Device for cleaning fish from scales. Types of knives for cleaning fish

At home, so that the kitchen does not later resemble a house of scales? This will be discussed in this article. It turns out there are many ways. And even cleaning supplies.

Cleaning accessories

First of all, you will need at least a knife for cleaning fish. This is the most common option. There is a knife in every home, but all appliances suitable for cleaning should be comfortable, well-sharpened and small. Large scales are well removed with such a device.

In modern times, special devices are sold for cleaning fish. Outwardly and in their action, they resemble an ordinary grater. The devices have holes in which the scales fall during the friction of the fish. Such devices are well suited for removing small scales. Special boards with a clamp are also sold. As a result, it will no longer be necessary to hold the carcass by the tail.

How to quickly clean fish from scales? You can use a regular grater with several edges. It is convenient to use. Moreover, the scales are removed in several rows at the same time. And they do not scatter around, remaining inside the grater.

How to make a device for cleaning fish with your own hands?

You can make a device for cleaning fish yourself. This will require small nails, caps with corrugated edges from glass bottles. And a small board. Several covers are nailed to it with nails. Such a home-made device is suitable for cleaning fish with large scales. In field conditions, instead of such a device, you can use a tin can by making torn holes in the bottom.

Fish cleaning

How to quickly clean fish from scales? This process is divided into several stages:

The process of cleaning fish is simple. But there are some nuances and little tricks to make the process more enjoyable and faster:

Methods for cleaning river fish

How to clean from scales? You can take it off in different ways. But the most difficult to clean are perches and ruffs. Therefore, initially all prickly fins are cut off from the carcasses. Then the fish is placed in cold water for a few minutes. With a fork or knife, several grooves are made against the scales.

Roach scales are weak, but it is difficult to clean, as it scatters a lot around the kitchen. Therefore, it is better to clean this fish right on the pond. At home, it is better to clean it directly under water. It will be enough to dial it into the pelvis. You can sprinkle the fish with salt and rub. Then rinse with water.

For cleaning fish that have hard scales, a four-sided grater is best suited. The carcass is cleaned, as usual, from tail to head, against scales. Pike. Perch and pike perch can be scalded with boiling water before cleaning. Then the scales come off easily. Removes under running water.

Some types of fish, such as perch, are salted in the evening for quick and easy removal of scales and left in a cool place until morning. Fish from the freezer does not need to be completely defrosted, an hour is enough. During this time, the scales will thaw and it will be easy to remove it.

Some types of fish may not be scaled at all. For example, goby or salmon. The carcasses are fried along with the scales, as it is soft and small. The line is washed in water for a long time before cleaning. If mucus remains on the fish, then the carcass is doused with boiling water. Then the line is washed again under running water. Or the easiest way. The tench is immersed in boiling water for one minute, and then the scales are removed from the carcass directly with the skin.

Big fish

Cleaning the fish from scales will be much easier if you insert a stick all the way into the mouth of the carcass. It is taken and covered with newspaper, which is folded several times. The fish is thoroughly washed. Cleaning begins, as usual, from the tail, but at a slight angle. The tail and dorsal fins are cut off. A small hole is made near the head and the belly is cut to the anus with the tip of a knife.

When gutting, the entire contents of the carcass are cleaned. A white film comes off, passing along the ridge. A red-brown film is peeling off the walls. The head is cut off. If it is left, then all the insides are removed from the gills, otherwise the fish will be bitter.

Catfish, burbot and eel are cleaned by removing the skin from the carcass along with the scales. To do this, an incision is made near the head, and the skin is pulled together in one motion.

Sea fish

Sea fish are often cleaned differently than river fish. For this, a sharply sharpened knife with a thin blade is prepared. The fish is laid out on a hard surface (for example, a cutting board). A small incision is made at the tail. The skin is gently lifted with the tip of a knife.

The result is a small pocket. With the tip of a knife, he begins to expand further, moving towards the head. The skin is removed from the fish along with the scales, cut from the inside with a sharp blade.

How is salted fish cleaned?

Salted fish is sold already peeled. It remains only to gut it. She gets out of the brine, the fins are cut off. And an incision is made along the back. The same goes for the head. The skin is carefully separated and removed towards the tail with a stocking. Then the abdomen is torn open, and the insides are cleaned out. If desired, only caviar and milk are left. The fish is cleaned of the inner black film and washed in cold water.

How is perch cleaned?

How to clean It is quite slippery, so gloves are put on before the procedure. In order not to cut themselves on sharp fins, they are cut off with scissors. To make the cleaning process faster, the fish is sent to the freezer for 20-30 minutes.

After that, the scales will not scatter much on the sides. And it only takes a few minutes to clean the fish. But if the perch is planned to be baked or fried, then carcasses cannot be put in the freezer. While cleaning the fish, the knife is directed from the belly to the back. The tail at this time is tightly pressed against the board.


How to clean zander fish? There are sharp protrusions on his body. They are removed before cleaning with scissors or a well-sharpened knife. The container is filled with water, in which the fish is completely immersed. If cleaning is carried out with a knife, then it is held at an obtuse angle to the scales.

How is pike cleaned?

How easy is it to scale a fish? For quick and high-quality cleaning of pike, you need to prepare a lot of space. The knife for cutting should be with a wide, well-sharpened blade. Before cleaning, the fins are cut off with kitchen scissors. Then the pike is laid to itself with its head and with one hand is taken by the tail.

