Is it possible to take out shells from. Travel commemorative souvenir export ban

in which I visited. Magnets, foodstuffs, for example, Spanish jamon, all sorts of funny little things... It would seem that this would be limited, but there are tourists who want to bring something more valuable, unusual to their homeland... Nevertheless, in many countries there is an attempt to take out this or that thing can lead to serious troubles.

For example, Egypt, so popular with our compatriots. When you buy sea shells, corals or sea urchins here, remember to keep your receipt. If you do not have it, customs officials will regard the "seafood" as contraband. They will think that you have robbed the coast and are trying to take specimens of marine life out of the country. You will certainly be fined, deported from the country and even blacklisted.

Things that look like antiques should also be taken out of this country carefully. Ask the seller for a certificate for the product, which will say that it does not have such an important value, is not an antique or a national treasure. Do not get too "fed" in Egypt and cheap "gold". No, it's not fake. Simply, if there is too much of it in your luggage (namely, the amount seems to be more than $ 3,000), you will not prove to the customs officers that this is for you personally, and not for resale. In the same Turkey, no less beloved by Russians, it is easier with jewelry. Gold can be exported for an amount not exceeding 15,000 dollars.

And you can't take the local currency out of Egypt. even small coins. It is also prohibited in Tunisia and India.

Recently, tourists have a fashion for Thailand. You can buy virtually anything you want here. and at bargain prices. But remember that precious stones and gold items cannot be exported from this country without a store receipt and a corresponding certificate. The same goes for religious objects. For example, ancient Buddha figurines are under "not to leave". Again, you will need a certificate to purchase the sculpture to confirm. that this is new. And ivory products are also not allowed to be exported. And, categorically. In Thailand, as well as in Peru, Sudan, Venezuela, Cambodia and Tanzania, there is a ban on the export of unused postage stamps.

Greece is especially popular this year. Would you like to take a few pebbles from the Acropolis or other ancient places as a keepsake? Not worth it. All items of ancient times are prohibited from being exported from the country. However, we note that copies of antique products are always sold in stores (ask for a certificate and a receipt). Old icons are also not allowed to be exported.

Liberty Island. An export veto is imposed here on ... rum and cigars. From here you can take with you no more than 23 cigars and two liters of rum without a purchase receipt. Turtles, crocodiles and any products made from animals are not allowed to be exported. Similar rules apply in Brazil (a ban on the export of fauna and items made of leather, shell or feathers), the Maldives (it is forbidden to export corals and shark jaws) and the Seychelles (with products from a turtle shell - "no pasaran"!), Kenya (it is forbidden to export skins and stuffed animals without a special license, ivory products). Kenya also has a ban on the export of diamonds and the local currency (the Kenyan shilling).

But there is a relative plus in the customs rules of Kenya. From here you can pick up the real traditional weapons of the Maasai tribe - wooden clubs, spears and knives. While in Italy, antique weapons and military decorations are prohibited from being exported. And in Japan there is a ban, for example, on the export of samurai swords: it is strictly forbidden to export antique and combat steel katanas or any other weapon. Be content with copies, please.

From Australia, you will not be able to take animal skins, black coral beads and local orchids, and from New Zealand you will not be able to take kiwi fruits and wine from them.

Panels with hieroglyphs, paintings and historical documents cannot be exported from China, and you will need a certificate for any trinkets made from semi-precious minerals. We are generally silent about jewelry.

Every country in the world has its own bans on the export of certain things. Therefore, before the trip it is worth reading the customs regulations. Let it be good!

The customs regulations of different countries are something that you should pay close attention to on any trip, because no trip is complete without souvenirs, but you need to be aware of which items can be exported and which cannot. Everyone has long known about drugs and weapons, but each country has its own nuances even without them. For example, in almost all countries, bans concern items that are valuable from a historical and cultural point of view, and for their export it is necessary to obtain permission from special authorities (often these are departments of culture, etc.). In this short article, we will consider what cannot be exported from popular tourist countries.


One of the countries most beloved by Russian tourists has fairly strict customs rules. In particular, it is forbidden to export corals, sea shells, sea urchins, ivory and even stuffed crocodiles from the country. If the same corals were purchased in a store, then you should have a receipt with you. Separately, it is worth mentioning antiques. When purchasing antiques, you need to ask the seller for a certificate that would confirm that this object is not an antique and has no historical value. In addition, it is forbidden to export gold in excess of $3,000.


