Vyshensky Monastery. Fishing places in the Ryazan region What kind of fish is there in the river above

Uspenskaya Vyshenskaya Hermitage, out of place, on the right bank of the Vysha River, 24 versts from the city of Shatsk. The time of its foundation is unknown; It has existed at its present location since 1625, until that time it was 8 versts up the Vysha River. Hermitage built and renewed by hegumen Tikhon (+1844). An ancient small stone church in honor of the Assumption of the Mother of God was built in the middle of the 18th century. In the monastery Kazan Cathedral there is the miraculous Vyshenskaya Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. This holy icon was received as a blessing from her parents by nun Mironia (Dankova), who in 1812, fleeing the French, on her way from Moscow to the Tambov Ascension Monastery, was attacked by a coachman who was carrying her, intending to kill her; then Mironia turned with a cry of prayer before the holy icon about the intercession of the Mother of God, and the coachman suddenly became blind; such a formidable admonition led him to sincere repentance, after which he received his sight, and Mironia was safely taken to the monastery; having settled here, she placed the holy icon in her cell, and before her death she bequeathed it, in accordance with the command miraculously heard by her repeatedly coming from the holy icon, the Vyshenskaya Hermitage, where the holy icon has been located since March 7, 1827. Every year after Easter the holy icon is worn in Tambov and other cities of the province. The hermit Theophan Vyshensky, who labored in it for 28 years and died on January 6, 1894, was buried in the desert.

From the book by S.V. Bulgakov "Russian monasteries in 1913"

The monastery was founded in the 16th-17th centuries, 25 kilometers from the city of Shatsk at the confluence of the Vysha River with the Tsna River. The first written evidence of the Vyshensky Monastery dates back to 1625. In 1724, the monastery was assigned to the St. Nicholas Cherneevsky Monastery, and since 1764 it regained its independence, then it was a monastery. In the first century of its existence, it was small and poor. From the beginning of the 19th century, when the monastery came under the jurisdiction of the Tambov diocese, ruled by Bishop Theophilus, the period of the revival of the Vyshenskaya hermitage began. Elder Tikhon, invited by Vladyka Theophilus from the Sarov Monastery, rebuilt the Vyshensky Monastery almost anew. During the years of his rectorship (1800-1844), eight stone buildings were erected for the fraternal cells. A stone four-tier bell tower was built, on the second floor of which in 1818 a temple was consecrated in the name of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity. As well as a stone fence with towers and cells instead of a dilapidated wooden one, in addition, new bells were bought.

In 1831, a stone summer church was laid in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God (consecrated in the summer of 1844, a few days after the death of Elder Tikhon). The temple is five-domed, three-altar: the main one is in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, the right one is in honor of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, the left one is in honor of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist; three portals of the temple are decorated with porticoes and columns. In 1875 the church walls were painted and a carved iconostasis was built. It also contained icons painted by St. Theophan the Recluse. Since 1827, the miraculous Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, kept in the Kazan Cathedral, has become the main shrine of the monastery. In 1861, the Assumption Church was built in the monastery, consecrated in 1862. It had two chapels: the right one in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the left one - St. Sergius of Radonezh. In the second half of the 19th century, under Archimandrite Arcady, a two-story stone fraternal building with a pharmacy and an almshouse was built. In 1896 - two stone hotels, a bakery, a stable and an inn. In 1874-1890, a warm stone Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ was built - five-domed, decorated on three sides with porticos and columns of the Ionic order. The main throne in it is in honor of the Nativity of Christ, the right one is in the name of the holy martyrs Adrian and Natalia, and in the left there is a sacristy. A particularly revered shrine was kept in the cathedral - the icon of the holy Nine Martyrs of Kizichesk.

The Vyshensky monastery gained all-Russian fame in the 19th century, thanks to the ascetic, Bishop Feofan (Govorov), who lived in the monastery, having retired from the Vladimir cathedra in 1866. After another six years, he went into seclusion and spent 22 years in complete solitude, in prayers and divine services, having personally built a small house church of the Epiphany of the Lord. There he daily served the Liturgy alone, from the first day of his seclusion to the last day of his life in 1894. Saint Theophan the Recluse Vyshensky is the author of numerous spiritual writings and a large epistolary heritage, which appeared mainly during the years of his seclusion. In the letters of the saint, one can find the answer to almost any question that arises on the spiritual path of a Christian. In the 1920s, the Vyshensky Monastery was closed, the buildings and property were nationalized, and the monks were evicted. Only in the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ, services continued until 1938. On the territory of the monastery there was a forestry, a pig farm, a children's town, and since 1938 - a regional psychiatric hospital. In 1990, part of the buildings of the monastery was transferred to the Church for the organization of a convent. The nuns settled 5 kilometers from Vysha, in the former estate of Chief Chamberlain E.D. Naryshkin "Bykova Gora" (late 19th century).

After the canonization of St. Theophan the Recluse in 1988, his relics were transferred to the then only nearby functioning church in the village of Emmanuilovka, and on June 29, 2002, the solemn transfer of the relics of St. Theophan back to the Vyshenskaya monastery took place. The ceremony was led by the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Alexy II. On March 14, 2009, Archbishop Pavel of Ryazan and Kasimov performed a small consecration of the Kazan Cathedral of the monastery, on the same day the relics of St. Theophan the Recluse were transferred there. On March 15, 2009, the consecration of crosses on the domes of the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Nativity of the Vyshensky Monastery took place. Currently, the monastery is being actively revived. The restoration of the building where St. Theophan the Recluse Vyshensky was in seclusion is underway.

Vysha (Knox) ​​- a river in the Penza region, Mordovia and Ryazan region of Russia, (Volga basin).
Moksha basin.
Length - 179 km, basin area - 4570 km². Food snow and rain.

Freeze usually from November to April.

The sources of the river in the territory of the Penza region.

It flows through the regional center Zemetchino. For 15 km along the river passes the administrative border of the Penza region with Mordovia, on the territory of which the village of Vysha is located (3 km from the river). on the territory of the Ryazan region. At the confluence is the village of Vysha, Shatsky District, Ryazan Region, famous for the Holy Dormition Vyshinsky Monastery.

Tributaries (from the mouth):
right - Izvest (3.5 km), Purlya (24 km), Shuvarka (53 km), Ushinka (147 km);
left - Kermis (23 km), Pochkar (72 km), Torcha (84 km), Sych (87 km), Raevka (94 km), Mashnya (107 km), Knox (147 km); further r. Noxa Burtas (148 km), Olshanka (155 km).

