The forest storyline. The Forest: How to find a son, or the eternal question of the game

The Forest is an open world horror game. In the story, you and your son Timmy get into a plane crash, but miraculously survive on an island inhabited by cannibals. And after the fall of your son, one and the cannibals are kidnapped, dragged away in an unknown direction. In previous versions of the game, it was impossible to find a son, but in update 0.51, the developers added this feature. In this article, we will tell you how to find your son in The Forest, as well as how the whole game will end.

son in the bunker

After taking out the necessary key and descending into a huge crater, you will find yourself in a cave that leads to a bunker. In general, the bunker is a huge base, its employees have all died and now it is teeming with cannibals and other creatures. In the video below, you can fully see how you will find your son, why the plane crashes and answers to other questions.

Timmy will be dead, but you will be able to revive him using an incomprehensible device. And here is Timmy himself:

After that, you will climb up and by pressing the button you will bring down another liner - this is how they recruited people for their research.

The game will end with the fact that you and your son get out of the island and find yourself on a show (something like Urgant or The Daily Show). At one point, the son falls to the floor and "probably" dies in convulsions. The game ends.

Summing up

Now you know how to find your son in The Forest. Of course, there are many mysteries left, such as why you got covered in paint (that's what the son's kidnapper looked like), how you got off the island and what happened to Timmy. Perhaps all these mysteries will be solved in other updates.

The game begins with the fact that our plane suffers a plane crash and falls on a tropical island in the middle of the ocean. All opening scenes are well done. After our character comes to his senses, after the fall, we will have to return to the remains of the plane and look for useful items for survival and food. Since the reserves are not eternal, and the rescuers are not announced, we will have to build our own dwelling, get food in the forest and make a fire. Just like in, in the Forest during the day we will get our own food, firewood and equip housing, and at night we will have to hide from vile neighbors who just want to eat us. If the enemies have destroyed your housing, then you will have to hide in the darkness of the night and rebuild during the day.


The game has absolutely no interface. That is, there is no inventory, goals, list of tasks, the presence of weapons. Everything that we have we see in front of us. For example: we are carrying a log, then naturally we will see it, or if we chop a tree with an ax). We will also make all weapons from improvised means. You can take an ordinary stick, a sharp stone and make a spear out of a stick, and if you add a rope, you get a primitive hammer.

In Forest, we will often have to cut down trees so that this process does not bother us, the developers have made it extremely realistic. When the ax is struck, leaves from the tree begin to fly, a pleasant crunch of wood is heard, over time the cut deepens and the tree falls to the ground, only one stump remains. By the way, if you cut down too many trees and eat all the berries in one place, then there will not be animals in this place and in order to get food for yourself you will have to go deep into the forest, where you can get lost and not return by night. And at night it will be oh so hard. By the way, in The Forest we will be able to grow berries ourselves and we won’t have to go anywhere.


Main character- dad, survivor of a plane crash. He flew in a plane that crashed on an island in the middle of the ocean. Fortunately, the island was inhabited. True, savages-cannibals lived on it. As soon as the hero wakes up, he sees that his son is being carried away by a certain native. At this time, the question flashes through the player’s head: how to find a son? The problem is that no one survived except for the father. There is no food or water on board. To survive, the hero needs to take action.

The essence of the game is survival. You must hold out as long as possible. To do this, you need to build a house and fight off the mutants with a bow or an ax. Once the base is built and you have a place where you can spend the night, you can go explore the island: explore underground caves or find camps abandoned by someone.

There are only 2 entertainments in the game - fishing and hunting. True, you can hunt not only animals, but also mutants. The more days you hold out, the more difficult the process of survival will become: mutant spiders will crawl out to the surface, capable of destroying the walls of your buildings. So if you want to live, try to make a tree house.

How you will entertain yourself is purely your decision. You can run around the island and destroy the cannibals (they are limited in number, so you can clean them all), or fortify your base and wait for the enemies to come. That's the point of playing The Forest.

What awaits us on the island?

Over time, we will want to go deep into the forest or climb a mountain, and when we reach the desired point, we will not notice how the night will come and the natives will chase us. There is a whole network on the island underground tunnels(in which you can find a lot of interesting things, so the developers say), but we are unlikely to be able to go through them, since they are teeming with cannibals. By the way, our neighbors are not as brainless as they seem at first glance. They live with families, they have their own customs and traditions.

How to survive?

Before letting a five-year-old boy go for a walk, his mother instructs him: do not talk to adults, do not run across the road, do not climb trees. You also have something more difficult to walk.

