What to do if the goods are detained by customs? The goods were detained at customs, what can be done What to do if the customs detained the Belpochta parcel.

The international post office (hereinafter referred to as the MP) or customs office, where private mail items are usually delayed, is located at Moscow, Varshavskoe sh., 37. This is metro station Nagatinskaya. Exit the metro in the direction of the international post office (follow the signs), then go left along the tram lines and in about five minutes you will reach the post office building.

Q: How to understand that the parcel is detained by customs?
A: If your package is detained by customs, then most often you will find out about this from a telegram that will come with the MP addressed to you. If there is still no telegram, and according to the tracking number of the departure, the last thing that is read is * handed over to customs - date *, then your parcel is almost certainly delayed. Perhaps they simply did not_have time or did not_want to write out a telegram. You need to go to them as soon as possible and find out what's wrong, otherwise after the storage period, the package will be sent back. The telegram may never arrive.

Q: What should I do if the package is delayed?
A: There is a Varshavskoye highway, taking with you your passport, documents for the parcel (if any) and its tracking number.

Q: Where can I get tracking for the parcel?
A: Most often, when shopping in online stores, tracking is reported automatically, if this did not happen, you need to find out the tracking from the seller by writing a request to him.

Q: If the parcel was sent without tracking, but the telegram did not arrive, how can I understand that the parcel is delayed?
A: Unfortunately, it is impossible to understand this without tracking or a telegram.

Q: If the package is supposedly delayed, but I do not know the tracking, will the customs give me the shipment?
A: The tracking number will be indicated in the incoming telegram, if there is no telegram, then it is impossible to understand that the shipment is delayed. It makes no sense to go to customs without data about the parcel, they only have a tracking database, they simply won’t talk to you without this information.

Q: Is there a difference in duty calculation between EMC shipments and regular government mail shipments?
A: For EMS shipments and for shipments by regular mail, the customs limit is 1000 euros at the exchange rate of the ruble to foreign currency on the date of crossing the customs border of the Russian Federation. If the parcel is sent by regular state mail (not EMC), then the fee is usually cash on delivery, and you will simply need to pay the required amount at the port office upon receipt of the parcel. For EMC shipments, the duty must always be paid by arriving personally at the MP.

The duty-free limit for courier services (DHL, FedEx, UPS, etc.) is 5,000 rubles.

Q: Is shipping included in the €1,000 limit and how often can I import goods worth that amount?
A: If the seller indicates delivery in a separate box on the box, then it is not included in the limit. 1000 euros per person can be imported once a week. An important point - customs looks at the date of SENDING, and not at the date of crossing the customs border, i.e. if one parcel for 1000 euros was sent from the USA a month ago, another for 1000 euros from England two weeks ago, and they arrived at customs at the same time, then they are not subject to duty, because. the difference between the shipping dates is two weeks.

Q: How exactly is the fee calculated?
A: Duty is imposed on goods in excess of 1000 euros. Let's say you import goods for 1900 euros, the duty on the goods will be taken not from 1900, but from 900, because. it is these 900 that go beyond the duty-free limit.

Q: What documents are needed to receive the package?
A: First you need your passport, a copy of your passport (just in case - you will need it if you have to pay a fee) and the tracking number of the package. Optionally (in short, they won’t interfere), you need an invoice from the seller and a bank statement of how much was paid for the parcel. A printed PayPal page will also work if the payment was made through it. The page must be printed while in your PayPal account by clicking on the *print* button in the browser, so that a link to your page remains at the bottom. Such a document is considered authentic. Just a printout (print-screen) for customs is not a document.

Q: How can I understand why the parcel is delayed?
A: There are only four options.
1. You have exceeded the customs limit
2. Customs has suspicions about whether you are importing 50 sweaters for personal use
3. The customs had suspicions about whether the price on the box is real
4. They delayed the package just like that, as part of a spot check

Let's consider each option separately.