River Vysha (Knoxa)
Water body code 09010200312110000029591
Type of water body River
Name of Vysh (Knox)
Location 67 km along the avenue bank of the river. Tsna
It flows into the TsNA River 67 km from the mouth
Basin Oksky Basin District (9)
Oka river basin (1)
Moksha river sub-basin (2)
The length of the watercourse is 179 km
Catchment area 4570 km²
Code for hydrological knowledge 110002959
GI volume number 10
GI release 0

Entrances and exits
You can get to Zemetchino from Moscow by direct train Moscow - Vernadovka (with an increase in passenger traffic, an additional train Moscow - Zemetchino is prescribed). In addition, there is a diesel from Vernadovka (Vernadovka - Morsovo, leaves at about 10 am), there are about 6 buses from Bashmakovo (or even more), you can take a diesel from Kustarevka to Morsovo (from Kustarevka about one in the afternoon), and from Morsovo - by diesel to Zemetchino (connection is good in Morsov). The latter option is common if there are no tickets at all for anything (since an electric train runs from Ryazan to Kustarevka - from the Ryazan-1 station, and to Ryazan - from Moscow). The river Raevka flows in Zemetchino (about 600 m from the station), which flows into Vysha, but nothing is known about its passability. To vill. October 10 (about 8 km from Zemetchino) there are many buses, or you can try to catch a car. The road along which the bus is going crosses the Vysha around the 10th of October.
In the village Vysha can be reached by bus from Zemetchino, or you can try to catch the car at the station. Pashkovo (about 10 km from Vysha). The bus stop is located on the right bank near the bridge, 100 -150 m from the shore.
The most convenient way would be to come to Vysha by rail on a direct train from Moscow. Unfortunately, the Morsovo and Vysha stations are far from the bridge (Morsovo - 7.8 km., Vysha on the map - also 7 - 8 km.). Moscow trains do not stop between Vysha and Morsovo. However, the aforementioned cuckoo from Kustarevka (Kustarevka - Morsovo) is more convenient, as it stops at 63 km. (3.8 km from the bridge). In addition, rafting on high water can be started along the river. Morsovka (2.2 km. from 63 km.).

Morsovka, however, flows through and through the village. Morsovo, and in the immediate vicinity of 63 km. (east of the railroad). However, in Morsov it is impassable even in high water, but how to go from 63 km. directly to Morsovka, I don't know. In addition, from the railway bridge to the river. Vysha Morsovka flows mainly through the fields, and from 63 km. to the bridge - through the forest (blockages). In low water, Morsovka is obviously impassable for a kayak (at best, it is passable for the "Swallow"). The most convenient thing would be to arrange with the driver of the cuckoo Kustarevka - Morsovo (or even the Moscow train - at Sasovo station) to stop on the bridge.
The village of Chernoyar is very large and goes to the river. It is located 8-9 km. from Morsovo on the road. There used to be a bus from Zemetchino to Chernoyar, but it was reduced to Morsovo (1995). However, the road to Chernoyar is quite busy, and you can try to hitch a car in Morsovo. If this fails, then at about 16.30 diesel goes from Morsovo to Kustarevka - see the previous version.
Maybe somehow you can get from Shatsk to Zhelannoye (after all, a large village), but whether it's possible - I don't know.
Most likely, the villages of Important and Kuplya have a bus connection with Shatsk. Still, the villages are large and there is a direct road to Shatsk.

The bus station of the village of Yambirno is located at about 300 - 400 m from the river along the highway. From there, one bus goes to Ryazan (at 16.00), three buses to Sasovo (the last one at 16.20, the penultimate one at 13.30) and about 6 buses to Shatsk (the last one is around 19.30). You can go to Ryazan, but you only have time to catch the last train to Golutvin, and from it - to the last Moscow one, which comes to Vykhino at 0.30, and to the Kazan railway station. - at 0.52. Not everyone is comfortable with it. Besides, the bus to Ryazan is probably expensive.
It makes sense to go to Shatsk only if you missed all the other buses. It is quite possible that there are late evening flights from Shatsk to Ryazan, Sasovo or Morshansk.
The most convenient way, in my opinion, is to go through Sasovo. About 20 trains to Moscow stop in Sasovo. If you arrive in Sasovo in the evening, then you can sleep on the night train (it takes about 7 hours), and if during the day, you can arrive in Moscow at a reasonable time. In addition, during the day you can get to Moscow by electric trains with a change in Ryazan.

General impressions
Zemetchinsky forest
A good place. Lots of decent parking, lots of firewood. The forest is mostly deciduous - oak, birch, linden, ash, maple. Pine is common. There are few locals, there are no villages near the river (except for October 10th). The river looks beautiful - in general, what else do you need? Somewhat unpleasant is that the soil here is rather sticky, and when you go for water, you need to put on boots, and then clean off what stuck to them.

The plot from the Zemetchinsky forest to the village. Crimea (and even a little further)
Boring and monotonous place. There is no forest here, the banks near the river are mostly steep (about 3 m high). The river winds a lot. What is on the shore, as a rule, is not visible from the river, and if you climb ashore, you can see a heavily plowed plain with numerous villages. There are many locals here (mainly fishermen and shepherds). Small forest areas near the Syademskaya power line (14.05 - 14.15 30.04) and at the mouth of the river give some variety to this site. Owl. If you sail from Zemetchino (i.e. from October 10), then it’s probably worth trying to swim to one of these lines on the first day and stand in it - so as not to swim this entire section in one day (there are almost no stops here No).

The section from the "post-Crimea" to the beginning of a normal forest (19.18 30.04 - 16.35 1.05)
You can already stand here. At least firewood is easy to find and there is something to tie the tent to. There are fewer people here. However, there is no real forest here yet - it is rather light forest. However, it doesn't look all that bad.

The beginning of a normal forest - the mouth of Morsovka
The places are good. True, in most of this area, the forest grows only along one of the banks (mainly on the right), but this, apparently, does not matter. Plenty of parking space, plenty of firewood. The forests are still pine-deciduous. On this site is the very wooden threshold on which you need to be careful. The mechanism for the formation of this thing, apparently, is this: at this point the river seems to cross a small rocky ridge and form something like a rift (a difference of 1 m to 50 m is clearly not artificially created). The depth of the river in this place drops sharply, and the locals, taking advantage of this, put a stepped stake on the river, and then abandoned it. In the same area there are several riffles. There are practically no locals in this area.

The mouth of Morsovka is another beginning of the forest
There is no forest here. On the left bank (though mostly far from the river) is the village of Chernoyar. There are very few parking spaces, mainly due to the lack of firewood. This section still looks better than the one that we sailed on April 30, because the banks are not steep (it can be seen that it is on the shore), there are small copses, and there are small rifts on the river. In addition, this section is relatively short.