The scales are pulled off at the tail, and the knife is drawn towards the head of the fish. If the blade moves with difficulty, then its frequency of reference increases. But at the same time, the areas of scraping of the scales are reduced. In order for the knife to collect the scales completely on itself, it leans at an angle of 100 degrees from the carcass.


Carp is cleaned on a wide cutting board. large, so a special device for cleaning fish is not required . You can use just your hands or a regular knife. One hand grabs the tail. The scales are scraped off towards the head with thumbnails. When approaching the head, you can clean the fish with a knife. Also - on the abdomen and near the tail.

How is the fish cleaned so that the scales do not fly to the sides?

How to quickly clean the fish from scales so that it does not scatter around? It has a fine structure. And sometimes hundreds of scales are removed from the fish. You can put the fish in a plastic bag and clean it. Movements should be neat and not abrupt.

The fish is well cleaned with an ordinary teaspoon, on the one hand having a thinner edge. Since it is not sharp, they do not rip off, but pry off the scales. It separates from the carcass at a slower rate and therefore does not scatter.

Cooking fish begins with cleaning it. For culinary beginners, this procedure is one of the most difficult and unpleasant. Knowing how to clean fish from scales quickly, you can cope with the task easily, accurately and without polluting the surrounding interior.

Often such "armor" has a dense, rigid structure that spoils not only the taste of the cooked dish, but also the impression of eating it. In addition, during heat treatment, the plates may lag behind the skin and remain on dishes or other products.

Large plates that fit snugly to the carcass prevent the penetration of spices and spices to the meat - for this reason, thorough cleaning of the fish from scales is recommended before marinating.

Cleaning accessories

To quickly clean the fish without consequences in the form of scales scattered around, you should prepare all the necessary devices in advance:

  • a plastic or glass board that does not absorb odors and is easy to clean;
  • sharp knife or scissors;
  • container with cold water;
  • gloves for hands (in the presence of abrasions and cuts on the skin);
  • disposable towels.

The most common way to clean the catch is with a kitchen knife. The fish is laid on a non-slip surface, the carcass is fixed by the tail and treated with a sharp blade towards the head, removing hard plates from the skin.

After processing, the carcass must be washed with clean water, blotted with a dry cloth and inspected. The scales must be completely peeled off; how to clean fish without a knife, experienced fishermen and housewives know - they use improvised tools for this procedure (scissors, spoons, forks). There are other tricks that can help prepare the catch for cooking. Modern devices allow you to remove fish plates faster and easier than a classic knife.


Mechanical tools help to quickly clean the fish from scales, keeping order around and avoiding cuts with a knife. Hardware stores sell a variety of tools - from special graters to peels with cloves of various sizes that will cope with the skin of any size and density.


One of the most convenient devices for cleaning fish from scales is an electric fish scaler. Such machines operate from different power sources: car cigarette lighters, built-in batteries or a household network, which allows them to be used not only at home.

Some devices are supplemented with special containers or screens for scales, which allows you to clean fish plates not only quickly, but also cleanly. The only drawback of such devices is their high cost.

Quick cleaning secrets

Before you properly clean the fish, you should prepare the work surface and the product itself for processing. The carcass must be thoroughly washed in cold water, removing the mucus. The cleaning process is best done on a cutting board wrapped in plastic or cling film. Such measures will help prevent the fish from slipping, which will facilitate its processing.

To quickly remove the plates, you can use the advice of experienced chefs. These tricks will help you cope with the task in a matter of minutes:

  1. The fresher the carcass, the easier it is to clean. It is advisable to carry out the procedure immediately after the catch.
  2. Small fish can be rubbed with salt - microparticles will remove most of the scales.
  3. If the plates do not leave, it is recommended to pour boiling water over the catch. The exposure time should not exceed 10-15 seconds, otherwise the meat will steam out.
  4. It is enough to wash some types of fish thoroughly without removing the protective layer. So, perch, salmon, catfish, burbot, goby and bream are cooked without removing the scales. Fish intended for smoking are also not cleaned.
  5. The frozen carcass is cleaned without preliminary defrosting - cold plates move away from the skin more easily.

In order not to stain the surrounding space, you can carry out the cleaning process in a bowl, basin or deep plate with cold water: then the scales will not scatter and remain inside the container. For the same purpose, a cellophane bag is suitable.

The troublesome cleansing of the scales can be avoided using the “stocking” technique, which involves removing the plates along with the skin. This procedure is used for the preparation of multi-component dishes and snacks. Before stuffing or filleting, the carcass must be washed, cleaned of mucus and entrails. Then, cuts should be made in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ridge, head and tail, after which the skin should be carefully removed, separating it from the meat with a knife.

How to make a do-it-yourself scale remover?

A device for cleaning the catch can be made independently. This requires a bar to which a surface with sharp notches is fixed, for example, a lid from a can or a glass bottle.

You can also use improvised kitchen items, for example, a small grater for chopping vegetables. Suitable for this purpose and standard vegetable peelers.

A fish tank for fishing is as necessary as a fishing rod. The cage allows you to keep the fish alive and unharmed throughout the entire fishing process. The use of a cage is especially important if fishing lasts more than a few hours. Despite the fact that the cage is a simple and understandable device, there are some requirements for its design, as well as selection rules in accordance with fishing conditions and the type of fish being caught.

What cages to take for fishing and which cage is better? Any device is designed to keep the caught fish alive during fishing. However, not every device is capable of this task, especially if the wrong one is chosen.