1. A fairly simple situation, which you can most often assume in advance if you have proof of payment, etc. You will need to drive to Varshavka, pay a fee and pick up the parcel.
The probability of a positive outcome (you receive the package) - 100%

2. The situation is much more complicated than the first one, because Everything here is tied to the human factor. On your ability to convince, on the desire of the customs officer to meet you halfway and believe in your stories.
The probability of a positive outcome is 50/50.
Possible options:
- the customs officer takes your word for it, gives the parcel and lets go in peace
- the customs officer does not believe you, recognizes the parcel as a consignment and does not give you the parcel (the consignment can only be cleared by customs for a legal entity, but in this case it must be sent to a legal entity - so if he does not believe you, then this is obviously impassable option).

3. The situation is simpler than the second, but here you may have to fork out. If you do not have payment documents confirming the fact that you paid exactly $ 100 for the Stradivari violin, as indicated on the package (documents: account statement or PayPal page), then your chances of receiving a package without duty again depend on your eloquence and elementary ability to win over a customs officer. If you failed, then the duty will be calculated based on the customs classifier of goods (each group of goods is subject to a certain duty), on the basis of customs tables used by the customs officer to evaluate a particular product. If he has a Stradivali violin in the table worth a hundred thousand bucks, then the probability of paying a fee based on this amount is very high.

4. The easiest option. You arrive, give tracking and your passport, go to another window and receive the package.

In any case, you will have to spend at best an hour at customs.

Q: How to communicate with a customs officer to increase the likelihood of a positive outcome in problem cases?
A: First, you need to clearly understand that it now depends on this person whether you receive your things or not. That it is not a service industry where you are a customer who is always right. As usual in our country, a person convicted of power (here it is a customs officer) can behave unpredictably, so you need to be prepared for any turn of events, accept them with dignity, without tantrums and scandals. Remember that customs officers are also people, most often (but unfortunately not always :)) they are men, with all the consequences. You have to understand that every day they see several dozen people like you who want to get something. 90% of people at customs, when problems arise, begin to behave inappropriately, swear, scream and get nervous. The customs officer has a conditioned reflex to this - to stop listening, to delve into the problem of a person, but simply to stop any conversations with him in a fairly correct, but tough form.

So how not to, I described in a nutshell. Now how NECESSARY.The minimum task is to win over the person with whom you communicate. Everything is simple, for starters, you really need to be aware of why you came there and what exactly the customs officer expects from you. In my memory, there was a case with a girl who was hysterical in front of the window, that her package was definitely delayed, because. tracking has been *imported* for two weeks already. At first, the customs officer politely explained to her that the package had not even been inspected yet, so she was not detained. The girl obviously did not understand the difference between import and customs inspection, so she continued to attack him with questions of what to do, how to be and what the hell, she paid money for the parcel! In the end, as expected, she was sent. There is no need to be too knowledgeable. That is, you don’t have to go to him with the words * my parcel was delayed, the duty is 250 rubles, I already paid it at the Savings Bank, here is the check, give me the form, I will fill it out and go and get everything in the fifth window *. It's annoying. You need to let the person work :)) Therefore, go to the window, smile (smile in confusion - you can practice in front of the mirror in advance :)), hold out your passport and say *here is the tracking of the package, it seems to be delayed, I don’t even know what happened, could not You check*. While clapping his eyes and continuing to smile. Next, the customs officer tells you what the essence of the matter is (see options above) and you begin to tell him the story of your relationship with the sender of the parcel based on the situation. If the customs officer, despite your best efforts, does not believe you, do not resist. Don't be hysterical, it will only get worse. Therefore, further with a frustrated look, ask him *But what should I do in my situation then? I just have absolutely no experience in such matters..*. He answers you HOW, for example, to pay a fee of thirty thousand rubles)) If the fee is small and, in principle, raised, then it’s easier not to butt further, but to pay it, even if it is calculated in your opinion unreasonably (it can be unreasonably calculated only if if you cannot prove your words and the amount you paid with any documents). If the amount is too large (as I had for Jimbori - almost 9,000 rubles per box), then with an upset look, say that this amount is too large for you (everything is said extremely politely and correctly) and what to do next. He tells you that then it's better to send it back and blah blah blah.