The beginning of the forest - village. Kashirino
The best part of the river. On both banks there are very beautiful forests, sandy shores, many beaches. There are almost no locals (there are places that are completely deaf). It's a very good day here.

Der. Kashirino - the mouth of the river. Lime Places slowly begin to deteriorate, and beyond the vil. Maryino, this process acquires an avalanche-like character. If you plan to spend the night in this area, then you need to get up at the first suitable place for this.

The mouth of the river Lime - the mouth of Vyshi
There is nowhere to stand here, mainly due to the high population density. This area needs to be sailed. He does not evoke emotions.

Mouth of Vysha - mouth
for kayaking. Sailing along it is a little pleasure (at least in the area described). There are practically no parking spaces here (perhaps the only one is opposite the village of Vash, and even that is not very good).

For spring, the Vysha is perhaps a little high - about 15 m near the 10th of October and about 50 m near the Important, and at the mouth it overflows up to 100 m (in summer, apparently, there is a delta). In summer and autumn, I think it is much better to swim on it. If we discard a significant part of the treeless section between Otorma and the Crimea (i.e., start from the village of Vysha), and leave Important, then the route can be considered very good - especially for autumn. However, a trip along Tsna to Yambirno, due to its short duration, does not particularly spoil the impression.

Vysha and Tsna
June 10-14, 2011
Oleg Volkov
River Vysha from the village of Tenth October to the confluence with the river Tsna. Further, downstream along the Tsna River to the village of Yambirno. West of the Penza and east of the Ryazan regions. June 10-14, 2011. 2 small catamarans for 3-4 people and Raftmaster, 11 people in total. Hiking with children.
The navigation of the river corresponds to the movement of the catamaran. Catamaran of a special design, designed for rowing with kayak oars. The speed of its movement is slightly less than the speed of the kayak.
Local power lines were not marked in the sailing directions.
The water level is above low water.
Start from the road reinforced concrete bridge, located in the village of Tenth October.

1 day
0-23 (running time, hours-minutes) 40-meter clay cliff on the right.
0-36 Sandy beach in the forest.
0-39 Roll. Wooden piles in the channel at the turn. Above them on the right is the second 40-meter clay cliff.
1-02 -- 1-07 Run-off - wiring under the left bank of the dam. Before that, too, on the left side of the channel, they squeezed through the previous trees.
1-20 Left tributary flowing into the forest.
1-58 Sandy beach opposite the confluence of the Otorma immediately after the exit of Vysha from the forest area. Downstream, sandy beaches will be found throughout the river.
2-44 Sandy beach next to a pine forest. A place convenient for parking.
4-43 Stop for lunch at a large sandy beach located on the right bank of the Vysha.
4-50 Wooden road bridge in Vysha village.
7-46 Stop for the night on the left bank of the river overgrown with trees.
2 day

9-11 Rocky rift with iron pins. The pins are arranged in several rows. Slightly leaning downstream. Some rows of pins protrude slightly from the water, others are located slightly below the water level. We passed through shallow water under the right bank, bypassing the spikes on the right.
After 200 meters, the narrowing of the river, it also has pins.
9-25 Parking on the right bank.
9-35 Again, underwater pins in the constriction.
The current disappears before the railway bridge.
10-42 Railway bridge.
10-44 Stop for lunch on the right bank among the pines.
11-47 Wooden piles left from the old bridge. There are speeds. Not far away from the river is the village of Chernoyar.
11-53 Automobile ford. Depth at the ford 60-70 cm.
12-09 Roll with a total length of about 200 meters.
13-12 Pile up in the right part of the riverbed of iron pipes and large fragments of reinforced concrete structures. To the left is a clean passage. Above power lines. Before that, there was a piece of burnt forest along the shore.
13-22 Overnight on the left bank of the river next to the pines.

3 day

13-40 Ford in the village of Lvovka. Behind him, under the right bank of the river, a bridge demolished by high water.
15-11 Confluence of a large left tributary Kermis. The width of Kermisi is about 10-15 meters, the bottom is sandy.
15-22 Wooden piles, followed by a low iron road bridge. Babakino. Run-off (15-22---15-40) along the right bank with a length of about 20 meters.
16-21 Stop for lunch.
Then the backwater of the dam begins.
18-11 Dam. Run-off (18-11 - 18-31) along the right bank with a length of about 100 meters.
A little downstream, a rift in the channels among the islands with a length of about 100 meters.
Remains of a wooden bridge near the village of Maryino.
18-54 Parking lot on the right bank next to the village.
19-13 Overnight "steppe" on the right bank.
Day 4

19-42 Confluence of the Izvest tributary on the right. There is a parking lot at the arrow.
19-52 Spring, possibly mineral, flowing from the right. Upstairs, in a birch forest, there is a parking lot.
20-04 Church with a spring on the right bank of the Vysha. The village of Important begins, the largest and most noticeable on the entire traversed section of the river.
20-17 High reinforced concrete road bridge. To the right of it are two churches: one is old, the other is new.
20-36 Flow into the river Tsna.
20-41 Pontoon road bridge across the Tsna. Passage under the bridge close to the left bank.
21-51 Lunch on the right bank of the Tsna.
22-37 Stop. We climbed to the high left bank. Observation point, it offers a good view of the Tsna valley.
23-21 Reinforced concrete road bridge of the M5 highway.
23-30 Anti slip on the left bank on the village beach of Yambirno.
In total, about 125 kilometers have been covered.

We traveled from Kazansky railway station in Moscow to Bashmakovo station by train 302 Moscow - Penza. It departs from the Kazansky railway station at 16-20. The train arrives at Bashmakovo station at 3-47 and stops there for 1 minute. The price of a reserved seat ticket from Moscow to Penza station is 932 rubles.

river selection
Initially, I planned to conduct a calm, leisurely hike along the wide Sura River in the section from Lunino to Sura station. On this section, according to the map, in many places slopes rise above the river by 4-6 contour lines to the right bank of the river. Therefore, observation points can be found here, exceeding the Sura and its low-lying left bank by 100-120 meters. In addition, in this section of the coast of the Sura are sparsely populated and covered with forests. For the first time in recent years, a section of the river with a length of only about 80 kilometers was chosen for 4 full days of rafting.

But a day and a half before the start of the trip, when round-trip tickets have long been bought, the layout and equipment are scattered among the carriages, and usually the last preparations for assembling backpacks are already beginning, I find out that it’s better not to go to Sura. The water in it below Penza, where we were going, is heavily polluted with chemical waste.

