Pyramids in China. Pyramids in China - a mystery for tourists

Most people are familiar with the pyramids in China, have read bits and pieces of information about them, seen some photos. But there are no details about their study, some archaeological excavations. China keeps an information veil at their expense. Or maybe it's a global agreement? There is no need for the average person to know too much. No more questions. I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the photographic material and official information about the appearance of these pyramidal mounds.

Original taken from maximus101 in Pyramids of China

The name "pyramid" stuck behind the burial mounds of Chinese emperors and their dignitaries. This is largely justified, since these burial mounds had the shape of a truncated pyramid, although there were other variants of the burials of the Chinese nobility. Earthen Chinese burial mounds were built using a special technology that allowed them to retain their shape for a long time. During the construction of the pyramids, the earth was not just poured - it was carefully rammed, so the earth building was close to concrete in strength. This made it possible to maintain clear edges of structures even after millennia. Not only pyramids were built using this time-tested technology. In China, most of the buildings were built, in fact, from the earth - and palaces, and pagodas, and houses of ordinary people. The Great Wall of China, for the most part, is also made of rammed earth, only in later times, it began to be built from stone and baked bricks.

I have already touched on the topic of the Chinese pyramids, in the story about the tomb of the first Chinese emperor - Qin Shi Huang. This is a continuation, here we will talk about the imperial mausoleums of the Han era (206 BC - 220 AD)
Elderly Chinese women look at the tombs of their great ancestors.

The burial mound of Emperor Qin is the starting point for pyramid building in China. His pyramid was not only the very first, but also the largest. The pyramids of subsequent emperors, primarily of the state of Han, approached in size the tomb of Qin Shi Huang, but no one succeeded in surpassing it.

To begin with, we need to make a short digression into the history of Chinese burials. Although Qin Shi Huang was the builder of the largest pyramid, he did not outline the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200berecting giant earthen mounds over graves in China. It is worth noting that most scientists are inclined to think that the “barrow theme” was not originally inherent in the Chinese. The tombs of the ancient Chinese Shang-Yin dynasties did not have any impressive ground structures, the Zhou dynasty that came to replace them also did not try very hard in this direction. Most likely, the idea of ​​burial mounds came to China from the North, from numerous nomadic tribes.

In the entire belt of the steppe zone, from the Crimea to Altai, everything was in order with the mounds, the nomads - the Scythians, Saks, erected them in considerable quantities. Of particular note here are the huge mounds of the Tagar culture of the 5th-6th centuries BC in modern Khakassia. Outwardly, they are very similar to the Chinese earthen pyramids.

Probably the first earthen building of its kind in China was a very impressive burial mound of the 4th century BC. principality of Zhongshan, which is located just south of Beijing. Zhongshan for the Chinese was a barbarian kingdom, because it was based on the so-called "white di", tribes with currently unknown ethnicity, perhaps they were Indo-Europeans and were related to the Yuezhi and Tokhars. I posted some pictures Chinese mummies from Tarim, among them were many people of Indo-European origin.

One way or another, but it was the Chinese who brought the idea of ​​mound building to full perfection, having built countless burial pyramids for their nobility.

This story focuses mainly on the pyramids of the Han Dynasty, located near the ancient city of Xi'an.
Burial map around Xi'an.

Han burials are marked with gray-blue "mounds".

Burials of the Tang era, respectively - red icons.

It can be seen that the Han pyramids arc from West to East along the Weihe River. Each mausoleum had its own huge burial city - ling and, approximately the same in plan, like the mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang.

Many people lived in such a city, during the Han times, emperors, sometimes by force, moved many aristocrats with their servants there. This was done in order to control the latter by the imperial power, plus, they had to take care of the mausoleums of the former Han rulers. Warriors, artisans and wives, the deceased emperor, the entire harem were resettled there. In ancient times, they would have all been buried alive along with the deceased master, but since the Han Dynasty, human sacrifices have become rare, of course, a couple of beloved concubines still dug where to go. But the entire imperial harem and servants continued to live, only next to the pyramid of their master. At times, the size of the burial city could reach up to 50,000 people, like that of Emperor Wu in the Maolin mausoleum.

And this "city of the dead" had fortress walls, and the most real ones. Each mausoleum is a separate fortress, judging by the map, the burial cities formed a real defense belt, the fortress walls of large and small mausoleums closed, forming a protective arc covering the capital - the city of Chang'an from the North. It was from the northern steppes that the invaders of the Huns came to China. The dead emperors continued to defend their capital, both symbolically, influencing the imagination of the nomads with their gigantic pyramids, and in fact, covering the entire adjacent metropolitan area with mausoleum walls.

I did not have the opportunity to visit all the pyramids at once, since there are a great many of them and they are located at a very decent distance from each other.
Therefore, I chose two large burial complexes for a cursory inspection - this is the complex of Emperor Jing-di - Yangling (about it there will be a separate post), and the pyramid field of Emperor Xuan-di - Duling.
I accidentally caught a few large pyramids in my lens, I shot them while passing by on a bus. First of all, it is worth noting the largest Han pyramid - the Maoling mausoleum of Emperor Wu-di (141 BC to 87 BC), this mausoleum was worth a visit on purpose, if only for its size.

Pyramid Maolin.

The Maolin Pyramid has a base of 240 by 240 meters and an approximate height of 50 meters. This is the largest burial mound after Qin Shi Huang's burial mound. It can be seen from tens of kilometers away, but of course it is better to come closer, especially since its burial city has the largest number of accompanying burials, something around 175.

Pyramid of Emperor Jing-di, its base is 160 by 160 meters.

And almost the same, in size, the pyramid of the Empress in the Jing-di complex.

A very mysterious two-stage pyramid Kanlin.

It seems to have been intended for the young Emperor Ping-di (ruled from 1 BC to 5 AD) Only 6 years old! At the age of 14, Ping-di had already died, or he was helped in this. The pyramid is huge - the base is 220 by 233 meters, the upper platform of the pyramid is 50 by 60 meters.
A monstrous mound literally hangs over the suburbs of Sanyang.

The beginning of our era is the reign of Wang Mang, the great "temporary worker" and reformer who founded his own Xin dynasty, which, however, ended on him. He was credited, and not without reason, with the poisoning of the infant Emperor Ping-di. Perhaps Wang Mang decided to make amends by building a huge tomb for Ping-di, or maybe he was preparing it for himself. Who knows…

The Duling complex of Emperor Xuan-di, which I decided to visit specially, is located outside the main "protective" line of Han burials, which runs north. It lies south of modern Xian, but not very far, almost immediately behind the ring road, so getting to Dulin is easier than to all the other Han pyramids.
Now, on the territory of the funeral city of Dulin, a park has been set up for Chinese workers, there is even an entrance fee - 5 yuan.

