Estates of the Naryshkins, Kuntsevo and Fili. Cafe "Usadba" in Filevsky Park: description, menu, reviews

Cafe Usadba in Filevsky Park is located in Moscow. Here you will be offered delicious dishes, a cozy atmosphere, you can spend time with friends, have lunch, order a festive event. The institution is located in the Filevsky Park area. You can get here by your own car, the coordinates for searching on the map are 55.7376, 37.4590. It is also possible to take the metro (the nearest station is Pionerskaya), from which it is only 500 meters to Cafe Usadba in Filevsky Park. The institution was rated by 4 visitors, who left their reviews. Based on them, a rating of 3.5 was formed. Preliminary assessment of the situation can be on 22 photographs. This place is in category 1. You can book a table, get more information by using the phone, website.

  • The terrace in our institution will allow you to relax in the fresh air, enjoy delicious food.
  • The presence of Wi-Fi allows you to have lunch and work at the same time.
  • At Usadba Cafe in Filevsky Park, you can choose dishes that you won’t try anywhere else, thanks to the unique author’s cuisine.
  • Caucasian, Russian cuisine, the dishes of which are prepared by chefs, will delight you with their variety and characteristic taste.
  • The presence of a banquet hall allows you to celebrate an anniversary, wedding, and other festive events.
  • In the restaurant near the water you will feel the closeness of nature, peace and comfort.

Once I found myself in the west of Moscow, I decided to take a walk in Filevsky Park. Once it was part of the vast possessions of the famous Naryshkin family, who were close relatives of Emperor Peter the Great. They owned, among other things, two estates Kuntsevo and Fili, which I want to talk about in more detail. From the first estate, a dilapidated heavily rebuilt house and the restored Znamensky Church remained, and in Fili you can see a real masterpiece of the “Naryshkin baroque” - the Church of the Intercession. This is where we will start our walk. You can get to the temple from the Fili metro station, walking a little along Novozavodskaya Street. Already from a distance you can see a chic pink church, decorated with carved white stone decor.

It was built in 1690-1693, when these lands became the property of Peter the Great's uncle, Lev Kirillovich Naryshkin. Until now, scientists are arguing about who was the author of the project of such a stunning architectural object.

Some attribute the authorship to Yakov Bukhvostov, who similarly decorated the Assumption Cathedral in Ryazan and the Church of the Savior in Ubory. Others claim that the architect of the Church of the Intercession in Fili was a certain Peter Potapov, who allegedly built Novodevichy Convent. Still others see a clear similarity of this church with the Church of the Sign in the center of Moscow, where the city residence of L.K. Naryshkin. Personally, the Church of the Intercession reminded me very much of the Spassky Cathedral in the Moscow Region Dressings. In the same way, there are several tiers, an open ambush, to which stairs lead and stunning white stone carvings that adorn the windows and pediments of the building.

The upper temple, which is open only in the warm season, now houses a branch of the Museum. Andrei Rublev. However, I didn't manage to get there, because for some reason the stairs were closed. It is a pity, because it was in the upper church that unique interiors were preserved, which were lost in the lower one. I walked a little around, the church is surrounded by a small green park, where there are very few people.

A huge contrast with this ancient architectural masterpiece is the modern towers of the Moscow City complex, which are visible in the distance.

Bolshaya Filevskaya street goes by. Previously, along this road they went on a pilgrimage to the Savvino-Storozhevsky monastery in Zvenigorod. Walking along this street, you can get to another estate of Lev Kirillovich Naryshkin - Kuntsevo. She, along with the surrounding villages, was taken by Peter the Great from the Miloslavskys and presented to her mother's relatives - Naryshkin. In 1744, Alexander Lvovich Naryshkin ordered the construction in Kuntsevo on the site of the old wooden church of a new stone church of the Sign of the Virgin. At the beginning of the 20th century, already under the new owners of the Soldatenkov estate, it was rebuilt in a very rare neo-Byzantine style. Thus, the appearance of the renovated temple was strikingly different from what it was under the Naryshkins. In Soviet times, the church was partially destroyed, it was restored already in the 90s of the XX century. It is said that only the floor has been preserved since 1913.

