Fishing homemade winter perch baubles. Making winter spinners for perch according to do-it-yourself drawings

Homemade spinners for winter fishing are considered very effective and deserve only positive feedback. Spinner is one of the most popular types of baits for catching predatory fish species such as:

  • Perch.
  • Zander.
  • Pike.
  • asp

Due to its individual design and dimensions, it is able to copy the behavior of small fish with the greatest accuracy. No predator can resist such a delicacy.

Homemade winter baubles are conditionally divided into two types: these are baits with a hinged joint and with a rigid hook fastening. You can argue for a long time about which of these two types is the best. Each type of bait has its own differences, both in the area of ​​​​use and in the ways of playing.

Also, baits are classified depending on the predator that will be hunted. The bait for perch will be noticeably different from the bait for other predators. And the difference will be not only in size, but in shape. It turns out that the baits at the bottom will show a different game.

Homemade baubles made according to one example will have different playing methods, so it is almost impossible to create two identical baubles. Adjusting the game of lures is very effective to carry out at home. The bath is perfect for this activity.

Bait setting

Armed with a file and pliers, you can achieve the desired result. It is best to store all adjusted and tuned lures in a separate box with foam rubber than to store all homemade fishing lures together.

But the final stage of testing the skill of making a spinner will, of course, be a fish. And only after fishing in real conditions it will become clear whether the bait is correctly executed. Homemade spinners for pike perch both in design and in habits in the water differ from baits for perch or pike.

The body shape of such baits is elongated. Very often, the place for catching pike perch falls on the bottom with hooks and algae. In this case, it is necessary, in the process of fishing, not only to touch the bottom, but also to put the bait on the bottom of the reservoir. To do this, you, even at home, must ensure that the lure lies on the bottom exclusively with a hook up.

This applies to baits with a rigidly attached hook, that is, the hook is connected to the body of the bait by soldering. If we have a spinner with a swivel tee or a single hook, this effect is impossible. A spinner with a moving joint will work great, only its game will be slightly different.

DIY do-it-yourself baubles for pike

These baits differ from the rest, first of all, in size. Many of them are equipped with a single hook or tee. But this is done only in the case when there is an idle bite and gatherings follow. But the dimensions of the pike lure in some cases do not depend on the size of the fish.

The predator will most likely react to a small bait before leaving, and there is a rational explanation for this. Pike at this time is preparing for spawning, and is completely overflowing with caviar. Simply put, the fish is unable to push massive bait into its stomach.

However, this principle of catching is attributed exclusively to sexually mature predators. Immature predators will respond to any bait, regardless of size and shape. In general, making a spinner with your own hands is not difficult. To do this, you can turn to the Internet, where a lot of video and photographic material on this topic has been collected.

And, based on the information received, prepare the tool and the necessary materials for work. The most important thing is to master the manufacturing technique. At the initial stage, problems often arise with soldering the hook to the bait. Only after obtaining the necessary skills, the manufacturing process will accelerate, so you should not despair right away.

Homemade perch lures

Many homemade lures for the winter for perch fishing are equipped with light weights on the hook. And it's not without common sense. Perch is the only predator of its kind that does not accept homemade bait as something monolithic, whole.

The last argument to peck the perch bait is all sorts of cambric, beads, multi-colored balls, silicone or made of foam rubber. Understanding how and when the bait will be used, you can come to the conclusion which hooks need to be attached to the lure.

If this is a flat bottom, then there can be many options. Here the emphasis is mainly on the design and color scheme of the bait. But if fishing falls on a place where the bottom is with hooks, then you should choose a bait with a rigid hook attachment.

What colors do predatory fish prefer?

The coloring of homemade baubles with their own hands is, in fact, of great importance, especially if the hunt is for pike perch, because this predator prefers bright and catchy bait models. Many fishermen do not dwell on this too much, and simply cover their homemade product with electrical tape.

  1. At night, the color scheme of the baits does not really matter.
  2. In the daytime, when fishing in clear water in shallow areas, lures of dark colors are better suited.
  3. In the morning and evening periods, when fishing at great depths, light-colored lures are used.

