Shantar Islands: why they attract tourists from all over Russia so much (photo). Tours to the Shantar Islands from the Moscow travel agency St. Astur, expedition to the Shantar Islands, Shantar Islands, travel to the Shantar Islands cost, trip to the Shantar Islands

Sea of ​​Okhotsk; Khabarovsk region. Opened in the 40s. 17th century Russian explorers; The name Shantar is first mentioned on a map dated 1710. In the Nivkh language, shantar is an island. Geographical names of the world: Toponymic dictionary. M: AST. Pospelov E.M.… … Geographic Encyclopedia

SHANTAR ISLANDS, an archipelago of 15 islands in the western part of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, in the Khabarovsk Territory. OK. 2500 km2. The largest islands are Bolshoi Shantar, Feklistova, Maly Shantar and Belichiy. Height up to 701 m. Forests of fir, larch. Source: ... ... Russian history

An archipelago of 15 islands in the western part of the Okhotsk m., in the Khabarovsk kr. OK. 2500 km². The largest islands are B. Shantar, Feklistova, M. Shantar, and Belichiy. Height up to 701 m. Forests of fir, larch ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Exist., number of synonyms: 1 archipelago (45) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

An archipelago of 15 islands in the western part of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, in the Khabarovsk Territory. About 2500 km2. The largest islands are Bolshoi Shantar, Feklistova, Maly Shantar and Belichiy. Height up to 701 m. Forests of fir, larch. * * * SHANTAR ISLANDS… … encyclopedic Dictionary

An archipelago of 15 islands in the southwestern part of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk (Khabarovsk Territory of the RSFSR). The area is about 2500 km2. The largest islands: Big Shantar (area 1790 km2), about. Feklistov (about 400 km2), Small Shantar (about 100 km2), ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Primorsky region, in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, at the mouth of the Tugur Bay; Big Shantar, Small Shantar (see), Prokofiev, Kusov, Squirrel, Nameless, Bear, Utichy, Feklistov, Rogatka and several small ones belong to this group. The total surface Sh. ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Shantar Islands- Sea of ​​Okhotsk; Khabarovsk region. Opened in the 40s. 17th century Russian explorers; The name Shantar is first mentioned on a map dated 1710. In the Nivkh language, Shantar is an island ... Toponymic Dictionary

Shantar Islands- in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Opened in the 40s. XVII century by Russian explorers; the name Shantar first indicates on the map of 1710. In the Nivkh language, shantar means “island” (Nikonov, 1966) ... Geographical names of the Russian Far East

This term has other meanings, see Bird. Avian ... Wikipedia


  • , . "The Motherland of Whales and Airplanes", Khabarovsk Territory is a new center of attraction for tourists in the Russian Far East. Tourists discover unique natural attractions, such as the Shantar…
  • Khabarovsk region. Modern guidebook, . `The birthplace of whales and aircraft`, Khabarovsk Territory is a new center of attraction for tourists in the Russian Far East. Tourists discover unique natural attractions, such as the Shantar…

Most Russians have never heard of these places, and do not even know where they are at least roughly located. Having visited these hard-to-reach and uninhabited islands, you are once again convinced of how many unexplored and incredibly beautiful places in Russia where practically no human has set foot. On average, no more than 100 people visit these islands a year, and this time I was lucky to be among these crazy lucky ones.

1. An unforgettable journey to the uninhabited islands of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, where, for a moment, there is snow for almost 8 months a year, began with a 30-degree heat. After flights Moscow - Khabarovsk - Okha, we found ourselves on the sandy beach of Pomr Bay, which is located in the very north of Sakhalin Island.

2. In early August, it was hot in Moscow. And this trip was a kind of salvation from the hot urban jungle. "I'm flying into the cool embrace of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk," I thought. After all, it is not for nothing that the city of Okha belongs to the regions of the Far North (although it is located south of Moscow on the map). And then something went wrong. We were caught in a windless, sultry and sticky heat. Swimming in the sea didn’t help much - there was nowhere to wash off the salt from the body, so the salty ones slept. They wandered along the shore, brushing off annoying and endless gadflies, until nightfall.

3. Briefly about the nature of northern Sakhalin:

5. The next day, we picked up the second part of our Mamont Cup 2017 team at the airport, which arrived a day later. The sun was shining, we swam, sunbathed and mentally prepared for the transition to the Shantar Islands.

