Distance from the village of Chernomorskoye to Armenian. Distance from Armeniansk to Chernomorskoye Distance between Armeniansk and Chernomorskoye urban-type settlement

Friends, hello everyone!

While Russian partners are expressing concern, and Ukrainians are twirling the Russian tourist segment, the Crimean border, like the Black Sea mussel, filters passenger traffic from to Ukraine and back.

Today we will talk about where the border of Crimea with Ukraine is thinner - Armyansk or still Chongar. Well, everything connected with it.

For some, the hated "barrier" is just an excuse for yard speculation and discussions with a range of opinions, but for some, a barrier that has already gotten so bad!

Some only occasionally glance at the line of news about the capture of a sabotage group, the suppression of the supply of smuggled milk, or the consequences of " Armenian history with the release of pesticides into the sky.

Well, many families, including mine, are experiencing an urgent need several times a year to visit checkpoints.

After all, family ties cannot be canceled with a stroke of a pen and you cannot cut them with a hacksaw.

That is why, whatever one may say, Dzhankoy - Novoalekseevka And Armyansk – Kherson still remain the road arteries of the Crimea, although today they are pinched to the maximum by a political tourniquet.

But despite all the negative situation and the constant pile of half-truth news, the checkpoints are working. This means that thousands of families can still visit their relatives, and there are Ukrainians in Crimea.

How to do this with the least effort, time and money and will be devoted to

And there is something to deal with, because, as you know, since 2014, trains and buses no longer go directly across the border and planes do not fly.

So we are with you privately:

  • we will go from Crimea to Ukraine
  • look around at the checkpoints in Chongar and Kalanchak
  • stop for a while in Novoalekseevka and Kherson
  • and return from Ukraine to Crimea

Such a "Golden Ring of Kherson".

What knowledge will I be given?

After reading these articles:

  • you will no longer have doubts and questions in terms of moving across the Crimea-Ukraine state border
  • you can easily plan your trip in terms of time and costs
  • you will not need to collect information from acquaintances and snippets of news feeds, you will always be up to date with events and events

If, nevertheless, something else is not clear, then in the comments you can always ask your question. I will also indicate a group in contact, whose administrators always keep their finger on the pulse and provide you with the very latest changes in the situation at the border.

So, in this article we will talk about the border points directly.

Where is it easier to cross the border between Ukraine and Crimea? Which checkpoint is best? How to prepare for crossing the border? Should I go by car or is it better to take the bus?

Where can I cross the border between Crimea and Ukraine?

For the passage of vehicles and pedestrians, there are two checkpoints named after nearby residential villages - Armenian And Chongar. You can cross the border in any of them.

The choice of one of them depends on your destination in Ukraine, the tickets purchased and simply on where it will be more convenient for you to drive.

There is another checkpoint codenamed " Chaplynka“, but this is a very confusing option.

Why? Well, Firstly, here the border does not work to its fullest and, for example, do not let foreign citizens through.

A Secondly, For almost a year now, there have been rumors about the closure of this checkpoint due to unprofitability. I will not pull the blanket over myself, but, as far as I know, neither Ukraine nor Russia is interested in the content of this post. So you can close it at any time.

Border in Armyansk

The Shawshank Redemption

It is also called differently Perekop in honor of the Perekop isthmus and the settlement of the same name, which is a little closer to the border than Armyansk itself.

I remember it here, just a dozen years ago, activists held a rally to separate Crimea from Ukraine. A group of people with shovels symbolically began to dig a trench separating the designated states.

Today there is no trench here, but there is a barrier, machine gunners, dogs and reinforced concrete blocks on the road.

Here I got my first experience in crossing the Crimean-Ukrainian border.

It was night, it was raining, for some reason the dogs were barking. The sobs of children, the flashes of flashlights in the dark, and the territory surrounded by an iron net. I had a picture in my head that went like this: « The Shawshank Redemption» and other prison associations.

Well, God bless them, associations, back to business.

Armyansk rules

So, the border in Armyansk is suitable for those who are heading towards Kherson or Odessa. Previously, this checkpoint was less popular than in Chongar. But today the former decline is in the past. Popularity, civilization, parking and public toilets came here.

In addition, back in 2017, a movement towards the creation of a bus station called "Armyansk Border" was born here. Today, there are even regular buses to Yalta, Simferopol, Sevastopol and Yevpatoriya.

In addition, the pedestrian crossing here, unlike Chongar, is nothing. Less than 1 km and 10-12 minutes walk.