This type of homemade work can be effective, but you cannot fully count on it. The most optimal colors for zander fishing are red and black. Often, fishermen use ordinary water-based paint to give the bait bright colors.

And in no case should we forget that the eyesight of a perch is much better than that of other predatory fish. At a distance of about 20 millimeters, the fish can see such punctures in the work as abrasions and rust, which completely discourages the desire to feast.

Therefore, special attention should be paid to the appearance of your bait, tinting it and improving its appearance, thereby increasing the chances of successful winter fishing. Considering that pike perch is a very attentive and reverent fish, the smallest details are important for each homemade spinner.

For example, so that the predator does not notice the hook on the bait, it can be rewound with bright red threads. So it will seem like the tail of a small fish. Fishermen have come up with another equally interesting method to decorate their homemade bait. The matter is quite simple: a thread of natural wool is imposed on small models.

Fishermen do not create an ordinary tail in a bunch, but glue the bait with this thread for more reliable fastening. Thus, you will get a fluffy fly that will rotate freely and will not affect the play of the spinner at the bottom.

Practice shows how much additional homemade decoration affects the effectiveness of winter fishing. Making spinners with your own hands from improvised means is perfect for every fisherman who is reverent and indifferent to winter fishing.

With the advent of winter, many anglers do not leave this interesting activity. They put summer gear aside and arm themselves with winter rods, since they differ significantly from each other. Winter fishing is also characterized by the fact that completely different baits are used here, including artificial ones. Fishing in winter involves the use of winter lures, which are quite catchy. Moreover, you can either buy them in a store or on the market, or make them yourself with your own hands. For most anglers, this process is no less interesting than the process of fishing itself. Therefore, they carefully prepare for the winter season, making various elements of winter equipment on their own, including baubles.

The use of perch lures, compared to traditional baits such as bloodworms or worms, allows you to catch larger perches, reaching them at great depths. As a rule, large perch always stay in deep water areas, compared to smaller individuals that prefer to feed closer to the shore.

Since the spinner has some weight, it quickly sinks to the depth and resists the current, which can lure large perch. In addition, the spinner is noticeable from a great distance, as it can be up to 10 cm in size.

The main characteristics of spinners for perch

The main task of the spinner is to lure a predator from a considerable distance. If her game does not tempt the perch, then we can assume that the lure has failed and her place is in the garage, and not on a fishing trip. For the spinner to work, it must be given the desired shape, weight and size. The larger the spinner, the larger specimen can be caught. But this does not mean at all that the boundaries of the size of the spinner do not exist. As a rule, small perch are caught on spinners, up to 50 mm in size, and larger specimens are caught on bait, up to 100 mm in size.

When choosing a lure for a perch, one should not forget about the small details that additionally lure the predator. These can be images of fish eyes, imitation of blood stains, drawings of scales or fins.

When you go fishing, you should not forget about bait, as well as bait. Moreover, the size of the spinner may depend on the nature of the chosen bait. When using large bait, the number of hooks also increases.

Catchable winter baubles for perch: description and drawings

Making baubles for winter fishing does not require a lot of money and time. Some craftsmen make such lures within one hour, and the tools for this can be found in the barn or garage of any fisherman.

It is really possible to find a similar source material for making bait at home or in the trash. The jar for canned food is made of thin metal, therefore, a lure made of this material is more suitable for perch fishing in stagnant waters where there is no current.

In the manufacture, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Tin.
  • Metal scissors.
  • Awl.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Hook or tee number 7.
  • Two winding rings.

