When is the best time to go to Karelia? When is the season? When is the best time to actively relax in Karelia?

Karelia is beautiful at any time of the year.
But, undoubtedly, the peak of attendance in Karelia falls on the summer.
One of the reasons for the summer popularity of Karelia is that the main attractions (Kizhi, Valaam, Solovki) can only be reached by "water".
Navigation opens from mid-May and closes in mid-September.
Therefore, it is better to plan a sightseeing vacation in Karelia for the summer (during the navigation period) so that you can visit most of the sightseeing sites.

Summer or still choose a winter vacation?

In winter, most likely you will not be able to visit the famous Solovki and the island of Valaam, as you could do it in the summer, when navigation is open.
But you will definitely see the real winter northern nature! Snow drifts, downhill skiing, cross-country skiing, snowmobiling, dog sledding and other winter activities are available in Karelia in winter.
The most convenient time to visit Karelia in winter is the New Year holidays. For these dates, a large selection of tours, excursions and active programs is offered.

Spring and autumn

In spring and autumn, relaxing holidays are most popular in Karelia - renting cottages on the lake, sanatorium treatment or small sightseeing trips with a visit to the Kivach waterfall, Marcial water springs, museums in the city of Petrozavodsk, a zoo with Karelian animals, Karelian villages.

What summer month is better to choose for visiting Karelia?

Any summer month, be it June, July or August, is the time for a great holiday in Karelia.
You should not rely on the weather when planning the dates of your trip to Karelia.
Our weather is very changeable and can change even within one day several times.
We recommend that you choose the travel dates that are convenient for you.
  • Karelia in June
  • This month has good sunny weather, not too hot, but already warm.
    Navigation is already open, so you can visit the main attractions: Kizhi Island, Valaam Island, Solovki.
    You can enjoy walks in the forest and boat rides on the lake or Marble Canyon.
    The first berries appear in the forest - strawberries.
    The Ladoga waterfalls are especially beautiful in June, when they still have a lot of water. The mountain park "Ruskeala" is also good, framed by trees with bright green foliage, reflected in the clear water of the marble canyon. Reserve "Kivach" is no less beautiful with flowering arboretum plants and a waterfall.
    In addition, June is the time of "white nights" in Karelia. At night, it is very light on the street, as during the day, so you can see more even on evening excursions.
  • Karelia in July
  • July in Karelia is considered one of the warmest months of summer.
    Water in lakes and rivers, as a rule, is already warming up.
    There are many blueberries and raspberries in the forest. July is also good for fishing.
    All sights located on the islands are available for visiting: Kizhi, Valaam, Solovki.
    You will also find still amazing "white nights" of our region.
  • Karelia in August
  • This is the time for picking berries and mushrooms, which are very abundant in the Karelian forests.
    The weather this month is still warm, you can sunbathe and swim, as the water warmed up well over the previous two summer months. It is believed that after August 2, Ilyin's day, it is no longer possible to swim, but this is just a legend, and, of course, local residents and tourists who come to rest are happy to swim in lakes and rivers and sunbathe on beautiful sandy Karelian beaches.
    It happens that in August it is very warm and even hot in our northern region, but the weather is quite changeable and can change to cool with rain, so it’s better to bring both light clothes and something warmer, as well as an umbrella. In the second half of August, the flow of tourists to Karelia becomes less, usually the weather is not as hot as in July, so a vacation in August is suitable for those who do not like the heat and would like to visit the sights as part of a small group.
    You will be able to see Valaam, and Kizhi, and Solovki, navigation in August is still open to all the islands.

When is the best time to come for an active holiday?