Fishing cages are distinguished by the following parameters:

  1. Form. Common shapes include round and rectangular. The round shape is the most popular, it is convenient for transportation, moving along the coast and in the water. Depending on the diameter of the rings and their placement, the cage can take on a different form: a can, a bag, a barrel, a hose, a cone. The rectangular shape gives the structure greater stability. Most often, rectangular bases have the same size. The cage in expanded form takes the form of a rectangular tunnel. Such devices are professional and suitable for sports fishing.
  2. Material. They produce cages made of metal, nylon, from fishing line, fabric, rubberized, mixed.
  3. Base size. Round cage bases vary from 25 to 45 cm. Rectangular cages have a base size of 50 * 40 cm and a mouth of 55 * 55 cm.
  4. Length. The length of the device depends on the number of rings, the distance between them. There are cages, consisting of one compartment, with three or more compartments. Ordinary cages are available in lengths of 42 cm, 1.2 m, 1.5 m and more. Cages designed for catching certain fish, such as carp, are 3 m long. Professional cages are at least 4 m long.
  5. Number of rings. The longer the cage, the more rings it has. There are cages with 2 rings - at the base and neck, as well as devices with 3, 4, 5 or more rings.
  6. Number of sections. This indicator depends on the number of rings and determines the length of the structure. The more sections, the more fish the cage can hold without harming it. The standard distance between sections for round metal cages is 30 cm, for sports cages - from 40 to 50 cm.
  7. ring material. Rings made of a metal base are preferable to plastic ones. They are stronger and more stable, but heavier.
  8. Cell size. A very fine mesh makes it difficult for oxygen to reach the fish. A large mesh in synthetic cages is not suitable for keeping carp, crucian carp, carp, as they can tear it with their fins.
  9. Price. Modern sports equipment made of nylon or polyester have a high cost - from 1000 rubles and more. The price of small nylon devices does not exceed 100 rubles, and metal devices average 100-500 rubles.

For a beginner in fishing, a small budget metal or nylon fishing net is suitable, which will accommodate his entire catch.

But an experienced angler knows that the cage must be selected for specific fishing conditions and the fish that you are going to catch.

Modern cages are made from different materials, each of which has both advantages and disadvantages.

Depending on the needs of the fisherman, you can choose a cage from the following materials:

  1. Metal cages are the most common, as they are easy to use, easy to clean and durable. Devices made of metal are convenient in the process of use - they are easy to open and close, stable. The metal fishing cage is able to accommodate the catch and keep the fish. But the risk of injury to the fish in them is higher. In an overcrowded metal cage, fish can lose their scales and get hurt. A small metal cage is convenient to use at shallow depths, in swampy areas.
  2. Synthetic cages are more comfortable for keeping fish, but less stable in water. Fishing line devices are flexible, not dangerous for fish, but the period of their use is short. They can easily break on the rocky bottom. Cleaning them is much more difficult than a metal cage.
  3. Fabric cages have the disadvantage that if fishing tackle gets into it, it will be difficult to pull it out. Fine-grained fabric material dries for a long time.
  4. Rubberized cages are durable in operation, hooks do not cling to it. The only drawback is their high cost. The essence of professional fabric cages, rubberized with latex, is to minimize the likelihood of damage to the fish.
  5. Composite nets, which have a synthetic main body and a dense fabric neck, are less likely to be hooked.

Understanding how cages differ and for what purposes they are intended will help determine the right choice.

You should choose a cage depending on its purpose:

  1. Conventional fish cages are selected depending on fishing conditions and the expected catch volume.
  2. Cages for catching specific fish (carp, crucian carp) are characterized by increased strength and fine-grained material. Made from high quality synthetic material.
  3. Professional nets for sports fishing are characterized by good capacity and large dimensions for the free movement of fish.

The length of the cage is determined by fishing conditions. If fishing will take place from a high bank or from a boat, then you should choose a long net of more than 4 m. For fishing from a gently sloping bank, a small device up to 2 m long is suitable. However, experienced anglers advise not to take nets less than 3 m long. Even a slight slope of the bank will take away part of the fishing net, and the fish may be above the water.

A cage with round rings, of the same diameter along the entire length, is convenient in that one end of it can be fixed at the bottom, and the other can be hung on a slingshot on the shore. The device installed in this way will allow the fish to move freely on it. It is convenient to hang a cone-shaped cage on the shore so that its wide part with the fish is in the water.

A good cage with rectangular rings will be more comfortable in waters with current, as it is more stable. A round cage under the influence of the current will roll along the bottom, which will increase the likelihood of injury to the fish.

Modern fishing cages for experienced anglers have the following additions:

  • the last 2 rings are not sewn under the mesh, but are above it. When riding on the bottom, these rings will protect the net well from abrasion and damage, since the main emphasis will fall on them;
  • on the 4th or 5th ring, high-quality cages have handles for which it is easy to pull it out without breaking the rings;
  • have fastenings for installation on a chair or armchair with an adjustable tilt angle;
  • have attachments at the bottom of the cage so that it can be fixed at a depth;
  • The cages come with a carrying bag that is waterproof and odor-proof.

The cage in the water must be installed at arm's length from the angler, hooking the fish. In this case, the fisherman will not be distracted by the search for a cage, but will quickly put the catch into the device and take care of the next fish.