Manufacturing technology:

  • Preparatory work is reduced to the preparation of a metal plate. To do this, take scissors for metal and cut out a flat sheet of thin metal from a tin can.
  • After that, everything superfluous is removed from the plate: paint, paper, etc.
  • On a sheet of metal, the shape of the future bait is drawn, about 5-7 cm in size.
  • Using scissors for metal, according to the figure, the shape of the future lure is cut out.
  • All burrs are removed with sandpaper.
  • With the help of an awl, two holes are made for the winding rings.
  • The next step is polishing the spinner.
  • At the next stage, the petal is given the desired shape. To do this, you can use a regular spoon. To bend the spinner, you need to take a soft object and press on the petal until it takes the appropriate shape.
  • After that, clockwork rings and hooks are attached to the spinner.
  • In conclusion, appropriate drawings are made on the body of the spinner with nail polish.
  • After the varnish has dried, the lure can be used. Naturally, it is unlikely that you will be able to catch a weighty perch on such a lure, but it is quite possible to secure intense bites from small perches.

Small lure from tweezers

Such a spinner, like a pilker, is made from a monolithic piece of a metal such as silver, copper or brass. If the spinner is not large, then the body of the spinner can be made from ordinary tweezers.

For manufacturing, you will need the following materials and tools:

  • Tweezers.
  • File.
  • Electric drill.
  • The drill is not large.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Pair of winding rings.
  • Single hooks or tees.

Manufacturing sequence:

  • The contour of the future bait is drawn on the tweezers.
  • Along the contour, with a hacksaw for metal, the body of the pilker is cut out.
  • Sharp edges should preferably be filed.
  • From both ends of the artificial bait, you need to drill holes for the clockwork rings.
  • After that, the almost finished spinner is polished.
  • Finally, clockwork rings and hooks are attached to the body of the lure.

Such a bait, like a pilker, is made without much effort from the handle of an ordinary spoon. The manufacturing technique is the same as in the previous case, it is enough to cut the workpiece of the desired length from the handle. The main task is to grind the workpiece properly so that it is visible in the water from afar. In addition, any painted elements, such as eyes or fins, will not interfere with the body of the bait, which will be an additional attracting factor.

The Akme company produces the so-called "three-sided", which are considered good baubles for winter fishing. At the same time, it can be easily repeated with a minimum of effort.

To make the body of such a bait, it is enough to take a piece of aluminum cable core, up to 1 cm wide and up to 6 cm long.

Technological stages of production:

  • The body of the bait is cut so that it resembles a trapezoid in shape.
  • Thin holes are drilled from both ends of the body of the bait.
  • Clockwork rings and hooks are put on these holes.
  • Such a bait weighs 5-7 grams and is capable of catching large perch in deep areas of the reservoir.

"Kastmater" is produced by the company "Akme" and is considered a fairly catchy spinner. But it is not necessary to buy it, as you can easily do it yourself.

For this you need to have:

  • A piece of copper tube, up to 10 mm in diameter.
  • Electric drill.
  • Thin drills.
  • Hacksaw for metal.
  • Blowtorch.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Protractor.
  • Files.
  • Clockwork rings.
  • Tee (hook).

Manufacturing technique:

  • The copper tube is marked so that on one side there is a slope of 17 degrees.
  • On the second side, an angle of 23 degrees is marked.
  • With a hacksaw for metal, the body of the spinner is cut off according to the marked angles.
  • The result should be a shape resembling an elongated washer.
  • The inside of the spinner should be filled with solder.
  • On one and the other side of the spinner, holes are drilled for winding rings.
  • The body of the spinner must be carefully sanded with sandpaper.
  • Attach the winding rings to the bait and install the tee.
  • As practice shows, home-made baubles are no less catchy than the branded Castmaster. In addition, the lure can be painted as you wish, which makes it especially attractive. As a result, a good mood from a good game of bait.

This, simple at first glance, spinner breaks all records in terms of catchability. In this regard, every lover of winter perch fishing has it. This lure is characterized by an interesting game in the water column, which makes it quite catchy, and fishing is exciting. In addition, artificial bait has a long service life.

Spinner "Malek" is easy to manufacture and does not require special skills, as well as the presence of special materials. The main material for its manufacture is a corrugated plumbing pipe. The spinner is quite effective in the winter, despite the simplicity of the design.