The natural conditions of Karelia contribute to the development of the active recreation industry on the water. There are more than 59 thousand lakes and 26 thousand rivers in Karelia.
In early May, rafting begins on the stormy Karelian rivers. Such a holiday is suitable for experienced "watermen", because for rafting in the spring it is necessary to have experience and special clothing (neoprene suit).
In June, July, August, water trips are held, both for beginners and experienced tourists.
In addition to alloys, jeep tours are in demand in Karelia. There are many interesting roads in our region, on which only a specially prepared off-road vehicle will pass. There are beautiful and hard-to-reach sights of Karelia, which, again, can only be visited by jeep (for example, Mount Vottovaara, churches and villages in Zaonezhie and others). Jeep tours are also organized from May to September.
In winter, active recreation in Karelia is represented by snowmobile tours and dog sledding tours.

But the main attraction of Karelia is still Karelian nature, with its endless forests, countless lakes and rivers, and, of course, clean air. It captivates with its unique beauty at any time of the year.
Come and get to know Karelia together with our Karelia Lines company! And you will definitely come back to Karelia again, regardless of the season!

Karelia is a land of forests and lakes, world-famous sights and beautiful natural parks, ancient petroglyphs and mountain resorts, excellent fishing and mineral springs. Clean air and stunningly beautiful nature are the visiting card of the republic at any time of the year. And when to go to rest in, tourists decide on their own.

Types of tourist seasons in Karelia

High season

The high season is definitely summer. In Karelia, it can be called the season of excursions. The main attractions are located in such a way that they can only be reached by water. Navigation is open from May to September, it is at this time that the peak of attendance falls.

Tourists from all over the world tend to see the open-air museum - a monument of traditional wooden architecture. The heart of the reserve is the high Church of the Transfiguration, cut down without a single nail, 37 meters high with 22 domes. It is surrounded by ancient houses and chapels, barns and mills, other temples, creating an architectural ensemble of fabulous beauty and harmony. The museum is located on Kizhi Island in Lake Onega. You can get there by water transport. In summer, boat trips are organized with a visit to neighboring islands. They also preserved architectural and cultural monuments.

On the second lake of Karelia, Ladoga, there is another object of pilgrimage for tourists - an island. The island is a unique nature reserve, with a coniferous forest and small inland lakes. Here you can see 300-year-old coniferous trees. Valaam is a nesting place for 200 species of birds, including many Red Book species. The pearl of Valaam is the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, founded in the first millennium and for many centuries being the spiritual center of Russian Orthodoxy. You can also get there by boat.

In the White Sea, which washes the northern coast of Karelia, there is the Solovetsky archipelago, the so-called Solovki. This place with a tragic history today, like Kizhi and Valaam, is included in the UNESCO list of cultural and natural heritage. Today, the operating Spaso-Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Monastery and the most beautiful botanical garden are visited here. The motor ship goes to Solovki during the entire navigation period, with the exception of stormy days.

The unique and famous Marble Canyon can also be seen only in summer. The abandoned stone quarry looks like a huge marble bowl filled with the purest, emerald-colored water. The canyon is surrounded by a mountain park with rare species of shrubs and mosses.

low season

The decline in tourist activity occurs in winter, the longest Karelian season is from mid-October to April. Rivers open only at the end of April, lakes - in May. Although it is in the low season that Karelia attracts outdoor enthusiasts. Winter temperatures are quite gentle - no higher than 13-15 degrees below zero. But, in conditions of constant high humidity, the cold is felt more strongly. Frosts begin suddenly, just as suddenly comes a thaw. In winter, winds are frequent, heavy snowfalls. Snow, sometimes, goes for several days. But its abundance becomes a paradise for skiers and snowboarders, as well as lugers, biathlon lovers.

In winter, a beautiful ski tour to Valaam is offered, designed for trained skiers. This kind of pilgrimage leaves an unforgettable impression and is considered the "highlight" of the low season.

sports season

Six ski resorts offer pistes of varying difficulty. Snowmobile and dog sled tours are organized. During the New Year holidays in Karelia, active programs are offered with skiing from the mountains, snowboarding, cross-country skiing. This is a chance to see the beauty of winter northern nature.