Plane crash

After watching the videos, get down to business: search the plane. In the cabin are cans of soda and chips that will come in handy in the future. Now - to the exit. Before you go out into the forest, you will have to snatch the ax from the lifeless body of the stewardess. This weapon is the first and last help from the developers.

The first thing you need to do is explore the crash site. How to survive in The Forest without food? Take as many lizards, rabbits and stones as you can carry. Gut the passengers' bags - they won't need them anymore. When you score your inventory to the eyeballs - leave. Mutants can come to look at a bird that has fallen from the sky at any second.

Alone in the forest

Now you are faced with the most important task - to find a place to sleep. Or maybe a permanent home.

I advise camping on the coast. The reason is simple - mutants can't swim. And you know how. Rather, you can build a raft or a house on the water. And when the mutants break through the defenses of the house, and this will definitely happen, the last chance for survival will be to escape into the sea.

First of all, you need to know how to build a house in The Forest. You will not have enough time for a large hut, so make a hunting shelter. This requires 8 logs, 9 sticks and 5 stones. If stones lie everywhere, then for the sake of logs and sticks you will have to work with an ax. Approach the nearest tree and cut it down. When falling, the tree will fall apart into 4 logs. You can only carry two, so you have to go back and forth many times until all the building materials are ready. I can't imagine how to survive in The Forest without wood. Now open the guide for The Forest (button "B"), select the section "Shelters (Shelters)" and build your new house. The hunting shelter will help to hold out for a couple of nights. But as soon as possible, start building a full-fledged house and walls to protect it.

How to survive in The Forest when attacked by mutants during the day?

Aboriginal people can appear when you cut down trees, run after rabbits or fry meat. The main thing in such a situation is not to panic. This means not to attack first. These are the rules of survival in The Forest.

If you have studied the habits of mutants in The Forest, then you should know how they behave. The natives can just look at you with curiosity. And if you attack them, then only aggravate the situation. After all, this is their island, be friendly. But if you are attacked, defend yourself.

Hit the mutant with an ax, step back. Constantly move, block attacks. During the day, the natives are shy: they attack one by one and, seeing how their comrade was hacked to death with an ax, they scatter. Don't forget to split bodies of the dead enemies. The hands, feet and heads of the natives will be used for stuffed animals, which will scare away other natives from your camp.

line of defense

Thought this was it? The hardest part lies ahead. Prepare the camp defenses to comply with the rules of survival in The Forest. The aborigines won't attack the first night, but they will visit regularly after that. It's better to start building defenses early if you want to know how to survive in The Forest. You will need: stuffed animals, fires and traps.

Scarecrows built from the bodies of mutants. The previous paragraph indicates how to get them. Open the guide for The Forest on the tab "Effigies (Effigies)" and build a couple around the perimeter of the camp.

You will need 2 types bonfires: Standing Fire to scare off mutants and Fire Pit to fry food. Build the first around the perimeter of the camp, put the second in the center to have quick access to it.

What do you need traps guess yourself. Blueprints in the "Traps" tab of The Forest guide. Place them behind scarecrows and bonfires. Traps are the penultimate line of defense.

The last one is you!

Further actions

You can't build all this in the first day. You will need several hours of real time to build a camp that can hold back the onslaught of mutants. Here is what you will need to do going forward:

  • Build a raft and then a houseboat. This is the same salvation that I wrote about at the very beginning. If your camp is destroyed by mutant spiders, going to sea will help you quickly escape from a crowd of hungry mutants.
  • Find a rocket launcher - one lies on the lap of the pilot of the aircraft, the pilot himself is next to the cockpit.
  • Make bombs and a Molotov cocktail. To create an incendiary mixture, all you need is alcohol and a rag. But it is more difficult to create an explosive device - for this you need coins and microcircuits, which are only a few in the game. Some lie in the plane - the rest in the cave.
  • Explore the caves. This should be done during the day when the mutants are sleeping. They keep useful things in their tunnels: the mentioned chips, rocket launcher, coins. Using the forest guide, you will make deadly weapons out of these items.

Now you know how to behave in the early stages of the game. Knowing how to survive in The Forest will help you get comfortable with the game's environment, get used to the mechanics, and develop your own strategies to deal with mutants.