Spinners for asp

The most exciting way to catch asp is spinning. Despite the fact that the spinning arsenal today includes a wide variety of modern lures, asp spinners are the real classic that never gets old!

You just need to be able to choose the right lure depending on the time of year, the size of the intended trophies, the characteristics of the reservoir and other local conditions.

Types of spinners

Asp is caught on almost all known types of spinners. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

  1. Swinging baubles. For catching asp, spoons weighing from 10 to 30 grams, 4-6 cm long are used. Wide and heavy baits are used when fishing at great depths and areas with strong currents. Light and narrow asps are caught in quieter places and with slow wiring. Examples: Myran (Agat, Mira, Tony, Tony-2), Comet Black Fury, Blue Fox 1-2, etc.
  2. Spinners. The recommended weight is 10-15 grams. The use of turntables implies energetic and fast wiring. Under these conditions, lures that are too heavy will sink to the bottom, and baits that are too light will simply jump out of the water. The petal is oval, elongated. Sometimes spinners with two petals are used. Asp turntable examples: Mepps Heavy Long #3, Aglia Long #1.5, Daiwa Silver Greek, Bay De Noc (Smith Metal Minnow and Swedish Pimpl).
  3. Castmaster is a catchy bait for asp. It is a thick metal bar cut at a large angle. Weight - from 12 to 20 grams. The game of the castmaster resembles a fry waddling from side to side, to which all predatory fish, including asp, react. Despite the fact that today castmasters are produced by many manufacturers, the branded Acme Kastmaster, which recently celebrated its 70th anniversary, remains the best.
  4. Trihedron is a kind of castmaster. It is believed that it was created in the 1950s by the famous Leningrad specialist, author of a number of books on fishing, V.B. Sabunaev. A trihedron is cut out of sheet metal, and tin or lead is poured inside. Despite the fact that today trihedrons are produced, including by domestic manufacturers, many anglers prefer to make them on their own.

Lure characteristics

Spinners can imitate both a fish and a large insect (in this case, the spinner is often equipped with a propeller). The color of the spinner is determined by the conditions of fishing.

It is believed that asp responds better to bright colors that can whet the appetite of even a sluggish predator, however, in sunny weather, in clear water, dark copper-colored spinners are often used.

The choice of spinners for this predator is extremely wide, and sometimes causes difficulty for the angler. Let's take a few of the most catchy as an example.

Rating of the 10 best spinners for asp

  1. Mepps AGLIA Long HEAVY No. 3 is a famous spinner approved by more than one generation of anglers. The spinner is equipped with a petal in the form of a willow leaf, which starts to rotate already at the first turn of the reel. The spinner has high flight characteristics and versatility - it can be caught both in the course and in still water. The manufacturer offers baits in a variety of colors. The core is powerful, weighing 25 grams. Of the shortcomings, periodic overlaps of the tee for the fishing line should be noted, in addition, all Mepps spinners are very actively faked. Therefore, you need to buy them only in reliable stores.
  2. Bay De Noc Swedish Pimple is a brass jigsaw in a variety of colors, sizes and weights. It is distinguished by its versatility, high flight performance and high-frequency play with a small oscillation amplitude. The coloring of the spinner is of very high quality, carried out by galvanic method, followed by coating with a resistant varnish. Bay De Noc Swedish Pimple catches not only asp, but also pike, zander and perch. In addition, it can be caught not only with spinning, but also in winter, with a sheer luster. In this case, the tee on the spinner is replaced with a single hook.
  3. Acme Kastmaster. The spinner is available in various sizes. Castmasters with a length of 50 mm and a weight of 14 g, as well as a length of 57 mm and a weight of 21 g, are suitable for asp. The spinner has high flight characteristics and an attractive game.
  4. Kosadaka Quant V2 is a combination lure that catches a wide variety of predators. For asp, it is better to take a model weighing 20-25 grams and 5-7 cm long. In this spinner, the load is moved forward, and the petal is behind, in front of the tee. Such a spinner works at almost any depth and current. Cargo - removable, if necessary, easily replaced.
  5. Halco Twisty is a spinner with curved ends, somewhat reminiscent of a castmaster, but playing in a completely different way.
    Available in two colors - "gold" and "chrome" (for asp, "gold" is more suitable) with holographic stickers imitating scales. The original model is quite expensive, and there are a large number of cheap copies and outright fakes on the market.
  6. The Renegade Iron Minnow is a good jigsaw with the properties of a jig. Suitable for both stepped and uniform wiring. For asp, it is best to choose a model of 18 g.
  7. Daiwa Silver Creek Spinner R is a fairly catchy spinner designed by Japanese engineers. The spinner is non-standard - the core with a displaced center is made in the shape of a fish.
  8. Thunder bug from Mepps - the legendary "rattling beetle", was originally developed for catching brook trout, but it also works great on medium-sized asp in small rivers.
  9. Panter Martin - for the asp, the best choice is spinner number 7, green with a blue hologram - an imitation of fry scales.
  10. Blue Fox Matrixx Spoon - originally designed for trolling, however, it is also caught in other ways. For asp, an “acidic” green-yellow spoon weighing 10 grams is suitable. Due to the variable depth, it allows you to catch all horizons.

How to make your own glitter

You can make a catchy lure yourself. There are a lot of drawings and videos on this topic on the Internet. If you do not have a certain experience in making homemade products, you should start with the simplest.

For example, cut a brass tube 5-7 cm long at an oblique angle, drill holes in it for winding rings and paint it to your taste. In order to get a rattling lure, you can pour a little shot inside the tube, and tighten the edges of the tube.