How to make a spinner from a corrugated pipe:

  • To do this, you need to take a segment of a similar pipe and draw on it the contours of the future baubles. The approximate dimensions of the spinner are as follows: length - 5 cm, on one side 3 mm wide, and on the other side 8 mm.
  • The next stage - the body of the bait is cut out along the drawn lines.
  • Holes are drilled on both sides of the workpiece (one at a time).
  • The body of the spinner is polished and very carefully.
  • On the spinner "Malek" you can install both a single hook and a tee.
  • Artificial threads should be attached to the hook (tee) so that they can mask the hook.

Such a spinner is distinguished by a very active game, which attracts a predator. Since the body of the bait has an uneven surface, when moving, it emits peculiar acoustic waves. As a rule, the perch cannot resist this spinner and immediately attacks it.

There is another lure that actively catches perch - this is the Maropedka lure. There is a huge variety of artificial ice fishing lures on the market or in specialized stores. Unfortunately, they cost money, which not every fisherman can afford, especially since any lure can really be made at home.

As a rule, spinners are made independently by those anglers who like the manufacturing process itself. If you approach this responsibly, then you get copies that are no worse than the factory ones, or even better. In addition, fishing on a do-it-yourself lure is much more interesting and reckless.

In the production of modern vertical spinners, computer models are first created, and then they are made on high-precision machines. The baits that result are presented on the shelves of fishing stores. But still, like many years ago, some people prefer to make baubles with their own hands. And they get excellent baits that are either on par with factory models or surpass them. Do-it-yourself winter baubles for perch can be made at home, with the right approach to manufacturing, it will work stably, bringing good catches.

It is ubiquitous and easier to catch than pike or zander. In the manufacture of lures for catching this fish, it is convenient to train the skills of creating winter spinners with your own hands. It is easier to make a small lure on your own than a large pike or pike perch, and you can test it on almost any nearby body of water.

Most popular sizes- from 25 to 50 mm. Larger baits are used quite rarely, mainly for hunting trophy specimens.

At first, it is better to start making copies of ready-made well-functioning perch lures. Spinners that were produced in factories or made by homemade masters are suitable for the role of samples. After copying will not cause difficulties, you can start developing your own lures, changing the shapes, sizes and bending angles and checking how this affects the work and catchability.

Materials for winter perch lures

Do-it-yourself winter baubles for perch are most often made at home from metal plates. It can be:

  • cupronickel;

  • aluminum.

By and large, a sheet of any stainless metal with a thickness of 0.2-0.5 mm is suitable for such work. Also, solder is often used to create winter spinners.

Necessary and tools

The specific set of tools that you will need to make a do-it-yourself winter lure for a perch depends on the manufacturing method. Most commonly used:

  • metal scissors, hacksaw, grinder;
  • vise;
  • matrix (shape);
  • hammer;
  • punch (drill);
  • drill or screwdriver and drills;
  • file, needle file, sandpaper;
  • paint, waterproof marker, varnish.

The matrix is ​​used to apply bends to a sheet of metal. You can put a spinner in it, and then use a hammer and a punch to give it the desired shape.

You can make a matrix from lead, then it will be strong and durable. To make it, you must first make a plaster mold, and then pour the molten metal. The matrix can also be made of wood, but in this case it will last much less.

The punch is a percussion tool with an oval working part. It is easy to make it yourself from an unnecessary chisel or punch. To do this, it is enough to round them on a grinding wheel. As a punch, you can also use a hinge pin from a car tie rod or a piece of steel bar sharpened in the right way.

Perch lure-trapeze

This spinner has the shape of an elongated trapezoid with a concave central part.

    The first step is to make a markup on a sheet of metal, depicting a trapezoid 40 mm high, the width of the lower base is 9 mm, the upper base is 6 mm.

    Then cut out the blank of the bait, process its edges with a file, and the surface with fine-grained sandpaper.

    Process the workpiece with a hammer and a drift in such a way that its central part is concave and it takes the shape of a boat.

    Fill the concave part of the workpiece with solder, after cooling, smooth its surface with a knife and a file.

    Drill holes on each side of the workpiece, process their edges, removing burrs, and insert winding rings into them.

    A tee must be attached to the ring located on the wide base of the trapezoid, and the bait will be mounted on the other ring.