Therefore, an urgent change of route was needed. It's good that I had two "stash" in this region. One of them is the river Vysha, which I have been planning to go to for three years now. On the map, it looks very tempting. A narrow forest river with a sandy bottom. However, from the measurements on the map, it followed that the length of the route along the Vysha River from the village of October 10 to Yambirno is about 120-130 kilometers. According to one of the reports found, the length even reached 140 kilometers. This is at least one and a half times more than I expected. So, you have to dig deep. Having learned the route of the train on which we were supposed to call on Sura, I realized that it was not difficult to spread to Vysha.

The Vysha flows almost parallel to the Sura, and in the same direction, but at the same time it is located 150 kilometers closer to Moscow. Therefore, the same trains for which tickets are taken are suitable for dropping and dropping on it. When booking, you only need to leave 2 hours earlier. And on the return train to sit down 4 hours later. In addition to trains, both inbound and outbound now required two vehicle entrances, 50 and 35 kilometers long. This time the group gathered less than usual: there were 6 adults and 5 children aged 4 to 12 years. So finding transport for such a "small" group is no longer so difficult.
This is how the mattress trip along the wide river Sura was replaced by sports rowing along the narrow forest river Vysha.

Route description
And here is the river Vysha.
After the previous rains, the water in it is cloudy, greenish, not pleasant to look at. Let's start. According to the report on which we are guided, a beautiful (on the map) forest area awaits us in the next 8 kilometers. It's about 2 running hours. Then open areas will go along the banks, with a length of 6 hours, after which forests will begin again along the river. We're going to get to them today. On the first day, "draft rowing" awaits us. The river is deep, about 20 meters wide, the current is weak. Occasionally there are rocky rifts, the depth of the river on them greatly decreases. Lower water levels may require wiring. Both banks are completely covered with dense windbreak forest. Among the forest on the right bank, two 40-meter clay cliffs open in turn. Trees hanging over the water from both banks sometimes fall into the water, partially blocking the channel. At the same time, there are narrow passages through which you have to crawl. One blockage completely blocked the entire riverbed, and ships had to be dragged under the left bank.
In this forest area, there are practically no parking spaces with convenient access to the shore and a site for tents. The forest is garbage, with a dense undergrowth of willow, American and common maple. Grass and coastal trees descend directly into the water.
The banks are steep, overgrown with shrubs, only in two places in this forest area were sandy beaches. But next to them there were no noticeable places convenient for arranging a camp.
Finally the forest area ends. From my point of view, after leaving the forest, the river looks even better than in the previous forest area. There are sandy beaches, we swim. Before lunch we walked through the open area. Occasionally, small patches of forest approached the banks. The width of the river remains at the level of 20-30 meters, a noticeable current appears, the water gradually clears up, becomes more transparent. In straight sections, the current is weaker, while the depth of the river is on average about two meters. In areas where Vysha meanders, the depth of the river under the steep bank is usually more than two meters. The opposite coast is shallow, there may be a sandy beach.
For lunch we got a large sandy beach, located in front of the village of Vysha.
But we had to row to it for almost 5 running hours. After lunch, we relaxed a little, but it started to rain, and after it mosquitoes began to eat us fiercely. With each blow we kill ten of these vile, bloodthirsty creatures. And yet you still need to row. And find a comfortable place to stay. And among those forests that again surrounded Vysha, it is again difficult to find a site for placing tents with a convenient exit to it from the river.
Either there is a sandy beach convenient for mooring and swimming, surrounded by willow and alder thickets, or there is a platform, but an almost sheer five-meter rise from the water leads to it. Coastal forest usually with dense undergrowth, full of holes and potholes formed from floods. A beautiful pine forest that appeared on the horizon soon turns out to be away from the river. And it's already 7 pm. We explore all, at least somewhat suitable places for spending the night. And mosquitoes continue to mercilessly eat!
Found. A small flat shelf in maples and oaks with undergrowth, dark, wet after rain, with a steep but quite acceptable exit. Bonfire, dinner. Hot oak and maple firewood made the place quite comfortable and cozy.
Thanks to the dray rowing on the first day, we have created a reserve for the future. The second day was more relaxed. The forest area that completely covers this section of Vysha is also absolutely unsuitable for organizing good camps.
Sandy beaches continue to appear periodically along the river. You can swim, but there are almost no places where you can park.
In the area of ​​​​the village of Vaskin Bor there is a rift (9-11 according to the sailing directions), where you can severely tear the shell of the boats. The place is inconspicuous. Among the forest area with small turns of the river there is a powerful rocky rift 50-80 meters long with a total fall of the channel of about a meter. In the river bed there are several rows of long iron pins hammered deep into the river bed. There are more of them under the left bank. Different rows of pins are located at different depths. Some pins protrude slightly above the water level and are noticeable, others are located below the water level.
They are not visible, no trace of them on the water is tracked and you can severely tear the boat apart !!! They drove them into the bottom of the river, it seems, with a sledgehammer. The upper part of the pins is flattened and looks like caps with pointed serrated edges. The pins are slightly mobile, they bend over, but at the same time it was not possible to pull them out of the bottom. Why they are stuck, it is not clear. There are no other traces of human activity nearby. Complicated by the presence of a strong current. We managed with all boats to pass through the rocky shallow water under the right bank, leaving pins on the left. At a lower water level, the rift will become shallow, and where we passed, there will be a shallow rocky skinner. In this case, in order not to tear the skin of the kayaks on the pins, it is better to guide the boats along the right bank.

Downstream, in two narrowings of the riverbed, we also found pins emerging from the depths of the river to the surface of the water. The current there is weak and the pins were located a little deeper, so we passed them freely. However, in the second half of summer, at a lower water level, the spikes in these places can also rise to the surface of the water.
Downstream, for 6-7 kilometers in front of the iron bridge, the width of the river increases to 60 meters. The depth of the river increases, and the current in this section completely disappears. Thanks to this, the water settles here, the turbidity settles, and below the railway bridge the water in the river becomes clear and clean. For lunch, we specially stood next to the railway bridge, before that there were no convenient exits to the shore for more than an hour. And here it became possible to go ashore and there is a pleasant flat area among the pines. After a while, a current appears again below the bridge, the river narrows again to 30 meters. At the same time, it remains deep. There were several rapids near the village of Chernoyar. On a fairly long section of the coast, again, they are not convenient for parking. For an overnight stay, we managed to find a convenient place in front of the ancient Lvovka on a ledge on the left bank next to the pine trees.
On the third day of the journey, the water in Vyshe became noticeably warmer, and the river became more full-flowing. The width of the channel is still about 30-40 meters. The current, as a rule, accelerates a little in the winding sections of the river, and slows down in the straight sections. In the forest area there are snags that have fallen into the water. But they do not create obstacles for movement. There are sandy beaches along the coast, but there are no places for parking near them.

