Cableway over the Urals: will the connection between Europe and Asia be interrupted? Ropeway "Europe-Asia" Opening hours and cost.

One of the main and frequently visited sights of Orenburg is the cable car connecting Europe and Asia. And although the border of the parts of the world is symbolic, and the length of the road is just over two hundred meters, there are always many people who want to travel from Europe to Asia and back in a few minutes.

The Orenburg cable car, opened in February 2006 with the money of local entrepreneurs, has become a real landmark of the city. Practical Austrian equipment, the organization of the cable car and modern cabins - the Orenburg cable car quickly gained fame as the most comfortable cable car in the country. Two cabins moving towards each other along stretched cables at a speed of about 3 m / s, make it possible to view all the surrounding beauties from a bird's eye view.

Despite its short length, the cable car turned out to be very popular among the residents of Orenburg. Connecting the city center with Zauralnaya Grove, the passenger cable car from Europe to Asia has become not only a city landmark, but also a favorite route for all mushroom pickers and skiers. At any time of the year, an unforgettable panorama of the coastal zone opens up from a comfortable eight-seater cabin of a bright pinkish color. A beautiful embankment, a picturesque Trans-Ural Grove, the pride of Orenburg - a suspension bridge and the surrounding landscape can be seen when crossing the majestic Ural River on the Europe-Asia cable car.

Or the story of how I hovered between Europe and Asia somewhere over the Urals.

The other day I was in Orenburg and, of course, I could not help but ride the cable car from Doppelmayr across the Ural River.

Technical specifications:
Length: 233 meters
Height difference: 26 meters
Speed: 3 m/s
Throughput: 407 pass/hour

The cable car uses two 8-seater cabins. Travel time from one coast to the other should have been only 2 minutes.

The road was opened in 2006, but in 2013, for the 270th anniversary of the city, it was reconstructed to meet modern requirements.

The movement on the cable car opens at 10 am local time. The time was already 10:10 and I was the first visitor.
"Would you like to go?" the technician asked.
-Of course I'll go!
The fare is 35 rubles. They washed the cabin, rubbed the windows, and I took my seat. Door automation does not work here. Doors are opened and closed manually by personnel from the outside. Soon the cabin set off, but having gone out into the open space between the two parts of the world, we hovered in the air over the Urals. =D. They tried to set the cabin in motion several times, but without success. While the technicians were sorting out the cause of the breakdown, I had the opportunity to enjoy the views and take pictures.

See 2 posts on the cable-stayed bridge? This is the conditional limit. The geographical border does not pass through Orenburg, but for tourist attraction it is considered that here it is, the border between Europe and Asia!

Embankment of the Urals with a beach.


The cable car was set in motion, but as I understand it, it was an emergency move, because we moved to the other side at a snail's pace and overcame these 233 meters in 10-12 minutes. At the station on the other side, they explained to me that a computer failure had occurred, which led to an emergency stop of traffic. After me, the cable car did not work for a long time.=D

20:06 — REGNUM In Orenburg, it was decided to freeze the fares for the cable car across the Ural River. The information of the organization "Liftservice" serving the object about the increase in the tariff from 50 to 70 rubles caused a great resonance. The situation was affected by the closure from April 10 of the main descent to the Urals, as well as the passage to the Zauralnaya Grove along the pedestrian bridge, the correspondent reports. IA REGNUM.

It is worth noting that back in the morning of April 10, the management of Liftservice reported an increase in tariffs as an inevitable phenomenon given the losses suffered by the service company. However, the situation changed radically by the evening of the same day. The Mayor intervened Evgeny Arapov. As told to a correspondent IA REGNUM a source in Liftservice, the management was summoned to the mayor's office for a meeting, where the main topic was tariffs. At first, the conversation was conducted in demanding tones, then, having figured it out, the officials asked to keep the tariffs down.

The result of the meeting was the decision to return to the previous tariffs with the hope that with the closure of the descent to the river and the bridge, the passenger traffic on the cable car will increase. At the same time, Liftservice intends to monitor during April and, in case of significant losses, still raise tariffs.

The company's management noted that in order to reach zero profitability, it is necessary to increase passenger traffic by 1.8 times or increase the tariff by 1.8 times. However, a sharp jump in the ticket will cause tension in society, so the company is ready to take the first step of 20 rubles to the previous fare.

Director of "Liftservice" Victor Nepomniachtchi stressed that the city does not want to help the company, but requires help for the city. From 2013 to 2017, the organization “gave” the city 3.5 million rubles, and this was the amount of losses.

The head of the management company also noted that officials have the idea of ​​a public-private partnership. But it has no prospects in relation to the cable car, it is, in fact, an attraction, and not public transport, such as buses and trolleybuses.

In the absence of compensation from the budget and ongoing losses, it is possible that Liftservice will not renew the contract in October 2018. Then the city will have to look for a new service organization. But in the absence of profitable prospects, this will be very difficult. In this case, it is not tariffs that will have to be frozen, but an attraction called “Cableway”, which is too expensive for the municipality.

