch, and he ate a lot, then you can dig around with your fingers ... The perch's mouth is large and not armed with teeth. But, it is important not to climb through the gills, otherwise, you can cut your fingers on the sharp edges of the gill covers ... Sometimes, without improvised means, it is not possible to release the hook.

In any case, if the perch swallowed the bait in this way, then, almost 100% of the fish will die. And about any “catch-and-release”, there can no longer be any talk. Application special tools for extracting hooks from the mouth of fish, somewhat increases the chances of survival of the “patient”. But for now, let's go through other popular trophies of the jig spinner.

If you got caught pike, then the matter is generally gloomy, because the mouth of this predator is tough, and dotted with numerous sharp teeth. In no case should you stick your fingers into the mouth of a pike! So, if the toothy took it deep, and there are no special tools, then you need to do something from improvised means. For example, you can cut, break out a couple of branches from coastal trees or bushes. One will serve as a spacer. You need to try to gently insert it vertically into the mouth of the pike so that it cannot move its jaws. Another, longer, possibly with knots, stick, we climb into the gills of the fish, trying to release the hooks. To make such an impromptu yawner and extractor, you may need.

If you got caught zander, and deeply swallowed the bait, then, too, you should not put your fingers into the mouth of the fish. Of course, pike fangs are not as dangerous as pike strings of teeth, but, nevertheless, injury is very possible. Here it is also necessary to open the mouth, fix it with a spacer and do some magic from improvised means in order to pick out the hook from the mouth. The same applies to catfish. Do not put your hand in the mouth of this fish. Although there are no obvious teeth, there is a so-called. brush, which is also great, can cause injury.

So, if the angler does not want to have big problems when the fish takes the bait deeply, especially if the angler wants to release the fish alive, he should get a set of special tools for extracting hooks from the mouth of the fish.

The simplest and most classic kit for extracting hooks from the mouth of a fish is yawner and fork-extractor or yawn and surgical forceps.


A yawner is such a special device that allows you to open and hold the mouth of a fish open while we are poking around there, trying to free the hooks. Agree, trying to do something in this direction, with a tightly closed mouth, the same pike is unrealistic.

It is a yawn construction made of thick springy steel wire. Here a spiral coil is wound as a spring element, and two horns are formed. At the ends of the yawn horns, to increase the contact area with the fish's mouth (so as not to break it), there are round knobs, or transverse bends of the wire itself.

Such a yawner can be bought at almost any fishing store. So, if you don't already have one, be sure to get it!

Surgical hook extractor

When the fish's mouth is open and fixed with a yawn, a surgical clamp can be used. Grasping the hook, we pull it out of the mouth. A surgical clamp can be bought at a pharmacy. To tell you the truth, I didn't really like using the surgical clip to remove the hooks. I prefer the extractor.


A fork-extractor, or simply an extractor. In appearance, this tool resembles a knitting needle, a crochet hook or a thin screwdriver, with the only difference being that its end is shaped like a fork.

There are commercial extractors. But, some people make their own. It's not difficult enough. With the help of a file, you can carve a good extractor from the same thin flat screwdriver, or from a dural knitting needle, with the end previously flattened on the anvil.

The fork is pushed into the open mouth of the fish and pressed on by prying the hook that has settled down, releasing it from the tissues of the mouth.

The yawner is kept in the pocket of the fishing vest, or fastened to it, on the outside. The same goes for the surgical clamp. The extractor, on the other hand, is stored in a special narrow pocket, or some kind of cover, a micro-tube, is adapted for it, so as not to crack.

Fishing tongs and pliers

There are also more advanced tools for extracting hooks from the fish's mouth. These are various fishing tongs.

And pliers.

In addition to the function of extracting hooks, these tools have tongs that can be used to cut the line, there are flat sections that allow you to straighten leashes, clamp pellet weights and do a bunch of other little things. Such tools are fastened to a fishing vest and stored in chest pockets.

In fact, fishing tongs, pliers can also replace a yawner. But, more often, you have to use both, because. not every fish can normally open its mouth with the ends of pliers.