It is this checkpoint that the curators of passenger traffic choose. Buses Simferopol - Odessa, Simferopol - Kyiv or Simferopol – Dnepropetrovsk and even Simferopol – Lviv cross the border at Armenian.

Like 2 points?

To be more meticulous, it is worth pointing out that there are actually 2 checkpoints here:

  • basic Armyansk – Kalanchak And
  • spare Armyansk – Chaplynka

Almost nothing is known about the reserve point among the people. As I mentioned, a number of restrictions are imposed here (foreigners are forbidden to pass, for example), and cars that have chosen this particular checkpoint are inspected with greater predilection.

In addition, there is no road at all in the area of ​​​​the village of Chaplynka.

Personally, I got here once by accident when I was returning along the route Kherson – Sevastopol . The driver of our Mercedes Vito, seeing the queue at the main checkpoint in Kalanchak, suggested a detour through Chaplynka. Pedestrians passed quickly, but the poor Mercedes was examined for almost 2 hours only at the Russian border.

Yes, and according to the latest information on Chaplynka today they are generally going to put an end to it. Well, as usual, each side accuses the other of making a hasty decision.

You will succeed

As I have already said, crossing the border itself for a pedestrian here is far from the characteristic "difficult" as well as the Russian national football team from the title of "World Champions".

We smile at the Russian checkpoint, we pass 800 meters and we are already showing the Ukrainian guys your “contraband” in bags. And that's it. As easy as pie.

Around-running 40 minutes, if without big queues. But there are usually practically no queues at the border if you don’t come:

  1. Rush hour - Monday and Saturday morning and Friday and Sunday evening
  2. Not in July-August
  3. Not for the holidays.

By the way, truckers also took the border impudently here, until the trade turnover between Ukraine and Crimea turned into a trickle, similar to the trickle of the Wuchang-Su waterfall in the summer heat.

More about my brave adventures through Armyansk and back

Border at Chongar

Located 37 km from Dzhankoy and about the same Novoalekseevka . It is such a link between these two settlements " from Crimeans to Ukrainians » in the likeness of earlier transformations "from the Varangians to the Greeks" .

Previously, crossing the border here was associated with a 4-5 km walk in usually unfavorable weather conditions. But now the situation has become easier.

Firstly, the Ukrainian and Russian borders have become closer to each other, and secondly, there is a bus running between them .

The bus price is 20/10 rubles or 10/5 hryvnia. The minibus, having collected the proper number of people, will take you within 5 minutes to the distance of throwing an apple to the Ukrainian checkpoint.

But I do not recommend throwing fruit to check the distance. Phytocontrol, you know.

I have already stopped insisting that for a traveler without a car, Chongar is the best option for crossing the border of Crimea with Ukraine today.

At both transport points, some kind of infrastructure has grown and You won't have any problems with transport.

In addition to private transport, there is also the so-called public transport. But the schedule of its movement is so measured that not everyone is ready to wait for it. And the difference in price is not huge, somewhere around 40 hryvnia against 80-100 hryvnia for private traders.

Rules for crossing the border of Crimea with Ukraine in 2019

  1. For Crimeans, crossing the border only with a Ukrainian passport. At the Russian border, they often ask for a Russian passport for their convenience. But I take it with me for such trips I do not take on principle so as not to fuss on the Ukrainian side. BUT! If you have your passport with you and the Ukrainian border guards found it, do not faint and do not say goodbye to freedom. Everyone knows everything and for them it is not a document at all. Face with a brick and do not fall for provocations.
  2. If you have a Crimean residence permit, then you have a green light everywhere, if you have a residence permit in Ukraine, then state the purpose of the visit and fill out a migration card at the Russian border.
  3. Take off the covers of your passports and prepare answers to the questions: what is the name of your wife, your patronymic, how old is the child and the distance from the Earth to the Moon in versts.
  4. Children can only cross the border with a passport. You will be allowed into the territory of Ukraine with a birth certificate, but not back. So you will have to issue a Ukrainian passport for a child, if you do not have one yet, which is now issued even from birth.
  5. If only 1 of the parents is present, then the consent of the second parent, certified by a Ukrainian notary, is required. Previously, drawing up the correct permit was a headache (it turns out that every border guard was an experienced lawyer and always poked you into some semicolons on official paper), but t the text is more or less consistent with the Geneva Convention about human rights, or simply the border guards stopped clinging.
  6. According to official data, you can carry money with you up to 10,000 euros, alcohol up to 2 liters, electronics up to 50kg (by weight) and foodstuffs up to 2 kg of each category.
  7. Be careful with art. If your relatives give you some kind of reproduction of a painting in the spirit "The Ninth Wave" or "Battle of Sinop" , then be prepared to prove at the border that this is not the original. And you do not take out national values ​​in any direction. It would be better if you write the word on top of the canvas with a marker before the trip "copy" .