Suggested events before the game's story

Something falls on the nameless peninsula, forming a funnel. Local cannibals used the artifacts found there and create mutants. Missionaries soon arrive on the peninsula. They are trying to convert the natives of the island to Christianity, but the latter release mutants on them, and they, in turn, drive the missionaries into the caves, before they die, they write a message in Latin (the words are misspelled. The only thing that happened to be translated is a woman with four legs , some babies are dead, crosses don't help, traps are useless), leaving a sketch of Virginia and a sketch of a crater. A year later, miners, divers (where did the rebreather and flashlight come from on the island?) and other normal people arrive on the island to explore the island and extract gold. Among the corpses in the caves lies a journal, one of the headings on it reads: 7 people went down into the caves. Only one returned. He sailed away on the ship they arrived on, and the anchor, for some reason, fell off the ship. And this same person is talking about it to the public, as another magazine says with one of the headlines: "Ancient artifacts. Can the device return to death." After that, scientists from the corporation "Sahara" arrive on the island, build a well-known laboratory for the purpose of studying artifacts. Realizing that they will need test subjects, they begin to kidnap children. In parallel with this, Matthew Cross is divorcing his wife, with whom their daughter decides to live. On top of that, because of something, Matthew gets fired and leaves the island. A group also arrives on the island to shoot a film about missing children. After shooting the film, they are going to sail away, but under some circumstances they all die. Their cells are scattered all over the island, as are the missionaries' boats. At the same time, Matthew's daughter Megan dies. He steals her body, arrives at the laboratory, which had already been destroyed by that time, shoots down the plane with our hero, he falls, Matthew turns red, posing as a cannibal and takes our son. And this is where the game begins.

Where does the game take place?

On the peninsula

The peninsula is assumed to be in Canada or some other similar area to the north, based on factors such as animals, peninsula geography, and developers' locations. It includes extensive timber reserves for buildings, an extensive underground cave system, and big mountains. It is assumed that the caves suffer from regular collapses, the sounds from which the player can hear while inside. Some bodies (such as Christian missionaries) are in a location that can only be accessed using a rebreather.

Revealing the whole plot

The hero (according to the list of passengers, Eric Lk) and his son are flying somewhere. But suddenly the plane crashes on the peninsula. The hero and his son survive, but his son is carried away by a certain red man. The hero settles on the peninsula, finds a passage to the laboratory complex and enters it after finding the key card. Moving through the laboratory, he learns about the activities of the bunker, the fate of the red man and information about some artifacts found on the peninsula. During the search, the hero is smeared with red paint. In the end, the hero finds his son. Dead. The hero loses hope, but notices some pipes. He sticks them to his son, and learns that he can be resurrected, but at the cost of the life of another person. Walking through the premises, the hero finds Megan Cross, a girl who was resurrected by her father (judging by all the information found, is a red person), at the cost of Timmy's life. She considered him a red man, showing on a toy that he shot down a plane, mutates before the eyes of the hero, and he enters into battle with her, eventually winning. He carries her body into an artifact, but it needs a living specimen. Having lost hope, the hero goes through the laboratory and finds an artifact that can disable various equipment. This artifact at the beginning of the game brought us down. The hero shoots down the plane, thus falling into the chain of events that Megan's father started. He, apparently, finds a living person in the wreckage of the plane and with his help resurrects his son. A year later, when the hero, along with Timmy, get out of the island, and the hero demonstrates his new book, about survival on the island, and shows an ax (like gold / modern) that helped him survive. But then Timmy begins to convulse, as he did with Megan. The screen fades to black, but a few seconds later they show a shot of Eric holding his son and he opens his eyes. This is where the game ends.

☻☻☻Dedicated to fans of The Forest☻☻☻ So, I thought for a long time about the plot of not only the ending, but the game in general, and I want to tell you how the plot of the game was revealed to me: somewhere the narrative will be inconsistent, and some words will be repeated. I wrote under the impression after beating the game 😱

◄Once the artifacts fell on the island, or they were originally there, underground and inside the mountains, left by another civilization (the plot about these artifacts is somewhat reminiscent of the film “Something”, and the bunker is a reference to Lost). Finding pieces of the puzzle, one can understand that travelers from the time of Columbus, or even ancient ones, came across these artifacts. Scientists from the Sahara company built their own research complex (bunker) on the island around these artifacts, and pulled a lot of employees there to study the properties of these artifacts, but as we understand the research, the matter was not limited, and experiments began to be carried out. It seems to me that the experiments were first carried out over the indigenous population of the island, who were, let's say, normal natives, with a slight tendency to cannibalism, not mutants, and after experiments on human DNA, with the help of the first artifact, mutations began. Most likely, experiments on adult samples were not as effective as we would like, and experiments began to be carried out on children, in the bunker you can find a slideshow showing the results of mutations in a 12-year-old and a 6-year-old child, as well as children's boxes that use for newborns, from which these little mutant children were then obtained. All this, of course, was classified as “top secret” and employees were forbidden to leave the island, but as we can understand, many uninitiated employees, having learned a terrible secret about human experiments and mutations, tried to escape from the island, or committed suicide. Often we find in caves or other places, corpses in front of crucifixes with bibles, most likely the employees of the Sahara tried to atone for their sins in this way. We also find a corpse on a yacht, there are also crucifixes and so on, and also there we can find children's toys and an announcement about the disappearance of children, and we will find a lot of these announcements. It can be assumed that the child of that poor guy on the yacht, and other children, were kidnapped for experiments when the samples ran out. There is a small theory about where the mountain of corpses came from in the cave behind the Sahara containers. That's where we found the key card. The first option was the mass extermination of opponents of the experiments, and the second option I will tell a little later.

