History of Cape Verde. Should you go to Cape Verde? Shopping and shops

Republic of Cape Verde, a state on the Cape Verde Islands in the Atlantic Ocean off the west coast of Africa. The archipelago consists of 10 relatively large and 15 small islands and rocks. Depending on the position in relation to the prevailing winds, two groups are distinguished - Windward and Leeward islands. In the first group, the largest islands are Santo Antan, Sao Vicente, San Nicolau, Sal, Boavista, and in the second - Mayu, Santiago and Fogo. The total area of ​​the archipelago is 4033 sq. km. Population 476 thousand people (1998). On the largest island of Santiago (992 sq. km) is the capital city of Praia.

Cape Verde. The capital is Praia. Population - 476 thousand people (1998). The population density is 118 people per 1 sq. km. km. Urban population - 50%, rural - 50%. Area - 4033 sq. km. The highest point is Fogo volcano (2829 m). The main languages ​​are Portuguese (official), Creole. The main religion is Catholicism. Administrative-territorial division - 14 districts. Monetary unit: escudo = 100 centavos. National holiday: Independence Day - 5 July. National anthem: "Sun, sweat, greenery and sea"

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Nature. The archipelago is of volcanic origin, but only the volcano Fogu (2829 m) on the island of the same name is active (29 eruptions have occurred since the middle of the 16th century, the last in 1951). The islands of Santiago, San Vicente and San Nicola also have a mountainous relief. The islands of the eastern group - Mayu, Boavista and Sal - are distinguished by low heights. As a rule, natural vegetation is better preserved in the valleys in the interior of the islands. The climate is tropical, hot and dry. Average July temperatures are 24-26°C, January 21-23°C. The average annual precipitation is 100-300 mm with a maximum in August - October (the warmest period of the year). Precipitation is rare on the flat islands, in the mountains in some years there are heavy showers and up to 500 mm of moisture "poured out" in one day. Such showers destroy the fertile topsoil. The withering influence is exerted by the harmattan east wind blowing from the Sahara from October to June and bringing a mass of fine dust. The construction of stone terraces and dams that retain water in the mountains allows the development of efficient irrigation systems. In addition, the network of artesian wells is expanding. The vegetation of the islands is sparse. On the northern slopes of the mountains there are solitary low evergreen trees of bombardeira, the succulent leaves of which are used in folk medicine. Pine, acacia, eucalyptus, cypress trees grow in the mountains on the islands of Santo Antan and Santiago, and coconut and date palms near fresh water sources. The flora includes 450 native plant species and 150 introduced ones. The latter include some types of trees, such as coffee tree, sugar cane, various types of vegetables, fruits and grains. Domestic animals of the islands are imported from Portugal. Coastal waters are rich in fish (tuna, mullet, mackerel, etc.). There are sharks, sea turtles and lobsters. In the 1970s, soil erosion problems worsened in Cape Verde as a result of intensive farming practices. Reforestation campaigns have been carried out to protect topsoil and retain groundwater. By the mid-1990s, forests covered approx. 16% of the country's territory.
Population. In 1990, 341.5 thousand people lived in Cape Verde, in 1998 - 476 thousand. Over 70% of the country's inhabitants are mulattoes, people of mixed African-European origin. The rest of the population is predominantly Africans, no more than 1% are Europeans. The natural resources of Cape Verde are very scarce, and in search of a better life, many of the country's inhabitants emigrated to the United States, the Netherlands, Italy, Portugal and West African countries. The most massive emigration took place in the 1970s (10-18 thousand people a year). It is estimated that approximately 700,000 natives of Cape Verde live abroad. The most populated is the island of Santiago (175 thousand inhabitants). Each of the 9 inhabited islands can be compared to a miniature racial melting pot with its own cultural characteristics and local dialects resulting from the mixing of Portuguese and various African languages. 98% of the population are Catholics. Thanks to government efforts to combat illiteracy, by the mid-1990s, 72% of the population could read and write. Creole is the most widely spoken language, but Portuguese is the official language. The capital of Cape Verde - Praia (61.7 thousand inhabitants) is located on the island of Santiago. Amilcar-Cabral Airport on the island of Sal receives transatlantic airliners. In 1998, the construction of the international airport in Praia was completed. Small boats and planes of the local airline provide communication between the islands.
Political system. After gaining independence in 1975, a radical one-party regime was established in Cape Verde, which lasted until 1990. Under pressure from the opposition, the ruling African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde (PAIKV) in 1990 was forced to create a multi-party democratic system. The Movement for Democracy (MPD) took shape in the country. The first free parliamentary elections held in January 1991 ended in victory for the MTD. In the presidential elections held a month later, the party's candidate, António Mascarenhas, defeated PAIKV candidate Aristide Pereira. The new constitution adopted on September 25, 1992 marked the beginning of the "Second Republic" with a new state flag and national anthem. The president and 72 deputies of the unicameral parliament, the National Assembly, are directly elected for a five-year term. The deputies of the assembly elect the prime minister, who submits the composition of the cabinet of ministers for approval by the president. Councils of local executive bodies are also elected in general elections for a five-year term. In the early 1990s, the MPD government made the transition to a market economy and provided conditions for foreign investment. In December 1995, the MTD again won the parliamentary elections, and in the uncontested elections in February 1996, A. Mascarenhas was re-elected to the presidency.
Economy. In 1994, the country's GDP was $343 million, or $900 per person. Given low prices, the latter figure can be considered equivalent to $1,040. In the early 1990s, the average annual economic growth rate was approx. 4 %. In the mid-1990s, approx. 40% of the working population. The share of these industries in GDP was only slightly more than 20% of GDP. The country is forced to import most of the necessary food, although the islands grow corn, legumes, sweet potatoes and sugar cane. The most important commercial products are fish and seafood, bananas, coffee and peanuts. Industry is underdeveloped. In 1994, it accounted for 6.5% of GDP and 5% of employees. The main industries are the production of canned fish, the extraction of table salt, tailoring, ship repair, and the processing of agricultural products. In 1993, the government decided to create free zones in which investors were exempted from paying customs duties and taxes on exported goods and services. The Cape Verde Islands are located on trade and transport routes in the Atlantic Ocean. Ports and airfields of the country are transit centers for servicing foreign ships and aircraft. For a long time, the Amilcar-Cabral airport on the island of Sal was a transit point for communication between South Africa and New York. In the 1990s, European and Latin American airlines began to use this airport for cargo transportation. Every year, the volume of maritime traffic through the ports of Praia and Mindelo, modernized in the 1990s, is increasing. The magnificent climate, sandy beaches and the amazing mountain landscape of the islands attract a flow of foreign tourists to Cape Verde (10 thousand in 1995). In 1997, the amount of external debt reached almost 200 million dollars, and 26% of annual export earnings are spent to cover it. Significant funds come in the form of remittances from Cape Verdean natives working abroad. In 1990, this source provided 20% of GDP. Assistance from international economic organizations for the development of the country in 1994 amounted to 35% of GDP.
Story. Around 1460, the Cape Verde Islands were discovered by Portuguese navigators. From 1581 these islands became the possession of Spain, from 1640 - a colony of Portugal. The Portuguese colonists were engaged in the African slave trade. The islands also served as a place of hard labor for convicted Portuguese. Until 1878, the archipelago and Portuguese Guinea were a single colony. In 1951, this colony was declared an "overseas province" of Portugal. In 1963, the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and the Cape Verde Islands (PAIGC) launched a national liberation movement in Portuguese Guinea, which did not spread to the territory of the islands. In 1974, the new government of Portugal, which led the country after the overthrow of the dictatorship of Salazar, recognized PAIGC as the only government in Portuguese Guinea, which was renamed Guinea-Bissau, but this decision did not apply to the Cape Verde Islands. On July 5, 1975, Portugal granted independence to the islands, which have since become known as the Republic of Cape Verde. PAIGC, having received the majority of seats in the National Assembly, included in the new constitution an article on the future unification of Cape Verde with Guinea-Bissau. After the military coup in Guinea-Bissau in 1980, the government of Cape Verde removed all references to the future unification of the countries from the text of the 1981 constitution. In 1981, PAIGC in Cape Verde was renamed the African Party for the Independence of Cape Verde (PAIKV), which remained the only legal political organization until 1990, when, under pressure from the opposition, it was forced to agree to holding open multi-party elections. In the 1991 elections, the Movement for Democracy (MPD) won the majority of seats in the National Assembly, and Aristide Pereira, who had held the presidency since 1975, was forced to give it to António Mascarenhas. In September 1992, the government introduced a new constitution that established a multi-party system and free market economic development. In the early 1990s, special attention was paid to attracting subsidies from international organizations and foreign investment to the economy, which contributed to the expansion of the industrial sector and the service sector. In the December 1995 parliamentary elections, the MPD retained a majority of the seats in the National Assembly. A month later, the leader of the party, A. Mascarenyash, was re-elected to the post of president. In 1996 Cape Verde became one of the founders of the Community of Portuguese Speaking States.
Grigorovich A.A., Gribanov V.V. Cape Verde. M., 1988