In May, numerous rivers of Karelia are especially full-flowing. This month is considered the best for rafting and kayaking. Water sports routes are laid along the Onda, Vodli, Okhta and many other Karelian rivers. In addition, in May there is still no annoying midge, and the spring sun gives a magnificent tan. The rafting season lasts until September, but it is in May that it is considered the most attractive and extreme.

Wellness season

In the low season, you can take advantage of the same low prices for treatment. The first resort appeared here under Peter I. He personally experienced the healing properties of the local sulfide-silt mud and Karelian mineral waters. The resort became the first in and received the name "Marcial Waters". It is still in effect. Now, along with this hospital, the sanatoriums "White Keys", "Kivach" and "Palaces" work. They successfully treat diseases of the bone and vascular systems, respiratory and digestive organs, endocrine diseases. In addition to mineral waters and mud, the famous shungite is used for medical purposes. And, of course, the purest forest air.

Shungite treatment is a local calling card. Its main reserves in the country are located in Zaonezhye. This Karelian healer is considered unique due to special molecules that act as an antioxidant.

In local sanatoriums, a variety of ailments are treated with a wide range of procedures made from stones, stone chips and shungite water:

  • massage of the feet and other areas with shungite chips;
  • applications based on shungite;
  • various types of relaxing procedures with shungite;
  • inhalations and rinsing with shungite water;
  • shungite powder baths.

Treatment with Karelian mineral water is also unique. It is not stored. It can only be consumed fresh, and, therefore, only in local health resorts.

Climate of Karelia

The climate is typical for both the North and the Russian North - with relatively warm winters and cool summers. It can be called transitional from maritime to temperate continental. The North Atlantic and the Arctic have a decisive influence. A characteristic feature of Karelia is high humidity at any time of the year, due to the abundance of rivers and lakes.

Summers are short, and winters, although mild, are long and changeable, with transitions from snowfalls to thaws. The warmest place is the island of Valaam. A special soft lacustrine microclimate of Lake Ladoga is formed here.

Winter in Karelia

December is quite warm, but dank due to high humidity. In January, during the day, sub-zero temperatures reach 12-15 degrees, but sometimes it can get colder. In some years, January frosts reach -25°С. February is considered the coldest month, it is snowy and windy.

Winter in the north of Karelia is the northern lights and drifting ice floes of the White Sea. And, of course, polar nights in the northern territories of the republic. The downside is that in winter you can’t see the unique beauty of the numerous Karelian lakes - they are covered with ice. But winter fishing begins on the strengthened ice. Burbot is caught until February.

In winter, hunting enthusiasts come to Karelia. Here is one of the few places where there is rich hunting for elk, bear, hare and fox. And also for fur-bearing animals - muskrat, beaver, mink, marten and ermine. Boar hunting is still going on in December. As a rule, even experienced hunters book tours - local rangers know the territory and the habits of the local animal better.

Spring in Karelia

Spring comes late, in the south of the republic - in mid-April, and in the northern part of the cold returns almost until June. What is considered "early spring" in Karelia lasts until May. But the daylight hours are getting longer. In March, the sun is already bright, and the snow is strong. This is used by the organizers of ski trips and winter fishing. In April, the forests are in the snow, the ice on the reservoirs is just beginning to melt.

May is considered the beginning of true spring. The awakening time of nature allows you to appreciate the true beauty of lakes and forests. During the day the temperature rises to +15°C, in the south it is even warmer. The nights are still cold, the temperature just above zero. The tourist season begins with the May holidays. The kayakers arrive first.

At the end of May, active fishing in open water begins.

Summer in Karelia

The main highlight of the Karelian summer is the white nights. The calendar summer here is short. In June, the awakening of nature continues. The hottest month is July, when you can definitely swim. August is also hot, but the nights are already cool. But the mosquitoes disappear. In any case, you need to remember that summer in the north of the country is different from the middle zone. In addition to summer clothes, tourists should stock up on warm clothes and waterproof shoes.