The hook can be decorated with red cambric, in which case the lure will be more attractive to perch. You can also partially color it with a waterproof marker or paint.

A characteristic feature of such a bait is a stable game in any conditions. This 40mm winter perch lure is well suited for fishing in waters up to 8m deep. It can bring good catches even in situations where the minke whale does not respond to other baits. In the manufacture of such spinners, you can experiment with shapes and sizes. In this way, you can create a whole arsenal of working perch lures.

Making winter baubles for perch using a matrix

Do-it-yourself winter lure for perch can be made in almost any shape. For this, a matrix is ​​used, which must first be prepared. The procedure in this case is as follows:

    you need to prepare a “pattern” - apply the contours of the bait to a piece of paper, cardboard or plywood, for this it is enough to circle any catchy bait and then cut it out;

    put the "pattern" on a sheet of metal and circle it;
    cut the workpiece;

    process the edges of the future baubles, drill holes in the upper and lower parts for attaching to the fishing line and mounting the hook;

    put the workpiece in the matrix and give it the desired bend with a hammer and punch;

    after the spinner gets the finished shape, all that remains is to attach winding rings to it.

Using this technology, almost any winter lure for perch can be made with your own hands, copying ready-made baits or inventing your own.

Spoon L istik with soldered ears

This lure got its name from its characteristic shape.

    To make it, you need to put markings on a sheet of metal. For the manufacture of perch bait, the following dimensions can be used: length 42 mm, maximum width - 14 mm, width at the bottom to which the hook is attached - 1 mm, at the top - 2 mm. The optimal thickness of a metal sheet for such a spinner is about 0.3 mm.

    First of all, you need to cut a rectangular blank, then clamp it in a vice and give it a longitudinal bend. Its depth should be 1-1.5 mm.

    After that, you can cut off the corners from the rectangle, giving it the shape of a rhombus.

    Then you need to round off all the corners with a file or needle file.

    The next step is to attach the ears to the bait. They can be made from wire. Another option is to use two long hook ears, biting off the bend with a sting. The ears must be soldered to the workpiece.

    Then the concave side of the future spinner must be filled with solder. During this procedure, previously fixed ears may be soldered. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to provide heat dissipation. To do this, it is enough to put a lure on any large metal object - a vice, corners, weights from scales, and so on.

    After pouring, you need to process the bait with a file, removing excess solder. The best option is to leave a thickness of 2 mm in the upper part of the spinner, and about 1-1.5 mm in the lower part.

    It remains only to fix the tee - and the bait is ready.

The game of the finished bait can be varied by bending it in the longitudinal or transverse plane right on the pond with your hands. Thus, you can make it as catchy as possible by choosing the desired shape experimentally.

How to make a lure for a perch, and what are the basic requirements for them? This is the question that, over time, beginners who have tasted all the delights of catching this lively predator are asking. Not all branded baits are suitable for specific conditions on the reservoir, and many cost a lot of money. Therefore, the desire of the angler to make something with his own hands is quite obvious.

We are talking mainly about turntables, since they are easiest to make with your own hands, without having rich skills and specialized devices. In fact, every spinning player, with minimal tools and materials, can independently make a catchy spinner for perch.

Lure Requirements

In catching any predator, all baits are subject to a number of basic requirements, without which it will be problematic to catch fish. Perch is no exception, and a bait for fishing on it must meet the following criteria:

  • The small size of the bait, otherwise the bites of the predator will be rare.
  • The spinner should work even on the slowest postings.
  • After contact with underwater obstacles, the petal play must be resumed.
  • The turntable should start immediately after the start of wiring. Even better, if it starts to work in free fall after splashdown.

A properly made do-it-yourself spinner for perch will work stably in any current.

It can be carried out against, down or across the flow.

What does it consist of

- this is a structurally simple bait, consisting of simple elements that are easy to make yourself from improvised materials. The basis of any spinner is a petal. The nature of the game and the scope of application depend on its shape and size.