Opposite this temple, Filevsky Park stretches for several kilometers, also laid out at the end of the 17th century. Citizens are very fond of walking in this park, there are recreation areas, cafes, well-groomed alleys and a cozy embankment. One of the ponds is still called Naryshkinsky.

For a long time I tried to find the remains of the main manor house, and only when I entered some sluggish construction site, I realized that the Naryshkin mansion was in front of me. Now it is an extremely sad sight, but once it was a stunning, very elegant building.

The building was rebuilt after the war of 1812 and later, at the end of the 19th century, when the estate became the property of the entrepreneurs Soldatenkovs. It was built of wood, the roof was decorated with a belvedere. Two wings stood on the sides, and the space around was decorated with a marble obelisk and statues of Juno and Jupiter. The Kuntsevo estate was visited by both the first persons of the state and members of the imperial family, as well as artists. Catherine the Second and father-in-law of Nicholas I, King Friedrich Wilhelm III, Alexander II and his wife were here. We visited Kuntsevo M.Yu. Lermontov, later L.N. Tolstoy, A. Herzen and N. Ogarev, artists A. Savrasov and I. Kramskoy painted views of the estate. Indeed, the house is located on a high hill, and if now the thickets and the Moskva River are practically invisible around, then earlier the territory was well-groomed and the plants were carefully monitored, a convenient descent to the river was equipped.

In recent decades, the main manor house has burned down several times. Another fire in 2014 practically destroyed the building - only the walls remained of it, and although it has been officially restored since then, significant improvements in its appearance not visible. The statues have long disappeared from the park, and in place of the obelisk there is a dusty plaster vase. It's good that at least the Filevsky Park, which is a real green oasis in the west of Moscow, has been preserved. This is a wonderful place with an unusual hilly relief, its wooden ladders in places resemble Kolomenskoye, and perhaps the main house will someday be restored. I would like to hope so.

There are so many things to do in the run-up to a wedding, birthday, anniversary, or any other celebration - decide on the list of invitees and inform them of the time and place of the gathering, choose the menu, and, of course, find the right restaurant. Despite the fact that there are a lot of similar establishments in Moscow and the Moscow region today, it is really possible to find cozy banquet hall is an extremely difficult task. Do you want to deal with it as quickly as possible, spending a minimum of your own strength and finances? Then contact our company and we will tell you how to do it!

The most common pitfalls when renting restaurants

Making out for the first time ordering a banquet in a cafe or a restaurant, most people have no idea how many problems they will have to face later. The most common are the following:

  • A very large selection of different establishments. On the one hand, such a variety allows you to find exactly what meets all your needs, but, on the other hand, it is quite easy to get confused in the assortment. On our site you will find a convenient and functional search form, which contains only proven restaurants, cafes and hotels with an impeccable reputation;
  • On the site of the institution you have chosen on the Internet, outdated or even fake photos are posted. Result - vip banquet halls in fact, they turn out to be cramped, stuffy rooms, which, of course, spoils the holiday. You can avoid such trouble if you search for a restaurant through our website - we carefully check all the proposed establishments, monitor the timely updating of information about them;
  • Inability to reach contact numbers. Imagine you have found an institution that meets all your requirements, and have already planned a holiday in it, but then another “surprise” awaits you - no one answers the phone numbers indicated on the site. Of course, you can spend a lot of personal time and go to the address, having learned everything there, but there is an easier way out - contact us! We will help you rent beautiful banquet hall, we will contact its owner ourselves and agree on the formalities, and if everything suits you, we will agree on when and where you will talk;
  • Having found a suitable establishment, it is extremely difficult to rent it at an acceptable cost and on the date you need. The task of our company is to offer such cafes and restaurants that will best meet the requirements of the customer;


The imposition of animators, decorators and hosts, extra dishes on the menu, for which you have to pay extra later, and other similar troubles may well overshadow even the most carefully prepared holiday. So the best solution would be to entrust the search for a venue to professionals - namely, employees of our company.