Summer is the main sport fishing season. In Karelia, rich in water bodies, pike, salmon, roach, and ide are caught. On evening fishing, large bream bites perfectly. And, of course, summer is the period of catching the legendary steam perch, a classic for northern waters.

At the end of July, Lake Onega, cold for swimming, gathers yachtsmen from all over the country for a sailing regatta of cruising yachts. Not only yacht owners aspire to visit the national sailing championship. Many specifically time their vacation to this spectacular holiday.

The only negative of summer is insects. In the Russian north, this is a real scourge: mosquitoes, midges and ticks. Before the trip, it is better to get vaccinated against ticks and arm yourself with insect repellents.

Autumn in Karelia

Autumn in the north of the republic begins by the end of August. But September is considered one of the best months: it is still warm, there is no longer midges, but cranberries and lingonberries, mushrooms are ripening. Autumn in Karelia is famous as the season of mushrooms and berries. They even come from neighboring regions.

Fishing is successful, the hunting season is opening. Hunting tours for ducks, capercaillie, black grouse are very popular. The trophies of successful hunters can be woodcock, hazel grouse, goose and partridge.

In October, frosts begin, and the weather becomes unpredictable. Fish go deep, but pike and Onega perch are still caught. And in November, winter fishing already starts on some reservoirs.

Conclusion: you can go on vacation to Karelia in any season. You need to focus on weather forecasts and your own preferences.

We were scared that the summer in Karelia is very short and cool, and since I am very thermophilic, for the first time we decided to go on vacation in July. Do not worry, it will not be hot here even for those who do not tolerate high temperatures. On the contrary, it is very cold and windy. Wherever you go, don't forget a windproof jacket. This is the key to a comfortable stay. The second and third times we were in Karelia in autumn and spring, respectively. I can say that every season has its charms. The most important thing is to choose the right wardrobe and plan the route. For example, it is better to relax on the lakes in the summer, and any other season is perfect for exploring the main cities and sights.

Hunting season in Karelia

Karelia is rightfully considered one of those places where you can feel the whole gamut of emotions associated with hunting. This is a slight fear, extreme and excitement, as well as endless pride and joy caused by a worthy trophy. In Karelia, you can hunt a wolf, a hare, a brown bear, a wild boar, an elk, a marten, a beaver, a mink, a muskrat, a fox. There is also game here - ducks, black grouse, capercaillie, partridges.

The most favorable time for hunting animals is from November to February. The only exception, perhaps, is the brown bear, which is hunted in late spring and autumn. Game is available almost all year round, but avid hunters recommend choosing the time from August to February. If you have never had to hunt before, you can use the help of guides. They are well oriented in the area, know the habits of animals.

fishing season

If hunting seems too extreme for you, you can try your luck on fishing. This is an exciting process that will be an excellent option for family leisure. Bream, pike, whitefish, zander, trout, burbot, etc. are found here. The summer fishing season starts on June 15 and lasts until the ice rafting. You can also fish in winter. To do this, you should come to Karelia from December 15 to April 20.

Mushroom and berry picking season

The variety of berries and mushrooms in Karelia is so great that it is difficult to deny yourself the pleasure of harvesting your own "harvest". With the advent of summer, cloudberries, blueberries, blueberries, lingonberries and other berries gradually ripen. Do you want to enjoy vitamins freshly plucked from the bush? Come to Karelia at the end of July-August. At the same time, the peak of the mushroom season is recorded. White, boletus, saffron mushrooms, milk mushrooms and other mushrooms are dried, pickled, canned ... You can collect them yourself or buy them from local residents.