Turkey has strict rules regarding the export of antiques and antiques - it is simply forbidden to do this if the items are more than a hundred years old. You can confirm the fact that this or that object is less than a century old in museums (a separate certificate is issued). The same goes for carpets. In addition, jewelry purchased for more than $15,000 cannot be exported.


In the United Arab Emirates, a country with strict morals, customs regulations are not the most stringent. When exporting jewelry, it is worth having a check with you in order to avoid misunderstandings. The same should be kept in mind when exporting carpets. Naturally, objects of historical and cultural heritage of the UAE and wild animals cannot be exported.


In Thailand, there are quite strict restrictions on the export of certain things. When buying jewelry in a store, you need to take not only a check, but also a special certificate for the unhindered export of jewelry from the country. In order to export antiques, you must have an export license from the Department of Fine Arts.

Items made of ivory, raw corals, as well as any images of the Buddha (in the form of figurines, for example) cannot be exported from Thailand, except on wearable medallions.


India also has a number of customs regulations governing the export of goods and currency. In particular, it is forbidden to export products made from reptile skins, skins of wild animals (and themselves). As in Turkey, the export of antiques older than 100 years, as well as old coins, is prohibited. It is worth remembering that it is also impossible to leave the country with the national currency, and foreign money worth more than $ 2,000 must be declared, providing a guarantee of the legality of their receipt.


In Vietnam, the customs rules are reminiscent of Thai: you can not export corals, wild animals, rare plant species, stuffed turtles, antiques. In addition, there must be a receipt confirming the purchase of jewelry and handicrafts. As for gold items, if their weight exceeds 300 grams, then permission from the Vietnamese National Bank is required.


In all countries of Indochina, there are approximately similar customs prohibitions. So, rare animals, birds and plants, as well as corals and sea shells, cannot be exported from Indonesia (and, accordingly, Bali). Separately, it is worth mentioning antiques and things of historical value, which are also prohibited from being exported.


China's import and export laws are quite strict, especially when it comes to drugs. In addition, rare species of animals and plants with their seeds, as well as documents, objects and works of art of historical value cannot be exported. Antiques can be taken out only with the permission of the Ministry of Culture. To export purchased paintings or graphics, you must have a receipt from the store, which would serve as confirmation of the legality of the purchase.


Israel, famous for its security standards, pays special attention to customs control. If we do not take into account the traditional bans on the import and export of weapons and drugs, then plants and animals cannot be exported from the country without the necessary documents, and the import of old antiques is also subject to control. In particular, if the object was made before 1700, then for its export it is necessary to have a written permission from the director of the Antiquities Administration.


Cyprus has its own restrictions on import and export, and sometimes extravagant ones - it is forbidden, for example, to import fruits, live plants and, most interestingly, parrots. When passing customs control in both directions, attention will be paid to goods that may infringe copyright (films, music, video games, etc.). Naturally, objects of historical value cannot be exported - this will require permission from the Department of Antiquities. In addition, it is forbidden to export items that contain more than a quarter of silver, precious stones and pearls, unless they are the personal belongings of a tourist.


Greece pays great attention to its solid historical heritage, which is reflected in the customs regulations. In addition to the classic prohibitions on the transport of drugs and weapons, antiquities cannot be exported from the country, including stones taken from archaeological sites or objects raised from the bottom of the sea - they will be confiscated at customs, and the violator will face problems with the law. At the same time, copies of antique works can be bought without problems. At the same time, it is worth keeping checks left after buying Greek fur coats, jewelry, icons, etc.


When leaving Montenegro, not the most stringent laws apply. For example, the amount of currency is not limited, but antiques cannot be taken out without documentary evidence of the legality of the purchase.


From the territory of Croatia, of course, it is impossible to export weapons, narcotic substances, and besides this, the skins of wild animals and objects that have historical and cultural value. Their export is possible only if a permit has been issued by the State Administration for the Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage.


In Italy, customs bans primarily concern items of historical value. You can safely take out purchased souvenirs, but if the item is older than 100 years, then it automatically acquires the status of antiques and works of art, and in order to take it out, you must obtain permission from the Italian Ministry of Culture. The same applies to gems and objects found at archaeological sites.