Collier Encyclopedia. - Open society. 2000 .


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But its real name is Cape Verde. In principle, the geography teachers were not so wrong. From the Portuguese the name is translated as Green Cape. The archipelago country consists of fifteen islands, some of which are uninhabited. All of them are located in tropical latitudes, quite close to the equator, six hundred kilometers from the western coast of Africa (exactly opposite Senegal). Cool somewhat softens the constant heat. Which island to choose for vacation? This is entirely up to you. For example, if you love diving, the islands of the leeward group (Maio, Fogo, Brava, Santiago) are suitable for you, and if you are fond of surfing or kiting, choose Bov Vista, Sal, Sao Nicolau, Sao Vicente or Santo Antau. The rather large island of Santa Lucia is uninhabited, you can only come there on an excursion.


In Russia, a representative office of Cape Verde was opened relatively recently. The embassy, ​​or rather, the honorary consulate of the country, is located at the address: Moscow, 26/1, office No. 182. But you need to go there for a visa only if you are flying to the Cape Verde Islands on a flight with a connection in German cities. According to national regulations, German airlines may deny you the right to board if you do not have the appropriate insert in your passport. If you use the services of Spanish, Portuguese or French firms, then you can get a tourist visa upon arrival in Cape Verde. The main thing is that your passport has an expiration date that exceeds your stay in the country. This pleasure costs 25 Euro per person.

How to get there

Unfortunately, there are no direct flights from Russia to the tropical Cape Verde Islands. After all, the country of Cape Verde is located nine thousand kilometers from Moscow. Therefore, the journey is long, about nine hours (excluding the time of docking). After analyzing the reviews of tourists, we can say that it is most convenient to fly with the TAP company with a transfer in Lisbon. Then you can choose a flight to the Sal Islands or Santiago. You will need to spend the night in a hotel in Hannover (and, accordingly, you need to have a Schengen visa for this) if you choose Lufthansa. But there are convenient connections in Madrid (Iberia), Paris (Air France) and Frankfurt (Lufthansa). You can freely bring two liters of alcohol and 400 cigarettes with you. Most tourists arriving in the republic land at the international airport "Amilcar Cabral", which is located on the island of Sal, while the country's capital is located on Santiago.

Movement within the archipelago

We can say that the locals are the most flying nation in the world, because the main type of communication between the islands is air. So, having arrived at Sal, do not rush to leave the well-groomed and beautiful airport building. In its open area there is a representative office of the local airline Transportes Aereos de Cabo Verde, abbreviated as TACV. Small but comfortable airplanes of this company flutter from island to island with enviable regularity. Cape Verde also boasts a developed maritime transport system, with ferries, boats and speedboats linking nearby land masses. Inside a separate island, you can rent a car (the driver must be over 21 years old and have driving experience). But the reviews of tourists say that there is no particular need for this. Minibuses (locally called aluguer) actively run on the roads, and taxis are inexpensive. You can negotiate with the driver, and a whole day of skiing around the island will cost you only Є70-80.

Helpful information

There is a currency exchange office and ATMs at Cape Verde International Airport. You should not immediately change all dollars and Euros for local escudos. The course at the airport (as well as in hotels) is underestimated. In addition, there is no return exchange, so take colorful pieces of paper with you to Russia as souvenirs. Credit cards are accepted only in large "promoted" hotels, and even then not all payment systems. Judging by the reviews of tourists, only Visa owners had no problems. It is best to change the currency in banks, but they are open on weekdays from 9:00 to 17:00, and only a few are open on Saturdays until noon. Winter tourists may have the feeling that it is not so hot outside. Don't be deceived by the refreshing ocean breeze: the equatorial sun will easily burn your unprotected skin. But it doesn't hurt to bring a sweater or windbreaker with you.