In conclusion, I would like to say that catching asp has its own characteristics at different times of the year. So, in the spring, after the ice has melted, you should fish with spoons, castmasters and turntables with a front load in the bottom (less often - in the middle) layer of water.

In summer, they catch on lighter spinners, first of all - turntables. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that a serious asp in the heat can only be caught in the early morning or before sunset. For autumn fishing, the heaviest spinners are suitable.

How to quickly clean a perch?

  • How to quickly clean a perch? ↓
  • At home ↓
  • In field conditions ↓
  • How to clean a perch with scissors? ↓
  • Small perch cleaning ↓
  • Is it necessary to clean perch? ↓

Baked perch can be a real decoration of the festive table, but before you start cooking, you need to clean it. It is very difficult to do this. The scales of this fish are problematic to peel off, and if this is done quickly, then small scales scatter throughout the room.

The fins of the perch are very sharp, so your hands will be deeply punctured after cleaning. But there are several ways to simplify this procedure and make it not so problematic. In addition, you will even be able to clean it quickly and efficiently in field conditions.

How to quickly clean a perch?

In any case with fish, and even more so with perch, preparation is the main thing. For cleaning you will need:

  • fork;
  • latex gloves;
  • cutting board;
  • kitchen scissors.

The process itself is defined by the following steps:

  1. Put on rubber gloves first to protect your hands from sharp fins. Work gloves are worn on top, and the fish will not slip much.
  2. To further protect yourself from sharp fins, you can use kitchen scissors to remove them.
  3. After that, you should cut off the perch's head. Sometimes it is left, but then you have to cut out the gills.
  4. The carcass is placed on a cutting board.
  5. Holding the tail with a knife, you need to pull the carcass so that the vertebra parted.
  6. After that, you can start cleaning: usually the tail is held with a knife, and the scales are removed with a fork.

This is the standard scheme for this process. It should be noted that perch is much easier to clean if it is fresh. And if the fish has lain in the refrigerator for several hours, then the procedure will become much more complicated.

Most often, housewives do not like the fact that the process of cleaning perch takes a very long time. And cleaning up after that takes even more effort. There are several ways to speed up this action:

  1. Raw fish before cleaning can be dipped in boiling water for a few seconds. Thus, the scales will steam out and can be easily removed with a knife in one motion. In this case, small particles will not scatter in different directions. The disadvantage of this technique is that the scales are most often removed along with the skin, which means that a golden crust will not work during the frying process.
  2. The headless carcass is placed in the freezer for about one hour. After this, the perch must be removed and wait until it softens a little. The skin is peeled off in the place where the head is cut off with a knife, and is easily removed along with the scales.
  3. Use of special devices. They can be purchased at the store, or you can design your own. An example is beer caps screwed onto a wooden base. Or one of the sides of a grater attached to a stick.
  4. Sometimes perch is covered with salt at night, so the scales will soften and it will be much easier to remove it, but then the fish itself will have to be soaked additionally. Otherwise, it will not be suitable for eating.

The rest of the perch cleaning methods are very original and can be used in different life situations. For example, not only at home, but on a hike or night fishing, subject to a good catch.

At home

Naturally, all of the above tips are suitable for cleaning perch at home. Thanks to them, the process of removing scales is simplified, but the clogging of the kitchen is not taken into account. There are several tricks:

How to catch more fish?

I have been active fishing for quite some time and have found many ways to improve the bite. And here are the most effective ones:

  1. Cool activator. Attracts fish in cold and warm water with the help of pheromones included in the composition and stimulates their appetite. It is a pity that Rosprirodnadzor wants to ban its sale.
  2. More sensitive gear. Reviews and instructions for other types of gear you can find on the pages of my site.
  3. Lures using pheromones.

You can get the rest of the secrets of successful fishing for free by reading our other articles on the site.

All these methods are not very convenient, but effective in terms of keeping the kitchen clean.

In field conditions

It is much easier to carve and clean a perch in field conditions than at home. Here you should not worry that the scales will scatter around. But at the same time, there is usually no surface for work. Cutting can be done on a stump or cut along the deck. Cleaning is done with a knife or fork. Primary processing can be done right on the shore of the lake by lowering the carcass into the water.

You can take a special cleaner with you on a hike or design it yourself. Depending on the method of preparation and the quality of the procedure may be different, the main thing is to correctly remove the insides. Inside, there is a black film on the ribs, which will give a bitter aftertaste to the dish, it must be completely removed.

How to clean a perch with scissors?

Using scissors, you can qualitatively clean the perch using the following scheme:

  1. Cut off the fins and tail with scissors.
  2. Stretch the spine and cut off the fish's head.
  3. Cut off the scales with scissors.
  4. The blade is set at an angle of 30 degrees relative to the carcass.
  5. Cleaning is done diagonally from the belly to the upper fin.

small perch cleaning

With the help of scissors, you can clean a huge number of small fish. This can be done like this:

  1. First make a parallel incision along the gills.
  2. Cut open the belly of the perch with scissors.
  3. With your finger in the direction from the head to the tail, remove the insides.
  4. Next, remove the gills.
  5. Rinse the inside well.

In this case, the scales are not peeled off, since a tasty and rich fish soup is obtained from a small perch. For smoking, the removal of scales is also not required. Roasting and stuffing are also carried out without complete cleaning - only the insides are removed. But in this case, the skin can not be eaten.