The Spaniards are not distinguished by very strict rules that apply when passing customs control. Of course, drugs and weapons with ammunition, as well as antiques that have historical value, cannot be exported. In general, as elsewhere in Europe. The maximum amount of non-declarable currency is 2,500 euros. Almost all goods for personal use can be exported without restrictions. The number of cigarettes should not exceed 8 blocks.


France has its own peculiarities regarding bans on the export of certain goods. As elsewhere in Europe, you cannot leave the country with weapons, drugs and objects of cultural and historical significance. At the same time, when entering and leaving the country, it is necessary to pay attention to whether there are counterfeit products with you (especially counterfeit French brands).


In Germany, as in France, they try (though not always successfully) to monitor the import and export of counterfeit products. In addition, a number of products of animal origin cannot be exported from the country: leopard skins, ivory, crocodile bags, etc. The import and export of animals is also regulated by special rules. When leaving the country by car, you cannot carry more than 10 liters of gasoline in a spare canister. As in other European countries, significant antiques cannot be exported.


You can freely export alcohol and tobacco products from Finland only after reaching the age of 20. The maximum volumes are 12 liters and beer and 5 liters of spirits. Export without special permission of items older than 50 years of historical and artistic value is prohibited. When buying works of art, you need to obtain a certificate from the seller that they can be exported abroad.


In Austria, the customs rules are practically no different from the neighbors - German and Italian. So, for example, it is forbidden to export narcotic substances and weapons, as well as objects and works of art with cultural significance, and gold bars. No restrictions, except for the pan-European ones, apply to the currency.


It is forbidden to export cultural monuments from the territory of the Czech Republic, and all antique items, works of art and jewelry will be subjected to a thorough inspection. In addition, it is not allowed to export rare species of animals and plants, as well as minerals. Counterfeit products that violate intellectual property rights are also prohibited.


Sweden has customs regulations similar to those adopted in other European countries. Thus, drugs and psychotropic substances, weapons, art and antiquities of historical importance for the country, as well as animals without a veterinary certificate and plants cannot be exported without special permits required for their export.


When exporting dairy products, meat, butter (over 0.5 kg) and cheese from the territory of this alpine country, all these products must be declared. You also need to have permission to export works of art and antiques. It is forbidden to export plants together with the soil, as well as the skins of wild cats, products made from the skin of crocodiles and lizards.


As in most European countries, the main prohibitions relate to the transport of cultural property: works of art, antiques, various antiques over 50 years old. If they do not have artistic and historical value, then all these items will need to be declared. You can get permission to export really rare items (this also applies to some icons) at the National Center for Museums, Galleries and Fine Arts. For ordinary souvenirs and icons that are sold to tourists, this is not required.

the Baltics

From all the Baltic countries it is impossible, as always, to export artistic and historical values ​​that are national treasures. Items older than 50 years are exported from Latvia with a number of restrictions, from Lithuania - with the permission of the Lithuanian Committee for Cultural Heritage and payment of a 10-20 percent duty. In the same countries, there are bans on the export of amber as a raw material. Precious metals cannot be exported from Estonia, and in Latvia there is a similar German ban on the export of fuel in a canister with a volume of more than 10 liters.


In liberal Holland, there are no such strict prohibitions. However, artifacts of historical value (unless there is a separate permit from the authorities), as well as products made from the skins and skins of rare animals, cannot be exported from the country. The export of drugs is also prohibited, despite the legal status of marijuana in the country.


In Norway, the rules are similar to those in the rest of Scandinavia: no antiquities of cultural value can be taken out without special permission; the export of plants and animals that are under the protection of the state is prohibited. By the way, skin products are also prohibited.

Great Britain

British laws on the export of certain things from the country are largely identical to those in force in the rest of Europe: you cannot export items of artistic and cultural value unless there is a special permit; smuggling of animals and plants is strictly punished.


No more than 1 liter of strong alcohol, 1 liter of wine and 5 liters of beer can be exported duty-free from Hungary. The maximum number of cigarettes is 500 pieces. As in all of Europe, the export of historical property is prohibited unless a permit is issued; Also, do not try to smuggle counterfeit products.