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Working on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region for more than 5 years, we have collected a fairly large database of various entertainment venues, each of which has its own unique features. In any of them, your holiday will surely be unforgettable!

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Do you want to cooperate with us? You can either use the service yourself or ask for help from employees. And in the first, and in the second case, you can be sure - you will definitely find the institution in which your holiday will be perfect!

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  • - Cozy cafe in a beautiful picturesque place!

    Pros: good food, great service, perfect location, nice atmosphere

    Cons: none

    Hello! Thanks for reading my review! Today I would like to tell you about a cafe called Usadba, located in Moscow in Filevsky Park. I have only visited this establishment once. But it made a very good impression on me.

    Well, do you know that feeling when you like a place so much that in the future you plan to return here for sure and maybe even more than once? So, I liked the beautiful “Usadba” so much that I decided that the wedding that my husband and I are planning to have in April this year will definitely take place in this wonderful institution, which is located in one of the most picturesque corners of our capital!

    Cafe "Usadba" is located in Fili-Kuntsevo park - one of the most picturesque corners nature in the west of Moscow, where every connoisseur of aesthetics can enjoy views of the high banks of the Moskva River and the Filevskaya floodplain.

    It seems to me that anyone who decides to visit this institution will find something of their own, special, here. For some, "Usadba" will definitely be remembered for its delicious cuisine, because the local chefs with ten years of experience really know a lot about their business. For other cafes "Usadba" will stand out from the rest thanks to its original interior. Whatever the purpose of visiting this cafe, many Muscovites "Usadba" has long managed to gain a reputation as a worthy place to relax.

    The cafe opens its hospitable doors from eleven o'clock in the morning and is open until midnight. The institution works every day without days off. You can get to it both by car and by metro. Then you will need to get off at the Molodezhnaya or Kuntsevskaya stations.

    This place is indeed a great place for big events and lavish celebrations. Here they always make concessions to customers. In particular, if you wish, you can bring your own alcoholic drinks or water. For those wishing to celebrate a wedding at Usadba, the services of a professional florist are provided to decorate the banquet hall the way the newlyweds would do.

    Of course, the main feature of this institution and its main feature is the successful location of the cafe - surrounded by a park, it provides all the conditions to enjoy the beauty of nature and take a break from the bustle of the city.

    The interior in the "Manor" is also very memorable. The cafe itself looks like a house in a modern style, located on the banks of an old pond.

    Inside, everything is decorated in light colors, the furniture is very elegant, made of ecological materials. Large panoramic windows allow you to admire the nature outside the window. But in the warm season, I would still highly advise taking a table on the veranda - especially this atmosphere will be great for romantic date couple in love).

    The cafe itself is made more in the Russian style, therefore it is not surprising that they have an emphasis on Russian cuisine, or rather, even the presentation of the institution.

    The prices here are above average. But when we visited the cafe, there were many people. It means that many people really like it, which I am not surprised at all. The menu can be found on the restaurant's website.

    Video review


    Fili Park is located in the west of Moscow and is one of the largest parks in the capital. Its area is 266.6 hectares. It is especially felt when you get there. Despite the numerous paved paths, it is quite possible to get lost there. Obviously, it is crowded there on weekends, but when you get there on weekdays, you don’t feel very comfortable, because you find yourself practically in the forest, where there is not a soul around you. Indeed, 90% of the park's territory is occupied by a green zone.

    Right at the entrance to the park - bike rental.

    The originality of the park is felt immediately. It is picturesquely located on the high bank of the Moskva River, the steep slopes of which are equipped with stairs for the convenience of visitors. I read that the name of this park was given by the Filka River, which is the right tributary of the Moscow River. True, now it is enclosed throughout its entire length (10 km) in a collector.