6. The next morning, a kind of initiation awaited our team. "Put on all the clothes you brought with you, we're not kidding!" the captains of the catamarans said sternly. It was hard to believe the seriousness of the words of our leaders, who were sitting in a stuffy tent in shorts and flip flops. Therefore, most of us are completely wet and cold the next day. Crossing the open sea to Cape Wrangel quickly knocked out all the beach mood. Even yesterday's warm waters of the Pomr Bay have been replaced by a 4-degree refreshing vigor of the restless Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Three-meter waves in a duet with a side wind generously poured an icy salty shower over the passengers, compressed into lumps. Luckily, it didn't last that long, only four hours.

7. Cape Wrangel is an amazingly beautiful, wild and untouched place that resembles scenes from science fiction films. Along the edges of the bay lay huge stone boulders polished for decades, and in the middle there was a wonderful sandy beach, where I immediately swam. The whole day trip took us about 8 hours. Fortunately, a solid bathhouse awaited us, which was immediately used for its intended purpose. And at night, all our still relatively "fresh" clothes were dried in it.

8. The whole next day we walked in a thick fog like milk along the shore, admired the harsh nature (which we could see in front of us), gathered marine reptiles for dinner, got wet in the rain. We did not yet know that almost the entire two-week expedition would be accompanied by rain and fog, so we did not have time to miss the heat and gadflies. It turns out that this weather is traditional for these places.

12. Toward evening there was a show in the style of National Geographic. First, several whales entered the bay at once, which came very close to the shore and greeted people with their tails hitting the water. We were all delighted (it's not often that you can see a whale 20 meters from the shore), filming, flying, jumping for joy. And then the drama broke out - a flock of killer whales attacked the whales. And the shutters of the cameras were stitched, and the copters were buzzing.

13. But everything seemed to work out and all the whales remained alive, although in some places the water turned red ... For a long time we sat in a common tent-kitchen and discussed what we saw. They sang songs with a guitar, joked, acclimatized. They ate an incredibly delicious sea soup from everything that they themselves had collected during the day: algae and mussels. Somewhere beyond the ravine, a generator was buzzing, trying to charge laptops, stacks of batteries and smartphones.

14. After a bath and dinner, I fell asleep as soon as I climbed into the sleeping bag. I dreamed of the icy shower of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the sound of crashing waves on a catamaran, wind, whales, killer whales in fog and rain. Through my sleep, I felt that someone was shaking our tent, whipping it with a bath broom, and it all seemed logical. I didn't worry. I woke up at about five in the morning, when it was already getting light. The wind swayed the tent, literally trying to knock it off the sandy beach and throw it deep into the bay. Oh, this tent life!

Somehow I put on my boots, got out "on the street", as I immediately froze, got wet and was frightened. The two tents that we set up side by side the day before disappeared, and our "kitchen" folded in half under the onslaught of the wind, exposing the tables on which the equipment was charged - expensive batteries for Inspire, phones and my laptop under the blows of the elements.

My computer has seen everything, but it has never been charged in a puddle in the rain. I carefully drained the water from it, brushed off the sand caused by the wind, and put my faithful friend to dry in the already cooling bath. Later, 200 meters away, on the rocks, they found one of the tents blown away by the wind, or rather, what was left of it. The second flew into the sea and disappeared (fortunately both were without people).

15. By the afternoon of the next day, we reached the bay of the dry land Ongachan. This is a picturesque bay, relatively closed from the prevailing winds on the sea.

16. But it depends on what to compare. Judging by the number of dry trees that washed ashore by storms, and by the slope of coastal vegetation ...

17. ... the desire to meet here face to face with the elements does not arise.

20. After several days spent in sea turbulence, sand, tents and sleeping bags, Ongachan Bay opened up for us as an island of civilization. Here we were waiting for beds in 4-bed wooden houses, light and as many as three sockets! And at the same time, endless crab, red caviar, fried fish were served for dinner ... Well, a bathhouse. How can one live in these harsh lands without a bath?

22. Part of our glorious team.

24. Catamaran "Ongachan" and the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

25. In total, the Shantar Islands archipelago includes 15 islands in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Some of them belong to specially protected areas where people are forbidden to land. At the same time, the waters of the coastal islands freeze for about eight months a year and merge with the mainland.

26. Almost all the days of our journey passed through fogs and rain.

27. Fog spread over the water and, like a veil, hid the relief of the islands. It was difficult to understand and realize what places we are carefully sailing, what is behind the rocks that go into the clouds...

