Leasing a commercial space. How to rent a room from the city

This material was written by Igor Tyulkanov, a practicing realtor. You can ask your questions in the comments, Igor will answer them.

Beware of scammers

Fraud is gradually losing relevance, due to the ease of identifying scammers, but so far some fall for their tricks.

The most common method of fraud mainly works with visitors who do not understand the peculiarities of the real estate market and want to save money on finding an apartment. You pay money in advance to receive “information” about new apartments that appear, or, as an option, to get the number of a grandmother who rents an apartment in the center for 20 thousand rubles, and as a result, the “grandmother” is either sick or tired, and leaves meeting with you within a couple of days, and no one provides you with information. When trying to return the money, the scammers refer to the contract, which states that they owe nothing) The easiest way to deal with such fraud is to write a statement to the police.

The second most common option is to rent an apartment to several tenants at once. It is easily calculated by the fact that you are asked to leave a deposit / make a deposit / pay money in advance, without drawing up an agreement or a security receipt, motivated by a “queue of people” standing behind you and waiting for the opportunity to withdraw).

Knowing how the Moscow real estate market works, such frauds are easy to identify. For example, heavily discounted offers for no good reason (sale, short-term lease) are the bait of scammers, or an attempt by the agency to attract attention to themselves and force you to call. Which brings us to the next point.

Know the prices

The main resource for finding an apartment in Moscow is the Cian website (cian.ru). With it, you can easily determine the range of prices in the area of ​​interest.

Also, knowing the market, you can easily filter out inadequate offers that are above the market, thus a couple of hours on the Internet can save you several tens of thousands of rubles in the long run.

Find out details by phone

Knowing the prices in your search area, you can start looking for suitable offers. Be sure to check with the agents for all the details regarding the apartment, because. data may be out of date or inaccurate.
Don't forget to check the price. Due to the current situation (when the owner works with 5-10 agencies, trying to turn in faster), many agents reduce the cost in order to be higher in the search, and, for example, in the elite segment, the spread can reach tens of thousands of rubles.

Specify the amount of the agency fee

After calling the options that suit you and making sure that the information indicated in the ads is true, do not forget to clarify the amount of the agency fee. Many of the agents, trying to earn as much as possible, put an unreasonably high percentage. If the apartment you are interested in is offered by several agencies at once, choose the 2 lowest percentages (if any), and focusing on the fact that you can go to a competitor, ask for a discount. It's likely you'll get it.

In the elite segment, agents are increasingly refusing commissions from clients. expensive apartments are rented much less often, and it is better to rent an apartment after receiving a commission from the owner than not to rent it at all because of an unreasonably high commission.

Working with an agent

Finding an apartment with an agent is not a method for everyone. Make sure you don't save money. The main benefits for you are time savings, access to the knowledge of the agent, assistance in drafting contracts, consultations on negotiations and advice on issues that arise along the way.

There are two options here - ask a familiar agent to give you advice, and then search for options, make appointments, prepare a contract and negotiate yourself. Or, if you value your time and nerves, hire a realtor. Often, at the end of the whole process, the value of the time and nerves spent exceeds the commission that agents ask for their work.

Finding an apartment without an agent

In short, the search for an apartment without an agent fits into a simple scheme:

  • Selection of options, calling relevant information for relevance (it is advisable to keep in mind all the important questions for you - the availability of a parking space, a dishwasher, proximity to the roadway, the presence of parks, schools, etc.).
  • Assign views to those that suit you the most.
  • Views.
  • Selection of the most suitable.
  • Negotiation.
  • The conclusion of the contract.

Features of the Moscow market

The Moscow market is characterized by a strong spread of demand depending on the price of an apartment. An apartment on the outskirts that costs 20,000 the same evening after its appearance can have a queue of 10 people, while an apartment for 80 can stand on the market for several months. This variation is due to the fact that in Moscow there is a very large number of visitors who need cheap housing, but as the cost rises, purchasing power is greatly reduced.

The quality of service grows in proportion to the cost, in the segment of cheap real estate it is not uncommon to encounter rudeness on the part of both the realtor and the owner, but with the increase in the cost of apartments, this disappears.
In cheap apartments, the owner does not need to look for clients himself, so the owner never pays a commission to the realtor, the work of the realtor is paid by the client who rents the apartment, while bargaining on a commission is much more difficult, because. 5-6 more people can breathe in your back, ready to rent an apartment, paying the entire commission. In the expensive segment, the opposite is true - for 5-6 vacant apartments there are one or two clients who can afford to make a choice and bargain for weeks.