Customs regulations in socialist Cuba provide for a number of interesting prohibitions. In particular, not only artifacts of historical value, books and documents, but also various sea shells, precious metals, bark and wood of valuable tree species, feathers of exotic birds, skins and skins of rare animals cannot be exported. Cigars in quantities up to 23 pieces can be exported without paying a fee, otherwise you need to have a receipt from the store with you, and the cigars themselves must be in their original packaging. Also, in stores, you can request a license for the export of products made from crocodile skins and precious metals in order to avoid problems with customs officers. An interesting point - as tourists tell us, you can’t take wood products in hand luggage, while in luggage - no problem.

Dominican Republic

The Dominican Republic has its own peculiarities. For example, a number of species of orchids and the core of a palm tree cannot be exported. The export of historically significant items, including those found at the bottom of the sea, is also prohibited. The maximum number of cigars that one person can take out is 50 pieces.


Mexico has strict customs regulations regarding antiques and archaeological property, the export of which is prohibited. Also, do not try to leave the country with rare birds and animals and their stuffed animals. Precious metals (if these are not jewelry and souvenirs) cannot be exported either.

An ornate seashell from the beach is a cool souvenir and a free gift for a colleague. And for customs officers, this is an occasion to issue a fine, check luggage thoroughly and confiscate souvenirs. Read what items can not be taken out of the resorts, even if they seem harmless to you.

At the airport, you will definitely be detained for taking out weapons, drugs, pornography, antiques, or hemp seedlings. Everyone knows about restrictions on tobacco and alcohol. In the article we will talk about unusual things and souvenirs that are easy to get caught at the airport.

Of course, customs officers often turn a blind eye to an extra shell or a handful of sand. They may even miss some rare antiquity - not everyone understands them, after all. But by law, you can’t do this, and if you get caught, it can result in big problems for your nerves and wallet.


The cost of souvenirs that you bring home should be no more than 5,000 Turkish liras (about $820 as of August 2018). All large purchases require receipts. Customs officers pay special attention to carpets - so do not forget to take a check and a certificate with the date of manufacture from the seller.

You will definitely be checked whether you are exporting antiques made more than 50 years ago from the country - it is allowed to be exported only with a certificate from the Ministry of Culture. This is more for collectors than for ordinary tourists.

It is strictly forbidden to export corals, shells and even stones and fossils without purchase receipts. It is possible to buy, but it is impossible to pick up from the land or from the sea.

Officially, stones for export are not prohibited, but there are a lot of UNESCO sites in the country, and formally any stone can be part of the historical heritage. If the customs officer is not in a good mood, he can detain you at least until the circumstances are clarified.

It is also forbidden to export firearms and edged weapons - you should not even buy modern dummies of ancient daggers, sabers and pistols.


You can not export medicines, leather goods, palm tree souvenirs. Buy from olive. At the same time, coconuts or dates can be exported, but wood products are not.

Henna in any form is prohibited for export and import. The ban arose when, under the guise of henna, they tried to smuggle drugs. You can not export the national currency of Tunisia.

Not a single dinar. The customs officers will force you to change everything to the millimeter. There is no minimum allowed, so don't even try.

For the export of jewelry or carpets, a check from the store is required. In general, it is better to stock up on a check for everything that resembles cultural heritage - stamped souvenirs, ceramics, etc. It is most convenient not to throw away checks from souvenirs at all.

Here, too, any pebble can fall under suspicion - suddenly you took it from the excavations of Dugga or Carthage.

Dominican Republic

Here it is strictly with souvenirs and antiques: you cannot take with you the core of a palm tree, orchids, ancient artifacts and corals found during diving. Shells can theoretically be exported, but some species are prohibited for export, and it is tiring to remember them all - it is better not to export anything at all. It will be possible to take out a shell bracelet with a check. The export of the national currency peso is prohibited. You can only carry 50 cigars.

There are no restrictions on the export of rum from the Dominican Republic. But no more than 3 liters of alcohol per adult traveler can be imported duty-free into Russia. 4-5 liters are allowed to be imported with a duty, and more than 5 liters will not be allowed through.


Buddha figurines taller than 13 centimeters, dried seahorses, corals, shells, ivory, tortoise shell and items made from it are strictly prohibited. Stuffed animals can be exported only if there are documents. Corals - only in the form of processed souvenirs. It is forbidden to export postage stamps, but you can stick them on a letter and send them from Thailand.

If you decide to take cheap Thai fruits to Russia, do not take durian and coconut. The nut shell is not translucent with a scanner, so customs officers will not let you in with it. And durian just stinks a lot and can ruin the luggage of other visitors.