I remember the confluence of the Kermis tributary. It flows into a shallow sandy rift. The alluvial sandbank formed from its confluence extends almost to the middle of the Vysha channel. And here it breaks into a deep pool. The water in Kermisi was much colder than in Vyshe. And after its confluence, for some time the warm water of Vyshi and the cold water of Kermis go under different banks, almost without mixing. Water consumption in Kermisi is 6 times less than in Vyshe. It flows into a shallow sandy rift, the width of the Kermisi channel is about 10-15 meters.

In the area of ​​​​the village of Babakino there is an iron road bridge. They carried ships along the sandy beach of the right bank. The carry is short and comfortable. Below Babakino, the backwater of the dam of the old hydroelectric power station begins. It begins to be felt about 8 kilometers in front of the dam. The river in this area expands up to 60 meters, the depth increases.
Shores overgrown with trees and shrubs. There are no suitable parking spaces in this area. However, sandy beaches, separated from the forest by dense thickets of willows, sometimes come across along the banks of the river.

The channel drop at the dam is selected in two steps. The small first step has a drop of about half a meter. After 5 meters after it, the second, main spillway of the dam begins, where the water falls vertically from a height of about 3 meters. It is better to carry out the dam along the right bank. The portage is not convenient, about 100 meters long. There is little space for ships to dock. This is a small patch to which the boats of local fishermen are attached.

A little below the dam, a rift among the islands begins, about 100 meters long. Along the right bank a little far from the river is the village of Maryino. One and a half kilometers below the village, we stopped for the night on the right, steppe bank of the Vysha. The place is beautiful and very comfortable. Along the water there is a strip of sandy beach, separated from the steppe by a narrow strip of willow bushes. Several young pines grow on the edge of the steppe, there is a place for a fire nearby.
Tents were set up on a solid carpet of thyme. In the evening, when it got dark, the steppe grasses began to smell incomparably. Only for this one parking could be forgiven above all its previous shortcomings.

Closer to the confluence with the Tsna, there were a couple more parking lots. One of them was located on the arrow at the confluence of the Izvest River. The second camp was in the middle of a light birch forest growing on the high right bank of the Vysha above a spring spouting from the ground (19-52).

Downstream begins the village of Important, stretching along the river for two kilometers. This is the most noticeable village that we met on the route we passed. Prior to this, there were no villages overlooking the banks of the river. In this section, the Vysha expands up to 60 meters, the current disappears.

the Tsna River near the mouth of the Vysha River

And here is the Tsna, which we wanted to pass quickly, assuming that it would be a wide, dirty river. But it turned out that the water in Tsna is even more transparent than in Vyshe and, moreover, warmer.
Along the shores there are parking lots with convenient access to the shore, and pine forests grow along the shores. The width of Tsna is about 70-90 meters, the current significantly helps rowing.
For lunch, we stopped at a convenient parking lot located below the village of Vash.
A convenient berth for all our ships, a good place for swimming, warm clear water of Tsna and a small clearing located nearby in an oak forest: this is what we constantly lacked throughout the Vysha. We ate lunch and drank to our heart's content. The place is convenient, although frequented by autotourists and, therefore, littered. But we have to go back, besides, a thunderstorm has begun to set.
We moved on, avoiding the oncoming rain. The thunderstorm was already very close, and we were rowing, trying to be in time. But, seeing the high hills of the left bank, located on the edge of the old quarry, I could not resist. We moored to the shore and climbed up the slope. The top of the hill towered 40 meters above the river. On one side, the pine banks of Tsna were visible from it, and on the other side, the slopes of the old quarry overgrown with grass and shrubs and the herd grazing on them. There were thunderstorms and lightning all around. At the top of the ascent to the very top, we found several berries of ripe large strawberries. A trifle, but nice.

Then, of course, we got caught in the rain, under which we drove to the bridge in Yambirno. We dismantled the ships on a rural beach located on the left bank, about a kilometer below the bridge. They called the Gazelle from Sasovo, and got into it at the beginning of the next portion of heavy rain. And so ended this interesting, eventful trip.

The telephone number of the bus station in Sasovo is 89105734303. Ordering a Gazelle from Sasovo cost us 1200 rubles. We drove 35 kilometers from Jambirno to Sasovo for about an hour in pouring rain. We returned to Moscow by train N55. Departure of the train from Sasovo station at 0-19, parking 4 minutes. The cost of a reserved seat ticket from Ruzaevka station to Moscow is 905 rubles. The train arrives at the Kazansky railway station in Moscow at 6-03.

From the report I found http://www.skitalets.ru/water/centre/visha_fiva1995/ it followed that after the start, a beautiful forest area with a length of 2 running hours begins, after which there will be an open dreary section with a length of 6 running hours. Next, beautiful forest places should go, which get worse closer to the confluence with the Tsna. At the finish line, we were supposed to expect a wide and uninteresting Tsna. This is what we were preparing for. But as it turned out from our campaign, tastes are different.
Perhaps the route looks different on the May holidays. The water level in the river is higher, therefore, there are more convenient shore exits. And the number of parking spaces in forest areas is increasing. In addition, windbreak forests in early May do not yet have time to overgrow with grass, but are filled with a continuous carpet of flowering primroses.

In summer, those sections of the river that the author of the report considered the best, from my point of view, are not convenient for hiking with children. There are practically no convenient parking places. And the lower section of Vyshi and Tsna just made quite a good impression.
On the other hand, it follows from the report that there are many vacationers by the water during the May holidays. We hardly saw anyone. Despite the holidays and warm weather, there was absolutely no one by the river! We met only a dozen or two local residents during the entire trip. There are few settlements along the river. Only the village of Important is visible from the water, there was no other noticeable population there.

Dormition Vyshinsky Monastery

The area through which the Vysha River flows is generally quite deaf. There are few active bridges across the Vysha. The bridges in the villages of Davydovka, Chernoyar and Maryino, marked on a two-kilometer map of the Penza region, are no longer in operation. All that remained of them were old wooden piles sticking out in the riverbed.
There are not many obstacles on the river, but they are. In the initial forest area below Zemetchino there were a couple of blockages, one of which required the dragging of ships. The river in this area is not wide, and there are enough trees along the banks. Therefore, each spring flood can create another blockage. The portage of ships was required by the iron road bridge in Babakino (15-22) and the dam in Maryino (15-22). The remaining bridges were passed by oars. A depressing picture was left in my memory by a rift with iron pins and the following two narrowings of the channel, in which we also observed pins. I have never seen anything like it before. On this obstacle, you can severely tear apart a kayak or catamaran. The most unpleasant thing is that the pins are hardly visible from the water and do not seem dangerous. Until I wade to them, I thought they were the remains of a stake made of wooden branches.
There were no spring streams, only before flowing into the Tsna, when approaching the village of Important, there were two springs on the right bank.
The water in the initial part of the route was muddy, greenish in color. Perhaps this was partly due to the rains that had passed the day before. However, in front of the railway bridge (10-42) there was an extended section without a current, on which the water settled. As a result, the rest of the river had clearer water. Oddly enough, in Tsna the water turned out to be even more transparent and, moreover, warmer.