28. The Shantar Islands seemed to flirt with us, revealing only a small part of their beauty.

29. It is difficult to say whether we have fully achieved our goal: to show the beauty and originality of the region to the general public, to tell about these islands, unique and unknown to most Russians. To solve this problem, the organizers of Mamont Cup 2017 have assembled a team of famous travelers, popular video bloggers, photographers and videographers. A huge amount of various equipment was brought from Moscow, there were seven drones alone! And then bam - rain and fog.

30. For me, in fact, the archipelago remained unknown: foggy islands that appear out of nowhere, drizzling rain and curious seals sticking out of the water.

34. Before Shantar, I never met fogs in which one could get wet to the skin. Therefore, "public tents" were a kind of salvation for all members of the expedition)

35. Where else can you find fog in which to photograph your 10-meter shadow?

36. Here they are, the Shantar Islands...

42. On one of the days when the main part of our team was busy rescuing a whale that ran aground, we built a camping bathhouse from polyethylene and storm-damaged trees. They assembled a large fire, heated the stones red-hot, and made a real steam room. Here it is, an unforgettable pleasure: from a hot home-made bath, assembled in 4 hours, jump into the icy water of the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bOkhotsk!

44. A few days later, we returned to Ongachan Bay. We walked along the sea in the traditional fog, and already on the shore, literally before our eyes, the weather changed dramatically. The photo shows how the fog creeps into the sea, revealing stunning views of the bay and the nearest islands.

45. We have not seen the sun for almost 10 days.

46. ​​And in the evening a miracle happened, and my laptop came to life)

48. It is time to return to the mainland. There was complete calm. For two hours we walked through mirror water in complete fog to the mainland, from where we were supposed to be picked up by a helicopter to Briakan.

49. Of course, due to poor visibility, the helicopter could not fly to us at the appointed time. At the same time, literally 200 meters from our shore, the weather was sunny and calm, and we were sitting in the fog.

50. Already in the late afternoon, when all the songs were sung, all the fish was eaten and drunk - drunk, we heard the native noise of MI-8.

51. After a two-hour flight to Briakan, civilization was waiting for us! A rural shop with warm beer, and a comfortable intercity bus to Khabarovsk.

52. After everything we've been through, we didn't even notice the 17-hour drive to Khabarovsk.

54. I am extremely happy that I was lucky enough to visit these amazing places and meet so many talented and interesting people! Many thanks to the organizers

They are located right at the entrance to the Udskaya Bay, near the bays of Academy and Tugursky. This group of islands is located in the western part of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

The Shantars are a small group of islands located on the outskirts of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Being very original, they personify all the beauties of this sea. There are multicolored rocks and wild taiga. Intense tidal currents roar into narrow straits among the rocks. The nature of eternal fogs and wandering ice. Bears have bred on the islands in large numbers, and the marine population is also represented by seals, whales, killer whales, white whales ...

The climatic conditions of the Shantar Islands are much more severe than in the northernmost territory of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. This can be explained by the approach to the cold territories of Yakutia, the system of tidal and wind currents. On the islands, tides can reach up to 5-8 meters, and the currents are the fastest in the world's oceans. They reach up to 8 knots in the straits: Northern, Dangerous, and not far from the continent. The total force of the tides is concentrated in the straits, as if in a bottleneck. These straits are more like fast-flowing rivers, and the sound of water that rushes past can be heard at a distance of several kilometers. Which .

Only for 1.5-2 months the islands become free from ice. Icebergs float even in July, but already in September it snows. Such severe weather, despite the fact that the islands are located at the latitude of Moscow! The islands are hard to reach and they were able to preserve nature with all its originality. In this place you can observe feeding whales, a large number of seals and killer whales that hunt them, a large number of bird colonies and bears that roam the coast. This place has great fishing. In the rivers, you can find such varieties of fish as: pink salmon, char, kunzha, rudd, lenok and Dolly Varden. There are a lot of mushrooms and berries in this place.

At one time, people lived on Shantars, but at present, apart from the workers of the meteorological station, you will not meet anyone on the islands. But on the other hand, fish abound in lakes and rivers, it is very noisy from the cry of a bird, and whales, seals and killer whales swim near the coast. The geology of the islands is also curious. The coast is a real geological museum, which is located right under the open sky. Many places give the opportunity to observe the rocks, painted in different colors - red, pink, green and white.