    Probably in Filevsky Park one can confidently study the types of trees of the broad-leaved forest. Of course, age-old lindens, pines, oaks, maples and birches are striking. In general - the real Russian nature. True, on the eve of my walk in the park, a strong hurricane passed and many old trees were knocked down.

    Barbecue zone

    Have you ever wondered why many of our parks are called parks of culture and recreation? Very strange name inherited from the USSR. Recently, it is rather possible to call parks of cleanliness and recreation, since much has been done to improve them. This also applies to Fili Park, where chic wooden tables with huge benches near cast-iron barbecues are installed. Here are the trash cans. Everything for the "cultural recreation" of Muscovites and guests of the capital!

    Promenade and beach

    Going down the steep stairs straight to the Moscow River, I found myself on the embankment. It's a completely different life here - who runs, who rides bicycles, who walks, who fishes. After talking with a fisherman, I learned that rudd, roach, catfish, bream and perch are found here. Avid fishermen - they know everything.

    There is a boat station on the embankment, but, unfortunately, it is only a rescue one. The boat trip was not possible.

    I was pleasantly surprised by the beach area right on the banks of the Moscow River. Here I saw several swimming pools, as they say, heated, comfortable sunbeds, showers, changing cabins, exercise equipment and even a summer cafe. In general, everything to have a comfortable time. Yes, I also noticed a sandy sports ground for playing mini-football. There is also a basketball court nearby.

    At first, the Moscow authorities wanted to make the beach area free, but then, apparently, they changed their minds.

    Here are the prices on the beach (prices are valid for June 2013):

    • Monday - Thursday (full day) - for adults - 200 rubles, for children - 150 rubles;
    • Friday-Sunday (full day) - for adults - 300 rubles, for children - 200 rubles;
    • swimming pool + deck chair on a pontoon - 500 rubles.

    The beach is open from 9.00 to 20.00.

    Bicycles for rent

    Since we are talking about prices, I will also mention bike rental. Cost - 150 rubles per hour. In general, if you relax with comfort and entertainment for the whole family, then in the park you can easily part with a decent amount of money.

    But you can relax completely free of charge, only contemplating the wonderful nature, breathing fresh air and remembering your native history.

    Naryshkin's estate

    Peter I, after the suppression of the Streltsy rebellion, gave his uncle, Naryshkin Lev Kirillovich, the former estate of Prince Miloslavsky. Lev Kirillovich arranged here for himself an estate in a European way - with ponds and greenhouses. There were marble figures all around, and a regular park surrounded the house.

    The Naryshkins owned the estate for 175 years.

    The house itself was outwardly well preserved, but everything else, to the greatest regret, was irretrievably lost. Now, of course, it is difficult to imagine how carriages drove up to the main entrance and ladies in crinolines got out of them. At various times, in the 17th - early 19th centuries. Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, Catherine II and the Prussian King Friedrich-Wilhelm III visited here.

    But it is quite possible to evaluate the example of early classicism architecture even now.

    Naryshkinsky Pond

    Not far from the estate there is a small pond. It is called so - Naryshkinsky. Its area is not very large - 90 m long and 55 m wide. However, its shores are very picturesque. Around it there are numerous benches where you can sit, relax and admire the beautiful trees that border its banks. There are sprawling willows and globular willows. And literally not far from the coast, I noticed a Manchurian walnut, which was sincerely surprised. Obviously, it was brought by someone from Far East. Noticed the red oak. It's so holly, native to North America.

    Ducks swim in the pond, and fishermen sit on the shore and catch carp and rotan.

    There is also a cozy cafe where you can have a tasty snack and even read a book. By the way, the Naryshkinsky Pond is described in the novel by I. S. Turgenev “On the Eve”, who often walked here.

    How to get from the subway:

    Fili Park (32 Bolshaya Filevskaya Street) is so large that it can be reached from three metro stations at once:

    • Bagrationovskaya - 1.03 km;
    • Pionerskaya - 1,093 km;
    • Filevsky park - about 300 m.