View apartment

When viewing, you should definitely pay attention to the condition of plumbing, household appliances, furniture. Be sure to check the compliance of the property documents with the passport data, find out if there are still owners, how many people are registered, if there are several owners, if there is a power of attorney, where they are, how long it will take them to get to the apartment. If you like the apartment, then you should find out in advance the main conditions on which it is rented - cost, payment terms, additional conditions, cost utilities in the house.

Choice of options, bargaining

After reviewing all the options, there are usually one or two that are most suitable. Call them, make an offer that you think the owner will accept, while understanding in advance that the owner may not agree to your terms, and either make a counteroffer or completely refuse. In this case, it is worth asking what concessions he can make, and on what terms. It is likely that he will come to you.

Contracts, documents

Even while browsing, you can ask the agent to provide you with a copy of the contracts under which the agent works in this moment. In general, the agreements of large agencies are similar to each other, differing only in formatting and wording, but you should find out in advance from the agent (or from the owner), special conditions which they would like to write. Often, only at the stage of negotiations, it turns out that the conditions offered by the owner are absolutely not suitable for the tenant (for example, payment in dollars, a double deposit, visits more than once a month, etc.)

Also, ask the agent about the standard conditions used in their contracts - some of the agencies by default prescribe penalties in the contract for those who move out of the apartment earlier than 6 months, agents know the company's contracts by heart, and can tell you in detail what exactly is described in it .


As a separate item, I would single out the inventory made after the signing of the lease or lease agreement.
Leaving a deposit, you thus guarantee the safety of the furniture transferred to you by the owner, so treat the inventory with all your attention, and be sure to check that all possible comments have been made. By agreement with the owner, you can take photos by sending them to him as well.


Having received a lease agreement signed by the owner, you just have to pay him off (usually the first month of rent and a deposit are paid). At the same time, you can ask the agent in advance to bring a receipt form for the money you paid to the owner.

You give money, they give you a receipt, keys, instructions for household appliances and contacts for service personnel and services.

Now you are a happy owner of a rented apartment in Moscow!

it short description lease procedures.

If you have any questions, you can always contact me, I will be happy to answer them in the comments.

Renting retail space from the owner in Moscow is a real find for starting a successful business. We will provide at your disposal premises from 10 to 18000 m 2 in large businesses and shopping malls capitals in various regions. The properties are located near the metro. It is possible to rent a retail space on the ground floor with a separate entrance, street retail format. Rent is available for long term, without intermediaries.

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Benefits of cooperation

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  • Opportunity to rent not only commercial, but also office or storage space in one building.

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Commercial premises in the area.

Where can I rent a commercial non-residential premises or warehouse? How to rent trading area under the shop? How to rent out commercial real estate?

Hello to everyone who looked at the site of the popular online magazine "HeaterBober"! With you expert - Denis Kuderin.

The topic of today's conversation is rent commercial real estate. The article will be useful to businessmen, owners of non-residential premises and all those who are interested in topical financial issues.

At the end of the article, you will find an overview of the most reliable Russian real estate companies that provide intermediary services when renting objects for commerce.

So let's get started!

1. Why rent commercial property?

Successful entrepreneurial activity largely depends on a well-chosen premises for doing business. This is especially true for trade and services. A cozy, well-equipped store in a busy part of the city attracts customers in itself.

The same can be said about offices. Every self-respecting company should have a good place to work and receive visitors. Even if you sell goods through an online store, you need a place to complete and issue orders, as well as resolve disputes with customers.

Not every businessman, especially a beginner, can afford to buy non-residential premises. In such cases, renting commercial real estate comes to the rescue.

We list all the advantages of renting:

  • relatively low financial costs;
  • a simpler procedure for paperwork in comparison with the purchase;
  • the ability to change the landlord at any time and move to another building;
  • a large selection of real estate, especially in metropolitan areas.

The reverse process - renting out premises - also has many advantages. First of all, it is a reliable source of passive income. The acquisition of commercial space (retail, office, industrial and others) is a good investment option.

As long as there is a private business, its representatives will constantly need premises for doing business, which means that property owners will have a stable profit without much labor.

Finding suitable premises for business is a troublesome event. The fastest and most reliable way to find an object is to use the services of professional intermediaries.

There is a detailed article on our website about how modern ones work.

2. How to rent a commercial property - 5 useful tips

When renting commercial properties, you need to be as careful as possible when choosing them. It depends on the parameters and functional characteristics of the premises how soon you can start a business, and whether the object will fully meet the goals of your business.