It is widely believed that it is forbidden to export watermelons. In fact, this is not a legislative ban, but a restriction of airlines. Some flights are not allowed with watermelons, as they can not withstand the pressure and explode. So it is better to check with the airline you are flying with - many tourists freely export watermelons without problems with customs.

White Thai sand or a flower in a pot will also not be missed just like that. Land and sand in Thailand belong to the King, not tourists. The sand will definitely be forced to be thrown away, but the plant may be skipped by asking to shake off the earth from the roots.


You cannot export stuffed turtles, lizards, scorpions, crustaceans and insects, eggs of rare birds, bird nests, corals, exotic plants. For violation, you will have to pay a fine of about $ 500. If you are carrying more than 5 jewelry sets per person, you will have to obtain permission from the State Bank. Shells, as well as from everywhere, are also prohibited to export.

The famous fish sauce cannot be exported from Fukuoka. If you spill it by accident, the magical aroma will cause you to change the skin of the plane - the airline will not take such a risk.


Israel does not impose any requirements for souvenirs and jewelry. The only problem is the export of antiques. Anything produced before 1700 is considered handmade. They can only be exported with the written permission of the Antiquities Authority. Plus, the purchase of such valuables is taxed at 10%. But the import and export of currency from the country in any quantity is unlimited. At least come with suitcases of dollars.


Everything is standard here - no corals and shells! Only in the form of processed souvenirs, preferably with a check. The export of ivory items, stuffed animals, antiques over 100 years old and samples of the flora and fauna of the Red Sea (fish, corals, starfish, etc.) is also prohibited.


The Emirates have a democratic attitude towards the export of souvenirs from the country - you can even bring corals and shells from here. Jewelry and carpets - with sales receipts. You can’t take with you except wild animals, seeds and fruits of palm trees, objects of the country’s cultural heritage. It is also impossible to export the same as to import - for example, a deck of playing cards or pornographic magazines or disks. If you managed to smuggle it into the UAE, and found the items at customs on the way back, you will receive a fine.


Hindus will not forgive if you take home live plants, animal skins, bird feathers, antique items made before the 20th century. Gold bars cannot be exported, jewelry worth more than 2000 rupees, too. Indian currency is also banned - you will have to spend at the resort or exchange it back for rubles in advance.


First of all, the bans concern the cultural heritage of the country. You can not take away from Italy ancient mosaics, marble and stones. To bring home antique furniture over 100 years old, works of art and souvenirs over 50 years old, you need permission from the Italian Ministry of Culture. There is even such an Italian joke: “My grandfather is 101 years old, can I take him out of Italy or do I need permission from the Ministry of Culture?”

You cannot take sand and shells from the protected beaches on the Adriatic Riviera and in Sardinia. Get a fine of 1500 euros for trying.

It is strictly forbidden to export counterfeit products - items that imitate branded items. For this, you can get a fine of up to 10 thousand euros. Therefore, if you buy branded goods, be sure to ask for a receipt and a certificate.

Taking out delicacies is also not easy. Without permission, they will not be released with meat and meat products, dairy products. From Sardinia, you can’t take casu marzu cheese - yummy with cheese fly larvae. Maybe not necessary?


If you bought a painting, jewelry or calligraphy in China, be sure to take a receipt. Strictly with antiques - only with permission from the Chinese Administrative Department for Cultural Property. Local drugs and Chinese medicines can be carried in reasonable quantities, but only with a receipt.

Radio receivers and radio transmitters are prohibited for export. Technically, radio-controlled toys fall into this category, but in fact they are allowed through customs.

It is also impossible to export pornographic materials that are prohibited and for import - they can be fined for this.

It is also impossible to export products without factory packaging (for example, meat), as well as seeds and plants without a purchase receipt.

Sometimes there are rumors that it is forbidden to export Chinese tea from China. This is not so - at Chinese customs they can let you through even with 10 kg of tea. But for Russian customs officers, such a quantity may cause suspicion of importation for commercial purposes, so it is better to limit yourself to a couple of kilograms.


Antiques, skins and stuffed animals of wild animals and birds, archaeological values, precious metals cannot be exported from here. The national currency is not more than 10 thousand US dollars in equivalent. It is also impossible to export precious metals and stones if they are not part of the jewelry purchased with a check.

Knowing about these restrictions, you will save your money and will not get into an unpleasant situation at customs control. Read our blog to always fly with pleasure!

