Artem Kamenisty “Prisoners of foreign mountains. Artem stony - captives of foreign mountains Stony foreign mountains prisoners fb2

(ratings: 1 , the average: 1,00 out of 5)

Title: Prisoners of foreign mountains

About the book "Prisoners of Alien Mountains" Artem Kamenisty

Too often today you can hear that the end of the world will come soon or, God forbid, the Third World War. Modern films further warm up the atmosphere, as does literature. But the good thing is that there are heroes everywhere who help to save all the survivors, and, of course, there is always a happy ending, and everyone lives happily ever after.

The book “Prisoners of Alien Mountains” by Artyom Kamenisty is just about how people find themselves in terrible conditions, and they have to survive, fight for meager resources, fight those who create even more evil on an already almost “dead” planet.

The book "Prisoners of Alien Mountains" is a beautiful modern fantasy about how to survive during the apocalypse. Everyone has plans for the future, we all strive for something, hope for something, but in an instant it all can become nothing, something that will never come true.

Many will die immediately, many will suffer for some time, and some begin to fight for their lives and for the lives of those who are dear to them. It will be difficult for everyone, because cold, hunger, lack of resources have not benefited anyone yet.

The book "Prisoners of Alien Mountains" turned out to be very plausible, because, as you know, a person is able to adapt even to very bad conditions. This is revealed in the work. Yes, it will be difficult, unbearable, but in the end there is always a way out of any situation, there are always those who are able to support and help.

Artem Kamenisty created an amazing post-apocalyptic world with ruins, lack of oxygen, food, water. There are only a handful of people who begin their desperate struggle for life.

All the characters in the book “Prisoners of Alien Mountains” by Artem Kamenisty turned out to be bright and memorable, exactly the kind that survive in disasters. Their actions are also believable, and it seems that this is the only way to survive in such terrible conditions.

The book “Prisoners of Alien Mountains”, on the one hand, is similar to the previous works of Artem Kamenisty, but on the other hand, people who try to survive most often act in a certain way, so the characters from different works of the author are somewhat similar to each other.

We recommend the book "Prisoners of Alien Mountains" to all lovers of fantasy, literature about the apocalypse and how to survive in a catastrophe. In this work there is a hint of sympathy between the two main characters, but this story line so not developed. Therefore, let's hope that Artem Kamenisty will write a continuation of this difficult, but very exciting story of survival.

Name: Alien mountains prisoners
Artem Kamenisty
Year of writing: 2015
Volume: 340 pages
Genres: Combat Fiction, Hits
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You live in a prosperous city, you have rich plans for tonight, and there are many things planned for the rest of your life too. Forget it, space itself intervened in your life, and now you have no future. More precisely, there is, but sad and most likely short. The most unlucky are given a few minutes, the agony of others can drag on for days and months. The place where you have been brought is an ideal trap where even a wild animal cannot survive. You can go out of your way, you can lose your human form, you can do anything, but this will only gain you a little more time.

Or risk everything, giving up on pathetic attempts to stretch the time allotted to you, and try to find a way out.

On our literary site you can download for free the book by Artem Kamenisty "Prisoners of Alien Mountains" in a suitable format for different devices: epub, fb2, txt, rtf. The book is the best teacher, friend and companion. It contains the secrets of the Universe, the riddles of man and the answers to any questions. We have collected the best representatives of both foreign and domestic literature, classical and modern books, publications on psychology and self-development, fairy tales for children and works exclusively for adults. Everyone will find here exactly what will give a lot of pleasant moments.

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Before reading the fifth novel about the world of the Border River, I was tormented by serious doubts. The fourth book in the series - "This is Our Home", written back in 2010, left behind disappointment, both from a weak plot and from a slurred epilogue, which in no way pulled towards the finale. So the continuation of the cycle suggested itself. But years passed, and Stony did not return to the story that once brought him popularity. Involuntarily, I had to get used to the idea that the cycle was completed. And now, five years later, rather unexpectedly, a new novel has come out, but not about old heroes, but about the adventures of a new group of our compatriots. So I opened the book with a lot of skepticism.

In general, my fears were not justified. In this novel, as in his best works, Kamenisty again showed himself to be an excellent storyteller. The atmosphere of the local post-apocalypse in the first half of the novel was a success for the author. Oxygen starvation, cold, hunger, the ruins of the city, a handful of people desperately fighting for tiny resources and hopelessness, because it is almost impossible to escape from this hell. The description of the assault on the “fortress” that controls access to the only supermarket turned out to be very reliable. However, there is nothing to be surprised here, not much time has passed since the Maidan and memories of live broadcasts from this bloody carnival have not yet faded from memory. In my opinion, the source of inspiration is quite obvious.

The pace of the story is fast, so the plot doesn't sag much anywhere. When reading the book, it becomes noticeable that the plot of the novel largely copies the "Border River", but here it is difficult to accuse the author of self-repetition. It is logical to assume that in similar conditions, the hitmen will be doomed to perform approximately the same actions. By the way, it can be assumed that the novel will open an independent sub-cycle, since this group of compatriots turned out to be far from the places of residence of most of the earthlings and they may not meet very soon. At the slightest desire on the part of the author, the history of this enclave can be stretched for at least a trilogy.

The language of the work is quite decent, well, Stony even in his worst works wrote smartly and smoothly, so there is nothing surprising that everything will be fine in this part of a successful novel for himself.

There are, of course, pianos and strings in the book, but they do not spoil the impression.