The customs officers always told me how, in THEIR opinion, it is better to do so as not to pay a lot of money. In the Jimboree situation, the inspector advised me to issue a re-export, because 9000 is really a lot. To my question * could he, as an exception, go forward and give me a box? *, he replied smiling that he personally would be happy to meet me, but he has a higher authority that will not understand him :) And also they always took copies of my passport there (usually people go to another hall and xerify their passport for money, if they didn’t bring a copy with them, and the customs officer always took my passport with a smile and xerified it at home).

If communication did not work out, he behaves aggressively or the customs officer is a woman))), then your task is not to endear the person to yourself, and not to annoy him and not to make him nervous, so you need to merge with the landscape as much as possible, answering only the questions posed directly, with agreeing with everyone and expressing maximum readiness to meet halfway.

In general, there are a lot of communication methods, I just gave an example, here, in fact, knowledge of human psychology and the ability to communicate with different people should be used. Naturally, no one is immune from the fact that nothing will work and you will get a thrashing, but with the right approach, the probability of a thrashing tends to zero. At the MP, everything is enough according to the Soviet style, and there you can encounter rudeness at every turn. Even barmaids are rude)) But if you don’t react to it and don’t start, then the hassle is much less.

Q: How does customs work?
A: On the phone they say eternal nonsense, in fact they work from 9.00 to 18.00 on weekdays and until 16.45 on Fridays. Saturday-Sunday day off. Lunch from 13 to 14.

Q: If the customs released the package, but I can't drag it home myself, what should I do?
A: If the parcel was originally sent by EMC, then you can simply write by hand on the form *please deliver* and the parcel will be delivered to the specified address. With regular mail, you will have to receive the box right there and drag it on yourself.

Q: What most likely will not be available at customs?
A: Most likely, customs will unpack packages with chemicals (paints, etc.), medicines or cosmetics not certified in the Russian Federation, especially if you decide to import them on an industrial scale.

Delivery of goods from abroad in some cases is problematic. There may be various reasons for the delay of the goods - this is a car breakdown, the presence of a sufficiently large traffic jam or health problems of the freight forwarder. But most often, timely delivery fails when the goods are detained at customs. Many entrepreneurs engaged in foreign economic activity are afraid of the arrest of cargo, since the solution of this issue takes a lot of time. First you need to find out the reason for the delay, and then begin to act.

Delayed cargo at customs - reasons

The authorities that control the transportation of goods across the border of the Russian Federation have the right to suspend delivery if facts of violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation are revealed. In this case, we are talking not only about an attempt to smuggle (the list of prohibited goods includes narcotic substances, weapons), but also about the incorrect preparation of documents.

If the product was purchased by an individual and for personal use, then its delivery may be suspended in the following cases:

  • The limit of the cost and weight of the parcel has been exceeded (they should be no more than 1000 euros and 50 kg), in the presence of these inconsistencies, it is required to provide a declaration and a receipt for payment of the fee;
  • The presence of prohibited goods in the parcel. The list includes not only drugs. In this case, these can be medicines, food products that are subject to the sanction, means for conducting covert video filming;
  • In case of suspicious aspects, customs officers can also suspend the delivery of goods. For example, the entrepreneurial purpose of the goods, when several identical pairs of shoes and a large amount of equipment are sent, etc. In this case, it is most often purchased for sale, so taxes and duties must be paid.

For a legal entity or individual entrepreneur who legally purchases products in bulk, the cargo may be suspended in the following cases:

  • Lack of a complete documentation package;
  • Incorrect indication of the TN VED code;
  • The presence of restrictions on the import of this cargo into the Russian Federation;
  • There are no relevant certification papers for imported products;
  • Suspicion of underestimation of the cost of products;
  • Wrong paperwork;
  • Customs duty not paid;
  • Incorrect weight indication;
  • Inconsistency between the type of product and the data provided in the documentation.

The cargo can be arrested due to the high load on the customs point, if an attempt is made to transport prohibited goods, for which a person is criminally liable. Delivery may also be suspended if there are small dangerous products that require a specialized permit, which is determined by the current customs legislation. If the shipment is evidence in a pending case, it will also be seized. The basis for the suspension of the delivery of goods is a procedural decision, which is issued and canceled by the head of the customs department.