From afar, the pyramid looks impressive, but coming closer, it is difficult to find it in dense plantings. The park here rises in ledges upwards from north to south. The pyramid stands on top of a plateau. It is not clear how natural the surrounding terrain is, perhaps the base of the pyramid is also man-made. It is sometimes difficult to look for Chinese mounds overgrown with trees - it's like in a fairy tale story with sailors who landed on the back of a huge whale, believing that it was an island. It's the same here, looking for a burial mound, not realizing that you have been wandering along its overgrown slopes for a long time, since such large-scale objects are poorly perceived close up.

The mound itself is devoid of vegetation and has a clear shape of a truncated pyramid.

View of the park from the top of the pyramid. Below are steles erected by later Chinese emperors as a sign of respect for Xuan-di.

The Xuan-di pyramid has a base of 168 by 168 meters, which is much smaller than in Maoling and Kanlin. By the way, I wonder why… After all, Xuan-di was a very powerful emperor, under him the state of Han reached its peak.

View from the height of the pyramid of the emperor, in the distance the stepped pyramid of his wife is visible.

The pyramid of Xuan-di's wife is much more interesting than the burial mound of the emperor himself, although it is somewhat smaller (base 150 by 140), but it looks more spectacular due to the well-preserved steps. Step Pyramid of the Empress.

Way up.

The steps are clearly distinguishable even after thousands of years...

Along the edge of the upper platform, during my stay there, a funny man was constantly walking. Apparently, he performed some kind of ritual known to him alone. This is how he walked and walked, around the square, and he was a decent 48 by 43 meters there. At the same time, he muttered something to himself on a tray - apparently, there are enough "moved" on the pyramids and in China itself. The rubbish at the top indicates that the Chinese like to have picnics here.

This is not a feather grass steppe, but the top of a stepped pyramid.

The crane is a small ant compared to the huge burial mound.

Pyramid field in Doolin. Numerous relatives, concubines and dignitaries of the emperor are buried here.

Pyramids of the burial complex, going beyond the horizon.

Round mound in the Doolin complex.

And these are the ruins of one of the fortress towers of the funerary city of Doolin. Like all Han emperors, ling and (funeral city) Xuan-di was surrounded by many kilometers of fortress walls and had a large population serving the mortuary temples of the former ruler and his family members.

Pyramid of the Empress.

The Doolin complex includes another large pyramid. This is the burial place of the beloved wife of Emperor Xuan-di, Queen Xu. She was poisoned during childbirth, and most likely, not without the help of the last empress, whose pyramid rises next to the Xuan-di burial mound. That is why the pyramid of Queen Xu is located at a decent distance from the main complex, about 6.5 kilometers to the southeast. Apparently, the acting empress did not allow Xu to be buried in the main complex. I had no way to get to the Xu pyramid, it was already getting dark, and I was somewhat tired by that time, or rather, I could hardly walk.
Therefore, I will use pictures from Chinese photographers.子午谷

You can see that the Xu pyramid has a very interesting shape, it is almost a Babylonian ziggurat. It has three large main steps, which, in turn, carry relatively small steps.

And the pyramid is large in size - the base is 136 by 120 meters and the height is more than 20 meters. Although the barrow stands aside from the main burial city, it is clear that the emperor spared no effort in building the mausoleum for his beloved wife...

View from the top step of Queen Xu's pyramid.

To the west of the Dulin burial complex are several burials from the 14th century - the Ming Dynasty. They are smaller than the Han giants, this is understandable, the emperors during the Ming era lived in Beijing and Nanjing, there they were buried. In Xian, only relatives of the rulers and the local nobility could be buried.

In all the burials of the Ming era, there are many stone sculptures - these are the so-called "alley of spirits" of shengdao. I shot the figures of the nearest tomb already in the impending darkness.

One Minsk mound has a very interesting shape, it is round at the base, and at the same time stepped. It is a pity that because of the darkness I did not reach it.

This burial has an impressive "alley of spirits" and is worthy of a separate visit. All Chinese pyramids are located in the countryside, therefore, while searching for burials, you can get acquainted with local settlements, such as this one.

Locals often visit the graves of their great ancestors, so it is unlikely that you will inspect the pyramids alone.

Robbers are present in full. The great imperial burial mounds are still being monitored, although I have not examined them all. And the little ones are almost all dug up, just in a small mound the burrows of diggers are more visible. These holes are almost everywhere.
I saw a pyramid on a peasant plot, so he adapted it to a barn, dug a cave in it, such that you can enter without bending and store various belongings there - rakes, bags of fertilizer. Naturally, it is almost impossible to control what he still digs there.

: Thank you for the tip on this article, Sergei Izofatov. He expressed the version that the soil for the construction of these pyramids was delivered from a super-civilization during digging. On the one hand, the volume of soil that was used to build the canal, which is 2000 km long, is too small compared to the volume of the pyramids. And the distances are huge. But on the other hand, where did they get even this amount of soil for the pyramids? My guess is that this soil was removed from the surface. It is possible that this is clay after the cataclysm. She was removed from this territory, because. previously there were fertile fields. They were restored and are still in use today. The volume is enormous! Perhaps even according to the version that the Gods did it: they took the metals from the soil and stored the processed soil in the pyramids.

Perhaps the most mysterious monuments of past civilizations on Earth are the pyramids, which can be found in different parts of the world. They amaze with their splendor, accuracy of lines and form, durability and raise many questions: who and how built them and for what? We are no longer satisfied with the explanation that the pyramids in Egypt were built by the pharaohs as their tombs. Of course, they served as tombs for them, but they could hardly build them, because the construction technology does not correspond to the level of development of the Egyptian society of those times, and the complexity of the objects is amazing. There is only one conclusion: the Egyptians only used the buildings of their predecessors. The situation is similar in Central America - the majestic pyramids in the middle of the jungle could only be built by higher civilizations, information about which did not reach us directly and was lost somewhere.

One cannot but agree that the purpose of the pyramids is completely different from that which took place among the Egyptians and Indians. What they served for, one can only speculate and guess. Some Egyptologists are inclined to think that the pyramids helped bring down cosmic energies to the earth, which had a beneficial effect on the life of the Earth, and served as an energy shield from the invasion of the desert on the fertile lands of Egypt. It is believed that the famous Egyptian pyramids served as beacons for alien ships, showing them the way to a space port in the Sinai desert. And the latest discoveries in the field of astronautics do confirm the existence of a connection between the Egyptian and Martian pyramids. In other words, the truth is out there somewhere.

Of course, there is some connection between the pyramids: they were probably built by representatives of the same race or civilization. But what? Most likely, no one knows the answer to this question. We're just left to guess. Although, it turns out that there are still many similar architectural structures on Earth unknown to many of us that could help clarify the situation. Some of them are located in the Middle Kingdom. Yes, China continues to keep its secrets: over a hundred pyramids are located on its territory, about which many do not even know anything.

In March 1994, Austrian Hartwig Hausdorff toured the areas closed to foreigners adjacent to the city of Xi'an, the capital of Shaanxi Province, located in central China. During this trip, he discovered six legendary pyramids. Then, in October 1994, he returned to China again, taking a video camera with him. Hausdorff managed to shoot an 18-minute film. When he returned home, the first thing he did was to watch the video footage, but what was his surprise when, after zooming in, he found other pyramids in the background of the footage! In total, over a hundred pyramids turned out to be on an area of ​​​​2000 square kilometers!