Blockade from the Mejilis, the Right Sector, Azov and other noble Tatars

Thank God, now all checkpoints have been removed and there are no obstacles to crossing the borders, except for official traps.

But before it was different. Could take out the brain for a bottle of vodka or a stick of sausage. And they could treat you in accordance with the requirements of the rules and regulations. The representatives of the “peaceful action” standing at the checkpoints at that time - “Azov”, or “Sector”, or go figure out who, were very jealous if you exported vodka or cigarettes from Ukraine . Until the confiscation. Like, we need it.

Well, from practice, for the quick passage of any inspection - don't shovel. Take what you need and nothing more. Be careful with medicines (either hide or show a doctor's prescription), do not row electronics (according to the device in your hands) and remove the tags from new things from sin.

Ukrainian license plates in Crimea

As you already know, now all former Ukrainian cars that were in Crimea were forced to change their numbers to Russian ones. Accordingly, now all these “non-officials”, as the Ukrainian side teases them, are strictly prohibited from traveling towards Ukraine.

So either you take the border to the ram, or acquire a car with a true Russian background. Even here, however, there are problems. It will not work to pass the border for departure along the route Krasnodar - Crimea - Ukraine.

On Russian numbers, if you plan to go to Ukraine later, you have no moral right to enter Crimea through Kerch. Besides, according to the Verkhovna Rada, you don't even have a "legal" one.

So for such tricks on the Ukrainian border in Chongar or Kalanchak you can get it.
The official route to Crimea must pass through the territory of Ukraine, and you must also leave Crimea. Well, how you personally do it, it's up to you.

Lines at the border

If this is not the peak of the summer season, then you should not expect special queues for pedestrians at the checkpoint. The queue can be created by passengers of the same bus, which can take up to 50 people at a time.

Well, or if all the passengers of the train Kyiv-Novoalekseevka reach the border almost simultaneously. Otherwise, no problem.

If you go to the Crimea or Ukraine by bus, then the border crossing for you is also on foot. True, you will be given a pioneer leader who will cross the border with you and put you on a bus on the other side.

Read more about all the ways to transfer your mortal body for cardon

As you have already read above, you should not be afraid of foot crossings, unless you are a hero of the Great Patriotic War or an experienced pensioner. Then it may well seem troublesome and inconvenient in terms of walking.

But, believe me, if you fall for the option "without foot crossings" and decide to sit out in the car, then this option is not optimal. Add an hour or two to the total time at least (if you're lucky), or even a few hours to pass the border by car.

Here the check is much more serious and the queue moves very slowly. The license plates of the car must be only Ukrainian, and, as you already understood, issued on the territory of Ukraine itself.

As a piece of advice, if you are by car, then it is better to find out about the situation at the border in advance, otherwise you run the risk of spending a lot of time there.

Follow the state of affairs at the checkpoint on webcams. For example, .

Top 5 sources of information

In the end, let's go through trusted sources where you can get up-to-date data on the border in Chongar and Armyansk.

  1. chongar-news.ucoz.net/ - News of Chongar. The current situation at the border in Chongar, as well as useful information about the rules for crossing the border and customs restrictions
  2. vk.com/chongar_club -group in contact on the topic of transportation, migration cards, money transfers and news from the fields.
  3. crimea.customs.ru— website of the Crimean customs service with the ability to check the situation at checkpoints
  4. website/sevforum- a very useful Crimean forum on issues with Ukrainian documents and crossing the border with Ukraine.
  5. website/tamojnya- detailed explanations on the topic of import and export of goods and funds across the border.

If you know more useful sources of reliable information, then please write about them in the comments.

According to the data obtained, the distance between cities Armyansk Chernomorskoe is:
  • Fast option ─ 139 km
  • Short route ─ 139 km
By clicking on the "fast track" or "short track" button, we can see that the Armyansk Chernomorskoye highway passes through such cities as:. You can see these settlements by zooming in on the image (scrolling the mouse wheel).

How many km from Armyansk to Chernomorsky

The short road Armyansk Chernomorskoye differs from the "fast" one in several sections that are visible on the map.
Route from Armyansk to Chernomorsky
The laid route from Armyansk to Chernomorskoye is shown on the interactive map located under the calculation form. The letter "A" denotes the city of Armyansk, "B" ─ Chernomorskoe. The route between points of departure and destination is marked with a clear line.

