Institutes and universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Service in the internal affairs bodies was considered prestigious at all times. The Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is not the only educational institution that must be completed in order to become a police officer or law enforcement officer. Higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation belong to different types of universities.

List of universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

All departmental higher education institutions can be divided into the following groups:

  • Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:
    • Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in Moscow;
    • Volgograd,
    • Omsk,
    • and the Nizhny Novgorod Academy.
  • Universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:
    • Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Kikot with branches in the Moscow region, Ryazan and Tver;
    • Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation with branches in Novorossiysk, Stavropol, Nalchik and Simferopol;
    • St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation with a branch in Kaliningrad.
  • Institutes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:
    • Voronezh Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
    • East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Irkutsk).
  • Institutes for advanced training:
    • All-Russian Institute (Moscow region, Domodedovo) with branches in Bryansk, Penza and Naberezhnye Chelny;
    • Tyumen Institute.
  • Legal institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:
    • in Barnaul, Belgorod, Khabarovsk, Kazan, Orel, Rostov-on-Don, Krasnoyarsk, Yekaterinburg and Ufa.
  • Suvorov military schools:
    • in Astrakhan, Grozny, Yelabuga, Novocherkassk, St. Petersburg and Chita.
  • Schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs:
    • Rostov School of Service and Investigative Dog Breeding of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation with a branch in the Moscow Region;
    • Ufa school for the training of cynologists of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.
  • Samara Cadet Corps of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

In total, there are 24 universities in Russia (together with branches - 31), subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Areas of training

Universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs prepare graduates in the following specialties:

  • Jurisprudence.
  • Radio engineering (only in Voronezh).
  • Forensic examination.
  • Law enforcement (with different specializations: operational-search or administrative).
  • Information Security.
  • Secure communication systems.
  • Psychology.
  • Economics (legal aspects; security).
  • Taxation.
  • Finance and credit.
  • Social Pedagogy.
  • Cynology.
  • Control.
  • National economy.
  • Organisation management.
  • Social work.
  • Fire safety.
  • Motorized divisions.

How to enter the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

To enter a higher educational institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for a specialist or undergraduate program, an applicant must have citizenship of the Russian Federation, permanently reside in Russia, be no older than 25 years (after the army - 27), possess appropriate professional qualities and excellent health. Only boys are admitted to Suvorov schools. It is possible for girls to enter the universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs after the 11th grade (after the end of the 9th grade - to the police school).

All applicants pass intra-university entrance examinations (which include the physical fitness exam - marks are also given for it) and psychological testing. From the moment of enrollment, each cadet is already considered a police officer, and the training period will be included in the total seniority.

Entry Requirements

You can enter the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or any other departmental university on the basis of an 11-year secondary education. Enrollment, just like in “civilian” universities or institutes, is based on the results of the Unified State Examination and additional tests that are conducted by all educational institutions. In order to enter the university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in addition to the mandatory USE, you most often need to take social science or history, in economic specialties you need profile mathematics, in psychological profiles - biology.

Minimum passing scores are usually set at the level recommended by Rosobrnadzor, or slightly higher:

  • Russian - 45;
  • mathematics - 30;
  • social science - 42;
  • history - 32;
  • biology - 36.

The average passing score of those enrolled in universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is about 63-65.

The list of documents and the procedure for their submission must be specified in the selected university. Nationality, religion and social status do not matter when applying for training, but personal qualities play a big role. A future cadet needs to have a developed sense of duty, emotional balance, be responsible, organized and just a decent person. A brave, energetic guy who knows how to take the initiative, work for results in a team and make decisions quickly, will be able to build a good career in the police.

Also, when applying to an educational institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the commission will pay attention to such qualities as the ability to store confidential information, a demanding attitude towards oneself and organizational skills of the applicant. The intellectual capabilities of the applicant are also important. Good logical thinking, observation, literacy and excellent memory are welcome.

Quite stringent requirements are imposed on the physical fitness and psycho-emotional state of applicants. Not only endurance and strength are valued, but also endurance, the ability to cope with psychological stress, and resist other people's influence.