Is it necessary to clean perch?

In different situations, the need to descale a perch has a different degree of need. It may turn out that cleaning is carried out without problems, but sometimes there are the following cases:

Thus, cleaning the perch from scales can be done in any conditions and under various circumstances. This procedure can be simplified by resorting to some tricks. So you can reduce the time of the process and keep the room clean.

Now only I bite!

I caught this pike with a bite activator. No more fishing without a catch and looking for excuses for your bad luck! It's time to change everything!

The best bite activator of 2017. Made in Italy…


Fish is an important component of a healthy diet. But often the housewives refuse to cook it, being suspicious of the frozen semi-finished product. They are not in a hurry to buy live fish either, because it happens that there is simply no convenient knife for cleaning fish, and the process itself takes a lot of time and creates a lot of inconvenience. To facilitate it, there are certain secrets, special blades and devices. Their device makes it easy to clean any kind of carcasses.

Oddly enough, but in order to enjoy the freshness of the product and not experience difficulties with cutting it, it is best to process live fish. If this is not possible, then you need to pay attention to a few details when choosing the right instance. He must have:

  • pleasant and fresh aroma;
  • eyes transparent, shiny and bulging;
  • tight-fitting scales;
  • the skin is moist and slippery, but not sticky;
  • gills with a pale red color, which, when pressed, should return to their original shape.

It's more difficult with a live instance. For many fishermen, the gambling hobby ends with the removal of the trophy from the hook. They, happy and dirty, return home with their prey still alive and prefer not to interfere in the cooking process anymore. That's when the "happy" keeper of the hearth faces the task of killing the future culinary masterpiece. It is not difficult to make this painless for the fish and the psyche of the hostess.

The best way is to put the monster to sleep by putting it in the freezer for 10 minutes. If the process takes place in field conditions, then the fish is stunned by one clear blow of a blunt object on the head, but from the back and slightly above the eyes. It should not be too powerful, so as not to damage, first of all, itself. This can be entrusted to the strong half. For convenience, wrap your hand in a towel. After being stunned with a sharp knife, the spine is cut right behind the head. The semi-finished product is ready and did not even have time to get scared.

Before removing the scales, the dorsal fins must be trimmed, because in the vast majority of fish they are very sharp and can cause injury to the cook. This is done with the help of large kitchen scissors, and for convenience it is recommended to work with gloves or hold the carcass through a cloth.

When the carcass is prepared, you can start cleaning and cutting it. Mechanical cleaning can be manual, with a knife and special cleaners. It's a matter of preference and opportunity. But there are certain nuances:

  • Lightly nested scales (eg cod, roach, bream, carp, crucian carp) are best cleaned by hand or with a scraper in the direction from the tail to the head.
  • Fish covered with a large amount of scales (for example, pike perch, pike, trout) are best processed with a knife, while the "husk" is removed along with a thin film.
  • Instances with a thick cover (eel, flounder, catfish, burbot) lose their skin, which is simply pulled together like a stocking.

This is a simple manipulation of the thumb against the growth of large scales. It starts, like most ways, with the tail. But without much effort, it is used only for carp and similar species. This method can be attributed to the use of a spoon or fork. These "gadgets" are slowly carried over the body with a slight pressure, and, without coming off, a weighty lump is scraped off in one motion. The further cleaning of the sink and walls depends on the accuracy of the processing.

The closest surfaces will be the cleanest if the fish is processed in a basin of water or under its stream. So there will not be a single scale left around. Then you still need to take a small knife and clean the fish breast between the lower fins, as well as a dense layer of scales from the withers above the head.

It should be remembered that with this procedure it is important not to press the fish too hard against the board. This can lead to cracking of the gallbladder, and the meat will become bitter..

It is better to clean the fish on a wooden board. Convenience lies in fixing the carcass to the surface with a knife, fork or awl.

Otherwise, it is best to hold the fish with a kitchen towel. The blade, like an ordinary spoon, must be applied to the tail and the scales removed with slow but sure movements. The procedure can be carried out in a bag or give preference to a basin of water. In the case of a small fish, the hostesses help themselves by sticking a fork into the tail so that the carcass does not move when the scales are removed.

Scraping is carried out with the blunt side of the blade. So the skin will not be damaged and the sharpness of the inventory will remain.

There are three models of special knives: with false and serrated sharpening, as well as a tool with a thin long blade. But there is also a combination in one product.

The first type is present in most quality blades. But many do not know about the purpose of the fake sharpening, which is also called the "pike". It is made from the side of the butt and is not always pronounced, with a concave radius bevel, similar to a pike's head. This part of the blade has a non-hazardous sharpness and is designed specifically for cleaning fish.

A product with a serrated sharpening is very similar to a familiar bread knife, but has a more chaotic order of the teeth. Its notches are located from one chamfer, without wiring, so the resemblance to a saw is only visual. Such a blade retains cutting properties longer, but is almost impossible to re-sharpen.

A fish descaler with a long flexible blade is suitable for processing large trophies and without removing the husk in the usual way. To do this, the tail is pierced, and the skin gradually exfoliates from the fillet. A very convenient method, without the husks flying around, but suitable for those who do not care about the golden crust in the final product or the fish is not used for frying.

Usually this is a simple device with a working surface consisting of thick teeth (0.5 mm) and a handle. Manufacturers offer various modifications and even supply them with containers with a lid for collecting waste. With these devices, you can achieve relative cleanliness and there is no need for a bowl of water. This is a big plus.

