In which country is the glass beach located. glass beach california

warm beaches popular resorts- one of the most attractive ways to have a great rest. Located near the American city of Fort Bragg, California, Glass Beach has become not only a vacation spot, but also a popular local attraction.

The fact that this Californian beach consists mainly of glass is clear from its very name. From the point of view of ecology, the history of this beach began very sadly. For a long time locals considered the local coast as a dump and from all the surroundings they brought various garbage here. It included not only ordinary household waste, but also various old appliances and, of course, glass.

After the situation on the beach became critical in 1967, the local authorities closed it and began work to clean up the area from debris. Only small fragments of glass remained uncleaned, which over the years have been polished by the sea and turned into multi-colored coastal pebbles. So, near the city of Fort Brag, an amazing Glass Beach appeared, which on a clear day glitters and shimmers in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow.

In the 80s, an unusual beach gained great popularity. Since 2002 he has been part of national park McKerricher. Its coast was completely cleared of debris. Now the cleanliness on the Glass Beach is maintained not only by government officials, but also by the locals themselves.

Now California's Glass Beach has become a popular tourist attraction. Here they relax and take interesting pictures of beautiful pebbles made of multi-colored glass polished by the sea.

Usually a person, throwing garbage, negatively affects nature. Mountains of rubbish are of no use, not only spoiling the air, soil and water, but also causing aesthetic damage to natural beauty. However, rarely, but still there are exceptions - garbage creates beauty.

There is one interesting place - Glass Beach, Fort Bragg, California, USA (Glass Beach, Fort Bragg, California, USA). This place is surprising with its unusual beach. A public dump appeared on that coast in the first half of the 20th century. Now you can hardly imagine this in America, but in those days people got rid of excess rubbish, without thinking about whether it would harm nature. If there is a landfill, then you can throw it away.

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In the early 60s, local authorities finally thought about it. Like it or not, but the mountains of old garbage brought considerable damage to nature, polluting the air and water. In 1967, the landfill was closed, some of the large garbage was moved away from the coast, but great amount discarded plastic, glass and other small waste was left behind.

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For several decades, nature itself sorted out the landfill: there was no trace of the former garbage mountains. Sea waves cleared the beach and turned every piece of glass on the coast. As a result, the shape of glass pebbles is no different from the usual pebbles for us, and now billions of pieces of glass strew the entire coast, which received the name Glass Beach, that is, glass beach.

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In 2002, McKerricher Park acquired the Glass Coast. It has been cleaned up and is open to tourists who can admire it for a nominal fee. amazing place. Despite the official ban, many tourists try to take some glass pebbles as a souvenir of Glass Beach.

According to various sources, glass decomposes from 500 to 1000 years, that is, after a maximum of a thousand years, the incredible Glass Beach will turn into ordinary sandy one. But now it is one of the most beautiful places and the first unique beach, composed by man and nature.

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In the late 40s of the XX century, the coast of the city of Fort Bragg (USA, California), today covered with multi-colored glass pebbles, was a public dump. Residents of the surroundings brought unnecessary trash here: from household waste to obsolete cars. After 20 years, the mountain of garbage reached an impressive size, and the stench and rapidly deteriorating environmental situation made the state authorities think about closing the territory.

How did colored stones appear?

In 1967, the California Environmental Protection Society put an end to uncontrolled waste disposal. Part of the large debris was taken out, but the coast was not completely cleared. Hundreds of kilograms of glass, ceramics and plastics were left lying on the shores of the Pacific Ocean.

Forget about the beach. The coast, protected from all sides by rocks, was finally left alone, and nature itself took up the matter. Over the course of several years, ocean waves carried away the remaining debris from the shore and polished tons of broken glass waste so that they turned into multi-colored rounded pebbles, on which you can walk barefoot without fear of injuring your feet.

A piece of paradise covered with pebbles sparkling in the sun is called Glass Beach. Every year in May, on Memorial Day, locals celebrate the Festival of Glass, a celebration dedicated to the rebirth of the coastline.

In 2002, the California National Parks Union purchased the site of the former landfill. Now the unusual Glass Beach is part of McKerricher Park, which stretches 14 kilometers along the ocean coast north of Fort Bragg. The multi-colored coast is protected by the state.

And although it is forbidden to take out glass pebbles, tourists who come to see a popular attraction take round colored pebbles with them as souvenirs. Merchants do not lag behind travelers - they collect pebbles polished with water and make jewelry that is in demand.

Russia has its own glass coast

Do not be upset if you are not planning a trip to America. In order to see a beach with pebbles shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow, it is not necessary to go to California. Glass Bay is located 20 kilometers from Vladivostok.