Standard Admission Procedure

According to the rules of admission to universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, admission can take place:

  1. Through the personnel departments of the internal affairs bodies (internal affairs bodies) located at the place of residence of the applicant.
  2. On the so-called direct dialing.

In both cases, admission to the university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in fact, is a target set. The difference is that if the path through the personnel departments is chosen, the future cadet concludes a contract for further service in departmental structures with the organization that sent him - it is in this organization that he is obliged to start working after graduation. If a candidate enters by direct recruitment, then after graduation he is “distributed” by the university - to one of the vacancies, information about which is provided by the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

To enter departmental academies, institutes or universities through any organization of the Ministry of the Interior, you must:

  1. Until March 1, contact her personnel department, where to apply for training and provide a package of documents - which ones, the employee will tell, but among them there will definitely be a form approved by the government. We encourage you to read it to understand the depth of scrutiny that each candidate undergoes.
  2. Then it is necessary to pass a medical examination in the direction of the component organization.
  3. If its results are satisfactory, a notice of admission to the entrance examinations will come in early July.
  4. Only after all this it will be possible to go to the university with the original documents, where they will have to undergo a final military medical examination, and if everything is in order, then pass additional entrance exams.

Direct Dial

The specificity of direct recruitment is that candidates for training submit documents directly to the chosen university, bypassing the personnel department of the Internal Affairs Directorate or any other department of the ministry.

This can be done in person at the selected university or by e-mail. To send an application for admission via the Internet, on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the section "Educational organizations of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia", find the desired educational institution - its official page has all the necessary information and contacts for communication.

Graduates who have received higher education through direct recruitment can be sent to serve in any region of the Russian Federation.

Citizens under the age of 17, who graduated from the 8th grade in the year of admission, can also use direct recruitment to the Suvorov Schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but the legal representatives of a minor candidate must submit an application for training no later than April 1.

You can enter the Suvorov schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs after the 8th and 9th grades. Education in them is free (as in all educational institutions of power structures of the Russian Federation), the cadets are on full state support. Graduates of the SU have advantages when entering the universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

There are police schools and universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in all regions of Russia. This means that everyone who wants to become a guardian of law and order can choose a suitable educational institution.

Named after V. Ya. Kikot is the largest federal state educational institution of higher professional education. Training of specialists at the University is conducted in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards in the following areas of training (specialties):

Faculty of training employees for operational units, specialty "Law enforcement", qualification - lawyer; entrance examinations based on the results of the USE: Russian language, social studies. Additional tests: history, Russian language, physical training.

Faculty of training police officers for units for the protection of public order, specialty "Law enforcement", qualification - lawyer, entrance examinations based on the results of the Unified State Examination: Russian language, social science. Additional tests: history, Russian language, physical training;

Faculty of training employees for the bodies of preliminary investigation, specialty "Legal support of national security", qualification - lawyer, Specializations: preliminary investigation in the bodies of internal affairs; inquiry in the internal affairs bodies. Entrance tests based on the results of the Unified State Examination: Russian language, social studies. Additional tests: history, Russian language, physical training;

Faculty of International Law, "Legal support of national security", qualification - lawyer. Specializations: civil law; state-legal; international law. Entrance tests based on the results of the Unified State Examination: Russian language, social studies. Additional tests: history, Russian language, physical training. For applicants for civil law or international law specialization, it is necessary to pass an interview in English;

Faculty of training employees for economic security and anti-corruption departments, specialty "Economic security", qualification - economist, entrance tests based on the results of the Unified State Examination: Russian language, mathematics. Additional tests: social science, Russian language, physical training;

Faculty of Psychology of Service Activities, specialty "Psychology of Service Activities", qualification - psychologist, entrance examinations based on the results of the Unified State Examination: Russian language, biology. Additional tests: history, Russian language, physical education. It trains specialists for juvenile departments, specializing in Pedagogy and Psychology of Deviant Behavior, qualification - social teacher, entrance examinations based on the results of the Unified State Examination: Russian language, social science. Additional tests: history, Russian language, physical training;

Faculty of training specialists in the field of information security, specialty "Information technology security in law enforcement", qualification - information security specialist. Specializations: information security technologies; computer expertise in the investigation of crimes. Entrance tests based on the results of the Unified State Examination: Russian language, mathematics. Additional tests: computer science and information and communication technologies, Russian language, physical training.