The map of Armyansk Chernomorskoye by car is essential on the way, so for ease of use it can be printed out.

Drive time determined by the service from Armyansk to Chernomorsky

  • by car 02 h. 10 min.
  • by truck ─ 02 h. 36 min.
Travel time and journey from Armyansk to Chernomorskoye
Anyone who plans how to get to Chernomorsky from Armyansk should calculate the required amount of fuel:
  • when traveling by car: 13.5 liters.
  • on a truck ─ 27 liters.
To calculate the fuel consumption for a passenger vehicle, the average consumption was taken as 10l/100 km, for a truck ─ 20l/100 km. Specify exact information about the expense according to your car. The distance from the village of Chernomorskoye to Armyansk is 138 km. Distance information was obtained by plotting a route along highways. It is important to know the number of kilometers in order to calculate the travel time and estimate the cost of the trip. So, according to the map, the length of the road from the village of Chernomorskoye to Armyansk is 138 km. Using the average vehicle speed and calculated mileage, we get an estimated travel time of 2 hours 8 minutes. Also, based on the number of kilometers and the current price of gasoline, you can calculate the cost of the trip and stock up on the necessary amount of fuel. When traveling long distances, determine in advance at what kilometer of the route you will make stops for rest. Our map will help you find the shortest route from the village of Chernomorskoye to Armyansk, which will reduce your costs and eliminate unnecessary travel time. The bold line indicates the path you have chosen. Sometimes it is interesting to know the number of kilometers traveled in other units of measurement: 138 km. km = 85.75 miles. The "Print version" function allows you to print a map from the village of Chernomorskoye to Armyansk.

If you are planning a long trip, you should remember a few simple but important rules: - carefully prepare your car for a long trip: check the level of engine oil, coolant, windshield washer fluid, make sure that all lighting and other devices are functioning properly. - Check tire pressure. It is very important that it matches the pressure recommended for your vehicle. - prepare a spare wheel and a towing cable - no one is immune from a wheel puncture or breakage on the track, you should foresee possible troubles and avoid them. - choose roads with high-quality coverage - this will extend the life of your "iron horse" and save your nerves. When preparing for a trip, think through everything to the smallest detail so that the trip leaves pleasant memories, and not a headache.

You set out to overcome the distance from the village of Chernomorskoye to Armyansk. Which of the motorists does not dream of getting to their destination as quickly and at the lowest cost as possible. One way to achieve this goal is to have information about the distance between the point of origin and the end point of the route. Our map will help you find the shortest and most optimal route between Chernomorskoye and Armyansk. With a known average vehicle speed, it is possible to calculate the travel time with a small error. In this case, knowing the answer to the question of how many km between the village of Chernomorskoye and Armenian - 138 km. , the time you will spend on the road will be approximately 2 hours 8 minutes. The map is very easy to work with. The system itself will find the shortest distance and suggest the OPTIMUM route. The route from the village of Chernomorskoye to Armyansk is shown in the diagram with a thick line. On the map you will see all the settlements that will meet on your way while driving. Having information about cities, towns (check out the list of settlements along the Chernomorskoye - Armyansk highway at the bottom of the page) and traffic police posts located along the route, you can quickly navigate in unfamiliar areas. If you need to find another route, just indicate FROM and WHERE you need to get, and the system will definitely offer you a solution. Having a ready-made map from the village of Chernomorskoye to Armyansk and knowing how to get through difficult interchanges, you can always easily answer the question of how to get from the village of Chernomorskoye to Armyansk.

Panorama of the village of Chernomorskoye and Armyansk

Driving along a pre-planned route is a way to eliminate the problems that may arise in unfamiliar terrain and get over the desired section of the road as quickly as possible. Do not miss the details, check in advance on the map all the complex road forks.
Don't forget a few simple rules:

  • Any driver who travels long distances needs rest. Your trip will be safer and more enjoyable if, having built a route in advance, you decide on places to rest. The map presented on the site has different modes. Use the result of the work of ordinary Internet users and refer to the "People's Map" mode. You may find useful information there.
  • Do not exceed the speed limit. A preliminary calculation of the time and the built route of the trip will help to meet the schedule and not exceed the permitted speed limits. Thus, you will not endanger yourself and other road users.
  • It is prohibited to use while driving substances that cause alcoholic or narcotic intoxication, as well as psychotropic or other substances that cause intoxication. Despite the abolition of zero ppm (now the possible total permissible error in measuring the level of alcohol in the blood is 0.16 mg per 1 liter of exhaled air), it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol while driving.
Good luck on the roads!