It is due to the location of the geographic object we are considering in tropical latitudes, the proximity of Africa (even sand is brought to Sal from the mainland, which is collected in dunes) and the action of the warm current of the Gulf Stream. The climate can be called dry, but the amount of precipitation differs significantly depending on the location of the islands. For example, on Sal it rains only eleven days a year, while on Fogo it is often overcast and damp. Summer is hot here: the average air temperature is +28 ... +32 °C, the water warms up to +26 °C. Winter brings only relative coolness: + 24 ° C air and + 22 ° C ocean. The rainiest months are January and February.

Holidays in Cape Verde: reviews of tourists

Experienced travelers who have something to compare with say that this country is a rare combination of the European level of service and primeval nature. Here you can take a break from obsessive and boring things in our civilization (smog, traffic jams, etc.) and at the same time not feel deprived of its benefits. Huge sandy beaches welcome everyone. Sun loungers and umbrellas in this earthly paradise are free. The Cape Verde Islands are very popular with French, Spanish, German and Portuguese tourists. But there are few Russians here, which can be counted as a plus. The audience is clearly divided into two categories: pensioners and couples with children who want a relaxing holiday, and the so-called athletes. The republic-archipelago is one of the universally recognized centers for diving, windsurfing and sport fishing in the world. There are no noisy discos and buzzing water scooters, as in Antalya, here. The only event that gathers crowds of people is the Carnival before Lent (usually falls in February). Colorful processions take place in the country's capital Praia and the main city of the island of Sao Vicente - Mindelo.


The hotel base of the country is quite developed. The only feature can be called a small presence here of well-known chain hotels. But each complex can boast of its original design. Most resorts in Cape Verde consist of hotels, which are cottage villages or beachfront bungalows. But there is no shortage of noisy "anthills" - huge hotel complexes consisting of multi-storey buildings. The lion's share of hotels practices a food system. Food, as can be judged by the reviews, is tasty, well-cooked, but without frills - mostly grilled meat and fish, vegetables, fruits. The hotels have evening and daytime animation, including for children. In places with strong ocean surf, there are pools with salt water.


Most tourists who come to the country through agencies rest in the east of the archipelago. Due to the winds blowing from Africa, there is a desert landscape here. The island owes its name to the salt deposit, which is mined from the crater of an extinct volcano. There is also an analogue of the Dead Sea - a lake saturated with brine at the bottom of the caldera. It is worth going on a sightseeing tour of Sala. It doesn't cost that much and is often included in the tour package. They also offer to admire the inhabitants of coral reefs and underwater caves by taking a trip on a boat with a transparent bottom. You can also watch turtles laying eggs. The rest of the excursions are expensive (150-180 Є), which is understandable - they include air travel. These trips take all day. Immediately upon arrival or on the last day, it is worth seeing the island of Santiago. The capital of Cape Verde, Praia, is located there. The name of the city is translated as "beach", and that says it all. An interesting excursion to Foga (the tour includes climbing an active volcano) and to the "island of flowers" Brava.

What to bring from Cape Verde

Holidays on the islands are so original that you certainly want to take something away as a memory of these wonderful places. Local craftsmen provide you with a wide choice. Wooden and clay figurines, handicrafts made of coconut or bull horn, lamps, baskets made of palm straw, elegant little things made of tortoise shell, carpets. Souvenirs are sold mainly by Senegalese. You need to be able to bargain with them. Your eloquence and acting skills (pretend to leave the shop) will be rewarded - a half-meter-high wooden carving can be purchased for as little as 10 euros.

If you are tired of civilization and want a fascinating unity with nature, then you should definitely visit the sunny African region called Cape Verde. The highlight of this country can be considered fabulously beautiful coastal waters.

Cape Verde on the world map

A state called Cape Verde, also called the Republic of Cape Verde, is located in the West African region and occupies the territory of several islands in the middle of the waters of the Atlantic Ocean.

The closest to the state is located, at a distance of 620 kilometers. The archipelago to which the islands of Cape Verde belong consists of ten large islands and eight small ones. The island possessions of Cape Verde are located west of Senegal.
A distinction is made between the Windward and Leeward groups of islands. The brightest representatives of the first group are called Mayu, Santiago, Fogu and Brava. The second can include island lands called Sal, San Vicente, Boavista, San Nicolau and others. Cape Verde occupies a relatively small area of ​​​​land, numbering only 4 thousand square kilometers, where more than 500 thousand people live.

Cape Verde

The largest city of the republic is its capital called Praia. Local residents are fluent in Portuguese, since even before 1975 the country was under the patronage. However, in addition to Portuguese, the status of the official language also belongs to the traditional Cape Verdian. At the head of the republic sits the president (now it is Jorge Carlos Fonseca).
The relief of Cape Verde is quite hilly. Approximately one eighth of the country is located in the zone of dry highlands of rubble. In appearance, such a surface can hardly be compared with anything else. The locals have nicknamed this area the "lunar landscape". A characteristic feature of the relief of Cape Verde can be considered powerful volcanic activity. The entire territory of the republic is covered with high volcanoes. Most of them have long been sleeping peacefully, but some still make themselves felt, occasionally throwing down flames and blazing lava. The coast is streaked with huge rocks, which descend to the sea with sharp slopes.
There are practically no quiet and cozy harbors here, but it should be noted the area called Mindelo, which is a former crater of a dormant volcano. The length of the coastline is about 965 kilometers. The high-altitude maximum of Cape Verde is 2829 meters and is called Fogu. This peak is currently an active volcano. Its last eruption occurred in November 2014. The lowest point of the republic is the level of the Atlantic Ocean.
The location of the Cape Verde archipelago contributes to powerful seismic activity, which manifests itself not only in volcanic eruptions, but also in frequent earthquakes. The inhabitants of the island of Brava suffer the most from this problem. The remaining parts boast greater geological stability. The local population actively extracts minerals, but mineral springs with healing properties are much more popular.
The flora of Cape Verde cannot boast of a pronounced diversity. It is represented mainly by herbaceous species and low shrubs that can grow in desert lands. Only in the mountainous areas can one see several types of trees, while the valleys are dotted with almonds and palm trees. tourism can be considered the island of Brava. It was nicknamed the "island of flowers" for its marvelous, rampant vegetation. As sources of fresh water, the population uses wells and special wells, but desalination plants are no less in demand.
The animal world boasts an abundance of birds. Flamingos, parrots, gulls, quails and many other colorful species of birds live here. Of the mammals, there are especially many representatives of the cat family, as well as domestic animals, which were brought with them by settlers. Coastal areas are rich in fish and a variety of marine life, including whales, which very often swim up to the edge of the Cape Verde Islands.
Not so long ago, there were permanent rivers on the islands of Cape Verde, but active deforestation led to their complete disappearance. Small freshwater streams are temporary and appear only after the end of the rainy season. That is why the modern government of the republic is actively engaged in environmental protection. Work is underway to restore forests.