The width of the Vysha throughout its entire length remains at the level of 20-40 meters, only in some areas expanding to 60 meters. Depth, on average, about 2 meters, the bottom is sandy. It seems that we were walking on a water level above the low water. At the car ford near the village of Chernoyar, the depth was 60-70 centimeters. Therefore, the low water level should be lower. Melia was nowhere to be found. On all the rifts, there was enough depth with a margin.
In open areas, where the river begins to wind, the speed of the current increases. In straight forest areas, the current is weak, or completely absent. In front of the dam in Maryino, the backwater begins to be felt for 8 kilometers.
The shores near Vysha are dry, but not suitable for camping. For the whole first day, we noticed only 3-4 good places, convenient for parking. And this is almost 8 running hours. Throughout the river there are sandy beaches, suitable for swimming.
However, as a rule, they are surrounded by dense thickets of willows or there is a bare steppe nearby. It is very difficult to find a place among the trees that is convenient for setting up tents, so that there is a convenient approach to the water from it.
I got the feeling that the number of good campsites with convenient access to the shore, a flat place for tents, the presence of firewood and away from settlements throughout the Vysha can be counted on the fingers of one hand.
Forest areas, which are not so few on the river, as a rule, are a dense cluster of trees with undergrowth and grass thickets coming close to the water. The banks in such areas are often steep, hanging over the water.
In this campaign, we took from the river almost everything that it could give us. Swimming, paddling, warming up in the sun.
It seems that we have passed this route in the optimal mode. Yes, the first day turned out to be a drag, but in 4 days, in a different way, it is difficult to pass this route. And so we got the largest sandy beach on the entire river for lunch on the first day. The only chic steppe parking for 3 overnight stays. Normal, and completely different from each other, the other two overnight stays. And excellent rest on Tsne. It is a pity that we did not manage to climb the slopes of the old quarry more.
I’m unlikely to ever go to Vysha again, but, oddly enough, I really liked this hike. And remembered.

Fishing report:
January 25, 2014
Place - region / district: Penza region.
Detailed description of the place: Zemetchinsky district
Weather, state of the reservoir:
-32, on the river it reached -36, windless, sunny
Fishing method:
Winter girders, Mormyshka
Nozzle, bait:
Zywiec Karas, Krasnoglazka
What fish did you catch: pike
My catch: 1-3 kilograms
The largest fish is pike, 2.5 kg.
Detailed fishing report
Hi all.
Once again, I was going fishing in my favorite village, more precisely, in the village where my beloved father-in-law and mother-in-law live. The day before, my father-in-law called me to go fishing and promised to show me good pools. Totally messed me up.
As always since Friday evening, everything was collected, the live bait was bought (in case it didn’t work out), the sandwiches were cut, the tackle was checked, everything was packed in a backpack. Sleep with a clear conscience and peace of mind.
We get up at 4:30, the children snore softly, my wife snores louder (because she is unhappy with my rise so vulnerable). the benefit of everything is collected in the evening for the minimum time for preparations, so as not to wake anyone up.
And so 4:50 I'm already in the car, 10 minutes to warm up and go.
Drive 220 km from the city, in one breath, at 7:50 I drove into Zemetchino to a fishing store, my father-in-law asked me to buy a bloodworm and a bloodworm, and became the proud owner of a hat with earflaps, because I had a hat a la cockerel, it was cold in it, however, it was not yet dawn smells like darkness.
I went for my father-in-law, he threw his gear into the car. 8:30 It's getting light. From the village we drove until the so-called asphalt (what was left of it) was not over, the very outskirts of the village, beyond the fields ... it was decided to leave the car and continue on foot, walk about 5 kilometers. At that moment, a cornfield with fishermen drove out from the fields, talked to them, they could not pass and decided that this was the end of their fishing that day.
But we are full of enthusiasm, we do not give up, we put gear on the drags, on the way (at this moment we still did not know what awaits us). I won’t describe the whole way, I’ll say that we walked 5 kilometers for about 3 hours, there were moments when I wanted to turn back, but enthusiasm took over. The snow on the fields lay somewhere knee-deep, but there were places, such that he himself fell almost up to the neck.
And here she is, at the end of the river Vysha in all its glory, descending to the river, a second wind opens, preparation of vents, father-in-law drills a couple of holes trying to catch live bait ... he has zeros ...
Fortunately, the live bait was purchased in advance, the vents were installed. Installed at the entrance, exit to the pool and a couple in the middle of the pool, depth from up to 5 meters.
Although it was -32 degrees outside, while we were sweating incredibly, it was decided to light a fire and have a bite to eat. The zherlitsy are silent... silent... silent.
The stew is warming on the fire, blunders, calm silence, no one in the area ...
And then, father-in-law (calmly like that) "something is raised," I have a zherlitsa behind me ... Sunburn ... I go slowly, I hear my father-in-law swear that I would not step into the mine, I go carefully, shakes slowly, I approach carefully, I wait for a pause, I remove the vent, I wind it, I take the fishing line, hooking and, miraculously, a glorious pleasant heaviness is felt on the fishing line, I choose the fishing line, I bring it to the hole, the first time it doesn’t work, the muzzle doesn’t go into the hole, it doesn’t matter, I will bare my hand and into the hole, neatly I take it out, and here she is, our beauty at 2.5 kg is already on the ice. How pleasant and good at heart, it was not in vain that I rode and walked ...
Unfortunately, there were no more tans of the zherlits. Father-in-law caught a mormyshka, caught a dozen little sailors, a cat for joy, and a 300 gram roach.
The way back was not easy, we gather with breaks, smoke breaks, and snacks, we wander in a good mood back to the car, and all the same, how beautiful it is, the sunset, the sun, as it were, says goodbye to us until tomorrow. Beautiful native open spaces far from civilization. Fishing was a success, I'm happy... In the spring I'll fish this place with spinning...


Team Nomads
Higher / / Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: In 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg, 1890-1907.
Author of the report Oleg Volkov
State Water Register of the Russian Federation: Vysha.

Places of power. Hundredth - Higher

Anniversary though! Hundredth place of power. Under this case - the Ryazan region, Shatsk district. The place where the river Tsna makes a loop and receives the river Vysha. On its bank stands the Assumption Monastery. When he appeared here is unknown, but in 1625 he was already there. And he became famous in the 19th century, when the spirit of these places was embodied in a material object.