According to an ancient Chinese legend, more than a hundred pyramids built in this country testify to visits to our planet by aliens from other worlds. At the very beginning of the century, two Australian traders found themselves on the vast Sichuan plains in central China. Here they discovered more than a hundred pyramids. The merchants were told that the pyramids date back to an era when China was ruled by ancient emperors convinced of the existence of alien civilizations. According to ancient records, the pyramids were built over 5,000 years ago. Moreover, the emperors claimed to be the descendants of “the sons of heaven, who descended to Earth on iron dragons with a roar.” Aliens from outer space allegedly were the builders of the pyramids.

What are these ancient structures? The height of all the pyramids located on the plains of Sichuan ranges from 25 to 100 meters. The only exception is one, which is located to the north of the others, in the valley of the Jia Lin River. This is the so-called Great White Pyramid. It is huge, the height of this structure is approximately 300 meters, which is twice the size of the Great Pyramid of Giza! It can be called the Mother of all Chinese pyramids.

In appearance, the Chinese pyramids are very similar to the pyramids in Mesoamerica (in Mexico, Guatemala, etc.). The resemblance is simply amazing! When the Mexican pyramids were first discovered, they were also covered in vegetation and looked identical to the pyramids on the Qin Chuan Plain. Maybe they were built by the same “sons of heaven”?

Some of these pyramids are now in a rather bad state, as they were looted by the locals. They were mostly built not from stone, but from clay and earth, which some peasants took and used in their fields and farms.

Chinese pyramids ask questions no less than Egyptian ones. We know less about them only because they are almost secret ancient structures. Not so long ago, the Chinese government declared the area adjacent to the Great White Pyramid a closed area, since a launch pad was built there to launch rockets that put satellites into orbit, and, of course, this area is closed to all foreigners. Chinese archaeologists explain all the bans on excavations and research by the fact that any excavations will be work for the next generation of Chinese scientists. The Chinese government has already planted fast-growing coniferous trees on the pyramids, so that after a period of twenty years they will be able to say: “What pyramids? They are just natural hills with trees growing on them.” You can't stop wondering - what are they trying to hide? Some researchers believe that Chinese scientists are afraid to invade the pyramids, fearing to find documents there that turn all our ideas about life on Earth upside down.

What is the purpose of ancient Chinese structures? Several versions have been put forward, among which, of course, the “traditional” views of “Egyptologists with Chinese characteristics”, who believe that these are the tombs of emperors, prevail. Other versions are connected with the assumption that the pyramids are only part of a giant system of holy lines, known in China as “Feng Shui”. For example, the Chinese archaeologist Wong Shiping says that these pyramids are arranged according to astronomical aspects and demonstrate the incredible knowledge of geometry and mathematics that our ancestors had.

If we believe the information taken from ancient scrolls aged 5 thousand years, the authors of the grandiose project were the so-called Sons of Heaven, who descended to Earth on their metal “fire-breathing dragons” several millennia ago. The version is quite plausible, if we recall the visit of the heavenly envoy, Emperor Huangdi, described in the legends ...

Thus, the ancient Chinese pyramids, along with their counterparts from Egypt and America, still remain, perhaps, the greatest mystery on Earth. But a person can solve any riddle, that's how he works. But he can do this only if no one interferes with him. And in this case, not just someone interferes with him, but deliberately hides all the facts, closes access to all information and prohibits all kinds of research, whether in China or Egypt. But the truth always comes out - it has such a property, so we will wait for better times, friends. To be continued…

Pyramid coordinates:

34º 25′ 08″ s. sh. 108º 56′ 00″ in. (The largest Chinese pyramid with a base diameter of 500 meters (the so-called Great White Pyramid). Heavily damaged by erosion. Unfortunately, users will not be able to see this pyramid on the Google Earth map, because it is missing from the landscape - judge for yourself the reasons, but it seems to us that everything is clear).

34º 22′ 54″ N 109º 15′ 14″ in. (Mausoleum of Qin Shi Huang).
34º 21′ 42″ N 108º 38′ 24″ in. (Unfortunately, this pyramid is also not on the map).
34º 26′ 02″ s. sh. 108º 52′ 52″ E
34º 22′ 37″ N 108º 41′ 08″ in. d.
34º 25′ 22″ s. sh. 108º 50′ 29″ in. d.
34º 25′ 40″ s. sh. 108º 51′ 05″ in. d.
34º 24′ 03″ s. sh. 108º 45′ 52″ in. d.
34º 21′ 47″ s. sh. 108º 37′ 49″ in. d.
34º 20′ 18″ s. sh. 108º 34′ 12″ in. (Mausoleum of Maoling).
34º 23′ 53″ s. sh. 108º 42′ 46″ in. d
34º 21′ 42″ s. sh. 108º 38′ 27″ in. d.

Aerial photography and space images helped to learn about their existence only in the middle of the 20th century. Why the Chinese government categorically forbade the exploration of these places by a foreign archaeologist also remains a secret with seven seals. American writer George Hunt Williamson, thanks to his connections with the US Air Force, obtained a photocopy of a topographic map of the city of Xi'an. On a map made on the basis of photographs received from satellites, near the city of Xi'an, the location of sixteen pyramids was indicated. New Zealand aviator Bruce Kagi in 1963 tracked down Schroder's diaries and an article written in 1912. A merchant from Australia led caravans from the Great Wall of China inland. Once he was driving along the Mongolian-Chinese border with the Mongolian spiritual guru Bogdykhan, and he said: “We will pass the pyramids. There are seven of them, and they are located near the ancient capital of China, Xian Fu (on a modern map, this is Xian).

Further Schroder writes: “After several days of tiring driving, we suddenly noticed something towering on the horizon. At first glance, it looked like a mountain, but as we got closer, we saw that it was a structure with four correctly beveled edges and a flat top.”

“We approached them from the east and saw that there were three giants in the northern group, and the rest of the pyramids were successively reduced in size to the smallest in the south. They extended six or eight miles across the plain, rising above the cultivated land and villages. They were under the noses of people and remained completely unknown to the Western world. The Great Pyramid was about a thousand feet high (about 300 meters, i.e. almost twice as high as the pyramid of Cheops) and almost fifteen hundred feet at the base (about 500 meters, that is, twice as large as the pyramid of Cheops). The four sides of the Chinese pyramid were strictly oriented to the points of the compass. Each face of the pyramid was a different color: black meant north, green-blue east, red south and white west. The flat top of the pyramid was covered with yellow earth. Once on the faces of the pyramid there were steps leading to the top, but now they were littered with fragments of stones crumbling from above. Below were steps of roughly hewn wild stone (each stone about three feet square). The pyramid itself, like most of the buildings in China, was adobe. Huge troughs the size of mountain canyons stretched along its walls. They, too, were covered with stones. Trees and shrubs grew on the slopes, smoothing out the outlines of the pyramid and giving it a resemblance to a natural object. This majestic sight took my breath away. We traveled around the pyramids looking for an entrance, but found nothing.” When asked about the age of the pyramids, Bodykhan immediately replied that they were over five thousand years old, referring to the oldest Chinese books. In these books they are referred to as ancient.