◄According to the law of the genre, a state of emergency occurred in this research base, the experiment and experimental samples went out of control and smashed everything (in the bunker it is clear that chaos is happening, broken glass, overturned furniture, etc.), killed almost all the scientists they reached, and fled a system of caves all over the island, and that mountain of corpses where we found the key card is something like a mutant food warehouse where they drag victims. We also found abandoned camps on the island, most likely those who survived after the incident at the base tried to survive, but also died, either at the hands of the natives, or they were killed by mutants. One of the surviving employees is Matthew Cross (the red man) himself. I assume that he was one of the scientists who worked directly with the artifact itself, which resurrects, and with the artifact that shoots down planes (aircraft were shot down for safety reasons and to obtain new samples for experiments). During an incident where things get out of control, his daughter is accidentally killed, and the heartbroken father wants to resurrect her, for which he needs a living specimen of about the same age as his daughter. Matthew goes to the second artifact and, lo and behold, just at that moment a plane flies nearby ...

◄The plane in which my son and I fly. The main character and Timmy. And 50 more people who will die and whose corpses we will then find all over the island .. Our plane crashes and at the very beginning of the game we watch Matthew (a red man, he smeared himself with paint most likely to scare local residents islands) is taking our son Timmy. And from that moment on, all we do after a plane crash is survive, explore the island, look for our son, and bit by bit collect information about what the hell is going on around.?

So... THE LONG-WAITED FINAL OF THE WHOLE STORY.. In the end, after fighting the cannibals for the last piece of meat, cutting down half of the forest and after we climbed the island up and down, all the threads lead us to the bunker under the crater. And then the tin begins, everything that we vaguely guessed, and what we could not even imagine falls out on us as soon as we get there. After passing through the bunker smashed by mutants, we eventually find our son, BUT too late. Matthew Cross used our son to resurrect his daughter Megan. We get Timmy out of the artifact, and it dawns on us that we can revive him with the help of the same infernal machine ... But, we need to shove someone from this car .. Nearby lies a dead red native (Matthew), who gave us an unforgettable vacation on island with mutants and cannibals, and put our son to waste. And how surprised we are to see that he is all studded ... with crayons for drawing .. Apparently Megan was not very happy with her dad when she returned from the other world. Further, following the red footprints from children's feet, we find this very girl, she draws and plays cute with an airplane, but something is wrong with her .. She begins to convulse .. To confirm our fears, Megan abruptly mutates into a huge disgusting creature which we have to kill. After that, we carry her body to the resurrecting artifact, but the system gives us a message that we need a living sample. A second keycard falls out of Megan's hand, which opens the door to the second artifact (it is in the bunker that we learn that there is a second artifact). We go there, again passing through a mountain of corpses of former employees of the Sahara. And in the end we find ourselves on the upper level of the base, which is located in the mountains, and reaching the room with the second artifact and the control panel. Someone who used the artifact left all the settings and the work panel unlocked. Yes Matthew?? We shoot down a plane flying over the island in order to get a living sample to resurrect our son ... Thus, repeating the act of Cross. IN this moment there is a feeling that this is a vicious circle, or a time loop, not just because we found a magazine on the yacht, presumably with the main character on the cover .. The question hung in the air - what is real and what is not .. Further darkness ...