How much and how can the imported goods be delayed?

Before specifying the delay time of the parcel, you need to decide on the definition - it can be a confiscation or a delay. In the second case, it is completely transferred to the temporary storage warehouse. Many are interested in how long and how they can delay the parcel, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, the delay can be up to two weeks, while its storage is carried out free of charge only for the first five days.

The liquidation of the parcel is carried out when the fact of transportation of counterfeit products is revealed. During confiscation, the person who receives the parcel is determined, he can be fined or held liable.

How to return the goods arrested at the customs point?

For an individual, this problem is solved in several ways, provided that there are no prohibited goods in the package. Required:

  • Make payment of customs duties in accordance with the requirements put forward;
  • Correctly fill out the declaration form;
  • Provide an explanation of the imported cargo, full information about its purpose, if these are prohibited items, then they will be subject to liquidation in any case;
  • To prove that the parcel is delivered for personal use, this item is suitable in cases where the customs control suspects the commercial purpose of the products. If these doubts are justified, then you should provide a completed declaration and receipts for the payment of taxes, duties and fees.

For entrepreneurs, the question of how to return the goods is allowed a little more complicated:

  1. Preparation of the correct package of accompanying documents;
  2. Changing the TN VED code in case of non-compliance or providing evidence that it is indicated correctly;
  3. Certification of goods, obtaining permission for its import;
  4. Proof of the cost of the parcel, the provision of payment documents, price lists from the seller. If this is not possible, then it is required to make adjustments to the declaration, pay according to its contents, duties and fines issued;
  5. Correction of errors in accompanying papers;
  6. Additional payment of customs fees;
  7. Determination of the presence of inconsistencies between the contents of the parcel and the data in the documents.

If during the proceedings an attempt to smuggle smuggling across the border is clarified, then the owner of the parcel will face criminal or administrative liability.

Filing a complaint against customs control

If there are violations in the work of customs officers and disagreement with the decision to arrest the parcel, you can file a complaint with higher authorities - the customs or the court. In this case, you need legal advice in Moscow, which will provide clear explanations about the correct preparation of the application.

According to article 37 of the legislation on customs regulation, a person has the right to file similar complaints in two instances simultaneously. But if the court accepted the case for development, then it will no longer be considered by the higher customs authority. The application must be submitted within three months from the date of violation.

When filing a complaint with the court, it is necessary to rely on chapter 25 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation and the 24th APC of the Russian Federation. In practice, the procedure for filing an application is quite difficult to figure out, so it is better to seek help from a lawyer.

It is easier to file a complaint with the customs authority, since it is not required to provide a mandatory application in the form of copies of documents, additional evidence. Appeal to the court is controlled by the list of articles 131, 132 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation and 199 of the APC of the Russian Federation. The application form must strictly comply with the specified standards; additional documents, confirmations and evidence are required. During the meeting, it is mandatory to have a representative of the law who will protect the rights of the plaintiff.

The application is considered at the customs authority within one month. In court, 10 days are allocated for consideration of the complaint on the basis of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation. This period does not include discussions and preliminary meetings. Filing a complaint in the first case is free of charge, and to the judicial authorities is subject to a state fee.

The results of the case will be available after the decision has been made. The customs authorities provide it in writing to the applicant.

Judicial authorities send a decision within three days after its legal entry into force. According to Article 214 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, copies of the rulings must be sent to all parties involved in the process.

In case of disagreement with the decision, the applicant has the right to appeal.

Legal advice in Moscow will protect you from problems with customs

In business, time is money, so its loss is significant for every entrepreneur. To avoid such delays, arrests and lengthy complaints, it is better to seek the help of specialists. They will help:

  • Correctly draw up documents;
  • Write an application to higher authorities;
  • Deal with the declaration and duties;
  • Avoid arrest and delays of goods.

You should not save on contacting a lawyer, as this can cause large time delays. The efficiency of the work of a specialist will help to quickly deliver the goods to the addressee.

Important! For all questions when detaining cargo at customs, if you do not know what to do and where to turn:

Call 8-800-777-32-63.