Animal world

The peculiarity of this area on the planet lies in the fact that during the ice age, at a time when the main part of the territory of the earth's planet was under ice, in the Far East there was a territory where land, sea and ancient plants could be preserved in their original form until today . One such plant is a brown seaweed called kelp angustata. It grows exclusively in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk on the Shantar Islands. The landscapes of the islands are simply mesmerizing with their own beauty. The summer period of time in this place, although short, is very stormy. A large number of waterfalls are dumped from the steep Shantar coasts.

Lakes and rivers are unsurpassed. The largest is Bolshoe Lake, the Olenya River flows into it. At one time, people who were engaged in whale fishing lived on Shantar, at present, apart from the workers of the meteorological station, there is no one on the islands. Shantary is a paradise for photographers. Northern nature with its splendor and wild animals that react so calmly to the presence of a person. In particular, there are a large number of bears, they can simply be photographed at close range.

The Shantar Islands are an archipelago in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. Sometimes they are called foggy islands because of the frequent fogs. Coniferous forest and grass grows on the islands. A large number of streams and rivers fall from the mountain peaks, and thus more than a hundred waterfalls are formed, the height of which is 10-100 meters.

The water area of ​​the Sea of ​​Okhotsk is located within the boundaries of the national park zone and is a significant object for the conservation of the biological resources of the sea. Several species of whales are also observed here, there are a large number of rookeries of pinnipeds and sea lions, and a large concentration of sea colonial birds on the rocks of the coast.

The Shantar Islands are one of the most beautiful places in our country. The archipelago is part of the Tuguro-Chumikansky district of the Khabarovsk Territory. On Saturday, August 15, a Mi-8 helicopter crashed here, carrying 16 passengers, five people died. figured out why this place is so attractive for tourists.

The archipelago includes 15 islands - Bolshoi Shantar, Feklistova, Maly Shantar, Squirrel, Bear, Bird, Utichy, Sugar Loaf, Kusova, Prokofiev, Sea Sivuchy Stones, Sukhotina, Northern, Middle, Southern, Diomede Stones and a large number of rocks. The total area of ​​the archipelago is 2.5 thousand kilometers.

The Shantar Islands are called one of the most unusual places in the world. The islands are covered with ice for eight months of the year. The melting of glaciers ends by August. The islands are one of the few places on earth where you can swim among the icebergs at the height of the calendar summer.
The landscapes of the archipelago are amazingly beautiful. The islands have a large number of rocks of the most bizarre shapes and colors - pink, green, red, white (the colors are due to the emergence of valuable rocks - jasper, marble and others).

There are many waterfalls on the steep banks. There are several rivers and lakes on the territory, the largest of which is Big Lake. In reservoirs, a variety of fish species are found in large quantities - pink salmon, rudd, Dolly Varden, salmon, char, mykizha and others.
Brown bears walk along the shores, many birds fly, whales, killer whales and seals swim along the shores.

On the islands, there are rare species of animals and plants listed in the Red Books of the Russian Federation and the Khabarovsk Territory, there are rookeries of pinnipeds, in the river of the Srednyaya Island of Bolshoy Shantar, mykizha fish lives - a unique Shantar population of this species, included in the Red Book of Russia.

Large islands are covered with larch and dark coniferous forests, in which Siberian spruce, Gmelin larch, dwarf pine, and birch grow. There are thickets of cedar elfin.

Vessels do not sail in this part of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. For many kilometers, the only inhabitants of these places are two employees of the weather station living on the island of Big Shantar. It is almost impossible to meet tourists, barges or other ships here. Nature is almost virgin, not counting the consequences of the atrocities echoed by the Americans in the 80s.

There is another way to get to Shantar. From Khabarovsk by bus to Komsomolsk-on-Amur, then by boat to Nikolaevsk-on-Amur. From Nikolaevsk-on-Amur by shuttle bus to the Reineke Bay of the village of Mnogovershinny and from there by catamaran or boat (own) to the Shantar Islands. In time, this route will take 10-13 hours. As a rule, companies provide tourists with all the equipment except for clothes, a sleeping bag and tackle (if you decide to go fishing).

The group consists of 6-8 tourists, three guides and one cook. At the request of tourists, a professional photographer can join the group, who will take photos and videos throughout the trip.