Chinese pyramids

Another researcher, American Vance Tied, writes: “The main thing that interested me was the geographical coordinates of the Chinese pyramids. Xi'an is located at 34 degrees north latitude. The layout of the Chinese pyramids is very similar to the Egyptian one. This suggests that the same ancient builders who belonged to the same civilization had a hand in their construction. I vaguely guessed that each of the pyramids performed a special function and that there was some geometric correspondence between pairs of pyramids from different parts of the world. If the Egyptian complex is at 30 degrees north latitude, then the Chinese complex is at 34 degrees. I think that someday many different ratios will be calculated between the coordinates of the Giza and Shanxi plains.” Williamson pointed out in a letter to Thied that the pyramid at Shanxi, numbered four on the map, was in all likelihood the same structure photographed in 1947. “According to my preliminary calculations,” V. Tjed writes further, “there could be a connection between it and the Great Pyramid of Cheops, because both are based on the number 16944. The computer pointed to the pyramid number 6 as the most interesting in the group.

The distance along the circle drawn between Pyramid No. 6 in Shanxi and the Great Egyptian one turned out to be 3849 degrees 5333 minutes of arc or nautical miles (plus or minus one hundred feet). This is equal to 64.15888 degrees. This number, squared twice, is 16944430, the harmonic equivalent of mass.

The distance between the pyramids NN 4, 5 and 6 in Shanxi and the Great Pyramid of Egypt, calculated in degrees of arc, gives the same number.

These initial results show that the harmonic mass equivalent associated with the center of the light field has a definite relationship with the location of the pyramid complexes around the world. As a result of a variety of mathematical combinations, the number 16944430 invariably pops up.

Undoubtedly, the largest pyramids have a special function in each group, and in time we will know which of the pyramids of the Shanxi complex is the largest. But each group as a whole contains all the harmonic relationships that allow it to resonate in unison with all existing fields (light, magnetic, and others). What does it say? It is now known that if we build electronic stations in different parts of the globe, geometrically corresponding to each other in phase, we can keep a connection between two points across the globe. Perhaps these ancient structures were erected for the same purpose. The location of the pyramids, and possibly other ancient structures, could be due to some kind of electronic process.

It is possible that inside the pyramids there were special electronic devices that excited the vibrations necessary for communication. All records of this have been lost for centuries. Or maybe no devices were needed for communication, except for the pyramids themselves? The design itself made it possible for a direct exchange of thoughts, if the priests or scientists were located in special rooms inside the pyramids at some strictly defined point.

Contact may not have been limited to Earth. Under certain conditions, contact between different dimensions or through millions of miles of outer space was possible. The globe was used as a transmitter. Lots of speculation, but no real answers yet.”

Surprisingly, the province of Shanxi falls on the middle of the edge of the "Russian Grid" pentagon. And Vance Tied mentions this: “In my last book, I mentioned that two Russian electronics specialists Valery Makarov and design engineer Vyacheslav Morozov published in the scientific journal “Chemistry and Life” of the USSR Academy of Sciences “Theory of the worldwide network of energy meridians”. The geometric pattern of this grid was different from mine, but the same mathematical relationships were revealed in it. I remember that the two systems, complementing each other, fit into one concept. Their article is based on research in various fields of geochemistry, ornithology and meteorology. They argue that the globe forms a double ordered structure. The first grid - 12 pentagons, the second grid - 12 triangles, together they form a twenty-sided. They claim that by superimposing these two grids one can comprehend the network of energy channels of the Earth.

Looking at the diagram, I realized that if the Russians were right, there must be another pyramid or other megalithic structure at the same latitude as the Great Pyramid, 72 degrees east in longitude. And this place fell on the eastern outskirts of the Chinese city of Setchan. There is evidence and photographs of a large pyramid located in a mountainous region on the border of China and India. I am sure that this pyramid is closer to the Indian border. In order to obtain additional information from readers, I will have to give a whole report. During World War II, US Air Force pilots made many flights across the Himalayas between India and China, supplying the Chinese army with provisions and ammunition. On one of these flights through a place called "Death Valley", one of the pilots named James Kausman began to malfunction, one of the engines almost died, which was a nightmare in a country where normal weather conditions are like this: if you fly over tops of the mountains, then you find yourself in the area of ​​​​eternal ice, and if lower between the mountains you are surrounded by thick fog and clouds. When the fuel began to freeze, Kausman decided to go lower, although it was very dangerous. The plane zigzagged in strange zigzags over the tops of the mountains towards the base, which was located in the Indian state of Assan. Kausman flew over the valley. And suddenly, right below, he saw a giant white pyramid! It was made of white shiny material. It could be metal or a kind of stone. It was pure white on all sides. At its top was a huge crystal, sparkling like a precious stone. It could also be an artificial crystal. The crew was amazed by the enormous size of the pyramid. Landing near her was not possible. Kausman circled the pyramid three times. Then he saw the Brahmaputra River under his wing and flew to his base. He is sure that if this pyramid is discovered, it will amaze the whole world.

Why are the scientists who studied satellite photographs silent about it? The whole area is shrouded in mystery for centuries. But now with the help of cameras located in orbit, we can see any point on the surface of the globe.”

This question of Vance Tieda remained unanswered. Although for sure, if this huge marble pyramid really exists on the border of China and India, military satellites have already photographed it. But there is still no scientific research on why this pyramid is located 72 degrees east in longitude from the pyramid of Cheops. And the very fact of the existence of this pyramid and the pyramids of the province of Shanxi is hidden by the space agencies of the superpowers.

Kausman mentions the "Valley of Death", which he flew in front of the pyramid. There are legends about this valley, located in the Sichuan province. It is also called the “Valley of Black Bamboo”. In the summer of 1950, about a hundred people disappeared there, as reported by the press, and for unknown reasons the plane crashed. In 1962, this valley swallowed up geologists, only the guide survived, he described what happened as follows: “As soon as the detachment entered the gorge, it was enveloped in thick fog. Indistinct sounds were heard, and when the veil dissipated, there was no one in place.

Not so long ago, scientists visited the Sichuan anomalous zone. They believe that the cause of the local troubles is saturated fumes from rotting plants, from which a person begins to suffocate, lose his bearings and die in deep crevasses, which are many in this place.

But recently, a strong magnetic field was discovered in the Black Bamboo Valley. A similar field is open in another Chinese "Valley of Death", located in the Changbai Mountains of Jilin Province, where people also mysteriously disappear and planes crash. In this place, the compass needle begins to go crazy, and people fall into a strange state, losing memory and orientation. Travelers are circling here in one place and cannot find their way.