Faculty of Forensic Science, specialty "Forensic Science", qualification - forensic expert. Entrance tests based on the results of the Unified State Examination: Russian language, social studies. Additional tests: history, Russian language, physical training.

Basic requirements for candidates: age up to 25 years, fitness for military service for health reasons, permanent registration in Moscow or the Moscow region (temporary registration for a period of at least 5 years is possible), the presence of the results of passing the exam in the subjects necessary for each faculty and passable points.

Privileges: Cadets receive free higher state vocational education, are provided with a high scholarship of up to 24,000 thousand rubles, uniforms, free 2 meals a day, enjoy the benefits of employees of internal affairs bodies, have a deferment from service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Upon graduation, on the basis of the results of the state final certification, a state diploma of relevant education is issued and a special rank of “police lieutenant” is assigned. All graduates are provided with guaranteed employment in various professions. Opportunity for career growth. Employees receive a stable salary from 45,000 to 80,000 thousand rubles, + year-end bonuses, as well as various incentives for excellence in service. Annual paid leave from 40 to 55 calendar days, free medical care for employees and their families. They have the right to receive a one-time social payment for the acquisition or construction of residential premises. Retirement begins at the end of 20 years of service.

Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.Ya. Kikotya is the largest federal state educational institution of higher professional education. Training of specialists at the University is conducted in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards in the following areas of training (specialties):

Faculty of training employees for operational units, specialty "Law enforcement", qualification - lawyer; entrance examinations based on the results of the USE: Russian language, social studies. Additional tests: history, Russian language, physical training.

Faculty of Police Training for Public Order Units , specialty "Law Enforcement", qualification - lawyer, entrance examinations based on the results of the Unified State Examination: Russian language, social science. Additional tests: history, Russian language, physical training;

Faculty of training employees for preliminary investigation bodies, specialty "Legal support of national security", qualification - lawyer, Specializations: preliminary investigation in the internal affairs bodies; inquiry in the internal affairs bodies. Entrance tests based on the results of the Unified State Examination: Russian language, social studies. Additional tests: history, Russian language, physical training;

Faculty of International Law, "Legal support of national security", qualification - lawyer. Specializations: civil law; state-legal; international law. Entrance tests based on the results of the Unified State Examination: Russian language, social studies. Additional tests: history, Russian language, physical training. For applicants for civil law or international law specialization, it is necessary to pass an interview in English;

Faculty of Training Employees for Economic Security and Anti-Corruption Units , specialty "Economic security", qualification - economist, entrance examinations based on the results of the Unified State Examination: Russian language, mathematics. Additional tests: social science, Russian language, physical training;

Faculty of Psychology of Performance , specialty "Psychology of official activity", qualification - psychologist, entrance examinations based on the results of the Unified State Examination: Russian language, biology. Additional tests: history, Russian language, physical education. Prepares specialists for juvenile departments, in the specialty "Pedagogy and psychology of deviant behavior", qualification - social teacher, entrance examinations based on the results of the Unified State Examination: Russian language, social science. Additional tests: history, Russian language, physical training;

Faculty of training specialists in the field of information security , specialty "Information Technology Security in the Law Enforcement Sphere", qualification - Information Security Specialist. Specializations: information security technologies; computer expertise in the investigation of crimes. Entrance tests based on the results of the Unified State Examination: Russian language, mathematics. Additional tests: computer science and information and communication technologies, Russian language, physical training.

Faculty of Forensic Science , specialty "Forensic examination", qualification - forensic expert. Entrance tests based on the results of the Unified State Examination: Russian language, social studies. Additional tests: history, Russian language, physical training.

Basic requirements for candidates: age up to 25 years, fitness for military service for health reasons, permanent registration in Moscow or the Moscow region (temporary registration for a period of at least 5 years is possible), the presence of the results of passing the exam in the subjects necessary for each faculty and passing points.