Customs lawyers, and lawyers who are registered on Russian Legal Portal, will try to help you from a practical point of view in the current issue and advise you on all issues of interest.

"Delay on customs"The status of the parcel, what kind of crazy status is it? Not one similar system for tracking parcels gives such a status, not to mention https://www.pochta.ru. So you can get a heart attack ... Judging by the forum, this status was removed .. .
quote"Status" delay on customs"- was taken from the Ali tracking system.
In fact, it duplicates the status from the Russian Post "transferred customs". I deleted the status so that it does not embarrass you.

Delay on customs, Incomplete delivery address, what should I do if the seller does not answer on my message, where I asked for the exact data, net weight in kg, the cost that they indicated and a detailed description? thanks for the answer!

Status source: "Import clearance failure". The Russian Post has not yet set this status. In some cases, it exposes and then the parcel either unfolds on the way back, or the customs authorities are waiting for additional data from the recipient.
Indeed, we have changed the translation of this status several times. But, they decided that it was better to "overdo it than not do it" and left a "delay on customs" - in case of a real delay, users will be informed in a timely manner.

Hello. Thank you for the information. Very in the subject - many packages hung in December.

Hello Luch-ik.

on customs AECA0002074620EN1 . note on

Point wrote:

Today's status Delay on customs"gone. Again" Released customs"November 9. He was put on the wanted list a week ago. There is still a month before the expiration of the protection period. I read that the phone can be found by IMEI and calculate the thief. Are there any chances on success to do it in this country?

We removed the delay status on customs. About was selected from the Ali tracking system, which, in turn, selected from the Russian Post the status "transferred customs" and gave it out as "Held by customs". And we, in fact, translated it as " delay on customs".
Find phones by IMEI, but for this you need to have documents from the phone on hands, come to the police and write a statement about the theft.

Dislboy wrote:

Hello Luch-ik.

Found a natural track related to December 2017 with a delay on customs AECA0002074620EN1 . note on time between delay and clearance from customs . 10 days and yet the shipment went through customs. This track can be used as an approximate delay in customs clearance after the FCS innovations from December 7, 2017.

PS: Wish me good luck in my waiting))

If your cargo is detained or arrested at Russian customs, then you do not want to join the Customs Union and adviser Glazyev is taking preventive measures against you. Joke. But the question is always relevant.

Causes and consequences

One of the reasons for complications at customs is the incorrect execution of documents, which is found out at the stages of verification of such "papers" as a customs declaration; invoice of goods, which indicates the cost, color, weight, terms of delivery, information about the sender and recipient of the goods; packing list of goods in the vehicle; sales contract and so on.

First, the completeness of the package of documents is checked - paper or electronic customs declaration, invoice and packing list, if necessary - commodity certificates. If everything is in order, the customs officer writes “Checked” and stamps. Well, that's all. If not in order, you need to find out what is missing.

Then the correctness of filling out the documents is checked, which confirm that the goods cross the border legally and the information about them is reliable and exhaustive. Signature stamp. Then the submitted documents are analyzed in order to verify the correctness of the customs value of the declared goods and the details of the foreign trade contract. If everything is checked, the verifier certifies with his signature and sends it further.

One of the reasons for the complications at the Russian customs is the incorrect execution of cargo documents.

The next step is to check the payment of customs duties and fees. If payments are late, interest and penalties are charged. If everything is checked, the customs officer writes “Checked” and then the inspection of the goods begins directly. The cargo is examined not by the employee who checked the documents, but by another. All information about the results of the inspection is transferred to the responsible officer, who authorizes the release, which is confirmed by the appropriate stamp.

In case of violations, the employee puts the resolution “Not subject to release”, the customs declaration is stamped “Release prohibited” and the signature of the person who made such a decision. Customs fees are not refundable.

Correct filling of documents requires professionalism and experience. Therefore, if the goods are detained due to incorrectly executed documents, which can happen at any stage of the check, it means that the responsible person, the customs representative (broker), has neither professionalism nor experience. Or is it just a mistake. Or the declarant has personal scores with the customs officers. In any case, the owner of the cargo will pay for everything first, and then the one who actually owes it, if the victim proves it in court.