Isn't this mysterious barrier of the strongest magnetic field a protection against outsiders, so that they would not find their way to the Great Marble Pyramid, the essence and purpose of which we are unlikely to be able to unravel in the coming years? We can only guess that this mysterious place belongs to another or alien civilization, which may be leading our civilization. The marble pyramid is probably as many thousands of years old as the Martian or Egyptian ones, but so far no one on Earth has been able to understand and decipher this complex energy network, which was left to us by alien civilizations millions of years ago. Apparently, on a cosmic scale, it still operates, and we do not suspect anything about it.

But back to the existing pyramids. Schroder in 1912 describes only seven pyramids near the city of Xi'an. But George Williamson, in his letter to Vance Thied, points to the location of sixteen Chinese pyramids: “Schroder was at first near the pyramid, which I marked number four ... He probably did not notice two small pyramids east of number 4. He writes that he saw seven pyramids. In fact, there are ten of them in this group. The tenth is a good distance from the ninth, and I think he was able to see it. She's probably too small.

Number 4 on the map is what I think is the Great Pyramid of China, about a hundred feet high. And pyramid number 3 is 500 feet high. ... The village of Paimaozun near the 4th pyramid must be the same village that is visible in the background of the photo taken later in 1947.

This means that in total there are 16 pyramids in the province of Shanxi, among them three giants, repeating the location of the Egyptian pyramids. But the three pyramids of China are twice the size of the Great Egyptian pyramids, and they repeat the copy of the Martian pyramids located on Mars, on the Bastion Plateau.

There are many cultural heritage sites in the world, the origin and purpose of which remains a mystery to this day. The most famous pyramids of three countries - Egypt, Mexico and China. But there is a certain difference between them in the knowledge gained, because if access to the first two tombs is open for researchers, then some Chinese pyramids can only be accessed with a special permit, and they are protected by law.

Secrets of the Chinese pyramids

The Chinese pyramids are superior to the Egyptian and Mexican ones both in number and in height. Passage to some of them is officially open, but getting to them is very problematic due to the presence of closed military and strategic zones on the way to the facilities. However, such secrecy alarms more than one generation of scientists. It is likely that the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom themselves were able to get to the bottom of the truth and do not want to betray the secret knowledge of the public.

Chinese pyramids: photo

Despite the colossal height of the Chinese pyramids, it is unrealistic to see them from space. Why are they so carefully hidden from the eyes of scientists from Europe? What secret does this ancient heritage of ancestors keep in itself?

The Chinese themselves have legends, according to which the pyramids are evidence of the contact of ancient people with extraterrestrial races. According to legend, these structures were built by people who descended from heaven on dragons made of iron and breathing fire. And the ancient emperors, who ruled before our era, claimed that they themselves were the descendants of these very guests from the distant Cosmos.

Great Chinese Pyramid

For some time, the pyramids were available to the inhabitants without special permission. So, a nomad discovered several buildings near the city of Sichuan. The sides of the pyramids have a regular geometric shape, and the absence of peaks unites them with structures in Mexico.

Chinese pyramids: why are they hidden?

Why do the Chinese guard ancient buildings so carefully? They probably unraveled the nature of the origin of the pyramids. Indeed, even in some Chinese legends, a description of aliens who had blond hair and blue eyes is indicated. According to legend, the pyramids are evidence of contact with extraterrestrial intelligence in past eras.

Immediately after the war, American pilots, who inadvertently stumbled upon ancient buildings in, took several high-quality aerial photographs of ancient structures. According to the conclusions of the Pentagon researchers, the height of the largest pyramid is more than 300 m, which is 2 times more than that of the Cheops pyramid known in Egypt.

An interesting fact is that most of these buildings are located in places that are most adapted to agricultural work. The government of the Celestial Empire for quite a long time hid the very fact that the most important historical artifacts were located on the territory of the country. Only at the beginning of the 21st century did China officially confirm the existence of more than 410 pyramids in the country!

white chinese pyramid

The mysteries hidden by the main, 300-meter White Pyramid shake the minds of scientists who were lucky enough to visit the site. So, the historical fact is known that when building the pyramid, more than 800.000 workers. But about 600,000 died under rather strange circumstances. A dead end in the study is the fact that the bones of different people are scattered at decent distances, which is more like an explosion that could cause a disaster.

white chinese pyramid

What is the true purpose of the Chinese pyramids? Scientists build a variety of assumptions. The theory of planetary communication, the transmitter of which was the Earth, sounds fantastic. With the help of similar conical structures located on Mars, as well as in Egypt, it is possible to amplify sound and light signals. The mystery of these ancient structures has yet to be unraveled.

Chinese pyramids: video

Throughout the history of mankind, our ancestors created a large number of grandiose and mysterious buildings, the method of construction of which and their purpose still haunt not only scientists, but also any thinking person. These buildings include, first of all, the Egyptian pyramids. Not only are they one of the Wonders of the World and their mystery has not yet been resolved, they are also considered the only mysterious pyramids. They say the pyramids in Mexico are just religious buildings, the purpose of which is to be higher to the gods, performing religious sacraments. And Egyptian - yes, it's a mystery. At the same time, we know almost everything about them; thousands of books have been written about these monuments of ancient culture and hundreds of films have been shot. Meanwhile, thousands of kilometers from Egypt - in China - there are pyramids. But due to the communist regime of China, which practically closed the country to researchers - both domestic and foreign, few people managed to look at them, let alone study them properly.

For the first time, the world learned about the pyramids in China, more precisely, about one, the so-called. "White Pyramid" in 1945, when American pilot James Gausman accidentally discovered the skillfully made walls of one of these grandiose structures. That day, he was returning to the base in Assam, India from an operation in support of the Chinese army, and his engine began to stall, which was a real nightmare in a country where normal weather conditions are such that if you fly over the tops of the mountains, you get into the area eternal ice, and if below between the mountains - then the plane is surrounded by thick fog and clouds. When the fuel began to freeze, Gausman decided to go lower, although it was very dangerous. Flying over the so-called. "Valley of death" in Sichuan province, he saw a giant pyramid in the Xi'an region (Shaanxi province), which was made of white shiny material. Gausman decided that it could be made of metal or some kind of stone. It was pure white on all sides. At its top was a huge crystal, sparkling like a precious stone. It could also be an artificial crystal. The crew of the plane and Gausman himself were amazed by the size of the pyramid. Landing near her was not possible. Gausman circled the pyramid three times. The pilot did not miss a happy opportunity and, flying over it, took photographs, which he later attached to the report to the highest US federal authorities.

For the second time - in 1947 - another American pilot, fascinated by the story of the mysterious Great White Pyramid discovered by Gausman, flew at a fairly close distance, he himself was able to carefully examine it.