Weather in Karelia

Weather in Karelia obeys the laws of maritime and continental climate. Winter here is cold and quite long. In the most severe months, the thermometer can drop to -35°C. The average temperature of the winter period is 7-10 degrees below zero. Spring comes to Karelia rather late. This is a “capricious” time with unstable weather conditions - sunny days are often replaced by precipitation in the form of rain and sleet. In March, the temperature is kept within 0°C, sometimes there are frosts. Warming comes only in May, when the thermometer rushes to + 10 ° C, and there is less and less precipitation. Summer is very pleasant and warm. It doesn’t get hot here, except in the southern regions and is extremely rare. The average temperature of the summer months is 15-20 degrees Celsius. By autumn it becomes cooler, but there are still quite a lot of sunny and pleasant days. + 8 ° C is fixed on the thermometer. By the end of autumn frosts are already possible.

The article tells about how to organize your own independent trip around Karelia: when to go, what to see and how to get there.

Russia, next to Finland, is the Republic of Karelia, rich in natural beauty and cultural heritage. The region attracts travelers with its pristine cleanliness. It is ideal for a quiet, relaxing holiday, as well as for an active pastime with a continuous change of scenery. Hunting for birds and animals, along turbulent rivers, skiing and dog sledding, fishing, excursions - all this awaits inquisitive tourists in Karelia.

Note: 2 useful reviews about a self-guided trip to Karelia

  • about Karelia
  • : advantages and disadvantages
  • About the main attractions, and most

How to get to Karelia?

In North-west
There are 4 options for how to get to the republic:

  • By train.
    Direct routes are provided between Petrozavodsk and Moscow or St. Petersburg. If there are no direct flights from other Russian cities, you can always take a ticket with transfers.
  • By bus.
    The most suitable option for residents of St. Petersburg. Flights to Petrozavodsk.
  • By plane.
    Near the village of Besovets, 12 km from Petrozavodsk, there is the main airport of Karelia. Tickets are recommended to be bought in advance.
  • By car.
    An excellent option for traveling around Karelia in terms of economy and freedom of movement. Suitable for large families and companies. It should be borne in mind that in the republic, many roads are unpaved.

Choose a tour to Karelia

When there is no time to plan a trip to Karelia on your own, you can contact the guys from Alem Tour. This is a verified tour operator. They have been working since 2002 and know all the most beautiful places in the republic. All tours are turnkey: accommodation + transfer + excursions. In general, we recommend. See what tours to Karelia they offer now.

What to see in Karelia?

A huge number of cultural monuments are concentrated in the republic. The most interesting sights for tourists:

Are you planning a trip? That way!

We have prepared some useful gifts for you. They will help save money at the stage of preparation for the trip.

  • Valaam, Solovki- popular islands that have preserved ancient monasteries and churches, many of which are UNESCO heritage. The islands are also attractive for their natural beauties: dense forests with slender firs, stone, steep banks, clear river water. You can read more about it in a separate article.
  • Architectural Museum of Kizhi. On the island, right under the open sky, samples of the life of the peoples who lived on these lands many centuries ago are collected. During the tour, travelers will learn many legends and customs of the locals.
  • White Sea petroglyphs. On the islands of Karelia, archaeologists have discovered about three dozen ancient sites, as well as images and compositions carved on rocks dating back to the 3rd millennium BC. It is recommended to view the drawings accompanied by a guide.
  • Ruskeala marble canyon. It was here that marble was taken for St. Petersburg palaces. The canyon is surrounded by ancient trees, which makes it more beautiful and majestic.
  • Waterfalls Girvas and Kivach. The first is unique in its location on the volcano, and the second in size.
  • Body archipelago. Rare birds and animals huddle on 16 uninhabited islands. An interesting place to visit naturalists.

How to get around Karelia?

Railway transport is the least popular in the republic. Since the main task of Karelia is to preserve the primeval beauty of nature, new rails are not being laid. For travelers, the Oktyabrskaya railway is relevant. On it you can get to the Onega and Kandalaksha bays of the White Sea, Lake Onega. Also, branches were laid to Yushkozero, Belomorsk, Sortavala.