First, decide how you will look for a suitable room - on your own or with the help of an agency. The first method involves the presence of an unlimited supply of free time and is associated with a variety of risks. The second option is safer and more reliable.

You will find additional information on the topic of working with intermediaries in the article "".

Expert advice will help you avoid common tenant mistakes.

Tip 1. Carefully study the hood and ventilation systems

You yourself or your employees will work in the room, so the presence of serviceable ventilation systems is the most important point. The lack of powerful and autonomous ventilation in the building is a real obstacle to the normal operation of a cafe, restaurant, grocery store.

Food should be stored in appropriate conditions, and visitors and vendors should not be bothered by odors. Moreover, the sanitary authorities simply will not allow you to use the facility for a catering or grocery store if it has only general house ventilation.

Tip 2: Focus on loading and unloading areas

A convenient area for loading and unloading goods is another key point for owners of cafes, restaurants, canteens and shops.

It is important that the area where loading and unloading operations will be carried out does not go out into the courtyard of a residential building or onto carriageway. You will interfere with residents or motorists, you will be tortured with complaints.

The issue of full-fledged power supply is especially relevant for tenants whose business involves the use of energy-intensive equipment - refrigerators, electric furnaces, machine tools, etc.

Make sure that the electrical cables in the room are capacious enough to meet the needs of the enterprise in full.

Tip 4. Carefully read the terms of the contract

Before putting your autograph on a lease, carefully read the terms on which you conclude a deal.

The contract must contain the following clauses:

  • lease terms, cost and method of payment;
  • if the premises are rented with equipment, then an inventory of the property must be drawn up;
  • liability of the parties for breach of contract;
  • conditions for terminating the agreement.

The costs of utility bills, garbage collection, maintenance of the fire system and security alarm are usually borne by the tenant. However, the landlord pays, if necessary, for major repairs, including the replacement of plumbing communications and electrical wiring if they fail.

Discuss in advance with the landlord the issue of property insurance - whether such an agreement will be drawn up, and if not, decide who will pay for losses in case of unforeseen situations.

Tip 5. Check property documents

It is imperative to check the title documents of the owner - the contract of sale, an extract from the State Register for the right to own.

Make sure the property really belongs to the person who rents it to you. Otherwise, one fine moment will be announced real owner object with the appropriate permissions. It is also important that the premises are not pledged, not arrested for debts, and not have other encumbrances.

A person who is far from the intricacies of housing law should take advantage of professional assistance when renting or buying non-residential premises. For example, you can clarify for yourself all the unclear points on the Lawyer website - a resource that employs specialists from all areas of jurisprudence.

You can ask your question even without registration, right on the main page. You will receive a legally correct and competent answer in a few minutes, and completely free of charge. If your problem requires in-depth study, you will need to pay for the services of professionals, but you can set the amount of the fee yourself.

Step 2. Determine the amount of rent

To find out the best rental price, use one of the two options. The first is to personally look through the databases of your city and determine the approximate range of prices for renting similar premises. Second - delegate this task to the realtor.

By the way, in addition to real estate agencies, intermediary services are provided by private brokers. They usually charge 25-50% less for their work than companies. However, private professionals working with non-residential real estate, even major cities- units.

5. If you're renting out commercial property, the top 3 risks for a landlord

Each landlord worries about the condition of his object and wants to make a profit from the lease, not losses.

We list the main risks of commercial real estate owners and show you how to avoid them.

Risk 1. Use of the premises for other purposes

Each well-written lease agreement specifies for what purpose and how the leased premises will be used. This also applies to equipment that you rent out along with the lease.

If the tenant promised to use the premises as a warehouse, but set up a retail store in it, you have the right to fine him or terminate the agreement without a refund of the rent.

Risk 2. Damage or loss of property

You handed over the facility and equipment to what you thought was a respectable citizen, but he, speaking diplomatically, did not live up to your expectations. Namely, he brought the room to a state of devastation, broke the equipment, unscrewed the light bulbs and, in general, behaved like a pig.

In such cases, the owner has the right to demand compensation for damage in full. Moreover, not only repair costs should be reimbursed, but also the market value of the damaged equipment.

Liability is not provided if the object and property were damaged as a result of unforeseen circumstances - for example, from a fire or flood.

Risk 3: Tenant Refusal to Pay Monthly Fees

Sloppy payers should be punished with a ruble. However, this is possible, again, if the lease agreement is drawn up in accordance with all the rules. That is, the document should clearly stipulate the terms and amount of monthly payments.

6. If you rent a commercial property - 3 main risks for the tenant

The tenant can also suffer as a result of illegal or unauthorized actions of the landlord.