State flag of Cape Verde

The main national symbol of the Republic of Cape Verde is represented by a bright blue panel, which depicts three equal stripes in a horizontal direction. The central place belongs to a blood-red ribbon framed by two snow-white lines. Closer to the flagstaff is a symbolic circle of ten golden stars with five corners. Such a circle occupies approximately a quarter of the entire width of the flag.

Attractions and recreation in Cape Verde

Contrary to the expectations of lovers of hot African countries, the island territories of Cape Verde cannot boast of impeccable nature and endless azure beaches. However, this does not mean at all that there is nothing interesting in this region from a tourist point of view.
Cape Verde is a country of contrasts, combining the emerald blue of the ocean and rocky shores incinerated by the blazing sun. You will not be able to find another such charming region anywhere else in the world. Interestingly, the main treasures of the republic are hidden from view, as they are hidden under tons of ocean waters. Experienced divers and connoisseurs of active sea sports simply love to relax here. In the ocean, you can enjoy watching the coral reefs of marvelous beauty and the numerous inhabitants of the ocean. In addition, the ocean depths hide real labyrinths, consisting of underwater caves and long tunnels, interconnected into huge labyrinths.
When the period of migration comes, the islands are filled with life in the literal sense of the word. Here you can see not only colorful shoals of fish hunted by sport fishing enthusiasts, but also entire flocks of giant whales.
Tourists always linger in the capital of Cape Verde called Praia. In this city, you can hardly find cultural and architectural attractions, but amazing sandy beaches called Cuebra Canela and Praia Mar stand out against the general background, which are almost the only areas on the coast suitable for a beach holiday.
A town called Ciudad Velha is located just a few kilometers from the capital and is famous for its beautiful fort, which literally towers over the raging waters of the ocean. The place called Real da Santo Felipe is definitely worthy of your attention. Another luxurious beach area is Tarrafal.
If you want to go on a boat trip, then you definitely need to visit the island called Sal. It is on this land that the international airport is located and there is a developed infrastructure, which has always been to the liking of tourists.
The island of Santo Vincente is famous for youth recreation, as it has a lot of bars, nightclubs and restaurants. Here you will definitely not be bored. Colonial architecture and unique nature create a truly indescribable atmosphere here.
Hiking is best done on an island called Santo Antan. It is covered with a colorful carpet of abundant green vegetation. Tourists love to explore the local bizarre landscapes with the help of mountain bikes or huge off-road vehicles.
There are a lot of hotel complexes in Cape Verde and all of them fully comply with high quality standards. Local vacationers are well aware of what "all inclusive" is. The hotels are equipped with swimming pools, restaurant complexes and luxurious apartments. Having visited the islands of Cape Verde, you should definitely look into the colorful souvenir shops to buy a couple of creative crafts made from tortoise shells, figurines made of clay and ceramics.
Cape Verde is sure to win your heart. Here you should definitely go on an underwater excursion and watch the majestic whales.

The Republic of Cape Verde is located on the islands of the same name in the Atlantic Ocean. An archipelago of 10 large and 8 smaller islands is located 620 kilometers off the west coast of Africa. The distance between the islands is 100-150 kilometers. Conventionally, they are divided into 2 groups: “leeward” (Sotaventu) and “windward” (Barlaventu). The first is the islands San Vicente, Santo Antao, San Nicolau, Sal, Boavista and a desert island Santa Lucia. The "windward" group of islands includes Brava, Fogo, Santiago And Mayu.

In Portuguese, the name of the country means "green cape". Previously, in Russian, the country was called - Cape Verde, unofficially this name still exists today.

Cape Verde is a unique country in the sense that pristine nature has been preserved here, which miraculously has not been touched by the rapidly developing tourist infrastructure here. The main thing travelers come here for is diving (Cabo Verde is one of the world's top five places for diving), windsurfing and sport fishing. And of course, guests of the Cape Verde Islands will not be indifferent to local carnivals and music festivals (by the way, this country gave the world the inimitable Cesaria Evora). And the sincere hospitality of the Cape Verdians and the peaceful atmosphere of paradise lost in the ocean will leave an indelible mark on the soul.



523,568 people

Population density

129.8 people/km²

Portuguese, Cape Verdian


Catholicism (up to 80% of the population), traditional beliefs

Form of government

presidential republic

Cape Verdean escudo


International dialing code

Internet domain zone


Climate and weather

The Cape Verde archipelago is dominated by a subtropical dry climate. True, compared with the countries of continental Africa, which are located in the same climatic zone, Cape Verde is generally cooler and less pronounced temperature differences during the day and night.

The coolest time is January-February. The average January temperature is +22°C, but in the mountains it can be much lower.

The cold Canary current also makes its own adjustments to the temperature regime. Its waters never get hotter +20°C and therefore cool the air both over the ocean and over the islands. Only in July the current shifts to the north, giving way to the warm Guinea current, due to which the temperature of coastal waters rises to +24…+28 degrees.

It should be noted that northeast winds, which deliver dry cool air to the islands, also have a great influence on weather conditions. Dry and hot “harmattan” winds blow from the Sahara from October to June for several hours a day, bringing with them heat and the finest Saharan dust. It hangs in the air for a long time, forming "Dusty Fog".

But in August, the archipelago is blown by south and southwest winds that bring rain. The air becomes clean and cool, although it is drier in the mountains than on the coast. During the day the temperature can rise to +36°C and at night does not fall below +18…+20 °C.

The best time to travel to Cape Verde is from August to October, when warm, pleasant weather guarantees a comfortable stay.

The Cape Verde archipelago is of volcanic origin, but today there is only one active volcano - Fogo, which is the highest point of the country (2829 m). The mountainous terrain is also characteristic of the islands of Sao Vicente, Santiago and Sao Nicolo.

Approximately 16% of the territory of Cape Verde is the so-called "lunar landscape"(dry gravelly highlands), where the vegetation is not very diverse. However, the flora of the islands of Santiago, Brava and Santo Antao pleases with a riot of tropical colors. Cypresses, eucalyptus, pines and acacias grow in the mountains, on the northern slopes of the mountains you can see the evergreen trees of the bombardeira.

Baobabs, almonds, date and coconut palms, dragon tree and mango grow in the valleys of the islands. In total, there are about 450 species of native plants in Cape Verde and about 150 imported from other countries.