The advantage of such a device is its low cost, as well as ease of processing. But at the same time, you need to make a lot of physical effort, plus the handheld device has low efficiency. Moreover, most of these "gadgets" do not clean the very large scales of the mirror carp and the small, but dense husks of perch or tench. When buying this option, you need to pay special attention to the quality of the product and its thickness.

The method of “shaving” with a vegetable peeler also deserves interest. It is quite fast and also enhances the aesthetic value of the fish. Its surface becomes bright and smooth. But not every copy can be "shaved". Species that can be cleaned in this way are pike, carp, crucian carp, zander, chum salmon and trout.

Folk craftsmen have long come up with a universal fish scaler. You can make it with your own hands in 5 minutes. Two or three iron beer corks are taken, which are attached to a comfortable wooden handle. Thus, a homemade product is selected according to personal design, ergonomics and is easily remade when worn.

Or another device: a piece cut from an old grater is screwed to a wooden plate. Such a nozzle for cleaning fish can also be made from a tin, after knocking out holes on it with a large nail. Thanks to such homemade products, the carcass is cleaned without difficulty and dirt.

A whole tetrahedral grater can also be used for the convenience of working with small fish. The main thing is that the inventory is sharp.

A more reliable option is so easy to perform and effective that it is often used by sellers in the markets. To do this, a rigid metal plate is bent by 2 centimeters. In the resulting plane, using a file or an electric sharpener, grooves are made, like a saw, with a depth of 0.5 millimeters. The handle is given a comfortable shape and the cleaner is ready. Similar options can be bought in stores.

To make the carp bathing in the bath only a sad memory from childhood, it is much more convenient and efficient to use an electric device for cleaning fish from scales. The device allows you to easily and quickly deal with the carcass. In addition, high-quality processing will not damage the pulp. Such an assistant is also captivating by the fact that the husk does not scatter throughout the room. This is achieved due to the high mobility of the teeth of the device.

Many models are equipped with a waste container. They are made of easily cleaned and washable materials. Usually it is stainless steel or durable plastic. Manufacturers also took care of the tightness of the manual harvester. The only disadvantage for the domestic user is the price, comparable to 50 kilograms of carp.

As you know, this type of fish has very small scales, which are also dense and tough. Often his cleaning turns into real flour.

The first method involves cleansing the scales directly, and the skin itself remains on the fish. Then, when frying, an appetizing crispy crust is obtained. So.

  1. First you need to boil a kettle of water and scald the perch a little (by the way, tench is also stubborn in processing).
  2. The fins are then removed with scissors. For convenience, wear gloves.
  3. Most of the time is spent cleaning the carcass. It is better to produce it with any tool, but not along, but across the ridge. So the scales are removed much easier, faster and do not fly in different directions. With this method, a basin of water is not needed.

The second method, in which the skin is removed, is more effective, but this is how you like it. Many argue that the skin is the most delicious, and the fillet can also be bought in the store. What should be done:

The most commonly used kitchen boards are wooden. Unfortunately, of all types of cutting surfaces, wood is by far the most difficult to clean hygienically. If the hostess nevertheless decides to use it for cutting fish, then you need to choose a hardwood model. The harder the wood, the better, but the price of such a product will be higher.

Attention! Scientists warn that a cutting board, like a rag, has hundreds of times more bacteria than a toilet rim.

Regularly wiping your inventory with a cloth or sponge soaked in vinegar will keep your family safe. If you add one teaspoon of soda to half a liter of warm water, the effect will increase. The main thing is to cover with liquid the hard-to-reach recesses of the cleaner and cuts of the board or a table for cleaning fish. Well, lemon juice will help get rid of unwanted odors.

I will give out my secret: in order for the small bones of the fish to soften during frying, it must be cut with a very sharp knife obliquely along the ridge to the back. Then you don't feel them at all.

Ivanna, Poltava

To facilitate the exfoliation of the scales, I clamp the tail of the fish with a fork, and with my free hand I grab my eyes and pull the carcass to a characteristic crunch. Very efficient.

If we cut raw fish or meat on a wooden board in a cafe, we use hydrogen peroxide to clean the board neatly and efficiently.

Anna Osipovna, Moscow

I use the blade of a penknife and brush diagonally, not under the husk. But I also use a fork in the same way. That's all. Within half an hour, I can scrape off about 10 bass with my method.

Nikita spawning

Attention, only TODAY!

Fish is a valuable product for dietary and baby food. If it is bought as a whole carcass, its preparation begins with such a difficult and time-consuming process as removing the scales. You can make it easier with a special tool. How to choose a knife for cleaning fish from scales and how to replace it will be discussed in the material below.

The main problem that you have to face when processing fish with an ordinary knife is scales flying in all directions. A special kitchen gadget, a fish scale scraper, helps to avoid this trouble.

There are various versions of this tool. It can be tritely simple, reminiscent of a children's plastic scoop with a serrated edge, which lifts and removes the scales. And it can be a more complex design with a container for collecting scales.

Monitoring reviews showed that the most successful fish scaler is considered to be a device with a plastic handle, a steel scraper and a closable container.

Using it is very simple:

  • Close container lid.
  • Holding the fish scaler by the handle, rub the carcass of the fish with the blade.

The detached scales fall into the container, which is released as it is filled. The blades of such devices are fixed in such a way that you can rub the fish with them both against the growth of the scales and in its direction.