To get acquainted with all the beauties of Karelia, it is recommended to travel by car or rent transport on the spot. Moving along the federal highway M-18 "Kola", you can turn onto any secondary road, which will certainly lead to one of the lakes of the region.

In Karelia there is a sea and river shipping company. The water communication system is well developed here, so travelers can easily move along the White Sea coast, along the rivers Neva, Svir, lakes Ladoga, Onega, White Sea-Baltic Canal.

I want to summarize the past road trip around Karelia with an article about how much a vacation in Karelia costs, what this Karelia is like as a savage and from the point of view of an independent tourist, and I will also briefly talk about the state of the roads, where to live and where to eat.

But at the beginning I want to say common truths - when planning an independent, and especially the first trip to Karelia, be sure to build routes based on the reviews of other people. Not in terms of places to visit, but transport logistics. Our original plan changed almost every day. And it's all about time. Somewhere it is needed more because of road conditions, somewhere along the way there is something not from the plan, but no less interesting and it’s a sin not to call in, and sometimes, when planning, we did not take into account the sunset and our physical fatigue, which did not allow us to go further.

Everyone chooses for himself what to see in Karelia. Recreation as a savage is possible in the most economical option - hiking, with an overnight stay in tents by the lakes and viewing the exceptional beauty of Karelian nature. My vacation option was by car, so the trip plan itself, as well as further expenses and costs, one way or another revolve around the car.

We had a week left. More precisely, plus or minus a few days, since no one really urged me to return by a specific date. And all plans, in the end, adjusted the money.

The route of rest in Karelia turned out like this (below are links to detailed articles):

Saint Petersburg - PriozerskSortavalla

Petrozavodsk — waterfall Kivach— Kondopoga — Kem — Rabocheostrovsk

Solovetsky Islands

You need to search for hotels in large cities, Priozersk, Sortavala and Petrozavodsk, on the roomguru website. There you can compare prices on different sites and book where the price will be lower.

Boat prices to the islands

Undoubtedly, when drawing up a plan for Karelia, we could not but include in it a visit to the island of Valaam, the Kizhi nature reserve and the Solovetsky Islands.


In a more detailed discussion, Kizhi had to be abandoned. The ticket price is 2500 for a round-trip and the entrance for 400 rubles, plus food there, since according to the schedule the boat goes there for almost the whole day, and, of course, buying something from souvenirs could minus almost 4 thousand from the wallet. In the end, you can go here separately, for the weekend, for example. They are not that far away from Peter.


As I wrote earlier, on Valaam, almost all places for meteors are bought out by travel agencies during the season. And, as a rule, there is only one option left - to buy a ferry ticket from local agents without excursions. That's just the price they ask for 300 rubles one way more than the captain of the meteor takes. Therefore, count on a minimum of 1800 per ticket purchased on the meteor itself (private traders are ready to take it back and forth for at least 2 thousand, I found out), or get ready to fork out for all the same 2500 buying in a travel agency. Unlike the ferry to Solovki, it is not customary to take more people on board than there are seats. Everyone goes inside, because outside there is simply nowhere and nowhere to put.

Solovetsky Islands

Here the price tag for the ferry is still the same - 1000 rubles for a one-way ticket, purchased at the hostel Berth, from which the ferry rents this same pier. How much the captain's ticket costs is not very clear, but it is important to understand that everyone with tickets is put first, and those who buy and negotiate with the captain are placed outside, that is, it is likely that they will have to ride for 2 hours in a cold wind under rain if you're not lucky with the weather. Unlike the meteor on Valaam, this ferry takes more people than can be accommodated in the cabin.

This is what the Metel-4 ferry looks like, for example (Vasily Kosyakov still runs during the season). The Metel can accommodate 120 people.

So it took me more to get the ferry tickets 3800 rubles.