Privilege: Cadets receive free higher state vocational education, are provided with a high scholarship of up to 24,000 thousand rubles, uniforms, free 2 meals a day, enjoy the benefits of employees of internal affairs bodies, and have a deferment from service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Upon graduation, on the basis of the results of the state final certification, a state diploma of relevant education is issued and a special rank of “police lieutenant” is assigned. All graduates are provided with guaranteed employment in various professions. Opportunity for career growth. Employees receive a stable salary from 45,000 to 80,000 thousand rubles, + year-end bonuses, as well as various incentives for excellence in service. Annual paid leave from 40 to 55 calendar days, free medical care for employees and their families. They have the right to receive a one-time social payment for the acquisition or construction of residential premises. Retirement begins at the end of 20 years of service.

What is needed for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and what requirements must candidates comply with? Educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, when selecting applicants for entrance examinations, are guided by a number of basic rules and criteria.

  1. Education. Admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs after grade 11 involves the presentation of a document certifying the presence of secondary general education. If you have studied 9 classes, then you need to provide a certificate of graduation from the college (school, technical school).
  2. Physical training. Examiners of educational institutions carry out a number of activities to assess the state of the physical form of applicants.
  3. Body check. All candidates must undergo a preliminary medical examination.
  4. Mental health assessment. All applicants are required to take part in psychological diagnostics.
  5. Drug test. Anyone wishing to enter the educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs also needs to pass a control test for the presence of drugs or other psychotropic substances in the blood.

Applicants who fail the final medical examination and the drug control test are not allowed to take the entrance exams.

Admission conditions

Here we will consider the specific conditions for admission to universities and give recommendations for successful compliance with them. So, what you need to enter the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

  1. Candidate must be at least 17 and no more than 25 years of age.
  2. The applicant must permanently reside in the territory of the subject of the federation, where the university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is located.
  3. Applicants must successfully pass the exam and present a certificate with the results.
  4. Applicants must achieve the maximum score on an additional internal physical fitness test.
  5. According to the results of the medical examination, the applicant must have no diseases that prevent him from studying at the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  6. The applicant must successfully pass re-testing for the use of drugs and substances of a psychotropic nature.
  7. The candidate must pass a psychological-professional test with positive results.

To successfully pass the exams, it is important to prepare in advance for the upcoming tests. It is necessary to find out in advance what subjects are needed for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, since each specialty requires the delivery of its disciplines.

For performance on the exam, it is best to enroll in courses or hire a qualified tutor who will help you prepare for exams more effectively. Also, do not forget about good physical shape, which is checked during the internal tests of the institution itself.

It is better to start physical training a year or two before admission, since much attention is paid to this particular criterion.


Here, the examination process consists of two stages: at the first stage, applicants pass the Unified State Examination, at the second stage they pass additional internal tests at the Ministry of Internal Affairs itself. It should be borne in mind that different professions require the delivery of different disciplines in the USE format. In addition, internal certification will also be different. Consider the subjects for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs in various specialties:

  1. "Law Enforcement". USE exams:
    • Russian language,
    • social science,
    • story.
    • Internal exams will consist of testing in social studies and sports standards.
  2. "Radio engineering". USE exams:
    • mathematics,
    • physics,
    • Russian language.
    • Internal exams include only sports standards.
  3. "Psychology". USE exams:
    • mathematics,
    • biology,
    • Russian language.
    • Internal exams include athletic standards and biology testing.

Certification in physical training is carried out in the form of passing standards, which are:

  • pull-ups;
  • overcoming a short distance of 100 meters;
  • race for women - 1000 meters, for men - 3000 meters;
  • physical exercises with the use of force (for girls).

You can find out more about what exams and standards are required for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the website of the educational institution you are going to enroll in.


The selection of applicants to the universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is carried out by special selection committees, which accept applications. How to enter the Ministry of Internal Affairs and what documents do you need to prepare for this?