Some models of these fish scrapers are equipped with an additional gutting knife. But practice shows that using this bonus is not very convenient - the knife is poorly fixed.

What else can you clean fish with?

Scraper knives are not the only accessory that can be used to get rid of fish scales. To clean the fish, a number of other devices are used - purchased or home-made.

Hand tools

The following tools will help free the carcass from scales:

  • Fish scaler with movable teeth, reminiscent of a massage comb. Durable, easily copes with the scales of any kind of fish, except for large perch. It does not allow the scales to scatter much, so cleaning can be done in a regular sink.
  • Tetrahedral grater. The side with large holes is used for cleaning. The scales get inside the grater and do not scatter.
  • Spoon or fork. Suitable for cleaning fish with small, easily detachable scales. It is enough to rub it with the metal handle of a fork or spoon.
  • Homemade beer cap fish scaler. To make it, take a wooden plank of a suitable size and nail several iron beer caps to it with the teeth up.
  • Peeler. Useful for cleaning small fish with soft scales. It is more convenient to use a vegetable peeler with a blade located along the handle.

Some types of fish, such as burbot, catfish, eel, lamprey, small herring and smelt, can be easily cleaned without tools by rubbing the carcass with coarse salt.

Electric household fish scaler

If you have to clean the fish often, it makes sense to think about purchasing an electric fish scaler. The usual household version of this device is mains powered, but there are battery-powered models or those that can be powered from a car cigarette lighter.

Of all the devices, electric fish scalers are the most convenient. The scales do not scatter during operation, thanks to protective screens. Some models have closed containers.

Feedback from the owners of these devices shows that the following models of fish scalers have the best value for money:

ModelCharacteristicaverage price
Ves4000Battery model in a convenient case that you can take with you on a fishing trip. Well protected from moisture, which allows you to work with the device in water. The battery charge lasts for 1 hour of continuous operation.3000 rubles
"EFS-01"High-performance network-operated model. Comes with a 4 meter cord.5300 rubles
"Scales"A simple and compact Russian-made model. It can work from the mains, car cigarette lighter and battery. A reliable protective screen allows you to clean the fish very carefully.3900 rubles

The big advantage of electric fish scalers is the low risk of damage to the skin and flesh of the fish during processing.

Methods for cleaning fish with an ordinary knife

You can get rid of scales without fish scalers if you know how to choose a fish knife. Ideally, it is better to have a special shkerochny knife. A good tool allows, with a certain skill, to clean and cut the fish in a couple of minutes.

The blade of a scissor knife should not be too long. As a rule, 15 cm is enough. In width, it is either equal to the width of the handle, or slightly wider than it.

If there are no special knives, you can use ordinary carving knives. To remove the scales, they are used in two ways - with the blade forward or with the reverse side.

Blade forward is the classic way to clean fish.

Step by step, this process looks like this:

  • Cut off the fins with kitchen scissors.
  • The fish is placed on a cutting board wrapped in cling film. If there is a board with a clamp, you can press the tail fin with it.
  • The board with the fish is placed in a sink filled with water. Location - tail to yourself.
  • Holding the carcass by the caudal fin, they clean off the scales with a knife, moving from tail to head. In this case, the scales fall into the water and scatter less to the sides.
  • The cleaned fish is washed with water and prepared for gutting.

To make the fish slip less during cleaning, it is lightly sprinkled with coarse salt.

Cleaning with the back of the knife is not technologically different from the blade forward method, but is more suitable for those who do not have enough experience. This method reduces the risk of cutting the skin of the fish.

We clean complex fish: perch

There are some types of fish that are difficult to remove scales from. These include, for example, perch. It is especially difficult to clean large perches - their scales are so dense that they resemble armor.

You can clean small perches with relatively loose scales as follows:

  • Cut off the fins with kitchen scissors.
  • Fix the carcass on the cutting board as described above.
  • Having installed the board in the sink, scald the perch with boiling water. It is important not to pour boiling water for too long so that the skin does not peel off.
  • Scale the fish with one of the appropriate tools.

Large perches are cleaned in the same way, but sometimes salt is additionally used. There is a little trick: if you place the carcass overnight in coarse salt, then the next day the scales will be removed with little or no effort. In some cases, they do not spend time on this and simply remove the skin along with the scales when consumed.

It is important to know that the fresher the fish, the easier it is to clean.

  • If the fish is cooked without a head, it is cut off.
  • If the fish is cooked with the head, the gills are removed. To do this, they are hooked with a finger from the inside and removed to the outside.
  • The technology for gutting fish with a flat body (for example, flounder) is slightly different:

    • The carcass is placed on a cutting board with its head towards itself and pressed with a hand to the table.
    • A V-shaped incision is made around the head.
    • They put the knife aside, take the fish head with their hand and pull it towards themselves, at the same time twisting it. The head is separated from the body along with the entrails.
    • The opened internal cavity is thoroughly washed under running water, washing away the remnants of blood.

    Further actions depend on how the fish will be prepared. If you plan to fillet the carcass, you must use a fillet knife. Cutting into steaks is done with an ordinary carving knife.

    To make cleaning and cutting fish easy and fast, it is important to have in the kitchen the whole set of necessary knives and accessories: a fish peeler or a knife, a good carving and filleting knife. The work of removing scales and initial gutting is best done with gloves to avoid cuts and punctures from the sharp fins of the fish.