Fishing in winter with nets. Installation of networks under the ice

This article will describe in detail and show in photographs the process of making the Torpedo spinner for winter perch fishing. The spinner will be made from aluminum material, which means that it will be very light. Also, the article will talk about the possibility of painting the crown of the spinner.

For a long time the spinner "Torpedka" was forgotten. Only recently, athletes, fishermen and winter fishing enthusiasts have remembered about its existence. Now they use the "Torpedka" spinner very often. The question is, why is she so good? Everything is quite simple, such a lure can change the nature of the game, it can descend vertically to the bottom, or twist during a dive, it can also crookedly go under the ice.

Nowadays in stores there is a huge selection of spinners "Torpedka". But the price, quality and limited refinement sometimes make you wonder if you should buy them in a store. It would be best to make a do-it-yourself "Torpedka" spinner, it will be of better quality and a minimum of money will be spent for its manufacture. Recommended for ice fishing.

To make the spinner "Torpedka" with your own hands, you will need the following materials:
- Clockwork rings.
- Little carabiners.
- Threesomes.
- Solder.
- Swivels.
- Flux for soldering.
- Aluminum can.
- Wire.

So, it's time to start making.

Stage 1.
On paper, you need to draw an approximate view of the future spinner. In this homemade product, a length of 40mm will be used. This length is very well suited for lightweight baubles.

Stage 2.
Now on a small piece of metal you need to mark the contours of the spinner. For some homemade beginners, it will be problematic to find the right aluminum plates. Therefore, this example will show how to make the Torpedo glitter from a strip of an aluminum can.

Stage 3.
It is necessary to cut the workpiece along the drawn contour.

Stage 4.
Now, with a small needle file, you need to finish the edges and corners. In this case, it is imperative to monitor the rounding of the head.

Stage 5.
In the center of this workpiece, you need to make an even fold.

Stage 6.
Now you can start rolling out the head of the future spinner, this is necessary so that it can look up. So, you need to put this blank on a spoon, as shown in the photo, heat it up and, pressing it hard, walk with a metal object. For example, a small hammer.

After the work done on the workpiece, an arc should be obtained, such as in the photo below.

Stage 7.
Now you need to attach loops to the workpiece for the hook and fishing line. Before doing this, you need to make a reinforced mounting system. To do this, you can connect 2 swivel wires together. Any wire can be used, in this case an old guitar string was used.

Little tip: before you start soldering the antennae of the wire, you need to make several turns of the wire near the ears of the swivels for better fixation so that not a single fish can break loose. Because by simply soldering it to the workpiece, the fish can break out and leave. And by doing everything as it is written here, you can get rid of such unpleasantness.

Stage 8.
The wire to the workpiece must be fixed with large drops of solder.

So, advice: everyone knows that solder does not stick well to aluminum. To save time, you need to clean the plate, and then treat it with a special soldering acid (based on zinc chloride salts). Be sure to buy solder from the rosin already inside.

The workpiece must be filled with solder.

Stage 9.
The solder needs to be cleaned and polished.

While stripping the solder, you need to check the play of the spinner. You can check in a bucket of water or in an aquarium, you need to achieve the game that you can arrange. You can make several spinners of different shapes of solder and different amounts, they will play differently.

This example uses an uneven, slightly bitten shape. Lightness and this shape due to the use of aluminum as a crown of the spinner, this made it possible to achieve an interesting game. When diving, it rotates in a spiral, and this strongly provokes the fish to attack.

Sometimes fishing conditions require the bait to be passed along the surface itself. In such cases, it may be useful homemade surface lures, about several design options of which this post tells.

Today we will look at three options. surface lures, which can be very quickly and easily made at home. As a material, we will use a winter cut willow branch (there is a lot of moisture in spring and summer willow). But it is possible to use almost any even tree with a core and wood that is easy to process. The basis for all three surface lures will be the same (Photo). Such billet very simple. From a previously cleaned and well-dried willow branch, a piece of the desired length is cut off. The edges are rounded with a knife and smoothed with sandpaper.

Before painting, it is desirable to impregnate the wood with drying oil. However, I don't always do this. These baits I have a point action. And they can withstand 50-60 casts per season even without impregnation.

I paint my baits with oil paints with the addition of varnish. Plus, I put 2 more layers of varnish on top. Other dyes are also possible.

Now, actually, about equipment options.

1. Torpedo with petal. Our workpiece is put on a wire frame. A tee is attached to the back ring and petal on a swivel(Photo). Due to the weight of the tee and the petal, the bait stands at an angle in the water. With normal, uniform wiring, the petal spins, creating a very attractive effect for the predator. It is good to catch such a bait in July, early August, on reservoirs that are violently overgrown and a minimal layer of clean water remains above the grass.