Thailand is a popular tourist destination not only for residents of Russia, but also for tourists from other countries of the world. As a memory of a wonderful vacation, you always want to take a souvenir with you, and most often these are unusual shells, corals and products based on them. Hence the question arises whether it is possible to take away shells and corals from Thailand, because most of it is a reserve, and all the land belongs to the king of Thailand.

So that the vacation does not end with a fine

Thailand as a state has its own laws, and these laws are not always similar to those that tourists are used to in their countries. One of these laws imposes a ban on the export of certain things and products from the island. For violation of this law, not only a fine for an impressive amount can be issued, but even taken under arrest.

On your vacation, you need to be vigilant, since most often tourists are deceived by sellers of souvenirs. They can easily sell what cannot be taken out of Thailand, and do not warn about it, and then, already at the airport, tourists face unpleasant consequences for themselves.

Even guides who came to work on the island from Russia are deceiving. And, despite the fact that they are compatriots, they are interested in selling rare souvenirs from specialty shops that pay them a large percentage for bringing a group of tourists.

So that the vacation does not end with a fine, and in order not to fall for the bait of traders, you should familiarize yourself with the list of what cannot be exported from Thailand:

  • Exotic fruit Durian;
  • Coconuts;
  • Figurines of the Buddha and his images (even the popular souvenir T-shirts with the Buddha are illegal);
  • Ivory and products from it;
  • Crocodiles and their stuffed animal;
  • Land (all land is the property of the King, which means it is equated with theft of property);
  • Sand from the beach;
  • Seahorses;
  • Products from a leopard (in Thailand it is a sacred animal);
  • Beetles and butterflies;
  • Turtles and tortoise shell products;
  • Shells and corals (but there are some nuances).

It is important to take into account the fact that not only is an attempt to smuggle these things and products across the border considered illegal, but the very fact of buying such souvenirs can also end in confiscation at best, and in the worst - a fine and arrest. .

Why is the export of shells and corals prohibited?

With corals and shells, not everything is so simple in Thailand. There are a number of cases when such souvenirs can be taken home with you, but this is more an exception than a rule.

You can carry shells in the product and coral souvenirs, but only if they are very small and processed. Unprocessed corals cannot be transported, they will be confiscated, and the owner of such a souvenir will be fined.

Such a ban arose due to the fact that many territories of Thailand are a protected area, and nothing can be exported from such zones at all. And it is almost impossible to prove the origin of a shell or coral at customs, so employees can shamelessly take away all purchased souvenirs, especially if their size is also suspicious.

Of course, you can try to hide a piece of coral or a shell you like, but do not forget that there is a luggage scanner at the airport. Moreover, luggage passes through the scanner not only during the inspection of things, but also at the entrance to the inspection area.

Can I bring small shells

You can take small shells with you to Russia. They will not even pay attention to them at the border. But, again, so that an embarrassing situation does not happen, it is best to buy such shells in souvenir shops, and not look for yourself on the coast, especially if you are not sure that a particular beach does not belong to a protected area.

Bracelets, pendants and pendants with small shells can also be safely bought and carried as a souvenir from the island. We repeat that most often only large shells and corals arouse suspicion among customs officers.

What will happen for the illegal export of shells

In fact, it cannot be said that Thai customs officers are very harsh and arrange a thorough inspection of every tourist. Therefore, they do not always confiscate prohibited items, items and products.

If the situation is such that the tourist did not know the list of what cannot be exported from Thailand, then he can write an appropriate application. But, this statement will not help him avoid a fine and the seizure of a prohibited souvenir.

Sometimes you can negotiate with customs officers by offering them a certain amount of money, then they will turn a blind eye to the illegally transported item. But, it is important to understand that bribery is also a crime. Therefore, we must think twice, but is the souvenir so valuable as to take such risks?

If the situation with a bribe does not turn out in your favor, then customs officers can not only fine and seize contraband, but also put an appropriate stamp in your passport about violation of export rules. Thai customs can even take you into custody, so it's best not to break any laws.

Vietnam is an amazing country that you want to visit again and again. There has long been a tradition among tourists - at the end of a vacation or a business trip, buy gifts for relatives and colleagues and take them with you to Russia. I so want to bring home with me at least a small part of those carefree days when both soul and body rested. However, as practice shows, not all goods are subject to export from Vietnam.