The approximate cost of the tour is from 450 to 700 thousand rubles. However, this amount does not include the cost of airfare and meals. A significant part of the cost is the helicopter flight. The cost of one flight hour will be approximately 160 thousand rubles. The flight time for two flights to the rivers Uda, Udykhin, Maya, Shantar archipelago is 7 - 8.5 hours, to Shevli - 6.5 hours, to Nimelen - 2.5 hours, to Anyui - 3 hours, to Samarga - 7 hours.

Review of a Khabarovsk tourist:
Despite the outward impassability of the protected islands, getting to Shantar turned out to be surprisingly easy. Ten minutes of searching on Google, one single meeting with Alexander Frolenok, head of the website of the Far Eastern Tourist Association, and three days to get ready. We agreed on my participation in the campaign in the spring, and the trip itself took place in July. Trips to Shantary with the participation of tourists in the Far East are organized by two people: Igor Olkhovsky, known to many from books and wonderful photographs of these places, and Alexander Frolenok, who did not write books, but nevertheless has experience in traveling around the harsh northern islands and seas not less. The average cost of a trip with Igor Olkhovsky is several hundred thousand rubles. You will be dropped by helicopter to one of the islands, taken by boat to several others, shown local beauties, fed with delicious sea delicacies, arranged for fishing and much more. It sounds good, but spending so much money on a ten-day trip around the Khabarovsk Territory was not in my plans at that time. And I booked a tour with Alexander Frolenok, who offers about the same thing but in a more ascetic style.

Why not? Creating difficulties for myself and successfully overcoming them is my lifestyle.

So, we sailed to Shantary from Nikolai Bay (Sea of ​​Okhotsk, Polina Osipenko area). We got to our destination from Khabarovsk by minibus - a fifteen-hour drive to the regional center of the village named after Polina Osipenko, then we boarded a boat and went down the Amgun River to the village of Oglongi, where we transferred to a jeep and in a few hours were already in the bay. There, a trimaran was already waiting for us, on which the next morning we set off on an exciting sea tour of the Shantar Islands.

Ten days of sea passages or acquaintance with the wild Archipelago. The romance of a leger life, tents, food smelling like a fire… It sounds tempting! In fact, it turns out not so romantic. Folding and unfolding a tent again, falling asleep and waking up in a dew-drenched forest, wearing salt-soaked clothes day after day, dreaming only of a hot bath and normal, freshly washed sheets ... Romance begins at home, when looking at photographs, you say to yourself: - Wow! You did it! And how you want to change a one-room apartment in a five-story building for a canvas scarf on Shantary!

Then... The morning of each day began with preparing breakfast, gathering the camp and sailing to the next island. On average, the distance between the islands is 30-80 kilometers. Our trimaran covered this distance in two or even six hours. It is not surprising, at a speed of 13-17 km / h. But the slowness of the vehicle, fully compensated for the beauty of the area on which we moved. The Sea of ​​Okhotsk is restless and unpredictable. For one sea passage, you can enjoy both calmness and pretty fray your nerves in a sudden storm. Fortunately, there were practically no storms. The sun shone hotly for ten days. However, according to our guide, this was more of an exception than the rule.

During my stay on the Shantars, I had the opportunity to meet twice with a family of killer whales, to see the rookeries of fur seals, waking up in the morning and leaving the tent, to find bear tracks a couple of meters from the camp and to admire the picturesque rocks and amazing mountains that represent the landscape of the Shantars.

However, despite the calmness of the sea surface, we still had to go through a small shock. On that day, we were sailing in our trimaran, the total area of ​​which is three meters square, against the current. The speed was nothing. Three tourists were busy contemplating the beauty around us. A family of killer whales that emerged from the depths of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk fit perfectly into the landscape. Two adult killer whales kept at a distance, but the curious calf decided to get closer to our ship… Our main goal at that moment was to catch it in the lens of our camera. There was no fear. It came later, when we all, one by one, realized what it would be like to touch a small whale with the awkward movement of our trimaran. One scream would have been enough for his mother to smash our boat to pieces, sending passengers to taste sea water for the last time in their lives.

All other rafting trips will certainly be beautiful in their own way. But Shantars, as they say, will remain in the heart forever. There was a lot of interesting things: fishing, evening gatherings by the fire, fur seal rookeries, beautiful sunrises and sunsets… Some of this beauty is in the photographs.

Readers of can discuss the details of traveling to the Shantar Islands

The Shantar Islands are one of the few places that are not subject to human activity.