2. . The bait sinks very slowly, with almost neutral buoyancy. Just install the wire frame. Two rings are wrapped at the ends of the wire. A fishing line will be attached to the front ring through a thin leash, to the back ring - a tee with an edge or a connected streamer (Photo). By loading from lead, the center of gravity is shifted to the head, so that, taking into account the weight of the tee, the bait stands with its tail down at an angle of 45-60 degrees to the surface. It is advisable to paint such baits in bright, acid colors (provocateurs). This is due to the fact that fishing on this bait without its own game is carried out in the windows of algae. We throw the bait out the window and draw various twitching animations with pauses to the edge of the window. It is very effective and spectacular when a pike flies out before our eyes and grabs!

Our country has developed a negative attitude towards fishing with nets and poaching, and rightly so. But winter fishing with nets can also be legal, otherwise, where would bream, crucian carp and other river fish appear on the shelves of our stores. In the North of Russia, net fishing in winter is a long tradition and a way to provide for oneself.

Moreover, in many reservoirs of the North, fishing with nets is welcomed and even encouraged. This is due to the need to thin out the fish population in water bodies where there is an overabundance of it. It turns out that there are still such places in our country.

You need to understand that winter fishing with nets and, in general, fishing with nets, is legal only in certain regions and with the permission of the Federal Agency for Fishery. At the moment, fishing with nets is allowed in the North, Siberia and the Far East. The right to fish does not give permission for the sale of caught fish, and the free sale of nets is prohibited.

We will not go into legal details, but will consider some technical points and watch a short and interesting film about winter fishing for crucian carp with a net in Yakutia.

Installation of nets under the ice is a rather laborious task, the complexity of which strongly depends on the thickness of the ice and the length of the net. The process involves a group of people.

Place to install networks

Before proceeding with the installation of networks under the ice, it is necessary to select and prepare a place. You need to know the depth, bottom relief, and be sure that there are no snags at the bottom for which the nets can get tangled and become unusable. After such a place is determined, it is necessary to remove from the ice everything that can interfere with the process of installing the network - snow, ice fragments and crumbs.

Cutting holes for the net

After the place is determined and the direction of the net under the ice is chosen (usually along the flow), two large holes (lanes) are cut down, the distance between which is equal to the length of the net. Between these lanes, in a row, smaller holes are cut in increments of ~ 3 meters. The size of the extreme ice holes is approximately 0.5 x 1.0 meters. The lower edges of these lanes, directed towards each other, are beveled at an angle to facilitate the sliding of the net cord. Cutting down is done with the help of ice picks and ice drills, equipped fishermen use a chainsaw.

To understand how this is done and how difficult it is to install a network under the ice, watch the following video:

To install the network under the ice, you will need some tools and fixtures:

  • Run (wooden pole) about 10 meters long;
  • Racing (rope for running the net under the ice);
  • Soshila (poles with hooks for adjusting nets under ice);
  • Tools for cutting through ice - ice pick, ice screw.

The process of installing the network under the ice

When the required number of holes and holes has been prepared, you can begin to install the net under the ice. This is done approximately as follows:

  • In the extreme, upstream lane (if there is no current, then in any) a pole (run) is started with the upper edge of the net tied. A sinker is fixed at the bottom of the net;
  • The pole moves under the ice towards the next hole, where it is corrected by the cosh and goes on;
  • After the run reaches the extreme lane, it is pulled out along with the end of the rope on which the net is fixed. When both ends of the rope are in the hands, it is pulled out until the entire net is under the ice.

To prevent the net from sagging in the water, it is attached to sticks in intermediate holes along the entire length of the route. In order to avoid freezing the upper edge of the net into ice, it is lowered a certain distance.

If there is a current at the installation site of the network, then everything is made somewhat simpler. In this case, the current helps pull the run from hole to hole.

If the ice is not thick, or there are good tools, you can make a hole along the entire length of the net, and then its installation becomes similar to summer.

The process of installing the network under the ice on the video:

To facilitate the installation of the network under the ice, the so-called "Torpedo" is used - an apparatus with blades capable of moving under water, pulling the network cord behind it. The device replaces the wooden run and greatly simplifies and speeds up the process of installing the net under the ice.

The torpedo runs on batteries, highlighting its location under the ice. There are plastic and metal products:

Fishing with nets in winter in the north - video

Fishing with nets in winter in Yakutia. Fishing for carp. Already in the middle of autumn, the lakes in Yakutia are covered with ice. Hundreds of people take to the ice with nets to catch some portioned crucian.


In conclusion, we want to warn couch fishermen who have never been outside their metropolises, who know nothing about life in the north of Russia, and warn against condemnation. It is legal to fish with nets.

Those who want to fish with nets in winter and do not break the law should study the issues of obtaining a fishing permit, and in no case engage in poaching.

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