What can Russians not take out of Vietnam?

And yet, what cannot be exported from Vietnam to Russia? What goods are prohibited for export from the country? It is forbidden to export antiques and works of art from Vietnam without special certificates: paintings, manuscripts, historical documents, etc. Precious stones, products with and from them, as well as other jewelry are also prohibited. The export of gold items and items made of precious metals weighing 300 g or more must be subject to a special permit from the National Vietnamese Bank. If the weight of gold is less than 300 g, it can be exported freely.

What else can not be exported from Vietnam to Russia? It is forbidden to export weapons from Vietnam - any kind of it. Even souvenir weapons are subject to confiscation if they are found by a customs officer. The Vietnamese government is extremely strict about the export of such products. You can not take exotic plants with you to Russia, because many of them are endemic and grow only on the territory of this fabulous country. And the Vietnamese government carefully guards its resources.

The list of goods prohibited from export from Vietnam to Russia includes materials containing anti-government or pornographic propaganda. Also, as in many other countries, in Vietnam there is a taboo on the export of drugs from the country. Subject to import ban:

  • stuffed turtles,
  • stuffed lizard,
  • eggs of rare animals and birds,
  • bird nests,
  • stuffed scorpion,
  • stuffed crustaceans and insects,
  • corals.

By the way, even a 15-centimeter coral sprout can cost a tourist a large fine, namely about $500.

What can be exported from Vietnam?

What can be exported from Vietnam to Russia? The following items are allowed to be exported from Vietnam:

  • fruits
  • alcohol,
  • jewelry,
  • flowers,
  • coffee.

For some goods, there is no export ban at all, for others there are restrictions.

So, tourists often ask which fruits cannot be exported from Vietnam, and which ones can? Vietnamese fruits can be exported to Russia in large quantities, but with the exception of watermelon, durian and coconut. Watermelons cannot be exported due to the fact that they explode and can stain the cabin of the aircraft. Coconuts are also included in the list of prohibited exports, because due to the thick skin they are not translucent at the airport and, accordingly, you can carry prohibited goods in them. It is worth scratching the skin of durian and you yourself know how and what it will smell like in the cabin of the aircraft.

How to take out? Everything is very simple: in order for the fruits to be delivered to their destination safe and sound, you will have to buy special baskets. They are freely sold in supermarkets or markets in Vietnam. The cost of baskets is about 30,000-50,000 VND. You will also need to additionally fix the contents of the basket so that nothing spills or falls out on the road.

Export of fruits from Vietnam in a basket is possible only in hand luggage. This will prevent possible problems if the products become unusable, juice flows from them, etc. Travelers are often interested in another issue related to the export of shells and other items found on the coast of the South China Sea from Vietnam.

In many countries, shells are prohibited for export. They are a kind of property of the state, therefore, not only in Vietnam, but also in other Asian countries are prohibited for export. However, as practice and reviews of tourists who have visited different parts of the world show, a small amount of shells can still be carried in luggage. Some vacationers even carried 1-2 shells in hand luggage, and no one fined them for this.

Therefore, to the question: “Is it possible to export shells from Vietnam?” there is no clear answer. But as for the export of products containing alcohol from the country, the answer is unequivocal. Vietnam is a country where several varieties of rum are made. For example, Rhum Chauvet rum has a strength of 39 °, dark color and good taste. This drink is very popular among tourists. And, for example, ISC Rum is already a light rum with a strength of 29 °. He is also loved by the Russians, who often want to take one or two bottles of this wonderful drink with them.

How much alcohol can be exported from Vietnam and can it be exported at all? Yes, you can take out alcohol, but only in the amount of no more than three glass bottles. Every person can take out such a volume. If a family of 4 people returns from a vacation, they can take about 12 bottles of alcoholic beverages with them to Russia.

How to transport alcohol? As a rule, transportation of alcohol-containing drinks is carried out only in baggage. It is forbidden to carry such goods in hand luggage. Bottles before being packed in a suitcase or bag, it is recommended to carefully cork, wrap with bubble wrap, several layers of paper or cloth. It is important that the bottles do not break or crack during transportation, otherwise the liquid may flood things, papers and everything else that is in the suitcase / bag.

If you follow the rules in force at the Vietnamese customs, you can avoid problems, fines and not spoil your impression of a pleasant stay.