Narrow petals have a small deflection angle and are designed for perch fishing in strong currents. They have low drag, so they can be carried even against the flow.

A wide blade is more suitable for perch fishing in places with a slow current or without it at all. Such a spinner has a strong frontal resistance, which does not allow you to effectively catch areas with strong jets. But the spinner works very stably on ultra-slow postings.

The petal of a spinner is located on a wire frame. There are two fundamentally different mounting options:

  • With the help of a clamp.
  • Without it, the so-called inline turntables.

Spinners with a collar are considered a classic option. They are less common without a collar, but they are also effective in catching perch.

Various tungsten balls or cylinders are used to load the spinner. If desired, they are easy to buy in specialized fishing stores. It is possible to make a load by winding copper wire. There are still a lot of options that have been invented and tested by many experienced spinners over the decades.

Of course, it is impossible to imagine a spinner without a threesome. Both bare triple hooks and with a fly, with red threads or feathers are used, less often singles or doubles are used.


All elements of the spinner for perch are easy to get or make with your own hands. There is nothing special about the materials themselves. For the petal, you can use copper, brass, stainless steel, zinc, cupronickel or silver. They are cut out of plates with a thickness of 0.40–0.80 mm.

The loading is carried out from lead, tungsten, copper and other metals. You can buy these elements, grind them on a machine or make them by any means at hand. There are many options for the spinner core, the main ones are:

  • cylinder;
  • bell;
  • beads;
  • in the form of a drop;
  • bullet.

Separately, mention should be made of a special core into which an attractant can be poured. But at home, making such a load of spinners with your own hands is not easy.

The axle frame is made of stainless steel. An excellent solution would be orthodontic wire with a thickness of about 0.60-0.90 mm. It is moderately strong, resilient and easy to work with. Tees, beads, clamps are best purchased at the store.

In the process of making a turntable for perch with your own hands, you will need the following tools:

  • wire cutters;
  • pliers;
  • round nose pliers;
  • hammer;
  • drill;
  • file;
  • sandpaper;
  • metal scissors.

Just in case, it would be nice to have a small vise, core and file.

How to make

First you need to choose a model of spinners for perch. It is determined by the material, shape and size of the petal. Then let's start making it:

  • We draw on the sheet of the selected material the future view of the petal.
  • Cut it out with metal scissors.
  • We give the necessary transverse and longitudinal bending.
  • We drill a hole for mounting on the axial frame.
  • Sandpaper removes bumps and burrs.

Everything, the petal for the turntable on the perch is ready.

Then we make a frame from the wire, at the end of which we attach a triple hook. It can be put on through the winding ring or directly into the eyelet. The first option allows you to change the tee if necessary, but an extra element appears at the spinner. The second option is considered more correct, but then the threesome cannot be changed without violating the integrity of the bait.

After that, a bead, a load and a clamp with a petal are alternately put on the wire axle. At the second end of the frame, a loop is also made for attaching to the fishing line, and the excess wire is bitten off with wire cutters. Now the baubles for perch are assembled.

Some tricks

Must have an attack point. Usually in its role is a bead of red or another color. It must be placed above the tee on a wire frame. The diameter of the bead should not protrude beyond the load, otherwise it may lead to unstable operation of the bait.

It is not necessary to use an edge on a tee. Although it is intended to act as an additional provoking element, the perch does not always respond positively to it. But sometimes the fly on the hook somewhat stabilizes the work of the spinner, and then the poorly working bait starts to play and catch better.

Perch loves black petals very much.

It is advisable to apply red, orange or green dots on it. In sunny weather, the striped one is also excellently caught on dull copper baubles, and in cloudy weather it prefers shiny gold and silver ones.

Although the variety of winter lures is not so great compared to summer counterparts, year-round fishing enthusiasts still have plenty to choose from. Moreover, many craftsmen make their own baits for fishing in the cold season, and we will talk about the methods of their manufacture in this article.

Let's note the most basic winter lures, about which we have made separate articles, you can go to them using the links:

Well, briefly about the options for their manufacture, we will tell and show further.