Shantars consist of 15 islands - Big Shantar, Feklistova, Maly Shantar, Squirrel, Bear, Bird, Utichy, Sugar Loaf, Kusova, Prokofiev, Sea Sivuchy Stones, Sukhotina, Northern, Middle, Southern and Diomede Stones. The total area of ​​the archipelago is about 2500 sq. km. The mysterious islands do not favor guests, only experienced fishermen and trained travelers decide to visit the lost corner of nature. Coastal waters are ice-bound for 10 months a year, icebergs slowly float past the coast, Shantars themselves are constantly shrouded in fog, which adds even more mystery, sometimes strong storms occur as a reminder that the islands will never belong to man.

A trip to the Shantar Islands is a great opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of wildlife, spend an unforgettable vacation away from civilization.

Not many survive in the harsh climate, so only bears, foxes and northern birds live on the islands, for which there is a real fish paradise in these parts, because a huge amount of fish is found in reservoirs and rivers. Some shores are chosen by seals, arranging their rookeries there, whales and killer whales are often found off the coast. Local animals are not particularly afraid of people, and they are not inclined to attack, because they always go around well-fed. Some foxes willingly approach a person and allow themselves to be fed from their hands. More than 200 species of birds nest on the islands, a large concentration of which is observed on the shores.

Despite the harsh climate, the beauty of the Shantar Islands causes great delight. Stunning landscapes, sea giants floating off the coast, bears roaming freely, bizarre rocks, fast rivers and serene lakes, numerous waterfalls will remain in memory for a lifetime.
Not a small interest is caused by rocks that attract attention with their unusual color. Due to the emergence of marble, jasper and other rocks, the rocks acquire a pink, red, green color.

There are no settlements on the islands, people do not live here, with the exception of a few weather station workers. The harsh climate forced people to move to areas with more favorable living conditions. The inaccessibility of the islands also had a significant impact on people, to get to them you have to go a long way.

The best option is to purchase a tour, the route of which may be different. Many travel companies provide tours to the Shantar Islands, so it is not difficult to purchase a tour. The main problem may be a large amount of money. The journey is quite dangerous, given the changeable weather, wild bears, transportation difficulties, traveling alone is risky. The tour program is designed in such a way that the traveler can see as many interesting places as possible and enjoy the rest to the fullest. Therefore, guides who know interesting places and huntsmen who scare away bears will be able to ensure the safety of the rest.

Most expeditions to the Shantar Islands are carried out for the purpose of fishing, because the abundance of fish is the dream of any fisherman. Pink salmon, rudd, Dolly Varden, salmon, char, mykizha and other fish species are found in local rivers. Sometimes fish can be caught with bare hands. Fishing is carried out on the principle of "Caught and released", because the catch can be so large that the fish will have nowhere to go. A huge number of berries and mushrooms grow in the local forests, so choosing the right time for a trip, not a single traveler will be left hungry.

The cost of the tours is high, it reaches 750,000 rubles (for a group of 7 people), the cost of the tours usually includes transportation to the islands and back, rental of fishing trays and moving from one island to another, camp equipment, insurance, first aid kit, meals, accompaniment of instructors.

The tour program includes fishing, watching whales and killer whales, visiting islands where numerous birds nest, hiking to seal rookeries, observing the life of wild bears.

Overnight stay is organized on the shore, in tents. You only need to take warm clothes, a sleeping bag, a raincoat and rubber boots, necessary medicines, personal hygiene products, a camera and a video camera with you.

It is better to plan a trip to the Shantar Islands for the period from the second half of July to mid-September, it is during this period that the weather is more or less clear and sunny. But even in August, the weather is unpredictable, the sun can be replaced by rain.

How to get there

Russia, Khabarovsk Territory, Shantar Islands.

To get to the Shantar Islands, you first need to get to Khabarovsk, from there by bus to the village of Briakan, from the village you need to fly by helicopter to the islands.

Some travelers choose a longer and more difficult path that starts from Khabarovsk, from where they need to get to Komsomolsk-on-Amur by bus, and from there by river transport to Nikolaevsk-on-Amur. From Nikolaevsk-on-Amur you need to get by shuttle bus to the village of Mnogovershinny, then by truck to the coast, Reineke Bay and from there by catamaran or boat (brought with you) to the Shantar Islands. The beauty of this route lies in the absence of a normal overnight stay and the need to negotiate with local residents about transport and transportation of the necessary equipment and equipment.

Basically, travelers purchase various tours to the islands, which include delivery to Shantar. This way of travel is the easiest and safest.