Here is a story that partly makes it clear how the deity fills the man-made form. On the Assumption of 1812, when Napoleon was preparing to take over Moscow, the novice of the Alekseevsky Zachatievsky Monastery, Marya Adenkova, sat in a cart to flee to Tambov. A widow, she took with her only the most necessary things and the Kazan icon, with which her parents once blessed her. Of course, this icon was dear to our novice, but we must admit: there was nothing special about it. Is that the face is already very dark, and so - the usual Kazan Mother of God. Probably tens of thousands of them have appeared since, in 1579, after a fire that started near the Church of St. Nicholas of Tulsky and burned down almost the whole of Kazan, the Mother of God began to appear in a dream to the archer’s daughter Matrona, demanding to dig the earth under the stove of that very house, with which the fire started. Matrona's father's house. Well, they dug and found a completely new icon, which soon became perhaps the most revered of the Russian icons of the Virgin. Especially - after she helped Prince Pozharsky take Moscow.

Here is what we are interested in: the fire started from the Church of St. Nicholas of Tulsky, named after an icon found in the first half of the 16th century by a Cossack. He was digging something in a swamp in the Tula District and came across a box. He removed the boards and saw a large icon. It seems, Nikola, looks like, but he holds his right hand differently, and the clothes are different. For a new image, the Cossacks built a temple in Tula. When in 1552 Ivan the Terrible moved to Kazan, the Crimean Khan Devlet Giray hit him on the flank. And before the day of Ivan Kupala, Tula already approached. The city seemed to be doomed, as most of the garrison left with the king. The assault lasted two days, the Janissaries had already landed the gates, but it got dark. And the next morning, Russian troops pulled up from Kolomna. Everything, Nikola, to whom the Tula people prayed during the assault, saved the city. This impressed everyone so much that they made a copy of the icon and sent it to Kazan.

There, Nikola also helped the Russians, appeared to some, encouraged them. As a result, the church of his Tula image became one of the first Orthodox churches in Muslim Kazan. Father Yermolai (from the Don Cossacks) was a priest in that church, it was under him that Kazanskaya was acquired. In Tula, by the way, there is a version of the story of finding this icon: allegedly, during the fire of 1579, the St. Nicholas Church burned down, Yermolai rushed to look for Tula, saw the corner of the icon board sticking out of the ashes - here it is! - he pulled, and Kazanskaya turned out to be in his hands.

Well, I don’t know ... Yermolai himself (later - Patriarch Hermogenes, starved to death under the Poles in Moscow) in his description of the acquisition of the Kazan Mother of God says nothing of the kind. And, nevertheless, in the myth of the transformation of the Nikolskaya icon into the Kazan one, there is homemade logic. Indeed, in the folk religion, Nikola-Volos is inseparable from Mother Earth. In my place, I wrote about, which depicts together - both Nikola and the Most Pure. In fact, this icon, acquired in 1539, already has both Kazan and Tula Nikola. True, Nikolai and Okovetskaya do not hold the book away ... But as for the Mother of God, Kazanskaya seems to be literally cut out of Okovetskaya, the only difference is the tilt of the head. Therefore, when they say that Kazanskaya is a variant of the Hodegritry written by the evangelist Luke, I agree, but I think to myself: why go so far, look into the Okovets forest.

So, while Bonaparte burned Moscow, Adenkova slowly moved towards Tambov. And it so happened that her coachman strayed from the true path. He sent the horses to the nearest forest ... With intentions - obviously unkind. The peasant was deceived by the manners of the widow, who was from the nobility, which means she was rich. Wrong thought. The unfortunate refugee had no wealth. There was only an icon, which the poor thing immediately prayed for. Suddenly a clear voice: "Do not be afraid!". The man was almost horrified... In general, he immediately went blind. The horses stopped. Marya sniffed the air with surprise and looked around ... Then it is clear: the unlucky robber repented and offered (together with the failed victim) prayers for the return of sight ...

Where was it? Ms. Adenkova does not provide exact coordinates. But it seems to me that it was somewhere near Shatsk. Why? Perhaps this will become clear from the future... Arriving in Tambov, the widow got her hair cut in the Ascension Monastery there, and became Miropia. In 1827, feeling the approach of death, she decided to bequeath the Kazan monastery that had saved her. But the Mother of God did not allow this. She appeared to Miropia in a dream and ordered to transfer her Kazan image to the Vyshenskaya Hermitage for all eternity. Which was done. So the icon ended up where it subsequently showed many miracles.

I did not find specific information about what kind of miracles until 1846 (when they began to be recorded) the icon on Vyshe produced. But there must have been miracles, since already in 1832 the Kazan Cathedral was built in the monastery especially for the Vyshenskaya Icon. Old Ouspensky simply could not accommodate the crowds she had attracted. Yes, in fact, this sudden and rapidly spreading popularity of an icon unknown to anyone until then is already a miracle in itself. The priests, of course, promoted a new relic, but if there is no need for a cult among the people, if there is no spirit that gives rise to this need, then where, one wonders, will the crowds of admirers come from? So I say: the feminine spirit, hovering over Vysha and Tsna, united with the icon of Mrs. Adenkova (see also spirit).

The geography of the Vyshensky spirit is easy to trace: Shatsk, Morshansk, Kozlov (Michurinsk), Tambov, Kirsanov. The fact is that during the 19th century, cholera epidemics periodically occurred in the vicinity of these places. The icon was brought there, and the plague receded. With this in mind, we can outline the zone of influence of the Vyshenskaya goddess. From the epicenter, for which it is natural to take the Vyshensky Monastery, to the south, along the Tsna line, a wave spreads, as it were, to Tambov (in the center), Michurinsk (to the west) and Kirsanov (to the east). To the north along the Tsna, Vyshenskaya's influence does not extend so far (as far as I understand, there was no cult of her already in Sasovo), there, along the tributaries of the Moksha, there are nymphs. I described one of them: And so I advise you to pay attention to another interesting Baba,

What is Vyshenskaya's sector of influence from the point of view of geomystics? Its axis is Tsna, which starts south of Tambov and flows north. And the rivers of the Don basin flow towards it, on which Michurinsk (on Voronezh) and Kirsanov (on the Vorone, a tributary of the Khoper) stand. The Tsna, flowing into the Volga, is, as it were, nested between the tributaries of the Don. That is, the zone of influence of Vyshenskaya is the zone of contact between the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov and the Caspian. In such zones of contact of the seas (see, for example,) there are especially many places of power. The flows of energy, which are depicted on the maps as rivers, mix in these interfluves, form clots of power that act on people in such a way that they begin to feel something, to see ...