Entrance fees to museums and fortresses

Especially we are not fans of going to museums, but sometimes there is no other way. At some points it’s really interesting, but at other times they take money just for “looking at nature”, for which you came. On average, the price of an entrance ticket was 100 rubles, plus or minus 10 or 20. For the whole trip, it turned out like this:

Korela fortress in Priozersk — 120 rubles

Marble Canyon — 150 rubles

Waterfall Kivach — 120 rubles

Church in Kondopoga — 120 rubles

Volcano Girvas — 100 rubles

Fortress in Staraya Ladoga - 20 rubles just entrance and 150 with a visit to the wall and museums on the wall.

Many excursions are offered on Solovki during the season, on our arrival there was only a survey and it cost 400 rubles for 3 hours. We did not take and went around everything ourselves. Then I took a bike to go to distant frontiers, for 250 rubles for 2.5 hours (100 rubles for an hour).

The result was neither more nor less 880 rubles for entrance tickets. However.

Food on the road

This item can be significantly reduced, and on what, but you can save on food. After all, renting an apartment with a kitchen, you can always cook yourself. But there are some individual features of tourists and travelers.

For example, my fellow travelers are fish lovers. They don't sell Karelian trout in Moscow, which I eat often enough to go to cafes for it.

With large transfers between cities, there is simply no time to cook en route. I took my JetBoil with me, but we never even boiled our own tea. We bought coffee at a gas station for 50 rubles and go! Therefore, on the road we ate in a cafe for truckers, and in the cities we cooked ourselves a couple of times (In Petrozavodsk, because there was a normal Spar grocery store next to the house, in the rest there was even nowhere to look in the evenings where to buy food).

Therefore, either plan, like a hiker, the menu in advance and purchase groceries before the trip, or include the purchase of everything in the cost item. In the same Petrozavodsk, the apartment simply did not have oil for frying on the second night.

I had an average of 500-600 rubles a day for food. I personally decided on a budget for myself and tried to meet it, choosing something from the menu within the planned amount, but not infringing on myself. The cafe for truckers has a huge selection. But for me personally, such food is very heavy, but there was nothing left. The average check, as I said, is 250-300 rubles. Plus, somewhere coffee at a gas station from 50 to 100 rubles. Even in the only working cafe on Solovki, I ate for 250 rubles.

In total, for food, including the purchase of water, smoked fish on Valaam at a price of 1000 rubles per kilogram (I bought a piece of 300 grams, which I divided between lunch and breakfast), it took me 4500 rubles.

Something without which the tourist can not

Everyone has their own souvenirs for home. But I don’t know a single traveler who wouldn’t bring anything at all from a trip as a keepsake, limiting himself only to photographs. At least a magnet or a postcard home.

It took me about two thousand. How it happened, I don't know)

Magnets cost an average of 100 rubles. Postcard home 100, including 20 rubles for stamps. The most expensive stamps in Russia are from the Solovetsky Islands!)

I also like to buy street name plates or just wooden panels, and I could not help but buy a cut of Karelian birch, their prices are from 700.

Guide to petroglyphs 100 rubles. And everything like that.

By the way, a jar of cloudberries grated with sugar cost 300 rubles per 150 grams, they gave it away at a discount. And on the way home, you can buy cranberries and lingonberries, they will be offered to you as soon as you get off the ferry from Solovki.

In total, with the current composition of 3 people in a 4wd car, the trip cost me personally 17 thousand rubles. I don't even know if that's a lot or a little. My assessment of travel in Russia is now ambiguous. On the one hand, it is not much cheaper than some Turkish-Greek vouchers, on the other hand, it is a completely different kind of vacation.

How to be always online when traveling?

Buy a euro card for internet and calls. I personally have an Orange card choose a card and tariff

How do I save on hotels?

Everything is very simple - look not only on booking.com. I prefer the RoomGuru search engine. He searches for discounts simultaneously on Booking and 70 other booking sites.