The author's characters traditionally turned out to be stereotyped and not memorable. Yes, there are no outright supermen in this book, and the local main character will be thinner than Oleg from the "Border River", but still the characters for Kamenisty are very typical.

Bottom line: in principle, there are a lot of similar stories about the entry of various groups of earthlings into the world of the Border River. Another thing is that I don’t see how this can help the main plot of the cycle, which, as it stalled in the “Fourth Year”, has not moved anywhere. “This is our home” and “Prisoners of other people's mountains” are essentially nothing more than bockwells. As a result, it turns out that there is movement in the cycle, but there is no result. However, this problem will rise to its full height in subsequent books. In the meantime, it remains to state a rather successful return of Kamenisty to his old cycle.

Score: 8

But this book disappointed me - templates, templates and more templates.

Book for money.

There is no novelty, no drive, no thoughts, the formation of heroes is not visible, in general, one can only say good things about the book that it is written in a pleasant presentation.

Score: 3

Of course, the theme of Robinsonade, and even in a strange, unknown world, is advantageous in itself. But you can still implement it in different ways, to the best of your abilities and talent.

Kamenisty certainly has a gift for writing simply and at the same time fascinatingly. Yes, and he invents heroes to match this - the most ordinary people, the same as you and me. And reading almost to yourself, of course, is much more interesting - you always figure out how you yourself would act in a given situation. Therefore, it is sometimes very difficult to break away from the narrative, despite the outward simplicity of the text - it is so captivating.

Actually according to the book: it is written soundly, there are practically no visible mistakes, although, of course, a certain ease in overcoming difficulties among the heroes of the novel is still visible. But these are the laws of the genre, it cannot be otherwise. In any case, this work looks definitely the most plausible of all five books in the series. In general, the thing is definitely not worse than the previous novels in the series.

Score: 8

Well, compared to the beginning of the cycle, not too much for my taste.

The plot, compared to older novels, does not contain much fantasy, and is overly similar to the general trend in the genre.

The hit and the new world are already quite well described in four old novels, there is nothing for the author to do here. What's left? Sluggish robinsonade, criminal showdowns, sluggish butting with natives.

Looking for progression? Don't want an igniter? On the other hand, a pair of pianos - GG accidentally, a specialist in historical fencing, there was also an archer ... A lot of logical errors along the way.

The staging is overly sluggish. The drive is low, a lot of tedious reasoning. There are also no new ideas.

The image of GG is flat to the limit. Until the end of the novel, it is not clear what kind of person this is. Of all the types, the notorious Kirya - back and forth, leaving on the image of a prankster criminal.

From the positive, relatively easy language.

Score: 6

I love Artyom Kamenisty's books. And I love humor too. I consider Artyom the king of the hit genre :)

I liked the new book too. Semi-criminal troll Kirya is beautiful. True, I don’t really understand what fundamentally new chips can be invented with new group about the river. In previous books about The River, leveling the group, from the level of collecting belongings and fighting off savages to gunpowder and epic battles, has been described thoroughly, imho. But I think there are surprises in store for us.

Score: 9

I re-read the first four books twice, I really liked the series, I definitely wanted to continue, and it suggested itself.

And here it is - DONE! But... if someone was waiting for the continuation of that series, it turns out that he is not here. The world is the same, the situation is the same, but the characters are completely different.

Unfortunately, this is not the only difference.

How can I put it - there are very few events in the book. I would even say that this is not a book, but a very large "First Chapter" to a possibly very interesting

big book. There are so few events summary it would be possible to fit in just a couple of lines, this is surprising, previously there was a clearly different style.

But do not criticize ahead of time, maybe after reading the sequel it will turn out that it was some kind of special author's move? Wait and see.

qualities is divided into several characters. One is smart, one is strong, another is a specialist, one is a humorist, and so on. Unfortunately, in addition to these

emphasized characteristics, otherwise the characters came out somewhat one-sided and not natural. Although it may be too early to criticize unambiguously?

We need to wait for the continuation.

Conclusion: despite the fact that it reads well, it is difficult to perceive this book as an independent work, rather as the beginning of a large book in

which, hopefully, will fall into place.

Score: 6

By the way, I have read almost all published books: “for dessert” I left three works that are not included in the collections. I will savor reading 5 pages a day.

Thank you very much!

Artem Kamenisty with the novel Prisoners of Foreign Mountains for download in fb2 format.

You live in a prosperous city, you have rich plans for tonight, and there are many things planned for the rest of your life too. Forget it, space itself intervened in your life, and now you have no future. More precisely, there is, but sad and, most likely, short. The most unlucky are given a few minutes, the agony of others can drag on for days and months. The place where you have been brought is an ideal trap where even a wild animal cannot survive. You can go out of your way, you can lose your human form, you can do anything, but this will only gain you a little more time. Or risk everything, giving up on pathetic attempts to stretch the time allotted to you, and try to find a way out.

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To date, a large amount of electronic literature has been posted on the Internet. The edition of Prisoners of Alien Mountains is dated 2015, belongs to the Fantasy genre in the Fantastic Thriller series and is published by the Alfa-kniga publishing house. Perhaps the book has not yet entered the Russian market or has not appeared in electronic format. Do not be upset: just wait, and it will definitely appear on UnitLib in fb2 format, but for now you can download and read other books online. Read and enjoy educational literature with us. Free download in formats (fb2, epub, txt, pdf) allows you to download books directly into an e-book. Remember, if you liked the novel a lot, save it to your wall in social network let your friends see it too!