◄A year passes. The main character and his lively son came as guests to the TV show, therefore the main character resurrected his son and safely left this cursed island with him. Standing backstage, we look at Timmy, something is clearly wrong with him .. his muscles are contracting strangely. But for now, we don't pay much attention to it. On the TV show we learn that we have written the book "Rescued" (rescued). Probably about how we survived on that island. We are offered to show how we cut trees. The protagonist and the leader go to two specially installed logs and begin to cut them. But suddenly, something starts to happen behind us, we see that the presenter is scared of something, and people in the hall start screaming .. We turn around at the screams and see Timmy, he starts to shake, he falls to the floor and his body convulses ... Right like Megan in that hellish bunker… Darkness… We didn’t run away from the horror that the island was saturated with, we brought it with us…

On the peninsula
The peninsula is assumed to be in Canada or some similar area further north, due to the climate, animals, geography, and location of the developers. It includes most of the settings for the forest, and includes both an extensive underground cave system and large mountains, in addition to the main forest. It is assumed that the caves suffer from regular collapses, the sounds from which the player can hear while in the caves. Some bodies (such as the Christian missionaries inside) are in a location only accessible with a rebreather.

Suggested events before the game's story
Something falls on the nameless peninsula, forming a funnel. Local cannibals used the artifacts found there and create mutants. Missionaries soon arrive on the peninsula. They are trying to teach Christianity to the cannibals, but the latter release mutants on them, and they, in turn, drive the missionaries into the caves, before they die, they write a message in Latin (the words are misspelled. The only thing that happened to be translated is a woman with four legs, some babies are dead, crosses don't help, traps are useless), leaving a sketch of Virginia and a sketch of a crater. A year later, miners, a diver (where does a rebreather and a flashlight come from on the island?) and other normal people arrive on the island to explore the island and extract gold. Among the corpses in the caves lies a journal, one of the headings on it reads: 7 people went down into the caves. Only one returned. He sailed away on the ship they arrived on, and the anchor, for some reason, fell off the ship. And this same person is talking about it to the public, as another magazine says with one of the headlines: "Ancient artifacts. Can the device return to death." After that, scientists from the corporation "Sahara" arrive on the island, build a well-known laboratory for the purpose of studying artifacts. Realizing that they will need test subjects, they begin to kidnap children. In parallel with this, Matthew Cross is divorcing his wife, with whom their daughter decides to live. On top of that, because of something, Matthew gets fired and leaves the island. A group also arrives on the island to shoot a film about missing children. After shooting the film, they are going to sail away, but under some circumstances they all die. Their cells are scattered all over the island, as are the missionaries' boats. At the same time, Matthew's daughter Megan dies. He steals her body, arrives at the laboratory, which had already been destroyed by that time, shoots down the plane with our hero, he falls, Matthew turns red, posing as a cannibal and takes our son. And this is where the game begins.

The hero (according to the list of passengers, Eric Leblanc) and his son are flying somewhere. But suddenly the plane crashes on the peninsula. The hero and his son survive, but his son is carried away by a certain red man. The hero settles on the peninsula, finds a passage to the laboratory complex and enters it after finding the key card. Moving through the laboratory, he learns about the activities of the bunker, the fate of the red man and information about some artifacts found on the peninsula. During the search, the hero is smeared with red paint. In the end, the hero finds his son. Dead. The hero loses hope, but notices some pipes. He sticks them to his son, and learns that he can be resurrected, but at the cost of the life of another person. Walking through the premises, the hero finds Megan Cross, a girl who was resurrected by her father (judging by all the information found, is a red person), at the cost of Timmy's life. She considered him a red man, showing on a toy that he shot down a plane, mutates before the eyes of the hero, and he enters into battle with her, eventually winning. He carries her body into an artifact, but it needs a living specimen. Having lost hope, the hero goes through the laboratory and finds an artifact that can disable various equipment. This artifact at the beginning of the game brought us down. The hero shoots down the plane, thus falling into the chain of events that Megan's father started. He, apparently, finds a living person in the wreckage of the plane and with his help resurrects his son. A year later, when the hero, along with Timmy, get out of the island, and the hero demonstrates his new book, about survival on the island, and shows an ax (like gold / modern) that helped him survive. But then Timmy begins to convulse, as he did with Megan. The screen fades to black, but a few seconds later they show a shot of Eric holding his son and he opens his eyes. This is where the game ends.

Story items.
In update 0.18, story items were added. Drawings, photographs, scraps of magazines, and so on, after being found, fall into the Notes section of the Survival Guide and are listed in the Notes article. Other items go into inventory. Their list:

Parts of Timmy's toy, from which you can assemble a complete one;
Timmy's drawings;
Camera and 6 video cassettes;
Old photographs with cache markings - 8 pieces in total;
List of passengers;
Key card;

Interesting Facts
After picking up, plot items go into inventory (with the exception of photographs, which end up in a book).
The only plot item that can be interacted with after being taken is the list of passengers.
The Bible disappears after being found, possibly a bug.