Why the Chinese government categorically forbade scientists from other countries to explore these places is not clear. But the fact remains. However, scientists cannot be forbidden to think, and their desire for knowledge cannot be locked in a cage. By hook or by crook, the scientific world tried to somehow get closer to the Chinese pyramids, which, until recently, few people knew about. So, for example, the US writer George Hunt Williamson connected all his connections with the US Air Force and managed to get a photocopy of a topographic map of the city of Xi'an. The map was made on the basis of photographs received from American satellites. Williamson saw that not far from the city of Xian, American scientists indicated the location of sixteen buildings, like two drops of water similar to pyramids.

Approximately in parallel with Williamson, the New Zealand aviator Bruce Kagi also became interested in the pyramid in China. In 1963, Bruce tracked down the diaries and a 1912 article by Fred Mayer Schroder. Schroder was a merchant originally from Australia but lived in China and drove caravans from the Great Wall of China inland. Once he was driving along the Mongolian-Chinese border with the Mongolian spiritual guru Bogdykhan, and he said to Schroder, who was interested in history and esotericism: "Soon we will pass the pyramids. There are seven of them, and they are located near the ancient capital of China, Xian Fu." (On a modern map, this is just Xi'an.) In his diary, Schroder wrote: "After several days of tiring driving, we suddenly noticed something towering on the horizon. At first glance it looked like a mountain, but when we got closer, we saw that it was a structure with four properly beveled sides and a flat top.I felt a respectful astonishment at the most majestic creation of human hands that I have seen in my life.I was shocked to think that people who had the knowledge to allow them to plan and build such a structure, now completely disappeared from the face of the earth." Schroder wrote further: “We approached them from the east and saw that there were three giants in the northern group, and the rest of the pyramids successively decreased in size to the smallest in the south. They extended six or eight miles across the plain, rising above the cultivated land and villages. They were under the noses of people and remained completely unknown to the Western world."

Schroder noticed that the large pyramid was about a thousand feet high (about three hundred meters, which is a height almost twice the height of the Cheops pyramid) and almost one and a half thousand feet at the base (about five hundred meters, that is, again twice the size of the Cheops pyramid ). The four sides of the huge Chinese pyramid were strictly oriented to the cardinal points. And, unlike the Egyptian pyramids, the Chinese one retained its original color, while each face of the pyramid had a different color: black meant north, green-blue - east, red - south and white - west. The pyramid had a flat top, which was covered with yellow earth.

Having carefully examined the pyramid, Schroder saw that once steps were made on its faces leading to the top, but now they were littered with fragments of stones crumbling from above. At the bottom of the pyramid, steps of roughly hewn wild stone were also visible. Each stone had an area of ​​about three square feet (about one square meter).

The pyramid itself, like most of the buildings in China, including the early version of the Great Wall of China, was made of adobe - in contrast to the stone Egyptian ones. Along the walls of the pyramid stretched huge gutters almost the size of mountain canyons. The gutters were also covered with stones. Trees and shrubs have grown on the slopes of the pyramid over many centuries, they smoothed the geometric outlines of the pyramid and gave it a resemblance to a natural object. “I was taken aback by this majestic spectacle,” wrote Schroder. “We traveled around the pyramids in search of an entrance, but found nothing.”

When Schroder asked Guru Bogdykhan about the age of the pyramids, he said that they were much more than five thousand years old. When asked by Schroder why he thinks so, Bogdykhan replied: “In our oldest books, written five thousand years ago, these pyramids are mentioned as ancient, built under the ancient emperors, who said that they were descended from the sons of heaven who descended to earth on their fiery metal dragons." You can imagine how old they really are!

Unfortunately, Schroder was one of the very few Europeans who were lucky enough to see the pyramid complex in Shaanxi, and one can only hope that the Chinese authorities, at least in the near future, will lift the veil of secrecy and allow foreign researchers here.

American researcher Vance Tied was also interested in Chinese pyramids. “The main thing that interested me,” writes Vance Tied, “is the geographical coordinates of the Chinese pyramids. Xian is located at 34 degrees north latitude. The layout of the Chinese pyramids is very similar to the Egyptian one. This suggests that the same ancient builders belonging to the same civilization. I vaguely guessed that each of the pyramids had a special function and that there was some geometric correspondence between pairs of pyramids from different parts of the world. If the Egyptian complex is at 30 degrees north latitude, then the Chinese complex is at 34 m degrees. I think that someday they will calculate many different ratios between the coordinates of the Giza and Shaanxi plains.

In a letter to Williamson, Tied pointed out that the Shaanxi pyramid, numbered four on the map, was in all likelihood the same structure that was photographed in 1947. "According to my preliminary calculations," V. Tied writes further, "there could be a connection between it and the great pyramid of Cheops, since both are based on the number 16944. The computer pointed to pyramid No. 6 as the most interesting in the group."

After taking all possible measurements, Tied found out that the distance along the circle drawn between the pyramid No. 6 in Shaanxi and the Great Egyptian pyramid of Cheops turned out to be 3849 degrees 5333 minutes of arc or nautical miles (plus or minus one hundred feet). This is equal to 64.15888 degrees. This number, squared twice, is 16944430. This is the harmonic equivalent of mass. The distance between pyramids 4, 5 and 6 in Shaanxi and the Great Pyramid of Egypt, calculated in degrees of arc, gives the same number.

The scientists could not help but conclude that these initial calculations show that the harmonic equivalent of the mass associated with the center of the light field has a certain relationship with the location of the pyramid complexes around the world. As a result of various mathematical combinations, the number 16944430 invariably pops up. Could this be a coincidence? The number is far from round.

Undoubtedly, the largest pyramids perform a special function in each group, and over time we will find out which of the pyramids of the Shaanxi complex is the largest, because now, without quality measurements, it is difficult to answer this question. Only one thing is clear: each group as a whole contains all the harmonic relationships that allow the pyramids to resonate in unison with all existing fields (light, magnetic, and others). What does it say? It is now known that if you build electronic stations in different parts of the globe, geometrically corresponding to each other in phase, then you can keep in touch between two points across the globe.

It is possible that these ancient structures were erected for the same purpose, although the Chinese government stubbornly claims that the pyramids are nothing more than the burial mounds of the rulers of the Western Han Dynasty. The location of the Chinese pyramids, and possibly other ancient Chinese structures, could be related to some kind of electronic process. It may very well be that inside the pyramids there were special electronic devices that excited the vibrations necessary for communication. After all, it has already been practically proven that the ancients possessed technologies, sometimes exceeding modern ones. However, all records of this have been lost for centuries. And it is possible that no devices were needed for communication, except for the pyramids themselves. The construction itself made it possible for a direct exchange of thoughts, if the priests or scientists were located in special rooms inside the pyramids at some strictly defined point. The most daring scientists believe that the contact could not be limited only to the Earth. Under certain conditions, contact between different dimensions, time or other planets was possible - through millions of kilometers of outer space. The globe was used as a transmitter. "Lots of speculation, but no real answers yet," wrote Vance Tied and George Williamson.