Why might a product be delayed?

For example, due to underestimated, according to customs, the value of the goods and / or a significant difference in gross weight and net weight. In some cases, customs officers find it difficult to determine the TN VED code, a meeting with specialists is required, which takes time.

If all the documents are executed correctly, submitted on time, payments are paid, the goods correspond to the papers, then everything will be fine. There is no place for personal hostility towards declarants, corruption, bribery, negligence, other violations of law and order at the Russian customs! The very idea that the shortcomings listed above can take place at the Russian customs would be unheard of blasphemy! The cargo also cannot be stolen.

However, the declared goods may be seized. A protocol is drawn up about this unfortunate fact, which indicates the inventory and identification features of the arrested goods and vehicles, information about the person against whom this measure was applied in the case of an administrative offense, and the owner of the arrested goods. A copy of the protocol is handed over to the person whose goods are arrested or to his representative.

It is necessary to find out what is the reason for the arrest - this should be known to the customs representative. By the way, it would be useful for the declarant to carefully read the contract that he concluded with the customs representative and find out exactly the degree of responsibility of the representative.

Your customs representative must know about the reasons for the arrest of the cargo.

Regarding the question of who pays for the storage of the seized goods, there is a letter dated 17.06.2009 No. 01-11 / 27613 “On reimbursement of costs to specialized organizations”, which explains this delicate moment. But the question of who should pay will become acute in spite of any letters and orders. Such cases last for years, customs requires payment from the cargo owner, the cargo owner is looking for a way not to pay. Sometimes cargo owners refuse goods in favor of the state. Sometimes they pay and take the goods.

a package for you

A parcel with goods from an online store, like any other cargo, can cause a couple of questions at customs. Customs officers may be alarmed, first of all, by the amount of goods - five laptops, a dozen pairs of identical sneakers, fifteen fur coats, fifty mobile phones, obviously not intended for one person, just like twenty kilos of tea. “Something is wrong here,” the customs officer thinks, and his hand reaches for the phone. And what exactly is wrong, you have to tell the consignee. This is not necessarily fraught with problems, sometimes it is possible to prove that you and only you need five laptops. With sneakers, of course, it is more difficult.

Customs may be wary of the value of the goods if it exceeds the duty-free limit, or vice versa, is too small, from the point of view of the employee, in relation to the value indicated in the declaration.

Of course, questions will arise if the declaration is filled out incorrectly. Or you have been sent something forbidden for shipment - read more carefully what can and cannot be sent before you pay for the goods.

One morning you will receive a telegram. Or they will call you. They will say that this is "on the issue of a foreign parcel." Do not refuse immediately, do not say “alo-alo, I can hear nothing, I will call you back” and do not search the Internet for the nearest embassy of a foreign country, because, perhaps, it’s okay, they will ask a couple of questions and let you go. Maybe even on the same day. And with a package.

When visiting customs, you need to take an internal Russian passport and a photocopy thereof. And screenshots of the passports of all direct relatives and copies of documents confirming your relationship - in the amount for which you ordered the same type of hare masks in China for the new year. And a copy of the TIN certificate must also be taken. And money, if the customs recognizes the value of the goods more than 1000 euros, then you will have to pay a fee.

If you have something to hide, it is better to immediately refuse to receive the package.

If there was a postal notification, then you need to take it and a copy of the customs declaration attached to the parcel.

You need something to confirm the value of the product that you think is in the package: a screenshot of the online store page, with a photo of the product on a flash drive or better in printed form, indicating the cost, and confirmation of information about paying for the product using Internet service or other system with which you paid for the purchase. This will not allow the customs officer to invent a price based on his own ideas.

Even better, if there is an invoice from the online store about the purchase of goods, a bank statement.

A conversation with a customs officer will end well if you know what is in your parcel, how much and why you need so much. Experienced customs officers are proud of their proprietary intuition, worked out over the years of practice, and call it "chuyka", and are sure that they already know everything.