The peculiarity of the animal world of Cape Verde is that before the arrival of European colonialists there were no mammals here. Monkeys, rabbits, rats, many domestic animals were brought to the islands and took root well in local conditions. There are a lot of birds, reptiles and insects in Cape Verde. Sea turtles, spiny lobsters, sharks and numerous species of fish live in coastal waters.


The main attractions of Cape Verde are of natural origin: each island of the archipelago has its own charm. For example, Santo Antao is known for its picturesque mountain range and Cova craters. Brava proudly bears the title of the Island of Flowers, and Fogu attracts travelers with an active volcano.

The largest island in Cape Verde is Santiago. The capital of the country is located here, in addition, the island is famous for its picturesque mountains, rocks and canyons. Of the historical monuments, the Portuguese fortress is curious here. St. Philip in the city Cidade Velha(Old city). The monument is unique in that it is the first European building on the archipelago. The walls of the fortress are decorated with ship cannons raised from the bottom of the ocean. The old city center is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site as "Europe's first colonial outpost in the tropics".

Fans of archaeological mysteries should visit the picturesque island San Nicolau. Here is the famous rock Rotcha Scribida on which ancient writings are visible. No one has been able to decipher them yet. The most popular version is that they were left by people who visited the island before the Portuguese.


The traditional cuisine of Cape Verde is distinguished by an abundance of delicious seafood and fish dishes. The most popular types of fish are sawfish, tuna and sea bass. Also, local restaurants will definitely offer you octopuses, lobsters, barnacles and other seafood delicacies.

On the other hand, the cuisine of the Cape Verde Islands does not ignore meat and game dishes. Vegetables and herbs also play an important role on the Cape Verdian table. Tropical fruit sweets are usually served for dessert.

It is unlikely that you will be able to spend a vacation in Cape Verde and not try the national dish of kachupa. This masterpiece of stewing is included in the usual menu of Cape Verdians, and in recent years it has also been appreciated by guests of the country. In large cities, kachupa is usually a weekend dish, but the farther from the capital, the more often it appears on the table. Kachupa is prepared, depending on the state of finances, according to "rich" or "poor" recipes. The more ingredients, the richer the dish: fish, beef, chicken, pork, bacon, corn, beans, onions, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, olive oil, and so on. Each island has its own recipe for kachupa.

The cost of dinner in a mid-range restaurant varies between $ 20-40. In general, there are many establishments of various price ranges on the islands. In almost every city there is a buffet-type restaurant, where, having paid about $ 10 for an entrance, you can taste local and European delicacies “as much as you like”.


There are no problems with accommodation for travelers in Cape Verde. So many hotels and apartments have been set up here that you can easily find great options at attractive prices.

The hotel fund of the country is, first of all, resort complexes with excellent infrastructure: restaurants, cafes, swimming pools, golf courses, playgrounds. Many hotels operate on a system all inclusive. Large hotels offer diving schools and dive equipment rentals to their guests.

But be prepared for the fact that not all 4 * and 5 * hotels offer a level of service that objectively corresponds to the declared category. For example, high-speed internet access is often available at an additional cost.

The most modern and comfortable hotels are located on the islands of Sal, Santiago, San Nicolau, San Vicente, Maio. Sal Island leads in terms of the number of hotels.

There are also small family hotels at quite affordable prices, as well as hotels aimed at surfers and sports fishing enthusiasts. You can rent a modest apartment or a whole villa on the Atlantic coast: it all depends on the desire and wallet of the tourist. Mid-level apartments will cost $ 20-25 per person per day.

Entertainment and recreation

Thrill-seekers will enjoy entertainment in Cape Verde. "Volcanic snowboard"(snowboarding from the top of the volcano directly to the black sands) was invented on the island of Fogo, and it has already broken records of popularity among tourists.

You can't come to this country and not go diving. There are many places in Cape Verde where diving guarantees unforgettable emotions: reefs, rocks, grottoes with octopuses, crabs and other marine life, as well as shipwrecks, always delight adventurers. The best dive sites are concentrated around the islands of Sal, Santiago and Boavisita. The best time for diving is the period from April to November, at other times some areas are inaccessible for diving. Even if you have never been diving, there are many diving centers on the islands where beginners are also prepared for diving.

The second most popular type of outdoor activity is windsurfing. The constant Atlantic breeze in the Cape Verde Islands guarantees the possibility of windsurfing all year round. The island is most popular among surfers, as there are several surfing clubs here, designed for both beginners and professionals.

In the mountains of the island of Santo Antao, ideal conditions for trekking and flying with a hang glider. Hiking and cycling can be organized in the valleys.

But if outdoor activities are not to your liking, in Cape Verde you can have a great time on the beach. The beaches here are amazing: huge, clean and not crowded. Sunbeds are available free of charge.

It is worth visiting the local colorful holidays. One of the most colorful February Carnival which takes place in Praia and Mindelo.


Cape Verde cannot be called a shopaholic's dream, but travelers will certainly like souvenirs made by local craftsmen: clay figurines, African masks, products made from tortoise shell, coconut or bull horn. Paintings with Cape Verdian motifs are very popular, as well as figurines of people and animals made of bone or wood - they are sold everywhere. If you bargain well, you can bring down the price by one and a half to two times.

Local open markets are attractive because, in addition to souvenirs and handicrafts, you can buy fresh fish and seafood there. And, of course, tourists are attracted there by the local flavor that is unique to these islands.

Typically, shops in Cape Verde are open from 08:00 to 18:00, and supermarkets are open until 21:00. Sunday is almost everywhere a day off, some shops can work until 13:00.


The main transport in Cape Verde for moving from island to island is airplanes. local airline Transportes Aereos de Cabo Verde It operates flights 1-2 times a day to each island. Airfare is between $40 and $80 one way. If you're planning on flying around the islands a lot, it's smart to get a $380 Air Pass for 10 flights, valid for 22 days.

In addition to aircraft, boats and ferries run between neighboring islands.

But on land, the cheapest way to travel is by minibuses (aluguer): the fare is about $ 1.3. However, get ready for the fact that minibuses do not have a clear schedule.

Catching a taxi on the islands is also not a problem. True, the fare will be much higher: $ 10-12 for a half-hour trip. You can rent a taxi for the whole day, and the price in this case will be negotiable.

Many travelers rent cars. For example, Suzuki Jimny will cost about $70 per day. If you need a bigger car (pickup or SUV), get ready to shell out $90-120.

In general, the condition of the roads in Cape Verde is good, but you should not drive if you are not used to mountain roads (which prevail on most islands).


The Internet can be used in all major hotels and business centers in large cities. In addition, there are internet cafes. Paid Cabocom Wi-Fi is also available everywhere (about $20 for 250 MB or $30 for 500 MB).