Schroder in 1912 describes only seven pyramids near the city of Xi'an. But George Williamson, in his letter to Vance Thied, points to the location of sixteen Chinese pyramids: “Schroder was first near the pyramid, which I designated number four. He probably did not notice two small pyramids east of number 4. He writes that he saw seven pyramids. There are actually ten of them in this group. The tenth is at a good distance from the ninth, and I think he was able to see it. Probably, it is also small in size. Number 4 on the map is, in my opinion, the Great the Chinese pyramid, it's about a hundred feet high, and pyramid number 3 is 500 feet high... The village of Paimaozun, near the 4th pyramid, must be the same village seen in the background of the photograph taken in 1947. So, in total there are 16 pyramids in the province of Shaanxi, among them three giants, repeating the location of the Egyptian pyramids. But the three pyramids of China are twice the size of the Great Egyptian pyramids, and they repeat a copy of the Martian pyramids located on Mars, on the Bastion Plateau.

These reflections of theirs were published only in Western countries, and in Russia the translation of these unique studies was published only in 1991. This translation was made by the Vladivostok newspaper "Nature and anomalous phenomena" - a joint publication with the international ufological organization IKUFON. Without these studies, the world would not have known anything about the Chinese pyramids at all.

Another amazing fact: Shaanxi province falls on the middle of the edge of the so-called pentagon. "Russian grid". And Vance Tied writes about this: "In my last book, I mentioned that two Russian electronics specialists Valery Makarov and design engineer Vyacheslav Morozov published in the scientific journal "Chemistry and Life" of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR "Theory of the worldwide network of energy meridians." Geometric the pattern of this grid was different from mine, but the same mathematical relationships were revealed in it. I remember that the two systems, complementing each other, fit into one concept. The basis of their article was research in various fields of geochemistry, ornithology and meteorology. They claim that the globe forms a double ordered structure.The first grid is 12 pentagons, the second grid of 12 triangles form a twenty-sided.They claim that by superimposing these two grids, one can comprehend the network of energy channels of the Earth.Looking at the diagram, I realized that if Russians are right, then at the same latitude as the Great Pyramid, 72 degrees east in longitude, there must be another pyramid or other megalithic structure. And this place fell on the eastern outskirts of the Chinese city of Setchan. There is evidence and photographs of a large pyramid located in a mountainous region on the border of China and India. I am sure that this pyramid is closer to the Indian border. In order to obtain additional information from readers, I will have to give a whole report. During the Second World War, US Air Force pilots made many flights across the Himalayas between India and China, supplying the Chinese army with provisions and ammunition. Thijed further cites the story of James Gausman. Why are scientists who studied satellite photographs silent about it? This whole area is shrouded in mystery for centuries. "This question by Vance Thied remained unanswered, although this huge marble pyramid, located on the border of China and India, has already been photographed by military satellites and by some miracle got into the press. And no wonder - now With the help of modern technology, you can see any point on the surface of the globe.It is strange that the Chinese government does not understand this...

However, there is still no scientific research on why this pyramid is located 72 degrees east in longitude from the pyramid of Cheops. And the very fact of the existence of this pyramid and the pyramids of Shaanxi Province is hidden by the space agencies of the superpowers.

As for the "Valley of Death", over which Gausman flew, then there are legends about this valley. It is also called the "Valley of Black Bamboo". This is a kind of Bermuda Triangle on land. In the summer of 1950, about a hundred people disappeared there, the press reported in detail about this case. Soon there, for unknown reasons, the plane crashed. In 1962, this valley swallowed up a group of geologists, only the guide survived, he described what happened as follows: "As soon as the detachment entered the gorge, it was enveloped in thick fog. Unclear sounds were heard, and when the veil dissipated, there was no one in place." There were quite a few such cases, which forced scientists to pay close attention to the valley. Not so long ago, a scientific expedition visited there, and according to the results of the work, there was a version that the reason for such disappearances is saturated fumes from rotting plants, from which a person begins to suffocate, loses orientation and dies in deep crevices, which are many in this place. The version is no worse than others, however, it does not explain the death of the aircraft. And recently, a strong magnetic field was discovered in this "Valley of Black Bamboo". By the way, a similar field is also open in another Chinese "Valley of Death", located in the Changbai Mountains of Jilin Province, where people also mysteriously disappear and planes crash. At this point, the compass needle begins to literally go crazy, and people fall into a strange state, losing memory and orientation. Travelers are circling here in one place and cannot find their way.

Why, in the story about the pyramids, we started talking about these anomalous phenomena, which, it seems, have nothing to do with the pyramids? There is an opinion that this mysterious barrier of the strongest magnetic field is a protection against outsiders so that they do not find their way to the Great White Marble Pyramid, the essence and purpose of which we are unlikely to be able to unravel in the coming years, especially since the Chinese authorities are doing everything so that the pyramid continues remain a closed veil of secrecy. Scientists can only assume that this mysterious place belongs to another terrestrial, and even alien civilization, which, perhaps, leads our civilization.

However, despite all the prohibitions of the authorities, the German researcher Hartwig Hausdorff managed to take photographs and videos of some pyramids in the Shaanxi region, the existence of which in 2000 the Chinese authorities nevertheless made public. He managed to bypass the Chinese military, who were guarding the airspace over the Xi'an desert, but he still did not find the main pyramid that Gausman photographed. However, his book The White Pyramid, published in 1994, provoked a new wave of interest in these ancient structures. It was Hausdorff who put forward the version that the origin of the small pyramids and the Great Marble is unearthly, and earlier the pyramids served much more mystical purposes than being just burial grounds. This opinion of Hausdorff is all the more curious because he was never distinguished by a craving for extraterrestrial versions and was considered a sober-minded serious scientist. Hausdorff wrote: "The marble pyramid is probably as many thousands of years old as the Martian or Egyptian ones, but so far no one on Earth has been able to understand and decipher this complex energy network, which was left to us by alien civilizations millions of years ago, but which is on a cosmic scale It's still going on and we don't know anything about it." In his work, Hausdorff also refers to Helena Blavatsky, who in her work "Dzyan" wrote: "The Great Dragon pays respect only to the Serpents of Wisdom, traces of holes of which are now under triangular stones." In other words, under the "pyramids at the four corners of the world." According to Blavatsky, "The Adepts or Wise Men of the Third, Fourth and Fifth Races dwelt in subterranean dwellings, usually under structures, something like a pyramid, if not under a real pyramid. For such pyramids existed at the four corners of the world and were never the monopoly of the pharaohs' country, although indeed, there were suggestions that they were the exclusive property of Egypt, until it was discovered that they were scattered all over the Americas.If real, geometrically accurate pyramids are no longer found in Europe, then nevertheless, many of the previously known Neolithic caves, so the same as the colossal triangular pyramids and conical menhirs in Morbigan and in Britain and numerous Danish timuli (mounds. - O.B.) and even the graves of giants in Sardinia with their inseparable companions "nuraghi" - they all represent more or less rough copies of the pyramids Most of them are the work of the first inhabitants of the races settled on the newborn mainland and islands of Europe, of which some "yellow, brown and black and other red" remained alive after the sinking of the last Atlantic continents and islands 850 thousand years ago, excluding the islands, mentioned by Plato, and before the advent of the great Aryan races, while others were built by the very first emigrants from the East.