It should be noted that the Orenburg cable car was opened in 2006. It connected the Zauralskaya grove and the city embankment. Its length was 233 meters. Equipment for the cable car was purchased from one of the Austrian firms, and a construction company from Samara carried out commissioning work.

Among the existing cable cars in Russia, the Orenburg road is considered one of the most modern and comfortable. The speed of comfortable booths moving towards each other is three meters per second. From one bank of the Ural River to the other can be reached in two minutes.

During the construction of the cable car, the impact of the flood was not taken into account, so in 2012 the cable car had to be closed for a year for repair work. Around the supporting structure, 259 wells were drilled, reinforced with reinforcement and poured with a huge amount of concrete. Reconstruction at the expense of extrabudgetary funds cost 14 million rubles. The road was opened in May 2013.

The cable car is officially called "Europe - Asia". It got its name due to the fact that it passes through the conditional geographical border of Europe and Asia.

In Orenburg, after a major overhaul, the main attraction of the city is opening - a unique cable car connecting Europe and Asia. The opening of the funicular is dedicated to the 270th anniversary of the city.

The cable car, 233 m long, which crosses the geographical border between Europe and Asia, connecting the Orenburg embankment with the Zauralnaya Grove, was built and opened to passengers in February 2006. Funds for its construction - according to some reports, they amounted to almost 54 million rubles - were allocated by local entrepreneurs. The purchase of equipment for the construction of the road was carried out from one of the Australian manufacturers, and the installation and commissioning was carried out by order of one of the Samara construction companies - Skado.

The Orenburg cable car has received the status of one of the most comfortable and modern cable cars in Russia. The unique location of the cable car and comfortable service almost instantly made it one of the main attractions of the city and an indispensable part of tourist routes for visitors.

Two cabins moving towards each other at a speed of about 3 m / s made it possible to view the large White Bridge and the natural beauty of Orenburg from a height and cross to another part of the city in just 2 minutes.

The "flying trolleybus" across the Ural River also gained great popularity among the newlyweds. On weekends, there was a real stir near the cable car booths. A ride from Europe to Asia has become a real romantic tradition for young spouses - lovers arranged a wedding photo shoot and uttered vows of love at a bird's eye view.

Our cable car is the real pride of the Orenburgers, it is located in the most beautiful and ancient corner of the city - Belovka. It is constantly in demand, children and mothers ride on it, young people, and people of advanced age. It was closed for repairs, but they promised to open it by the anniversary of the city. Until today, I was not lucky enough to visit the road, but after the opening, I will definitely visit there with my grandchildren.

In 2011, the state of the cable car was declared emergency due to the destructive effect of floods: constant bays led to the fact that the foundation under the portal columns and one of the supports sank. The road was closed for extensive repairs. Its total cost was estimated at almost 10 million rubles. A little more than 4 million rubles were supposed to be allocated from the city budget, and the rest was supposed to be attracted funds from investors.

During the annual inspection of the technical condition of the cable car, a deviation from the vertical of four portal columns and one bearing support was revealed. Because of this, the operation of the cable car has been suspended. The repair of the road will be carried out at the expense of budgetary funds and investors. 4.22 million rubles will be allocated from the city treasury, and 5.5 million are the funds of investors. The total cost of repairs is 9,722,682 rubles. It is no longer possible to make claims for warranty repairs - the road has been in operation since 2006 and all warranty periods have already expired.

Ropeway "Europe-Asia" is a landmark of the city of Orenburg with 2006. The cable car got its name due to the fact that it passes through the conditional geographical border of Europe and Asia (see the Europe-Asia stele). Due to its location - " Belovka"(Orenburg embankment) and the park" Transural grove", the cable car is popular with tourists and residents of the city. Two stopping points are located on different banks of the Urals. The length of the cable car is about 230 meters. Two funiculars run between stopping points, meeting approximately in the middle of the Urals. The speed of the cabins is approx. 3ms- you can get to the other side in just 2 minutes. From a bird's eye view, a beautiful view of the embankment, the pedestrian bridge across the Urals, the city beach and the park " Transural grove".

Cable car equipment Europe Asia"Brought from Austria. Comfortable cabins can accommodate eight people. The doors of the funicular are not automatic, for safety reasons, before starting to move, they are closed manually by staff. The last reconstruction and repair of the cable car " Europe Asia"were produced in 2013: due to groundwater and the crumbling coast, the bearing supports gave a roll, the cables "sagged". To strengthen the supporting structures, specialists drilled 259 wells in which powerful reinforced piles were installed. Currently, there are no operational problems, the cable car meets all modern safety requirements.

Opening hours and cost

cable car" Europe Asia"works daily from 10.00 before 22.00 . One way fare is 35 rubles. Children under 7 years old, as well as participants in the Great Patriotic War and children with disabilities can use the services of the cable car for free (as of 2015).