  1. Application for admission. The application is made in the name of the head of the institution of internal affairs. The document must indicate the name of the applicant, date of birth, address of permanent residence and education. Also in the application it is necessary to indicate the university where the applicant wants to study, indicate the specific faculty and specialty.
  2. Certificate of completion of school (11 classes) or technical school (college).
  3. Birth certificate.
  4. Passport. Photocopies of all its pages.
  5. Folder with the results of the medical examination.
  6. Certificate of mandatory pension insurance.
  7. Characteristic. It can be provided at a previous place of work or at your previously graduated educational institutions.
  8. Certificate of benefits (if any). Attached is its photocopy, which is certified by a notary.
  9. Certificate with the results of the exam.
  10. The conclusion of the military medical commission.
  11. Four 4x6 photos and one 9x12 photo. The photographs must be stamped by the relevant institutions of internal affairs.

List of required tests

To enter the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it is important to successfully pass a medical examination and pass the following tests:

  • fluorography,
  • general urine analysis,
  • x-ray of the sinuses,
  • general blood analysis,
  • syphilis test,
  • HIV test.

In addition, it is necessary to provide three conclusions (certificates) from the therapist, which will indicate the information:

  • infectious diseases that you have had in the last year;
  • vaccinations in the past 5 years;
  • the presence of allergic diseases.

Upon admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, each applicant must also have a certificate of vaccination against hepatitis B.

Physiological parameters and diseases preventing admission

It is impossible to enter the universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Moscow and other cities if:

  1. The presence of traumatic brain injury.
  2. Chronic gastritis and peptic ulcers.
  3. Absence of one of the limbs.
  4. Congenital heart defects.
  5. Chronic psoriasis and eczema.
  6. Mental disorders.
  7. Flat feet above the second degree and in the presence of signs of arthrosis.
  8. Varicocele of the second degree.
  9. Scoliosis (more than seven degrees).
  10. HIV and AIDS.
  11. Chronic sinusitis.
  12. Hepatitis (with the exception of hepatitis A).
  13. Height below 160 cm.
  14. Overweight or underweight.
  15. Bad eyesight.

Regulations for guys

How to enter the Ministry of Internal Affairs after the 11th grade for guys? To determine the level of physical fitness, all male applicants are required to pass the standards at the university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Estimates for such standards are set on a 100-point scale. Sports regulations include:

  1. Running 3000 meters. The minimum possible result is 8 points (12.45 minutes), the maximum is 34 points (11.35 minutes).
  2. Pull up. The minimum allowable number of pull-ups is 8 and corresponds to 8 points. The maximum score is 33, which is set for 21 (or more) pull-ups.
  3. Running 100 meters. The minimum number of points is 8 when overcoming the distance in 14.8 seconds. The maximum is 33 with an indicator of 12.3 seconds.

How to enter the Ministry of Internal Affairs for a girl

Admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs after grade 11 for girls is associated with the same requirements that apply to guys: when considering their candidacies, the same rules and conditions for enrolling in an educational institution are taken into account. The only difference here will be additional tests to test physical fitness. The standards for girls have been slightly changed and include:

  1. Running 1000 meters. The minimum number of points is 8 (for 5 minutes), the maximum is 34 points (for 4.05 minutes or less).
  2. Strength exercise. The smallest number of points is 8 (for 24 repetitions), the maximum is 33 (for 39 or more repetitions).
  3. Running 100 meters. The minimum score is 8 (for 17.5 seconds), the maximum is 33 (for 15.6 seconds or less).

Enrollment procedure

Upon successful completion of external and internal examinations, applicants are enrolled in the university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. This decision is made by the admissions committee. The enrollment order is signed by the head of the university, after which the applicant officially becomes a student of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Terms of study and benefits

The duration of training in any specialty in all universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is five years. Upon graduation, graduates receive a diploma confirming their higher education. Further, young specialists are subject to distribution: they are sent to work in various internal affairs structures.

During the training, students of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs receive a number of benefits, including:

  • deferment from army draft,
  • comprehensive provision at the expense of the state,
  • issuance of cash benefits
  • vacation of 30 days (holidays).

How to enter the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - the question is becoming more and more relevant under the influence of raising the prestige of service in the bodies.

This is facilitated not by a practical clash with law enforcement officers, but by films with heroically fighting protagonists in uniform against criminal gangs.

Be that as it may, the number of applicants is growing along with the interest of the younger generation, who have set themselves the task of becoming a prestigious university.