Cellular communication is provided by a local operator Cabo Verde Telecom, the country adopted the range GSM 900. Russian tourists can use Thuraya satellite communications (subscribers of MTS and "Megofon"). Of course, you can buy a SIM card on the spot, although its cost is not that very attractive - about $ 30. Calling from pay phones is not very convenient, if only because there are very few of them: they are only in post offices and airports.


Cape Verde is a very safe country for tourists. The government of the archipelago pays special attention to ensuring order, as the country seeks to attract more and more tourists. The main offenses are observed in the capital of Cape Verde Praia and on the island of Sao Vicente. The most popular tourist areas (Boavista Island, Sal Island) are calm and safe. In general, travelers should take the usual precautions: do not leave expensive items unattended, do not walk at night in questionable areas, watch pockets and bags in crowded places.

The sanitary situation in Cape Verde should also not cause concern. There are no typical African diseases here, and vaccination is not required for entry. However, you need to know that, like in many tropical countries, in the Republic of Cape Verde there is a certain risk of contracting viral and infectious diseases: unusual climatic conditions and nutrition can weaken the body and make it more vulnerable. Be alert and carefully follow the rules of personal hygiene.

Tap water is not suitable for drinking without prior sanitation - it should be boiled. But the best option would be drinking water in plastic bottles.

Business climate

The Cape Verde archipelago offers excellent business opportunities. This is especially true in areas such as transport, the import of goods and fisheries. A positive aspect is the opportunity to obtain citizenship of the country by investing about $ 30,000 in the development of your company. Citizenship of Cape Verde gives the right to visa-free entry to the countries of West Africa and makes it very easy to obtain a Portuguese visa, which opens the door to the countries of the European Union.

Registering a company in Cape Verde is easy. The process takes a little over three weeks. First you need to choose a name and reserve it in the Commercial Register ( Conservatoria do Registro de Firmas e Similares). The investor must provide the registrar with several options for the name of their company, along with a detailed description of its purpose. The registration fee is about $8. After that, the founder contributes the authorized capital to the bank account, and the company is registered in the commercial register. You will need to pay a registration fee (about $120) and a fee to the Chamber of Commerce ($12). After registration, the owner receives a municipal license, as well as a license for the types of activities of the enterprise. True, if the company's activities are not related to the import or export of goods, you will not need the latter. Obtaining licenses is the longest process in starting a business (about eight working days). In addition, you will have to pay the fee again - this time around $ 370. You can not waste time until a license is issued, and register your employees with the Department of Social Protection of the Population, take out insurance against accidents at work, and register with the Labor Inspectorate. At this, in fact, the stage of opening a company is completed, and you can safely go about your business.

Real estate

Real estate in Cape Verde is becoming increasingly attractive among foreign investors. There are several reasons for this: the rapidly developing economy of the country, the boom in the construction of modern comfortable housing, the development of the tourism sector, and, of course, the policy of the authorities aimed at facilitating investments from abroad. Also important are such advantages as the lack of minerals in the archipelago (the land will not be subsequently taken away to develop gold deposits or drill an oil well), low crime rates and laws that do not distinguish between Cape Verdean citizens and foreigners. As they say, maximum advantages with a minimum of disadvantages.

The disadvantage of buying property in Cape Verde, to be very picky, is the presence of taxes and fees when making a transaction. But they are quite democratic: 3% of the value of a house or apartment is a tax on real estate and about the same amount will have to be paid as

notary fee.

As for housing prices, they may seem fantastically low, especially when compared with Moscow. A one-bedroom apartment 150 meters from the sea is now quite possible to purchase for $90,000-100,000, and it will be a modern condominium housing with excellent infrastructure. Prices for small villas with sea views start from $70,000-80,000. However, analysts predict that this situation in the real estate market of the Cape Verde Islands will not last long, and investors who want to get the maximum benefit from their investments should hurry up.

If you are going to dive in Cape Verde, remember that you will need insurance covering the risks associated with diving, insurance covering the risks of repatriation in case of death, as well as a medical certificate that allows you to dive.

In expensive restaurants, it is customary to leave a tip of 10% of the bill. In small establishments, tips are usually left at the discretion of the client, but are sometimes included in the bill as a separate item.

With regard to customs regulations, any currency can be imported and exported without restrictions, and there is no need to fill out a declaration. The import of weapons is prohibited unless there is a special permit. You can import duty-free no more than 5 kg of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Visa Information

Tourists from Russia need a visa to enter Cape Verde. It can be issued both at the honorary consulate of Cape Verde in Moscow, and at the airport of the island Sal upon arrival.

Depending on the purpose of the visit and the length of stay, there are several types of visas for entry into Cape Verde: short-term (type C), transit (type A and B) and national (type D). Most often, travelers require visas of the first type, which, in turn, are tourist, guest and business. You can apply for both single and multiple entry visas.

If you decide to apply for a visa at the Consulate of Cape Verde in Moscow, you will need the following documents:

  • completed and signed by you questionnaire;
  • a passport with a validity period of at least three months;
  • 1 color photograph 3.5 x 4.5 cm;
  • hotel reservation (original or copy);
  • air tickets (copy or printout of electronic tickets);
  • copies of completed pages of the all-Russian and foreign passports.

If you are traveling on a business trip or visiting, you will also need an invitation from a company or private person.

As a rule, visas are issued within 3 working days. You can get a visa in 1 working day, but you will have to pay a double consular fee. By the way, it is equal to $59.16 for a single-entry individual visa and is paid in Russian rubles at the exchange rate valid on the day of payment. Obviously, it is much more convenient to get a visa at the airport Sal- in any case, when it comes to a single-entry tourist visa: both the list of documents and the visa fee are smaller. The immigration officer will only need to present a passport and return tickets and pay 25 € for a visa. The advantage of obtaining a visa in advance at the consulate is only that the traveler does not need to prove to the border guards of intermediate airports his right to enter the country (there are no direct flights from Russia to Cape Verde).

The African Republic of Cape Verde in political terms, or the Cape Verde Islands in geographical terms, is a unique place discovered by Europeans more than 500 years ago. Agree, both names sound unusual, romantic and attractive. The tiny state is spread over 18 islands, surrounded by an ocean boiling with life, it is famous for its national color, which is a mixture of African, Latin American and European traditions, as well as a mild climate, culture, and carnivals. Not surprisingly, the country's main source of income is tourism.

Cape Verde is worth seeing with the eyes of a future traveler. Our article will help you with this. We will talk about where the Cape Verde Islands are located, plunge into their history, look into the very heart of the capital and find out how much a trip to this remote archipelago costs, as well as how to get to it and what to see.