In any case, in order to save time on pure fishing, in order to keep the catch alive, you definitely need to get yourself one of the above tools. Choose according to your taste and finances.

Anglers who are fond of fishing with a float rod and a feeder (donk) often encounter a situation where the fish deeply swallows the baited hook. With the help of a fishing extractor, the hook can be removed without damaging the rig and without harming the caught fish.

In amateur fishing, the use of an extractor came from sport fishing. Athletes care about the speed of catching, and removing the hook with your fingers takes too much time, which can cost you a prize. In recent years, catch-and-release fishing has become more and more popular. In this case, this device is indispensable.

What are

All commercially available extractors can be classified according to the material of manufacture and shape.

According to the material of manufacture:

  • plastic. Their advantage lies in the low price and the fact that they injure the leash to the least extent when removing the hook. The disadvantage is low strength;
  • metal. Differ in durability. Among the shortcomings, it should be noted a higher price and the fact that with poor workmanship, burrs damage the lead material;
  • made from wood. They are rare and in their properties are similar to plastic ones.

By form:

  • spiral. Easy to use, however, their disadvantage is that it is difficult to slip the coil between the forearm and the hard palate of the fish blindly;
  • fork shaped. They can be both metal and plastic. Widespread, although removing the hook by touch with such an extractor is also not very convenient;
  • cylindrical. Has at the end of a cut of the corresponding size. The most convenient to use. Removal of the hook can be done without visual control and injures the fish least of all;
  • extractors in the form of a surgical clamp. Used to extract spinning bait from the mouth of a predatory fish. In addition to the extractor, the spinner must have a yawner to hold the jaws of the fish in the open position so as not to injure his hand.

Often, extractors have a needle at the other end to unravel the knots on the fishing line, that is, they combine two functions in one tool. Often, extractors are made in the form of a ballpoint pen with a cap for easy transportation.

Expert opinion

Knipovich Nikolai Mikhailovich

Important! The size of the working part of the extractor has a size corresponding to the size range of the hooks for which it is intended to extract. Often there are slots of different sizes at different ends of the extractor.

How to enjoy fishing

The sequence of actions when using the extractor is as follows:

  • Take the fish with your left hand and open its mouth. In this case, the line must be kept in a taut position.
  • With your right hand, take the tool and put the fishing line into the slot at the end of the extractor.
  • Lead the extractor along the taut leash until it stops, which means touching the bend of the hook. This moment is determined either visually or by tactile sensations.
  • Sharply press the tool and release the sting of the hook.
  • Remove the extractor from the mouth of the fish along with the hook.

Expert opinion

Knipovich Nikolai Mikhailovich

Zoologist, hydrobiologist. I am a professional fisherman.

Attention! If the fish is constantly deep-throating the hook, then the tackle is set up incorrectly. The fish should mainly cling to the lip.

Reduce the depth of release or change the length of the leash.

Which to choose

The extractor must meet all the requirements of the angler, so you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • considered the most convenient ballpoint pen shape, besides supplied with a cap with fastening for convenience of carrying;
  • the size of the working part must be selected based on the size of the hooks used. It is desirable that at different ends of the extractor there are devices for hooks of different sizes. Otherwise, at the other end of the tool, you need to have a needle to unravel the knots on the fishing line;
  • you need to purchase extractors made from high quality materials;
  • it is better to have extractors painted in bright colors so as not to accidentally lose them;
  • you need to take into account whether the angler is right-handed or left-handed, and depending on this, acquire the right - or left-hand extractors;
  • when using extractors on a predator, a receiver is a convenient purchase, which is attached to the pocket of the angler's jacket and, thus, the extractor is always at hand.
  • needle extractor Stonfo 7- serves to unravel knots and extract hooks;
  • extractor Salmo 9604-009– for extracting various spinning lures;
  • extractor 24LH from Preston has good feedback from floaters.

Do it yourself

If you have broken or lost an extractor while fishing, do not fall into despair.

Expert opinion

Knipovich Nikolai Mikhailovich

Zoologist, hydrobiologist. I am a professional fisherman.