Do-it-yourself winter spinners

Lures for catching perch are made from different materials, but copper or brass is most often used.

First option. A small trapezoid is cut out of a sheet of metal: the width of the lower part is 9-10 mm, the width of the upper part is 6-7 mm, and the length is 40-50 mm.

Next, you need to delicately round the corners of the plate, which will require a file. Then, using a hammer or vice, the workpiece is given the desired shape of the "boat". The cavity of the future bait is filled with a lead-tin alloy, so a soldering iron and solder are needed in this procedure.

After that, two holes with a diameter of about 2 mm must be drilled in the upper and lower parts, through one of which a winding ring with a triple hook is further mounted, and the other will serve to fasten the fishing line. At the final stage, the hook is usually “decorated” with red cambric in order to increase the attractiveness of the bait for striped predators.

Homemade spinners, detailed technology

Pike vertical spinners differ from perch lures, first of all, in larger dimensions. Also, often another tee is attached to the top hole with a clockwork ring in order to reduce the number of potential fish escapes.

The first version of winter spinners for pike is baits that look like summer spoons. They are made of stainless steel, brass or copper, have an oval shape and a thickness of 2-2.5 mm. The bending of the metal workpiece should be smooth, again, a vice will help in this matter. Also, the head of the pike lure should be slightly heavier than the tail.

The second option is a vertical spinner, close in shape to a rhombus. It is also made mainly of brass or copper. Using scissors, cut out a piece of metal with a length of 40-80 mm and a width of 20-30 mm. As in the case of perch lures, the plate is bent, and the inner cavity is filled with an alloy of lead and tin. Such a homemade spinner can be equipped with both single hooks and doubles or tees.

Do-it-yourself winter lure

The main difference between winter spinners for pike perch is a different body shape. Lures designed for catching this fish are narrower and elongated. In addition, often a single hook is tightly soldered into the body of the spinner, as pike perch often grabs the bait right from the bottom. The materials themselves and the manufacturing technique are similar to those used to create pike or perch spinners.

There is a slightly different version of the vertical spinner for zander. You will need a stainless steel tube with a diameter of about 10-12 mm. A blank with a length of about 50-60 mm is made from it, and on the one hand it is necessary to cut it at an acute angle of 45 °, and on the other - at an obtuse angle of 100-110 °. Small holes are drilled along the edges for attaching a fishing line and a winding ring with a hook.

Balancers are another category of popular winter baits, which are mainly used to catch the same perch, pike, pike perch and chub. Compared to vertical spinners, the manufacture of truly working balancers is a more difficult and time-consuming task, but this does not stop many masters who love winter fishing.

In general, three methods of creating balancers at home are widely known: 1) casting, which is preceded by the manufacture of a special shape; 2) soldering from various non-ferrous metals; 3) molding from modern composite materials. You can familiarize yourself with each option in detail in a separate article on homemade balancers. (link!)

Although jigs appeared a long time ago, they are still very popular winter baits. This is facilitated by the fact that mormyshki can be easily made independently, without significant time and labor costs.

The simplest and most straightforward option is to make a mormyshka from a single hook and a pellet of the right size. It is enough just to make a small incision in the weight, place a suitable hook there and crimp it securely with pliers.

Making a homemade mormyshka

If you have a soldering iron, you can refer to the method of fusing mormyshka. Having picked up the hook, it must be fixed and degreased motionlessly, and then gradually make a surfacing of tin. A regular needle file will help to correct the shape of the homemade product.

Another way to make a simple mormyshka is to wind a thin wire around a single hook. To do this, it is only necessary to increase the bend of the hook, and then carefully wind the copper wire from the sting to the forearm; at the end, tightly compress with the same pliers.

The ebb of mormyshkas requires the preliminary manufacture of a mold, which most often consists of two plaster halves with impressions of the donor bait. A hook and a piece of wire are placed in the finished form (under the fishing line). Two gypsum parts are connected, and then lead is poured through a hole made in advance. When the workpiece completely hardens, it is polished and, if desired, painted in the desired color.

DIY winter bait "Balda"

Production of pendants for balancers

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