They just want to see you and determine by your behavior whether you really change sneakers so often or if this is still “commercial use cargo”. Therefore, if you have something to hide, then it is better not to sign anything and do not fill out any papers, but immediately refuse the package.

But, if you firmly know that everything is fine, then present the documents to the employee, receive a form and write what goods and for whom, in your opinion, are in the package.

Today, many of us at least once in our lives used the services of foreign online stores and ordered the delivery of goods through various postal services. Any product purchased in a foreign online store, as well as a package from relatives living in another country, undergoes high-quality customs control. As practice shows, not in all cases the cargo passes the customs check without any problems. Very often he is detained by customs officers. Therefore, quite a few people are interested in the question of what to do if the shipment is delayed at the customs clearance point.

general information

Any private or commercial cargo that is imported into the territory of the Russian Federation from any other country is subject to customs control. And everything would be fine, but very often it happens that the parcel is delayed at the border. In this case, many fall into despair, believing that the cargo is lost forever. However, if the parcel does not contain any prohibited goods provided for by law, then it is possible to receive your cargo.

Reasons for the delay of cargo by the customs service

So, let's imagine that you ordered some product in a foreign online store, but received a notification that the shipment was delayed at the customs clearance point. What does it mean? Everything is very simple: you will not be able to receive the parcel.

This may happen for the following reasons:

  • if the cargo is imported into the country without making a declaration and paying customs duties, then it may be delayed if the value of the parcel exceeds 1,500 euros;
  • the total weight of the parcel exceeds 50 kg;
  • the parcel consists of a large number of goods of the same group;
  • any goods are prohibited for import into the Russian Federation.

These are the most common reasons why a shipment is delayed at the customs clearance point. What to do in this situation? This will be discussed further.

What to do if the parcel is delayed?

Most often, this problem is faced by ordinary citizens who, in order to save money or purchase exclusive goods, prefer to make purchases in foreign online stores. Delivery can be made by regular mail or by various companies providing similar services. EMS is the largest international shipping company. All of them are very convenient, because they deliver the parcel to the post office specified by the client. When the cargo arrives at its destination, the buyer is informed about this by SMS or registered mail. In addition, if the shipment is delayed at the customs clearance point, you will also be notified about this.

If the purchased goods are delivered by regular mail, then the client does not receive any notification, and he will have to find out the fate of the parcel on his own. This takes quite a lot of time, because first you will need to go to the post office, then check the status of your order with the seller, and then submit a request to the customs service.

Contacting the customs service

After you are really sure that the shipment is delayed at the customs clearance point, you need to contact the control service.

This will require the following documents:

  1. An invoice from the seller confirming the purchase of the goods.
  2. A document confirming payment for the goods.
  3. Passport.
  4. If the parcel contains the same type of goods that were ordered not only for themselves, but also for relatives, then photocopies of their passports will be needed.
  5. Photos of each item included in the package.

Also in the customs service it will be necessary to fill out a special form, which lists all the goods present in the parcel, as well as their purpose. If the reason for the delay of the cargo is the excess of the cost or the weight limit, then you can pick up the cargo after paying the customs duty.

Storage periods for delayed goods

If the shipment is delayed at the customs clearance point, then the cargo is placed in storage. The maximum period is two weeks, of which the first 5 days are free, and the rest are paid by the owner of the parcel. If the cargo was delivered by airmail, then in this case the storage period is extended to 30 calendar days.

What goods are prohibited from being imported into the territory of the Russian Federation?

In order not to run into problems when sending goods, you need to know which groups of goods are prohibited from being transported across the border of our country.

These include:

  • weapons and ammunition;
  • narcotic substances;
  • flammable and explosive substances;
  • plants and animals;
  • waste that poses a potential threat to the environment, as well as human life and health;
  • materials promoting terrorism and containing pornography;
  • alcoholic drinks;
  • devices for collecting information;
  • cultural heritage values;
  • human organs;
  • any Nazi-themed materials;
  • jewelry and antiques;
  • radioactive substances.