As in the United States, nature itself worked on its creation, turning the garbage dump into a favorite vacation spot. The coast, like a kaleidoscope, is covered with a layer of broken glass, turned into sparkling pebbles by the sea. The beach area is equipped with gazebos, changing cabins and bathrooms.

In the summer heat, each of us dreams of cooling off in sea ​​water, and in the winter cold - soak up the rays of the gentle sun. Therefore, both in winter and in summer, many people want to be on the beach. Some imagine a coast with soft sand, others - a pebbly third - a rocky wild corner of nature. But it is unlikely that anyone will see a glass beach in their dreams. And in California it really exists! Unusual place located in the small town of Fort Bragg.

And it all began in the forties of the twentieth century. Then, from all over the city, garbage began to be dumped on the territory of the present beach. As a result, a huge public dump was formed. Everything was here: from household trash to decommissioned cars. Giant mountains of garbage, heaps of broken glass, piles of plastic waste eventually reached critical sizes. They were simply burned. This went on for more than twenty years, until in 1967 the city authorities, having discovered threatening land and water, decided to close the city dump. Programs were developed aimed at restoring the local nature, and the territory was finally cleared of bulky debris. But small broken glass remained, and here nature took care of itself.

The surf painstakingly honed each sharp piece of glass and turned the piles of glass into myriads of colored smooth pebbles of various sizes and shapes. The ocean has done a truly brilliant job: it has eliminated the disgrace committed on its shore by people, and turned the landfill into a unique clean sea ​​coast. So there was a glass beach in California. Photos of this place are simply mesmerizing - the coast in the sun shines with all the colors and shades of the rainbow. It's incredibly beautiful!

Local residents quickly took a fancy to the area. That's what they called it - Glass Beach. In California, the town of Fort Bragg is very popular - residents of the entire state come here on vacation. Tourists from other parts of the United States and foreign travelers strive to visit the amazing coast. Everyone who was lucky enough to visit Glass Beach in California wanted to take at least one colored stone with them as a souvenir. The polished glass pieces were quickly taken away by tourists, and local craftsmen got the hang of making beautiful bracelets and necklaces out of them.

In 2002, Glass Beach (USA) was purchased by McKerricher National Park and turned into an inimitable exotic corner open to the public. Since then, it has been forbidden to take unusual pebbles from here, but this ban is often violated, because every visitor wants to take a beautiful piece of glass as a keepsake. Not only people do not want to obey the order of the authorities, but also crabs living in coastal waters. They use multi-colored building material with great pleasure to build their homes.

Here is such a story! The glass beach in California is a real miracle of nature, beauty created from garbage, pleasing to the eye and taking away to the world of childhood, at the time of fabulous dreams, when we all believed that precious gems could be found among ordinary ones!

Amazing beauty can be seen in the US state of California, namely in the city of Fort Bragg. This extraordinary beach of glass strikes the minds of many people. Yes, indeed, you will not see this anywhere else in the world. The glass itself appeared in the most amazing way. Previously, this place was considered a dump, and people dumped household waste here, which included bottles, light bulbs, and even old cars.

Glass Beach in California. Start

Yes, now you will say that people do not spare nature, but that was at the beginning of the 20th century, and then they really did not think about the future, unlike today's people.

Only years later, in 1967, the local authorities thought about mother nature, and decided to cover up the place where people dumped all the rubbish. The shore began to be cleared of debris, taking the waste to another place. Despite this, a certain percentage of bottles and plastic remained lying on the shore.

All the remaining garbage was left lying on the coast. Nature was able to create from it a unique beautiful place. Over the years, she sharpened each piece of glass, thanks to which, all the bottles became like ordinary pebbles, though very beautiful, multi-colored and transparent. Today, the glass beach in California is officially called "Glass Beach". Basically, that's how it translates. The beach is very popular with tourists and romantics. It will be really interesting to walk here.

Glass Beach in California today

The beach was officially opened to the public in 2002, after a thorough cleaning and safety check. The cost of access to the beach is purely symbolic, although many do not pay anything at all. Here it is forbidden to take pebbles with you as a keepsake, but this stops few people.

According to scientific data, in 500 or 1000 years not a single piece of glass will remain in this place, since that is how many years it takes for it to fully decompose in nature. In a few centuries there will be an ordinary sand beach as it was before the landfill. Despite this, it is worth admiring now this unique and partly natural beautiful beach. Yes, even though it was not without human hand nature did its job anyway. This glass beach in California is very interesting, beautiful and unusual.