However, we forgot something about Nicole. Vyshenskaya, like any normal goddess, should have. He is. A few kilometers east of the monastery, in a ravine under the road itself, the Nikolsky spring beats. -Hair, which I have a lot of. It is visited, perhaps, more than a monastery, all the trees around are tied with ribbons, every traveler seeks to go down into the ravine, drink the divine moisture, stand under the watchful eye of the Great Serpent.

And about forty kilometers from Vyshi upstream of the Tsna there is another serpentine place. There, on the right bank of the river, stands the Nikolo-Cherneevsky Monastery (by the way, Vyshensky was attached to it at one time). When I arrived there for the first time, it was early spring, Tsna overflowed. I looked from the bridge, and the world across the river seemed unreal to me, literally - otherworldly. The feeling that getting there means being inside an illustration for some children's fairy tale. Having crossed the bridge, he suddenly fell into a state of stupor, the world seemed to slow down. I saw myself wandering across the swampy plain from the side. When he entered the monastery, the spell disappeared.

Initially, this monastery was called Cherneev. Because once the Black Forest grew next to it. So - the Mordovian gods lived. I don’t know if I was there, but - most likely I was - the place is already very strong. In 1573, the monk Matthew settled here, from the Don Cossacks (here again, Nikola and the Cossacks). The monastery founded by him will then be considered a Cossack monastery for a long time to come. The Don army not only financed its construction, there was a time when it was subordinate to the Cossack circle, and most of the Cherneevsky monks consisted of retired Cossacks. It is unlikely that these people strictly distinguished Nikola from the Serpent-Hair, and even more so from some of his Mordovian equivalents, like the seven-veined dragon Sisemkaryaza, which is struck by the thunderbolt Puryegin-paz. Not theologians, tea, why do they need such subtleties. But with their livers, the Cossacks unmistakably sensed the god who lived in the Black Forest.

He resisted Orthodoxy for a long time. In the 17th century, Archbishop Misail of Ryazan (the same fanatic who melted down the golden seal of Batu Khan) kept organizing expeditions to Tsna. He tried to convert the Mordovians to the Orthodox faith. His third expedition was the last. The hero of the Mordovian people Gorechishka fired an arrow and mortally wounded the stubborn archbishop. It was in 1656 near the village of Yambirno, just north of the Vyshensky Monastery. Dying, Misail ordered to bury himself "near the Chernev monastery at the church of the martyr Mina in an empty place in the forest." Orthodox, but also felt the power of this place. Then, however, the body of the militant missionary was transferred to. Misail is now, of course, a saint.

The Vyshensky and Cherneev monasteries that arose in the zone of contact between the Volga and the Don naturally complement each other. Cherneevo is a very Nikolsky place, gloomy, masculine, exciting. And Vysha is bright, clear, as if someone is stroking you on the head all the time, encouraging you: go for it, they say. Who would it? It is clear that the Vyshinsky goddess, but - who is she? Maybe Ange-patyay, the all-begetting mother, or maybe - After all-ava, the goddess of waters. It is difficult to understand this after Misail and other landsknechts of the Jewish god - destroyed the faith. In 1808, the last Mordovian prophet, Kuzma Alekseev, gathered around him “blameless wives” and proclaimed the return of his native gods. But he was caught, beaten with a whip, mutilated and sent to hard labor.

This is always the case with real prophets - they are ahead of their time and therefore often do not understand their own prophecies. In fact, Kuzma was right: the gods returned, but in a new guise. Twenty years will pass, and the beautiful goddess of the price will be identified with the Vyshenskaya Mother of God. And now the masses are already worshiping her. And she still saves people from illness and trouble. And throws happy thoughts into their souls, hope for the best and determination to act in the name of this better.

Once the Tambov Bishop Feofan came to Vysha with an inspection. He looked around, felt a rise, excitement in his chest, but, being a man of the era of rationalism, he decided that this was just some kind of aesthetic experience. He later thought so, saying: "There is nothing more beautiful than Vish in the world." Agree. But it's not about beauty, it's just that the Vyshinsky goddess launched a piercing poison into the heart of the bishop, caught the bishop.

Judge for yourself, here is a biography: he was born in January 1815 in the family of the priest Govorov, at baptism he was named George. Lucky for life. For example, from the seminary he was sent directly to the Kyiv Academy, where he became close to the student Mikhail Bulgakov. In 1841, both of them cut their hair - with the names Feofan and Macarius. What follows is a fast-paced career. Macarius is a little ahead. In 1850 he became the rector of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy. And Feofan since 1847 - as part of a spiritual mission in Jerusalem. For seven years he traveled all over the Middle East. He returned when the Crimean War began. In 1857 Macarius was appointed to the Tambov episcopal see. The vacant place of the rector is occupied by Feofan. Two years later, Macarius was transferred as an archbishop to Kharkov, and Feofan was sent to Tambov in his place. Here he fell into the field of action of Vyshenskaya.

I'm leaving out the details. In 1879, Macarius became Metropolitan of Moscow, and Feofan, having visited Vyshe, lost all interest in administrative work. Of course, he was initially psychologically withdrawn, but this did not prevent him from making a career ... In 1863 he would be transferred to the prestigious Vladimir Department, but there he would only suffer. In 1866, the young bishop wrote a letter of resignation and settled permanently in the Vyshensky Monastery. For the first six years, he will still go to church, communicate with people. But then he will completely shut himself up on the second floor of a small outbuilding and never go downstairs in 22 years (until his death). He will only allow his cell-attendant, confessor and abbot of the monastery to visit him. With the rest of the world - communication only with the help of letters and books. Therefore, Theophan the Recluse is tipped to be the heavenly patrons of Runet.

He once said: “What is the shutter? That is when the mind, enclosed in the heart, stands before God in reverence, and does not want to leave the heart or do anything else. Great description of trance. Theophanes translated five volumes of texts of Christian yogis ("Philokalia"), so that he knew what he was talking about. He only did not know that the Vyshinsky goddess had moved him to the gate.

In Soviet times, a psychiatric hospital was set up in the Vyshensky Monastery (a pattern: where hesychasm once was, wait there to meet the mentally ill - see). Therefore, when Feofan was canonized at the dawn of Perestroika, his relics had to be placed not in the monastery, but in the wooden St. Sergius Church in Emmanuilovka. This is some five kilometers from Vyshi. A wonderful place: there is a healing spring near the church on the bank of the pond, something uplifting is dissolved in the air. Back in 1947, the Vyshenskaya Icon found refuge here in the church, escaping from pig-nosed Latvian riflemen sent to shoot the Tambov rebels. She is there now. And the relics of Theophan in 2002 were transferred to the newly opened Vyshensky Monastery.