Location and general description

Arid islands are located in the Atlantic Ocean. They are a truly unique ecoregion. In other words, this is a territory that is a specific combination of natural communities, united by the common ecological processes of the biotic population and located in similar geographical conditions. The archipelago consists of 8 small islands and 10 large ones located 570 km off the western coast of the African continent. All of them are divided into two groups: Windward and Leeward. The first includes Santo Antan, San Vicente, Sal, Santa Lucia (the only uninhabited of all), Boavista. Brava, Fogu, Mayu, Santiago belong to the leeward group. In total, the Cape Verde Islands and the Republic of Cape Verde occupy only 4033 square meters. km.

Strong winds bringing sand with them caused soil erosion in these places. Here you will not find luxurious tropical greenery. The characteristic landscape is jagged cliffs rising above the sea, lack of vegetation, and only the interior valleys look like oases with natural flora.

Natural resources of the islands

The archipelago is of volcanic origin and is predominantly mountainous. The only flat islands are Boavista, Sal and Mayu. The coastline is mostly rocky, 1053 km long. The place where the Cape Verde Islands are located is characterized by seismic and volcanic activity. Location in one of the seismic zones of Africa makes the region unstable. The situation is also complicated by the active Fogo volcano, which is located on the island of the same name and is the highest point in the archipelago - its height above sea level is 2829 m. Eruptions occur quite often, the last was in 2014, after which the country's government decided to close the airport on the island and evacuation of its inhabitants.

From the minerals in Cape Verde, limestone, kaolin, basalt, volcanic tuff, pumice, salt and pozzolan are mined. On some islands, thermal healing springs with mineral waters are open.

Flora o. Cape Verde is quite poor. It is characterized by desert and semi-desert small-leaved grasses and shrubs. In total, there are about 450 species of local origin and 150 imported to the archipelago. Here are just a few of them: acacias, pines and cypresses, eucalyptus, almonds, date and coconut palms, baobabs, mangoes, etc. The smallest of all inhabited islands and at the same time the most “green” is considered to be about. Brava.

The sparse vegetation explains the fact that the Cape Verde Islands in Africa have a poor fauna. It is mainly represented by birds (quails, falcons, parrots, frigatebirds, flamingos, herons, kingfishers, etc.), reptiles (mainly lizards) and insects. It should be noted that the coastal waters of the islands are simply teeming with life. A natural balance has been achieved between the "poor" land and the "rich" ocean. Sharks, whales, mollusks, fish, dolphins, rays, and much more - it is difficult to list all the variety of aquatic species.

The climate of the islands

The Cape Verde Islands (photo in text) are dominated by a dry tropical climate, characterized by slight fluctuations in air temperature throughout the year. The wind blows very often in the archipelago. This factor makes it easier to endure heat beyond +30 ° C. There will be little precipitation, about 100-300 mm per year, the rainy season lasts from August to October. During this period, the southwest monsoons begin to blow. From October to June, the islands are subject to the east wind "Harmatan". The dusty trade wind from the Sahara brings fine dust from the desert and dries up everything in the area. The water temperature fluctuates slightly throughout the year - from +21 ... +22 °С from February to March and up to +25 ... +26 °С from August to October. Thus, the archipelago enjoys fairly stable and warm weather. Tourists choose the Cape Verde Islands for a secluded beach holiday, as well as water activities, especially diving and surfing.

Facts from the history of the islands

Uninhabited islands in the Atlantic Ocean, located near the African coast, were discovered by the Portuguese in 1456-1460. It is believed that the works of Pomponius Mela and the "Natural History" of Pliny the Elder are the first official sources that indicate the islands of Cape Verde. According to their data, they were located only two days from the Horn of Hesperus (the westernmost point of Africa). They are referred to under the name of the Gorgada Islands, or Gorgons. It was believed that it was there that the mythical creatures killed by Perseus lived.

A number of islands of the archipelago were discovered in 1456 by the Venetian traveler Cadamosto, in the next decade D. Gomes and A. D. Noli returned to them again, discovering the rest of the archipelago. Almost 600 years ago, the islands were completely uninhabited and covered with dense vegetation. The first settlement was founded by the Portuguese in 1462 on about. Santiago - this was the beginning of the process of settling the archipelago by colonists. The islands became a kind of base for the penetration of the Portuguese to the mainland and the main center of the slave trade. The Cape Verde Islands were officially declared the possession of Portugal in 1495. They remained as such until 1974, when an agreement was signed in Lisbon declaring Cape Verde an independent country. The first independent government was half composed of members appointed by the Portuguese administration. Now it is a unitary state headed by a president, with an adopted constitution and a multi-party system. Interestingly, the legal system of the country belongs to the Romano-Germanic family and is the heritage of the metropolis. Cape Verde's own system of legal education is undeveloped, so it is received at universities in Portugal.

Population of the country

The place where the Cape Verde Islands are located is interesting for tourists not only in terms of nature, comfortable rest and amazingly beautiful ocean, contrasting with the island rocks dried up by the sun. This is a country with a unique culture, which is a vibrant and dynamic mixture of European and African. To be convinced of this, it is enough to consider the national composition of the population, the language and some other features of the country.

According to the last census (2008), 434,263 people live in the country, 53.3% of them being urban residents. The modern inhabitants of Cape Verde are the descendants of Europeans and African slaves who once arrived on the islands. Mulattos make up the lion's share of the population - 70%. About 28% are Africans, and only 2% are other nationalities, including Europeans.

The Cape Verde Islands are located near Africa, but, like in many other former colonies, they speak a European language - Portuguese. It is the state language along with Crioulo (a Creole dialect with a lot of African elements). The overwhelming majority of the country's citizens (about 89%) profess Catholicism.

Santiago Island

Santiago is the largest island in the archipelago in terms of population and area: 235,083 thousand people and 991 square meters. km, respectively. It stretched 24 km wide and 50 km long. The highest point on the island is Santo António Peak. The first settlement on the island was founded in 1462 and is associated with the name of the navigator Antonio de Noli. The first to describe the geology and relief of Santiago Island was none other than Charles Darwin. He made a stop on it on January 16, 1832, during a round-the-world trip on the Beagle ship.

“What is the island interesting for tourists?”, you ask. Firstly, it is here that one of the two international airports of the country operates. Secondly, on about. Santiago is the capital of Cape Verde - the city of Praia. Thirdly, 3 km from the city of Assamada, surrounded by a majestic eucalyptus forest, there is a unique natural park with dragon trees and baobabs.