Risk 1. Lease of premises to which the “landlord” has no legal rights

If the premises are rented to you by a person who does not have the legal rights of the owner to the object, the contract will be considered invalid. To avoid this, require the presentation of title documents.

You can independently obtain an extract from Rosreestr by contacting the Multifunctional Center. The service is paid, but you will reliably know "who is the boss in the house."

Risk 2. Changing the locks in the room immediately after making an advance payment

Yes, such situations still occur in nature. You sign a contract, make an advance payment, receive keys from hand to hand, and when you want to enter the premises with your property, it turns out that the locks have been changed, and the “owners” have disappeared.

There is only one way out in such a situation - to contact the police and initiate a criminal case on the fact of fraud.

Risk 3. Sublease

Here it is best to explain the essence with a simple example.


Tenant Andrei, a novice entrepreneur, rented a room for a store for a year, paying half a year in advance. At the same time, the businessman did not check the title documents, relying on the honesty of the landlord.

After a month of successful trading, the real owner showed up in the store with a full set of original documents. He politely asked the tenant to move out of the occupied area. Andrei tried to find a subtenant in order to at least return his money paid in advance, but the enterprising intermediary did not give an answer to calls or SMS.

Conclusion: deal directly with the owner. At the very least, he should be aware of all the manipulations that occur with his property.

7. Professional assistance for tenants and landlords - an overview of the TOP-3 real estate agencies

Finding a qualified intermediary is a difficult task. To help readers, we have compiled an overview of the most reliable companies in Russia working with commercial real estate.

1) Agency.net

Real estate management agency. Will help landlords and tenants rent and rent: office, retail space, workshop, warehouse, mansion and any other commercial property. The company employs only experienced and qualified lawyers and realtors.

A significant plus of the company is a professional approach, the availability of a detailed website, the development of an individual strategy for each client of the office. There are no real estate services that the company's specialists could not provide to users.

The Dance.Firmika.ru portal contains information about where you can rent a dance hall in Moscow: addresses and telephone numbers of dance schools and dance studios, prices for the most popular destinations, student reviews. For greater convenience in using the portal and searching for a dance school, we suggest using a convenient filter by districts and metro stations. Visual tables will help you compare the cost of classes and trainings in different dance studios in the city, choosing the best option for the price.

Finding a dance hall that fully meets the demands and needs of dancers is often quite difficult. Of the variety of classrooms offered, only a small part really meets the requirements of teachers and students. Therefore, starting the search for a suitable place for training, it is worth considering some important points.

Proper rental of the dance hall. What to look for when choosing?

First of all, you need to find out what a dance hall is. It may seem that this is just a rented room with mirrors. However, this is only a small part of what is included in this concept. The dance hall is a place where people have to join something high. They receive positive emotions, reaching inexpressible euphoria due to rhythmic movements.

Choosing and renting a dance hall is not easy. It should be a meaningful process that takes into account many basic requirements. These include the following items:

  • Since the dance hall and loud music are often inseparable, its sound should not interfere with people living or working in the neighborhood. For this reason, it is better to prefer non-residential premises in an area with excellent transport accessibility.
  • During training, physical activity leads to increased sweating, oxygen around is burned faster. Therefore, the hall should have windows or a good ventilation system that allows you to effectively ventilate the room.
  • It is better to give preference to a room with a ceiling height of more than three meters. Depending on the number of people involved in the group and the type of dance, the calculation of the optimal area will depend.
  • It is not necessary, but it is desirable that the interior design match the intended activities. For classical trends, calm shades are more suitable, while active modern styles will fit perfectly into an intricate and bright design.
  • In addition to the hall, you should pay attention to the presence of locker rooms, toilets and showers. It is far from always convenient to change clothes after an active workout and immediately go home, a shower will help wash off sweat and get rid of discomfort.
  • An important role is played by the floor covering, which should be smooth, but should not be slippery. Some dance styles can be performed in socks, so the risk of slipping will be great.
  • Convenience in training will bring a large number of mirrors, which will help to see in more detail the correct execution of the elements and visually expand the available space.

Of course, most dance halls are chosen based on how comfortable the dancers feel there, which is definitely the right approach. However, it is worth remembering about the mandatory parameters of the room, for example, its area, the presence of ventilation and changing rooms.

Where can I rent a dance hall in Moscow?

Finding a dance room in Moscow becomes much easier with our portal. The collected information will allow you to choose the best school in terms of location, get acquainted with the cost of renting a dance hall. Reviews about the dance halls of the city, left by visitors to the establishments, will also be useful.