However, does modern science agree in any way with these brilliant thoughts of Helena Blavatsky? No, official science believes that the pyramids and Stonehenge arose two to three thousand years before our era, and no more. And at the same time, the same official science believes that our Earth is four to five billion years old, and humanity is only five thousand years old. Could this be? Hardly, say researchers with an open-minded look.

As for the Chinese pyramids, the Chinese authorities fell into their own trap: due to the unwillingness to allow the scientific world to explore the pyramids and, in fact, self-withdrawal from their own research, the pyramids fall into a deplorable state - many gave deep cracks and are close to complete destruction. "The whole complex of such burial structures of the nobility is in danger of complete disappearance," Dai Wenzhen, deputy director of the pyramid administration, admits in an interview with the Xinhua national news agency. According to him, most of the pyramids located in the Ningxia region faced the same problem, moreover, some of them can be labeled as "ruins".

Apparently, under pressure from the public, the Chinese authorities decided to still open access to some pyramids, in some places even museums were organized. The most famous are the Maoling mound and the mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shi Huang, which, despite its small size - 350 meters in length of the base and 76 meters in height, became the excavation site of the famous Terracotta Army. (True, at the time of its creation, the height of this pyramid, according to scientists, was at least 116 meters). Emperor Qin Shi Huang is a famous person, he is known for his search for a recipe for immortality. This passion led him to create one of the most intriguing and costly marvels on earth - the famous Terracotta Army. If this is a great army, a soldier with horses, worked out so clearly that it is impossible to find two identical sculptures, line up in a row, then it will be 1.6 kilometers long. These sculptures have attracted public attention since their discovery in 1978. And the treasures hidden in his funerary pyramid are still only conjectures.

In ancient Chinese texts, according to which archaeologists were able to discover the Terracotta Army, it is said that Emperor Qin was going to place an exact copy of the territory of China in his hidden pyramid. It is also mentioned that the huge vault of the burial chamber was finished with copper and inlaid with precious stones, replicating the stars in the vault of heaven. In addition, the pyramid has a skillful imitation of the rivers of China, made of mercury.

Emperor Qin took care to make his tomb inaccessible: he covered it with a layer of soil and vegetation, making it impossible to access the main chamber. So far, no expedition has ever got inside this chamber.

Why is it that the Chinese authorities do not want to allow access to all the pyramids, which, according to rough estimates, are more than four hundred, and categorically refuse to even talk about the Great White Pyramid? Maybe they have something to hide? I wonder what?..

Chinese pyramids. They were first discovered by an American military pilot in 1945, the first European archaeologist approached them in 1994, I learned about them in 2008 - I was amazed, such a grandiose phenomenon, but I didn’t know anything about it all my life.

The height of the largest of them is about 300 m, 2 times higher than the pyramid of Cheops, but there are also very small ones - there are more than a hundred of them in total.

The city of Xian (Xi "an). 80 kilometers from it is the pyramid that we went to inspect. We went by taxi. At some point, among the Chinese agro-industrial landscapes, we saw a chain of pyramids on the horizon.

I made a panorama for you, click on it, it will enlarge. The extreme left is the pyramid we are going to:

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Here it is - our goal, the pyramid. It is the road we are on. The taxi we are taking.

She is closer.

If you look to the right, then there is a clay quarry where clay bricks are made, above the very edge of the cliff there are 2 small pyramids. To the right, above the horizon, two more are visible (no, as many as 5, it turns out!). Left too:

The road approaches the pyramid, turns right and bifurcates: one part goes around the pyramid and goes behind it, the other goes to the right. Here is a panorama of this intersection with a beautiful pyramid (click it to enlarge):

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Information on the Internet: ]]> ]]>

I walked around the pyramid. From the opposite side, it looks like this (click to enlarge):

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He came closer - here, at the foot of the pyramid, apples are grown in plastic bags:

I greeted a Chinese woman who worked on this plot all alone, I go further, to the pyramid:

Stop! Barrier. Two rows of capital wire fences:

Panorama of the fence (click):

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We go back, i.e. to the left when looking at the panorama. Below is a snapshot from the extreme left point - you can see how the path goes up along the edge of the pyramid:

Panoramic view of the same edge of the pyramid (click) - on the left, on the road, we, tourists:

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And if you look to the left of the road, you can see another small pyramid:

Another panorama of our pyramid (click):

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Through the thickets of cypresses we go, all together, to the slope where we came from - we are looking for a path - you never know, suddenly there is a passage to the top of the pyramid?

But no, and the same poles with wire appear here:

We go along the pillars, signs "Akhtung!" in Chinese:

We go along the fence:

The fence ends with a stretched wire tied to it, so that it can be better seen, with a blue tape and a sign (Victor translates) prohibiting everything:

I boldly dive under the wire and take 1 frame. Only one. Crysis players know that sometimes you only have one shot. I didn’t have time - the Koreans immediately run up and kill you. I made it. The Chinese immediately ran up and demanded that we immediately remove the camera and leave no less immediately. Here is the picture. This is an excavation at the foot of the pyramid:

In fact, the Chinese dig very little and very carefully. Of the 60 kilometers of the army of terracotta warriors (including the fortress and the palace), 10% have been excavated, and even less is exhibited for the public, but it is impressive (I will tell you, I will show it in one of the posts). The burial mound of Emperor Qin-shi Huangdi (really a mound, not a pyramid) - they announced that they would dig out in 100 years. And they are digging very secretly, Europeans are not allowed. Where did the pyramids come from, who built them, what they contain - is unknown. But, for example, in the army of terracotta warriors, each commander held a sword with MOLYBDENUM SPUTTING, which is absolutely impossible with that level of technology. It is not clear what the pyramids contain, but the Chinese proceed from the fact that they can contain anything, so they secretly excavate, plant pyramids to mask cypresses and fir trees, lie that these are just mounds of sand and clay, naming the names of the ancients who lived 2000 years ago and more, emperors and military leaders, whose, as Chinese scientists have found out in the last 20 years, these are allegedly mounds.

In short, the Chinese demanded that we get out. I demanded in response that they invite the chief. The chief came, introduced himself as a graduate student of the local university, and asked us to leave. I asked him to answer 3 questions and after that we will leave. He agreed. I asked what is it? what are these pyramids? He said - the burial mounds of ancient commanders from sand and clay. I asked how it is possible to make sand and clay, if they have such clear edges and edges? what if they were made of sand and clay, then the forms would blur in a couple of hundred years, but here they stand for more than 2000 years and are so clear, and only slightly dusted? what, probably, is it, nevertheless, pyramids? He said, yes, no, not pyramids, mounds, they were just well preserved, that the name of the general, whose mound is written on the stele, which they put here, you see, several years ago, and that someday this place will open to visitors, and now they have just begun to dig and there is nothing to see here, and that goodbye.

We asked him to take a photo with us as a keepsake and said goodbye. It was May 24th, 2010.