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Characteristic features of applicants

What a girl needs to enter the Ministry of Internal Affairs is excellent health and special human qualities in order to guard law and order in the future. Law-abiding citizens of the Russian Federation permanently residing in the country, regardless of gender, can become students up to 25 years old.

To do this, they have:

  • business qualities
  • good health in accordance with the requirements for physical development
  • knowledge of the subjects in order to successfully pass the exams

The specialists of the University create a special group, which for a certain time conducts a strict selection of applicants for training.

admissions committee requirements

What exams are needed for admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it depends on the chosen specialization. In order to be admitted to the tests, the future student will have to pass various additional tests.

You should come to the secretariat with a set of documents, they will be carefully checked for the authenticity of each autobiographical fact. The admission committee will:

  • a well-formed application addressed to the head of the educational institution with the designation of their own details, contact details, faculty and specialty
  • photocopies of documents proving previous education
  • school, workers, confirmed by the signatures of the persons who wrote them, fixed with a seal
  • passport
  • photos - 5 pcs
  • certificates of achievement in sports or knowledge of subjects

In order for an applicant to be admitted to the exams, he must receive confirmation of his compliance with the chosen profession:

  • psychological selection
  • medical opinion
  • control tests

The facts of the use of drugs, psychotropic drugs will not leave specialists. On the basis of special tests, a person's suitability for special work is determined; he will be entrusted with the fate of many people. Only a positive conclusion of the medical commission gives grounds for examination admission.

Who gets benefits

A certain group of young people has priority when entering the University of Law Enforcement.

Given that:

  • psychological tests passed
  • no health issues
  • successful exams

If in an educational institution a large competitive selection is first of all enrolled:

  • persons without parents, full of orphans
  • applicant from , with a single parent with a disability
  • combatants
  • citizen who served in the armed forces
  • contractors

When calculating the same number of examination points, children will enter the University:
whose parents served in military units, died in battle or after being wounded
retired employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, after a long (20 years) work in the bodies
dead policemen on duty

  • zone workers
  • graduates of secondary educational institutions of the Ministry of the Interior
  • police contract soldiers or employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Chechen Republic

In order to reach the period of struggle for competitive selection, it is necessary to prepare well.

What subjects are to be prepared?

Law enforcement agencies need multidisciplinary specialists, the subject that is included in the exam, confirmed by the Unified State Examination, depends on the choice of specialty. Students need to study at the chosen faculty for 5 years, pass the following exams:

  • , engineers are tested for knowledge of the Russian language
  • medical examiners will need to pass history, a subject of public knowledge
  • defenders of information technology - mathematics, physics
  • psychologists - biology and to prove knowledge of Russian, mathematics
  • financiers need to go through tests in the Russian language, mathematics, social knowledge

Applicable applicants on a medical report are given a sheet of an examination form with a photograph of the subject and the seal of the educational institution. The exam must be taken exactly on schedule and at the specified time. If something prevented you from arriving at the agreed time, the delay must be justified by a very good reason, and 3 days before it occurs.

The deduction is instant and cannot be appealed. This condition is also provided for when receiving an unsatisfactory grade for knowledge. Retakes are not allowed even in a simple civilian educational institution, as well as in such a responsible institution belonging to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is possible to protest against the underestimation, with the help of the appeal filed on the same day.

List of contraindications

There are certain medical indicators, physical parameters of human dignity, which are not acceptable for entering a higher educational institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The list of unsuitability includes the following key points:

  • short stature below 161cm
  • poor eyesight
  • scoliosis confirmed by x-ray
  • diseases in the heart
  • flat feet
  • chronic skin
  • sinusitis formation
  • revealed cholecystitis, gastric ulcer
  • sequelae of traumatic brain injury
  • increased or decreased weight
  • all limbs must be available, any deficiency will result in denial of admission to the exams
  • mental disorders
  • vascular diseases
  • hepatitis

An extensive list of contraindications proves that in the service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, even in the conditions of office work, employees must be absolutely healthy, both girls and boys. Anything can happen to the accountant who checks the company, he may need to be physically prepared when theft is detected or psychological fortitude in front of tempting financial offers for hiding a criminal intent.

Very important information Admission to the Ministry of Internal Affairs - on the video:

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