If the parcel contains any of the goods of this category, there is no doubt that a message will come stating that the shipment is delayed at the customs clearance point. How long will they be stored in this case? Any prohibited goods are subject to disposal, so they are not placed in storage. In addition, criminal liability may follow for trying to import many prohibited goods, so it is better to immediately abandon the attempt to bring them across the border.

How to avoid problems when shopping abroad?

If you plan to regularly order various goods from China, America, Europe or any other countries, then in order to avoid problems with their delivery, it is best to use the services of logistics companies. One of the largest in Russia is SPSR, which operates not only throughout the country, but also far beyond its borders. Thus, if your shipment is delayed at the customs clearance point, "SPSR-Express" will solve all the problems for you, provided that you have used the services of this courier service.

What services does SPSR provide?

The SPSR-Express company has become one of the national leaders in the field of cargo delivery in Russia and abroad. Most customers choose it because of the wide range of services that the carrier provides to its customers.

Among them are the following:

  • fast delivery of parcels in Russia and abroad;
  • postal transportation;
  • courier services;
  • package of parcels;
  • storage of goods;
  • notification of customers about the status of delivery;
  • the ability to track the parcel online;
  • delivery of goods to the address at a convenient time for the client;
  • transportation of goods "from door to door".

The company works with both private and legal entities. If, however, the shipment is delayed at the customs clearance point, SPSR will notify the customer of the problem and help in solving it.

"SPSR-Express": delivery in the shortest possible time

Most consumers note the efficiency of the work of the company "SPSR-Express" and very fast delivery, regardless of the region of the country. The time that the parcel will be in transit may vary. It depends on the company or online store in which the goods were ordered, as well as on its remoteness from Russia. Within the country, the delivery time takes no more than two days, and if the parcel comes from abroad, you will have to wait about a week. However, if you compare its speed with other companies, then this courier service is indeed one of the fastest in Russia.

Convenient notification system

The company "SPSR-Express" is very popular among many shopaholics who prefer to shop online, also due to high-quality service. Clients receive SMS notifications about the status of their orders, and if there are any problems at the border, your order will be assigned the status: “Departure delayed at the customs clearance point”, which you will be instantly notified about.


Every person who ordered an expensive item in a foreign online store wants to receive it safe and sound, as well as in the shortest possible time. If the shipment is delayed at the customs clearance point, "SPSR" will resolve the issue very quickly, as the company takes its duties very responsibly, as evidenced by consumer reviews. According to customers, all parcels arrive on time, and there are never any problems with their safety. Not only the product itself is intact, but also its packaging.

Cargo tracking

The ability to track the location of a package is a very convenient service that any self-respecting company providing logistics services should provide. "SPSR-Express", being a national leader, provides its customers with such an opportunity. Having access to the Internet, you can always look at the order number on the company's website, where your cargo is currently located. If your shipment is delayed at customs, SPSR will update this information and you will be notified in time. Also, after the cargo arrives at the post office specified by the client, an SMS notification arrives informing that it is possible to receive the parcel. It is worth noting that due to some system failures, there may be delays in timely updating of information, but such situations are extremely rare.

Cost of services

The cost of logistics services has always been of great importance for consumers when choosing one or another courier delivery service. Especially the price issue has become very relevant in recent years. This is due to the fact that due to the devaluation of the ruble, there was a significant increase in the price of all groups of goods when purchased in the national currency. Therefore, each person tries to save on everything that is possible. In particular, this applies to the cost of shipping goods from the seller to the buyer.

As for the cost of the services of the SPSR-Express company, although they cannot be called the cheapest, they are nonetheless one of the most attractive on the market. Today, for example, many people order smartphones in foreign stores. When ordering through a logistics company, they will cost significantly less, including delivery, compared to a regular postal service. If the shipment is delayed at the customs clearance point, and LeEco smartphones, for example, or products from another manufacturer did not pass the test, the logistics company will immediately notify the recipient.

Thus, given the relatively low prices, high-quality service, fast delivery and a convenient order status notification system, it makes sense to buy goods in foreign online stores and deliver them to Russia through the SPSR company. In this case, consumers receive a full guarantee of the safety of the parcel on the way, and also minimize the associated hassle associated with delivery and customs clearance.