Cape Verde Islands: photos and sights of the capital

Founded at the end of the 15th century, the future capital of the islands - the city of Praia - is also the largest settlement of the state with a population of 113 thousand people. From the oldest settlement of Ribeira Grande, the center of the archipelago was moved in 1770, after the sources of fresh water dried up in it. The choice of the new capital was largely determined by natural factors. Praia is located on a rocky plateau. The features of the relief divide the city into several parts: the center, quarters. The economy is based mainly on the fact that this city is a seaport and transatlantic communications hub.

Tourists will be interested in a calm and measured holiday on the Cape Verde Islands. Near the city in the western direction are the resort areas of Praia Mar and Cuebra Canela with luxurious ocean beaches. Fans of walks and cultural attractions also have something to please.

Going to Praia, be sure to visit the main square of the city (see photo above), named after the famous Portuguese architect Afonso de Albuquerque, with the presidential palace of the late 19th century, as well as the ethnographic museum.

Do not forget about the Old Town (Cidadi Velha) located just 10 km from Praia - the first settlement of Europeans on the islands, founded in 1462. Once ships of H. Columbus and Vasco de Gama entered its bay. However, in parallel with the fading of the greatness of the Portuguese Empire, the commercial importance of the city also decreased. Now it is a small town with 1200 inhabitants. It is interesting primarily for its old center, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The ruins of the cathedral, the marble pillar in the main square and the well-preserved Fort Real de San Filipe (pictured below), which was built from 1587 to 1593, remind tourists of its former grandeur. Now it houses a museum.

Sal Island

The most visited by tourists and the busiest is about. Sal. As a rule, travelers go to other islands as part of a one-day excursion program. It is the most "flat" in relief and ancient in origin. The area of ​​the island is very small - only 216 sq. km, the population is just over 25 thousand people. Given the ocean in which the Cape Verde Islands are located, it is easy to guess that they are a place for lovers of outdoor activities and water sports. The calm and life-rich waters of the Atlantic attract surfers and divers. On the island of Sal is one of the five largest windsurfing centers in the world - the town of Santa Maria. The fact that the sun shines here 350 days a year also contributes to the development of tourism, and if the clouds cover the sky, then not for long.

Brava Island

The smallest in size (67 sq. km) inhabited island of the archipelago is Brava. Its mountainous relief is replaced by fertile plains. Unlike the rest of the islands, it is literally "green". For the abundance and variety of flowering plants, it was called the island of flowers. It will be of interest to tourists from this point of view. Where, if not here, to get acquainted with the pristine beauty of the archipelago, because the rest of the islands are scorched by the scorching sun and dried up by desert winds.

From a geologic point of view, Brava is a stratovolcano. Volcanoes of this kind are characterized by periodic explosive eruptions. However, Brava has been "sleeping" for more than 10 thousand years. The island is surrounded on almost all sides by significant depths - more than 4000 m at a short distance from the coast, and only at the junction with the neighboring island. Fogu it is several hundred meters.

How to get there?

After learning about where the Cape Verde Islands are located, many tourists ask quite a logical question about how to get to them, how much it will cost and how long the journey is. In fact, everything is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. You will have to fly to the African republic through Moscow. There are no direct flights, so Tap Portugal (with a change in Lisbon), as well as France - Air France (via Paris), Germany - Lufthansa (via Frankfurt) and Spain - Iberia (via Madrid) will help tourists. The duration of the flight is about 4-5 hours, to this time it is necessary to add the waiting period between transfers and the duration of the journey from Moscow. The cost of a ticket to Cape Verde (Santiago Island or Sal Island) from these cities varies depending on the time of year and the airline, as well as the selected fare. Traveling in economy class with luggage will cost about 20 thousand rubles. The cost of the flight from Moscow to the transfer city should also be added to this amount.

Rules for entry, stay and transit in the country

According to the data provided by the Russian Embassy in Cape Verde, Russian citizens upon arrival at the Cape Verde Islands are issued a visa for a period of thirty days at the time of passing through passport control. Its cost is 25 euros. At the Migration Service, you can extend the validity of a visa up to one year. When living in the country for more than six months, it is possible to obtain a residence permit.

Cape Verde has a free procedure for the export and import of cigarettes, alcohol, jewelry and jewelry, cultural, historical and artistic values. As in any other country, a strict ban applies to the transport of drugs.

The country's transport system

The literal translation of the country's name sounds like "Cabo" - islands, Cape Verde - "Verde". The fact that the archipelago is quite small in size, as they say, is in the hands of tourists. As part of one trip, it is quite possible to see all the inhabited islands. And you can do this not only by buying excursions, but also on your own. The transport system of the country is quite well developed and works without interruption. In order to explore this or that island, it is best to rent a car, it will cost about 50-80 euros per day. Most of the roads on the islands are mountainous, some are flat. Main types of fuel: diesel, household gas and gasoline. A Russian driver’s license is quite suitable for trips, but you should still give preference to an international document, since it will be easier and more convenient with it, and besides, in the future it can be used on other trips.

Tours to the islands

Tourists who do not risk going on independent trips are advised to use the services of tour operators specializing in trips to African countries. There aren't many of them, but they do exist. Buying a ready-made tour, you will be sure that you will be met at the airport, delivered and settled in a hotel of the selected category. In addition, many companies offer pleasant bonuses, for example, in the form of a free sightseeing tour. Do not forget to take out insurance when going on vacation to the Cape Verde Islands. Price tours are very diverse and are designed for different categories of buyers. The price depends, firstly, on the plane tickets, and secondly, on the category of the hotel. The cheapest accommodation will be in hostels or private apartments. Thirdly, the duration of the rest is of great importance.

So, the approximate price of a tour for two, for example, on about. Sal, lasting 7 days, with accommodation in a 2 * class hotel (standard room) with breakfast and a flight from Moscow via Lisbon will cost travelers 2800 euros. Of course, this is a significant amount. However, do not forget where the Cape Verde Islands are located. The lion's share of expenses falls on the purchase of tickets and accommodation. The cost of hotels and inns is affected by the fact that there are certain problems with fresh water on the islands. But remoteness from the mainland has its positive aspects. So, the islands are considered safe in terms of typical African diseases. Unique nature, ideal diving sites, excellent cuisine based on fish and seafood, a favorable climate and beautiful (albeit few) beaches, including the famous coast of Fr. Fogu with black volcanic sand (pictured below) is all worth seeing.

When planning your vacation or trip, be sure to mark on the map where the Cape Verde Islands are indicated and include them in your individual travel plan for the future.